13 MOSFET Amplifier
13 MOSFET Amplifier
13 MOSFET Amplifier
R2 For the bypass capacitor,
33 kΩ RS
470Ω CS 1
10 μF XCS ≤ 150Ω ie 150 Ω
2 fCS
CS = 10μf
Fig. 1 Circuit diagram of MOSFET amplifier
Electronic Circuits Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum 1 Electronic Circuits Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum 2
Set up the circuit as shown in the figure with an input signal of 0.2V (peak-to-peak) at
1000 Hz. Observe the output on the CRO. Vary the frequency of the input signal over a range
of values (from 50Hz to a few MHz) to obtain the frequency response which is a graph between
log f (x-axis) and gain in dB (y-axis).
The required common source MOSFET amplifier was designed and set up to obtain the
required frequency response.