Lin Jiaming 2013
Lin Jiaming 2013
Lin Jiaming 2013
Jiaming Lin for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer
Engineering presented on July 8, 2013.
Title: Design Techniques for Low Power High Speed Successive Approximation
Analog-to-Digital Converters.
Abstract approved:
Gabor C. Temes
The pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DACs can save 50% switching power
compared with other time-interleaved SAR ADCs since the total capacitance of the
DACs in this ADC is more than 50% less than the conventional time-interleave ones.
Several switching techniques are implemented to alleviate the impact from the
parasitic capacitance and improve the performance.
The pipeline SAR ADC with resistive DACs overcomes the influence from the
parasitic capacitance with negligible static power consumption on the resistive DACs.
Also, the complicated switching techniques can be avoided to simplify the timing
To verify the above two architectures, two chips were designed and fabricated in
40nm CMOS process.
Jiaming Lin
submitted to
in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the
degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
First of all, I would like to appreciate my advisor, Prof. Gabor C. Temes, for his
He is always sharing his new idea and enthusiasm with me, also giving us the freedom
I would also like to thank Prof. Un-Ku Moon, Prof. Patrick Chiang, Prof. Thinh
Nguyen, Prof. Raviv Raich and Prof. Margaret Niess for serving as my committee
members. Thank you for your great comments and suggestion on my projects.
I would also thank Dr. Doug Garrity and Dr Jorge Grilo for their great guidance,
I also appreciate the colleagues in my and adjoining research group (Derek Chia-
Hung Chen, Wenhuan Yu, Jinzhou Cao, Jeongseok Chae, Hurst Ming-Hung Kuo,
Sanghyeon Lee, Weilun Shen, Tao Tong, Tao Wang, Kangmin Hu, Tao Jiang, Rui
Bai, Tao He, Youngho Jung, Xin Meng, Yue (Simon) Hu, Yi Zhang, Hari Venkatram,
Amr Elshazly, Jeff Pai and Sachin Rao). From all of these peers I have learned a lot.
Lastly, I would thank my family and all my friends, particular Zi Yan. Without
you, I cannot overcome the difficulties in my life here and complete my dissertation.
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
2.3 Layout................................................................................................................ 28
3.3 Layout................................................................................................................ 50
3.4 Summary ........................................................................................................... 54
5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 70
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 72
Figure Page
Fig. 1-3. FoM trend of nyquist ADCs during past 10 years. .......................................... 5
Fig. 1-6. ADC block diagram using TSCP to eliminate timing skew. .......................... 10
Fig. 1-7. ADC architecture using correlation-based algorithm to minimize the timing
skew. . ........................................................................................................................... 10
Fig. 2-2. Normalized energy versus output code required for the switching of the
capacitor array. .............................................................................................................. 14
Fig. 2-3. The 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with 20 fF sampling
capacitor and 2 fF parasitic capacitance at the input of a comparator. ......................... 16
Fig. 2-4. The 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with 200 fF sampling
capacitor and 2 fF parasitic capacitance at the input of a comparator. ......................... 17
Fig. 2-5. The 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with one 100 fF sampling
capacitor and one 40 fF sampling capacitor. The parasitic capacitance at the input of
the comparator is 2 fF. .................................................................................................. 27
Fig. 2-6. The 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with six identical 20 fF
sampling capacitor and the parasitic capacitance is 2 fF. ............................................. 18
Fig. 2-7. (a) The new diagram of the pipeline SAR ADC; (b) The timing diagram of
the circuit....................................................................................................................... 19
Fig. 2-8. (a) The sampling part is stacked with the DAC; (b) The timing diagram of the
controlling signal for the switches in the sampling part. .............................................. 20
Fig. 2-9. The voltage status at (a) Φ1 and (b) Φ2. .......................................................... 21
Figure Page
Fig. 2-10. (a) The sampling part with an additional switch controlled by ΦF; (b) The
timing diagram of the control signal for the switches in the sampling part. ................. 22
Fig. 2-11. The connection status of the sampling capacitor at (a) Φ1; (b) ΦF; (c) Φ2. .. 22
Fig. 2-12. The voltage connection status of the DAC array at (a) Φ1; (b) Φ2. .............. 23
Fig. 2-13. (a) The diagram of adding dummy switches between the sampling
capacitors and the capacitive DAC; (b) the timing for the control signal of all the
switches. ........................................................................................................................ 25
Fig. 2-14. Double-tail dynamic latched comparator; (b) modified version. ................. 26
Fig. 2-15. The dynamic latched comparator used in the pipeline SAR ADC. .............. 27
Fig. 2-17. Two layout styles of the sampling part. (a) serial alignment; (b) folded-stair
pattern. .......................................................................................................................... 29
Fig. 2-18. Post-layout simulation results for the serial and folded-stair pattern of the
sampling part. . .............................................................................................................. 30
Fig. 2-21. Die photo of the pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DACs. ...................... 32
Fig. 2-22. The test board of the pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DACs. . ............. 33
Fig. 2-23. Output spectrum when clock is (a) 200MHz and (b) 400MHz in test. ....... 34
Fig. 2-25. Single run as input parasitic capacitance is 20 fF (left) and 5 fF(right). . .... 36
Fig. 2-26. Imitated monte carlo simulation results at 200MHz clock when (a) parasitic
capacitance is 20 fF; (b) parasitic capacitance is 5 fF. . ................................................ 36
Figure Page
Fig. 2-27. The chart of the power breakdown of the pipeline SAR ADC with
capacitive DACs. Total power is 4.17 mW................................................................... 39
Fig. 3-3. The scheme of the binary-weighted resistive DAC with a bridge resistor. . .. 42
Fig. 3-5. The diagram of the simplified circuit with parasitic capacitor Cp1 and Cp2. .. 43
Fig. 3-6. The average static power dissipation by four kinds of resistive DACs of
different resolution. . ..................................................................................................... 46
Fig. 3-8. The architecture of the pipeline SAR ADC with resistive DACs. . ............... 49
Fig. 3-9. The diagram of the second stage with resistive string as the DAC. . ............. 49
Fig. 3-10. The diagram of the sixth stage with binary-weighted resistive DAC with a
bridge resistor as the DAC. . ......................................................................................... 50
Fig. 3-11. The layout of the sampling part of the pipeline SAR ADC with resistive
DACs. ........................................................................................................................... 51
Fig. 3-12. (a) The 5-bit resistive DAC in the LSB stage and (b) the 5-bit capacitive
