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Finite Element Analysis: N C Knowles

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Finite element analysis

N C Knowles


Current use of the finite element method in engineering
practice is considered. The increasing use o f finite element
analysis in a CAD environment and factors influencing it The finite element method, of course, predates the first use
are discussed. of its name in 19601 . Its origins can be traced back to the
The technological state o f the art is briefly reviewed, 19th century work of Castigliano, Maxwell, Navier, Ritz
Special consideration is given to shell elements and solution and others. A history to 197S is given by Spooner 3 . It is
methods, illustrating the progress being made in these and now generally agreed that the foundations of the modern
other areas o f finite element technology. Future trends are finite element method, which date from the development
predicted. of digital computing, were spelt oyt simultaneously by two
groups - Argyris and colleagues 4 in Europe and by Turner,
finite element method, analysis, shell elements, solution methods Clough et al s in the USA.
The essence of the finite element method is the approxi-
mation of a continuous structural system by a set of discrete
elements connected together at nodes or points. The
As far as is known, the name 'finite element' first appeared continuous equations describing the system are thus
in the open literature some 23 years ago 1 . Its use heralded replaced by a finite set of equations, in which usually, but
the beginning of a new era of analytical techniques, not necessarily, the independent variables are the nodal
inextricably linked to the computer, which has subsequently displacements. The equations are commonly derived from
had a profound effect on most areas of engineering design. variational principles as distinct from difference approxima-
Conceived as a structural analysis tool, finite element tions to the continuum. It is the formation of the equations,
analysis is now a key ingredient of any mechanical CAD independently of their solutions, that gives the finite
system. More generally the method can be viewed as a element method its chief virtue - generality and wide scope
discretization technique for solving partial differential of application. This systematic identification and separation
equations and as such it has found application in many of the stages of an analysis is only possible with a computer
other areas including fluid flow, lubrication, seepage, and in this sense, as Argyris noted 6, the digital computer
electromagnetic fields, heat transfer, biomechanics and was to 'shape the theory' of structural analysis. With estab-
others. In consequence there are now literally hundreds of lished methods of analysis, however, the computer served
textbooks and perhaps tens of thousands of technical papers only as a very efficient calculator, to which the methods
published on various aspects of the finite element method. could be adapted.
It would be impossible to do justice to this entire subject The significance of Argyris's prophetic message is only
area. Instead this paper concentrates on the traditional role now becoming apparent in the commercial world. It has
of finite elements for stress and structural analysis and been given renewed significance by the advent in the early
reviews recent developments from the perspective of an 1980's of relatively cheap interactive graphics hardware and
engineer, with hopefully due recognition of the contribu- associated software, which result in easier and more efficient
tions of the computer scientist and mathematician. As communication between the computer and the applications
Kelsey 2 has noted 'despite the clothing of academic user. At the same time hardware developments, whether of
legitimacy afforded it by mathematics, the method remains the larger mainframes or the superminis, have resulted in a
essentially an engineering approach'. This is especially so in substantial reduction in real terms in the cost of computa-
the CAD environment of today. tions. As a result interactive online finite element analysis is
After some introductory remarks, which attempt to now a possibility if not yet a practicality.
present an appropriate historical perspective, the paper The development of low-cost graphics hardware is
considers current use of the finite element method in probably the most significant 'external' influence on the
engineering practice. The increasing use of finite element finite element community in recent years. Coupled with the
analysis in a CAD environment is noted and factors availability of graphical preprocessing systems it is trans-
influencing it are discussed. forming the role of analysis in the overall design process.
The third section reviews very briefly, the technological With graphics, finite elements analysis can be now performed
state of the art on which the success, or otherwise, of the quickly enough for it to be incorporated in the design cycle.
method ultimately relies. This is pursued in greater depth in Therefore there is scope for finite element analysis to be
the sections which deal with shell elements and solution integrated into CAD and CAE systems. (This capacity has
methods. The choice of these two areas for special already been taken up in some industries.) The problem
consideration is necessarily narrow, but nevertheless previously was that the elapsed time was so great that the
illustrates the remarkable progress being made in most results were obtained too late to have a significant influence.
other areas of finite element technology. Because of this most finite element analysis was under-
Some predictions of future trends are briefly attempted. taken Jposter/oc/as a check on structural adequacy and
only in rare circumstances did it contribute to the evolution
of a design.
The justification for such a fundamental change must
Atkins Researchand Development

