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Development of Temperature Measurement Setup For M

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Development of temperature measurement setup for machining

Article in World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology · January 2012

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3 authors, including:

Atul Kulkarni
Vishwakarma Institute Of Information Technology, Pune


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World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):15-19
ISSN: 2231 – 2587
Available Online: www.worldjournalofscience.com

Proceedings of "Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NCAME'12)”

Held at R.C.Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur, Dist. Dhule,Maharastra,India.
April 21, 2012

Development of temperature measurement setup for machining

Abhijeet Amritkar1,Chandra prakash1 and Atul P.Kulkarni1

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Kondhwa (Bk.) Pune, M.S. India

In modern industry, the trend towards using dry and high speed machining has caused much greater heat dissipation in the
chip formation zone and for this reason thermal phenomena play a key role in tool wear and machinability of the materials.
For the improvement of cutting performance, the knowledge of temperature at the tool-work interface with good accuracy is
essential. In this paper, calibration set-up was designed and developed in order to establish a relationship between obtained
e.m.f. during machining and the cutting temperature. Also, the most simplest and economical technique of temperature
measurement i.e. tool-work thermocouple set-up was developed for the measurement of the cutting temperature in machining.
The performance of the setup is evaluated for the different material like EN19, EN31, mild steel, SS 304 and SAE 8620. The
results obtained experimentally confirmed that the set-up is having better accuracy and good repeatability.
Regression analysis is used for establishing the relationship between temperature and the generated voltage. Machining
tests are carried out for SAE 8620 material for various cutting speed and feed using uncoated tungsten carbide tool. Cutting
temperatures are predicted.

Keywords: machining, tool-work thermocouple, tool wear, cutting temperature.

In manufacturing process, temperature has critical influence
on machining. It accelerates tool wear, shortening tool life. It causes It works on a principle of Seebeck effect. According to
the thermal deformation of the work-piece, cutting tool and machine Seebeck, when two different metals are heated at a common
tool, which degrades the machining accuracy; it affects the junction voltage exist between two ends of metals.
subsurface layers of machined parts through phase transformation,
thermally induced residual stresses an increase in thermally TECHNIQUES FOR ASSESING CUTTING TEMPERATURE
activated defects[1]. Abhang et al. [2] measured the tool-chip
interface temperature experimentally during turning of EN-31 steel
alloy with tungsten carbide inserts using a tool-work thermocouple
technique. Grzesik [4] dealt with experimental investigation into the
different factors which Influence the temperature which occur
at the coating/substrate–chip interface during machining of
medium carbon steel (AISI 1045) and an austenitic stainless steel
(AISI304). O'Sullivan et al. [6] demonstrated the use of embedded
thermocouples (in the work-piece) and the infrared thermal camera
to monitor the temperature during the process. To reduce
these defects, we developed a calibration setup on the basis of
Seebeck effect with the help of k-type thermocouple and
microcontroller. This setup helped us during calibration, resulted in
measuring the temperature during machining.
Materials used during testing for calibration setup
EN-19, EN-31, mild steel, SS 304, and SAE 8620.
*Corresponding Author Workpiece used

Srihari Prasad A The workpiece used during the experimentation is SAE 8620
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L.University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, steel. The dimensions used are 80 mm in diameter and 300mm in
A.P., 522502., India length. The alloying elements of SAE 8620 steel are shown in table 1.
Email: srihari.anne@gmail.com
16 Srihari Prasad A et al.,

Table 1. Elemental composition of SAE 8620 Calibration setup

Carbon% Mn.% Cr% Ni.% Mo.% Si.%
Calibration set-up is developed in order to establish the
0.18 0.70 0.6 0.7 0.25 0.20
relationship between the e.m.f. produced and cutting temperature
during machining. In calibration set-up, tool-work thermocouple
Tool insert used junction is constructed using a long continuous chip of different work-
material and fresh tungsten carbide inserts used in actual machining
The insert used during turning is CNMG 120404, grade k313. operation. Electric air heater is used to as a heating element for the
This is uncoated tungsten carbide tool. work-tool junction and it simulates the thermal performance
phenomena in machining and raised the temperature at the chip-tool
Experimental setup Experimental setup consists of interface. Work-tool material and the thermocouple wire are heated
directly as they are in contact with the electric heater. A standard
I. Tool work thermocouple setup alumel- chromel thermocouple wire is mounted at the junction of chip
II. Calibration setup and insert. It has high temperature range of -200 °C to 1350°C. It
III. Data acquisition system has better oxidation resistance. Type-K sensors are recommended
for use in oxidizing or completely inert environments.

I. Tool work thermocouple setup

Tool and work-piece junction at the time of machining is taken

as hot junction while the carbon brush touching the
work-piece is cold junction. Work-piece is mounted on a three jaw
chuck and insulation is provided in between work-piece and jaw. One
end of connecting copper wire is attached to the carbon brush
and the other end to the millivolt-meter. Insulation is
provided between tool holder and insert. One end of connecting
copper wire is placed between insert and tool holder and the other
end to the millivolt-meter. Insulation is provided to avoid generation
of parasitic e.m.f. which is generated due to more than two metal a)
contacts. Copper wire of
1 mm diameter is used for the connection purpose.