DAC in the LSB stage of two kinds of the pipeline SAR ADCs. ................................ 52
Fig. 3-13. The layout of the third channel with a 3-bit resistive string. . ...................... 53
Fig. 3-14. The layout of the sixth channel with a 5-bit binary-weighted resistive DAC
with a bridge resistor. .................................................................................................... 53
Fig. 3-15. The 256-length FFT of the 1GSample/s 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with
resistive DACs. ............................................................................................................. 54
Fig. 3-16. The chart of power breakdown. Total power is 3.99mW. ............................ 55
Figure Page
Fig. 4-1. The 5-bit conventional capacitive DAC for a SAR ADC. ............................. 57
Fig. 4-2. b-bit capacitor-splitting array. The largest capacitor (enclosured in a dotted
box) is split into the copy of the rest capacitors. ........................................................... 58
Fig. 4-4. Simplified charge redistribution between capacitors connected with Vref and
ground. .......................................................................................................................... 60
Fig. 4-6. Sampling phase of the two-step junction-splitting SAR ADC. ...................... 61
Fig. 4-8. The input sampling phase for a 8-bit SAR ADC. .......................................... 63
Fig. 4-10. Circuit states for determing the 4th bit in the coarse quantization phase. . .. 64
Fig. 4-11. Bound setting for the fine quantization phase. . ........................................... 65
Fig. 4-12. Circuit stage for determining the 5th bit in the fine quantization phase. ..... 66
Fig. 4-13. Circuit states for determining the 6th bit in the fine quantization phase. ..... 66
Fig. 4-14. Circuit states for determining the 7th bit in the fine quantization phase. ..... 67
Fig. 4-15. Circuit states for determining the LSB in the fine quantization phase. ........ 67
Fig. 4-16. The switching energy per cycle versus output code required for the
capacitor arrays in 10-bit SAR ADCs. . ........................................................................ 68
Table Page
Table 2-1. The summary of the performance of the 6-bit 1GSample/s pipeline SAR
ADC with capacitive DACs. ......................................................................................... 37
Table 3-1. The summary of the performance of the 6-bit 1GSample/s pipeline SAR
ADC with resistive DACs. ............................................................................................ 55
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
As the interface between nature world (analog signal) and the digital world (digital
signal), the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is one of the most important blocks in
the circuit. The ADC is used to quantize the continuous analog signal into the
the input signal from the sampled one, the sampling frequency needs to be at least
Currently, portable devices are become more and more popular. Low power
dissipation is also a stringent requirement for these portable devices, since battery life
is one of the most critical specifications. Also, because of the integration of massive
amounts of analog blocks as well as digital blocks, it is one of the most important cost
As shown in Fig. 1-1, there are several types of ADCs [1-1]. Incremental, dual-
slope and delta-sigma ADCs are very suitable for high-resolution but low-speed
megahertz, since the oversampling ratio is usually larger than 8, the sampling clock
frequency should be larger than several tens gigahertz so that the ADC will be very
power-hungry. Therefore, for high-speed application, flash and pipeline ADCs are
the resolution of the ADC, which means the power consumption of the comparator is
huge even for medium-resolution application. Since there are many active blocks, such
as opamps, in the pipeline ADC, it is not a good candidate for low-power applications.
For low power application, successive approximation ADC (SAR ADC) is a very
good choice. Since there are only capacitors and one comparator in the architecture,
the power dissipation is very small. However, due to the conventional SAR algorithm,
it takes N+1 clock cycles to resolve one input word. The conversion speed is slow.
interleaved architecture increases the speed of the ADC by using a number of identical
ADCs working in parallel. A suitable combination of the results makes the operation
of the ADCs as a whole equivalent to an ADC whose speed has been increased by a
fs ADC
Vin fs/N OUT
S&H 3 ADC fs
The architecture uses a sample-and-hold circuit to sample the input signal Vin at full
speed fs. Then, an analog demultiplexer (demux) delivers the input signal to the N
parallel ADCs whose conversion speed is fs/N. Finally, a digital multiplexer (mux)
sequentially collects the output digital codes from the ADCs one by one to obtain the
[1-2]. The survey window is defined as ADCs which have >1GSPS sampling-rate and
The comparison is based on the Walden Figure of Merit (FoM) of the ADCs. FoM
represents the energy used per conversion step and defined as followed,
FoM = (1)
⋅ fS
where P denotes the power consumption, fs is the sampling-rate and ENOB is the
of flash ADCs. These three architectures are treated as modifications for the flash
ADCs to improve its performance. Fig. 1-3 demonstrates the FoM trend in the past ten
years, while Fig 1-4 illustrates the FoM versus the sampling frequency. Decrease o
fFoM is due to the scaling-down sub-micro technology. For example, the lowest FoM
presented by the 8-bit 1.2GSample/s time-interleaved SAR [1-3] shows the benefit
from 32nm CMOS process. Flash and pipeline are still the dominant architectures to
achieve gigahertz sampling-rate with good FoM. With the help of time-interleaving
ISSCC 2010 [1-4]. All these time-interleaved SAR ADCs emerged in the past five
years. Moreover, the power consumption of the time-interleaved SAR ADC becomes
A SAR ADC only requires one single comparator and DAC. Also, since SAR
resolves one bit, instead of one level per comparison, it is possible for the SAR to be
implemented in a small area at low power. This characteristic also renders the
equally timed slots as the conversion proceeds from MSB to LSB. However, the time
for bit determination of the comparator is signal dependent. The design of the
comparator is chosen to accommodate the worst case, in which the comparator resolve
time for a small residue voltage. For SAR algorithm, there are only two steps when the
input signal is within 1LSB difference from the reference voltage. Therefore, for most
steps, the comparator is over-designed. In order to lower the power dissipation of the
lower the power consumed by the comparator. When the voltage difference of the
inputs is large, low bias current is sufficient. In [1-5], dynamic biasing is achieved by
sensing the common node of the differential input pair of the comparator and lowers
there are hard decision and easy decision. Hard decision occurs when the sampled
input signal is very closed to the reference voltage. In hard decision, the settling time
allocated to the DAC should be long enough to meet the required accuracy. Also, the
comparator needs long time to resolve the bit. However, in easy decision, the settling
time can be short because the settling accuracy is not so important due to the sampled
input voltage is far away from the reference voltage. The output bit can also be
the observation that a hard decision is followed by a number of easy decisions and an
technique uses a ready signal and a DAC settling clock to dynamic allocate the time
Another way to take advantages of different conversion time for different input
signal is the asynchronous technique, which generates the timing in a dynamic way.
