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Acmhs SLRP

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PILLAR 1: K to 12 Curriculum-
Key Challenge: Low performance in literacy, numeracy, and science across grade level.
GOAL: Strengthen Literacy, Numeracy, and Science Instruction. To achieve target performance 2023(44%), 2024(50%), 2025(55%)
Pillar Strategies Interventions Major Outputs
PILLAR 1: Strengthen LNS instruction Plan and distribute teaching  e-SAT
K to 12 Curriculum through intensive instructional loads, designations, and special  Enrolment Data
Quality of Learning Outcomes and supervision assignments accordingly  ACR
Learning Delivery
 Copy of Class Program/
Teaching loads
 Designation Orders
 School Memorandum
 SF7
 Evaluation Notes

Intensify classroom observation  Supervisory Plan

 School Memorandum
 Accomplished Classroom
Observation Tool (COT)
 TA Report/s
 Observation Reports/Notes

Integrate  School Memorandum

Remediation/enrichment  Diagnostic Test Materials
activities within the class
 Assessment Results
 Learner’s Portfolio
 School Memorandum/List of
 School Memorandum/ Minutes of
 School Memorandum/Project
 School Memorandum
 Implementation Plan
 Monitoring & Evaluation/ACR
 Assessment Tools/Individual
Monitoring Tool
 Evaluation Tool/Accomplished
Action Research

Provide TA and mentoring  School TA team

services  School Memorandum
 Compilation of TA reports

Encourage teachers to develop  School Learning Resources Team

school-based LR (SQAT)
 Produced Copy of Learning
Materials developed
 SQAT Tool

Management of learning  Inventory/ List of Contextualized

resources and localized materials
 School LRMS

Monitor the conduct of  School Memorandum

assessment.  Test Materials
 Monitoring Tool
 Assessment Materials
 Checked Test Papers/Test Results
Analyze assessment results  Assessment results / Assessment

PILLAR 2: Improving learning Environment

Key Challenge: Vulnerable classrooms, materials, and facilities to adapt to the new normal.
GOAL: Overcome Shortage of Resources.
PILLAR 2: Effectively manage school Ensure compliance to  Student Handbook
Improving Learning Environment operations, environment and standards, policies and  DepEd Issuances
Access, Equity and Inclusion in resources guidelines

Secure safe, child-friendly,  NSED and Fire Drill Reports

inclusive and healthy learning  Risk Management Report
and school environment  CPC Report
 Child-Friendly School Survey
WINS Report

Proper/appropriate utilization  Property Acknowledgement Receipt

of learning facilities and

PILLAR 3: Teachers’ Upskilling and Reskilling

Key Challenge: Inadequate LNS Professional Development Program (PDP) for teachers.
GOAL: Advance teachers’ professional excellence.

Pillar 3: Strengthen teachers capability  Teaching loads/SF 7

Optimize SME of teaching and
Upskilling and Reskilling of in LNS and provision of  School Memo
skills of non-teaching personnel
Teachers professional development  Designation Letters
Quality of teachers, school heads programs  E-SAT
and supervisors

Conduct INSET/SLACs/  SLAC Plan

school-based Capacity Building  Memo
and the like for LNS
 Project Proposals

Evaluate performance rating of  IPCRF

teaching & non-teaching  Evaluation Tool
personnel  Consolidated Report of Teachers

