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Journal of Retailing Vol. 91-2 p.289-308

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Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

The Hare and the Tortoise: Do Earlier Adopters of Online Channels

Purchase More?
Jing Li a,∗ , Umut Konuş b,1 , Koen Pauwels c,2 , Fred Langerak a,3
a Eindhoven University of Technology, Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing Group, School of Industrial Engineering, The Netherlands
b Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
c Ozyegin University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Turkey

Earlier adopters of a product or service tend to be more valuable than later adopters. Does this empirical generalization equally apply to earlier
adopters of a multichannel retailer’s new online channel too? This study segments customers on the basis of their responses to a new online channel
and investigates the effects of their online channel adoption on purchase volumes across segments. The data cover 12.5 years of purchase history
and individual transactions at a large multichannel French retailer of natural health products. Contrary to conventional wisdom, it is not innovators
or early adopters, but rather the late majority segment that purchases more than the other segments, both before and after online adoption. Adoption
of the firm’s new online channel does not influence purchase volumes of heavy shopper segments (late majority and innovators), whereas light
shopper segments tend to increase their purchases after adopting this new channel.
© 2015 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: E-commerce; Channels; Segmentation; Online retailing; Customer relationship management; Channel adoption

Are earlier adopters key to marketing success? When it comes decisions by later adopters, because they spread the attitudes
to the adoption of new products and services, research shows that or satisfaction they develop toward the innovation (Mahajan,
earlier adopters purchase and use products more often and are Muller, and Wind 2000). In considering both financial and social
greatly influenced by media promotions (Goldsmith and Flynn effects, Hogan, Lemon, and Libai (2003) emphasize that the loss
1992; Mahajan, Muller, and Srivastava 1990). They also may be of an earlier adopter costs a firm much more than the loss of
more profitable than late adopters, because firms often charge a later adopter. By targeting earlier adopters, firms can ensure
a premium price in the early phases of a product’s life cycle. faster returns on their investments and take advantage of social
Furthermore, earlier adopters have critical influences on uptake spillover effects for diffusing new products.
However, are earlier adopters also critical to the success of
a newly introduced marketing channel? Driven by the Inter-
∗ Corresponding author at: Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Mar- net and mobile technology, retailers increasingly introduce new
keting Group, School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of online channels to supplement existing channels, retain existing
Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 customers, and acquire new customers. Existing offline cus-
40 247 5693; fax: +31 40 246 8054.
tomers adopt the retailer’s new online channel at different time
E-mail addresses: jing.li@tue.nl (J. Li), u.konus@uva.nl (U. Konuş),
koen.pauwels@ozyegin.edu.tr (K. Pauwels), f.langerak@tue.nl (F. Langerak). periods and purchase through multiple channels; the resulting
1 Address: Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam, multichannel shoppers spend more than single-channel shop-
Plantage Muidergracht 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pers (Ansari, Mela, and Neslin 2008; Neslin et al. 2006; Thomas
2 Address: Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ozyegin Uni-
and Sullivan 2005). Some studies suggest that customers who
versity, Nisantepe Mah. Orman Sok. 34794 Cekmekoy, Istanbul, Turkey.
3 Address: Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing Group, are faster to adopt a new (online) channel exhibit greater pur-
School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. chase frequency and transaction volume before the adoption
Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. (Venkatesan, Kumar, and Ravishanker 2007; Xue, Hitt, and

0022-4359/© 2015 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
290 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

Chen 2011); no study has however investigated the different new online channel but rather the late majority segment. Most
behaviors or features of customer groups that adopt a retailer’s research on customers’ adoption of new products or services
new channel earlier or later than other customers though. For focuses on the contributions of earlier adopter segments; our
example, do innovators or early adopters of new online chan- study reveals that later adopters (late majority) can be the most
nels purchase more than the majority segments or laggards? valuable customer group, both before and after the online chan-
Can we distinguish among segments that adopt new channels nel adoption. In addition, we demonstrate the effects of online
at different periods? Identifying the most valuable customer channel adoption on purchase volumes across different seg-
groups and understanding their characteristics could help retail- ments, which can help firms predict the consequences of their
ers allocate their limited marketing resources more effectively online channel introduction more precisely and identify key
across customer segments and thus improve overall profits. So challenges for different customer segments. Considering that
we investigate the monetary contributions and characteristics our results show that purchases by heavy shopper segments
of different customer segments, identified on the basis of their (i.e., late majority and innovator) are unaffected by their adop-
adoption duration of newly introduced online channels and their tion of online channels, whereas customers in other segments
purchase amounts prior to that adoption. (i.e., early adopter, early majority, and laggard) tend to increase
In addition, we investigate the extent to which customers their purchase volumes after adopting, retailers should consider
change their purchase volumes due to online channel adop- developing different strategies to address segment-specific chal-
tion. Plenty of studies investigate the effects of online channel lenges.
adoption or use on customer shopping behaviors over time
(e.g., Ansari, Mela, and Neslin 2008; Campbell and Frei 2009; Conceptual Development
Gensler, Leeflang, and Skiera 2012). Far less research explores
its effects on consumer behaviors across different segments, with The two-part conceptual framework of this study in Fig. 1
the notable exception of Pauwels et al. (2011), who investigate features (1) customer segmentation on the basis of customer
the influence of an informational website. We seek to extend this heterogeneity (left side) and (2) the effects of online channel
literature stream by empirically investigating the effects of an adoption on purchase volumes across different segments (right
online transactional channel on purchases by various segments side).
that adopt the channel at different times. If the effects vary across
segments, firms should differentiate their multichannel strategies Identifying Customer Segments
accordingly. Thus we investigate two key research questions:
Increasing variety of marketing channels allows customers
1. Do earlier adopters of a retailer’s online channel purchase to adopt new channels and become multichannel shoppers. For
more than other adopter segments, identified on the basis of retailers, multichannel customer segmentation, which segments
their adoption duration of newly introduced online channels customers according to their shopping behaviors across multiple
and purchase amounts prior to the online adoption? channels, offers an effective method for designing multichan-
2. How does customer adoption of the retailer’s online transac- nel marketing strategies (Neslin et al. 2006). The underlying
tional channels affect purchase volumes of different customer logic is that customers self-select into channels that invoke
segments, identified by adoption duration? different costs, related to time, travel, shopping, and so forth
(Anderson, Day, and Rangan 1997); in addition, psycholog-
We rely on latent class cluster analysis (LCCA) to seg- ical and economic attitudes, together with expected benefits
ment customers according to their online adoption duration and and costs, affect channel preferences and uses (Konus, Verhoef,
purchase amounts before adoption, then profile the identified and Neslin 2008). For example, Thomas and Sullivan (2005)
segments using various covariates related to their demographics identify two customer segments—multichannel shoppers and
and shopping behaviors after adoption (Vermunt and Magidson store-only shoppers—and cite the impacts of price, product cat-
2005). To estimate the impact of online channel adoption on egory, distance, marketing spending, and previous purchases on
customer behavior, we control for the potential effect of cus- channel choices. Konus, Verhoef, and Neslin (2008) segment
tomer self-selection (Boehm 2008; Campbell and Frei 2009). customers by channel choices across multiple phases of the
Thus in the second step, we employ a propensity score matching shopping process. Different from previous studies, we identify
(PSM) technique to determine a matched offline customer group customer segments based on two indicators: adoption duration
for each online adopter segment (Dehejia 2005; Rosenbaum and and purchase amount before online channel adoption.
Rubin 1985). Finally, for each segment, we apply a Type II Tobit Adoption duration. Customers adopt product and service
model to investigate the impact of online channel adoption on innovations at different times after launch (Mahajan, Muller,
monthly purchase incidence and monetary value per transaction and Srivastava 1990; Rogers 2003). Depending on how quickly
(order size) over time. To supplement this model, we undertake the adoption takes place, Rogers (2003) classifies consumers
a difference-in-difference analysis (DID) to examine changes in into five groups: innovator, early adopter, early majority, late
purchase volume and frequency, one year after the adoption of majority, and laggard. These segments differ in their demograph-
the online channel (Campbell and Frei 2009). ics, psychographics, social class, and lifestyles (Gatignon and
With these approaches, our research reveals that the heavi- Robertson 1985; Rogers 2003). For example, early adopters tend
est shoppers are neither innovators nor early adopters of a to have higher income and status occupations, more education, a
J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 291

Online Channel


• Online adoption duration

• Purchase amount before online
channel adoption
Purchase Volume

Covariates (active)

• Age
• Gender Control Variables
• Demographic characteristics
• Previous purchase
• Seasonality
• Competition
• Economic climate

Customer segmentation based on customers’ Effects of online channel adoption

responses to online channel introduction in different segments

Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework of Online Channel Adoption.