134 0 0 1 0 - 4 4 8 5 / 8 4 / 0 3 0 1 3 4 - 0 7 $03.00 © 1984 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd computer-aided design

ultimately be a better, cheaper or more efficient design Despite this, there is a clear trend evident in the major
than was previously possible. Such benefits are difficult to commercial programs towards improving the reliability of
quantify. However even for the traditional checking role of the program for the casual, nonexpert user. There is also
finite element analysis, the speed and ease of use of inter- increased interest in demonstrating the actual level of
active graphics is widely believed to offer clear benefits. For reliability that can be achieved - ie in quality assurance.
example, Fielding 7 assessed the increase in productivity due Most major programs now have a senior team member
to use of graphics at 80 per cent. This experience is in a charged with this responsibility; and at least one (ASAS)
design-analysis environment of an aircraft stress office, has given over its users' conference to the topic of quality
where use of computer packages tends to be sustained and assurance9. A future conference I° will feature over I00
reasonably continuous. In other situations, where the need papers on the theme 'Accuracy, reliability and training in
for analysis is more intermittent, there is some evidence FEM technology'. In the UK the NAFEM is paying
that the use of interactive graphics in present-day systems particular attention to questions of element reliability and
offers little or no productivity increase over conventional system validation. NAFEM was recently established with
methods of data preparation and interpretation. This is government backing.
because the level of proficiency required to use some Proportionately more attention is being paid to the
systems properly is beyond that which a casual analyst can difficult area of qualification testing than to verification
reasonably retain from job to job. An additional factor that which is properly the exclusive domain of the developer.
mitigates against improved productivity is the 'toy factor'. The user community is increasingly involved with qualifica-
Graphics are undoubtedly fun to use and there is a marked tion, often allied to experimental or full-scale studies.
tendency for infrequent users to explore facilities not Such participation is invaluable. It provides some assurance
wholly relevant to the job in hand. of the system's reliability for a particular user's needs and
Properly used, all computer analysis methods decrease also serves to illustrate a program's capabilities to other
the risk of human error and the overall reliability and users. It frequently identifies theoretical limits that have
confidence in a design is improved. Nevertheless with the not been recognised before.
wider use of finite element analysis, questions about the
reliability and accuracy of the process are very much in
evidence. In particular, users are increasingly asking OVERVIEW OF CURRENT STATE OF THE ART
developers to demonstrate the 'correctness' of their analysis Interactive graphics
software. The expression 'validation' is frequently used in The use of interactive graphics for finite element pre- and
this context as are the terms 'verification' and 'qualification', post-processing operations is now standard. All major
especially in the USA. Verification has to do with demon-
commercial finite element systems offer such facilities.
strating that the computer code performs correctly in a
There are also a number of independent proprietary
mathematical and syntactical sense. However it says
systems 11'I~'13, which can be interfaced to the major finite
nothing about the appropriateness of the mathematical element systems.
model to a particular physical situation. For example it is The basic numerical techniques incorporated into these
not concerned with demonstrating the performance graphics systems are not new 14. The recent significant
(ie accuracy) of a particular type of element in a given
development is the marriage of numerical and procedural
situation. Qualification, on the other hand, deals with the algorithms to exploit relatively low cost graphics hardware
ability of a program to represent adequately a real physical devices and thus produce attractive user-friendly tools. In
situation. It thus includes such aspects as discretization the hands of experienced users these systems allow accurate
(ie element mesh), the representation of loads, temperatures error-free finite element models to be generated with sub-
and boundary conditions, the description of material stantial savings of runtime and cost.
properties and the adequacy of the mathematical model The success of graphical pre-processors lies, in part, in
leg the shell theory used). A program can only be qualified
the separate identity of two constituent processes. First a
for one particular physical problem, but with a properly model is created which defines to appropriate accuracy the
verified one, extrapolation to a similar situation not too far shape of the component to be analysed. This 'geometry
from contemporary experience can be attempted with model' can be manipulated, edited and adjusted indepen-
dently of the second phase which is the creation of a suitable
The distinction between qualification and verification is finite element mesh.
crucial, but is not widely appreciated outside the relatively The latter, of course, requires the geometry model, but
narrow world of the finite element developer's community. the procedures for meshing and assigning element properties,
Indeed the enthusiasm with which finite element analysis boundary conditions, loads etc is carried out independently.
has been espoused by the CAD community suggests that Wide ranging creation and editing facilities ease the user's
the method's intrinsic reliability and accuracy are not fully task and improve the reliability of the final model. These
recognized. Finite element procedures ultimately are facilities include perspective and orthographic plots,
founded on approximations (ie the model) and their independent operations on split screens, overlays, view and
appropriateness to a physical situation can only be judged window control, dynamic isolation, hidden surface plots,
by experience. Analysis is (and probably always will be) an clash detection, colour coding, element shrinking and
art. Rules based on a careful assimilation of relevant instant replay, among others.
experience help, but their slavish application is no guarantee Three philosophically distinct procedures are apparent
of success. It follows that the analyst who treats finite for creation of geometry models Is, Historically the earliest
element analysis as a 'black box procedure' and is ignorant is the 'wire-frame' approach in which solids are defined by
of the procedure's assumptions and approximations is court- their edges. A second approach is 'constructive' solid
ing disaster. Certainly the present state of the art gives little geometry in which the model is constructed by manipulat-
justification for finite element analysis to be incorporated ing certain standard forms eg cubes, cylinders, etc. The
into automated 'intelligent' CAD systems. third is analytical modelling, so called because analytical