 TA/Mentoring Plan
Provide TA / mentoring services
 TA/Mentoring Report
Recognize/celebrate teaching  Evaluation Tool
and non-teaching exemplary  Copy of Certificates
performances  ACR
 Memo
PILLAR 4: Engagement of Stakeholders for Support and Collaboration
Key Challenge: Resources generated do not match the school’s actual needs relative to literacy, numeracy, and Science.
GOAL: Raise school resources relative to literacy, numeracy, and Science.
PILLAR 4: Strengthen partnership with Establish and increase
Engagement of Stakeholders for stakeholders partnership  List of Partners/Stakeholders
support and Collaboration  MOA/MOU
 Letter of Invitation
 Minutes of Meeting
 Certificate of Recognition
PILLAR 1: K to 12 Curriculum: Quality of Learning Outcomes and Learning Delivery
Key Challenge: Low performance in literacy, numeracy, and science across grade level.
GOAL: Strengthen Literacy, Numeracy and Science Instruction
Personnel- Critical Action Time- Estimated Budget
Strategies Interventions
in-Charge (Activities) frame Budget Source MOVs
Improved Plan and distribute School Head, Profiling of teachers Year None None  e-SAT Report
Instructional teaching loads, Master using e-SAT Round  Enrolment Data
Leadership designations, and Teacher/s , Analysis of enrolment
on Literacy, special assignment Head FGD/planning session
Numeracy accordingly Teacher/s for the distribution of  Copy of Class
and Process load Programs/Teaching
Skills Distribution of loads, loads, Designation
designations, and Orders, School
assignment Memo, SF 7
Evaluate load  Evaluation notes
designations and the
Intensify classroom School Head, Prepare supervisory Year 500.00 School  Supervisory Plan
observation Master plan Round MOOE  School Memo
Teacher/s , Issue Memo re  Accomplished COT
Head Classroom Observation  Observation
Teacher/s, schedule notes/journal
Key Conduct class  TA report
Teacher/s observation  Observation
Conduct post-con report/notes
Provide technical
Prepare Class
Integrate Key teachers, Conduct diagnostic test Quarterly 1,000.00 School  Diagnostic Test
intervention/remedi MTs, MOOE Materials
ation/ Coordinators Review results of  Assessment Results
enrichment , All assessment
activities within the Teachers  Learners Portfolio
Profiling of learners
class program Organize team  School Memo / List
of Organized
Call for a Committee
meeting/planning  School
session Memo/Minutes of
Craft/develop the Meeting/ACR
n/  School
enrichment Memo/Project
activities/programs Proposal
Issue Memo for  School Memo
implementation  Implementation Plan
List of Programs  Monitoring &
Implemented: Evaluation
1)English Tools/ACR
Project COVIDD -  Assessment
Continue Online/virtual Tools/Individual
Intervention Through Monitoring Tool
Distant Decoding.  Evaluation Notes
2)Filipino  Evaluation Tool/
Project ABAKADA - Accomplished Action
Araling BAbasahin sa
KAbuhayan DAdalhin
Project COUNT -
Capacitate Oneself
Using Number to
Project RIMS -
Recovering Using
Innovative and
Maniplative Skills in
Monitor the

Assess the learners’

Evaluate the program
Conduct impact

Provision of TA and School Head Construction of School Year None None  School TA Team
mentoring service Master TA team Round  School Memo
Teacher/s Issuance of School
 Compilation of TA
Memo on Technical
Assistance Reports
Conduct of TA
Encourage teachers School Head Issue School Year 1,500.00 School  School Memo
to develop school- Master Memorandum Round MOOE
 School Learning
based LRs Teacher/s Organize School Quality Donatio
ns Resources
Assurance Team.
Capacitate teachers in
developing learning  ACR
resources materials  Produced copy of
related to LNS Learning Materials
instruction Developed
Develop contextualized/  SQAT Tool
localized Learning
Evaluate school-based
develop LRs by the
Management of LRs School Head Conduct inventory of Year 1,000.00 Donatio  Inventory/list of
Master School LRM Round ns contextualized and
Teacher/s MOOE localized Learning
Develop database of
Update LRMs database  School LR

Monitoring of the Key teachers, Issue Memo for the Quarterly 10,000.00 MOOE  School Memo
conduct of MTs, conduct of Assessment  Test Materials
assessment Coordinators Reproduction of
 ACR/Minutes of
Assessment Materials
Call for a Meeting
 Monitoring Tool
Administration of the  Assessment
Learners' Assessment Materials
Checking of Test Papers  Checked Test

Utilization of Key teachers, Gather Class Test Quarterly 500.00 Donatio  Checked Test
assessment data MTs, Results per Subject ns Papers/Test
and results Coordinators Area Results/ACR
Consolidate Test
 Test analysis
Analysis of Test Results

