Japanese Guided Missiles in World War II: Martin Caidin
Japanese Guided Missiles in World War II: Martin Caidin
Japanese Guided Missiles in World War II: Martin Caidin
1 Aircraft L a u n c h e d A n t i - S h i p R a d i o -
C o n trolled G u i d e d M i s s i l e s
The material on the Japanese guided missile program was
assembled by the author during work with Jiro Horikoshi, chief
engineer for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., and the designer
of the famed Zero and other fighter planes; and Colonel Masa-
take Okumiya, former Naval Commander, and today the Chief
of Intelligence, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Japan Defense Forces. Fig. 4 I-go Model IB missile mounted under the belly of the
2 mother plane Lily bomber
Address: 97-37 63 Rd., Rego Park 74, N. Y. Mem. ARS.
AUGUST 1956 691
held at Lake Biwa and at Wakasa Bay, near Maizuru City,
facing the Japan Sea. By the time the Army concluded its
drop tests, they were able only to complete the adjustments
of the control surfaces and the stabilizing and control systems.
As the single pneumatic power source was utilized for feeding
the propellant to the combustion chamber, operating the
gyro, and actuating the servos, the air pressure for the latter
dropped sharply at the close of the rocket propelled flight.
It was anticipated that better flight characteristics could have
been attained after remedying this effect.
Kawasaki assigned engineer Jun Kitano as chief engineer
for the design of the IB airframe series. Approximate^
one hundred and fifty IB models were built; these under-
went Army drop tests from November of 1944 to July of
1945. The first launching and gliding test at Ajigaura,
Ibaraki Prefecture, gave promising results. Until February
of 1945 the Army held its second series of flight tests at
Point Manazaru where gliding, powered flight, and prelimi-
Fig. 5 Japanese navy rocket interceptor Shusui nary radio-control tests were conducted. The third and fourth
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test senes continued until July, during which time the engi-
The 1A carried a Navy warhead of 1760 lb, and the IB neers improved the stabilizing and control s}rstems and con-
a 660-lb armor-piercing nose bomb. The twin-engined firmed the accuracy of hits. These latter experiments were
bomber Peggy carried the 1A aloft (Figs. 2 and 3); the Lily held at the Yokaichi Army Air Field, Shiga Prefecture.
transported the IB (Fig. 4). Both missiles were designed to The Army used the prominent Shiraishi rock in Lake Biwa
be launched from the mother airplane at a point 6.8 miles as its target. The results indicated that the missile was
from the target at an altitude between 2300 and 3000 ft. assured of success in combat, that the radio-control system
Thereafter the missile sustained flight through use of its was perfectly adequate and that, with or without power, the
rocket engine; the mother plane, now acting as the director, flight characteristics were satisfactory. The test group
followed the missile's flight until the bomber was 2.5 miles estimated an accuracy of seventy-five per cent in hits against
from the target. The bombardier in the nose of the directing aircraft carriers and battleships.
plane tracked the distance from the target and the line of The Army had developed its 1A and IB missiles for a
flight with an optical sight, visually controlling the missile specific purpose. They were intended for use against enemy
by radio to hit the objective. aircraft carriers which were at the center of a ring formation
Army engineers and engineers from Mitsubishi's Nagoya providing heavy AA protection and fighter plane screens.
Engine Research Division and Nagasaki Ordnance Works The missiles proved successful in the experiments, but the
coordinated their efforts to produce the rocket engines. Army was convinced that their relatively low performance,
These used concentrated hydrogen peroxide as the propellant even were it improved, would not permit the launching plane
and an aquatic solution of sodium permanganate as the to survive the enemy's deadly defense system. For this
catalyzer. The construction and control systems of the reason, and also because further factory work was disrupted
engine were rather simple; the propellant and catalyzer were by the incessant B-29 attacks, the Army suspended the
fed under the pressure of compressed air (initial charge of project.
150 atm or 2200 psi). The stabilizing system comprised one
position gyro which controlled the elevators and ailerons;
the radio signals from the directing plane controlled the
elevators and rudder; in the IB series, the rudder and ailerons
Table 1 I--go missiles Models 1A and IB
were coordinated by a special linkage system. In the 1A
series, pneumatic power was used for driving the gyro and 1A IB
the operating control surfaces; equipment for this purpose Configuration High-wing mono- High-wing mono-
was developed and manufactured by the Tokyo Aircraft plane plane
Instrument Company. The electrical system used for gyro Construction Wooden wings and empennage; gal-
and control surface power in the IB series was produced by vanized sheet iron fuselage
the Sumitomo Communicating Machine Company in collabo- Power plant Special rocket no. No. 1 Model 2
ration with the Hokushin Electric Works, Ltd. Sumitomo 1 Model 3
Thrust X dura- 530 lb X 75 sec 330 lb X 80 sec
also developed the radio-control system for both missiles.