volume 16 number 3 may 1984 135

geometrical functions provide the basic shape definition accuracy of current methods on the few simple problems
together with higher level operations such as translate and for which solutions are available 22. Much research is still
rotate. The analytical modelling approach has the advantage needed to establish suitable material models that satisfac-
that the resulting shape definition is described by torily account for material non-linear behaviour under
continuous functions which facilitates subsequent finite general loading, including cyclic and reverse loading. This is
element meshing. especially true in the nuclear industry where long-term,
On the post-processing side colour graphics are now high-temperature effects (creep) interact with short term,
standard for such things as history plots, contour plots quasi-static effects (plasticity) in a way that is not at all
(with colour fill highlighting key areas) and the representa- well understood 23 .
tion of deformed shapes (increasingly with shading and Problems of very large strain, such as are experienced in
toning available). In this area the graphical capacity to metal forming and impact also present analytical difficulties,
portray and represent quantities is probably superior to the although good progress is reported 24. Such problems are
current ability to manipulate and organize the data into a prodigously expensive in computer resources if rigorously
suitable format in the first place. For example few of the analysed. To save cost it is often admissable to neglect
'independent' post-processors can display one quantity as a elastic distortion and treat the problem as one of plastic
function of another adequately, or treat discontinuities flow in a similar manner to fluids. There are now a number
(eg due to a change in material). Post-processor manipula- of such 'hydro-code'-Iike programs available 2s .
tion of finite element results tends to be according to the In structural mechanics, the non-linear analysis of beams,
needs of traditional stress reports and CAD has, as yet, pipes, plates and shells, still present many difficulties. Some
changed this very little. of the research efforts in this area are expanded on in the
next section.
Technical mechanics Significant strides are evident in the associated fields of
For linear static problems of structural and solid mechanics heat transfer and fluid mechanics. The treatment of non-
the state of the art is now such that quite complex linear convection and radiation boundary conditions in heat
structural configurations and loading conditions can be transfer analysis is still relatively imperfect. There are also
analysed routinely. The analyst nevertheless still requires a organizational difficulties in calculating view factors for
basic familiarity with the theory of finite element mechanics radiation problems. This topic would appear to be particu-
and an understanding of the limitations of the process. The larly amenable to geometric modelling techniques and
performance and capability of most of the more popular interactive graphics. The capability with regard to fluids is
finite elements are understood, but arguably are not widely confused. Certain problems can be solved, but it is evident
publicized. Robinson, among others, has argued eloquently that many modelling difficulties still have to be overcome
for more comparative behaviour of elements in the various (eg the treatment of transonic and non-Newtonian flows).
commercial systems 16 and has evolved the single element The ultimate aim of a reliable general capability for the
test 17. In this it is argued that any element should, at a treatment of complex thermal-fluid-structural behaviour
minimum, behave well as a single element. A more general problems still remains very much a research goal rather than
form of this is Iron's patch test which has recently acquired a practical reality.
fresh respectability 18 following debate as to its mathe-
matical rigour ~9. Benchmark studies on realistically large PLATES AND SHELLS
physical situations are still relatively rare, although a number Typical of the research activity in most areas of structural
of developers are now publishing documentation which mechanics is the enormous effort that has been, and con-
provides a comparison of the behaviour of elements in real tinues to be, directed towards improving the performance
problems 2°. of shell elements. Although shells are among the most
Much research activity is evident directed ultimately at common structural forms, they have proved to be the most
improving the efficiency of the overall analysis process. difficult to analyse. Physically this can be attributed to a
Dramatic improvements can scarcely be expected from any shell's natural tendency to deform such that its geometry
one effort and accordingly there are a number of potentially takes a funicular form and thereby minimizes bending.
fruitful avenues of current research. These include the: There is close coupling between the bending and membrane
actions and a strong dependency on the shell's geometry.
• continuing adaptation of established numerical In a mathematical sense this complexity is evidenced by
procedures to the high order (eg 6th and 8th) partial differential equations
o pipeline governing the structural behaviour in contrast to the second
o array order elliptical equations for membrane stress states.
o and/or vector processing Historically three approaches have been used to derive
• the invention or rediscovery of new algorithms finite elements for shell analysis 26 . First low order
o eg the Lanczos method for eigenvalue extraction 21 membrane elements (usually triangular) have been super-
• a search for better and cheaper element formulations imposed on topologically similar flat plate bending elements
o especially shell elements (see Solution Algorithms to create a flat facet idealization. Such elements have
later) proved useful but by no means satisfactory 2~. Their short-
comings when applied to continuous shells stem from the
Elsewhere in the solid and structural mechanics field (for. following:
other than 'linear"ptoblems) the capabilities are by no • the lack of coupling between the stretching and bending
means complete. In many areas, the mathematical ability to actions within the elements
solve a problem exceeds the understanding of the physical • the difficulties of treating junctions where all elements
behaviour necessary to define the problem in the first place. are co-planar and
Nevertheless there is still scope for improvement in • the presence of 'discontinuity' moments which are
numerical techniques as can be demonstrated by the spurious in the continuously varying shell

