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Proj 1

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CS155: Computer Security

Spring 2012

Project #1
Due: Part 1: Thursday, April 19 - 11:59 pm, Part 2: Monday, April 23 - 11:59 pm.

1. The goal of this assignment is to gain hands-on experience with the eect of buer overow, format string, and double free bugs. All work in this project must be done on the VMware virtual machine provided on the course website. You will need to download VMware Player from http://www.vmware.com/products/player/. 2. You are given the source code for ve exploitable programs (/tmp/target1, ... , /tmp/target5). These programs are to be installed as setuid root in the VMware virtual machine. Your goal is to write ve exploit programs (sploit1, ..., sploit5). Program sploit[i] will execute program /tmp/target[i] giving it certain input that should result in a root shell on the VMware virtual machine.. 3. The skeletons for sploit1, ..., sploit5 are provided in the sploits/ directory. Note that the exploit programs are very short, so there is no need to write a lot of code here.

The Environment
1. You will test your exploit programs within a VMware virtual machine. To do this, you will need to download the virtual machine image provided on the course website as well as VMware Player from VMwares website. VMware player can run on Linux, Mac OS X (VMware Fusion), and Windows, and is freely available. 2. The virtual machine we provide is congured with Debian. Weve left the package management system installed in the image, so should you need any other packages to do your work (e.g. emacs), you can install it with the command apt-get (e.g. apt-get install emacs). 3. The virtual machine is congured to use NAT (Network Address Translation) for networking. From the virtual machine, you can type ifconfig as root to see the IP address of the virtual machine. It should be listed under the eld inet addr: under eth0. 4. The virtual machine also has an ssh server. You can ssh into the VM from the your machine, using the IP address produced by ifconfig (as above) as the destination. You can also use this to transfer les onto the virtual machine using scp or an sftp client like SecureFX, which is available for free from University computing. Alternatively, you can fetch les directly from the web on the VM using wget.

The Targets
1. The targets/ directory in the assignment tarball contains the source code for the targets, along with a Makele specifying how they are to be built. 1

2. Your exploits should assume that the compiled target programs are installed setuid-root in /tmp /tmp/target1, /tmp/target2, etc.

The Exploits
The sploits/ directory in the assignment tarball contains skeleton source for the exploits which you are to write, along with a Makele for building them. Also included is shellcode.h, which gives Aleph Ones shellcode.

The Assignment
You are to write exploits, one per target. Each exploit, when run in the virtual machine with its target installed setuid-root in /tmp, should yield a root shell (/bin/sh).

1. Read Aleph Ones Smashing the Stack for Fun and Prot. Carefully. Also read the two optional handouts have a good understanding of what happens to the stack, program counter, and relevant registers before and after a function call. Read scuts Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities.. All the papers are linked from the course syllabus. It will be helpful to have a solid understanding of the basic buer overow exploits before reading the more advanced exploits. 2. gdb is your best friend in this assignment, particularly to understand whats going on. Specifically, note the disassemble and stepi commands. You may nd the x command useful to examine memory (and the dierent ways you can print the contents such as /a /i after x). The info register command is helpful in printing out the contents of registers such as ebp and esp. A useful command to run gdb is to use the -e and -s command line ags; for example, the command gdb -e sploit3 -s /tmp/target3 in the vm tells gdb to execute sploit3 and use the symbol le in target3. These ags let you trace the execution of the target3 after the sploit has forked o the execve process. When running gdb using these command line ags, be sure to rst issue catch exec then run the program before you set any breakpoints; the command run naturally breaks the execution at the rst execve call before the target is actually exec-ed, so you can set your breakpoints when gdb catches the execve. Note that if you try to set break points before entering the command run, youll get a segmentation fault. If you wish, you can instrument your code with arbitrary assembly using the ofunction. 3. Make sure that your exploits work within the provided virtual machine. 4. Start early. Theoretical knowledge of exploits does not readily translate into the ability to write working exploits. Target1 is relatively simple and the other problems are quite a bit more complicated. asm () pseud-

Aleph One gives code that calculates addresses on the targets stack based on addresses on the exploits stack. Addresses on the exploits stack can change based on how the exploit is executed (working directory, arguments, environment, etc.); in our testing, we do not guarantee to execute your exploits as bash does. You must therefore hard-code target stack locations in your exploits. You should *not* use a function such as get sp() in the exploits you hand in.

1. To encourage students to start on the project early, part 1 (due on April 19 11:59 pm) consists of target1 and target2. Part 2 consists of the other 3 targets. 2. You are to provide a tarball (i.e., a .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 le) containing the source les and Makele for building your exploits. All the exploits should build if the make command is issued. 3. There should be no directory structure: all les in the tarball should be in its root directory. (Run tar from inside the sploits/ directory.) 4. Along with your exploits, you must include le called ID which contains, on a single line, the following: your SUID number; your Leland username; and your name, in the format last name, comma, rst name. An example: $ cat ./ID 3133757 hermann Buhl, Hermann $ If you did the project with a partner, then both of you will submit only one solution and the ID le will have two lines giving the relevant information. You may want to include a README le with comments about your experiences or suggestions for improving the assignment. 5. Instructions for submitting the tarball will be posted on the course website. Again, make sure that you test your exploits within the provided virtual machine.

Late Policy
Every student in the class is given a total of 72 late hours that can be applied to the projects and homeworks. These late hours must be taken in chunks of 24 hours (essentially 3 late days) for example, submitting a homework 3 hours later than its due counts as 24 late hours used. After all your late hours are used up, the assignment score gets halved with every 24 hours the assignment is late for example, someone submitting a project 47 hours late after having used all her late days will get (1/2)2 = 1/4 of the grade. If a project has more than one part, each part is considered a

separate assignment for late days for example, if you submit part 1 72 hours late and part 2 24 hours late, then part 1 gets full credit and part 2 gets 50% credit. Note that no late hours can be used on the last programming project.

How to set up the Environment

1. Download and install VMware player from http://www.vmware.com/products/player/ (for Windows and Linux) or VMware Fusion from http://www.vmware.com/download/fusion/ (for Mac OS X). 2. Download the VMware virtual machine tarball (boxes-2.3.tar.bz2). 3. Decompress the virtual machine tarball, then open the le box.vmx using VMware Player. If VMware Player asks you if you moved or copied the virtual machine, say that you copied it. 4. Login to the virtual machine. There are two accounts, root with the password root, and user with the password user. 5. Ensure that networking is working by typing ifconfig and checking that the inet addr: eld of eth0 has a valid IP address. Make sure you can reach the machine by attempting to ssh into it. 6. Download the Project 1 tarball (pp1.tar.gz) onto the virtual machine. You can do this by downloading the tarball rst, then using scp or an sftp client to transfer the les onto the VM. Alternatively, download from within the VM by typing user@box:~$ wget https://courseware.stanford.edu/mod/file/download.php?file_guid=282791 user@box:~$ mv download.php\?file_guid\=282791 pp1.tar.gz 7. Build and install the targets. Write, build, and test your exploits user@box:~$ cd pp1/targets user@box:~/pp1/targets$ make ... ... user@box:~/pp1/targets$ su Password: box:/home/user/pp1/targets# make install box:/home/user/pp1/targets# exit user@box:~/pp1/targets$ cd ../sploits ...edit, test... user@box:~/pp1/sploits$ make user@box:~/pp1/sploits$ sploit1 sh-3.2# 8. Everytime you reboot the VM, youll have to set up the targets in VMs /tmp because itll be wiped clean.

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