Periodic Inspection School Head Preparation of Year 500.00 Donatio

of WLP Checklist/Memo Round ns
Checking of Teachers’  School Memo
Submission  Checklist/WLP
Provisions on TA  Feedback Form
Conduct Feedback/Post  School Memo
Conference  Checklist
Feedbacks results
during LAC Session  WLP
 Feedback Form
 Evaluation Notes

PILLAR 2: Improving Learning Environment

Key Challenge: Vulnerable classrooms, materials, and facilities to adapt to the new normal.
GOAL: Overcome shortage resources.
Personnel- Critical Action Time- Estimated Budget
Strategies Interventions
in-Charge (Activities) frame Budget Source MOVs
Effectively Ensure compliance School Head Formulate school BOS None None  Student Handbook
manage school to standards, Teachers policies and guidelines MOS  DepEd Issuances
operations, policies and Other Disseminate school EOS  ACR
environment guidelines Stakeholders policies and guidelines  ACR
and resources among stakeholders  M&E Report
Orient the school staff  Feedback
on DepEd policies and  List of Child
guidelines during SLAC Protection
sessions Committee
Implement policies,  Anti-Bullying
guidelines and Reports
issuances  School-Based
Monitor the Training Proposal,
implementation of laws, School Memo,
rules, guidelines, and  ACR
issuances based on the
needs of the school
Evaluate the
implementation of
policies, guidelines and
Revisit and update the
Child Protection
Bullying Report
Conduct a school-based
training for parents and
family members on
positive discipline
Secure safe, child- School Head Update parents of the BOS None None  Letter of Invitation
friendly, inclusive Teachers proper health protocols MOS to Teachers
and healthy learning Child as issued by the IATF EOS (Orientation), ACR
and school Protection Answer CFSS on Annex with Proof of
environment Committee 2A of the e-SIP Attendance
SDRRM Institutionalize the  CFSS Form
Coordinator effective management of  M&E Tool
school safety
Proper/appropriate School Conduct inventory of BOS, None None  Inventory of
utilization of Property LRs, learning facilities MOS, Learning
available learning Custodian, and other equipment EOS, facilities/learning
facilities and School Conduct need analysis resources, NSBI
equipment Facilities Prepare utilization plan,  Perpetual Inventory
Custodian, procurement plan and  School Vicinity
SH Monitor the use of Plan/Map
learning facilities and  Classroom
equipment including Structuring Plan
LRs  Monitoring
Recommend repair and report/status report
maintenance, if  Recommendation
necessary letter for repair and
 School Site
Development Plan
 Physical Facilities
Coordinator Report
 Utilization Rate

PILLAR 3: Teachers’ Upskilling and Reskilling

Key Challenge: Inadequate LNS professional Development Program for teachers.
GOAL: Advance teacher’s professional excellence.
Personnel- Critical Action Time- Estimated Budget
Strategies Interventions
in-Charge (Activities) frame Budget Source MOVs
Strengthen Optimize SME of School Accomplish E-SAT Every None None
teachers’ teaching and non- Heads Analyze E-SAT results first week  Consolidated E-SAT
capability and teaching personnel Master Craft individual of the results
provision of Teachers developmental plan school  Consolidated E-SAT
professional Teachers year results
development  IPPD
programs on Provision of School Identify needs of Year 15,000.00 MOOE  Individual
LNS INSET/SLACs/ Heads teachers Round developmental plan
school-based Master Review and analyze E-  Teacher needs
Capacity Building Teachers SAT results analysis
and the like for LNS Teachers Prepare SLAC plan  SLAC plan
Craft proposal  Project Proposals
Issue Memo  School Memo
Implement the approved  ACR
LAC  M&E Report
Monitor and evaluate  ACR
the implementation of  Evaluation notes
Prepare and Submit
Conduct evaluation on
the impact of training to
literacy, numeracy, and
science instruction
Evaluate School Assess teacher’s Mid of None None  RPMS/IPCRF
performance rating Heads portfolio School Portfolio of teachers
of teaching & non- Master Feedback Year  Evaluation Notes
teaching personnel Teachers Observation Notes
Teachers Completion of lacking End of  Complete MOVs
MOVs School

