Orgman Reporting
Orgman Reporting
Orgman Reporting
communication results in clarity and securing the cooperation of subordinates.
DIRECTING Faulty communication may create problems due to misunderstanding between
The managerial function of directing is like the activities of a teacher in a the superior and subordinates. The subordinates must correctly understand
classroom. In order to teach, a teacher has to guide his students, maintain the message conveyed to them.
discipline, inspire them and lead them to the desired goal. It is a very • there are two parties, one is known as the sender and the other is known as
important function in the management of any enterprise. It helps the receiver;
managers in ensuring quality performance of jobs by the employees and
achievement of organizational goals. It involves supervision, communication • there is a message sent by the sender to the receiver; and
and providing leadership to the subordinates and motivating them to • the receiver receives the message and understands it.
contribute to their best of capability.
Communication does not always flow from supervisor to subordinate. It can
THE FUNCTIONS OF DIRECTING also be from a subordinate to a supervisor. For example, subordinates can pass
• It guides and helps the subordinates to complete the given task properly information to the supervisor about the faults/problems at the assembly line.
and as per schedule. Thus, it is a two-way process.
On the basis of the mode used, communication may be verbal or non-verbal. • keeps a watch and guides the activities of subordinates in performing
While communicating, managers may talk to their subordinates either face to their jobs;
face or on telephone or they may send letters, issue notices, or memos. These • broadens the horizon of his subordinates by making them aware of the
are all verbal communication. Thus, the verbal modes of communication may wider aspects of their day-to-day work;
be oral and written. Face to face communication, as in interviews, meetings
and seminars, are examples of oral communication. Issuing orders and • coordinates the work of different subordinates under him;
instructions on telephone or through an intercommunication system is also • detects errors and omissions and ensures their rectification.
oral communication. The written modes of communication include letters,
circulars, notices and memos. Sometimes verbal communication is supported
by non-verbal communication such as facial expressions and body gestures.
For example– wave of hand, a smile or a frown etc. This is also termed as the
gestural communication. Supervisors are the key people among managers at different levels. They are
the link between the top and middle management and the workers. Take, for
example, the foreman of the factory or the office superintendent in the office.
Both of them are members of the management team, and are in direct contact
with operatives in the workshop and clerical staff in the office. They are the
mouthpiece of management for communicating its ideas, plans and policies to • with proper motivational techniques management can attract competent and
the workers and employees. best quality employees.
At the same time, they have to play the role of principal spokesmen of their
subordinates to communicate their feelings and grievances to the LEADERSHIP
management. Thus, it is only the supervisor who, as a member of the
management team, is capable of developing links to workers. Supervisors are While motivation is the process through which employees are made to
expected to maintain the best and friendly relations with their seniors as well contribute voluntarily to work, leadership is the ability to persuade and motivate
as with the workers and enjoy the trust and confidence of both management others to work in a desired way for achieving the goal. Thus, a person who is able
and operatives. to influence others and make them follow his instructions is called a leader. For
example, in an organization the management decides to install some new
machines to which the workers are resisting.
Motivation is one of the important elements of directing. Issuance of proper However, one of the workers takes the initiative, explains the fellow workers the
instructions or orders does not necessarily ensure that they will be properly benefits of working with the new machines and molds them to accept the
carried out. It requires manager to inspire or induce the employees to act and management’s decision. Now he is said to be leader as he is able to influence a
get the expected result. This is called motivation. It is a force that inspire a group of workers who followed him. In practice, the managers have to guide and
person at work to intensify his willingness to use the best of his capability for lead their subordinates towards the achievement of goals, and so, to be an
achievement of specify objectives. It may be in the form of incentives like effective, a manager has to be a good leader. Leadership is the process, which
financial (such as bonus, commission etc.) or, non-financial (such as influences the people and inspires them to willingly accomplish the organizational
appreciation, growth etc.), or it could be positive or negative. Basically, objectives. The main purpose of managerial leadership is to get willing cooperation
motivation is directed towards goals and prompt people to act. of the workgroup in pursuit of the goals.