socially forward attitude, and more experience with other tech- Ravishanker 2007; Xue, Hitt, and Chen 2011), and chan-
nical products (Mahajan, Muller, and Srivastava 1990; Rogers nel choice (Ansari, Mela, and Neslin 2008; Inman, Shankar,
2003). Innovators tend to be risk-taking, impulsive, dominant, and Ferraro 2004). For example, Venkatesan, Kumar, and
inner-directed, flexible, and venturesome (Foxall and Goldsmith Ravishanker (2007) find that male customers are more likely
1988; Goldsmith and Flynn 1992). Groups that adopt inno- to adopt additional channels faster, but their income lev-
vations at different times might have distinct shopping and els do not affect channel adoption. Xue, Hitt, and Chen
behavioral patterns too, such that earlier adopters use new (2011) identify a curvilinear relationship between age and
products more frequently but only for their basic functions online channel adoption speed: younger customers likely
(Goldsmith and Flynn 1992; Mahajan, Muller, and Srivastava exhibit quicker adoption. Because the effects of demographic
1990). Similarly, earlier adopters of new e-services exhibit controls on behaviors often are insignificant or inconsistent
higher service usage levels than late adopters (Prins and Verhoef (Konus, Verhoef, and Neslin 2008), we do not formulate
2007). a formal hypothesis but rather include age and gender as
Purchases before online channel adoption. We are primarily covariates.
interested in comparing segments’ purchases that are repre- Moving from predicting channel adoption to predicting its
sented by the purchase amounts—monetary contributions by consequences, we next discuss whether and how online chan-
customers (Campbell and Frei 2009; Gensler, Leeflang, and nel adoption impacts customer spending for different adopter
Skiera 2012). More transactions with a firm might enhance cus- segments.
tomer trust more quickly (Morgan and Hunt 1994) and shorten
the time before the customer adopts the firm’s new channel. Cus-
tomer expenditures also contribute to behavioral loyalty, which Effects of Online Channel Adoption on Purchase Volumes of
accelerates adoption speed (Demoulin and Zidda 2009). Empir- Different Customer Segments
ical evidence shows that customers who adopt transactional
channels faster also exhibit greater transactional frequency prior Extensive multichannel management studies investigate the
to their adoption (Venkatesan, Kumar, and Ravishanker 2007; effects of online channel adoption and usage on customer behav-
Xue, Hitt, and Chen 2011). Therefore: iors and firm performances over time. Some studies employ
aggregated, firm-level data; for example, Geyskens, Gielens,
H1 . Segments with higher prior purchase amounts adopt new and Dekimpe (2002) determine that adding an Internet channel
(online) channels faster. accelerates stock market returns, and Lee and Grewal (2004) find
similar results in the compact disc category. Another research
One of the crucial aspects of the segmentation framework is to stream focuses on disaggregated data, related to individual cus-
explore the impact of covariates on the membership of segmen- tomer panels. Gensler, Leeflang, and Skiera (2012) reveal that
tation and to profile features of identified segments according to the use of online channels increases customer revenue. The
these covariates. research of Boehm (2008) indicates a strong positive impact of
Covariates. We include customer demographics, such as age online channel use on customer retention. Although most studies
and gender, in our framework as covariates that can affect suggest that online channel adoption and use promote customer
the segmentation membership. Such demographic variables demand, Ansari, Mela, and Neslin (2008) find that online usage
influence channel adoption duration (Venkatesan, Kumar, and is negatively associated with long-term purchase frequency.
292 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

Despite rich research on the consequences of online channel predict that heavy shoppers likely perceive online shopping as
additions, few studies investigate the effects of online chan- less useful and beneficial than light shoppers. If customer behav-
nel adoption by considering the impact of different customer ior mainly reflects the intrinsic benefits of online shopping, we
segments (e.g., Pauwels et al. 2011). As is well established in expect:
marketing, customer heterogeneity critically affects customer
H2 . Online firm channel adoption has more positive effects on
responses to a firm’s multichannel strategies (e.g., Kushwaha
the purchase volumes of light shopper segments than on those
and Shankar 2013; Thomas and Sullivan 2005). Therefore, we
of heavy shopper segments.
expect that the effects of online transaction channel adoption on
customer purchases might vary across customer segments that Marketing communications. Customers alter their purchase
differ in their purchase volumes prior to online channel adoption. volumes after adopting online channels, likely because they
To formulate our hypotheses, we clarify precisely why we expect receive more marketing contacts through varied channels
customers to alter their shopping behaviors in response to online (Kumar and Venkatesan 2005; Neslin et al. 2006). Ansari, Mela,
channel introduction, according to two opposing mechanisms: and Neslin (2008) note that multichannel customers process
intrinsic benefits and marketing communications. more marketing messages and respond more frequently to mar-
Intrinsic benefits. Customers change their behaviors after keting communications.
online channel adoption, because of the benefits they perceive The extent to which customers alter their behaviors after
from online shopping. The online shopping makes it easier adopting online channels likely differs across segments, as
for customers to search for information and compare products customers respond differently to marketing communications.
(Ariely 2000). Therefore, customers perceive greater informa- Existing literature demonstrates that heavy shoppers are more
tion control than they would if they relied solely on offline responsive to advertising, price cuts, and coupons, because
channels (Gensler, Leeflang, and Skiera 2012). Greater infor- they can gain more from such promotions (Krishna, Currim,
mation control likely leads to higher customer satisfaction and Shoemaker 1991; Vanhuele and Drèze 2002; Zhang,
and higher repurchase rates (Meuter et al. 2000; Mittal and Seetharaman, and Narasimhan 2012). Moreover, heavy users
Kamakura 2001). Moreover, online channels offer customers exhibit higher shopping demand and can absorb additional quan-
greater convenience and accessibility, through constant avail- tities, because they tend to have larger families and live in
ability and interactivity, the convenience of buying from home, larger houses (Neslin, Henderson, and Quelch 1985; Zhang,
and enhanced access to personalized offers (Gensler, Leeflang, Seetharaman, and Narasimhan 2012). If customer behavior is
and Skiera 2012; Montoya-Weiss, Voss, and Grewal 2003; Wolk mainly affected by marketing efforts, we propose an alternative
and Skiera 2009). Finally, shopping online can reduce trans- hypothesis:
action costs, including the costs of search, travel, time, and
H3 . Online firm channel adoption has more positive effects on
physics (Chircu and Mahajan 2006; Varadarajan and Yadav
the purchase volumes of heavy shopper segments than on those
2002), though these costs also depend on customer heterogene-
of light shopper segments.
ity (Chintagunta, Chu, and Cebollada 2012). Because of these
benefits, customer’ overall purchase volumes from online and Self-selection. Customers with certain characteristics have
offline channels likely increase after they adopt a firm’s online intrinsic preferences for a particular channel (Boehm 2008;
channel (Campbell and Frei 2009; Xue, Hitt, and Chen 2011). Konus, Verhoef, and Neslin 2008). The differences in char-
Segments of heavy shoppers may perceive fewer benefits acteristics between online adopters and offline customers also
of online shopping than light shopper segments though. Cus- exist, such as age, education, and purchase level before online
tomers’ perceptions of the usefulness and use of innovative adoption (Hitt and Frei 2002; Neslin et al. 2006; Verhoef and
technology (e.g., Internet channel) depend on their preference Donkers 2005). Various studies show that ignoring such self-
for the status quo (Falk et al. 2007; Limayem, Hirt, and Cheung selection biases leads to inaccurate estimations of the effects
2007), and the habitual behavior forms through multiple repe- of online adoption or use on customer behavior (Boehm 2008;
titions of decisions (Aarts, Verplanken, and Knippenberg 1998; Campbell and Frei 2009; Gensler, Leeflang, and Skiera 2012).
Orbell et al. 2001). Because frequent interactions with offline Therefore, we employ a matching technique to ensure a match
channels cultivate offline shopping habits, heavy shoppers likely in the characteristics of online adopters and offline customers.
induce a stronger preference for these channels than is the case Control variables. Finally, we control for several factors
for lighter shoppers. Falk et al. (2007) note that satisfaction with that could affect customer shopping behaviors: customer char-
offline channels reduces the perceived usefulness and enhances acteristics, previous purchases, competition, and time factors.
the perceived risk of online shopping, and Montoya-Weiss, Voss, Demographic characteristics include age and gender (Ansari,
and Grewal (2003) show that positive perceptions of service Mela, and Neslin 2008; Xue, Hitt, and Chen 2011). We also
quality in an existing channel can inhibit uses of a new online consider the effect of previous purchases on current pur-
channel. Moreover, according to Konus, Neslin, and Verhoef chases, known as state dependence or inertia (Rust, Lemon, and
(2014), heavy shoppers are less affected by changes to its chan- Zeithaml 2004; Valentini, Montaguti, and Neslin 2011). Because
nel repertory (e.g., elimination of a catalog channel), possibly our data span a long period, we control for the impact of time
because these customers, who are more familiar with the firm’s on customer spending, such as seasonality (Ansari, Mela, and
offerings, perceive fewer changes to their shopping benefits (e.g., Neslin 2008; Pauwels et al. 2011). Finally, we control for the
search convenience, enjoyment). Integrating these findings, we effects of external factors, such as competition and economic
J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 293

