Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
listener orally. In other words, the main point of speaking activity is that
speakers communicate their massage to the listeners. In this case, the speaker and
listener should be able to understand each other. The speaker can produce the
sounds that involved the massages and the listener can receive, process, and
process between speaker and listener and involve productive and receptive skill
of understanding, while Huebner (1969) states that speaking is the main skill in
Rivers (1978: 162) says through speaking someone can express her or his ideas,
emotions and reactions to other person or situation and influence other person.
other and response to other speaker. It means that in order to express someone’s
ideas, speaker must also attend the aspect of speaking, in order that the massage
It means that the reason for the people to communicate with other is in order to
tell people something, which they do not know, or to find something out from
other people.
sounds or words to express, to say, to show and to think about ideas, taught and
feeling. Murica (1978: 91) says speaking is the primary element of language and
it can be developed from the beginning when someone was born, from the first
Furthermore, in speaking, there are some aspects that should be concerned. They
Fluency is the smoothness or flow with which sounds, syllable, words and
(1974: 81) states that the fluency is the case of speed of the flow of the speech.
Brown (2001: 268) says that both fluency and accuracy are important goal in
grammar, and discourse in their spoken output. The statement infers that both
fluency and accuracy are important in speaking. Grammar is needed for students
since it reflect how much the speaker understands what he is talking about. If
someone says something beyond the topic discussed, it can be said that he has no
determines how well the speaker interprets and responds the massage received.
(http:/ Rubrics.pdf).
Harris (1974: 82) adds that comprehension for all communication certainly
From the theories above it can be concluded that speaking is an ability to express
ideas, feelings and emotions to other person. The language is used to express
the idea to others in spoken language. It concerns with the use of language in
daily activity in which people need to communicate with others to fulfill the need
of socialization.
Brown (2001: 250) says that much of our language teaching is devoted to
1. Monologue
Planned Unplanned
2. Dialogue
Interpersonal Transactional
readings, and news broadcast, the listener must process long stretches of speech
without interruption-the stream of the speech will go on whether or not the hearer
speakers and can be subdivided into those exchanges that promote social
1. Imitative
intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound. Imitation of this kind
is carried out not for the purpose of meaning full interaction, but for focusing on
2. Intensive
from part of some pair work activity, where learners are “going over” certain
forms of language.
3. Responsive
do not extend into dialogues. Such speech can be meaningful and authentic:
4. Transactional (dialogue)
Conversation, for example, may have more of a negotiate nature to them than
5. Interpersonal (dialogue)
Interpersonal dialogue carried out more for maintaining social relationship than
for the transmission of the facts and information e.g. The conversations are little
trickier for learner because they can involve some or all of the following factors:
6. Extensive (monologue)
this, the register is more formal and deliberative. This monologue can be planned
or impromptu.
From the types of speaking described above, the researcher choose extensive
monologue, since its purpose is to report or to retell a story, which the story will
the differences of the level academic, genders, race, religion, social background
and ethnics. STAD was developed by Slavin (1995) and has been used in such
diverse subject areas as language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science.
STAD is also important in ESL and EFL areas to develop learners’ language
skills (Kagan; 1996) in STAD, students are assigned to four member learning
terms that are mixed in performance level, gender, and ethnicity. STAD
cooperative has 4-6 members in a group. STAD is one of the simple learning
cooperative STAD type is featured by the task structure, purpose and cooperative
reward. STAD can influence the feedback between the students. STAD consists
improvement scores, and team recognition. The details of each component are
discussed as follows:
1. Class presentations.
always realize that they must pay careful attention because the learning
content will appear on the worksheet that they will be assigned in the
next component.
2. Teams.
carefully. Students must ensure that all members understand the materials
3. Quizzes
quizzes and they cannot help each other. This component demonstrates
group gets higher score, this will be possible to help the team to improve
The idea behind this component is that each student has a performance
goal to work harder and better than in the past. All students can improve
the team scores if they do better in the quizzes. Students at all levels
for the team. However, each student has a base score driving from their
5. Team recognition
Team gets a reward if the team’s average score satisfy the criteria.
However, this component does not mainly focus to the rewards, it rather
learning that require the setting class have the form of cooperative learning,
students interact and give the strategies to overcome the problem effectively.
Besides that, cooperative learning of STAD type can also help students work in
(1997:111) who said that there are three purposes of cooperative learning that are
1. Achievement academic
learning is very useful for the students that get low, middle, and high
achievement because they can cooperate to handle the problem with their
In cooperative learning, the students can develop and charge their ideas or
always share in a group with their friend and student study cooperative
Slavin (1984) also said that there are many reason for cooperative such as greater
with only a few winners. But in cooperative team there are more winners
cohesiveness among group members and group spirit. Slavin also found
that 63% of cooperative learning groups that were analyzed had a growth
in achievement.
2. Social benefit
Learning cooperative can increase the social skill of the student. Because
they find that teams are able to accomplish more when they are trained to
work together.