• with proper motivation there can be maximum utilization of the factors of • leadership improves the performance of the employees. Leaders can motivate
production like men, money, material etc.; the followers to work and thereby increase their performance level.
• if employees are motivated it will reduce employee turnover and absenteeism; • with continuous support and guidance, leaders are able to build confidence
among the followers, thereby increasing speed and accuracy and decreasing
• motivation fosters a sense of belongingness among the employees towards the wastage.
organization and also improves their morale;
• with friendly and cooperative efforts, the leader is able to build employees’
• motivation helps in reducing the number of complaints and grievances. The morale which in turn contribute to higher productivity.
wastage and accident rate also come down;
2. Motivation:
A leader must know how to motivate better than anyone else. As a people
manager, it is one of their primary functions. A leader channels their
LEADING VS. MANAGING coworkers’ energy and professional potential through motivation. This is a very
important feature of a leader. Leading is not about giving orders. You need to
What is the major difference between leadership and management? While let your team talk, listen and understand what they need, ask them questions
many of you may think that manager is also a leader so, these two terms mean to create a perfect environment for each one of your team.
the same, but actually not. The terms “management” and “leadership” are
often used interchangeably.
Maybe there is some overlap between the work that managers and leaders do, For motivating your team, make sure that you have a goal or target to achieve.
but these two terms have different meaning and they shouldn’t be used Make your data accessible and transparent to everyone. Transparency is a
interchangeably. Both imply a unique set of skills, characteristics and functions great key to motivation.
that share a few similarities.
They also show some strong differences in some circumstances. For example, 3. Empathy:
some people lead without a managerial role, while some managers do not
practice leadership. Emotional intelligence is one of the best leadership qualities. It is the ability to
put yourself in the place of others, understanding their concerns and solve
their problems. Leaders can empathize with customers and members of their
What is LEADERSHIP? teams because they know all the secrets of their business. Empathy is the way
to inspire and establish links that will ultimately lead to success.
Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of
others towards achieving a goal or a specific target. It is the art of motivating a
group of people. 4. Creativity:
7. Team Building
8. Trustworthiness
You are not a good leader if your team members are uncomfortable or
unwilling to approach you. It will break the trust between the leader and their Management is the art of work done through people with the satisfaction
teammate. When employees believe in their leader’s honesty, it is beneficial of the public, employer and the employees.
for the sincerity and responsibility of the workplace. A trustworthy leader is far MANAGEMENT SKILLS
better than an effective leader.
1. People management skills: managing people with emotional Domain knowledge
intelligence is called people management skills. It is one of the most Diagnostic skill
important management skills. If you can’t manage people, then you Analytical skill
can’t manage a business. Decision-making skill
However, 71% of employees believe that their leaders do not spend enough
The other important managerial skills are: time discussing plans and goals. In this situation, managers do this job and
Problem-solving equalize the environment.
Time management
2. Leaders Think Ideas, Managers Think of Execution.
Directing skill
Leaders are looking for improvement in the organization, while managers unable to inspire their employees, managers take the responsibility to help
emphasize rationality and control. A leader always comes up with new ideas their people succeed.
and delivers that to a person with a forward-thinking mindset.
91% of the surveyed employees think that their leaders are not good
Basically, leaders look for answers to “why and what” while managers look for communicators. Employees feel less stressed and under pressure when they
answers to “when and how”. therefore, the managers’ primary responsibility have the opportunity to communicate with the leaders regularly.
to complete their tasks and reach their goals based on the leader’s vision.
Managers’ job to make their employees feel free so that they can share their If an employee works effectively within his workplace, it is the result of
voice. honesty, open and transparent communication between the leader, manager
and employees.
Leaders are concerned with ideas, relate in more high level while managers
relate to people according to the role they play in a decision-making process. 5. Leaders Peek into the future, Managers Take Action in the Present.
