Analysis of WEDM Using ANSYS and FEM
Analysis of WEDM Using ANSYS and FEM
Analysis of WEDM Using ANSYS and FEM
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) of the part to be machined by the wire electrical discharge
is widely used in machining of conductive materials machining process. In 1975, it was popular rapidly, and its
when precision is considered as a prime importance. capability was better understood by manufacturing industry.
This work proposes a three dimensional finite element When the computer numerical control system was
model (using ANSYS software) and new approach to introduced in WEDM process this brought about a most
predict the temperature distribution at different pulse important development of the machining proce.
time as well as stress distribution in wire. A transient
thermal analysis assuming a Gaussian distribution heat Consequently the wide capability of the wire electrical
source with temperature-dependent material properties discharge machining process was widely exploited for any
has been used to investigate the temperature distribution through-hole machining owing to the wire, which has to
and stress distribution. Thermal stress developed after pass through the part to be machined. The common
the end of the spark and residual stress developed after application of wire electrical discharge machining process is
subsequent cooling. The effect on significant machining the fabricate the stamp and extrusion tools and dies, fixtures
parameter pulse-on-time has been investigated and and gauges, prototypes, aircraft and medical parts, and
found that the peak temperature sharply increases with grinding wheel form tools.
the parameter.
Keywords: ANSYS, WEDM, Residual Stress, Thermal Stress,
Temperature. In the wire EDM, a series of rapid electric spark occur
in the gap between tool (wire) and workpiece. Addition of
I. INTRODUCTION particles into the dielectric fluid makes this process more
complex and random. The following assumptions are made
Wire electrical discharge machining process is a without sacrificing the basic features of the wire EDM
mostly used non-conventional material removal processes. model to make the problem mathematically feasible.
This is use for manufacturing difficult shape and profile of
hard materials. This is considering as a distinctive variation A. Thermal Model of Wire EDM
of the conventional electrical discharge machining The working principal of WEDM is as same EDM
processes. In the WEDM, demand is growing for high rate process, when the distance between the two electrodes (wire
cutting speed and high accuracy machining for improve the and the workpiece) is reduced the intensity of electric field
productivity of product and also for achieve high excellence in the volume between the electrodes (wire and the
quality in machining job. In wire electrical discharge workpiece), become greater than the strength of the
machining process a always travelling wire electrode made dielectric, which breaks, allowing current to flow between
of thin copper, brass or tungsten of diameter 0.05–0.3 mm is the two electrodes. For this reason the spark will generated.
used, which is precisely controlled by a CNC system. Here B. Finite Element Analysis Procedure Using ANSYS
role of CNC is very important. The function of CNC is Software
unwind the wire from a first spool, and feed throughout the
work-piece, and takes it on a second spool. Generally wire Thermal Analysis of Brass Wire
velocity varies from 0.1 to 10 m/min, and feed rate is 2 to 6 The general finite element modeling procedure consists
mm/min. A direct current is used for generate high of the following steps:
frequency pulse to the wire and the workpiece. The wire
(electrode) is hold in tensioning device for decreases the Preferences
chance of producing inaccurate parts. In wire electrical Thermal
machining process, the workpiece and tool is eroded and
there is no direct contact between the workpiece and the Preprocessing
electrode, and this reduces the stress during machining. Definition of Element Type
Material Properties Definition
WEDM was initially developed by manufacturing Model Generation
industry in the since 1960. The development technique is Meshing
replaced the machined electrode used in electrical discharge
machining. In 1974, D.H. Dulebohn introduced the optical
line follower system which is automatic control the shapes
B. FEM Analysis
Thermal Modeling of Wire EDM for Single Spark in
Brass Wire
Main parameters of the thermal analysis (analysis
Fig 2 Temperature Distribution In Brass Wire With V=25V, Fig 5 Temperature Distribution In Brass Wire With V=25V,
I=27 A, P=0.38 And Ton=0.12µs I=27 A, P=0.38 And Ton=0.52µs
Fig 3 Temperature Distribution In Brass Wire With V=25V, Fig 6 Temperature Distribution In Brass Wire With V=25V,
I=27 A, P=0.38 And Ton=0.26µs I=27 A, P=0.38 And Ton=0.58µs
Fig 4 Temperature Distribution In Brass Wire With V=25V, Fig 7 Temperature Distribution In Brass Wire With V=25V,
I=27 A, P=0.38 And Ton=0.36µs I=27 A, P=0.38 And Ton=1.2µs
Fig 15 Thermal shear stress in XZ component at ton=0.12µs Fig 18 Thermal Stress in X-Component at Ton=0.52µs
Fig 20 Thermal Stress in Z-Component at Ton=0.52µs Fig 23 Residual Stress at toff= 3µs
Fig 21 Thermal Shear Stress in XY-Component at Fig 24 Thermal Stress in X-Component at Ton=1.82µs
Fig 25 Thermal Stress in Y-Component at ton=1.82µs Fig 28 Thermal Stress in XZ-Component at ton=1.82µs
Fig 26 Thermal Stress in Z-Component at Ton=1.82µs Fig 29 Thermal Stress in YZ-Component at ton=1.82µs