3. Changing together
Many students that work in teams or are moving toward this concept and
many others are finding more beneficial and profitable to combine the
Gnagey and Ostrowski (1992) said that STAD is a system of cooperative learning
which features small heterogeneous teams of 4-6 members who tutor each other
on the material in the course and prepare each other for weekly quizzes. Students
take the quizzes individually but are awarded bonus point on the basis of the
teams’ mean performance. Rather than awarding bonus points to the team with
the highest average quiz score which worked in favor of the teams with more
According to Arends (1997) STAD is perhaps the simplest and most straight
the teacher. Then, they work in groups of four until six members before doing
individuals quizzes. The teams may earn reward based on how much they
progress over the previous learning period. The only way that the team can be
successful is to ensure that everyone in the group has learned the content and is
Slavin (2000), the students’ ability in each group are chosen heterogeneously. So
make groups the teacher should notice the differences of race, religion, gender,
and social background of the students. If in the class the differences of race,
religion, gender, and social background of the students are the same relatively. So
the teacher makes the group based on the academic ability of each student.
The first is teams; STAD cooperative has 4-6 students in group. They are
heterogeneous students. They have different level in academic, gender, and ethnic
group. Every group has a task to be solved in the classroom. Placement test; the
teacher gives the students the test. The question that is given based on the
The second is the students’ creative; to help the students to be active in group
works the students is given assignment or responsibility. The third is team study;
the teacher makes the team study to work together in a group to solve the material
that is given. And ask the students to read the instructions and ask the teacher or
their about the instruction. And the last is team score and recognition; the teacher
Slavin (1995) said that to give the score in group work or cooperative is
calculated by calculate the result pre-test and add the result post-test:
Group score
Score Point
100% ( perfect score) 30 points
10 above the benchmark 30 points
5-9 above the benchmark 20 points
4 below to 4 above the benchmark 10 points
5 or more below the benchmark 0 point
And then the teacher gives reward to the group, reward is given by the teacher
Group reward
Teaching speaking means teaching how to use the language for communication,
for transferring idea, thought or even feeling to other people. River (1978:6)
states that speaking is developed from the first contact with the language that we
learn, because by the speaking we can transfer our ideas or thought to order
people. Moreover Johnson (1983;23) says that the essence of human language is
human activity on the part of the individual to make him understand by another
and activity on the part of the other understands what was on the first. Then, he
adds that the languages as an activity that permits people to communicate with
each other. So it is clear that language is very important. We can not only teach
what will be spoken but also the situation what we deal with. The teacher teaches
speaking by carrying out the students in certain situation when the topic is being
talked about. The topic must be familiar with the students so what the ideas have
From the explanation above, the researcher assumes that in teaching speaking,
teacher should gives the situation and opportunity to students in order that they
will see the real thing because any single utterance always reflect to the
the others to tell their ideas, experience or feeling. In this case the researcher
The system offers a way to incorporate individual quizzes into a team context.
Team member support each other to learn material presented by the teacher and
1. Students are divided into teams. Four is an ideal number. Teams are
3. The teacher gives handouts and answer sheets to the teams. Each team
should receive fewer sheets than the total needed. For example a team of
four would be given two worksheets and two answer sheets. This is to
5. The quiz is taken. The students take the quiz individually. If necessary
6. The teacher collects the handout and marks them before the next class.
The first quiz becomes the benchmark for the team score. The process is
Team Points
Score Point
100% ( perfect score) 30 points
10 above the benchmark 30 points
5-9 above the benchmark 20 points
4 below to 4 above the benchmark 10 points
5 or more below the benchmark 0 point
8. The teacher keeps track of the improvement point scored. This can be
Johnson (1997) the use of learning cooperative especially STAD type has
beneficial to motivate students in group so that they can help each other in
mastering the materials that is given. Beside that the use of STAD also can
growing awareness that learning is important, useful and fun, the students more
among a wide range of subject and age different levels. STAD is the most heavily
researched of the entire cooperative learning methods and the positive effects
have been consistent in all subjects. The greatest positive effects on students
learning occur when group are recognized or rewarded based on the individual
and issues yield a number of advantages of group work for English language
The first is the cooperative as generates interactive language; it means that group
work help to solve the problem of the classes. That are too large to offer many
opportunities to speak and small group provide opportunities for the student
initiation for face give and take, for practice in negotiation of meeting, for
extended conversational, exchanges, and for the students adoption or role that
The second is offers and embracing affective climate; it means that the second
students where each individual is not starkly on public display to what the student
students’ motivation.
that group work places responsibility for action and progress upon each of
individualization instruction; it means that small group can help the students with
varying abilities to accomplish separate the goals. The teacher can recognize and
capitalize upon other individual differences such as age, culture heritage, field of
study, cognitive style, to name a few by careful selection of small groups and by
which two or more students are assigned a task that involves collaboration and
usually implies that small group is students in groups of perhaps six or fewer.
Large grouping defeats one of the major purposes for doing group work giving
students feel secure, enjoyable, and full of teamwork problem solving. Teaching
to interact each other and build understanding and knowledge together through
cooperative learning.
that might give a positive influence in improving one of the oral skills which has
technique student will learn English in the spirit of mutual cooperation. This
They will also be more motivated to study because this technique set them to help
each other in mastering the materials. By those, the writer assumes that this
2.8 Hypothesis
Referring the theories and the assumptions above, the writer would like to