Ford Trasn
Ford Trasn
Ford Trasn
CG 8437/S en 01/2013
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Copyright ©2013
Ford-Werke GmbH
Service training programs D-F/GT1 (GB)
The reason for the introduction of communications networks was initially to achieve savings
with regard to superfluous wiring requirements. If the sensors were individually wired to
each module using conventional wiring, the wiring requirements would take on incalculable
dimensions. The risk of possible faults also drastically increases thereby.
Therefore, in a communications network, also called a data bus system, several control
modules are connected to one another (networked). These control modules communicate
with each other and exchange information in digital format.
Thus, via the communications network, the signal from a sensor which is hard-wired signal
to control module A, for example, can also be used by control module B.
The communications network can also be used to transmit commands from one control
module to another.
The demands made of the communications network are also increasing because of the
continuing integration of more electronic systems. In the process, the data volume and data
speed requirements constantly increase.
As a rule it is included in the self-test of the control modules and supports the system
diagnosis with IDS (Integrated Diagnostic System).
Completion of the eLearning program Sensors and Actuators (TC401 2 071C) is a
prerequisite for the study of this Student Information.
The training course on sensors and actuators includes the following information for
– Sensors, TC401 2 083H
– Actuators, TC401 2 084H
– Communications network, TC401 2 085H
This Student Information document serves as basis for the training and can be used as a
Preface................................................................................................. 1
Test questions............................................................................................................ 7
Test questions............................................................................................................ 12
Test questions............................................................................................................ 26
Lesson 4 – Gateway
General...................................................................................................................................... 27
Network with GWM.................................................................................................................. 28
Networks with gateway............................................................................................................. 29
Test questions............................................................................................................ 31
2 Service Training
Table of Contents
Test questions............................................................................................................ 34
Lesson 6 – Diagnostics
General...................................................................................................................................... 35
CAN........................................................................................................................... 51
Testing options.......................................................................................................................... 51
Testing the terminating resistors............................................................................................... 51
Measuring voltage..................................................................................................................... 51
Testing using the oscilloscope................................................................................................... 53
CAN bus measurement.............................................................................................................. 55
16 pin breakout box................................................................................................................... 56
Procedure in the event of a module communication error........................................................ 57
CMP........................................................................................................................... 58
LIN Data Bus System................................................................................................................ 58
Test questions............................................................................................................ 60
List of Abbreviations.......................................................................... 63
Service Training 3
Lesson 1 – General Information
The previously mentioned time window is bits are been combined in a block and are
referred to as a bit (Binary Digit). As there referred to as a byte.
are only two possible states for a bit, eight
6 7
5 4
A Possible combinations
B Possible combinations
C Bit set / bit not set
With eight bits (one byte), there are a total
of 256 possible combinations (0 to 255).
The illustration shows the conversion table.
This table illustrates how the number 89,
for example, can be transmitted using eight
• Each bit has two possible combinations:
0 or 1.
• With eight bits, there are a total of 256
possible combinations. Which bits are set
and which are not, is decisive.
• The number 89 results from the sum of
the set bits.
3. If a bit is not set (logical '0'), is this known as the dominant state?
a. True
b. False
4. 1 byte is:
a. 100 kbits
b. 8 bits
c. 64 bits
d. 256 bits
1 1 1
2 2
1 Control module
2 Terminating resistors (120 ohms)
Serial data transmission in motor vehicles using the CAN data bus system as an example
2. When two control modules transmit at the same time, how is the significance of
the data block determined?
4. List the four protocol formats which are grouped each according to the application
• The data transmission rate for serial • If there are several simultaneous
communication depends on the vehicle messages, these are processed in turn
model year. It lies between 4.8 and 10.4 according to their significance.
kbps • At least one valid response must be
• If there is a line fault due to open circuit, returned for each message sent. If this
short circuit or short circuit to ground, does not happen, an error is stored in the
communication between the module and fault memory.
the diagnostic tester is not possible. Note: This data bus system is only still used
SCP data bus system in older models.