The SAR asynchronous conversion efficiently utilizes the faster comparison cycle for
large comparator inputs [1-7]-[1-9]. A ready signal will be generated to trigger next bit
time on resolving an arbitrarily small input, is one of the most important limits for
power burned on the comparator. Since only one of the residual voltages will fall
the missing end bits after the last output bit when metastability happened.
The delay from the comparator to the output of the SAR logic is critical. The circuit
in [1-3] utilizes an alternate comparator to eliminate the comparator reset time from
the critical path. The scheme in [1-9] uses six comparators instead of one to directly
feed the output bit to the CDAC input to eliminate the logic delay.
In [1-5], [1-7], C-2C capacitor ladder network is used as the capacitor array in the
SAR ADCs. Capacitive ladder has effectively low input capacitance which enables the
high input bandwidth applications. For NBIT-bit C-2C SAR, the total input
capacitance is three times the unit capacitance (Cu), independent of the resolution
In a C-2C capacitor ladder, the actual ratio of the capacitor network is highly
sensitive to the capacitance ratios and the parasitic capacitors associated with the
interconnect circuitry, thus it requires extra effort on the layout and calibration [1-5],
[1-7]-[1-8]. In [1-7] and [1-8], redundancy-bit is used to alleviate the impact from the
parasitic capacitors at the floating node in the capacitor ladder. In [1-5], an adjustable
capacitive array, which is called C-bank, is used to trim the capacitance ratios.
maintaining relatively low speed operation frequency in the sub-ADCs, which reduces
minimize the timing skew resulting from the mismatches among sampling intervals,
which is mainly due to the mismatch among clock drivers and clock routes.
In [1-10], a front-end sampling switch, which is closed only half of the period of
In [1-11], a master clock is used to synchronize the different sampling instants and
Digital calibration for eliminating timing skew can also be employed. In [1-12], an
occurrences in every sampling interval when a testing signal is applied, to detect the
timing skews, and then automatically adjusts the delays of the clock drivers to ensure
Fig. 1-6. ADC block diagram using TSCP to eliminate timing skew.
adding an auxiliary comparator with a clock whose edges periodically coincide with
the ideal sampling instances for the sub-ADC clocks. Digitally adjustable delay cells
are iteratively tuned until the correlation of the auxiliary comparator output with each
channel is maximized, forcing the sampling instances to approach their ideal locations.
Fig. 1-7. ADC architecture using correlation-based algorithm to minimize the timing skew.
Chapter 2 will propose a 1GSample/s 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive
DACs. The details of the circuit implementation will also be presented. Measurement
Chapter 3 will propose another 1GSample/s 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with resistive
DACs, which is a modification of the previous one with capacitive DACs. The details
Chapter 4 will propose a low power multi-step capacitive-splitting SAR ADC and
2.1 Architecture
The architecture of a pipeline SAR ADC was first proposed in 1985[2-1]. The
The circuit works as follows. In the first phase of first clock cycle Φ1, the sampling
capacitor C1 samples the input signal Vin1 and then holds it for the next n-bit clock
cycles for the n-bit conversion. In the second phase of Φ1, C1 delivers the sampled
signal Vin1 to the first comparator (the leftmost one) and generates the MSB b1.
According to the SAR algorithm, V1 will always be at the middle of Vrefp-Vrefn. In the
next clock cycle Φ2, C1 deliver Vin1 to the second comparator and generate the next bit
b2 by comparing it with the reference voltage V2. The voltage V2 depends on the MSB
Meanwhile, C2 starts to sample the input signal. The sampled signal Vin2, which will
be held on C2 for the next n clock cycle, is delivered to the first comparator and
generates its own MSB, b1. In the third clock cycle Φ3, Vin1 is passed to the third
comparator and get the third bit of Vin1, which is b3; Vin2 is delivered to the second
comparator and generate the second bit of Vin2, which is b2. In Φ3, C3 sample the input
signal and get Vin3 on it for the next n clock cycle and also pass the Vin3 to the first
comparator to get MSB b1. The process continues until all bits are generated in the
pipeline fashion.
High speed: Since this SAR ADC is working in pipeline fashion, the throughput is
1/N after first N clock cycle latency. Thus SAR ADC is N times faster than the single-
channel SAR ADC. Moreover, since the output of bit of each stage directly feeds to
the next stage, the SAR logic delay is eliminated and the circuit can run at higher
Small area: Compared with the conventional time-interleaved SAR ADC, the area
of the capacitive DAC is smaller in the pipeline SAR ADC. The N capacitive DACs
that are used to generate the reference voltage are not same. The DAC used to
generate the reference voltage for b2 determination is 1-bit DAC, which means only
two C and one 2C are needed, where C is the unit capacitance. The DAC for b3
determination is 2-bit DAC. Hence it has two C, one 2C and one 4C. The DACs
become bigger and bigger from MSBs determination to the LSBs determination. The
DAC for the LSB determination is the biggest one and its total capacitance is 2N×C,
where N is the resolution of the pipeline SAR ADC. Therefore, the total capacitance
of the capacitive DAC in pipeline SAR ADC is 2× (2N-2)×C, rather than N×2N×C for
Low power: Fig. 2-2 shows the switching power of the capacitive array in the
pipeline SAR ADC. Compared with the conventional time-interleaved SAR ADC, the
switching power on the DACs in pipeline SAR ADC is 50% less. Moreover, since the
power consumed by the clock buffers for the switches in the DACs is huge, the
pipeline SAR ADC can save this portion of the power too because the total
capacitance of the DACs is much smaller and the total size of the switches is
Fig. 2-2. Normalized energy versus output code required for the switching of the capacitor array.
For high-speed applications, the unit-gain buffer will be very power hungry. In
order to save power further, the unit-gain buffers are eliminated. However, since now
there is no isolation between the sampling capacitors and the comparators, the
parasitic capacitors at the input node of the comparators will have great impact on the
If the voltage on the sampling capacitor is Vin, then the actual voltage Vin’ seen by
where Cs is the sampling capacitance and Cp is the parasitic capacitance at the input of
the comparator.
