Manual Motor Ford Sierra 005 - Cooling, Heating and AC System
Manual Motor Ford Sierra 005 - Cooling, Heating and AC System
Manual Motor Ford Sierra 005 - Cooling, Heating and AC System
Chapter 3
Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
Air conditioning system - component renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 General information and precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Coolant pump - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Heater controls - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Coolant pump/alternator drivebelt(s) - checking, renewal and Heater motor - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
tensioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Heater unit - overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Coolant pump/alternator drivebelt tensioner (DOHC models with Heater unit - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
power steering) - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Radiator - inspection and cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Cooling fan switch - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Radiator - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Cooling system - draining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Temperature gauge sender - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Cooling system - filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Thermostat - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Cooling system - flushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Thermostat - testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Electric cooling fan - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Thermo-viscous cooling fan (SOHC models) - removal and refitting .12
Expansion tank and coolant level sensor - removal and refitting . . . .15
Degrees of difficulty
Easy, suitable for Fairly easy, suitable Fairly difficult, Difficult, suitable for Very difficult,
novice with little for beginner with suitable for competent experienced DIY suitable for expert
experience some experience DIY mechanic mechanic DIY or professional
System type
SOHC models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressurised, with belt-driven coolant pump, crossflow radiator,
thermo-viscous fan, thermostat, and expansion tank
CVH and DOHC models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressurised, with belt-driven coolant pump, crossflow radiator,
electric fan, thermostat, and expansion tank
Nominal temperature rating (fully open):
SOHC models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88ºC (190º F)
CVH models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100ºC (212ºF)
DOHC models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102ºC (216ºF)
Opening temperature:
SOHC models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 to 89ºC (185 to 192ºF)
CVH models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88ºC (190ºF)
CVH (R6A type) models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 to 89ºC (185 to 192ºF)
DOHC models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 to 89ºC (185 to 192ºF)
Drivebelt tensions
Air conditioning system compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0 mm (0.4 in) deflection at the midpoint of the belt’s longest run
under firm thumb pressure
Coolant pump/alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0 mm (0.4 in) deflection midway between coolant pump and
alternator (or power steering pump) pulleys under firm thumb pressure
3•2 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
temperature and engine speed. The fan is the coolant passes from the thermostat
1 General information and therefore only operating when required, and housing to the expansion tank, but the main
precautions compared with direct-drive type fans circulation is through the inlet manifold,
represents a considerable improvement in fuel automatic choke (where applicable), and
economy, drivebelt wear and fan noise. heater matrix, finally returning to the coolant
General information The electrically-operated fan is switched on pump. When the coolant reaches a
The cooling system is of pressurised type, by a temperature sensor mounted in the predetermined temperature, the thermostat
and consists of a front mounted radiator, thermostat housing when the temperature opens and hot water passes through the top
coolant pump, cooling fan, wax type reaches a predetermined level. The fan is hose to the top of the radiator. As the coolant
thermostat, and an expansion tank. therefore only operating when required, and like circulates through the radiator, it is cooled by
The radiator matrix is manufactured from the thermo-viscous fan, offers a considerable the flow of air to the vehicle’s forward motion,
honeycombed metal, and the end tanks are advantage over direct-drive type fans. supplemented by the action of the cooling fan
made of plastic. On automatic transmission A thermostat is fitted. Its purpose is to where necessary. By the time it reaches the
models, the right-hand end tank incorporates ensure rapid engine warm-up by restricting bottom of the radiator the coolant is cooled,
the transmission fluid cooler. the flow of coolant to the engine when cold and the cycle is repeated. Circulation of
The coolant pump is located on the front and also to assist in regulating the normal coolant continues through the expansion
face of the engine block, and is belt-driven. operating temperature of the engine. tank, inlet manifold, automatic choke (where
The pump is of the impeller type. The expansion tank incorporates a pressure applicable) and heater at all times, the heater
The cooling fan draws cold air over the cap which effectively pressurises the cooling temperature being controlled by an air flap.
radiator matrix to assist the cooling process system as the coolant temperature rises, An air conditioning system is available as
when the forward speed of the vehicle is too thereby increasing the boiling point of the an optional extra on certain models. In
low to provide sufficient cooling airflow, or the coolant. The tank also has a further degas conjunction with the heater, the system
ambient temperature is unusually high. SOHC function. Any accumulation of air bubbles in the enables any reasonable air temperature to be
models have a thermo-viscous fan, whereas coolant is returned to the tank and released in achieved inside the vehicle; it also reduces
CVH and DOHC models have an the air space, thus maintaining the efficiency of the humidity of the incoming air, aiding
electrically-operated fan. the coolant. The pressure cap also incorporates demisting even when cooling is not required.