• The SCP data bus system consists of a ACP data bus system
twisted wire pair and is no longer
• is similar to the SCP data bus system with
installed in current vehicles. a more simple protocol and is used
• If there is a fault on only one of the two exclusively for audio applications and
lines, communication between the module telephone systems.
and the diagnostic tester is no longer
• Ford diagnostic units cannot access this
possible. data bus system.
• All information and data is transmitted
This data bus system is also no longer
serially as a packet (data block).
installed in current vehicles.
• The data transfer rate is approximately
41.6 kpbs. Features of the CAN data bus
• All nodes, i.e. control module connecting system
points, have equal priority. Therefore,
The CAN is a so-called multi-master data
several control modules can participate
bus system. This means that all bus nodes
in performing a function.
(control and test equipment) can transmit
• Both functional and physical addressing and request data.
is possible.
In the CAN data bus system, there is no
– Functional addressing means that the addressing of the individual nodes. Instead,
information is intended for all control identifiers are assigned to the data packets
modules. to be transmitted.
– Physical addressing means that the
Each node can transmit its data via the data
information is intended for one specific
bus. On the basis of the identifiers, the other
control module only.
nodes decide whether they read out and
process this data further or not.
An excellent feature of the CAN data bus At present the following variants of class C
system is its high transmission reliability. are installed:
Each node's CAN controller records • HS-CAN data bus system – transmission
transmission errors. These are recorded and rate 500 kbit/s
evaluated statistically so that appropriate
• EV HS-CAN data bus system
action can be taken. This can even result in
(high-voltage components) – transmission
the data bus node which produced the error,
rate 500 kbit/s
being switched off by the data bus system.
• Private HS-CAN data bus system
A data packet may consist of up to eight bits
in its dataframe. More comprehensive • HS-CAN data bus system multimedia
transmission data are transmitted, distributed At present the following variants of class B
across several dataframes. are installed:
The maximum transmission rate is 1 mbps, • MS-CAN data bus system – transmission
i.e. up to 1 million pulses per second. Due rate 125 kbit/s.
to the line resistance, this speed applies to • B-CAN data bus system – transmission
networks with a data bus length of up to 40 rate 50 kbit/s.
• Private MS-CAN data bus system
For longer distances, the transmission rate
• MS-CAN data bus system multimedia
must be reduced:
• Distances of up to 500 meters, to 125 The data bus connections consist of twisted
kbps data bus wires.
• The start bit is always dominant and • The actual data is located in the data field
requests that all CAN nodes "listen". (the temperature data in the example).
Each node can access this data, if this is
Status field: required.
• The status field then follows the start bit. Checksum field:
• Information that is to be transmitted via • After each node has received the data, the
the CAN bus must first be designated. data is checked for completeness. The
• For example, if a temperature value is to check data are located in the checksum
be transmitted, then the value must be field.
provided with a certain identification.
Acknowledgement field:
• The identification for temperature is
• If all data has arrived correctly, the nodes
0815, for example. Therefore, each node
confirm this in the acknowledgement
knows that 0815 represents a temperature
field. The acknowledgement field is sent
as recessive by the transmitter and
• An ID is allocated to a message. One overwritten as dominant by the receiver
message can contain up to 64 signals (8 if the message is received correctly. As
bytes data length). a result of this, the sender is only signaled
• Furthermore, the status field receives that no faults occurred during the data
information regarding the protocol transmission.
priority (see priority determination). End field:
• The end field signals the end of the
protocol to the nodes.
Priority determination
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
2 X
3 X
Other sources of interference are stations Features of the LIN data bus
which generate electromagnetic waves, such system
as mobile phones and transmitters, for
example. Example LIN data bus system with BCM
(body control module) as master on 2011.25
These sources of interference may influence Focus
or falsify data transmission on the CAN bus.
In order to prevent interference with the data
transmission, the two data bus wires are
twisted together.
