Viraf Brochure
Viraf Brochure
Viraf Brochure
Virtual Aircraft Framework
The primary means of avoiding detection is to try and VIRAF includes a suite of advanced modeling and
appear invisible by reducing the aircraft’s Radar (RCS) prediction tools which have been extensively validated
and Infrared (IR) signatures. This can be achieved by through IDS’s 25 years of experience providing radar
considering an aircraft’s RCS and IR signatures during and infrared signature simulation and measurement
the design process, by adjusting the aircraft’s geometry services. Feedback from IDS’s engineers is also used
and by using materials that help to reduce these to continuously update and improve VIRAF’s tools and
signatures. working procedures with the aim of reducing the time and
cost for an optimized aeronautical design solution.
These stealth features help to increase the chances
that an aircraft will be able to successfully complete its VIRAF provides a full framework for the management
mission and to increase the survivability of the aircraft of complex designs, thanks to the project/version data
and the safety of its crew. organization, streamlined workflows, input, output,
settings and results history tracking and the ability for
multiple users to work on the same project. It includes
tools to interface with most common commercial CAD
software as well as an advanced meshing tool to generate
numerical models to be used by the signature prediction
Capabilities Features
VIRAF-RCS: • Specific features for aeronautical applications
• Intuitive workflow, simply follow the front end tool bar
• RCS analysis of complex platforms, including aircraft, from left to right
helicopter, missile, UCAV, UAV, drone • Oracle database data storing and history tracking
• Antenna and array RCS analysis • A comprehensive CAD environment with user friendly
• Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) design and healing and cleaning capabilities and advanced
analysis meshing functions
• Operational performance (detection range, detection • RCS full-wave methods for very accurate results and
probability, range advance factor, self-screening detailed analyses: Method of Moments (MoM), Multi-
range) and scenario simulation Level Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM), Synthetic
• Jet Engine Modulation (JEM) analysis Functions Expansion (SFX), Finite Difference Time
• Diagnostics capability, by means of radar imaging, Domain (FDTD)
hot spot calculation, 2D fast loop analyses • RCS asymptotic methods for fast loop analyses:
Physical Optics (PO), Physical Theory of Diffraction
VIRAF-IR: (PTD), Incremental Theory of Diffraction (ITD) and
Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR)
• IR analysis of complex platforms, including aircraft, • Monostatic and Bistatic RCS
helicopter, missile, UCAV, UAV, drone • Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) / Inverse Synthetic
• Engine exhaust plume effect Aperture Radar (ISAR) images / hourglass plot
• Interface with CFD software for an accurate thermal • Conventional (conductors, dielectrics) and non-
solution analysis (surface temperature distribution conventional (frequency depending, plasma, multilayer,
and engine exhaust plume temperature and gas …) RCS materials
composition) • Multipath and atmospheric propagation factor for RCS
• Environment effect analysis
• Polar and spectral radiant intensity analysis • Environment modeling for IR analysis, in terms of
• IR imaging atmosphere model, background type (sky, ground,
• Radiosity analysis sea), sun effect
• Operational performance (lock on range) • Sensor effect on IR imaging and lock on range analysis
• IR materials emissivity, including BRDF
• Automatic computational management and workload
balancing to optimize resource usage and to reduce
computational time