Cholera Brochure 2018
Cholera Brochure 2018
Cholera Brochure 2018
properly handled and covered.
• Eat food when still hot.
• Help the sick to seek medical care.
• Food eaten raw such as fruits
and vegetables should be properly • Set a good example in your home
washed and where possible peeled and community as a whole.
before eating.
• Cover all foods and drinks to avoid
Key points to remember
What you need to
know and do
• In case a person dies from Cholera,
report immediately to the nearest • Everyone is at risk.
health worker.
• Cholera is a serious disease but
• Communal eating during burials can be prevented.
should be avoided.
• Washing hands with soap and
• Kill the Cholera germs by sprinkling water before preparing, serving
germ-killing solutions such as Jik and eating food and after using the
or Dettol on stool or vomit and all latrine kills the germs and prevents
other clothes/materials used by a the spread of Cholera.
person suffering from Cholera.
• Boiling or chlorinating drinking
water kills Cholera germs and
What is your role as an individual and prevents the spread of Cholera.
community leader in preventing and • Use and maintain a clean latrine.
controlling Cholera?
• Ensure that every home has uses
and maintains a clean latrine.
• Ensure that all household waste For more information, contact
is thrown into a rubbish pit and
covered. your nearest health facility
• Mobilise, supervise, educate and
Introduction • Eating cold food, which is exposed giving him or her Oral Rehydration
to dust, flies and cockroaches. Salts (ORS) or other fluids at home.
Cholera is an acute illness that results
in excessive watery diarrhoea. It is • Not washing hands with soap and • Dispose of faeces including
a dangerous disease that can lead to water after using the latrine or children’s into a latrine.
death shortly after infection. Cholera is cleaning a baby’s bottom.
• Wash hands thoroughly with soap
preventable and yet has continued to
• Eating unwashed fruits and and water.
affect many people in Uganda.
• Clean all soiled items with plenty of
• Serving food and drinks in water, soap and Jik.
The disease is mostly common during the dirty containers.
• Take a person suffering from
rainy seasons and in communities with
• Keeping drinking water in Cholera for treatment to the health
poor sanitation and hygiene.
dirty containers. facility as soon as possible and
(while on the way to the health
• Poor disposal of faeces.
facility) continue giving fluids
What is cholera?
• Open rubbish in compounds (ORS). Remember, any delay
Cholera is a dangerous disease caused by which attracts flies and can lead to death.
germs. It causes sudden and continuous cockroaches.
passing of watery stool and sometimes
vomiting. This leads to rapid loss of water How can Cholera be prevented?
and salts from the body making the What are the signs and symptoms of
• Always wash hands with soap and
person generally weak. Cholera can lead Cholera?
water before preparing, serving or
to death within 3 to 4 hours if a person is A person suffering from Cholera develops eating food.
not treated quickly. the following:
• Always wash hands with soap and
• Frequent passing of excessive water after using the latrine or
How is Cholera spread? amounts of watery stool. cleaning a baby’s bottom.
The Cholera germ is spread through • Vomiting. • Always boil
faeces or vomit of someone suffering • General body weakness due all drinking
from Cholera. A person gets Cholera from to excessive loss of water. water or
drinking water, juices and other fluids or treat it with
eating food which are contaminated with • Feeling thirsty and stops urinating chlorine.
Cholera germs. due to reduced body fluids. Store it
in a clean
container (e.g
Cholera can also be spread through: How can one manage a person
jerrycan) with
suffering from Cholera?
• Drinking untreated or unboiled a cover.
water from rivers, streams, lakes, • When a person develops signs
• Always pour water from the storage
ponds and unprotected springs. and symptoms, immediately start
container for drinking. Never dip