At the same time, this also prevents
interference radiation from the data bus line
Depending on the transmission rate, the two E86258
1 PCM (master)
2 Generator (slave)
A LIN data bus system comprises a LIN It also performs the following tasks:
master, one or more LIN slaves, and the • It checks the data transfer and the data
data bus wire. transmission speed.
It is used where the band width and • Suitable cycles are stored in the software
versatility of the CAN is not needed. The of the LIN master for different situations
LIN specification comprises the LIN / equipment variants. From them, the
protocol, a standard format for describing a software selects the one which is needed
complete LIN and the interface between a in each case and continues to run this
LIN and the application. cycle until another is selected.
No terminating resistors are used in the • It performs conversion of the data
LIN data bus system. transmitted between the LIN control
The wire cross-section is 0.35 mm². modules within the local LIN data bus
Screening against interference is not system and the CAN data bus system.
necessary. • It performs diagnosis of the connected
LIN slaves.
LIN master
LIN slaves
The LIN master acts as gateway (for
example to the PCM or the BCM) and has LIN slaves include:
information regarding the time sequence of • actuators/modules, as for example the
all the data to be transmitted. This data is electronic steering lock unit (2011.25
transmitted by the relevant LIN slaves (e.g. Focus),
ultrasonic sensors, light switch unit,
• sensors, as for example the light/rain
generator) when requested to do so by the
sensor (2011.25 Focus),
LIN master.
• generator (2011.25 Focus).
Electronics integrated in the LIN sensors
evaluate the measured values. Transmission
of the values then takes place in the form of
digital signals via the LIN data bus system.
The LIN actuators/modules are intelligent
electronic or electromagnetic assemblies
which receive commands from the LIN
master via LIN data signals.
LIN signals
1 Recessive signal
2 Dominant signal
Transmission reliability
Stable data transmission is ensured through In order to receive valid signals despite
the specification of tolerances during interference, the permissible tolerances are
transmission and reception within the range greater on the reception side.
of the recessive and dominant signals.
1 2
Protocol header
1 2 3 4
The protocol header is transmitted cyclically Synchronization of all connected LIN nodes
by the LIN master. It comprises four parts: is indispensable for error-free data
• synchronization pause, exchange. If synchronization were lost, the
bit values would be in the incorrect position
• synchronization limitation, in the message at the receiving node. This
• synchronization field, would lead to errors in data transmission.
• identifier field. The identifier field consists of 8 bits. The
The synchronization pause is at least 13 protocol code (identification) and the
bits long. It is transmitted as dominant. number of data fields are contained in the
first 6 bits.
The length of 13 bits is necessary in order
to clearly signal the start of a protocol to all The last two bits contain the checksum for
the connected LIN slaves. the first 6 bits in order to detect transmission
errors. This is necessary to prevent the
The synchronization limitation is at least assignment of an incorrect protocol in the
1 bit long and is recessive. event of transmission errors with regard to
The synchronization field consists of the the identifier.
bit sequence 0101010101. This bit sequence
causes all the connected LIN slaves to
synchronize to the internal clock of the LIN
2. Which statement regarding the CAN data bus system with high transmission
rates is correct?
a. No terminating resistors are used in the CAN data bus system.
b. All the control modules can transmit protocols simultaneously in the CAN data
bus system.
c. The data bus wires are twisted together.
d. In the HS-CAN data bus system, the maximum transmission rate is 125 kbps.
The GWM and the OBD (on-board The GWM operates at temperatures between
diagnostic) II port are integrated into one -40°C and +75°C. It has a 256 kbit memory
housing. and a 10 bit analog/digital converter.
It ensures a better and faster data exchange
between the different data bus systems.
1 3
5 4
Today's vehicles are mostly equipped with As each of the three data bus systems cannot
diverse data bus systems (see for instance be connected directly together, an interface
the Focus Electric). Furthermore, data bus is required through which two networks can
systems with different transmission speeds communicate with one another.
may be implemented, such as:
– HS-CAN multimedia and MS-CAN
1 1
1 1
The engine temperature display is faulty on The path of the signal through the
a 2011.25 Focus with a petrol engine. The communications network can then be traced
fault memory indicates a network via the block diagram:
communications fault. • The PCM is connected to the HS-CAN.
