Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Definition of a Prototype
An approximation of a product (or system) or
its components in some form for a definite purpose
in its implementation.
Prototype is an important and vital part of the product development
process. In any design practice, the word “prototype” is often not far from
the things that the designers will be involved in. In most dictionaries, it is
defined as a noun, e.g. the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of
Current English
A prototype is the first or original example of something that has been or
will be copied or developed; it is a model or preliminary version;
e.g.: A prototype supersonic aircraft.
Types of Prototypes
(1) The implementation of the prototype; from the entire product (or
system) itself to its sub-assemblies and components,
(2) The form of the prototype; from a virtual prototype to a physical
prototype, and
(3) The degree of the approximation of the prototype; from a very rough
representation to an exact replication of the product.
While there are many ways in which one can classify the numerous
RP systems in the market, one of the better ways is to classify RP systems
broadly by the initial form of its material, i.e. the material that the prototype
or part is built with. In this manner, all RP systems can be easily categorized
(1) liquid-based
(2) solid-based and
(3) powderbased.
Liquid-based RP systems have the initial form of its material in liquid state.
Through a process commonly known as curing, the liquid is converted into
the solid state. The following RP systems fall into this category:
(1) 3D Systems’ Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA)
(2) Cubital’s Solid Ground Curing (SGC)
(3) Sony’s Solid Creation System (SCS)
(4) CMET’s Solid Object Ultraviolet-Laser Printer (SOUP)
(5) Autostrade’s E-Darts
(6) Teijin Seiki’s Soliform System
Except for powder, solid-based RP systems are meant to encompass all
forms of material in the solid state. In this context, the solid form can
include the shape in the form of a wire, a roll, laminates and pellets.
The following RP systems fall into this definition:
(1) Cubic Technologies’ Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)
(2) Stratasys’ Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
(3) Kira Corporation’s Paper Lamination Technology (PLT)
(4) 3D Systems’ Multi-Jet Modeling System (MJM)
(5) Solidscape’s ModelMaker and PatternMaster
In a strict sense, powder is by-and-large in the solid state. However,
it is intentionally created as a category outside the solid-based RP systems
to mean powder in grain-like form. The following RP systems fall into this
le Vat Available Option Yes Yes
SmartSweep No No No
Auto Resin
Refill No No No
With Build-station With Build-station
3D Lghtyear / 3.8.4 3.8.4 With Build-station 3.8.4
Windows NT
Purpose SL 5149, SL 5170, SL 5149, SL 5170, SL 5149, SL 5170,
Durable N/A N/A N/A
Temperature SL 5210 SL 5210 SL 5210
2.5 times faster than SLA with three times the build system two times faster than
250 with productivity volume of SLA 3500. SLA 5000 with the capability
3 3 3
Maximum Build 350 × 350 × 400 mm 508 × 508 × 584 mm 508 × 508 × 600 mm
3 3 3
Wavelength 354.7 nm
Dual Spot No Ye
Hatch @ l/e (0.010 +/− 0.001 in) (0.03 +/− 0.003 in)
SmartSweep Yes
Windows NT
Durable SL 5520
Parts are built from a photo-curable liquid resin that cures when
exposed to a laser beam (basically, undergoing the photo-polymerization
process) which scans across the surface of the resin. The building is done
layer by layer, each layer being scanned by the optical scanning system and
controlled by an elevation mechanism which lowers at the completion of
each layer.
These two principles will be briefly discussed in this section to lay the
foundation to the understanding of RP processes. They are mostly
applicable to the liquid-based RP systems described in this chapter. This
first principle deals mostly with photo-curable liquid resins, which are
essentially photopolymers and the photo-polymerization process. The
second principle deals mainly with CAD data, the laser, and the control of
the optical scanning system as well as the elevation mechanism
3D Systems’ stereolithography process creates three-dimensional plastic
objects directly from CAD data. The process begins with the vat filled with
the photo-curable liquid resin and the elevator table set just below the
surface of the liquid resin (see Figure 3.2). The operator loads a three-
dimensional CAD solid model file into the system. Supports are designed
to stabilize the part during building. The translator converts the CAD data
into a STL file. The control unit slices the model and support into a series
of cross sections from 0.025 to 0.5 mm (0.001 to 0.020 in) thick
Wiper Elevator
The computer-controlled optical scanning system then directs and
focuses the laser beam so that it solidifies a two-dimensional cross-section
corresponding to the slice on the surface of the photo-curable liquid resin
to a depth greater than one layer thickness. The elevator table then drops
enough to cover the solid polymer with another layer of the liquid resin. A
leveling wiper or vacuum blade (for ZephyrTM recoating system) moves
across the surfaces to recoat the next layer of resin on the surface. The laser
then draws the next layer. This process continues building the part from
bottom up, until the system completes the part. The part is then raised out
of the vat and cleaned of excess polymer.
