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6 Bahasa English

Dosen Pengampu:Herawati Bukit,M.Hum



Rifka Adinda Rangkuti (22.12.057)

Savira Gunawan (22.12.065)
Tasya Berasa (22.12.093)
Sisma Berutu (22.12.092)
Siti Suriyani (22.12.071)


TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023


Praise be to the presence of Almighty God for all the abundance of grace, taufik and guidance so
that we can complete the preparation of this problem in a very simple form and content.
To fulfill the assignment of the English club course with the title "Dental and oral health for
Hopefully this paper can be used as one of the references, instructions and guidelines for readers.
In writing this paper the author feels there are still many shortcomings in both writing and
material, given the abilities of the author.
For this reason, criticism and suggestions from all parties are highly expected for the
improvement of this paper.
In writing this paper, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to those who have helped in
solving this problem.

Table Of contents Poreword………………………………………………………….. i
Table Of Contents………………………………………………………………………. ii
CHAPTER I PREMILINARY………………………………………………………. 1
1.1Background……………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.2Formulation of the problem………………………………………………………… 1
1.3Destination…………………………………………………………………………….. 1
2.1Understanding of oral health in children………………………………………… 2
2.2Tooth type and function…………………………………………………………….. 2
2.3Factors that cause tooth decay……………………………………………………... 3
2.4Tips for children to maintain healthy tooth and mouth………………………… 5
CHAPTER III CLOSING……………………………………………………………. 6
3.1Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………. 6
REFERENCE LIST…………………………………………………………..………... 7

Chapter 1


Dental and oral health is very important the life of every individual including children, because
teeth and gums are damaged and not cared for will cause pain, impaired mastication and can
interfere with other body health.
Children are a group susceptibility to disease.
Children who have health problems teeth and mouth can interfere with the quality of life, even
though children is a national asset for future development (Kantohe et al, 2016).
The results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) survey on in 2013 showed that 25.9% of
Indonesia's population experienced dental and oral health problems. Health problems in children
aged 5-9 year reached 28.9% during 2013 (Ministry of Health, 2013).
Childhood aged 6-12 years is a vulnerable period to dental health problems, because it is a
transitional age or replacement of deciduous teeth with permanent teeth (age 6-8 years).
There is variety of milk teeth and permanent teeth together in the mouth, marking mixed teeth in
children The newly grown teeth are not perfect making it vulnerable to damage (Darwita, 2011).
School age is a good moment to provide the basis for the formation of a human being quality.
Health is one of the important elements in forming quality human.
Children with school age, especially elementary school are a group that is susceptible to dental
and oral diseases due to generally in that group children tend to have behavior or self-habits that do
not support the creation of healthy teeth anda good mouth (Potonuwu et al, 2013).
Knowledge can be increased through health promotion.
Viewed in terms of the age at which children are susceptible to disease, then counselling
especially aimed at groups prone to dental health problem and mouth, namely elementary school
age children.
One form of business for Minimizing the existing morbidity rate is by taking preventive
measures through health promotion activities. Counseling is an example of effort prevent dental and
oral health problems, because this activity can increase the knowledge and awareness of the
community to maintain health and improve health status (Nurhidayat et al, 2012).
Dental and oral health promotion is a process of giving information arising on the basis of dental
and oral health needs aims to produce good dental and oral health and improve standard of living.
In the promotion of individual dental and oral health gain experience or information through
various promotional media dental and oral health.
Media is one that is necessary considered in carrying out health promotion (Papilaya, 2016).
Dental and oral health education for elementary school children aged 6-12years is very
important because at that age is critical both for the growth of his teeth is also the development of
his soul (purwati and susilsti,2016).

1.2Formulation of the problem

1.What are the tooth and mouth problems?
2.How to prevent toothache?
3.How to brush tooth propely?

1.To maintain healthy tooth
2.To promote healthy behavior from an early age.
3.So that the community continues to maintain healthy tooth
and mouth.


2.1Understanding of oral health in children

Dental and oral health is the most important thing for human life and is part of overall health
What the community needs to pay attention Some experts argue that the health of the oral cavity
is an integral part of health in general, however many people do not know that the oral cavity plays
an important role for body health.
A healthy oral cavity makes it possible someone to communicate effectively, enjoy a variety
variety of food, improve quality of life, confidence and have a better social life.
reverse condition,Unhealthy oral cavity can affect life a person's social status, limitations Of
masticatory function, limitations speech function, pain and disturbance at work or school To
achieve optimal dental and oral health, then maintenance must be carried out periodically.
Treatment can be started from paying attention to diet foods, limiting foods that are contain
sugar and sticky food. Plaque removal and remaining food scraps and brushing teeth have to use
techniques and methods that do not damage the tooth struct.
Coral cleaner cavities and dental fillings by destists,aswell as extraction of tooth that can no
longer be considered and is a focal infection.

2.2Tooth type and function

Types and Functions of Teeth Teeth are small white structures that are is in the human mouth
and is one of the organs that It is very important in the digestive process in the body.
Tooth used for ripping, scraping, cutting and chewing food.There are four types of teeth in
humans .

A. Incisors:
are teeth that have one working root cutting and grinding food or other objects.

B. Canines:
teeth that have one root and have a function for tear food or other objects.
C. Small Graham Teeth:
teeth with two functioning roots grind and chew food or other objects.
D. Large Graham Teeth:
teeth with three functioning roots crushing and chewing food or other objects Each type
of tooth has a different function because of each type have different shapes. Also in affect
its location in the oral cavity.
A. Mastication
Tooth have an important role to grind food to make it easier.

to swallow and lighten the working process mastication in the oral cavity,the food that is in the
process of mastication in the food that is in the process becomes smoother and makes
swallowing easier.
The process of mastication is influenced by positional balance between the uppee and lower
jaws,if they are unegual then it will interfere with the chewing process so that the tooth don’n
can work optimally.
B. Speak
Teeth are needed to make sounds or certain letters like the letters T, V, D, S and S. Without
teeth then then it will be difficult to speak alias speak and not will sound perfect.
C. Aesthetics
Teeth and jaw can affect a person's smile,with neat and clean teeth, someone's smile will look
more attractive than someone who is have irregular tooth. In addition to the shape of the jaw as
well will affect the shape of a person's face.

2.3Factors that cause tooth decay

1. Chew ice cubes
2. Brushing tooth too hard
3. Rub a lemon or drink lemon juice
4. Consuming sweet snacks too often
6. Taking certain drugs

2.4Tips for children to maintain healthy tooth and mouth

1. importance of maintaining healthy teeth and mouth by reading books of course with
interesting stories.
2. Using cartoons and videos on the topic of oral health
3. Play a song for 2 (two) minutes while brushing your teeth
4. Invite children to choose their toothbrush and toothpaste (need to make sure it is appropriate
for the child's age)
5. Brushing teeth together
6. Monitor oral and dental health by making a calendar and placing cute stickers in the
calendar column
7. Giving awards or prizes


Healthy teeth are teeth that are neat, clean, bright and supported by healthy gums, namely
gums that are firm and pink in color to achieve optimal dental and oral health, so maintenance

must be carried out periodically, so that the condition of the teeth and oral cavity tissues is

This can be achieved by checking dental and oral health to the dentist every six months and
not just when there are complaints.

1.AR Hutami,NM Setiawan 2019 Universitas Al Azhar
2.J Kristianto,D Priharti,A Abral Kesehan 2018 poltekes Jakarta.
3.S Hastuti,A Andriyani gaster,2010 University
4.Dharmawati Kesehatan gigi (dental,2016) poltekkes Denpasar.

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