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January 2023 Volume XII Issue VII 90

An Outlook of The Electrical & Power Industry

January 2023 Volume XII Issue VII 90

An Outlook of The Electrical & Power Industry

Case Study

Er. P.K.Pattanaik, is presently working with OPTCL as General Manager, EHT (O&M) Circle Bhubaneswar
- Odisha and associated with the Protection and Control schemes of Electrical systems.
Having 29 years of technical experience on various HT and EHT voltage level in the field of transmission
sector. Specialization on the development techno-economical design of protection control schemes for
system development and planning. At present involved with various on-going projects on GIS, SAS and
updated Remote SCADA control stations of OPTCL.
Er. P.K.Pattanaik


Study Contd….

1. Introduction: For the last few months, the response of the readers to the case studies on various
incidents is overwhelming. Hence this month we are again choosing the write up on similar kind
of studies for developing the synchronization of practical observation to the theoretical concepts.

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The analysis of each incident being supported by actual letter of A or B
observations had been described during the situation b. These JBs were not provided with LOCK and KEY
to add awareness amongst the operation, testing arrangement
and commissioning engineers to know the cause of
problems and be helpful for easy rectification of the c. No physical isolator available for primary side dis-
problems. This can also help to develop economic connection of CVT
schemes for the smooth running of the operation and d. Lack of remembrance by the operator while
control system in the Grid Sub-Station. attending the job for removal of CVT fuses.
2.1. Abnormal Outage of System: 7. Because of CVT fuse removal from the healthy
circuit, the LIVE feeder tripped causing delink
At one of the 220/132 Kv system, one circuit from DC
of interconnection and system LOAD throw of
(Double Circuit) transmission line was planned for
approximately 220MWatt and subsequent disturbance.
maintenance shutdown. But while removal of the CVT
fuses, it was observed with total outage of the healthy Action Taken:
line. 1. The system was revived putting the removed fuses
Observations: in the JB, allowing the load flow between stations.
1. All operations like disconnection of isolators, 2. This time Lock and KEY arrangements were done
circuit breaker and closure of earth switches were and JBs were labelled as circuit no and Bay No.
done correctly from both end as per the SOP. 3. Caution note was issued as instruction in the SOP
2. The other parallel line from the 220Kv DC tower was to avoid confusion.
allowed to continue with the supply for maintaining 4. The existing relays were replaced by new relays
the connectivity between stations. and logic was also changed for the system to provide
3. Now the next process was there to remove CVT fuses fuse failure scheme rather issuing of trip command.
from the Dead circuit to avoid inadvertent back feed Technical Analysis:
from secondary 110 Volt to 220 KV system.
1. The OLD relays were set with the simple logic of
4. Both the CVT secondary box of both circuit TRIPPING of the system in case of Voltage reduction/
were installed at the central place and labeled as failure with current in the circuit.
220CVTAJB and 220CVTBJB.
2. This is being considered for voltage outage of all
5. The operator by mistake removed the fuses of LIVE three phases.
circuit from 220CVTBJB rather from the dead circuit
3. In this case while removal of one fuse, it was
observed with VT fuse fail, but due to communication
6. This mistake resulted due to followings link miss between the operator at switch yard and
a. Both the CVTJB were at central place rather at field operator at control room, the switch yard operator
yard with almost similar labelling differed by one removed all the fuses in the row.

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Case Study

4. So due to old logic of no voltage on all the phases 7. The peculiarity was found with mixing of AC
and current in the system caused tripping of the voltage to the terminal along with DC supply.
healthy circuit. Action Taken and Technical Analysis:
5. In the replaced new numerical relay, the logic was 1. The AC supply as available was due to loss of
changed in corporation the threshold limit and ZERO insulation of the flexible cable used for lighting
sequence allowable current in the system for tracing system and inadvertent touch of the Phase
as fuse failure situation instead issuing of tripping of terminal to one of the NO terminal as mentioned.
the system.
2. This inadvertent touch was resulting rise of
6. The matter was even tested and simulated correctly. the momentary voltage rise on this point and
7. Finally, the system was taken in the scheme. arching on the small gap allowing the continuity
of supply to the tripping coil and was causing
2.2. Case of DC and AC mixing on the DC tripping of the breaker.
battery System:
3. The PEAK VOLTAGE of the AC supply mixed with
At one of the 132/33Kv Grid Sub-Station, abnormal RMS voltage of the DC supply was the culprit of
tripping resulted with a breaker in the system due the tripping action.
Case Study

