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Assignment 2

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Technische Universität München Release date: 1.12.

Embedded Systems and Security Due date: 16:45 22.12.2022

Assignment 2:
Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit

1. Introduction
As an additional opportunity to consolidate your skills, we offer three programming exercises.
They make up 20% of your overall grade as outlined in the first exercise session. You are
encouraged to discuss approaches and share experience with other students. But as it affects
your grade, your submission must of course be your own original work, and will be checked for
The submissions are graded fully automatic once per hour after the grading machine is set
up (usually a day or two after the release date above). Together with your achieved points you
will be provided several logfiles which explain why your solution got this amount of points.
You can upload a new solution as often as you like during the submission period, but we will
ask questions in the case of a conspicuous high number of submissions. So don’t just adapt
your code to the grading framework. In the end, your best submission will be used for grading.
Should you find evidence that the grading does not follow the problem statement set out below,
please contact us as soon as possible, so we can look into the problem and fix it before too
many other students are affected.

2. Problem Description
Together with this problem description, you should have received two elf files and parts of the
corresponding c sources. All programs set up the xmc board to connect as a virtual com port
to the computer via connector X3 – the micro-usb plug on the opposite site of the debugger.
If you send data to the board, it will be “encrypted” on the xmc board and the resulting
ciphertext will be printed on your console in base64url encoded format. For your convenience,
a script sendExploit is provided which takes a binary file as input, packs it and sends the packet
to the board. The packing process encodes the file content in base64url and adds a base64url
encoded data length and nonce as well as some control characters. An explanation of base64
encoding can be found in RFC 4648.
For Part A and Part B, do not change or recompile the given code, since this may change
the exact location of buffers and functions and your exploit will not work when tested against
the original elf files.
For Part C, you will be using a real-world crypto library called “libsodium”. It is a more
portable version of the “NaCl” crypto library by Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange and Peter
Schwabe. Through its portability, libsodium will not work out of the box with bare metal
applications, because it requires either /dev/urandom, getrandom(), or CryptGenRandom() and neither
is available without an operating system. For Part A and Part B, the random number generator
(RNG) is implemented with the C function rand(). This is a terrible choice because rand() is

not a cryptographically secure RNG. We recommend, although do not require, to replace it
by a more secure implementation during Part C, e.g. the one that comes with libsodium1 .
For your convenience, a precompiled version of libsodium 1.0.15 ready to be linked into your
project is provided together with this document. Place the library somewhere outside of your
project folder. It should not be contained in your submission, otherwise your submission might
be too large to upload. Optional: In case you want to compile it on your own, appendix A
provides details on how to do that. However, in this case I cannot guarantee that your project
compiles correctly on my grading framework, although it should.

2.1. Part A
The program uses a homebrewn crypto algorithm which first decodes the base64url encoded
input data, “encrypts” the content of the binary file, and finally encodes the ciphertext before
it is sent back. However, the program is vulnerable to a stack based buffer overflow.
Your task is to find this vulnerability and design an exploit that turns both leds on by
executing code that is part of the exploit and not previously on the system (code injection).
The leds must be turned on directly upon completion of the vulnerable function2 . Your exploit
must be self contained, which means it must contain e.g. all necessary padding. It must be
sufficient to send the file containing the exploit via the provided script to activate the leds.
To get full points, your exploit must be submitted as a binary file named exploit and must
be designed such that the application continues working as if nothing happened. No reset,
hang up, etc. may happen. Someone observing the usb port must not notice something went
wrong except possibly a slight delay caused by executing the exploit.

2.2. Part B
Instead of fixing the stack based buffer overflow vulnerability, the designer considered it suf-
ficient to enable the mpu to harden the system against attacks, and additionally activate the
stack protection feature in his compiler to make his system “The most secure one ever!!!”.
Your task is to convince the designer that this is insufficient by providing an exploit that
activates the blinking function of the program. Again, to get full points, the exploit must be
submitted as a binary file named exploit and the application has to continue working as if
nothing happened.