climate (recession), which could influence customer shopping 2008; Campbell and Frei 2009), on average, online adopters
behaviors and experiences (Van Diepen, Donkers, and Franses are younger (44 years) than offline customers (52 years).
2009; Verhoef et al. 2009). Online adopters’ annual purchase amounts are lower (162.1
Euros) than the yearly purchases of offline customers (191.4
Data Description Euros), which conflicts with findings that indicate multichan-
nel customers spend more than offline-only or single-channel
Data customers (Neslin et al. 2006; Thomas and Sullivan 2005), but
it is not abnormal for the health and natural products category.
We used daily transactional data from a multichannel French These product lines tend to be more expensive for older than
retailer that sells healthy and natural products. With the aid younger shoppers, so the older, offline customers likely purchase
of a French multichannel data-warehouse and consulting com- larger volumes than younger, online adopters. Annual purchase
pany, we collected transactional data from competitors, namely amounts vary greatly across customers, from 13.8 to 2715.3
16 French retailers competing in the same industry. Our data Euros for online adopters and 12.4 to1486.8 Euros for offline
set thus contains individual transaction panels (i.e., transaction customers.
date, purchase amount, and transaction channel) from both the
focal firm and its competitors. Transactions collected from com- Outliers
petitors constituted 6.3% of total transactions, which we used
to control for the effect of competition. This data set spans To control for the effects of extreme outliers, we standardized
12 years and seven months, from January 2000 to July 2012. the yearly purchase amounts for each customer and dropped
The focal retailer had two established offline purchase channels customers with standard scores of 4 or greater (Hair et al. 2010).
(call center and catalog), then introduced a new online channel Thus we excluded 20 online adopters and 7 offline customers
in January 2001. Thus, we had 1 year of observation prior to from the data set, yielding final samples of 1,630 online adopters
the online channel introduction and 11.5 years after, as Fig. 2 and 978 offline customers for the modeling.
To investigate the process by which existing offline customers Model-Free Evidence
adopt and evolve in relation to a newly introduced online chan-
nel, we selected a random set of 3,270 customers who had We explored the purchase volumes of different customer
purchased from the retailer before the online channel introduc- groups who adopted the online channel at different periods.
tion. All these customers started purchasing from the focal firm Because the maximum adoption duration is 124 months,
in the year 2000. In this set, 2,180 (66.7%) customers adopted we equally divided this time length into three periods, thus
the online channel by the end of the data period, whereas 1,090 get three groups that adopt online at different times: early
remained offline customers did not adopt. We also used two adopters (duration ≤40 months), middle-period adopters (40
additional criteria to select the final sample for analysis. First, months < duration ≤80 months), and late adopters (duration
so that we could examine the effects of online adoption on >80 months). Table 2 summarizes the average annual purchase
customer behavior, the online adopters had to have made pur- amounts for these segments. The yearly purchase amounts were
chases from this firm longer than one year prior to and one year similar across segments, but different patterns emerged when
after their online adoption. We thus identified a sample of 1,695 we separated the amount spent prior to online channel adoption
online adopters. Second, we excluded customers who terminated from the amount spent after it. In line with our expectations,
their shopping relationship with the firm in the early period, early adopters spend more than other segments before adopting;
because our focus of interest is on the effect of online adoption however, late adopters generate more revenues per year after
on customer revenue, rather than customer churn. Specifically, the adoption event. We cannot jump to conclusions from this
each selected customer had to purchase at least one time from simple analysis, but the model-free exploration suggests that
the focal firm in the last two years, which excluded 45 online various shopping patterns emerge among customer groups who
adopters and 105 offline customers. The selection procedure adopt online channels at different times.
thus yielded a sample of 1,650 online adopters who adopted the
online channel between January 2001–June 2011 and 985 offline Methodology
only customers.
We provide the demographic descriptions and purchase infor- Our methodology consists of three steps and a series of mod-
mation (from the focal firm) about the online adopters and offline els. We first use latent class cluster analysis (LCCA) to segment
customers in Table 1. In line with previous studies (e.g., Boehm customers on the basis of their online adoption duration and
Online channel introduction
Offline customers adopting online
January 2000 July 2012
January 2001 July 2011

Fig. 2. Timeline and Data Periods.

294 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

Table 1
Descriptive statistics for two customer groups.
Variable Online adopters Offline customers

M SD Min Max M SD Min Max

Age (in years) 44 10 20 91 52 11 22 82

Gender (female) 96.7% 97.1%
Purchases per year 1.9 1.9 0 23.0 2.2 1.8 0 18.3
Purchase amount per year (in Euros) 162.1 168.2 13.8 2715.3 191.4 154.3 12.4 1486.8
Online adoption duration(in months) 73 28 3 124
Number of online purchases 5.6 9.3 1 165

Table 2
Comparison of purchase amounts across adoption periods.
Variable Adoption duration ≤40 months 40 months < adoption duration ≤80 months Adoption duration >80 months

M Min Max M Min Max M Min Max

Yearly purchase amount 148.1 20.8 1108.8 151.8 13 1623.6 159.2 15.3 2696.5
(125.8) (152.4) (188.8)
Yearly purchase amount 156.4 10.2 853.3 133.1 1 1309.6 145.3 5.9 2196.5
before adoption (134.2) (130.9) (179.4)
Yearly purchase amount 147.3 13.2 1482.7 170 12.8 2434.4 200.5 17.1 3807.7
after adoption (147.0) (213.1) (272.7)

Notes: Values in brackets donate the standardized deviation.

purchase amount before adoption. Next, we use a propensity considering the impact of covariates on customer membership
score matching (PSM) technique for each identified segment, (Vermunt and Magidson 2005), with the following model spec-
to control for the effect of self-selection. Finally, by apply- ification:
ing a Type II Tobit model and difference-in-difference (DID)

analysis, we investigate the impact of online channel adoption f (yi |zact cov
)= P(x|zact cov
)  f (yij |x) (1)
i i
on purchase volumes of different segments. Fig. 3 summarizes j=1
the modeling purpose, corresponding method(s), and data for-
mat. The original data followed an unbalanced panel format, where yi denotes a set of J response variables (indicators) that
but we converted the data set into a cross-sectional or balanced measure customer i’s response to the new online introduction,
panel format, depending on the requirement of each modeling and yj is a particular indicator. In our case, the indicators are
purpose. adoption duration that is the number of months between online
channel introduction and adoption, and yearly purchase amount
before adoption. The latent variable (x) is categorical, with K
Latent Class Cluster Analysis (LCCA) values, which corresponds to K segments. It is unnecessary
to predict a priori the number of segments; rather, K is deter-
The LCCA segments customers on the basis of online adop- mined by the model selection criteria (Vermunt and Magidson
tion duration and purchase amounts before adoption, while also 2005). Furthermore, ziact cov indicates the vector of active

Modelling Purpose Modelling Method Data Format

Step 1: Identifying Latent class Cross-sectional

customer segments cluster analysis

Step 2: Eliminating self- Propensity score Cross-sectional

selection effects matching

Step 3: Investigating the Difference-in- (a) Cross-sectional

effects of online channel Type II Tobit
Difference analysis
adoption on purchase volumes model (b) (b) Balanced panel

Fig. 3. Summary of Modeling Approaches.

J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 295

Table 3
Variable measurements of Type II Tobit model.
Variable Measurements

Postadoption =1 if a customer has adopted the online channel before the current month; =0 otherwise
Treated group =1 if a customer is the online adopter; =0 otherwise
Past online purchase =1 if a customer purchases through the online channel from the focal firm in the last month; =0 otherwise
Past offline purchase =1 if a customer purchases through offline channels from the focal firm in the last month; =0 otherwise
Purchase from competitors =1 if a customer purchases from competitors in the current month; =0 otherwise
Last order size Amount of money a customer spent on the last purchase
Age Age of a customer in the current month
Gender =1 male; =0 female
Recency Number of months since the last purchase.
Economic recession =1 if current month is in 2001–2003 or 2008–2010; =0 otherwise
Seasonality 1: March =1 if the current month is March; =0 otherwise
Seasonality 2: August =1 if the current month is August; =0 otherwise
Seasonality 3: April & May =1 if the current month is April or May; =0 otherwise
Seasonality 4: June & October =1 if the current month is June or October; =0 otherwise.