136 computer-aided design

The second approach is to formulate curved-shell elements they need to be improved before they can be widely used
directly from appropriate shell theories. Such elements by a potentially large industrial base.
behave relatively well. However, they tend to be difficult In practice the majority of nonlinear problems appear to
and expensive to use in practice and some mathematical be path dependent. It is natural, therefore, that most non-
ability is needed to define their geometrical properties. linear solution procedures are based on solving a series of
Moreover the displacement field within the element is often locally linearized incremental problems, usually with some
improved by taking successively higher derivatives as basic form of iteration within the increment. Numerous possibili-
nodal degrees of freedom. As a result they are not easy to ties exist, according to the form of linearization. The
apply to intersections, reinforcements and other areas simplest form, the so called 'initial stiffness' procedure,
where strain continuity is obviously not present. maintains a constant stiffness matrix and performs 'equili-
The third approach is the use of isoparametric solid brium correction' iterations to account for nonlinearities.
elements specified to tackle shells by applying appropriate An alternative is the Newton-Raphson (N-R) iteration in
shell assumptions explicitly. Elements of this type are which the stiffness matrix is updated with each iteration to
sometimes referred to as degenerate shell elements. The reflect changes in current stress and deformation states.
earliest of such elements 2s proved successful for thick shells Convergence is generally faster with the N - R method, but
but was found to be too stiff for thin shell problems. This this has to be offset against the expense of reforming and
'locking' behaviour, as it became known, was subsequently factoring the tangent stiffness with each iteration. An
attributed to the domination of the shear strain energy over obvious modification is to reform the stiffness at the first
the bending counterpart and a number of procedures were iteration of each new increment and thereafter keep it
adopted to deal with it. constant. This is known as the 'modified Newton-Raphson'
One of the earliest was the use of so called 'discrete M - N - R . It has been claimed 39 that it is better to do this at
Kirchoff constraints' in which the transverse shear strain is the second iteration of each new increment on the grounds
explicitly constrained to be zero at a number of discrete that with proportional loading, the change in the direction
points within the element. The 'semi-loof' element of of the response vector is due to the effect of residuals
Irons 29 is possibly the logical culmination in this direction. which are clearly largest at the second iteration. With both
It is a good performer, but is complex to code and expensive N--R and M - N - R convergence is not always obtained;
in practice which reduces its appeal for nonlinear computa- knowledge of the stability and convergence properties of
tions. solution methods relies more on experience than mathe-
An alternative procedure to deal with locking phenomena matical analysis. Convergence can often be improved, or
is the use of reduced integration a°. Early use of this tech- divergence prevented, by adding some form of line search4°.
nique was much criticised on the grounds that it was Unless sophisticated line search strategies are adopted,
mathematically unsound and could lead to rank deficiency however, difficulties are experienced when material unload-
and spurious mechanisms. The reasons for its success ing (or failure) occurs. In such cases initial stiffness often
remained unclear for some time, but recently reduced proves reliable, if slow.
integration has been related to penalty function procedures In recent years a great deal of effort has been devoted to
and it has been given academic legitimacy 31 . the development of 'quasi-Newton' procedures. Such
Recent research effort has been directed at improving the methods have been used in the mathematical programming
simplest of the degenerate isoparametric elements: the facet and optimization fields for a number of years but have only
representation given by a three-node triangular and four- recently been applied in the finite element context. Quasi-
node quadrilateral. Both discrete Kirchoff constraints a2'33 Newton methods resemble N - R techniques in that the
and reduced integration strategies are advocated 34'3s stiffness matrix is updated. Rather than explicitly reforming
together with a number of ad hoc strategies 36. The motiva- the stiffness matrix, however, its current form is approxi-
tion for this work is the need for simple and economical mated by updating it according to a suitable formula. The
shell elements for nonlinear analyses, in which cost attraction is that the update formula involves only products
efficiency is paramount. Although simple three and four of current residual and displacement vectors and the update
node elements may not be the most accurate for a given proves to be relatively cheap. A number of formulae have
number of degrees of freedom, they prove to be significantly been proposed. One of the best is the BFGS (Broyden,
cheaper than higher order elements. The efficiency is Fletcher, Goldfarb and Shanno 41'42) which is usually
particularly marked in nonlinear analysis where element implemented with a line search.
level computations have to be repeated many times. Some In its original form BFGS was applied to the stiffness
success has been reported but it is clear that difficulties still matrix or to the Choleski factors, but in doing so it
remain, particularly in these elements' performance in large destroyed the sparsity of the matrix. A significant break
deflection curvilinear shell analysis. A good review of recent through was the work of Mathies and Strang 4a who reported
developments is given by Hughes37. a quasi-Newton procedure which does not involve the
explicit updating of either the stiffness matrix or its
Choleski factor. Crisfield ~ uses a similar procedure and
SOLUTION ALGORITHMS reports very good performance for plated structures.
For linear problems, direct solution of the simultaneous An important consideration in nonlinear analysis is the
equations of equilibrium, using Gaussian elimination and its size of the applied load increment. Intuitively this should
variations has long been accepted practice. Alternative be related to the degree of nonlinearity. If it is too large
algorithms, such as those based on iteration, relaxation or convergence will be slow. Correspondingly, too small an
conjugate gradient methods a8 have found little favour. For increment results in needless iteration. There are a number
nonlinear problems much research into the solution of empirical methods reported for controlling the increment
procedure is still being carried out, however. It was moti- size. One popular technique is based on a measure of the
vated by the fact that these procedures are relatively 'current stiffness' relative to the original parameter ~ .
expensive and, in many cases, unreliable. Consequently Alternatively the increment size can be adjusted to try to

