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School Almaguer South Elementary School Grade Level Grade II

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Jocelyn C. Ravelo Learning Area Mother Tongue
Date/Time December 3-7, 2018 Quarter Third /Week 6


I.OBJECTIVES Read at least 200-300 words Sequence three events in the Uses courteous expression in Make inferences Answer test questions given
appropriate to the grade stories by telling which culturally appropriate in the lessons learned.
level happened first, second and situations.
third or last
A.Content Standards Demonstrate the ability to Demonstrate understanding Demonstrate understanding Demonstrate understanding
read grade level words with of grade level narrative and and knowledge of language of grade level narrative and
sufficient accuracy, speed, informational texts. grammar and usage when informational texts.
and expression to support speaking and/or writing.
B.Performance Standards Reads with sufficient speed, Uses literary and narrative Speaks and writes correctly Uses literary and narrative
accuracy, and proper texts to develop and effectively for different texts to develop
expression in reading grade comprehension and purposes using the basic comprehension and
level text. appreciation of grade level grammar of the language. appreciation of grade level
appropriate reading appropriate reading
materials. materials.
C. Learning Competencies MT2F-IIIa-i-1.4 MT2RC-IIIf –g-9.2 MT2GA-IIId-i-1.4.1 MT2RC-IIIf-g-9.2

II.CONTENT Read at least 200-300 words Sequencing three events in Using courteous expression Making inferences Weekly Test
appropriate to the grade the stories by telling which in culturally appropriate
level happened first, second and situations e.g. telephone
Story: “Dagiti Aggagayyem” third or last conversation
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages 294-297 297-298 298-300 301-302
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 130
3.Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources(LR
B. Other Learning Resources Chart, pictures
A.Reviewing previous 1.Read the poem “Ti Ubing a Review the story “Dagiti Review the story “Dagiti Drill Review past lessons
lesson/presenting the new Nadayaw” Aggagayyem”. Aggagayyem” Give spelling activity on the learned.
lesson TG, p. 295 TG, p. 296 TG, p. 296 board.
2.Ask comprehension TG, p. 301
questions about the poem.
B.Establishing a purpose for 1. Show a picture of a boy in Do you have good friends? What are the courteous What courteous expressions Setting of standards.
the lesson basketball uniform Do you enjoy being with expression use in the story we have learned yesterday? Giving directions to follow.
2. Unlocking of difficulties them? “Dagiti Aggagayyem”?
3. Setting the purpose for
C.Presenting 1. First reading of the story Who are the friends in the Read the dialog and supply Show picture to the pupils. Answer test items correctly
examples/instances of the “Dagiti Aggagayyem” story “Dagiti Aggagayyem”? the missing words with What are the children doing?
new lesson 2. Second reading courteous expressions. Why are they happy?
TG, p.296 TG, p. 299
D.Discussing new concepts Answering Comprehension Let the pupils arrange the Read the underlined words. Give situations for the pupils
and practicing new skills questions sentences as to what had What do we call the to make inferences.
TG, p. 297 happened first, second, third underlined words?
and last.
TG, p. 298
E.Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
F.Developing Mastery What did Joseph do after How do we sequence or Can you give other courteous Show pictures. Have the pupils
playing basketball? arrange events in a story? expressions? talk about the pictures.
Are you doing the same too? What do you think happened
What kind of a boy is Joseph? to the child? Why is she
G.Finding practical What will happen if you did What will happen if you will What are the courteous
applications of concepts and not accept you loose in a not show courtesy and expressions commonly used
skills in daily living game? sportsmanship in a game? in the following situations?
a.Talking to you teachers/
b.Telephone conversations
H.Making generalizations How do we read words How do we sequence three What are the courteous How do we make inferences?
and abstractions about the appropriate to the grade events in the stories? expressions you use in
lesson level? By telling which happened appropriate situations?
first, second, third or last
I.Evaluating Learning Divide the pupils into 3 Do Aramiden 88. Write one sentence in each Mangisurat ti mabalin a Checking
groups. Then let each group LM, p. 130 situation using appropriate mapasamak kadagiti Recording of scores
select the best part of the courteous expressions. sumaganad a sitwasyon.
story each group likes best TG, p. 300 TG, p. 302
and have them act it out in
J.Additional activities for What character trait did Read and review the story What courteous expression Review test items not
application or remediation Joseph manifest? Is it good to “Dagiti Aggagayyem” you use in the morning, answered correctly
be courteous? Why? afternoon and evening/

A.No. of Learners who earned 80%
in the eveluation
B.No. of learners who require
additional for remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D.No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teacher?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Grade II Adviser School Head

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