Moreover, the actual reference voltage Vref’ used by the comparator is not the
where N is the resolution of the DAC and Cu is the unit capacitance of the DAC.
Since the sampling capacitor will pass its voltage to all comparators, the sampled
means at the kth comparison, the actual sampled voltage Vin,k’ seen by the kth
comparator is
However, the actual reference voltage Vref,k’ is still the value shown in equation (2-
This accumulated attenuation will cause two side effects. The first one is that the
sampled input voltage becomes very small, which requires the last comparator to be
very accurate. The second effect is that the sampled input voltage and the reference
voltage have different attenuation ratio, which will cause nonlinearity. Fig. 2-3 shows
the 8192-length FFT spectrum of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC in which the sampling
Fig. 2-3. The 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with 20 fF sampling capacitor and 2 fF
parasitic capacitance at the input of a comparator.
In order to reduce the influence from the parasitic capacitors, increasing the
capacitance will be helpful since the attenuation from the parasitic capacitors will be
negligible. Fig. 2-4 shows the FFT spectrum of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with 200 fF
sampling capacitor and the parasitic capacitance at the input of the comparator is still
2 fF.
Fig. 2-4. The 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with 200 fF sampling capacitor and 2 fF
parasitic capacitance at the input of a comparator.
In order to reduce the total sampling capacitance in the pipeline SAR ADC to
reduce the area, we can split one sampling cap into several smaller ones. Fig. 5 shows
the 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with one 100fF sampling capacitor
and one 40fF sampling capacitor for one sampling branch. The 100fF sampling
capacitor is used for first four MSBs determination and the 40fF sampling capacitor is
Fig. 2-5. The 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with one 100 fF sampling capacitor and
one 40 fF sampling capacitor. The parasitic capacitance at the input of a comparator is 2 fF.
Since the MSB is important since any mismatch of the gain ratio between the
sampled input signal and the reference voltage will degrade the performance a lot, the
architecture whose simulation result is shown in Fig. 2-5 still needs 100 fF sampling
However, from this scheme, we can conclude that splitting the sampling capacitor
can help reduce the nonlinearity and also reduce the total area occupied by the
capacitors, the performance of the circuit can be better since the accumulated effect
between the stages will be smaller. Moreover, the sampling capacitance can be
reduced further. Fig. 2-6 shows the 8192-length FFT spectrum of a 6-bit pipeline SAR
ADC with six identical 20 fF sampling capacitors in one channel while the input
Fig. 2-6. The 8192-length FFT of a 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with six identical 20 fF sampling capacitor
and the parasitic capacitance at the input of a comparator is 2 fF.
The sampling capacitors are now split into 6 smaller equal-value capacitors.
Although the number of the sampling cap increased from 6 to 36, the total capacitance
performance because the influence of the parasitic of the input of the comparator is
negligible. The parasitic capacitors will only introduce a gain error, which has no
influence on the linearity. The new diagram and timing of the circuit are illustrated in
Fig. 2-7.
Fig. 2-7. (a) The new diagram of the pipelined SAR ADC; (b) The timing diagram of the circuit.
In addition to the accumulated attenuation from the parasitic capacitors at the input
of the comparators, the different attenuation ratio between the sampled signal and the
reference signal generated by the DAC is another critical problem. In order to solve
this problem, the DAC can be stacked with the sampling capacitor array, as shown in
Fig. 2-8.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2-8. (a) The sampling part is stacked with the DAC; (b) The timing diagram of the controlling
signal for the switches in the sampling part
The additional benefit of stacking these two parts is that the DACs do not need to
reset to the common-mode voltage anymore. They can be reset to the ground so that
the Vgs for the reset switches can be increased whose sizes can be reduced
dramatically, which results in lower power consumption of the clock buffers for these
reset switches.
In the architecture, the output voltage of the sampling capacitor array is Vin+VDAC-
Vcm, where Vin is the sampled input signal, VDAC is the reference voltage generated on
the capacitive DAC and the Vcm is the input common-mode voltage. The influence of
the attenuation fact due to the input parasitic capacitors is shown next. Theoretically,
without considering the parasitic capacitors at the node between the sampling
capacitor and the capacitive DAC array, the voltage seen by the comparator is
From equation (2-4), we can see that the sampled input voltage and the reference
(a) (b)
Fig. 2-9. The voltage states at (a) Φ1 and (b) Φ2.
nodes, the output voltage seen by the comparator is as follows. Due to the charge
From equation (2-7), we can see that Vin and Vref have different attenuations, which
will introduce nonlinearity in the circuit. In order to solve this problem, we can add an
additional switch at the top of the sampling capacitor, as shown in Fig 2-10.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2-10. (a) The sampling part with an additional switch controlled by ΦF; (b) The timing diagram of
the controlling signal for the switches in the sampling part.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2-12. The voltage connection status of the DAC array at (a) Φ1; (b) Φ2.
With the additional switch, the sampling capacitor will flip once so that the
sampling signal will experience the attenuation ratio twice, which is similar to the
Based on the rule of charge conservation, the following equations can be derived
then the parasitic capacitors at all node only introduce an gain error, which will not
In order to make the attenuation from Cp3 and Cp2 be same, some dummy switches
are added at the internal node between the capacitive DAC and the sampling
Fig. 2-13. (a) The diagram of adding dummy switches between the sampling capacitors and the
capacitive DAC; (b) the timing for the control signal of all the switches.
2.2 Comparator
Since the pipeline SAR ADC is working at the speed of 1GSample/s, dynamic
latched comparator is chosen. There are a few dynamic latched comparators published
comparator with separated input- and output-stage was first introduced by D. Schinkel
in [2-2]. For its operation, when CLK is low, the internal nodes between first stage and
second stage, Di+ and Di-, are reset to be VDD and the output nodes are reset to be
ground. When CLK is high, the parasitic capacitors at internal nodes Di+ and Di- are
discharged to the ground. Since Vinp and Vinn are different, the discharge ratios are
different due to different discharge current so that the voltage of Di+ and Di- will be
different during the discharging. When the difference of the voltage of Di+ and Di- is
large enough for the regenerative latch at the second stage, the two outputs will
(a) (b)
Fig. 2-14. (a) Double-tail dynamic latched comparator; (b) modified version.