to automatic closure of the Lockout contact from the

master trip relay. 4. So, the defective flexible AC wire was replaced by
a good one and routing was changed to avoid the
Observations: inadvertent touch and mixing up with DC supply.
1. The master trip relay was equipped with the 5. Even this peculiar supply mixing behavior was
Normally OPEN (NO) contact that had extremely resulting some other chattering of auxiliary
small gap between the contact of approximately contacts in the system.
0.02 to 0.025 inch.
6. After modification of the circuit, the issues were
2. This contact was automatically getting closed and resolved.
issuing the tripping command of the breaker.
3. But during the next moment after resetting the 2.3. ZERO Megger value of CT: At one of 132/33 KV
Master relay, the breaker was getting charged. 63MVA Transformer, it was found with oil leakage
But issuing the tripping command once again from the Tan-delta point. Then the oil level was
without any sequence of time interval. checked and found with low level. On filling the oil,
the IR value was measured from Primary point to
4. Even in few of the incident, the breaker was Ground, but found with ZERO-ohm resistance.
getting tripped at the very moment of the
breaker closure. Observations:
5. This automatic closure of the contact was very 1. The Oil leakage on CT was found at the Tan-
peculiar in nature and reason could not be Delta point.
established. 2. As suspected that this had been resulted during
6. However, physical search was conducted Tan-Delta measurement by the testing wing and
regarding the supply availability to one of the loosened during that point.
terminal of the said NO contact. 3. So, the tightness was attended for arresting of
the oil leakage.

46 ELECTRICAL MIR R OR || JANUARY 2023 || www.electricalmirror.net

4. At the same time, oil level was also checked 2. Because of TRANSFORMER NEUTRAL EARTH link
and found with less than that of the limit. So, in the system, the IR measurement came ZERO.
required level was filled and tested with the NOTE: This Study seems to be very silly, but sometimes
Primary to Earth megger value. operator forget to remove the Earthing Point
5. The result was found with ZERO value. during IR measurement. Not only from transformer,
6. ZERO resistance of the running CT was suspected sometimes Grid operators do the mistake of removal
with the process of taking Insulation resistance of EARTH LINK from the PT system.
measurement. Recommendations: This is recommended to review
7. So, the grid personnel were inquired about the the system if IR measurement is attempted for
measurement process. combined connected equipment system in case of
obtaining ZERO resistance value, before declaring
8. The actual mistake point was revealed on the final result.
inquiring that the grid personnel had taken the