Provide TA / School Identify the needs of the Mid of None None  COT/
mentoring services Heads teachers School
Master Prepare TA plan Year  Observation Notes
Teachers Coaching and  TA Plan
Teachers mentoring End of  TA Report
Prepare TA Report School
Recognize/Celebrate School Organize committees Once a Php Donatio  School Memo
teaching and non- Heads year 15,000.00 ns  Certificates of
teaching exemplary Master Review IPCRF rating of LGU Recognition
performances Teachers Teachers
Teachers Issue memo
 IPCRF Rating List
Disseminate the
 School
guidelines and selection
Conduct search/
 List of qualified
selection process
Recognition of teachers
during teacher’s day
celebration/ education
PILLAR 4: Engagement of Stakeholders for Support and Collaboration
Key Challenge: Resources generated do not match the school’s actual needs relative to literacy, numeracy, and Science.
GOAL: Raise school resources relative to literacy, numeracy and Science.
Strengthen Establish and School Head, Conduct meeting for the Year 15, 000.00 LGUs,
partnership increase partnership Committee short listing of possible Round Donatio  List of
with on Awards stakeholders from ns Partners/Stakeholde
stakeholders and public and private MOOE rs
with focus on recognition, sectors.
LNS Stakeholders Organize team in-
/Partners, charge for partnership.  Letter of Invitation
Alumni Inform and invite the  Minutes of Meeting
Association possible stakeholders  Certificate of
and partners through a Recognition
formal letter.
Issue School Memo on
the conduct of the  School Memo
Conduct Orientation/
Meeting with the
Ensure compliance to
standards, policies and
guidelines on
Crafting and signing of
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Understanding to the
Conduct regular
meeting and
convergence focusing on
Conduct Stakeholder’s
Assess or evaluate the
over-all participation of
Pillar/Strategies Interventions Intermediate Indicator Accountable Person MOVs/Deliverables
PILLAR 1: ● e-SAT Report
Plan and distribute
K to 12 Improved class Increased teacher School Head, Master ● Enrolment Data
teaching loads,
Curriculum- programs performance Teacher/s, Head ● ACR
designations, and
Teacher/s ● Copy of Class
special assignments
Improved Maximized personnel Programs/Teaching
Instructional specialization loads, Designation
Leadership on Orders, School
Literacy, Memo, SF 7
Numeracy and ● Evaluation notes
● Supervisory Plan
Skills Intensify classroom Improved teaching- Increased teacher School Head, Master
● School Memo
observation learning process performance Teacher/s, Head
● Accomplished COT
Teacher/s, Key
● Observation
● TA report
● Observation
Integrate ● Diagnostic Test
remediation/enrichment Improved teaching- Increased teacher Key Teacher/s, Master Materials
activities within the learning process performance Teacher/s, Other ● Assessment
class program assigned teachers Results
● Learners Portfolio
● School Memo / List
of Organized
● School
Memo/Minutes of
the Meeting/ACR
● School
● School Memo
● Implementation
● Monitoring &
● Assessment
Monitoring Tool
● Evaluation Tool/
Action Research
Provide TA and Improved teaching- Increased teacher School Head, Master
● School Memo
mentoring services learning process performance Teacher/s
● TA Report
Improved teaching- Increased teacher School Head, Master
Encourage teachers to
learning process performance Teacher/s ● Inventory of School
develop school-based