Fig 3. Calibration set-up a) Front view b) top view

Fig1. Principle of work tool thermocouple

Fig 2. Photographic view of work tool thermocouple. Fig 4.Block diagram of data acquisition system
World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):15-19 17

The block diagram of the system is shown above. The system 2) After maintaining the proper contact, one end of the copper wire is
consist of the following elements, connected to the tool and chip material and other end was connected
• Temperature Sensor to the milli-voltmeter terminals. Then electric air heater was brought
• Microcontroller in contact with the junction point for heating the junction point.
• Display
• Real time clock 3) A standard alumel-chromel thermocouple wire was mounted at the
• Data storage Block junction of chip and insert. And it is connected to the temperature
indicator calibrated for the Type-K thermocouple wire.
i. Temperature Sensor
The temperature sensor is the device which is responsible to 4) After this, whole assembly was kept in the container insulated with
sense the temperature at the junction of machine tool and job. glass wool in order to reduce heat losses and electric heater is
turned on and junction point was heated gradually up to
ii. Microcontroller 750 °c and corresponding e.m.f. is recorded.
Microcontroller is the heart of the system that is controlling all
the processes. The controller PIC 18f4620 is used due to its 5) Graph of temperature v/s generated e.m.f. was plotted and
numerous advantages such as huge memory size, built in ADC, can calibration constant is found out by using regression analysis.
source high current, more power handling capacity, DIP package,

iii. Display The objective of the experiment is to measure the

The LCD Display is used to display the temperature of the job temperature during machining process. So, after
according to the inputs of the controller. The display 16x2 is used carrying out the experiment on the basis of Seebeck effect by
due to high range display and clear visibility and low cost. using calibration setup temperature for machining is calibrated and is
verified by using regression analysis.
iv. Data Storage
The data storage element can be a USB device or a memory Graphical representation
card interface for storing data. This storage is very useful for keeping
the track of the system temperature. This track can be used for To find relationship between temperature and voltage, by
future studies, analysis, and to keep record of taking temperature on y-axis and voltage on x-axis. Different
temperature according to time n date. materials were used during experiment to check validity, repeatability
and accuracy of the calibration setup.
v. Real Time Clock The following graphs show temp.-voltage (m.v.) relationship for
Real time clock is used to store data with respect time n date. The different materials.
RTC DS1307 is used for this purpose which is
interfaced with the microcontroller. EN-19

Table 2.Time – temperature – voltage information

Fig 4.Temperature –Voltage plot for EN-19.

Table 2 shows readings displayed by micro-controller. As
temperature increases voltage increases correspondingly and
‘TIME’ column represents exact time when temp and voltages are


1) First, work-piece chip and tool material to be calibrated were

clamped with the help of clamping assembly in the set- up. While
clamping, care was taken to ensure the perfect contact between the
work-tool materials because improper contact can result in the erratic
Fig 5. Temperature –Voltage plot for EN-31.
18 Srihari Prasad A et al.,

Table 3. Equations of lines for respective materials


1 EN-19 Y=353.94X+94.15
2 EN-31 Y=174.52X+23.91
3 SAE-8620 Y=9.486X+20.63
4 Mild steel Y=287.43X+11.2
5 Stainless steel Y=10X+30

Temperature during machining SAE 8620.

Fig 6. Temperature –Voltage plot for SAE-8620.
As setup validated by taking series of reading, the machining
Mild steel tests were conducted on SAE8620 steel for different cutting speed
and feed. The depth of cut was kept constant at 1mm. During
machining the voltage is generated. By the use of regression
equation for the SAE8620 corresponding temperature was obtained.
Temperature obtained for different machining conditions are shown
in table 4.

Fig 7. Temperature –Voltage plot for Mild Steel

Stainless steel 304

Temperature during machining of SAE 8620 steel for different

Fig 8. Temperature –Voltage plot for stainless steel 304
Regression analysis
• In this study, average chip-tool interface temperatures
From the graph, different value of voltage and corresponding have been experimentally studied using the tool-work thermocouple
temperatures are obtained.In this way, graphical relationship of few technique and validated theoretically.
materials was obtained. During graphical representation equations • The set-up is developed for the calibration and the temperature
for respective lines were also obtained. it was measurement The set-up is tested for the different work-tool material
verified by using actual mathematical formulation for regression combinations. Both the set-ups are having better accuracy and good
analysis in statistics. repeatability.
• The tool-work thermocouple technique is the best
Formula for regression is method for measuring the average chip-tool interface temperature
during metal cutting. The benefits of using the tool
∑y = m.∑x + n.c . . . . . .(1) work thermocouple are its ease of implementation and its
∑xy = m.∑x2 + c∑x. . . . . .(2) low cost as compared to other temperature measurement techniques.
• Experimental results obtained are verified by
Here, ‘y’ is taken as temperature value. whereas, ‘x’ is taken as mathematical equations. They agree with each other.
voltage value. And ‘n’ is no. of readings taken. • All temperature and voltage relations can be easily obtained with
World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):15-19 19

the help of microcontroller.

[3] Herbert E. G., 1926.“The measurement of cutting temperatures”,
• Once the setup is installed it is quiet easy to get results directly.
Proceedings of the I Mechanical Engineering (London), 1
• It is very time saving as values are stored in computers directly. pp.289–329.
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