The Human Origin and Capacity For Culture
The Human Origin and Capacity For Culture
The Human Origin and Capacity For Culture
Capacity for Culture
The theory of the biological evolution was first
Archaeology is the study of human
archaeological record.
Creatures that showed characteristics of
a chimp.
Lucy The Australopithecus
Homo Habilis
This species, one of the earliest
and a moderately-prognathic
Homo Erectus
are the oldest known early humans
The Oldowan Industry
Stone tool industry characterized by the use of "hard
(O'Neil, 2012)
Form of technology used in this industry allowed for the
times of shortage.
Following other scavengers made it easy to
small chips
Homo Erectus learned
control fire
Homo Sapiens
prepare foods.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
30,000 years ago
the first human being of the modern
discovered in 1879.
4.5 million Before Present
Noted the first appearance of
evolutionary adaptation.
2 million Before Present
Improvement of bipedal structure. A
complex tools.
25, 000 Before Present
art in Europe.
10, 000 Before Common Era
Human Adaptation
The biological evolution tells us that organisms survived
3. Humans built camps to serves as base for hunting and
4. Humans created sophisticated tools.
5. Humans developed a system of language.
6. Humans created arts and symbols.
7. Human species domesticate plants and animals and
▪or wood
Used small, polished stone tools and bone
▪▪ Lived serve as spears and arrow
in camps near a body of water
Agriculture was first introduced
Neolithic, the newstone age
Started agriculture and food
▪▪ Domesticate animals
Created advance tools in
▪ Settled in plains
farming,pottery, sewing and weaving
The Bronze Age Period
▪▪ Copper and tin alloy was discovered
Bronze, a harder metal give way to innovations like plow
and the wheel
Advance architecture seen in stone walled houses with
▪▪ Villages
Textile was also invented
▪▪ An and cities were formed
organized government, law, religion started
Ancient Egyptian writing, the hieroglyphs created in
this period
The Iron Age
discovery of forging iron with heatis the
▪▪ Mass discovery.
production of steel tools and weapons
More advancement in the field of architecture
▪▪ City
with bigger houses and stables.
planning was noted
▪ A more sophisticated system of writing
Sociopolitical Evolution of
In our society, there are two distinct social roles. First are
separate duties
horticulture where women tended
became matriarchal
Curtural Structure Sociopolitical Structure
Characterized by
Specialization in labor with a
excess of food
leader, a chief who take charge in
in a diverse
through loyalty gained from the
conform to society’s
conquer and expand beginning the era of
their destinations rather