The thermo-viscous fan is controlled by the a vacuum relief valve which prevents a vacuum The refrigeration side of the air conditioning
temperature of the air behind the radiator. forming in the system as it cools. system functions in a similar way to a
When the air temperature reaches a The system functions as follows. Cold domestic refrigerator. A compressor, belt-
predetermined level, a bi-metallic coil coolant in the bottom of the radiator circulates driven from the crankshaft pulley, draws
commences to open a valve within the unit, through the bottom hose to the coolant pump refrigerant in its gaseous phase from an
and silicon fluid is fed through a system of where the pump impeller pushes the coolant evaporator. The compressed refrigerant
vanes. Half the vanes are driven directly by through the passages within the cylinder passes through a condenser where it loses
the coolant pump, and the remaining half are block, cylinder head and inlet manifold. After heat and enters its liquid phase. After passing
connected to the fan blades. The vanes are cooling the cylinder bores, combustion through the dehydrator, which acts as a
arranged so that drive is transmitted to the fan chambers and valve seats, the coolant reservoir and filter to extract moisture from
blades in relation to the viscosity of the silicon reaches the underside of the thermostat the circuit, the refrigerant returns to the
fluid, and this in turn depends on ambient which is initially closed. A small proportion of evaporator where it absorbs heat from the air
Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems 3•3
7.4a Radiator top hose connection at 7.4b Disconnect the expansion tank hose 7.6a Prise out the retaining clip . . .
thermostat housing from the thermostat housing
7.6b . . . and extract the thermostat . . . 7.6c . . . and sealing ring 7.9 Thermostat flow direction markings
3 A radiator specialist can perform a “flow housing situated at the front of the cylinder cooling fan switch on the thermostat housing
test” on the radiator to establish whether an head (see illustrations). situated at the front of the inlet manifold.
internal blockage exists. 5 Unscrew the two securing bolts and 12 Disconnect the automatic choke hose,
4 A leaking radiator must be referred to a remove the housing and gasket. radiator top hose and expansion tank hose
specialist for permanent repair. Do not 6 Using a screwdriver, prise the retaining clip from the thermostat housing. Where
attempt to weld or solder a leaking radiator, from the housing, and extract the thermostat applicable, take care not to strain the wiring
as damage to the plastic parts may result. and sealing ring (see illustrations). which is routed around the housing. If
5 In an emergency, minor leaks from the 7 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing in necessary, disconnect the wiring connector
radiator can be cured by using a sealant. mind the following points. (see illustrations).
8 Clean the housing and the mating face of 13 Unscrew the three securing bolts and
the cylinder head. Check the thermostat remove the housing and gasket (see
7 Thermostat - removal and sealing ring for condition and renew it if illustration).
refitting necessary. Use a new gasket when refitting 14 Lift the thermostat from the housing, and
the housing. carefully prise out the sealing ring.
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead. 9 The thermostat wax capsule must face into 15 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing
2 Drain the cooling system. the cylinder head with the flow direction arrow in mind the following points.
3 Proceed as follows according to model: facing forward (see illustration). 16 Clean the housing and the mating face of
10 Refill the cooling system. the inlet manifold. Check the thermostat
SOHC models
sealing ring for condition and renew it if
4 Disconnect the radiator top hose and CVH models
necessary. Use a new gasket when refitting
expansion tank hose from the thermostat 11 Disconnect the wiring plug from the the housing.
7.12a Disconnect the automatic choke 7.12b . . . the radiator top hose . . . 7.12c . . . and the expansion tank hose
hose . . .
Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems 3•5
7.13 Removing the thermostat housing and 7.17 Correct orientation of thermostat with 7.20a Disconnect the coolant hoses . . .
gasket flow direction arrow pointing towards
pressure relief valve
17 Note that the thermostat wax capsule 2 Gradually heat the water, and using a
must face into the inlet manifold, with the flow necessary to prise the thermostat out, take thermometer with a range of at least 100ºC,
direction arrow pointing forward, in line with care not to damage the surface of the housing note the temperature at which the thermostat
the pressure relief valve in the housing (see in the inlet manifold. starts to open.
illustration). 24 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing 3 Remove the thermostat from the water and
18 Refill the cooling system. in mind the following points. check that it is fully closed when cold.
25 Ensure that the O-ring seal is correctly
DOHC models 4 Renew the thermostat if the opening
fitted around the edge of the thermostat.