covariates (age and gender) that could affect the latent vari- months). Because customers in the same segment could adopt
able but have no direct influence on the response variables. We the online channel in different periods, it is difficult to antici-
also included inactive covariates—online shopping preference4 pate adoption duration for offline customers at this moment. We
and yearly purchase amount after online adoption—to describe instead calculated previous purchase volumes in the period prior
customers’ behaviors of identified segments after adoption. As to the adoption of the earliest adopter in a segment. The control
consequences of online channel adoption, these variables do not group comes from the data pool of the 978 offline customers,
affect the latent variable or model estimation. Finally, f (yij |x) following the rules of one-to-one matching without replacement.
represents the probability distribution of customer i’s response Specifically, for each online adopter, we chose a matched offline
to a particular indicator j, given that customer i belongs to seg- customer who has the closest estimated propensity score. We
ment x, and f (yi |ziact cov ) is the joint probability function of also set up a caliper to guarantee that the absolute difference
customer i’s response to all indicators, as influenced by active between the propensity of an online adopter and its matched
covariates. offline customer is less than a certain threshold. With a com-
mon support restriction, we required all customers to lie within
Propensity Score Matching (PSM) Method a region of common support (Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd
1997). This approach excludes online adopters with propensity
A basic approach to test the effect of online channel adop- scores smaller (larger) than the minimum (maximum) value of
tion is to measure the changes in a customer’s purchases after the propensity scores of the controls.
adoption (i.e., purchase incidence and order size), relative to a
control group of offline customers who do not adopt. We used
PSM method to find a matched control group for each identified Difference-in-Difference (DID) Analysis
online adopter segment, which also controls for the self-selection
bias. The basic idea of PSM method is to find matched samples Using the matched samples, we tested the effects of online
(i.e., offline customers) who have the closest propensity scores channel adoption in two complementary ways. A DID analysis
to those of the treated group (i.e., online adopters). The propen- compares the changes of customer behaviors before and after the
sity score is the probability that a unit in the full sample receives adoption event between treated (adopters) and control groups
the treatment, given a set of observed characteristics (Dehejia (Campbell and Frei 2009). Thus, we measured changes in terms
2005). With this method, we can ensure that the distribution of of total purchase amount, total purchase frequency, offline pur-
characteristics in the treated and matched groups is the same chase amount, and offline purchase frequency between one year
(Rosenbaum and Rubin 1985). prior to and one year after the adoption of online channels. The
We used a binary logistic model to estimate the probability online adoption duration of an offline customer equals the adop-
that a customer adopts the new online channel, as a function tion duration of the matched online adopter. If the changes in
of purchase volumes prior to adoption (average monthly pur- performances differ statistically between the group of online
chase frequency, average order size per transaction, or average adopters and their matched offline customers, we conclude that
monthly purchase amount), age (in years), gender, and tenure (in online adoption significantly affects customer purchases. This
simple DID method provides useful information about the effect
of online adoption on behavioral changes, but it may not control
4 With a random-effect logistic model, we calculate online shopping prefer-
adequately for differential postadoption trends between online
ence, that is, the probability that a customer shops online versus offline in the adopters and the control group that result from factors that
period after the online adoption. The model function depends on the amounts of
the previous online purchase and offline purchase, cumulative numbers of online
emerge over time (e.g., changes in previous purchase amounts,
purchases and offline purchase before the current purchase, age, and gender. economy) (Campbell and Frei 2009).
296 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

Type II Tobit Model 60000

To complement our DID analysis, we used a Type II Tobit
specification to estimate the effects of online channel adoption
on purchase incidence and order size over time. We assume that
a customer first decides whether to purchase from the focal firm, 30000
and then decides how much to spend (i.e., order size) (Ansari,
Mela, and Neslin 2008). In this two-step modeling approach, we 20000 AIC3
first employed a binomial probit model with random effects to
determine whether a customer purchases from the focal firm in
the current month—a dummy variable represented by Pit . Then, 0
conditional on a purchase from the focal firm in a given month, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
we designed a regression model to determine the average order
size per transaction, denoted by Qit in our model. Similar to Fig. 4. Graphs of Model Selection Criterion.
the DID analysis, we tested the effects of online adoption on
customer behavior across segments, using the following model
the periods of economic recession (Mostaghimi 2004; Ohanian
2010), we observe dramatic declines in the total number of trans-
Pit = Purchase, if Pit∗ > 0; No Purchase, if Pit∗ ≤ 0 (2) actions between 2001 and 2003 and between 2008 and 2010. A
dummy variable (Economic recession) identifies these years. We
summarize the measurements of above variables in Table 3.
Pii∗ = β0 + β1 Postit + β2 Postit × Treatedi + β3 Genderi
+ Xit γ + vit (3)
Estimation Results

Qit = Q∗it , if Pit∗ > 0; unobserved, if Pit∗ ≤ 0 (4) Results of Latent Class Cluster Analysis

Model selection. We start by presenting the LCCA results,

Q∗it = δ0 + δ1 Postit + δ2 Postit × Treatedi + δ3 Genderi which we estimated by applying solutions with different num-
+ Xit θ + μit (5) bers of segments. Following Konus, Verhoef, and Neslin (2008),
our model selection procedure relies on a set of statistical
where Pit∗ refers to the latent utility that customer i purchases criteria: the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), Akaike infor-
from the focal firm in month t, and Q∗it is the latent utility of mation criterion (AIC), and Akaike information criterion with
the order size from the focal firm in month t. In addition, Postit a penalty factor of three (AIC3), together with the interpreta-
is the key explanatory variable, equal to 1 for the period after tion of the derived segments. Among the statistical criteria, we
customer i adopts the online channel in month t and to 0 oth- primarily rely on the BIC, because it is more effective for deter-
erwise. Its coefficients (β1 and δ1 ) capture any changes in the mining the correct number of segments for LCCA than are other
purchases for the control group in the postadoption period. The criteria (Vermunt and Magidson 2005; Zhang 2004).
dummy variable Treatedi is 1 if customer i is the online adopter We provide the graphs for BIC, AIC, and AIC3 in Fig. 4.
and 0 otherwise. The interaction between Treatedi and Postit The values of the three criteria are close and keep decreasing
measures the difference in the response variables between the with more segments, but Fig. 4 also suggests that the graphs
treated and control group after adoption, thus revealing the effect of these indexes become flat after five segments. The estimated
of online adoption on customer behavior. Xit represents a vector results are consistent across models with more than four seg-
of time-varying control variables, including age, several state ments; increasing the number of segments mostly enhances the
dependent variables,5 purchase from competitors, recency, and complexity of the interpretation. Therefore, we chose the model
seasonality. To mitigate seasonal influences, we adopt Ansari, with five segments, to balance the fit criteria and achieve an
Mela, and Neslin (2008) method: (1) select monthly dummy intuitive interpretation.
variables that significantly affect monthly purchase frequency, Model profile. The results indicate a clear split of customer
then (2) combine the month dummies whose parameters do not segments on the basis of their online adoption duration and
significantly differ. We thereby identify four seasonality indi- purchase amount prior to online adoption. Table 4 contains
cators: March, August, April & May, and June & October. We descriptive statistics for every identified segment. Because aver-
also consider the effect of the economic climate. In line with age adoption duration differs across the five segments—20
months, 47 months, 72 months, 92 months, and 101 months—we
apply Rogers’s (2003) segmentation terminology and refer to
5 State-dependent variables are lagged variables that are defined differently
the identified segments as innovators (181 customers), early
in each equation. In Eq. (3), which examines purchase incidence, the state-
dependent variables are two dummy variables that indicate whether a customer
adopters (311 customers), early majority (511 customers), late
shopped through the online channel or an offline channel in the last month. In majority (170 customers), and laggards (457 customers), respec-
Eq. (4), which estimates order size, it is the order size of last purchase. tively.
J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 297

Table 4
Profiles of segments.
Label Innovator (N = 181, 11.10%) Early adopter (N = 311, 19.08%) Early majority (N = 511, 31.35%)


Adoption duration 20 6 3 30 47 8 31 65 72 8 56 87
Yearly purchase amount 165.66 142.76 13.26 853.33 133.64 116.33 10.21 732.44 100.46 60.32 1.02 287.56
before online adoption
Active Covariates
Age 44 8 21 68 44 10 20 76 43 9 20 70
Gender (male) 4.97% 5.79% 2.74%
Inactive Covariates
Yearly purchase amount after 139.86 102.57 15.19 710.65 144.05 117.88 12.79 730.2 140.41 115 13.78 794.21
online adoption
Online shopping preference 0.622 0.104 0.205 0.857 0.596 0.124 0.124 0.843 0.589 0.103 0.199 0.805

Label Late majority (N = 170, 10.43%) Laggard (N = 457, 28.04%)


Adoption duration 92 13 64 121 101 10 85 124
Yearly purchase amount 342.81 159.53 21.03 1041.3 80.63 46.91 5.94 207.44
before online adoption
Active Covariates
Age 51 11 24 91 43 9 22 88
Gender (male) 1.76% 2.19%
Inactive Covariates
Yearly purchase amount after 331.15 223.34 28.67 1333.7 144.45 135.59 17.14 1088.94
online adoption
Online shopping preference 0.285 0.149 0.004 0.654 0.589 0.092 0.279 0.792

