(Template) 2021 MAJOR 1 4th Handout...
(Template) 2021 MAJOR 1 4th Handout...
(Template) 2021 MAJOR 1 4th Handout...
Handout No.4
1. Introduction to Linguistics
Linguistics is the study of human language, its nature, origins and uses. This course will give
the students an overview of the field of modern linguistics and basic skills in linguistic analysis.
It also investigates how language are learned and how they change over time. Thus, it gives
a standard direction to shape the students’ understanding about the structures, elements
and principles of language.
Introduction to Linguistics
Note: Go over with your previous Study Guide as well as the new one. Though answers are found in
the box below, still READING is required. I expect high scores for this since you all have the reference
to look into.
1. _______________________ is the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and feelings
to each other.
2. _______________________ is the study of the speech sound used in a language.
3. _______________________ is the way in which words are formed or combined together to form
constituents and meaningful units of expressions.
4. _______________________ relate to the meanings of words and phrases…
5. It’s a particular country that sees a newborn child as “kintu” or a thing unless otherwise he learns the act
of language that he becomes a human being.
6. This is a part of knowing a language which means knowing what sounds or signs are in that language
and what sounds are not. _________________________________________
7. Most language may contain words that imitate the sounds associated with objects and actions they
report to. _______________________________ (note: the answer is a figurative language)
8. A linguist whose view about language is any innate features of the language capacity must be a set of
biological structures, selected in the course of the evolution of human brain.
9. It’s a principle of language that says that even if a child does not undergo a proper training or
coaching to learn a language, still he will learn it in due time.
10. It’s simply having the knowledge of language …________________________
11. ______________________________ is how we use this knowledge in actual speech production and
12. ______________________________ a kind of grammar that does not tell you how should speak, it describes
rather your basic linguistic knowledge.
13. It gave rise to the writing of these particular grammars in which the purist wished to prescribe rather than
describe their rules. _____________________________________
14. This is a theory about the origin of language which says that Adam had a power to name all things…it’s
the deity that gave him the ability to do that. _________________________
15. A French Philosopher who proposed that the idea of the earliest manifestations of language were cries
of nature. ________________________
16. A kind of hypothesis claiming that the structure of a language influences how its speakers perceive the
world around. _________________________________
17. It is the strongest form in that kind of hypothesis because it holds that the language we speak
determines how we perceive and think about the world. _______________________________
18. A weaker form of hypothesis which says that different languages encode different categories and that
speakers of different languages therefore think about the world in different ways. ______________________
19. ASL stands for ________________________________________
20. We may stammer or pause or produce _______________________ when we speak.
Principle of Automaticity
Instructor : _______________________________
Course and Code Name : Major 1 ( LINGUISTICS )
Term : First Semester Academic Year 2021-2022
Consultation Time : 5:30- 7:00 / 7:00-8:30 1 hour and 50 mins/TTH
Consultation Venue : NB 8
References : google.com / Introduction to Linguistics
Look for any article or reading material about Language or Communicative Competence.
After which, make a Reaction Paper about it by following the format below:
I. Bibliographic information
( Note: Kindly provide a space here. Indicate the whole article you’ve found.)
( Note: You are to choose concepts from the article that you wish to clarify, elaborate and
stress as major points. Letters A to H as enumerated will only serve as procedures you have to follow
to come up with a good Reaction Paper but they don’t necessarily have to appear in the finished
output. )
a. Make sure you include an introductory paragraph.
b. Each paragraph must have a minimum of 3 sentences. This is a must! You may have more than 3
sentences, but not less than 3.
c. Write in third person- do not include personal opinions or the use of personal nouns such as “I”,
“we” or “me” when discussing the author’s ideas.
d. “You, I, we, us" belong in the critique section where you are relating personal opinions, not in the
e. The reaction paper must be typed and double-spaced.
f. Please avoid contractions. Spell out such words as "can't"(cannot).
g. Inclusive language should be used in the reaction paper (for example: gender references should
be written as “he/she” when the gender in unknown.
h. This section should include the summary only.
III. As a potential practitioner of English Language, how can knowledge of the content help
improve your linguistic ability?
a. Explain in Paragraph/s