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Cala Vpa

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Teacher`s guide

Subject: Physical Education and Arts

CALA type: Practical Activity
Topic: History of Arts and Culture (Dances in Southern Africa)

-Data collection on the history of dance ceremonies in the Southern Africa
-Collection of costumes, instruments for chosen dance
-designing dance sequence
-exercising through dance
-performing dance sequence from a chosen dance

Dimensions/Criteria to be assessed:
-Gathering data on dance ceremonies in Southern Africa
-Collecting costumes and instruments for a chosen dance
-Designing and demonstrating dance sequence for a chosen dance
-performing the dance sequence

-Collect data on the history of dances and ceremonies from Southern Africa
-gather costumes and instruments for the chosen dance
-create a dance performance for a chosen dance
-Perform the dance sequence for a chosen dance

CALA Context
Learners will:
-gather information on the dance ceremonies in Southern Africa
-collect instruments for a chosen dance ceremony
-Write a report on findings
-design a dance sequence for a chosen dance
-performing a chosen dance sequence for a chosen dance

This will be done to embrace, restore and preserve the appreciation for indigenous dances.
It will also help them to earn a living through performances to audience.

Learners will also be equipped with research skills as they will acquire knowledge on Southern
African dances
Their technological skills will be enriched as they will be using different ICT tools to download infor-
mation `on Southern Africa dances.

Facilitator`s notes
Facilitator gets consent from parents and community for learners to carry out their research
facilitator communicates with school authorities and parents on the need to provide facilities for re-
search and collection;
ict tools (newspaper, tvs, dstv, laptops, phones ,etc)
resource persons
Learners` guide
Subject: PE and Arts
Candidate No:………………..

It has been observed that learners lack knowledge and appreciation for the indigenous dances in
Southern Africa. This has resulted in cultural erosion. Therefore you will collect data on the history
of a particular dance in Southern Africa and perform the dance sequence.

You will work in groups to gather data, costume and instruments.

- produce a write up of the chosen dance .
name of dance
costumes worn
instruments used
purpose of the dance
how it influence the community
- lastly you will carry a performance
How you will be assessed?
-gathering information on the dance ceremonies in Southern Africa.
-collecting costume for a chosen dance
-collecting instruments for a chosen dance
-performing a chosen dance sequence for a chosen dance

Marking Guide
Subject: PE and Arts
1. Gathering data on dance ceremonies in southern Africa (5)
2. Collection of costume for a chosen dance (5)
3. collection of instruments for chosen dance (5)
4. writing a report on findings on dance ceremonies in Southern Africa -layout of the report
i) name of dance (2)
ii) origin (2)
iii) costumes worn (2)
iv) instruments used (2)
v) purpose of the dance (5)
vi) how it influence the community (2)

5. Performing a chosen dance (20)

i) attire (3)
ii) group co-ordination (3)
iii) stage management (3)
iv) formations (3)
v) choreography (8)

Grade 7 PE and Arts

Topic: History of Arts and culture: Dances in southern Africa

Dimensions/cri- excellent good satisfactory unsatisfactory inadequate

teria 5 4 3 2 1
Gathering de- excellent gath- good gathering satisfactory gathering of gathering of
tain on indige- ering of data us- of data using re- gathering of data using re- data using re-
nous dance cer- ing research search skills data using re- search skills search skills
emonies in skills and vari- has come up search skills and has come and has come
Southern Africa ous ict tools and with 4 dance and has come up with 2 dance up with 1 dance
has come up ceremonies up with 3 dance ceremonies ceremonies
with 5 dance ceremonies

Collecting cos- Excellent col- good satisfactory collecting of collecting of

tumes and in- lecting of cos- collecting of collecting of costumes and costumes and
struments for a tumes and in- costumes and costumes and instruments for instruments for
particular dance struments for a instruments for instruments for a particular a particular
particular dance a particular a particular dance (missing dance (missing
(full kit) dance (missing dance (missing 3 items) 4 or more
1 item) 2 items) items)
demonstrating excellent
dance se- correct props,
quence for a dancing se-
chosen dance quence

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