The link between adoption duration and purchase amount Parameter estimation. Table 5 contains the parameter esti-
before adoption differs from our expectation: prior to the adop- mations for the indicators and active covariates in the LCCA.
tion of online channels, the late majority segment spent 342.81 Two indicators are statistically significant (p < .001) in most
Euros per year, more than any other segments. Therefore, in con- segments, suggesting that they effectively cluster the customer
trast with H1 , the segment exhibiting the most intensive shopping segments.
behavior is not the earlier adopters but rather the late majority. With respect to the covariates, the Wald test indicates that
The results for other four segments instead match our expec- the age (p < .001) and gender (p < .05) coefficients differ sig-
tations, such that innovators (165.66 Euros) and early adopters nificantly across segments. Age has a positive effect on the
(133.64) spend more than the early majority (100.46 Euros) or probability of being in the late majority (.051, p < .001) but a
laggards (80.63 Euros) prior to their adoption of online chan- negative effect on the likelihood of being in other segments:
nels. early adopter (−.010, p < .05), early majority (−.017, p < .01),
After the adoption of online channels, most segments make or laggard (−.022, p < .001). Male customers are more likely to
more purchases, though innovators and the late majority reduce be early adopters (.330, p < .05); however, gender does not affect
their spending slightly, from 165.66 to 139.86 Euros and from membership in other segments. These results are consistent with
342.81 to 331.15 Euros per year, respectively. With respect to findings in Table 4.
online shopping preferences, the late majority segment exhibits
the lowest preference (.285) for shopping online, rather than Results of Propensity Score Matching Method
the laggards. The average age of members of the late major-
ity is approximately 51 years, older than other four segments Our matching technique seeks to link an online adopter in a
whose average ages range between 43 and 44 years. The late segment with an offline customer who has a similar propensity
majority segment also is least likely to include men (1.76%) to adopt the online channel, so that we can account for self-
compared with the other segments. For other segments, there selection. We used a logistic model to calculate a customer’s
are greater proportions of men in earlier adopter segments propensity to adopt the online channel. In each segment, we
compared with later adopter segments, which is in line with chose the predictor variables that generated the best model fit,
previous studies (e.g., Venkatesan, Kumar, and Ravishanker and in Table 6, we present the estimations of the parameters for
2007). five segments.
298 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

Table 5
Parameter estimation of latent class cluster model.
Innovator Early adopter Early majority Late majority Laggard Wald p-Value (Wald)

Adoption duration −1.075*** −0.193*** 0.226*** 0.476*** 0.566*** 6144.474 0.000
Yearly purchase amount before adoption 10.8 −24.2*** −56.6*** 146.0*** −75.9*** 284.686 0.000
Active Covariates
Age −0.002 −0.010* −0.017** 0.051*** −0.022*** 44.2644 0.000
Gender (male = 1) 0.232 0.330* −0.055 −0.343 −0.164 9.5435 0.049
* Significant at .05.
** Significant at .01.
*** Significant at .001.

As we explained in the methodology section, we employed a of online channels. For the early adopter, early majority, and
common support restriction and set our caliper to .01 to establish laggard segments, total annual purchase amounts and frequen-
the minimum difference allowed with respect to the estimated cies significantly increase after online channel adoption, and
propensities between an online adopter and the matched offline the difference metrics are significantly larger than the changes
customer. This restriction excluded 1 (.55%) of innovators, 29 for the matched offline customers. These results suggest that
(9.32%) of early adopters, 84 (16.44%) of the early majority, 9 online channel adoption is positively associated with purchase
(5.29%) of the late majority, and 113 (24.73%) of laggards. volumes in these segments. Moreover, the changes in the offline
To qualify the performance of our matching procedure, purchase amounts and frequencies after online channel adoption
we first checked if the differences in customer characteristics are essentially null in these segments, suggesting that increases
remained statistically significant after matching, using a t-test, in customer spending derive from additional demand through
then computed the percentage of bias reduction (Rosenbaum the new online channel, rather than substituting for purchases in
and Rubin 1985) (see Table 7). The reduction in bias repre- existing offline channels. However, the changes in the purchase
sents the difference in the mean of a particular characteristic volumes in the innovator and late majority segments do not dif-
between two matched groups after matching, minus the dif- fer significantly from the variation of purchases in the control
ference before matching (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1985). The groups. Innovators increase their purchases significantly after
percentage of bias reduction was substantial for most charac- adopting online (marked by * in Table 8), but these increased
teristics. Only the metrics of previous order size were negative amounts do not significantly differ from those in the control
for certain segments, suggesting that the two groups became less group. Furthermore, both segments reduce their offline purchase
comparable on this factor after matching. However, an increase amounts and frequencies after adopting online channels. Thus,
in bias for this variable would not affect overall matching per- online channel adoption has no effect on the purchase amounts or
formance, because the differences between online adopters and frequencies of innovators and the late majority. Thus, the results
matched offline customers were not significant for all customer of the DID analysis support H2 , which suggests that online chan-
characteristics after matching. Therefore, the samples were com- nel adoption exerts more positive effects on the purchase vol-
parable after matching, and we eliminated self-selection bias in umes of light shopper segments than of heavy shopper segments.
relation to the selected characteristics with our PSM method.

Results of Type II Tobit Model

Results of Difference-in-Difference Analysis
We employed the Type II Tobit model to investigate the
Table 8 contains the results of the DID analysis, which are effects of online channel adoption on monthly purchase inci-
estimates of the differences in the mean of purchase activities, dence and order size per transaction across different segments
aggregated in the one-year periods prior to and after the adoption over time. Customers from different segments adopt online
Table 6
Parameter estimation of propensity score model.
Innovator Early adopter Early majority Late majority Laggard

Age −0.088 −0.067 −0.079 −0.008 −0.080

Age2 −0.003 0.000 −0.001 0.000 −0.001
Gender (male = 1) 0.664 0.667 0.056 −0.331 −0.061
Tenure −0.013 0.038 −0.017 −0.008 0.015
Previous monthly purchase amount – – −0.085 – –
Previous monthly purchase frequency −0.884 −2.702 – 3.463 −14.417
Previous order size per transaction −0.001 0.003 – 0.008 −0.002
Constant −1.301 −2.670 1.334 −1.987 −0.402

Notes: Bold values are significant at the .05 level.

J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 299

Table 7
Significance of difference and reduction in bias after matching.
Innovator Early adopter Early majority Late majority Laggard

Significance of difference
Age 0.548 0.712 0.423 0.722 0.771
Gender 0.793 0.664 1.000 1.000 1.000
Tenure 0.557 0.717 0.520 0.843 0.991
Previous monthly purchase amount – – 0.204 – –
Previous monthly purchase frequency 0.432 0.869 – 0.647 0.500
Previous order size per transaction 0.689 0.356 – 0.185 0.680
Reduction in bias (%)
Age 92.8 96.1 94.4 38.8 97.8
Gender 72.3 74.9 100.0 100.0 100.0
Tenure 7.5 40.6 65.6 51.7 98.8
Previous monthly purchase amount – – 91.9 – –
Previous monthly purchase frequency 63.5 96.8 – 93.9 97.3
Previous order size per transaction −69.3 21.1 – 13.5 −196.6