measurement, keeping Transformer winding in 2.4. Gradual Damage of LINE conductor: It was
the system, without removing of the NEUTRAL observed with Damage of conductor strands during
EARTH. annual maintenance check of the transmission line
9. On knowing the mistake, the NEUTRAL EARTH conductor.
of transformer was removed and IR value taken Observations:
thereafter. 1. This conductor was of AAAC Zebra and connected
und at the Tan-Delta point.
een resulted10. This time the measurement
during Tan-Delta actual meggerbyvalue came above
the testing wing in the 220 KV line between TWO tension Tower
t. the allowable limit. location.
d for arresting of the oil leakage.
11. The
as also checked andTransformer
found with was
less charged along
than that with
of the thisSo,
limit. CT 2. During Jumper tightening work, the workmen
ested with the Primary to Earth megger value.
RO value.
and stood OK. reported about the damage of few strands as like
Technical Action:
ning CT was suspected with the process of taking Insulation shown in the fig 2.4.1.
nquired about1. theOn
first instanceprocess.
and hurriedly without thinking 3. The conductor was connected with gripping
s revealed on inquiring that the grid personnel had taken the hardware, and damage was found just near to
former winding inabout the TRANSFORMER
the system, without removingNEUTRAL EARTH
of the NEUTRAL
link in the system, the grid operator took the connecting point as like shown in fig 2.4.2.
NEUTRAL EARTH of transformer was removed and IR value taken
insulation resistance measurement by the 4. Proper VD (Vibration Damper) was also
alue came aboveavailable motorized
the allowable limit. 5KV IR2. tester.
During (Jumper
Refer tightening
Fig No work, theconnected outsideabout
workmen reported thisthe
of few strands as like
d along with this CT and stood OK. shown in the fig 2.4.1.
2.3.1). 3. The conductor was Damaged strands Fig 2.4.1 Damaged portion of the
connected with gripping strands Fig 2.4.2
hardware, and damage
was found just near to
connecting point as like
dly without 132 KV
shown in fig 2.4.2.
SFORMER 4. Proper VD (Vibration
e system, Damper) was also
insulation connected outside this
damage part.
by the CT under Test
tester. ( Action Taken
Action Taken
SFORMER Fig 2.3.1 1. The Conductor span was replaced with new hardware connection with proper gripping.
e system, 1. ThewithConductor
2. This time the gripping was provided span was
no slacken looseness replaced with new
of the strands.
ERO. TFR not removed with NEUTRAL hardware connection with proper gripping.
Technical Analysis:
y silly, but
ve the Earthing Point during IR measurement. Not only fromof the BASE hardware for holding the main conductor should be done
1. The gripping/clamping
rs do the mistake of removal of EARTH LINK from the PT
with proper system.
2. The conductor strands should be bound tightly avoiding any slacken among them.
www.electricalmirror.net 3. If these strands to remain || JANUARY 2023 || ELECTRICAL MIR ROR 47
mended to review the system if IR measurement is attempted for in slacken way, then subsequent deposition of water and dust particle
upon the above part of conductor, corona effect results with ionization of the water particles,
em in case of obtaining ZERO resistance value, before heating
subsequent declaring
with gradual damage may result.
4. This effect shall be more and quicker as observed in AAAC conductor than ACSR conductor.
Case Study

1. This time the gripping was provided with no Side). All the Jumper cones were found with
slacken looseness of the strands. breakage.
Technical Analysis: 5. But no such failure towards the lesser angle side
1. The gripping/clamping of the BASE hardware for (Towards Tension Tower Side).
holding the main conductor should be done with 6. Each time of failure, temporary PG clamps used
proper care. to provide on the conductor to allow immediate
2. The conductor strands should be bound tightly resumption of power flow in the circuit.
avoiding any slacken among them. 7. The spot was inspected by the experts and found
3. If these strands to remain in slacken way, then with following observations.
subsequent deposition of water and dust particle
b. The susp
upon the above part of conductor, corona effect 27 deg Tower was at 27
47 deg angle away on the oth
results with ionization of the water particles, angle and next T
Tower was
subsequent heating with gradual damage may approximately
80 mtrs away mtrs away fro
result. Tension discussion tow
TWO Susp
Case Study

4. This effect shall be more and quicker as observed Affected

Tower in betwe
c. There was on
VD (Vibration D
in AAAC conductor than ACSR conductor. Suspensio
n Tower
at the said
Suspensio towards both sid
Recommendations: 650mtr n Tower
Tension Fig 2.5.1132 KV System, jumper cone damage Towards 47
d. No pilot in
string was
Tower available for
Proper Gripping with NO SLACKEN STRANDs to be deg angle side required suppor
e. The Tower
done for Transmission Line Conductor positioned at the bank of the river with open sky surrounded by no any p
obstruction and in costal wind zone.
a. The nearest Tension Tower is at around 80 Mtrs
2.5. Failure of Jumper Cone and Snapping 8. The detail was analyzed and found with following solution.
away toa. one side. towards suspension side was replaced with replaced with T clamp
The jumper
of Jumpers: For one 132KV DC (Double Circuit) of PG clamp.
b. Pilot insulator string was provided to avoid any swing.
Transmission System, it was observed with failure of b. Thec.d. suspension
Instead one VD, two Tower
numbers wasof VDatwere
Then onwards it was observed with no failure.
275used mtrs away
in the system.