temperature is not as given in the
19 On fuel injection models, for access to the 26 When fitting the thermostat to the inlet
thermostat housing loosen the clips and manifold, ensure that the relief valve is located Specifications, or if the unit does not fully
remove the air inlet tube which connects the in the 12 o’clock position (see illustration). close when cold.
plenum chamber to the inlet manifold. 27 Tighten the thermostat housing securing
20 Disconnect the coolant hoses from the bolts to the specified torque. 9 Coolant pump - removal and
thermostat housing (see illustrations). 28 Refill the cooling system. refitting
21 Disconnect the wiring plug from the
cooling fan switch mounted in the thermostat
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
housing (see illustration). 8 Thermostat - testing 2 Drain the cooling system.
22 Unscrew the three securing bolts, and
withdraw the thermostat housing (see 3 Proceed as follows according to model:
illustration). 1 To test the thermostat, suspend it by a SOHC models 3
23 Manipulate the thermostat from the inlet piece of string in a container of water (see
manifold, and recover the O-ring. If it is illustration). 4 Disconnect the heater and radiator bottom
hoses from the coolant pump.
5 Remove the thermo-viscous fan (Section 12).
6 If not already done, remove the coolant
pump drivebelt, then unscrew the four
retaining bolts and remove the coolant pump
pulley. If necessary, the pulley can be
prevented from turning using a strap wrench.
7.20b . . . from the thermostat housing 7.21 Disconnect the cooling fan switch 7 Unbolt and remove the timing belt cover.
wiring plug
7.22 Withdrawing the thermostat housing 7.26 Thermostat relief valve (arrowed) 8.1 Testing the thermostat opening
should be in the 12 o’clock position temperature
3•6 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
9.8 Location of the alternator adjusting 9.15 Disconnect the coolant elbow from 9.20 Remove the timing belt tensioner
link under the right-hand retaining bolt the coolant pump
8 Unscrew the three retaining bolts and 14 Refill the cooling system. DOHC models
remove the coolant pump and gasket from the
front of the cylinder block. Note that on CVH models Note: Before proceeding, take note of the
following modifications: On models up to May
certain models, the alternator adjusting link is 15 Unscrew the two securing nuts, and
disconnect the coolant elbow from the 1990, the coolant hoses were connected to the
secured by the right-hand retaining bolt (see
illustration). left-hand side of the coolant pump (see coolant pump housing as shown (see
9 If the coolant pump is faulty, it must be illustration). illustration). On models from May 1990, the
renewed, as it is not possible to obtain 16 Remove the timing belt. heater hose (A) and the expansion tank hose (B)
individual components. 17 Unscrew the camshaft sprocket bolt and connections were swapped over. If the hoses
10 Before refitting, clean the mating faces of withdraw the distributor drive sleeve. are disconnected on earlier models,they should
the coolant pump and cylinder block. 18 Screw the camshaft sprocket bolt part be reconnected as on later models, ie connect
11 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing way back into the end of the camshaft, and the heater hose to connection “B”, and connect
in mind the following points. using a suitable puller, pull the sprocket from the expansion tank hose to connection “A”.
12 Use a new gasket, and tighten the the camshaft. This will prevent the possibility of noises from
retaining bolts to the specified torque. 19 Remove the plastic rear timing belt cover. the heater matrix due to air in the system.
13 Before fitting the coolant pump pulley, 20 Unscrew the two retaining bolts, and 29 On fuel injection models, for access to the
ensure that the timing belt cover support bolt remove the timing belt tensioner (see coolant pump, remove the air inlet hose,
is located in its hole in the pump. illustration). plenum chamber, and air cleaner lid as an
21 Unscrew the four securing bolts, and assembly.
withdraw the coolant pump (see illustration). 30 Remove the coolant pump/alternator
22 If the coolant pump is faulty it must be drivebelt.
renewed, as it is not possible to obtain 31 If the pump pulley is to be removed, it is
individual components. easiest to do this with the pump in position, as
23 Before refitting, clean the mating faces of follows. Prevent the pulley from rotating using
the coolant pump and cylinder block. a strap wrench and unscrew the four pulley
24 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing securing bolts. Withdraw the pulley.