Leader’s attention to “what should be done” to achieve the best results and a Leaders are basically more future-focused while managers are more focused
manager’s attention to “how thing get done”. on the present moment. Therefore, the manager’s most important target is to
come through organizational goals by utilizing procedures and processes
Leaders can play a role in driving change in organizations. A leader always around budgeting, staffing and organizational structuring while leaders tend
inspires incremental and positive change by empowering employees to work to think ahead and capitalize on future prospects.
toward common aims. When people are not inspired by a leader, there is little
a manager can do to help their employees succeed. By improving a personal Yet, the leadership’s vision of the future means nothing if it can’t be clearly
leadership style, leaders can empower their workforce, get their followers’ communicated to both employees and managers. The biggest drivers of
attention and inspire them to act on important organizational initiatives. employee engagement are the feeling of intention and the alignment of
employees’ professional and personal values, every leader should attempt
3. Leaders Form the Culture, Managers Support It. towards creating that sense of purpose among employees.
Culture is a system of behaviors, beliefs and values that configure and
determine how a system operates and how the works getting done. When it
comes to the organizational culture, the difference between management and
leadership is that managers lead their employees to live up to the culture Leadership Theories
which was shaped by the leaders. Inspiring leaders have the power to
Leadership Theories are schools of thoughts brought forward to
influence employees’ behaviors and communicate the organizational culture
explain how and why certain individuals become leaders. The
theories emphasize the traits and behaviors that individuals can
So, driving employees to live by the company’s core value and culture is adopt to boost their own leadership abilities.
impossible without the collaboration between management and leadership.
5 Leadership Theories
4. Leaders Inspire People, Managers Push Them to Their success. GREAT MAN THEORY
Leaders have the great power to inspire people, and managers are
responsible for their success and positive experience. When leaders are
CONTINGENCY THEORY physiological attributes, such as appearance, weight, and height;
SITUATIONAL THEORY demographics such as age, education, and familial background; and
BEHAVIORAL THEORY intelligence, which encompasses decisiveness, judgement, and
The boss may communicate this thought by saying, “Hey you guys, let’s
order more printer toner cartridges.”
The Communication Process
Communication fulfills three main functions within an organization,
The medium of this encoded message may be spoken words, written
including coordination, transmission of information, and sharing
words, or signs.
emotions and feelings. All these functions are vital to a successful
organization. The coordination of effort within an organization helps
people work toward the same goals. Transmitting information is a vital
The receiver is the person who receives the message.
part of this process. Sharing emotions and feelings bonds teams and
unites people in times of celebration and crisis. Effective communication
helps people grasp issues, build rapport with coworkers, and achieve
The receiver decodes the message by assigning meaning to the words.
consensus. So, how can we communicate effectively? The first step is to
understand the communication process.
In this example, our receiver, Bill, has a to-do list a mile long. “The boss
must know how much work I already have,” the receiver thinks. Bill’s
We all exchange information with others countless times each day by
mind translates his boss’s message as, “Could you order some printer
phone, e-mail, printed word, and of course, in person. Let us take a
toner cartridges, in addition to everything else I asked you to do this
moment to see how a typical communication works using this as a
week…if you can find the time?”
sender to the receiver and back again can, and often do, fall short of
their target.
The meaning that the receiver assigns may not be the meaning that the
sender intended, because of factors such as noise. Noise is anything that ___________________________________
interferes with or distorts the message being transformed. Noise can be
Communication is vital to organizations. Poor communication is
external in the environment (such as distractions) or it can be within the
prevalent between senders and receivers. Communication fulfills three
receiver. For example, the receiver may be extremely nervous and
functions within organizations, including coordination, the transmission
unable to pay attention to the message. Noise can even occur within the
of information, and sharing emotions and feelings. Noise can disrupt or
sender: The sender may be unwilling to take the time to convey an
distort communication.
accurate message, or the words that are chosen can be ambiguous and
Change is a large part of any business. Employees come and go,
management changes, products become outdated and, before you
Picture the next scene. The place: a staff meeting. The time: a few days
know it, the company is not the same as it used to be—this evokes fear
later. Bill’s boss believes the message about printer toner has been
and lack of productivity in many employees. A positive form of change
in the workplace is diversity. Many industries are globalizing their
approach, according to a University of Florida business diversity article
published in June 2002. Coping with the change and diversity in the
“Are the printer toner cartridges here yet?” Bill’s boss asks.
workplace--learning how to adapt and understand other cultures--is a
valuable skill and one that will bring you success.