Girt7016 Iss 2
Girt7016 Iss 2
Girt7016 Iss 2
Interface between
Station Platforms,
Track and Trains
This document mandates requirements
for the design and maintenance of
station platforms for their safe interface
with trains.
Published by:
Infrastructure Standards Committee on 18 July 2007
Rail Safety and Standards Board
Evergreen House
160 Euston Road
London NW1 2DX
© Copyright 2007
Authorised by RSSB on 18 October 2007 Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited
Document to be Withdrawn as of 06/02/2010
To be Superseded by GIRT7016 Iss 3 Published on 05/12/2009
Railway Group Standard Uncontrolled When Printed
Issue Two Interface between Station Platforms,
Date December 2007 Track and Trains
Issue record
Issue Date Comments
One February 2004 Original document
Two December 2007 Replaces issue 1, and incorporates some
requirements from GI/RT7014, issue 1,
Infrastructure Requirements at Stations,
GI/RT7010, issue 1, Lighting of Railway Premises
and GE/RT8060, issue 1, Technical Requirements
for Dispatch of Trains from Platforms
Revisions have not been marked by a vertical black line in this issue because the
document has been revised throughout.
Superseded documents
The following Railway Group documents are superseded, either in whole or in part as
Controlled and uncontrolled copies of this Railway Group Standard may be obtained from
the Corporate Communications Department, Rail Safety and Standards Board, Evergreen
House, 160 Euston Road, London NW1 2DX, telephone 020 7904 7518 or e-mail Railway Group Standards and associated documents can also be
viewed at
Section Description Page
Part 12 Transition between sunlit areas and artificially lit areas at stations 22
12.1 Requirement to minimise the creation of sharp transitions of light 22
Appendix A Example of the determination of the minimum usable platform width for a
double face platform 25
Appendix B Determining the number of people to allow for in the unscheduled
detraining of passengers 26
Appendix C Diagram illustrating requirements for headroom at station platforms 27
Appendix D Protecting people from aerodynamic effects of passing trains 28
Appendix E Risk assessment to consider transition from sunlit areas to artificially lit
areas at stations and vice versa 30
Definitions 31
References 34
1.2 Introduction
1.2.1 Purpose of this introduction This section (1.2) is a descriptive introduction to this document. It does not
contain mandatory requirements, but draws attention to an important point about
b) GC/RT5021 sets out the requirements for the track system, including the
limitations on track cant at stations.
2.1.2 Station platforms shall not be located on horizontal curves with radii less than
1000 m. Before station platforms are located on curved track, consideration shall
be given to the following:
a) Train to platform stepping distances, taking the types of train likely to call at
the platform into account
2.2.2 The gradient through the platform shall be constant unless the particular
geographical characteristics of the site and the characteristics of the railway
infrastructure at the proposed location of the platform do not provide a reasonable
opportunity for achieving this. Where the gradient is not constant, the average
gradient shall be measured over the length of any train likely to use the platform
in its planned stopping position.
3.2.2 For most rolling stock, this requirement is met on curves with radii greater than or
equal to 360 m by a platform offset of 730 mm (within a tolerance of +15, -0 mm).
GC/RT5212 sets out exceptions where Class 373 trains or 2.6 m wide containers
are required to pass the platform. GC/RT5212 also sets out requirements where
the curve radius is less than 360 m.
a) Horizontal 275 mm
b) Vertical 250 mm
c) Diagonal 350 mm
3.4.2 Setting the position of a platform edge to meet the requirements of sections 3.1
and 3.2 of this document could therefore result in the stepping distances quoted
in section 3.3 being exceeded in the case of some trains that do not meet the
current requirements of GM/RT2149.
3.4.3 Where this is the case, adequate measures to protect the safety of passengers
when boarding or alighting from trains shall be put in place before the platform is
brought into use.
b) Provision of announcements
c) Staff attendance
4.2.2 Where the particular circumstances prevent the provision of the required
dimensions at the time when the alteration (see definition) to a platform is
undertaken, the reasons shall be justified and recorded.
