Local Attraction: The External Attractive Forces Are
Local Attraction: The External Attractive Forces Are
Local Attraction: The External Attractive Forces Are
TB = MB + MD if declination is eastward.
TB = MB – MD if declination is westward.
Q. The magnetic bearing of a line is 32° and the magnetic
declination is 10° 15' W. Find the true bearing ?
1. Level Instrument
2. Tripod
3. Staff/Pole
4. Pole staff bubble (bulls eye)
Equipment: Level Instrument
To provide horizontal LOS
a) Dumpy level
•Meaning short/stout. Simple, compact and
•Telescope is rigidly fixed to its supports – can
neither be rotated about longitudinal axis nor
removed from supports
b) Automatic Levels / Self aligning level
• Easy to use and faster
• The instrument is levelled automatically using a tilt
compensator which is suspended and inserted in the
path of light rays through the telescope
c) Digital Levels
Push-button technique
Uses Barcode staff. No reading errors
Readings are stored and analyzed digitally
Conventional type for Digital Levels