channels at different times, so the period prior to and after online recency has significant, negative effects on purchase incidence
adoption varies greatly. For a fair comparison across segments, in all segments, which may reflect a feature of the beauty and
we tested the models using the same length of time (one year) healthy category, for which purchase frequency is relatively
prior to and after online adoption. Therefore, the tested data con- lower than in most consumer goods industries (Inman, Shankar,
tain 24-month observations for each customer. We present the and Ferraro 2004). In our study, customers purchase from the
results of the purchase incidence model in Table 9 and the order firm twice per year on average. Because the average period
size model in Table 10. Parameter estimates of the interaction between purchases is long, it might be difficult for customers to
between the postadoption period and the treated group reveal recall the firm or brand from which they bought previously, and
significant and positive effects on purchase incidence (.157, their purchase patterns could be interrupted easily. Therefore, the
p < .001) and order size (11.776, p < .01) among the early major- longer the time since their last purchase, the less likely customers
ity; these customers increase their monthly purchase volumes may be to purchase from the focal firm. Economic recession
after adopting online channels, relative to the control group, con- relates negatively to purchase probability, but this effect is only
sistent with the DID analysis. However, the interactive effects are significant for early adopters (−.155, p < .01). As for seasonality,
not significant for the other segments, suggesting online chan- we find that customers in all segments increase their purchase
nel adoption has no impact on the monthly purchases of these frequencies in March, but this factor does not affect the amount
segments. The findings related to early adopters and laggards spent per transaction.
understandably differ from those in the DID analysis that reveals
positive effects of online adoption, because the changes in pur- Robustness Checks
chase volumes due to online channel adoption likely are more
exaggerated in a DID analysis than a Tobit model. The DID Several additional analyses enable us to test the robustness
analysis measures changes in the yearly purchase volume after of the estimated effects. First, we examined the effects of online
adoption, whereas the Tobit model evaluates changes in monthly adoption on purchase incidence and order size in longer periods:
purchase volumes over time. The insignificant effects of online two years prior to and after online channel adoption (four years
channel adoption for the innovator and late majority segments total) and three years prior to and after online channel adoption
instead are consistent with the DID analysis, which confirms our (six years total). We repeated the DID and Tobit II analyses
prediction in H2 but is contrary to H3 . These combined findings but only for the early adopter and early majority segments;
indicate that customer behavior is driven predominantly by the the data periods for the other segments were too short either
intrinsic benefits of online shopping. before (i.e., innovator) or after (i.e., late majority and laggard)
For the control variables, we find that purchases from online the online adoption date (results in Appendix A). Although early
channels in the previous month exert positive effects on purchase adopters purchase more in the postadoption period, the variation
incidence in most segments, with the exception of innova- in their purchase frequency and order size per transaction do not
tors. Offline purchases in the previous month enhance purchase significantly differ from the changes exhibited by the control
probabilities among the early adopter (.110, p < .05) and early group in either the four- or six-year time windows. Consistent
majority (.190, p < .001) segments. The order size of the last with our initial analysis, online channel adoption significantly
transaction relates positively to current order size in all segments. increases purchase incidence and order size in the early major-
Purchase from competitors in the current month affects the pur- ity segment, relative to the control group, in the four-year
chase incidence of the early adopters (.430, p < .05) and the period. In the six-year time window, the purchase incidence
late majority (.321, p < .01), suggesting higher category demand. change is not significant for the early majority versus control
Age only affects the purchase incidence of early adopters (.005, group of offline customers. However, the order size increase
p < .05) and we find no significant gender effects. Furthermore, is significantly larger than that displayed by the control group.
300 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

Table 8
DID analysis.
Online adopters Offline customers

Before After Change Before After Change

Total purchase amount (in 122.76 146.48 23.72* 122.48 135.54 13.07
Euros) (160.96) (183.11) (13.59) (176.52) (173.43) (221.79)
Total purchase frequency 1.32 1.63 0.32* 1.31 1.38 0.07
(1.63) (1.85) (1.90) (1.87) (1.54) (2.11)
Offline purchase amount 122.76 64.83 −57.93*
(in Euros) (160.96) (116.39) (163.82)
Offline purchase 1.32 0.72 −0.60*
frequency (1.63) (1.12) (1.57)
Early adopter
Total purchase amount (in 113.28 158.83 45.54*,# 140.70 153.54 12.85
Euros) (155.29) (217.52) (213.71) (176.64) (174.82) (195.51)
Total purchase frequency 1.23 1.96 0.74*,# 1.58 1.83 0.25
(1.65) (2.75) (2.66) (1.86) (2.17) (2.14)
Offline purchase amount 113.28 95.99 −17.29
(in Euros) (155.29) (161.08) (176.30)
Offline purchase 1.23 1.15 −0.08
frequency (1.65) (2.02) (2.04)
Early majority
Total purchase amount (in 94.82 183.54 88.72*,# 125.01 126.73 1.72
Euros) (133.37) (259.05) (254.96) (192.67) (184.99) (217.68)
Total purchase frequency 1.13 2.04 0.90*,# 1.44 1.48 0.04
(1.55) (2.98) (2.85) (2.24) (2.08) (2.31)
Offline purchase amount 94.82 106.64 11.82
(in Euros) (133.37) (204.17) (215.39)
Offline purchase 1.13 1.14 0.01
frequency (1.55) (2.31) (2.33)
Late majority
Total purchase amount (in 383.55 347.01 −36.53 246.75 255.52 8.78
Euros) (326.14) (308.74) (354.04) (292.69) (394.04) (406.89)
Total purchase frequency 4.37 4.20 −0.16 2.88 2.89 0.02
(3.61) (3.78) (3.93) (3.28) (3.71) (3.58)
Offline purchase amount 383.55 268.55 −115.00*
(in Euros) (326.14) (284.85) (338.02)
Offline purchase 4.37 3.20 −1.16*
frequency (3.61) (3.39) (3.62)
Total purchase amount (in 71.22 133.26 62.04*,# 98.05 101.38 3.33
Euros) (124.30) (264.82) (276.16) (170.77) (157.32) (168.38)
Total purchase frequency 0.83 1.65 0.82*,# 1.16 1.31 0.15
(1.37) (2.56) (2.63) (1.82) (1.88) (1.96)
Offline purchase amount 71.22 69.68 −1.54
(in Euros) (124.30) (153.80) (168.43)
Offline purchase 0.83 0.85 0.02
frequency (1.37) (1.50) (1.60)

Notes: This table provides the means, with the standard deviations in brackets.
* Significantly different from 0 at least at the 10% level.
# The change in the variable for online adopters is significantly different from the change for offline customers (control group) at least at the 10% level.

Thus, across various test periods, the early majority segment Third, we checked the results related to the late majority seg-
increases its monthly purchase amount after adopting the online ment, because the standardized deviations of purchase amounts
channel. before and after online adoption were much larger than in the
Second, we tested whether our models are sensitive to other groups. To eliminate the influence of extreme values, we
extreme values by including the outliers that we deleted pre- excluded the 5% customers with the greatest purchase amounts
viously, then repeating the modeling process (detailed results and the 5% customers with the lowest purchase amounts before
are in Appendix B). Some minor differences arose, but the esti- or after online adoption. With these two selection rules, we
mated results of the full data set are consistent with our main dropped 15 customers in total, then replicated the analyses. The
findings. results of the DID analysis and Type II Tobit model both suggest
J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 301

Table 9
Purchase incidence model (24 months).
Variable Innovator Early adopter Early majority Late majority Laggard

Postadoption 0.063 0.076 0.070* −0.084 0.087*

Postadoption × Treated group −0.032 −0.032 0.157*** 0.021 0.041
Past online purchase 0.070 0.199** 0.142* 0.158* 0.321***
Past offline purchase −0.009 0.110* 0.190*** 0.039 0.079
Purchase from competitors 0.028 0.430* 0.232 0.321** 0.177
Age 0.006 0.005* −0.002 0.005 0.003
Gender −0.062 0.035 0.092 0.044 −0.158
Recency −0.016*** −0.008*** −0.006*** −0.022*** −0.009***
Economic recession −0.131 −0.155** −0.060 −0.045 −0.029
Seasonality 1: March 0.303*** 0.298*** 0.291*** 0.331*** 0.230***
Seasonality 2: August −0.070 −0.242*** −0.136** −0.090 −0.032
Seasonality 3: April & May 0.080 0.009 0.060 −0.026 0.048
Seasonality 4: June & October 0.122* −0.029 0.036 0.092 0.083
Constant −1.464*** −1.491*** −1.372*** −0.993*** −1.610***
* Significant at .05.
** Significant at .01.
*** Significant at .001.

that online channel adoption has no effect on customer purchase Previous literature describes later adopters as having less
volumes in this segment (see Appendix C), which confirms our income, lower education levels, and less involvement in a newly
previous findings. adopted new product or service (Mahajan, Muller, and Srivastava
1990; Prins and Verhoef 2007; Rogers 2003). Our research
Discussion and Implications suggests additional features that differentiate them from oth-
ers. Customers in this late majority segment exhibit the lowest
We segmented customers on the basis of online adoption online shopping preference and are more likely to be women
duration and purchase amounts before the adoption. We also and older than those in other segments. Yet the late majority
investigated the effects of online channel adoption on customer still is the most valuable segment. We explain why with two
purchases across multiple segments over time. For the discus- sub-questions.
sion we address the two research questions that motivated our Why are heavy shoppers the late majority in their adoption of
study. online channels? The multichannel environment helps answer
this question. In this study, the firm’s existing customers grad-
Do Earlier Adopters of a Retailer’s Online Channel ually adopted a newly introduced online channel, so they had
Purchase More? purchased through the retailer’s offline channels (catalog, tele-
phone) prior to adopting the online channel. Heavy shoppers
Briefly, no. Our results instead reveal that customers in bought with higher frequency and volume through these offline
the late majority segment purchase more than the other seg- channels, which might suggest they perceive offline shopping
ments, both before and after they adopt the new online channel. as more convenient than do other customers. Moreover,

Table 10
Order size model (24 months).
Variable Innovator Early adopter Early majority Late majority Laggard