Since there are separated input- and output-stages, the comparator can have both
high speed and low offset. By choosing smaller size of transistor M0 for differential
input pair, a long integration time and a better gm/ID1,2 ratio can be obtained to have a
larger gain and smaller offset. The larger the size of transistor M11 is, the smaller the
latch regeneration time is, which results in faster decision of the comparator.
Therefore, this dynamic latched comparator can get fast speed and low input-referred
However, in this architecture, two non-overlapping clock phase CLK and CLK_bar
are needed which makes the clock generator complex. Hence, M. Miyahara [2-3] and
Fig 2-14(b). The beauty of this scheme is that since the tail current transistor in second
stage is driven by Di+ and Di- nodes instead of CLK_bar, only one clock phase is
needed and clock loading is reduced. Moreover, the input-referred offset will be
further reduced since the mismatch at the second stage will be divided by a gain not
only from input transistors M5/M6, but from M11/M12 as well at the second stage.
However, the reduced offset voltage is traded off with the increased delay since the
gate voltages, Di+ and Di-, of M11 and M12 becomes smaller and smaller during the
regeneration phase and the tail current of the second stage becomes smaller and
The dynamic latched comparator used in this pipeline SAR ADC is shown in Fig.
2-15 [2-5].
Fig. 2-15. The dynamic latched comparator used in the pipeline SAR ADC.
The basic architecture is from the ones in Fig. 2-14 so that it keeps the beauty of
these two architectures, which are low input-referred offset and high regenerative
speed in addition to the advantages of less kickback noise, reduced clock loading,
simple clock phase needed over a wide common-mode and supply voltage range.
2.3 Layout
The layout of the sampling parts is critical to the performance of the whole circuit.
The sampling part is composed with six identical unit parts. The layout of the
Fig. 2-17. Two layout styles of the sampling part. (a) Serial alignment; (b) folded-stair pattern.
In Fig. 2-17(a), the six identical sampling parts are aligned in serial, which is very
compact. However, since the output of the whole sampling part is at the most right
end, the distances between the output of the most-left sampling part and the most-right
one are significantly different, which introduces different parasitic capacitors resulting
in different gain errors due to the charge sharing between the sampling capacitor and
architecture, the gain mismatch in channels will degrade the performance of the
In order to improve the performance, the layout of the sampling part is modified as
shown in Fig. 2-17(b). The output of the whole sampling part is now in the middle so
that the distances from the output of a single sampling unit to the outputs of the whole
sampling parts are almost same, which will reduce the gain mismatch from the
parasitic capacitors and improve the SNDR dramatically. The comparison between
these two layout patterns is shown in Fig. 2-18. The drawback of the folded-stair
layout pattern is that the area of the sampling part will increase by 50%.
Fig. 2-18. Post-layout simulation results for the serial and folded-stair pattern of the sampling part.
Therefore, the sampling part is drawn in folded-stair pattern. The layout of one
Sampling Comparator
Clock Gen
The chip is fabricated in Global Foundry 40nm process. The area of the core
circuit, which is shown in Fig 2-21, is 400um*400um. The die is carried in QFN-16
w/ Cap
Fig. 2-21. Die photo of the pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DACs
Fig. 2-22. The test board of the pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DACs.
When the sampling clock for my chip in the testing is set to be 200MHz and
400MHz, the results are shown in Fig 2-23. In the upper part, the two curves are the
transient waveform of the positive and negative output codes with binary weights. In
the 8192-length-FFT plots, the small numbers with arrows are shown the order and
(a) (b)
Fig. 2-23. Output spectrum when clock is (a) 200MHz and (b) 400MHz in test.
2.5 Analysis
In the FFT plot, we can see that 1) lots of harmonics have shown up; 2) The dc bin
is high, more than -30dB; 3) The SNDR decreases a lot when the clock frequency is
Some simulations in MATLAB are done to duplicate some non-ideal effects in the
pipeline SAR ADC. The results are nearly coincident with the testing results, which
1) The peak-to-peak clock jitter is set to be 10ps and generate uniform distributed
2) Since in the layout the sampling capacitors in the positive side and negative side
are separated far away, mismatch is added to all sampling capacitors. The sampling
3) The capacitors in the cap DAC are close to each other and laid out in common-
centroid pattern, the normal distributed mismatch is added to these caps whose 1-
4) The input transistors of my comparators are huge in order to make the input
referred offset of the comparator is small. I found that the extracted input capacitance
distributed offset with σ=10mV and a normal distributed varied input parasitic caps
with σ=10%.
The MATLAB simulation result is shown in Fig 2-24. The sampling clock is
200MHz. The FFT is very much like the corresponding test result.
Monte Carlo simulation is also done when input parasitic capacitance is 20fF and
5fF and keep the σ value same as 10%. The smaller the parasitic capacitance is, the
better the performance is, which make sense since if the parasitic capacitance is small
capacitor is negligible.
Fig. 2-25. Single run as input parasitic capacitance is 20fF (left) and 5fF (right).
(a) (b)
Fig. 2-26. Imitated monte Carlo simulation results at 200MHz clock when (a) parasitic capacitance is
20fF and (b) parasitic capacitance is 5fF.
From the MATLAB simulation, it is concluded that one cause of the huge dc tone
and the rise of noise floor is the variation of the input parasitic capacitance of the
comparator because they introduce huge imbalance between the positive and negative
sides. The reason why so large input transistors is used in the comparator is to reduce
the input referred offset. However, if the size of the input transistor is huge, then the
parasitic capacitance at the input node will be huge. The large input parasitic
capacitance will reduce the input range of the comparator, which inevitably increases
the offset requirement of the comparator for the same error tolerance.