In a later development the Army attempted to eliminate Propellant Concentrated In r drogen peroxide;
the longitudinal control system. Sumitomo produced an aquatic solution of sodium per-
experimental automatic radio-control system which was to manganate
maintain an altitude of from ten to thirty feet above sea Maximum speed 342 mph 342 mph
level. Unfortunately the Japanese never learned whether the (est.)
equipment would function satisfactorily; the incessant air Launching speed 224 mph 224 mph
raids suspended all tests by the summer of 1945. Principal dimen-
The Mitsubishi design team which produced the Peggy sions
Wingspan 11.8 ft 8.52 ft
bomber and also developed the 1A series was headed by Length 18.9 ft 13.4 ft
engineer Hisanojo Ozawa. For the missile Ozawa used a Height 3.46 ft 2.95 ft
simplified construction of wooden wings and empennage, Wing area 38.8 s q f t 21.0 sq ft
some wooden accommodations, and a fuselage of galvanized Weight, loaded 3085 lb 1500 lb
sheet iron. The company delivered ten to the Army by Warhead 1760 lb H E 660 lb AP
November of 1944. The Army soon received several of the Date of comple- Nov. 1944 Oct, 1944
production missiles turned out by the Nippon Rolling Stock tion
Company, and submitted the new weapons to their first Final disposition Preliminary test Almost completed
drop tests at Point Manazuru, near Atami City, Izu Penin- phase
sula, Kanagawa Prefecture. The second series of tests was L
2 Guided Missile Research, Army Technical body, was gyroscopically stabilized, and had cruciform stubby
Research Institute wings and cruciform empennages. These missiles were the:
Funryu Model-2. For preliminary launching and
Infrared Ray A u t o m a t i c H o m i n g Air-to-Ground Missiles guiding tests. Powder rocket propelled and guided by
the afore-mentioned guidance system.
The Technical Research Institute, Army Bureau of Ord-
Funryu Model-3. Similar to Model-2 except for re-
nance, conducted special research into infrared ray automatic
placement of the solid-fuel motor with the liquid-fuel motor
homing air-to-ground missiles, working with Itogawa's
developed at the Institute.
laboratory of the Aeronautical Research Institute, Tokyo
Funryu Model-4. Considerably larger than the Model-
Imperial University. The Army group conducted prelimi-
2 and -3. Liquid rocket engine, propelled and guided by
nary experiments with its new homing device in the summer of
an automatic command guidance system consisting of
1945 at Lake Hamana, Shizuoka Prefecture, using a bonfire
two radar sets and a mechanical computer.
on a raft as the target. The experimental gliding missiles
Ten of the Model-2 missiles were airborne from a rail
had a torpedo-shaped body of 1.64 ft diam and 9.9 ft length;
launcher set up on a hill near Asama Meadow, Kitakaruizawa,
wings were cruciform, 8.2 ft in span; and the empennage as
near the border of Nagano Prefecture and Gunma Prefec-
well was cruciform.
ture ; the missiles were directed against a point on the shoulder
The aerial torpedoes were released by a mother plane. of Mt. Asama. Tests beginning in April of 1945 were con-
In the nose of the missile the Army installed a parabolic tinued for several months.
reflector to collect heat radiation from the target, with a
Engineers regarded the Model-2 as a failure and, conse-
heat-sensing bolometer located at the reflector's focal point.
quently, also abandoned further work on the Model-3. They
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Are you interested i n . . . hama experiments, a neutral position was provided for each of
the primary controls. Six gyros (position and rate gyros for
High energy Propellants? each of the three axes) were installed, as against the one
gyro for preventing rolling motion in the original models.
Metallo-organic Polymers? The first six missiles were dropped from a Lily bomber at
Plastic Fabrications? Lake Biwa to confirm the functioning of the new gyro-
stabilizing system; in these tests the shockwave-sensing auto-
Metallic Chlorides? matic homing device was not used. The engineers jubilantly
reported complete success. However, when the group was
about to begin its drop tests with the fourteen fully equipped
missiles, the constant air raids destroyed important equip-
ment, hampering the projected experiments. As the engi-
neers prepared to move the testing grounds to Akita Prefec-
ture, the war ended.
5 R a d i o - C o n t r o l l e d Aircraft a n d T a r g e t P l a n e
The Navy's target planes for antiaircraft training were
pioneered by the glider target MXY3, adopted in 1938. (MX
identifies special airplane; Y the NARDC's design.) The
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