2.3. Part C
After we showed that even the best security features cannot fix the vulnerabilities of an ugly
written code, we do what we should have done right in the beginning: throw this homebrewn
crypto away and replace it with something reasonable and tested, namely the real-world crypto
library “libsodium”. Use crypto_secretbox_easy() to replace the original encrypt function. The
required 192 bit nonce is available from the packet parser. The key is made up of concatenating
the 128 bit “unique chip id” to itself, resulting in a 256 bit key – though with only 128 bit of
entropy3 , but this is deemed sufficient for the data used here.
The seed required for the libsodium rng can for example be produced by hasing the start-up pattern of the
sram via crypt_generichash().
This is the default behaviour, anyway
In fact it is far less, considering the way unique chip ids are distributed among our boards. But since your
submissions are graded only once per hour, the key space is deemed sufficiently large to avoid brute-forcing.

Once you completed this task, use your solution to activate the marble run located in the
corridor of our chair. The marble run control interface (MCI) can be reached at http://10.
152.249.7/ from within the lrz network. Commands to the marble run must be properly
encrypted, which can be done with the code you just implemented. The nonce provided by
the marble run can be used as is with the --nonce argument of the provided sendExploit script.
The commands for the marble run have to be put in a file like your exploit in the previous
parts, and can be composed arbitrarily from the following list:
1 /* Commands are int , with the lowermost byte determining the command , upper
2 * bytes might contain arguments as specified per command
3 * */
4 enum MARBLE_CMD_e { MARBLE_CMD_WAIT , /* pauses execution of commands for p *10 »
«millisecond , with p as uint16_t in bits 23:8 */
5 MARBLE_CMD_LOAD , /* loads one marble into separator , no »
«arguments */
6 MARBLE_CMD_RELEASE , /* releases the marble into the lift , »
«no arguments */
7 MARBLE_CMD_LIFT_UP , /* moves lift upwards , no arguments */
8 MARBLE_CMD_LIFT_DOWN , /* moves lift downwards , no arguments»
« */
9 MARBLE_CMD_SHORTCUT /* toggles shortcut in marble run , no »
«arguments */
10 };

In case you send an illegal command, it is ignored. Commands that would cause the loss of a
marble or a hardware defect if executed at this point in time are also ignored. As an example,
this sequence rolls a single marble:
1 ( marbleAddCmd ( MARBLE_CMD_LIFT_UP , 1) == 0) ) {
2 return CMDfailedError ;
3 }
4 return DEMOsuccess ;
5 }

Please also note that if you send very long command chains, your token may not fit into the
response field and will be rejected upon grading. Use above sequence of commands if you do
not want to find out the limit.
On success, the MCI will display a bonus token which is the only thing that has to be
submitted for this part of the assignment. As the token is publicly visible, it is of course
cryptographically personalized. Note that this means you have to activate the marble run
using the board handed out to you. If you submit a token created by someone else or someone
else submitted your token, both of you will have to report to me in order to determine to whom
the token belongs.
In case you have a board not borrowed from us, provide us with the unique chip id of your
board and we will add it to the key store of the marble run. You will receive a virtual board
id that you can enter in the MCI.

If you are interested, you may continue to try to exploit the packetizer, but this is not part of
the assignment anymore. We recommend as a starting point the fact that the header contains
a field for the length of the plaintext, cf. Heartbleed. Reports about successful exploits of the
packetizer are accepted via email to florian.wilde@tum.de. Encrypted, of course.

3. Hints
3.1. Part A, Part B
• The provided sendExploit script is written in python3.

• Make use of the fact that the location of the stack is not randomized like with ASLR

• Use info frame in the debugger to obtain necessary addresses

• Think about how you could get your exploit code compiled. If necessary, use e.g.
xxd -r -p <infile> <outfile> to convert from hex to binary representation.

• There are some shells (e.g. the GNU tools) which support the xor functionality. Alter-
natively, you can write a simple C or Python function.

• Be aware of endianness
– 12 34 and 1234 may reflect different data, compare e.g. *.lst file with debugger
– Verify what your converter does
– Write an array of uint8_t on disk using a few lines of C and open it with your
converter in case you are unsure
– You may also use a hex editor, e.g. ghex, to manually alter individual bytes

• Unfortunately single stepping with the debugger alters the behaviour of the XMC4500
in some points, e.g.
– A MemManagement fault will be delayed a few clock cycles, allowing to execute the
first few instructions of your exploit although instruction fetch is prohibited in this
– Jumps to even addresses work, because the debugger silently prohibits the illegal
attempt to change to ARM mode without generating a UsageFault
During grading the XMC4500 is not running in debug mode, so do not rely on this altered

• If you connect the debugger, it will reset the application processor. The reset will dis-
connect an already established serial connection, so always connect the debugger first,
then the other USB cable for the serial connection.

