Gender Discrimination and Inequalities
Gender Discrimination and Inequalities
Gender Discrimination and Inequalities
Around the world, while contexts and gender roles vary from place to place,
we can see that gender inequalities occur everywhere; and at every stage of
life, beginning with childhood or even before birth.
At Save the Children, we put gender equality at the heart of everything we do.
Our vision is a world in which all people – girls, boys, women and men – have
equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities, regardless of gender norms,
identities or expressions. A world where everyone is equally recognized,
respected and valued.
Federal, state and local laws protect individuals from gender discrimination and
gender inequality in the United States. Additionally, it is recognized in both law
and policy that promoting gender equality is critical to achieving foreign policy
objectives for a more prosperous and peaceful world.
What are the causes of gender inequality?
Gender prejudice and resulting gender discrimination begin in childhood. From
the moment they’re born, girls and boys face unequal gender norms as well as
social norms regarding expectations and access to resources and opportunities,
with lifelong consequences – in their homes, schools and communities.
For example, the world’s boys are often encouraged to go to school and get an
education to prepare for work, while girls carry heavy household
responsibilities that keep them from school, increasing the odds of child
marriage and pregnancy.