Postadoption 0.506 −2.343 5.981 −1.635 −7.500*

Postadoption × Treated group −6.724 −2.889 11.776** −0.449 4.053
Last order size 0.169*** 0.103*** 0.129*** 0.163*** 0.176***
Age −0.335 0.310 −0.036 −0.294 0.021
Gender 0.509 7.372 −3.424 −2.964 −11.730
Recency 1.687 −0.165 −0.101 −0.286 0.026
Economic recession 17.164 −0.656 −16.856*** −5.173 5.111
Seasonality 1: March −20.220 9.875 0.369 12.462 −4.397
Seasonality 2: August 12.320 −3.623 −8.751 −2.499 −1.774
Seasonality 3: April & May 4.734 2.965 −5.244 −6.112 0.936
Seasonality 4: June & October −7.833 3.577 −8.371* 1.699 61.264
Constant 241.083 −2.209 6.576 50.318 3.238
* Significant at .05.
** Significant at .01.
*** Significant at .001.
302 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

positive shopping experiences in a channel increase channel prior to the adoption of the new online channel. Their online
loyalty (Ansari, Mela, and Neslin 2008), especially if cus- channel adoption has no effect on their purchases, in terms
tomers initiate their purchase process through offline channels of monthly purchase incidence, order size, yearly purchase
(Dholakia, Zhao, and Dholakia 2005; Gensler, Dekimpe, and amount, or yearly purchase frequency. Customers in these
Skiera 2007). Thus, heavy shoppers might tend to keep shopping two segments simply move a proportion of their demand from
through their preferred, existing, offline channels and delay their existing offline channels to the new online channel. Therefore,
adoption of a new online channel. Yet they are not laggards, the new online channel cannibalizes purchases from offline
because their frequent interactions with the firm quicken the rate channels in these segments.
at which they develop trust in it and form their perceptions of the • Light shoppers. Customers in the early adopter, early majority,
benefits of this firm’s products or services (Hinde 1979; Morgan and laggard segments increase their yearly purchase amounts
and Hunt 1994). Therefore, purchase frequency shortens the and frequencies after adopting online channels (DID analy-
time needed to adopt additional channels (Venkatesan, Kumar, sis), but only the early majority segment increases its monthly
and Ravishanker 2007). Furthermore, customers’ expenditures purchase incidence and order size over time (Type II Tobit
cultivate their firm loyalty, which also speeds up the adoption analysis). According to the DID analysis, customers in light
process (Demoulin and Zidda 2009). Facing conflicting mech- shopper segments tend to purchase the same amount offline
anisms, these customers do not adopt immediately after the after adopting online channels, so the additional volumes
introduction of the online channel (due to channel loyalty), but derive mainly from sales in the new online channel.
nor do they take the longest time to start online shopping (due
to trust and firm loyalty). Instead, they adopt the online channel Overall, heavy shopper segments are less affected by their
in a middle–late period. adoption of online channels than are light shopper segments.
Why do heavy shoppers purchase less from the online channel Although customer behavior can be driven by intrinsic ben-
after adopting it? Customers’ channel choices evolve over time, efits and by marketing communications (Ansari, Mela, and
as they learn from previous usage experiences (Konus, Neslin, Neslin 2008; Neslin et al. 2006), our findings suggest that the
and Verhoef 2014; Valentini, Montaguti, and Neslin 2011). Cus- benefits of online shopping represent the predominant influ-
tomers become less responsive to marketing and less likely to ence on customer purchases after they adopt online channels.
move to new channels when they know more about the firm’s Heavy shoppers establish stronger purchasing habits in exist-
established channels (Valentini, Montaguti, and Neslin 2011), ing offline channels than light shoppers (Aarts, Verplanken, and
which may explain why customers in the late majority segment Knippenberg 1998; Orbell et al. 2001), so they may perceive
make few online purchases after adopting the channel. They fewer benefits from online shopping than do light shoppers (Falk
already make more purchases through existing offline channels, et al. 2007). As a result, these customers view the online channel
so they are more knowledgeable about offline channels and less as a simple extension of distribution channels, which does not
responsive to marketing efforts that encourage uses of the new affect their overall shopping demand. In contrast, light shoppers
online channel. Empirical evidence affirms that heavy shoppers perceive more benefits from online shopping and consider the
exhibit greater loyalty to sales channels than light shoppers and new online channel an additional benefit, beyond offline chan-
are less likely to switch to different channels (Gensler, Dekimpe, nels. They reward the firm for this extra benefit by increasing
and Skiera 2007). Thus, our study confirms that it remains dif- their spending, mostly coming from the online channel. Fur-
ficult to move heavy shoppers from existing sales channels to a thermore, customers’ share-of-wallet might also affect purchase
new channel, even after they adopt this new channel. volumes between light and heavy shopper segments after their
Are earlier adopters not valuable? Earlier adopters remain adoption.6 Heavy shoppers are more likely to give a high share-
valuable; however, their purchase volumes are lower than those of-wallet to the company. Since customers only need a certain
of the late majority segment. Innovators and early adopters who amount of groceries, it is more difficult to gain extra sales
adopt a new online channel in the early period purchase more from heavy buyers than light shoppers after online adoption.
than late adopters (early majority and laggard), prior to their Liu (2007) supports this argument and proves that light buyers
adoption of a new online channel. These findings are consistent purchase more frequently and become more loyal to firms after
with our expectations and previous channel adoption research adoption of a loyalty program, whereas the spending levels and
(Venkatesan, Kumar, and Ravishanker 2007; Xue, Hitt, and Chen loyalty of heavy shoppers do not change over time.
Managerial Implications
How Does Online Channel Adoption Affect Purchase
Volumes Across Segments? Because the effect of online channel adoption varies across
segments, retail managers should differentiate their strategies to
The effects of online channel adoption on customer purchases appeal to two specific groups: a combination of early adopter,
vary across segments. These effects differ particularly between early majority, and laggard segments, and then a combination of
the heavy and light shopper segments. innovators and late majority. In the former group, customers are

• Heavy shoppers. The heavy shopper segments are the innova-

tors and late majority, who are the heaviest shopping segments 6 We thank an anonymous reviewer for suggesting this potential reason.
J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 303

more responsive to the online channel and increase their overall the effects of marketing on customer purchases only indirectly.
purchase volumes through the new channel, without reduc- Additional research may investigate the effects of multichannel
ing purchase volumes in offline channels. Therefore, retailers communications on customers’ behaviors across segments that
should focus on stimulating their online shopping volumes. For adopt online in different periods. Second, we focused on pur-
example, they could increase the frequencies of firm–customer chase amounts and frequencies rather than profitability, because
interactions that promote online spending by these customers. we cannot access unit product costs or service costs. Retail-
Furthermore, retailers should actively work to switch most pur- ers use customer profitability as a key metric for evaluating the
chases by these customers to the cost-saving online channel, to monetary value of their individual customers, so further research
reduce overall service costs. In contrast, for the latter group of could explore customer profitability across segments. Third, we
customers (innovators and late majority), the overall purchases did not distinguish different product categories or types, due to
do not increase after adoption. Instead, they replace their offline data limitations. As customer multichannel shopping behavior
purchases with online purchases. These heavy customers are and the effects of online channel adoption differ across prod-
likely habitual shoppers in the retailer’s existing offline chan- uct types (Gensler, Leeflang, and Skiera 2012; Konus, Verhoef,
nels and are less likely to view online shopping as a benefit. and Neslin 2008), future studies could replicate our research
Thus, instead of pushing them to shop online (i.e., by sending in other categories. Fourth, our data set did not contain infor-
more advertisements), retailers should work on facilitating their mation about attitudinal or psychographic features and offered
perceptions of the benefits of online shopping, such as by pro- limited demographic information. Including more such infor-
moting its convenience or emphasizing its other benefits. Yet mation could help firms identify and characterize customer
retailers cannot take the risk of ignoring their profitable contacts segments. Therefore, additional research should include more
with these customers through existing offline channels. covariates that reflect customers’ characteristics and their atti-
tudes about multiple channels. Last but not the least, the study
Limitations and Further Research Directions period spans the time frame when the Internet channel became
more sophisticated over time, which could have played a role
This research has several limitations that provide ideas for in the observed results. Of course, this is a characteristic of all
future research. First, we lacked information on the retailer’s newly emerging channels and thus the results can provide useful
marketing activities in the three channels. Therefore, we detect generalizations.
304 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

Appendix A. Appendix C.

See Table A1. See Tables C1 and C2.

Appendix B.

See Tables B1–B4.