• When you plug in the cable for the serial connection, the board must be able to answer
the enumeration request of the PC within a few milliseconds. If the application processor
is halted by the debugger, it cannot answer and thus the connection fails. So make sure
you enter continue repeatedly until the debugger says Continuing. and you do not get
a (gdb) prompt. Only then the application processor is running continuously and able
to respond to the enumeration request in time. Afterwards you can halt it by pressing
Ctrl - C . You can also set a breakpoint in the vulnerable function before plugging in
the cable for the serial connection.

• Watch out for convenient gadgets sprinkled into the text section

• To keep Part B working after a successful exploit is a littly tricky and requires to find
gadgets not explicitly added to the code. Skip it and continue with Part C if you feel

3.2. Part C
• A documentation about libsodium can be found here.

• The “unique chip id” is relocated by the startup code and made available as a global
variable. Search the system_XMC4500.h for it. The board ID is printed on the label on the
backside next to the barcode.

• When adding the sodium library, do not forget to

– Add its include subfolder to the search path of the compiler (-I)
– Add its lib subfolder to the search path of the linker (-L)
– Add sodium to the list of libraries to link (-l)
– Beware that #include "foo" is different from #include <foo>, cf. https://gcc.gnu.

• Do not forget to call sodium_init()

• There is no denial-of-service (DoS) protection on the marble run control interface and
its a microcontroller, not a server. We appeal to your honour and fair play.

4. Submission
4.1. What to Submit
• A ZIP archive containing exploits for PartA and PartB and a token for PartC
– I.e. your ZIP must contain three folders in its root, named PartA, PartB, and PartC
– The folders PartA and PartB must contain a file called exploit that contains your
solution in binary format, i.e. no additional conversion necessary
– The folder PartC must contain a file called token that contains the token as displayed
by the mci

4.2. How to Submit

1. From any of your project directories (e.g. directory PartA) run make deliverable

2. Make will create a .zip-file in ../.

3. Upload this archive via moodle

A. Compiling libsodium on your own
The libsodium documentation provides an example on how to cross-compile it in its section
about installation. We will mostly follow this example, but need to make some further adjust-

1. Download the 1.0.15 tarball and extract it

2. Due to some strange compiler incompatibility, function pointers are sometimes incorrectly
calculated. Therefore the *pick_best_implementation functions do not work, but instead
yield pointers to no man’s land. As the Cortex-M4 does not comprise any x86 instruction
set extension anyway, there are no better implementations than the default ones. So we
can get rid of these broken functions without loosing anything by commenting out or
deleting lines 55 - 60 in src/libsodium/sodium/core.c

3. Now we can start with the first line of the cross-compiling example: In case the arm-
none-eabi-gcc is not already in your PATH, use this line to add it temporarily:
1 export PATH =/ path / to / gcc - arm - none - eabi / bin : $PATH

4. The second line can be used as is

2 export LDFLAGS = ’ - - specs = nosys . specs ’

5. The third line needs to be extended, because the arm-none-eabi-gcc otherwise defaults
to produce ARM code, which is not compatible with the Cortex-M microcontrollers. To
keep the compiled code small, we use -ffunction-sections, so that every function gets its
own section and can be omitted by the linker if it is never called. Finally, you probably
also want to add some debugging symbols to make life easier:
3 export CFLAGS = ’ - Os - mcpu = cortex - m4 - mfloat - abi = softfp - mfpu = fpv4 - sp - d16»
« - mthumb - ffunction - sections - g3 - gdwarf -2 ’

6. To produce the various build scripts, run ./autogen.sh. This essential step is unfortunately
not mentioned in the online documentation.
4 ./ autogen . sh

7. Now we can run the configuration, which location you choose for installing is not relevant.
You can move the output folder freely, as long as you update the references in all projects
linking them:
5 ./ configure -- host = arm - none - eabi -- prefix =/ install / path

8. The last command will run the actual compilation and archive the various *.o files into a
single *.a library and put all the headers together in a single folder for easy referencing:
6 make install

In case you want to install the library in a folder where only root can write to (e.g.
/opt/sodium), you have to precede the above line with a sudo

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