Vibrio cholerae bacteria causes cholera, an acute intestinal infection characterized by watery diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration and death if untreated. The bacteria is typically ingested through food or water contaminated with human waste of infected individuals. Symptoms include sudden onset of frequent, painless, watery stools, vomiting, and rapid dehydration. Treatment focuses on oral rehydration with solutions like ORS. Prevention emphasizes drinking safe water, proper food handling and cooking, handwashing, and sanitary waste disposal.
Vibrio cholerae bacteria causes cholera, an acute intestinal infection characterized by watery diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration and death if untreated. The bacteria is typically ingested through food or water contaminated with human waste of infected individuals. Symptoms include sudden onset of frequent, painless, watery stools, vomiting, and rapid dehydration. Treatment focuses on oral rehydration with solutions like ORS. Prevention emphasizes drinking safe water, proper food handling and cooking, handwashing, and sanitary waste disposal.
Vibrio cholerae bacteria causes cholera, an acute intestinal infection characterized by watery diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration and death if untreated. The bacteria is typically ingested through food or water contaminated with human waste of infected individuals. Symptoms include sudden onset of frequent, painless, watery stools, vomiting, and rapid dehydration. Treatment focuses on oral rehydration with solutions like ORS. Prevention emphasizes drinking safe water, proper food handling and cooking, handwashing, and sanitary waste disposal.
Vibrio cholerae bacteria causes cholera, an acute intestinal infection characterized by watery diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration and death if untreated. The bacteria is typically ingested through food or water contaminated with human waste of infected individuals. Symptoms include sudden onset of frequent, painless, watery stools, vomiting, and rapid dehydration. Treatment focuses on oral rehydration with solutions like ORS. Prevention emphasizes drinking safe water, proper food handling and cooking, handwashing, and sanitary waste disposal.
Unit IV COMMUNICABLE DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL (Cholera) Lecturer: Ms. DULCE MA. S. TILOS, RN, MSN Adapted from: Module 2 session 6.5
CHOLERA in 1 liter of water.
is an acute intestinal infection caused by o If diarrhea persists, consult health ingestion of food or water contaminated workers or bring the patient to the nearest with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It hospital. has a short incubation period, from less than 1 day to 5 days. The bacterium PREVENTION AND CONTROL produces an enterotoxin that causes a copious, painless, watery diarrhea that o Drink only safe and clean water. If can quickly lead to severe dehydration unsure, boil drinking water (Upon and death if treatment is not promptly reaching boiling point, extend given. In extreme cases, cholera is a boiling for 3 or more minutes). Or rapidly fatal disease. A healthy do water chlorination. individual may die within 2-3 hours if no o Keep food away from insects and rats treatment is provided. by covering it. o Wash and cook food properly. CAUSATIVE ORGANISM o Dispose of human waste properly. o Use toilet properly and clean Vibrio cholerae/Vibrio El Tor toilet every day. Wash hands with soap and water after using toilet MODE OF TRANSMISSION and before eating. o Keep surroundings clean to prevent Eating food or drinking water flies and other insects and rodents contaminated with human waste from breeding. infected with Vibrio cholerae bacteria o A WHO pre-qualified oral cholera vaccine is available for travelers and INCUBATION PERIOD people in endemic areas. It is given in two doses and offers protection for 3 From few hours to 5 days, usually 3 days years.
o Sudden onset of frequent painless watery o An acute serious illness characterized
stools by sudden onset of acute and profuse colorless diarrhea, vomiting, severe o Vomiting dehydration, muscular cramps, o Rapid dehydration (e.g., sunken eyeballs, cyanosis and in severe cases collapse. wrinkled and dry skin) o The source of infection is vomitus and feces of infected persons and feces of TREATMENT convalescent or healthy carriers. Contacts may be temporary carriers o Replace lost body fluid by giving Oral Rehydration Solution (ORESOL) or a homemade solution composed of 1 teaspoon of salt, 4 teaspoons of sugar mixed