Table A1
Purchase incidence–order size model (48 months and 74 months).
Variable 48 Months 72 Months

Purchase incidence Order size Purchase incidence Order size

Early adopter Early majority Early adopter Early majority Early adopter Early majority Early adopter Early majority

Postadoption 0.087** 0.080** 2.429 8.247*** 0.104*** 0.132*** 2.194 7.708***

Postadoption × Treated group −0.003 0.092*** 0.916 6.092* −0.020 0.019 −1.058 3.489*
Past online purchase 0.239*** 0.188*** – – 0.226*** 0.213*** – –
Past offline purchase 0.101** 0.217*** – – 0.144*** 0.200*** – –
Purchase from competitors 0.330* 0.142 – – 0.281*** 0.151 – –
Last order size – – 0.149*** 0.142*** – – 0.145*** 0.138***
Age 0.004* −0.001 0.236* 0.013 0.003 −0.001 0.186 −0.065
Gender 0.011 0.010 5.233 −2.306 −0.012 −0.012 5.312 −2.084
Recency −0.008*** −0.004*** −0.266 −0.121 −0.009*** −0.005*** −0.283 −0.064
Economic recession −0.132*** −0.081*** 4.040 −15.097*** −0.111*** −0.117*** −0.998 −12.746***
Seasonality 1: March 0.288*** 0.261*** 11.309* 2.387 0.260*** 0.247*** 9.446* −0.055
Seasonality 2: August −0.192*** −0.113** −6.917 −3.817 −0.160*** −0.101*** −6.132 −3.943
Seasonality 3: April & May 0.034 0.065* 3.140 −1.746 0.030 0.061** 1.711 −0.730
Seasonality 4: June & October 0.022 0.024 1.873 −6.187** 0.054* 0.032 2.287 −4.236*
Constant −1.472*** −1.377*** −21.961 5.567 −1.445*** −1.349*** −21.584 19.679
* Significant at .05.
** Significant at .01.
*** Significant at .001.
Table B1
Profiles of segments (full sample).
Label Innovator (N = 182, 11.03%) Early adopter (N = 320, 19.39%) Early majority (N = 540, 32.73%)

Adoption duration 20 6 3 30 47 7 31 65 73 8 57 86
Yearly purchase amount before 165.68 142.36 13.26 853.33 133.84 115 10.21 686 100.29 60.48 1.02 287.56
online adoption
Active Covariates
Age 44 8 21 68 44 10 20 76 43 9 20 71
Gender (male) 4.95% 5.94% 2.78%
Inactive Covariates
Yearly purchase amount after 145.57 128.05 15.19 1179.07 161.65 207.83 12.79 2197.17 142.52 150.74 13.78 2434.43
online adoption
Online shopping preference 0.624 0.105 0.205 0.857 0.597 0.126 0.124 0.843 0.586 0.105 0.070 0.805

Label Late majority (N = 137, 8.30%) Laggard (N = 471, 28.55)


Adoption duration 90 13 64 120 102 10 86 124
Yearly purchase amount before online adoption 457.29 292.21 21.03 2196.48 94.45 62.34 5.94 276.11
Active Covariates
Age 53 11 29 91 43 9 22 88
Gender (male) 0.73% 2.12%
Inactive Covariates
Yearly purchase amount after online adoption 472.72 522.05 48.69 3807.73 160.93 147.67 17.14 1088.94
Online shopping preference 0.223 0.150 0.000 0.654 0.570 0.110 0.163 0.792
J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 305

Table B2
DID analysis (full sample).
Online adopters Offline customers

Before After Change Before After Change

Total purchase amount (in 123.40 147.94 24.54* 117.51 141.14 23.63
Euros) (160.75) (183.66) (182.15) (182.80) (190.96) (233.42)
Total transactions 1.33 1.65 0.32* 1.31 1.48 0.16
(1.63) (1.85) (1.90) (1.87) (2.02) (2.39)
Offline purchase amount 123.40 65.51 −57.89*
(in Euros) (160.75) (116.43) (163.36)
Offline transactions 1.33 0.72 −0.60*
(1.63 (1.12) (1.57)
Early adopter
Total purchase amount (in 115.54 163.73 48.19* 141.83 162.92 21.09
Euros) (160.23) (230.23) (220.10) (201.34) (221.11) (218.27)
Total transactions 1.25 2.00 0.75*,# 1.55 1.93 0.38
(1.65) (2.86) (2.72) (2.29) (2.58) (2.34)
Offline purchase amount 115.54 99.17 −16.37
(in Euros) (160.23) (174.51) (179.75)
Offline transactions 1.25 1.16 −0.09
(1.65) (2.08) (2.08)
Early majority
Total purchase amount (in 93.08 180.37 87.29*,# 129.80 127.72 −2.08
Euros) (138.24) (277.34) (276.50) (178.59) (176.83) (211.64)
Total transactions 1.10 2.00 0.90*,# 1.45 1.48 0.03
(1.57) (3.19) (3.12) (1.87) (1.87) (2.24)
Offline purchase amount 93.08 108.74 (15.66
(in Euros) (138.24) (229.51) (241.42)
Offline transactions 1.10 1.17 0.06
(1.57) (2.60) (2.67)
Late majority
Total purchase amount (in 483.38 432.77 −50.62 361.65 311.89 −49.76
Euros) (411.63 (435.77) (398.21) (437.53) (406.54) (322.57)
Total transactions 5.60 5.26 −0.34 4.31 3.69 −0.62
(4.85) (5.39) (4.65) (5.46) (4.54) (2.98)
Offline purchase amount 483.38 343.58 −139.80*
(in Euros) (411.63) (365.85) (431.03)
Offline transactions 5.60 4.06 −1.54*
(4.85 (4.26 (5.05)
Total purchase amount (in 83.70 150.76 67.05*,# 118.75 129.92 11.17
Euros) (132.63) (272.95) (279.45) (164.15) (192.15) (203.42)
Total transactions 1.00 1.86 0.86*,# 1.40 1.57 0.17
(1.53) (2.75) (2.73) (1.69) (2.09) (2.04)
Offline purchase amount 83.70 82.90 −0.80
(in Euros) (132.63) (172.23) (178.44)
Offline transactions 1.00 0.99 −0.01
(1.53 (1.74) (1.73)

Notes: This table provides the means, with the standard deviations in brackets.
* Significantly different from 0 at least at the 10% level.
# The change in the variable for online adopters is significantly different from the change for offline customers (control group) at least at the 10% level.
306 J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308

Table B3
Purchase incidence model (24 months and full sample).
Variable Innovator Early adopter Early majority Late majority Laggard

Postadoption 0.081 0.080* 0.071* −0.097 0.087*

Postadoption × Treated group −0.048 −0.017 0.124** 0.029 0.004
Past online purchase 0.043 0.172* 0.161** 0.229** 0.359***
Past offline purchase 0.015 0.187*** 0.127*** 0.048 0.057
Purchase from competitors 0.007 0.075 0.056 0.142 0.269*
Age 0.008* 0.003 0.001 0.007* 0.002
Gender −0.135 0.088 0.042 0.176 −0.113
Recency −0.018*** −0.007*** −0.007*** −0.012** −0.008***
Economic recession −0.065 −0.154** −0.043 −0.137** −0.061
Seasonality 1: March 0.308*** 0.301*** 0.276*** 0.341*** 0.189***
Seasonality 2: August −0.062 −0.249*** −0.155** −0.160* −0.055
Seasonality 3: April & May 0.150** −0.018 0.112** −0.009 0.065
Seasonality 4: June & October 0.131** 0.001 0.049 0.078 0.078*
Constant −1.599*** −1.431*** −1.503*** −0.986*** −1.442***
* Significant at .05.
** Significant at .01.
*** Significant at .001.

Table B4
Order size model (24 months and full sample).
Variable Innovator Early adopter Early majority Late majority Laggard

Postadoption 7.044 −3.233 8.406 −2.745 −0.290

Postadoption × Treated group −6.745 −2.790 17.602** 4.890 0.481
Last order size 0.071* 0.108*** 0.149*** 0.142*** 0.153***
Age 0.512 0.056 0.066 −0.044 −0.049
Gender −13.504 6.666 0.372 1.660 −5.222
Recency −0.087 0.013 −0.426 −0.367 0.120
Economic recession −0.435 9.839 −14.973*** −21.504*** 3.200
Seasonality 1: March 13.650 2.128 10.423 16.121 2.421
Seasonality 2: August 8.722 −3.567 −21.744 −14.390 −5.301
Seasonality 3: April & May 15.135 3.241 −0.502 −8.235 −1.165
Seasonality 4: June & October 9.394 3.381 −3.284 0.537 −1.843
Constant −10.100 61.620 −104.056 8.924 59.013
* Significant at .05.
** Significant at .01.
*** Significant at .001.

Table C1
DID analysis: late majority segment.
Online adopters Offline customers

Before After Change Before After Change

Late majority
Total purchase amount (in 382.92 356.66 −26.26 253.07 261.91 8.83
Euros) (315.58) (316.00) (350.91) (297.75) (404.73) (418.71)
Total transactions 4.36 4.32 −0.04 2.95 2.96 0.01
(3.56) (3.86) (3.93) (3.33) (3.81) (3.65)
Offline purchase amount 382.92 273.81 −109.11*
(in Euros) (315.58) (292.41) (336.03)
Offline transactions 4.36 3.28 −1.09*
(3.56) (3.47) (3.63)

Notes: This table provides the means, with the standard deviations in brackets.
* Significantly different from 0 at least at the 10% level.
# The change in the variable for online adopters is significantly different from the change for offline customers (control group) at least at the 10% level.
J. Li et al. / Journal of Retailing 91 (2, 2015) 289–308 307

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