HI260 Course Outline
HI260 Course Outline
HI260 Course Outline
HI 260: Philosophies and Methodologies of History
First Semester, 2022/2023 Academic Year
i. F. Edward (PhD), (coordinator) – Office No. 157
ii. G. Ambindwile (PhD), Office No. 151
iii. M. Wington (MA), Office No. 147
Course Objectives
The course is designed to develop adequate awareness to students seeking to become professional
skilful historians about the philosophies and methodologies that overtime shaped the study of
history. The underlying assumption is that historians construct and reconstruct histories influenced
by the socio-political and economic environments that surround their production and
reproduction conditions. It is anticipated that upon completion of the course, students will be able
to develop a more critical attitude towards the various history courses they come across and the
source materials used to (re)construct them.
Course Description
This is a theoretical and practical course that introduces students of history to the changing
philosophical and methodological foundations of historical scholarship over the entire period of
the existence of this discipline. It is thus a basic course for history professionals as it exposes them
to the art and skills of the study of history by making an exposition of the philosophies and
methods explored by the fathers and founders of the study of history. The course is therefore
divided into four main parts and starts by an overview on philosophy of history. The course then
embarks on examination of pre-capitalist philosophies and methodologies, and then proceeds into
the capitalist phase philosophies and methodologies and finally rounds up by an investigation on
contemporary philosophies and methodologies.
Course Delivery
The course will be covered in 45 hours and will be conducted through lectures, seminar
discussions assignments and tests. 28 hours will be used for class lectures 10 hours for seminars
and 7 hours for tests and assignments.
Course Assessment
The course will be evaluated through continuous assessment (CA) and a final written
examination (UE). The CA component consists of the following segments: 1. Seminar
presentation 10%; 2. Tests, quiz and/or individual assignments 30%. The remaining 60% has
been allocated to UE component.
NB: Make sure you prepare your assignments well in advance to avoid unfounded excuses. Final
seminar papers must be submitted on the day of presentation both in hard copies.
Attendance to all lectures and seminars is mandatory unless stated otherwise.
Module 1: The Subject Matter of Philosophy of History
1.1. Concepts: History, Philosophy, Philosophy of History, History of Philosophy,
1.2. Subject Matter of Philosophy
1.3. Methodologies of History
2) Discuss the main similarities and differences between Philosophy and Philosophy of history.
(Use John Zammito’s “Discipline, Philosophy, and History” and additional sources of your
5) Examine the basic features and impact of the enlightenment movement in European
7) With reference from Terence Ranger, ‘The New Historiography in Dar es Salaam’, assess
the main strengths and weaknesses of the Dar school of historiography in reconstructing
African history.
8) Using Henry Bernstein and Jacques Depelchin’s “The Object of African History: A
Materialist Perspective”, identify and discuss the main controversial issues between
bourgeois and Marxist perspectives on African history.