2.6 Conclusions
The chart of power breakdown of the pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DACs is
illustrated in Fig 2-27. The avdd power includes the power dissipated by the
comparators and the sampling part switches. The dvdd power includes the power
consumed by the clock generator, the local clock buffers. The CDAC power is the
switching power of the capacitive DACs. The summary of performance of the chip is
shown in Table I. Since this architecture is too sensitive to the parasitic capacitors in
the critical path, a new version of the pipeline SAR ADC is developed and will be
Fig. 2-27. The chart of the power breakdown of the pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DACs. Total
power is 4.17mW
Table 2-1. The summary of the performance of the 6-bit 1GSample/s pipeline SAR ADC with
capacitive DACs
Schematic Test 1 Test 2
Technology 40nm CMOS process
Resolution 6-bit
Supply Voltage 1.1 V
Input Range 2.2 Vppd
Clock Frequency 1GHz 200MHz 400MHz
SNDR 35.9 dB 23.8 dB 17.9 dB
Power consumption 4.15m W - -
FOM 95 fJ/conv-step - -
3.1 Architecture
Since the pipeline SAR ADC is very sensitive to the parasitic capacitors due to the
gain error between the input signal and the reference voltage, the resistive DAC is
Although the resistive ladder will consume some static power while the capacitive
DAC just consumes dynamic power, the static power is relatively smaller, due to
much of the power consumption of a high speed ADC consumed by the clock buffers
and clock generators are seen Fig 2-27 in chapter two. Moreover, thanks to the
shrinking of the CMOS technology, the area occupied by the resistive array is
resistance can be used and therefore lower static power dissipation since for a given
settling time and settling error, the smaller the parasitic capacitance is, the larger the
resistance can be (explanation can be found later in this chapter). Recently, some
paper [3-1] also shows very promising FOM using resistive DAC to generate
reference voltage for SAR ADC. Therefore, resistive DAC can be a good solution for
There are four kinds of resistive DACs taken into consideration. The first one is the
resistive string, which is widely used in flash ADCs as the reference voltage generator.
However, the number of the resistors increased proportional to 2N, where N is the
The second choice is the R-2R ladder. The scheme is shown in Fig 3-1. The R-2R
ladder reduces the number of the resistors and the area occupied by the resistors.
However, the power consumption is linearly proportional to the number of bits of the
The leftmost resistor is the MSB resistor and the rightmost resistor is the LSB
resistor. One dummy resistor, whose resistance is also 2R, is needed for the binary
search algorithm. During the conversion phase, the MSB resistor is switched to Vref.
Vout now goes to Vref/2. If Vout is smaller than Vin, the MSB resistor is left connected
to Vref. Otherwise, the MSB resistor is reconnected to ground. This process is repeated
N times, with a smaller resistor being switched each time, until the conversion is
The third choice is binary weighted resistive array, which is shown in Fig 3-2. The
smallest resistor, R, is the MSB resistor and the biggest resistor, 2N-1R, is the LSB
resistor. One dummy resistor, whose resistance is also 2N-1R, is also needed for binary
search algorithm. The switching algorithm of the bottom switches is same as the one
In order to reduce the total resistance of the resistive array, the binary-weighted
array with bridge resistor is used, as shown in Fig. 3-3. The binary search algorithm is
Fig. 3-3. The scheme of the binary-weighted resistive array with a bridge resistor.
We can simplify the circuit scheme to investigate the settling behavior of using
resistive array to charge the sampling capacitor. The diagram is shown in Fig. 3-4. In
Fig 3-4, Vref is the reference voltage generated by the resistive DAC. R is the
From equation (3-5), we can see that the time constant is RCp1, which means only
the parasitic capacitance will influence the settling behavior. Since the parasitic
capacitance is very small, the total resistance of the DAC can be chosen to be very
Fig. 3-5. The diagram of the simplified circuit with parasitic capacitors Cp1 and Cp2.
If we consider the parasitic capacitor between the resistive array and the sampling
capacitor, Cp2, as shown in Fig 3-5, equations (3-4) and (3-5) need to be rewritten as
If Cp1 and Cp2 are much smaller than CS, equation (3-6) will give approximately
From equation (3-6) and (3-7), the settling is still mainly determined by the
equivalent output resistance of the resistive DAC and the total parasitic capacitors at
the path from the output of the DAC to the input of the comparator.
The approach to calculate the static power of the resistive DAC is given next. The
, (i=2,3,…,n) (3-9)
where Vr is the reference voltage. Ii is the current flowing through each leg. I1 is the
current flowing through the MSB leg and In+1 is the current flowing through the
dummy one.
For fair comparison of the static power consumption of these four resistor DACs,
we assume that the output resistances of these four DACs are same. Also, we assume
that the total parasitic capacitances on the path from the output of the resistive block to
the input of the comparator are the same for all cases. Therefore, we only need to
guarantee that the output resistances of four resistive blocks are the same in order to
get same settling time of the voltage at the inputs of the comparators.
The unit resistance is determined by the settling time. For a 1GSample/s, 6-bit
architecture, the voltage at the input of the comparator should settle within 6-bit
The largest output resistance of the resistive string occurs when the reference
voltage is in the middle of the string and its value is 2N/4*Ru1, where Ru1 is the
resistance of one unit resistor. For the R-2R ladder, the binary-weighted resistive DAC
and the binary-weighted resistive DAC with bridge resistor, the output resistance is
always Ru2, where Ru2 is the resistance of the unit resistor. Hence,
The comparison of the static power consumed by these four resistive DAC when
they are used in the pipeline SAR ADC architecture is illustrated in Fig 3-6. The x-
axis is the number of the bits of the DAC while the y-axis is the average static power
dissipation. It is demonstrated that the resistive string consumes the least power and
the R-2R resistive ladder consumes the most power. Therefore, in terms of the average
static power dissipation, the resistive string is the best choice for the architecture.
Fig. 3-6. The average static power dissipation by four kinds of resistive DACs of different resolution.
Since the DAC is implemented in the architecture working at 1GHz, the logic delay
should be minimized. If the resistive ladder is used for all stages, then the control logic
string. The MSB bit is determined by just comparing Vinp and Vinn without any
reference voltage. For LSB determination, the controlling signal of the switch
connecting the reference voltage is an AND logic of three previous bits, which needs
two 2-input AND gates. The higher the resolution of the DAC is, the more AND gates
are needed for generating the controlling signal of the LSB reference voltage switches,
In order reduce the gate delay, the binary-weighted resistive DAC with a bridge
resistor is taken into consideration. Since the previous bits directly control the
corresponding bottom switches in the DAC, no logic gates are needed except for some
inverters as the local buffers for the signal. Therefore, this kind of DAC is used in the
last three LSB stages as reference DACs in the architecture. Moreover, since the
number of switches used for the resistive string is exponentially increased with
number of bits, while the number of the switches in the binary-weighted resistive
DAC is linearly increased, only a 1-bit and a 2-bit resistive strings are used in this
architecture. This can significantly limit the silicon area required for the switches and
In conclusion, in terms of the static power dissipation, the resistive string consumes
the least power. However, control signals for the switches in this DAC need to pass
through the logic gates, particularly for the LSB switches, if the DAC is used as SAR
DAC, which introduces large logic gate delay. In [3-1], new AND gates are used to
DAC with bridge resistor is a good choice when the resolution of the DAC is high.