Improved teaching- Increased teacher School Head, Master ● Inventory of School

Management of LRs
learning process performance Teacher/s LR

● Inventory of School
School Head, Key
● School Memo
Monitoring of the Improved teaching- Increased teacher teachers, Master
● Test Materials
conduct of assessment. learning process performance Teacher, Testing
● Monitoring Tool
● Assessment
School Head, Key
Utilization of
Improved teaching- Increased teacher teachers, Master ● Assessment
assessment data and
learning process performance Teacher, Testing Results
Periodic Inspection of Increased
Effective lesson
WLP learning
PILLAR 2: ● Assessment
Compliant to the
Improving Results
standards, policies School Head, Property
Learning M&E Tools ● Certificate of
Ensure compliance to and guidelines Custodian, DRRM,
Environment Recognition Recognition
standards, policies and Health & Safety
● ACR and Log Sheet
guidelines Increased Quality of Coordinator, Custodian
Effectively manage (benchmarking
school operations, activity)
environment and
resources Secure safe, child- Zero Bullying School Head, Property
friendly, inclusive and Safe and Conducive COVID-Free Custodian, DRRM,
healthy learning and Learning Environment H&S, Coordinators,
school environment Custodian

Proper/appropriate ___% of school School Property

utilization of available Properly Utilized and
property are in Custodian, School
learning facilities and Maintained Learning
good condition Facilities Custodian, ● ACR
equipment Facilities and
School Head, ICT
Pillar 3: Optimize SME of
Identified teachers 9 E-SAT Results School Heads
Teachers' teaching and non- ● Consolidated E-
needs based on E-SAT 9 Records on Master Teachers
Upskilling and teaching personnel SAT results
results Teachers’ Teachers
Quality of Conducted
teachers School INSET/SLACs/ Training
Heads and ● Individual
Provision of school-based Capacity 9 Records on
Supervisors School Heads developmental plan
INSET/SLACs/ school- Building and the like Teachers’
Master Teachers ● Teacher needs
based Capacity Building for LNS Professional
Teachers analysis
and the like for LNS Development
● SLAC/Action plan
Strengthen Capacitated teachers Plan
teachers’ on LNS instructions
capability in LNS Evaluate performance
and provision of Evaluated School Heads
rating of teaching & ● RPMS/IPCRF
professional performance rating 9 IPCRF Master Teachers
non-teaching personnel Portfolio
development teachers Teachers
programs Provide TA / mentoring Provided Technical 1 TA Plan School Heads ● TA plan & Report
services Assistance and 9 Teachers Master Teachers
mentoring services Teachers
● School Memo
List of School Heads ● Certificates of
teaching and non - Recognized
Outstanding Master Teachers Recognition
teaching exemplary outstanding teachers
teachers Teachers ● ACR
● List of Outstanding
75% of the
● Permit to study
teachers enrolled
Teachers enrolled in in postgraduate’s
Enhance teachers’ School Heads ● Certificate of
postgraduate’s studies studies
potentials and Master Teachers Registration
competencies Teachers ● List of
Teachers were 75% of the
promoted teachers were
PILLAR 4: Establish and increase Raised number of
Engagement of partnership MOA/MOU
Stakeholders for ● List of Stakeholders
Support and School Head,
Proliferated ● MOA/MOU
Collaboration Increased the Committee on Awards
amount of ● Certificate of
participation of and recognition,
generated Recognition
Strengthen stakeholders/partners Stakeholders/Partners,
resources ● ACR
partnership with in school’s PPAs Alumni Association,
● Deed of Donations
stakeholders with Teachers
Quarterly ● ‘Brigada Eskwela’
focus on LNS Stakeholders’ Report
Communication Objective Target Audience Activity Channel Timeframe Budget Person Responsible

Introduction of Learning Recovery School Head

Teachers F2F through LAC session June None
Plan to Teachers SLRP TWG

Presentation of gathered data for Key Teachers of LNS

Teachers F2F through LAC session June None

Presentation of SWOT, Key

School Head,
Challenges, Strategic Directions Teachers F2F through LAC session June None
& Draft Implementation Plan

District Presentation of Draft School Heads F2F through District PSDS/CP

June None
SLRP SLRP TWG meeting/assembly EPS-in-charge
District/Division Presentation of PSDSs/EPSs F2F through Division DLRP TWG
July None
Draft SLRP EPSs/DCs meeting/assembly
School Heads
F2F through Stakeholder’s
Presentation of Approved SLRP All stakeholders July None SLRP TWG

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