in mind the following points. 32 Position a suitable container beneath the
25 Use a new gasket, and tighten the coolant pump, to catch the coolant which will
securing bolts to the specified torque. be released as the pump is removed. Unscrew
26 Before refitting the camshaft sprocket the five securing bolts, and withdraw the pump
bolt, the threads must be coated with sealer from the housing in the cylinder block (see
9.21 Withdraw the coolant pump (Loctite 74 or 274, or Omnifit 30M blue), as the illustration). Recover the O-ring seal.
bolt acts as an oil seal for the hollow 33 Before refitting, clean the mating faces of
camshaft. Do not forget to fit the distributor the coolant pump and the cylinder block.
drive sleeve. 34 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing
27 Correctly tension the timing belt. in mind the following points.
28 Refill the cooling system. 35 Use a new O-ring seal (see illustration).
10 Coolant pump/alternator
drivebelt(s) - checking, renewal
and tensioning
11 Coolant pump/alternator
drivebelt tensioner (DOHC 11.3 Withdrawing the coolant 11.7 Alternator/coolant pump drivebelt
models with power steering) pump/alternator drivebelt tensioner tensioner indicator position
assembly. Note lug (A) on tensioner which Inset shows tensioner at maximum
- removal and refitting
engages with hole (B) in mounting bracket adjustment
assembly. Refit the upper mounting bolt, and 4 If required, the fan blades can be separated
Removal tighten the upper bolt and lower through-bolt. from the fan hub by unscrewing the four
1 Remove the alternator drivebelt. 6 Fit the drivebelt by reversing the removal securing bolts.
2 Loosen the alternator lower mounting procedure, and release the tensioner to
through-bolt, then remove the alternator tension the drivebelt. Refitting
upper mounting bolt and swing the alternator 7 Observe the tensioner indicator, which 5 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but where
away from the engine. should be central in its slot (see illustration). applicable, take care not to overtighten the
3 Unscrew the central securing bolt, and bolts securing the fan blades to the fan hub,
withdraw the drivebelt tensioner assembly 12 Thermo-viscous cooling fan as thread damage may require the whole unit
(see illustration). to be renewed. Where applicable, refit and
(SOHC models) - removal and tension the drivebelt.
Refitting refitting
4 Commence refitting by positioning the
tensioner on the cylinder block, ensuring that 13 Electric cooling fan - removal
the lug on the rear of the tensioner bracket Removal and refitting
engages with the corresponding hole in the 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
cylinder block. Tighten the securing bolt. 2 Remove the four retaining clips and
5 Swing the alternator into position, to align unscrew the two retaining screws, then CVH models 3
the upper mounting bolt hole with the withdraw the upper section of the fan shroud 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
corresponding hole in the drivebelt tensioner (see illustrations). Unclip the wiring connector from the fan
3 The cooling fan hub nut must now be motor then unscrew the retaining nuts and
unscrewed from the coolant pump drive washers. Withdraw the fan shroud and
flange. A thin cranked 32.0 mm (1.25 in AF) cooling fan assembly (see illustration).
spanner with a jaw thickness not exceeding 2 To remove the fan blades, prise the
5.0 mm (0.2 in) will be required (see securing clip from the end of the motor shaft
illustration). Alternatively, if two of the (see illustration).
coolant pump pulley bolts are removed, a
3 The motor can be separated from the fan
normal thickness spanner can be used. Note
shroud by unscrewing the three securing nuts
that the fan hub nut has a left-hand thread, (ie
and bolts.
it is undone in a clockwise direction.) If the
pulley turns as the nut is undone, remove the 4 Where two cooling fans are fitted, both fans
drivebelt, and clamp an old drivebelt round are secured to the fan shroud in the same
the pulley to restrain it, using self-locking manner.
pliers. Tap the spanner with a mallet if 5 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but when
required to remove the nut. refitting the fan blades, ensure that the
12.2a Remove the retaining clips followed direction of rotation arrow faces away from
by the screws . . . the motor, towards the radiator.
1 On SOHC models, the temperature gauge
sender is located on the front left-hand side of
the cylinder head, just in front of the inlet
manifold. On CVH models, the sender is
located on the front face of the inlet manifold,
next to the thermostat housing. On DOHC
models, the sender is located at the front of
15.8a Removing the coolant level sensor 15.8b Fitting the coolant level sensor
the inlet manifold (see illustration).
from the expansion tank
16.1 Temperature gauge sender location 16.3a Disconnect the temperature gauge 16.3b Disconnect the temperature gauge
(arrowed) sender wiring - SOHC sender wiring - CVH
Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems 3•9
around the wiring loom over a length of on the engine compartment bulkhead, then
17 Heater controls - removal and
approximately 330.0 mm (13.0 in) starting disconnect and plug them (see illustration).
refitting from the bulbholder. Route the loom, ensuring Alternatively, the hoses can be secured high
that it is located in the two retaining clips, enough to prevent the coolant from draining.