Since all stages in this pipeline SAR ADC only resolve one bit for one input signal
and the output refreshes in every clock cycle, the new AND gates in [3-1] cannot be
used. Therefore, two kinds of DACs are used in this pipeline SAR ADC. The resistive
strings are used in the second and the third MSB stages, while the binary-weighted
resistive DACs with bridge resistor are used in the last three LSB stages. The
architecture is shown in Fig 3-8. The second and sixth stages are shown in Fig 3-9 and
Fig 3-10. The other stages are similar to these two stages.
Fig. 3-8. The architecture of the pipeline SAR ADC with resistive DACs.
Fig. 3-9. The diagram of the second stage with resistive string as the DAC.
Fig. 3-10. The diagram of the sixth stage with binary-weighted resistive DAC with a bridge resistor as
the DAC.
3.3 Layout
Since the parasitic capacitors except the one at the input of the comparator will not
introduce any voltage attenuation on the input signal, the folded-stair layout pattern is
no longer needed. The layout can be more compact, as shown in Fig 3-11. The input is
at the bottom and the output is at the top. The area is 39μm×56μm while the area of
the folded-stair layout pattern used in previous version is 50μm×100μm, which means
Fig. 3-11. The layout of the sampling part of the pipeline SAR ADC with the resistive DACs.
The layout the 5-bit resistive DAC used in the LSB stage is illustrated in Fig 3-
12(a) and its counterpart, the 5-bit capacitive DAC needed in the LSB stage in the
pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DAC is shown in Fig. 3-12(b). The area occupied
by this resistive DAC is about 30μm×15μm, while the area of the capacitive DAC is
32μm×24um. The resistive DAC is 40% smaller than the corresponding capacitive
Fig. 3-12. (a) The 5-bit resistive DAC in the LSB stage and (b) the 5-bit capacitive DAC in the LSB
stage of the two kinds of pipeline SAR ADCs.
The layout of the third channel with resistive string is shown in Fig 3-13 and the
layout of the sixth channel with binary-weighted resistive DAC with a bridge resistor
Fig. 3-13. The layout of the third channel with a 3-bit resistive string.
Fig. 3-14. The layout of the sixth channel with a 5-bit binary-weighted resistive DAC with a bridge
3.4 Summary
Fig. 3-15. The 256-length FFT of the 1GSample/s 6-bit pipeline SAR ADC with resistive DACs.
The performance of the circuit is listed in Table II. The chart in Fig 3-16
demonstrated the power breakdown of the pipeline SAR ADC with the resistive
DACs. The power dissipated by the resistive DAC is only 22% of the total power. The
power burned from avdd including the power consumed by the sampling switches and
the comparators. The power dissipated from dvdd including the power consumed by
the clock generator, local clock buffers, logic gates in the resistive DACs and the
Table 3-1. The performance of the 6-bit 1GSample/s pipeline SAR ADC with resistive DACs
Resolution 6-bit
FOM 80fJ/Conv.-Step
useful for low-power, medium-resolution applications. Fig 4-1 shows the conventional
The algorithm is as followed. The largest capacitor, i.e. the 16C in Fig 4-1 is
switched to Vref first while other capacitors are connected to ground so that Vout is
Vref/2. If Vout is larger than the input voltage Vin, 16C is left connected to Vref and b1 is
The conventional SAR architecture needs a capacitor array with 2N unit capacitors,
where N is the resolution in bits. For typical resolutions (N = 10~12) the array
occupies a large chip area. It also consumes considerable switching power during
conversion. In the “down” transition, i.e. the comparator decision is zero and current
bottom plate switch needs to switch from Vref back to ground, the energy is wasted
because the capacitive array needs to be discharged first and recharged to a new
voltage. It requires five times more energy to lower Vout than to raise it by the same
amount [4-2].
Fig. 4-1. The 5-bit conventional capacitive DAC for a SAR ADC.
Several recent papers proposed improved schemes to reduce the chip area and/or
the power dissipation. Ref. [4-2] describes a capacitor-splitting SAR array that
reduces the switching power by 37% for 10-bit resolution, but still needs 2N unit
capacitance. Compared with the conventional SAR DAC, the MSB capacitor is split
into a copy of the rest of the capacitor array, as shown in Fig 4-2.
Fig. 4-2. b-bit capacitor-splitting array. The largest capacitor (enclosured in a dotted box) is split into
the copy of the rest capacitors.
The algorithm of the capacitor-splitting array is only different compared with the
conventional one when the “down” transition happens, i.e., the sub-capacitor Cb,i is
connected to ground rather that Ci switches back to ground. Therefore, the “down”
The junction-splitting SAR ADC [4-3], as shown in Fig 4-3, saves 75% of the
switching power for 10-bit resolution by eliminating the “down” transition. For MSB
conversion, the two smallest capacitors are used to generate the Vref/2. If Vin is larger
than Vref/2 and b0 is 1, Sp1 and S01 are closed and 2C is connected with Vref and C/C
block. Otherwise, Sp1 and S00 are closed and 2C is connected with ground and C/C
block. During each conversion cycle, one sub-capacitor section is appended to the
previous capacitor array and the bottom-plate switch connects to Vref or ground based
on the decision just made. The process continues until all bits are determined.
However, the junction-splitting SAR DAC still requires 2N unit capacitance and
also is more sensitive to the mismatch of the capacitors, because the MSBs are
Both the capacitor-splitting DAC and the junction-splitting DAC focus on the
capacitance. At each step, the reference voltage generated by the capacitive DAC is
Where Cref is the total capacitance connected to Vref and Cgnd is the total capacitance
connected to ground. The sum of the Cref and Cgnd is the total capacitance of the
capacitive DAC, Ctot. Therefore, we can simplify the SAR algorithm as shown in Fig
4-4. In order to make the analysis simpler, VMID and Vin are supposed to be 0.
If we plot E versus Vout, we can get the diagram illustrated in Fig 4-5.