The engine temperature is calculated by the • However, the instrument cluster where
PCM from the input signal of the ECT the actual fault occurred is connected to
(engine coolant temperature) sensor. the MS-CAN.
• The HS-CAN protocol is first converted
by the GWM (on 2011.25 Focus the
BCM) into an MS-CAN protocol. Only
then can the instrument cluster receive
2. What does gateway mean in relation to the CAN data bus system?
a. The gateway creates the connection between the different CAN data bus systems
and makes it possible to exchange information between the different CAN data
bus systems.
b. The gateway function is always integrated in the instrument cluster.
c. The gateway function is always integrated in the air conditioning module.
d. The gateway always operates with a transmission rate of 125 kbps.
¹) In S-MAX/Galaxy and Mondeo 2011.25 the multimedia system comprises a MS-CAN data bus multimedia.
2009 Ka
1 2 3
D 4 5 6
11 10 9 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14
15 18 19 20 21 22
F 35 36 37
28 29 31 33
23 38 39
26 27 30 32 34 40 41 42 43
44 45 46 47 48 49
50 51
* Note: The following modules are designed Three different data bus systems are used:
as gateways in this vehicle: • HS –CAN
• BCM (gateway between HS –CAN and • MS –CAN
MS –CAN– central electronics)
• Instrument panel cluster (interface
between MS –CAN– central electronics
and MS –CAN– multimedia system)
1 2
3 4
* Note: The following modules are designed A total of seven data bus systems are used:
as gateways in this vehicle: • HS –CAN– bus
• Instrument panel cluster (gateway • HS –CAN– multimedia – bus
between HS –CAN– multimedia and MS
–CAN) • Private HS –CAN– bus
* Note: The following modules are designed Five data bus systems are used:
as gateways in this vehicle: • HS –CAN– bus
• The instrument panel cluster serves as • HS– CAN– bus multimedia
gateway between the MS– CAN data bus
and the HS– CAN data bus. • MS –CAN– bus
1 2 3 4 5
* Note: The following modules are designed Five data bus systems are used:
as gateways in this vehicle: • HS– CAN-bus
• The instrument panel cluster serves as • HS– CAN-bus multimedia
gateway between the MS– CAN, the HS–
CAN data bus and the HS– CAN data bus • MS– CAN-bus
(multimedia system). • LIN bus
• ISO – bus
* Note: The following modules are designed Six data bus systems are used in total:
as gateways in this vehicle: • HS –CAN– bus
• Instrument panel cluster (gateway • HS –CAN– multimedia – bus
between HS –CAN– multimedia and MS
–CAN) • Private HS –CAN– bus
Focus Electric
* Note: The following modules are designed Eight data bus systems are used:
as gateways in this vehicle: • EV HS–CAN data bus (high-voltage
• The instrument panel cluster serves as components)
gateway between the MS– CAN data bus • HS –CAN data bus
and the HS– CAN data bus multimedia.
• HS– CAN data bus multimedia
• The BCM serves as gateway between the
HS– CAN data bus and the MS– CAN • Private HS-CAN data bus
data bus. • MS –CAN data bus
• The GWM serves as gateway between • LIN databus
the HS– CAN data bus multimedia and • Private LIN data bus
the EV HS– CAN data bus or HS– CAN
data bus. • ISO– data bus
Measuring voltage
E162953 a a
As data bus utilization is under 50% when Voltage measurement on one/both data
the data bus system is active, triggering of bus cable(s) = 0 V:
a digital multimeter takes place at the • In this case, there is a short to ground or
recessive CAN data bus level.