Removal bend it over and secure it to the bulbholder 4 To prevent unnecessary spillage of coolant
with insulating tape as shown (see when the heater unit is removed, blow into the
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
illustration). This procedure will prevent the upper heater pipe until all the coolant has
2 Remove the securing screws and unclip the
wiring loom from chafing against the heater been expelled through the lower pipe.
lower and upper steering column shrouds.
control levers. 5 Remove the two securing screws and
3 Remove the four securing screws and
10 When reconnecting the control cables to withdraw the heater pipe cover from the
withdraw the instrument panel surround. Note
the heater, move the control levers on the bulkhead (see illustration). Recover the
that the bottom right-hand screw is covered
control panel to the fully up position, then gasket.
by a plastic panel which must be prised out.
attach the cables to the clips on the heater. 6 Working inside the vehicle, remove the
4 Remove the passenger side lower facia
The cable ends should project from the clips passenger side lower facia panel.
by between 0 and 4.0 mm (0 and 0.16 in). The 7 Disconnect the ends of the two control
5 Where necessary for improved access,
cables are adjusted automatically by moving cables from the heater by removing the two
detach the two vent hoses from the left-hand
the control levers fully downwards. It is retaining screws.
side of the heater, then detach the lower ends
possible that considerable resistance may 8 Detach the five vent hoses from the heater. 3
of the two control cables from the heater by
have to be overcome when moving the control 9 Unscrew the two mounting bolts, and move
removing the retaining screws (see
levers. the heater to the rear until the pipes are clear
of the bulkhead, then withdraw the heater to
6 Unscrew the three securing screws, and
18 Heater unit - removal and the left. If necessary, remove the lower facia
remove the heater control panel by sliding it bracket (see illustration).
through the facia panel and withdrawing it refitting
downwards. Disconnect the wiring from the Refitting
control panel illumination bulb. 10 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but
7 If necessary, the bulb can be removed with
adjust the control cables by moving the levers
its holder. 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
on the control panel to the top and then the
2 If the coolant is still hot, release the
Refitting bottom stops. Considerable resistance may
pressure in the system by slowly unscrewing
be encountered when moving the levers
8 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing in the expansion tank cap. Place a thick rag over
towards the bottom stops, which should be
mind the following points. the cap to prevent scalding as the pressure is
9 When reconnecting the wiring to the control released.
11 On completion, top-up the coolant level.
panel illumination bulb, wrap insulating tape 3 Note the location of the two heater hoses
18.3 Location of heater hoses on engine 18.5 Heater pipe cover 18.9 Withdrawing the heater
compartment bulkhead
3•10 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
19.1a Remove the securing screws . . . 19.1b . . . and withdraw the heater matrix 19.3 Heater “up/down” control lever must
be aligned as shown before removal
Note that the cross marks are for right-hand
a chemical cleaner to clear the inner passage
drive vehicles
of the matrix. Renew the components as
19 Heater unit - overhaul necessary. 6 Unscrew the two motor securing nuts, and
5 Reassembly is a reversal of dismantling. withdraw the motor assembly (see illustration).
1 With the heater unit removed from the 7 Unclip the casing halves, then prise open
vehicle, remove the two securing screws and 20 Heater motor - removal and the motor retaining strap using a screwdriver,
withdraw the heater matrix from the casing or if necessary a drift.
refitting 8 Detach the wiring from the motor, then
(see illustrations).
2 Cut the heater casing gasket in line with the remove the motor and fan wheels from the
casing joint, then use two suitable Removal casing.
screwdrivers to prise off the retaining clips 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead. Refitting
and separate the casing halves. Withdraw the 2 Where necessary, unclip the brake servo 9 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
lower part of the casing to the side. vacuum hose for improved access.
3 Remove the air flap valves, then press the 3 On models from 1987, unclip the
control levers from the casing. Note that the windscreen washer hoses and wiring from the 21 Air conditioning system -
“up/down” control lever can only be removed motor cover, and secure them to the component renewal
when the marks are aligned as shown (see bodywork out of the way.
illustration). 4 Unscrew the two securing bolts from the 1 Only those items which can be renewed
4 Clean all components and hose through the motor cover, pull off the rubber moulding, without discharging the system are described
matrix to remove any debris. If necessary use then withdraw the cover (see illustration). here (see illustration). Other items must be
5 Disconnect the wiring from the motor, and dealt with by a Ford dealer or air conditioning
detach the earth lead from its bracket. specialist.