ViewTM Module. This module can display the STL files and slice file
(SLI) in graphical form. The viewing function is used for visual
inspection and for the orientation of these files so as to achieve optimal
ConvergeTM Module. This is the third and last stage of preparing a part for
building. This is the module which creates the final build files used by the
The main advantages of using SLA are:
Round the clock operation. The SLA can be used continuously and
unattended round the clock.
Build volumes. The different SLA machines have built volumes ranging
from small to large to suit the needs of different users.
Good accuracy. The SLA has good accuracy and can thus be used for many
application areas.
Surface finish. The SLA can obtain one of the best surface finishes
amongst RP technologies.
The SLA technology provides manufacturers with cost justifiable methods
for reducing time to market, lowering product development costs, gaining
greater control of their design process and improving product design. The
range of applications include:
Loosely defined, polymerization is the process of linking small mole-cules
(known as monomers) into chain-like larger molecules (known as
polymers). When the chain-like polymers are linked further to one another,
a cross-linked polymer is said to be formed. Photopolymeri-zation is
polymerization initiated by a photochemical process whereby the starting
point is usually the induction of energy from the radiation source [7].
The important component of the building process is the laser and its
optical scanning system. The key to the strength of the SLA is its ability to
rapidly direct focused radiation of appropriate power and wavelength onto
the surface of the liquid photopolymer resin, forming patterns of solidified
photopolymer according to the cross-sectional data generated by the
computer [10]. In the SLA, a laser beam with a speci-fied power and
wavelength is sent through a beam expanding telescope to fill the optical
aperture of a pair of cross axis, galvanometer driven, beam scanning
mirrors. These form the optical scanning system of the SLA. The beam
comes to a focus on the surface of a liquid photopoly-mer, curing a
predetermined depth of the resin after a controlled time of exposure
(inversely proportional to the laser scanning speed).
The solidification of the liquid resin depends on the energy per unit area
(or “exposure”) deposited during the motion of the focused spot on the
surface of the photopolymer. There is a threshold exposure that must be
exceeded for the photopolymer to solidify.
Surface definition
(mm) 0.15 0.15
Elevator vertical
resolution 0.15 0.1–0.2
0.4 (horizontal, X–
Minimum feature size 0.4 (horizontal, X–Y) Y)
0.15 (vertical, Z) 0.15 (vertical, Z)
Cubital’s RP technology creates highly physical models directly from
computerized three-dimensional data files. Parts of any geometric
complexity can be produced without tools, dies or molds by Cubital’s RP
Parts are built, layer by layer, from a liquid photopolymer resin that
solidifies when exposed to UV light. The photopolymerization process
is similar to that described in Section 3.1.4, except that the irradiation
source is a high power collimated UV lamp and the image of the layer
is generated by masked illumination instead of optical scanning of a
laser beam. The mask is created from the CAD data input and “printed”
on a transparent substrate (the mask plate) by an nonimpact
ionographic printing process, a process similar to the Xerography
process used in photocopiers and laser printers [15]. The image is
formed by depositing black powder, a toner which adheres to the
substrate electrostatically. This is used to mask the uniform
illumination of the UV lamp. After exposure, the electrostatic toner is
removed from the substrate for reuse and the pattern for the next layer
is similarly “printed” on the substrate.
The process is self-supporting and does not require the addition of external
support structures to emerging parts since continuous structural support for
the parts is provided by the use of wax, acting as a solid support material.