Fig. 4-4. Simplified charge redistribution between capacitors connected with Vref and ground.
For charge distribution, the energy is only “wasted” in the “down” transition for
SAR algorithm. The energy consumptions are same when the voltage boosts from V1
to V2 in one step or in two or more steps since the power dissipation is only
determined by the final state. Therefore, equation (4-2) and Fig 4-5 demonstrate the
the junction-splitting algorithm has achieved the lowest switching energy consumption
In order to further lower the switching energy, one possible method is to reduce the
shown in Fig 4-6. The total capacitance is reduced to 2N/2+1 unit capacitance, and the
total switching power is reduced by 92 % for a 10-bit resolution. The N-bit two-step
determine the first N/2 bits following the junction-splitting algorithm. Then it uses one
more phase to generate the upper and lower bound voltages for the next fine
the remaining N/2 LSBs. However, since the two-step junction-splitting SAR uses the
array capacitors.
of the conventional SAR ADCs with the reduced power and capacitor area of the
structure in [4-5]. The capacitive array is shown in Fig 4-7. For simplicity, the
proposed structure illustrated in Fig 4-8 is an 8-bit (N = 8) ADC. It contains two 4-bit
split-capacitor arrays (SCAs) and a comparator. Initially, the input signal is sampled
on both SCAs, as shown in Fig 4-8. Next, coarse quantization is performed to generate
the first N/2 = 4 MSBs, using both two SCAs in parallel. Switch S is closed during
these operations. In the first step of the coarse quantization, the bottom plates of all
capacitors in the two 8C sections are connected to Vref, which generates the test
voltage Vref/2 for determining the MSB, as shown in Fig 4-9. The next three changes
of ref. [4-2]. Fig. 4-10 shows the circuit state when the 4th bit is being generated.
4C 2C C C 2C 2C 2C C C
4C 2C C C 2C 2C 2C C C
Fig.4-10. Circuit states for determining the 4th bit in the coarse quantization phase.
After the 4th comparison is complete, switch S is turned off. At this point, the
states of SCA1 and SCA2 are identical. They both hold the same voltage, which can
be used either as a lower bound (LB) or as an upper bound (UB) of the input voltage
during the fine quantization, depending on the last bit obtained in the coarse
example, since the last bit in coarse quantization phase is a “1”, the LB already exists
across both arrays, and the UB has to be generated across SCA2. This is done by
changing the bottom-plate voltage of the rightmost capacitor of SCA2 to Vref, while
the bottom-plate voltages of all other capacitors in both SCAs are kept unchanged
(Fig. 4-11). Afterwards, all switches connected to the top plates of all capacitors in
8C 4C 2C C/C
4C 2C C C 2C 2C 2C C C
4C 2C C C 2C 2C 2C C C
In the following fine quantization, the capacitors in the SCAs are connected in
parallel, section by section, to generate all comparison voltages as in the SAR ADC of
ref. [4-4]. During the fine quantization phase, the bottom-plate voltages of all
capacitors are left unchanged. Fig 4-12 to Fig 4-15 shows the final circuit state after
Fig.4-12. Circuit state for determining the 5th bit in the fine quantization phase.
Fig.4-13. Circuit state for determining the 6th bit in the fine quantization phase.
Fig.4-14. Circuit state for determining the 7th bit in the fine quantization phase.
Fig.4-15. Circuit state for determining the LSB in the fine quantization phase.
As in the two-step junction-splitting SAR ADC [4-4], the conversion requires N+1,
rather than N, clock periods. However, the proposed architecture saves most of the
power and capacitor area by reducing the total number of unit capacitors needed. For
example, in an 8-bit SAR ADC, in the earlier schemes of [4-1] – [4-3] 256 unit
capacitors are needed, while in the proposed structure only 32 units (16 for each SCA)
are used. Since the power consumption is proportional to the total capacitance, a 96%
compared to conventional SAR ADCs. The saving is even larger for higher-resolution
4.3 Conclusions
Fig. 4-16 illustrates the switching power consumption of the proposed architecture
and of the earlier SAR schemes for a 10-bit-resolution structure, as a function of the
output code. Although our earlier scheme [4-4] requires slightly less switching power,
the new architecture is much less sensitive to the mismatch of the capacitors, since it
uses the largest capacitors to determine the MSBs, rather than the smallest ones.
Moreover, the accuracy of the process of deriving the N/2 MSBs is also increased,
since the two SCA DACs are connected in parallel during the coarse quantization
phase. Table 4-1 illustrates a summary of the discussed five SAR capacitive arrays.
Fig. 4-16 The switching energy per cycle versus output code required for the capacitor arrays in 10-bit
Normalized Avg.
Total Capacitance (C is the
Capacitive Array Switching Energy for 10-
Unit Capacitance)
bit Uniform Input
Conventional Capacitor-
2N×C 0.62
Splitting Cap. Array
Conventional Junction-
2N×C 0.25
Splitting Cap. Array
5 Conclusion
A 6-bit 1GSample/s pipeline SAR ADC with capacitive DACs was implemented in
40nm CMOS process. Several schemes were used to overcome the influences from the
parasitic capacitors. By splitting one sample capacitor into six identical ones in each
stage, it greatly reduced the accumulated effect of charge sharing between the
sampling capacitor and the parasitic capacitor at the input node of the comparator from
the first to the last stages. By flipping the sampling capacitor once before stacking it
with the capacitive array, the circuit not only diminishes the issue of different
attenuation ratios on the sampled input signal and the reference voltage, but also
lowers the switching energy in the capacitive DACs. Moreover, the dummy switches
added to trim the parasitic capacitors at the connection node between the sampling
In order to overcome the influence from the parasitic capacitors more effectively, a
6-bit 1GSample/s pipeline SAR ADC with resistive DACs was designed in 40nm
CMOS process. The parasitic capacitors will not introduce different attenuation ratios
on the sampled input signal and the reference voltage. The parasitic capacitors only
affect the settling time. Thanks to the advanced CMOS technology, the parasitic
capacitance is very small, which allows the resistors in the DAC to be large enough to
make the static power negligible, while the occupied area is even smaller than the
splitting SAR ADC and the two-step junction-splitting SAR ADC. The multi-step
capacitor-splitting SAR ADC is less sensitive to the mismatch of the capacitors than
the two-step junction-splitting one, and saves more switching energy and area than the
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