volume 16 number 3 may 1984 137

maintain the number of iterations/increment constant 4s. more powerful computer resources, finite element meshes
Some success has been reported with 'self adaptive' tend to be composed of many simple elements. Indeed
methods for controlling the incremental procedure. The commercial systems were relatively slow to incorporate
original ideas were developed by Riks 46 some ten years ago, high-order elements. In Europe the trend is towards fewer
but they have recently been revived by Crisfield 47, Simmons more complex elements.) Even when a mesh is felt to be
and Powell 4s, Batoz and Dhatt 49 and others s°. The 'good' it is remarkable that little can actually be said about
fundamental idea governing these procedures is to control its accuracy, given the widespread use of the method. Error
the size of the increment as measured along the equilibrium estimates, of course, can be made but in practice, they
path (in contrast to either load or displacement), hence the seldom are. This is partly because of the extra computa-
name 'arc length' methods. This is done by defining the arc tional expense involved and partly because they provide
length in a generalized form involving both displacement information only about global quantities rather than the
and load in the form of a constraint equation which has to practical need to know the accuracy of local entities. For
be satisfied simultaneously with the incremental stiffness example, they provide information on strain energy rather
equations. Various forms of constraint are used; they all than the stress concentration at a point. Recent work tends
claim good performance at stepping round problems involv- to treat error estimates and mesh refinement as closely
ing limit points. However, some dexterity and computa- related topics s2's3,s4. The idea is to use the error estimates
tional manipulation is still required to handle problems to provide information about where to refine a given mesh
with bifurcations in their equilibrium paths and there for subsequent reanalysis. Such techniques have obvious
appears to be no substitute as yet for the experience of an application for 'intelligent' automatic meshing schemes in
informed analyst. the future.
On the technical front the quest for computationally
FUTURE TRENDS simpler and more reliable element formulations is by no
Forecasting the future is difficult and notoriously means satisfied. Similarly in transient problems there is
unreliable. In the finite element context certain trends are considerable scope for improvement to the integration
clear, but the success with which they can be converted to procedures ss's6's7 allied to more effective means of con-
practical reality is far less so. trolling the solution procedure. In the longer term it is
In a very general sense the ultimate objective is wide- foreseen s8 that finite element, finite difference, boundary
ranging computer modelling capabilities covering the solid integral and related discretization techniques will be merged
and structural mechanics disciplines. An important adjunct into a unified analysis system. Such developments will
is that they are sufficiently accessible for engineers to use probably await far more disciplined software development
within the design process rather than, as hitherto, as an practices and better low-level programming languages.
aposteriori check on it. Future developments in this regard (Currently all major systems are written in Fortran, despite
are clearer. 'Finite element work-stations' are already a inadequacies such as the absence of the same word length