5.1.2 The usable length of terminal platforms shall include an allowance both for the
train to stop before it reaches the buffer stops and for the length taken up by the
buffer stop equipment.
5.2.2 GE/RT8000 Module TW2 contains instructions to the guard when a multiple-unit
train is to stop at a platform shorter than the train. GE/RT8000 Module TW3
contains corresponding instructions for locomotive-hauled trains (including HSTs,
push-pull, postal and parcels trains).
5.2.3 GM/RT2473 requires a system of selective door opening to be adopted for new
trains where there are no alternative means to accommodate all doors on a train
within the usable length of a passenger platform.
a) The platform is used by vehicles with hinged doors (slam doors) or power
operated external doors with no selective door opening
5.3.2 Any decision not to extend platforms in these circumstances shall be supported
by a documented safety justification.
5.4.2 GI/RT7033 sets out requirements for the design of platform stop markers used for
this purpose.
6.1.2 Compliance with these requirements usually sets a limit on the minimum usable
width of new platforms (subject to also meeting the requirements of section 7.1).
In cases where these requirements do not determine the minimum usable width,
the requirements of sections 7.2 and 7.3 apply (again, subject to also meeting the
requirements of section 7.1).
6.2.2 New buildings and structures, and alterations to existing buildings and structures,
shall be located to provide the following minimum distances to the platform edge:
6.2.3 Particular requirements for the location of platform furniture and isolated columns
supporting lighting, signs and driver only operation (DOO) equipment are set out
in sections 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6.
a) Cause a structure that is outside the overrun risk zone to come within the
overrun risk zone (see sub-section 6.3.1).
b) Cause a structure which is within the overrun risk zone to become closer to
the centre line of the track and/or closer to the face of the buffer stop.
6.4.2 New platform furniture, and alterations to existing platform furniture, shall be
located to provide the following minimum distances to the platform edge:
6.5.2 Isolated columns for new lighting, signs and other equipment or alterations to
such items shall be located to provide the following minimum distances to the
platform edge:
6.5.3 Where particular site constraints prevent this, isolated columns for new lighting,
signs or other equipment or alterations to such items shall be located not less
than 2000 mm from the platform edge.
a) The need to provide adequate clearance between the support and the
platform edge
b) The need for the driver of the train to be able to see the DOO CCTV screen
or other DOO equipment
6.6.2 If the clearance provided meets the requirement of section 6.5, no further
justification is required.
6.6.3 If the clearance provided does not meet the requirement of section 6.5, the
clearance shall be justified and recorded.
6.6.4 In all cases the DOO equipment shall be at least 450 mm clear of the swept
envelope (as defined in GC/RT5212) of trains using or passing through the
station, and shall be positioned so as not to restrict the movement of people (see
also GE/RT8060).
8.2 Appendix C contains a diagram illustrating the headroom requirements for new
station roofs and platform canopies and alterations to station roofs and platform
8.3 GC/RT5212 sets out requirements for defining and maintaining clearances to
trains. Where the position of a yellow line in accordance with sub-section 9.2.1 is likely
to lead to overcrowding, it is permissible to reduce the distance between the
yellow line and the platform edge. In this case, action shall be taken to mitigate
the risk from the aerodynamic effects of passing trains to lightweight objects and
vulnerable passengers on the station platform (for example, pushchairs, the
elderly or frail). Appendix D gives advice on the factors that should be taken into account in a risk
assessment to determine the action required to mitigate the risk from the
aerodynamic effects of passing trains, and the mitigation measures that should
be considered. Appendix D also gives advice on the notification of proposed increases in the
speed of trains passing on the line adjacent to a station platform, to enable the
action required by sub-section 9.2.2 to be carried out. Appendix D gives advice on the factors that should be taken into account in a risk
assessment to determine the action required to mitigate the risk from the
aerodynamic effects of passing trains, and the mitigation measures that should
be considered. Appendix D also gives advice on the notification of proposed introductions of new
freight train services, to enable the action required by sub-section 9.3.1 to be
carried out.
