GNS 101 Note
GNS 101 Note
GNS 101 Note
Notes are essentially a form of summary of important ideas and supporting details
of an oral or written information. It is important to differentiate between note-
taking and note- making.
The two main purpose why we take/make notes are for examination and for
research. For examination, we seek to understand and retain the main points of the
subject we are studying. For research, we are gathering data on the topic under
The techniques for achieving good note making include the following; use of
abbreviation, use of outline, use of symbols and use of charts/diagrams. They are
used by students to make their work easier considering the flow of information
during a lecture, which gives one little time to write much. As such, these
techniques mentioned would be of great help in the process of learning.
The use of dictionary is essential in the life of a student who seeks knowledge. It
is a sure way to success, as it help students with the following;
These are materials in the library that gives information on further sources to
consult on varied subject. They are; dictionary, encyclopaedia, directory,
bibliography, serial, cataloque and call number.
Reading is the interpretation of printed symbols or signs. There are two types of
Teaching and learning of English language requires the following skills ;there are
four basic areas namely; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and
speaking are often referred to as the skill of oracy while reading and writing are
referred to as the skills of literacy.
1) Listening skill; is one of the most important of the four skills language
learning situation. This is because it is the first skill acquired or learned.
Listening is not hearing because we can hear without listening. Listening is
recognition, selection and interpretation. It demands attention, reception,
response, retention and critical judgment.
2) Speaking skill; involves training in the productive skill of speech.
Communicative competence is the main aim of speaking skill but includes
also the ability to select an appropriate language for situations not just the
linguistic competence.
3) Reading skill; it is a process of obtaining information from print. In other
words reading is meaning searching and meaning getting activity.
4) Writing skill; it is one of the four language skills. It is the act of making
graphic symbols from oral symbol. By writing here, we mean creating
meaningful text such as stories or informative pieces.
Grammar refers to a set of rules that allow us to combine words in a language into
larger units. These rules help us to know if a sentence is correct or not. Grammar
has a hierarchical organization, consisting of the sentence as the highest rank of
utterance followed by clause, the phrase or group, word and lastly the morpheme
which is the smallest unit of grammar.
A paragraph is a group of sentence that deals with single idea. It should content
five to ten sentences. Each paragraph should have a central idea expressed in a
sentence or phrase within the paragraph and such a sentence is known as the topic
sentence, while the other sentence in the paragraph are called supporting
sentences. The topic sentence can be found in the initial position or beginning of a
paragraph and such is called a loose sentence. It can be found at the end of a
paragraph which is called a periodic paragraph.
1. Unity; here refers to the fact that all sentences should relate to the idea
contained in the topic sentence.
2. Coherence; here it is expected that one sentence should naturally lead to
another not haphazardly, to have a smooth flow of information.
3. Completeness; here mean that all points should be fully developed not
leavind ideas hanging and round up logically.
4. Emphasis ; there is need to lay emphasis on certain ideas in a paragraph but
should avoid monotony caused by over repetition.
Literature as ‘’a subject or writing that mirrors life in order to reach some salient
moral lessons which we see every day but refuse to recognize, accept and
practice’’ as put by William Wordsworth. Fafunwa(1967) maintains that
‘’Literature after all is life, for it deals with man in every conceivable relation with
others, his joy…his fears and hopes’’. Okonkwo (1980) defines Literature as’’
mirrors life’’.
Literature has many functions such as;
1. Literature exposed us to life and its realities within the society and the
2. Literature broadens our knowledge of human affairs from social racial and
international spheres.
3. Literature provides pleasure and entertainment.
4. It teaches us morals, societal norms and values.
5. It teaches us the culture of others which enhance tolerance in our society.
6. It sharpen people’s critical mind.
7. Guide people away from bad practices.
Literature is divided into three major types as follows; poetry, prose and drama.