reality in some organizations where the throughput of on all computers and its input and output capabilities.) Vast
analysis work justifies the initial capital expense sl . They resources are required to develop and support finite element
are centred on mini computers for pre- and post-processing programs and it is unlikely that any major new systems will
and small computational tasks, with direct communications be created until their development costs can be reduced.
to additional resources (eg larger mainframe or inter- Development may be helped by the advent of more flexible
connected computation nodes) for the more demanding operating systems and programming languages and tech-
computational tasks. To be truly effective such facilities niques better suited to large scale numerical computations.
must be integrated with other CAD activities appropriate to Meanwhile the prospect is that 'commercial' users will
the designer's business. standardize on established major systems which are likely to
A very real danger, occasioned by their prolific growth, grow even more capable.
is that the developments in interactive graphical pre- and
post-processors will outpace the improvements in basic
finite element technology that are necessary to justify their REFERENCES
wider use in the first place. 'Garbage in, garbage out' is an I Clough, R W 'The finite element method in plane stress
over used cliche, but nonetheless, without a parallel analysis' Proc. 2nd ASCE Conf. on Elec. Comput.
improvement in the reliability of finite element technology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA {September 1960)
advances in interactive graphics will simply make the 'in-out'
2 Kelsey, S 'Finite element method in civil engineering'
process easier. As the various stages of a finite element
Proc. /st US/]apanSeminarFEM Vanderbilt University
analysis become more routine, there is a tendency not to
Press {I 969)
record adequately what was done,'thereby making any
check assessment increasingly difficult. More automated 3 Spooner, J B 'A history of the finite element method'
analysis thus introduces new challenges for the quality in Robinson, J (ed) Proc. World Congress on Finite
assurance authorities. It improves the reliability of the Element Methods in Structural Mechanics Vol 1
actual analysis but it also does away with a lot of the Bournemouth, UK (1975)
documentation and records that define the analysis process. 4 Argyris, J H 'Energy theorems and structural analysis'
New procedures will thus have to be evolved to satisfy Butterworth, UK (1960)
checking and certification needs.
5 Turner, M J, Clough, R W, Martin, H C and Topp, L J
Perhaps the greatest uncertainty in a finite element
'Stiffness and deflection analysis of complex structures'
analysis centres around the adequacy of the mesh. Economic
/. Aero. $ci. Vol 23 (1956)
and sometimes technical limitations all too often dictate a
'cruder' mesh than the analyst would really like. {It is 6 Argyris, J M and Scharpf, D W 'The computer shapes
interesting to note a disparity here between US and Euro- the theory' Paper to Royal Aero. Society (18 May
pean practice. In the USA, with generally cheaper and 1965)

138 computer-aided design

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(July/August 1983) pp 62-68 30 Zienkiewicz, O C 'Reduced integration techniques in
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10 Finite Element News No 5 (October 1983) p 27 special reference to the analysis of cellular structures'
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11 Patran-G User Guide, Version 1.5 PDA Santa Ana,
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