10.1.2 Requirements for location of isolated columns for new lighting or alterations to
lighting are set out in section 6.5. Requirements for the headroom to suspended
lighting are set out in section 8.1.
10.2.2 At driver only operation (DOO) stations using mirrors and driver line of sight only,
the illuminance over the usable platform edge area shall not be less than 20 lux
at platform level, along the extent of the platform length to which DOO applies.
10.2.3 The horizontal uniformity over the usable platform edge area on the open
platform shall be equal to or greater than 0.4 for all stations.
10.2.4 The horizontal uniformity over the usable platform edge area under covered
areas shall be equal to or greater than:
10.2.5 The diversity over the usable platform edge area shall be equal to or greater than
10.2.6 All design figures for illuminance quoted are based on the maintained illuminance
levels. All maintained illuminance levels shall be determined without the
presence of trains in platforms.
10.3.2 At driver only operation stations (DOO) using mirrors and driver line of sight only,
there shall be a minimum illuminance of 6 lux measured vertically at a point 1.0 m
above the platform surface and perpendicular to the platform edge area, along
the extent of the platform length to which DOO applies.
10.3.3 The required value shall be achieved at a point 0.3 m back from the platform
edge and opposite the first luminaire on the platform. The measurement point
should be directed toward the driver or DOO observation equipment.
10.3.4 The diversity along the usable platform edge area shall be greater than or equal
to 0.125.
10.3.5 All design figures for illuminance quoted are based on the maintained illuminance
levels. All maintained illuminance levels shall be determined without the
presence of trains in platforms.
10.4.2 Luminaires, video cameras and monitors shall be located to ensure the view of
driver or staff involved in train working is not impaired by:
a) glare created by luminaires in the same field of view as DOO monitors and
b) reflection of the light emitted from luminaires off DOO monitors and mirrors The remaining platform width shall be constructed to provide a fall away from the
rear of the platform edge area at a nominal gradient of 1:40 (within the limits 1:80
and 1:20). Where platform copers form the platform edge, it is permissible for the gradient
specified in clause to commence at the rear edge of the coper. Consideration shall be given to the provision of a wider recess where there is a
platform or other obstruction on both sides of the track. Sufficient illumination shall be provided for these signs to be visible in the hours
of darkness or low light conditions when the station is open to station users (see
also part 10). Part 9 sets out particular requirements for signage to warn passengers about the
aerodynamic effects of trains passing at speeds exceeding 100 mph. The SRA code of practice ‘Train and Station Services for Disabled Passengers’
sets out requirements for the tactile surface. Part 9 sets out particular requirements for yellow lines on platforms to warn
passengers about the aerodynamic effects of trains passing at speeds exceeding
100 mph. Appropriate markings or other protection to vertical glazing and cladding shall be
provided to prevent accidental collision by station users, including visually
impaired people.
12.1.2 Appendix E gives guidance on risk assessments to consider transition from sunlit
areas to artificially lit areas at stations and vice versa.
b) The stage reached by the project at the time this document comes into
force (for example, approval in principle). Compliance with the requirements of this document relating to maintenance and
in-service condition of infrastructure is mandatory, whether or not the
infrastructure concerned is the subject of a designation, as set out above. Part 5 of this document (Usable length of platforms) applies to existing platforms.
Section 5.2 sets out an exemption where operational procedures apply. Section
5.3 sets out the conditions under which consideration is to be given to extending
the length of existing platforms. Part 9 of this document (Protection of people from aerodynamic effects of passing
trains) applies to existing stations, except where otherwise indicated in the text.
Where it is known, or becomes known, that existing stations do not comply with
the requirements of part 9 of this document, action to bring them into compliance
is required.
specified in sub-section 13.1.5 are later than the above date, this is to allow
infrastructure managers sufficient time to achieve compliance with the specified
exceptions. After the compliance dates or the date by which compliance is achieved if earlier,
infrastructure managers are to maintain compliance with the requirements set out
in this Railway Group Standard. Where it is considered not reasonably
practicable to comply with the requirements, authorisation not to comply should
be sought in accordance with the Railway Group Standards Code.
