NCP #2
NCP #2
NCP #2
Patient’s Initials: J. Rodes Chief Complaint: Headache Name of the Student Nurse: Faith A. Calimlim
Age & Gender: 35 years old female Admitting Diagnosis: Hypertension Stage II Level/Block/Group: Level 2/ 2BSN03/ GROUP 3
Birthdate: December 26, 1986 Clinical Instructor/s: Sir Michael Cayabyab
Date of Confinement:
Address: Arellano St. Pantal Date: January 23 & 24, 2023
SUBJECTIVE: High blood pressure usually Short term goal: Assess underlying Short term goal:
develops over time. It can After 8 hours of condition To determine what After 8 hours of
“Nagkaroon kami ng away sa happen because of nursing intervention, triggers the nursing intervention,
bahay at bigla nalang sumakit unhealthy lifestyle choices, the patient’s blood elevated blood the goal was MET.
yung ulo ko” as verbalized by the such as not getting enough pressure will decrease pressure The patient has no
patient. regular physical to acceptable limit. Monitor blood elevation in his blood
activity. Certain health pressure every 30 Changes in blood pressure.
OBJECTIVE: conditions, such as minutes pressure may
diabetes and having indicate changes in
- Conscious and coherent obesity, can also increase patient’s status
- Afebrile the risk for developing high requiring prompt
- Initial VS taken as follow: blood pressure. Happiness, Long term goal: medical attention Long term goal:
anger, and anxiety increase After 3 days of nursing Observe skin After 3 days of nursing
BP: 180/100
blood pressure to differing intervention, the client color, intervention, the goal
T: 36.0C Peripheral
degrees and that emotional will maintain normal temperature, was MET. The patient
PR: 87 vasoconstriction
effects may be greater in and stable blood capillary refill, and
RR: 20 diaphoresis. may result in pale, has maintained a
O2SAT: 98 individuals with more labile pressure cool, clammy skin, stable blood pressure.
blood pressure. Untreated with prolonged
hypertension increases the capillary refill time
level of stress-related
chemicals circulating in your Do frequent
blood. Making matters positioning to the It may decrease
worse, stress-related patient peripheral venous
chemicals increase blood pooling that may
pressure. potentiated by
vasodilators and
prolong sitting or
prescribed anti- Inhibits influx of Ca
hypertensive ion across cell
drugs membrane to
produce relaxation
of coronary smooth
Encourage patient
This are cardiac
to decrease
stimulant and may
intakes of
adversely affect
caffeine, cola, and
cardiac function
Encourage patient
to maintain low Salty and fatty food
salt low fat diet. are one of the
common cause of