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UNIT2-Topic 2

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Trixie Aira C Garcia BSE-MATH 3

Assessment in Learning 2

Directions: Design a process-oriented performance-based task based on the given competencies. Your
output will be evaluated using the rubric given.

Course: Readings in the Philippine History

Lesson: Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources

Learning Outcome: Develop critical and analytical skills with exposure to 

primary sources

Learning Competencies:

1. Describe comprehensively the origin, purpose, value and limitations of a primary source

2. Follows the procedures in analyzing and drawing inferences in a primary source.

Scoring Rubric

Criteria Inadequate Needs  Meets  Exceeds 

(1) improvement  expectations expectations

(2) (3) (4)

Completeness No response Some items  Provides  Provides 

are missing complete  complete 

information  information 

with with 

Appropriatenes No  Only few  Most of the  Answers are 

relevance to  answers are  answers are  specific and 

the task appropriate relevant relevant to 

the task
Task Descriptions:

Group yourselves into 3 and provide an example of primary sources. Evaluate the disadvantages
and advantages of content and contextual analysis of selected primary sources. Explain how this
affect your learning outcomes.

Assessment in Learning 2


Directions: Think of a lesson related to your field of specialization. Identify the 

learning outcome/s for the lesson. Then, design assessment task/s that match/es 

with the learning outcome.

Your output will be evaluated using this rubric:

Scoring Rubric

Criteria Inadequate Needs  Meets  Exceeds 

(1) improvement  expectations expectations

(2) (3) (4)

Completeness No response Some items  Provides  Provides 

are missing complete  complete 

information  information 

with with 

Appropriateness No  Only few  Most of the  Answers are 

relevance to  answers are  answers are  specific and 

the task appropriate relevant relevant to 

the task

Course Mathematics

Lesson/Topic Permutation

Learning  Students understand the process of using permutation.

Outcomes Illustrate permutation of objects

Observe correct technique for conducting permutation

Participate in class discussions and activities.

Task Design  The students will be divided and group them into 4
 One of the groupmates in every group will bring out their mobile phones
and open Kahoot application for the activity
 Every question has a corresponding point
 Those groups who will be leading in our group activities will be given
perfect score 10, and those who’ll follow respectively get 9, 8, 7 points.

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