The Cubital’s Solid Ground Curing process includes three main steps:
1. Data preparation,
2. Mask generation and
3. Model making
Data Preparation:
In this first step, the CAD model of the job to be prototyped is
prepared and the cross-sections are generated digitally and transferred to
the mask generator. The software used, Cubital’s Solider DFE (Data Front
End) software, is a motif-based special-purpose CAD application pack-age
that processes solid model CAD files prior to sending them to Cubital
Solider system. DFE can search and correct flaws in the CAD files and
render files on-screen for visualization purposes. Solider DFE accepts CAD
files in the STL format and other widely used formats exported by most
commercial CAD systems.
Mask Generation
After data are received, the mask plate is charged through an “image-wise”
ionographic process (see item 1, Figure). The charged image is then
developed with electrostatic toner
Model Making
In this step, a thin layer of photopolymer resin is spread on the work surface
(see item 2, Figure 3.6). The photo mask from the mask generator is placed
in close proximity above the workpiece, and aligned under a collimated UV
lamp (item 3). The UV light is turned on for a few seconds (item 4). The
part of the resin layer which is exposed to the UV light through the photo
mask is hardened. Note that the layers laid down for exposure to the lamp
are actually thicker than the desired thickness. This is to allow for the final
milling process. The un-solidified resin is then collected from the
workpiece (item 5). This is done by vacuum suction. Following that, melted
wax is spread into the cavities created after collecting the liquid resin (item
6). Consequently, the wax in the cavities is cooled to produce a wholly
solid layer. Finally, the layer is milled to its exact thickness, producing a
flat solid surface ready to receive the next layer (item 7).
In the SGC 5600, an additional step (item 8) is provided for final curing
of the layer whereby the workpiece travels under a powerful longitudinal
UV lamp. The cycle repeats itself until the final layer is completed.
The main components of the Solider system are (see Figure 3.7):
Operator’s console,
Vacuum generator.
Automatic Dewaxing Machine (optional).
Advantages and Disadvantages
The Solider system has the following advantages:
Parallel processing. The process is based on instant, simultaneous curing of a whole cross-
sectional layer area (rather than point-by-point curing). It has a high speed throughput that is
about eight times faster than its competitors. Its production costs can be 25% to 50% lower. It
is a time and cost saving process.
Self-supporting. It is user-friendly, fast, and simple to use. It has a solid modeling environment
with unlimited geometry. The solid wax supports the part in all dimensions and therefore a
support structure is not required.
Fault tolerance. It has good fault tolerances. Removable trays allow job changing during a run
and layers are erasable.
Unique part properties. The part that the Solider system produces is reliable, accurate, sturdy,
machinable, and can be mechanically finished.
CAD to RP software. Cubital’s RP software, Data Front End (DFE), processes solid model
CAD files before they are transferred to the Cubital’s machines. The DFE is an interactive and
user-friendly software.
Minimum shrinkage effect. This is due to the full curing of every layer.
High structural strength and stability. This is due to the curing process that minimizes the
development of internal stresses in the structure. As a result, they are much less brittle.
No hazardous odors are generated. The resin stays in a liquid state for a very short time, and the
uncured liquid is wiped off immediately. Thus safety is considerably higher.
The Solider system has the following disadvantages:
Requires large physical space. The size of the system is much larger than other systems with a similar
build volume size.
Wax gets stuck in corners and crevices. It is difficult to remove wax from parts with intricate geometry.
Thus, some wax may be left behind.
Waste material produced. The milling process creates shavings, which have to be cleaned from the
Noisy. The Solider system generates a high level of noise as compared to other systems.
The applications of Cubital’s system can be divided into four areas:
General applications. Conceptual design presentation, design proofing, engineering testing, integration
and fitting, functional analysis, exhibitions and pre-production sales, market research, and inter-
professional communication.
Tooling and casting applications. Investment casting, sand casting, and rapid, tool-free manufacturing
of plastic parts.
Mold and tooling. Silicon rubber tooling, epoxy tooling, spray metal tooling, acrylic tooling, and
plaster mold casting.
Medical imaging. Diagnostic, surgical, operation and reconstruc-tion planning and custom prosthesis