• a short circuit between the two CAN
This enables a voltage measurement wires.
between CAN high to ground and CAN low
If both data bus cables have the same
to ground.
voltage level, then there is likewise a short
With the ignition ON (engine running), the circuit between CAN (high) and (low).
following voltages are measured at the
If the measurement result is OK, the data
corresponding pins of the DLC in the case
wires are in good order and the recessive
of the MS-CAN and HS-CAN data bus:
voltage is present.
• Between CAN high and ground: Approx.
2.6 V The measurement result does not, however,
provide any indication of whether data is
• Between CAN low and ground: Approx. being transmitted over the data bus system.
2.4 V
In order to determine whether dominant data
The following voltages are measured with signals are present on the data bus system,
the ignition ON (engine running) at the testing with the oscilloscope is necessary.
corresponding pins of the DLC in the case
If the measurement result is not OK, this
of the B-CAN data bus:
does not necessarily mean that one of the
• Between CAN-B and ground: Approx. modules is faulty. A short circuit or an open
0.75 V circuit, as well as a faulty wiring harness
• Between CAN-A and ground: Approx. connector could also be the cause.
4.2 V Consequently, the connectors should be
Voltage measurement on one/both data checked first. If no fault is found here, all
bus cable(s) = almost 12 V: the CAN wiring connections from the
relevant module to the wiring harness
• In this case, there is a short to battery (+).
connector must be checked for continuity
(see current workshop literature).
1 CAN high
2 CAN low
An oscilloscope can be used to establish The signal activity on the data bus can also
whether there is a signal on the data bus and be tested via the DLC.
if it is switching between the recessive and
dominant states. For this purpose, the two terminal probes
must be selected in the oscilloscope. Then
place the terminal probes on the two DLC
pins for the relevant data bus system
(multimedia MS, MS, or HS).
The two CAN bus signals (high and low)
should appear opposite one another as
shown in the illustration.
The data traffic on the CAN-A and CAN-B used to inform the control module of
wire of the B-CAN is monitored by the fault whether the transceiver is operating in
logic installed in the transceiver. The fault normal mode or single-wire mode.
logic evaluates the signals arriving on both The two CAN bus signals (A and B) should
CAN wires. If a fault occurs (e.g. an appear opposite one another as shown in the
interruption on a CAN wire), this is detected illustration.
by the fault logic. Only the intact wire is
then used for the evaluation (single-wire CAN bus measurement
CAN bus measurement at the DLC/EOBD
During single-wire mode, the transceiver
(European on-board diagnostic) connector
only monitors the signals of the still intact
on an example 2011.75 S-MAX/Galaxy,
CAN wire. This keeps the B-CAN data bus
functional. The actual CAN evaluation in
the control module is not affected by NOTE: Only use suitable test probes or a
single-wire mode. A special fault output is breakout box to take measurements at the
Measurement with ignition off (wait at least two minutes after switching off the
DLC connector Target state Note
Pin 16 Battery voltage Measurement towards
negative/black test probe pin
4 DLC connector
PIN 3 and 11 approx. 61 Ohm Pin 3 red test probe
Pins 6 and 14 approx. 61 Ohm Pin 6 red test probe
Pins 3, 6, 11, 14 Infinite resistance Measurement towards
negative/black test probe pin
4 DLC connector
2. How many terminating resistors does a HS-CAN data bus system have?
a. Four
b. Three
c. Two
d. One
3. What must the total resistance of a MS-CAN data bus system be (measured at
the DLC)?
a. 120 kohms
b. 120 Ohm
c. Approx. 60 kohms
d. Approx. 60 ohms
5. In which modules are the terminating resistors of the B-CAN data bus system
a. BCM and instrument cluster
b. Instrument cluster and audio system
c. There are no terminating resistors integrated in the B-CAN data bus system.
d. BCM and audio system
1. d
2. c
3. c
4. To prevent interference to the data
transmission, caused for instance by
electromagnetic waves from mobile phones
and transmitters.
Lesson 4 – Gateway
1. Network junction
2. a
3. b
62 Service Training
List of Abbreviations
Service Training 63