jumper cone at a particular Tower. on the other side and next Tension Tower was at
Technical Analysis: 650 mtrs away from the discussion
1. This DC transmission system (A Particular Tension tower with TWO
1. As analysed Suspension
from the Tower
site position that in was
the area between.
near the costal zone and bank of th
wind effect is the main cause affecting tension on the conductor.
Tower Location) was positioned with another 2. Maximum time, the wind flow was to develop vibration on the conductor and to all
Tension Tower on one side of the extension and c.3.There was only
transformation onefrom
of tension VDthe(Vibration
line conductorDamper) at point
to jumper at the the of interconnectio
The jumper because of NO PILOT STRING was also swinging not in the same pace to
suspension Tower on the other. said Tower
conductor towards
due both
to only one VD side.
on the conductor.
4. So jumper cone being the inter-connection point was to manage this mechanical jerk
with TWO BOLTS in the point.
2. The next tension tower towards the suspension d.5. No Thispilot
TWO insulator
BOLT jumper string wasnotalso
cone was that available for transfer
strong to proper
conductor to the jumper cone and then to jumper for onward transmission.
the the vibration
required support.
tower side was at after TWO number of 6. So in due course, there developed with hair crack on the jumper cone and subsequent d
suspension points. (As marked in the position e.7. The Tower was positioned at the bank of the
This had been resulted to all the conductors and connected jumper cone towards larger
point side of approximately 650 mtrs away.
sketch Fig 2.5.1) riverMoreover,
with open sky surrounded by no any physical
this long span and larger angle point with no PILOT Insulator was also th
reason towards such failure.
obstruction and in costal wind zone.
3. This particular Tower where issue had been Recommendations:
resulted, was having 47 deg angle point towards So,8. the use
Theof detail was Damper)
VD (Vibration analyzed and
should found be
significantly with following
used in the transmission line syste

suspension side and lesser angle towards Tension solution.

tower side. a. The jumper towards suspension side was replaced
with replaced with T clamp instead of PG clamp.
4. The failure of the jumper cones was resulting
towards higher angle side (Towards Suspension b. Pilot insulator string was provided to avoid any

48 ELECTRICAL MIR R OR || JANUARY 2023 || www.electricalmirror.net

swing. TWO BOLTS in the point.
c. Instead one VD, two numbers of VD were used in 5. This TWO BOLT jumper cone was not that strong
the system. to proper transfer the vibration of the conductor
d. Then onwards it was observed with no failure. to the jumper cone and then to jumper for
onward transmission.
Technical Analysis:
6. So in due course, there developed with hair crack
1. As analysed from the site position that the area on the jumper cone and subsequent damage
was near the costal zone and bank of the river, failure.
wind effect is the main cause affecting tension on
the conductor. 7. This had been resulted to all the conductors and
connected jumper cone towards larger tension
2. Maximum time, the wind flow was to develop point side of approximately 650 mtrs away.
vibration on the conductor and to allow the
transformation of tension from the line conductor 8. Moreover, this long span and larger angle point
to jumper at the point of interconnection. with no PILOT Insulator was also the other reason
towards such failure.
3. The jumper because of NO PILOT STRING was
also swinging not in the same pace to that of Recommendations:
conductor due to only one VD on the conductor. So, the use of VD (Vibration Damper) should
4. So jumper cone being the inter-connection point significantly be used in the transmission line system

was to manage this mechanical jerk always with

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