2500* mm to meet
requirement of
GI/RT7016, section 6.2
Stairs to
Boundary of platform
area that can be used
by passengers for
egress from and
access to trains, or for
Isolated lighting
2500* mm to meet
requirement of
GI/RT7016, section 6.5
(assuming no particular
site constraints)
4000* mm to meet
requirement of * For speeds not
GI/RT7016, section 7.3 exceeding
100 mph (165
Not to scale km/h)
B.1.1 In establishing the number of people to allow for in the unscheduled detraining of
passengers, the maximum number of people can be based on one of the
c) The result of any practical tests conducted to confirm the maximum train
and platform occupancy.
B.1.2 The method selected to establish the maximum number of people should be
demonstrated to be appropriate to the particular circumstances prevailing at the
platform under consideration.
2500 mm
D.1.2 Where both passenger trains at speeds greater than 100 mph and freight trains at
speeds greater than 60 mph pass, the risk assessment and subsequent actions
can be considered together.
b) The provision of marked safe areas for the use of waiting passengers.
c) Poster campaigns to alert people to the dangers from the slipstream effects
of passing trains, particularly to unrestrained pushchairs.
e) Staff attendance.
d) Percentage of the sky in the 20° field of view on the approach to station
platforms, where the 20° is measured from the driver’s line-of-sight in all
E.2.2 The above list is not exhaustive. Any arrangements adopted should be reviewed
after implementation to assess their effectiveness.
E.2.3 Specular reflection of the sun on shiny and wet surfaces and into drivers’ eyes at
the entrance to stations should be minimised.
An unplanned, uncontrolled or unintended event giving rise to death, ill-health, injury or
other loss. For the purpose of this document this is restricted to death or injury as a result
of contact with either trains or railway equipment and infrastructure.
The process that takes place as the eye adjusts to the brightness or the colour of the visual
The ratio of minimum illuminance to maximum illuminance over a specified area.
The discomfort or impairment of vision experienced when parts of the visual field are
excessively bright in relation to the general surroundings.
Horizontal illuminance
The illuminance falling on a horizontal plane.
The luminous flux density at a surface in a defined plane. The SI unit of illuminance is the
lux, which is equal to one lumen per square metre (lm/m ).
An unplanned, uncontrolled or unintended event which under different circumstances could
have resulted in an accident.
An apparatus which controls the distribution of light given by a lamp or lamps and which
includes all the components necessary for fixing and protecting the lamps and connecting
them to the supply circuit. ‘Luminaire’ has superseded the term ‘lighting fitting’.
Luminous flux
The term used to describe the quantity of light emitted by a source, or received by a
surface. The Sl unit of luminous flux is the lumen (lm).
Maintained illuminance
The average illuminance over the reference surface at the worst condition of maintenance.
New platform
A platform other than a platform that already exists. The term excludes a disused platform
that is brought back into use.
The structure forming the part of a station that provides access to or from a train.
Platform furniture
Permanent or semi-permanent equipment or apparatus, or seating placed upon a platform
for station users.
Platform height
The height of the edge of the platform relative to the track, measured at right angles to the
plane of the rails of the track adjacent to the platform.
Platform offset
The distance between the upper surface of the platform edge and the running edge of the
nearest rail on the track adjacent to the platform, measured parallel to the plane of the rails.
Any surface (usually in one plane) which has a message to convey to the viewer.
Station categories
For the purposes of part 10 of this document, stations are categorised as follows:
Vertical Illuminance
The illuminance falling on a vertical plane.
The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards and the Railway Group Standards CD-ROM
give the current issue number and status of documents published by RSSB. This
information is also available from
Other References
Train and Station Services for Disabled Passengers: A Code of
Practice, Strategic Rail Authority, London, February 2002
Where is this? An audit of station name signs, London Transport
Users Committee, London, March 2004 (ISBN 0-9545124-1-3)
Wayfinding at stations - a good practice guide, Rail Safety and
Standards Board, London, June 2006