Computer Networks (Class-10 Technical)
Computer Networks (Class-10 Technical)
Computer Networks (Class-10 Technical)
(class-10 Technical)
Table of Contents
Introduction to Computer Network....................................................................................1
Content’s Elaboration.....................................................................................................1
Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Network..................................................5
Types of Networks.............................................................................................................8
Learning Process and support material:..........................................................................8
Content’s Elaboration:....................................................................................................8
Network Topologies.........................................................................................................17
Learning Process and Support Materials:.....................................................................17
Content’s Elaboration:..................................................................................................17
Students’ Assessment...................................................................................................21
Chapter 4............................................................................................................................23
IP Address........................................................................................................................23
Learning Process and support materials:......................................................................23
Content’s Elaboration:..................................................................................................23
Classes of IPv4.............................................................................................................25
Students’ Assessment...................................................................................................32
Chapter 5............................................................................................................................35
Network architecture and Devices....................................................................................35
Learning Process and support materials:......................................................................35
Content Elaboration:....................................................................................................35
Components of Computer Network..............................................................................37
Students’ Assessment...................................................................................................39
Chapter 6............................................................................................................................42
Introduction to OSI reference model................................................................................42
Learning Process and support materials:......................................................................42
Content Elaboration:....................................................................................................42
Students’ Evaluation.....................................................................................................49
Chapter 7............................................................................................................................51
Network Security.............................................................................................................51
Learning Process and support materials:......................................................................51
Content Elaboration......................................................................................................51
Students’ Assessment...................................................................................................56
Introduction to Computer Network
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
Define computer network and its components.
Distinguish advantages and disadvantages of computer network.
List the application fields of computer network.
Content’s Elaboration
Computer networks
have become
integral part of our
everyday lives. It’s
difficult to perform
our simple daily
routine tasks in the
absence of
computer network.
We use them to take cash from the bank local ATM. Whenever we send mail or
browse the web, we rely on the world’s largest computer network, the Internet.
Business Applications
Most of the business organizations have large numbers of computers to do different
types of works. In earlier days these computers were stand alone, isolated from
others, but at some point, management may have decided to connect these
computers to correlate information about entire company.
A business organization can easily share its resources with the help of computer
network and make all programs, equipment and data available to anyone on the
network without regard to the physical location of the resource and the user. A
group of office workers can share the single printer. Along with the hardware
resources such as printer, CD, scanner most of the business organizations can share
data and information. Such information may include customer records, inventories,
financial statements and others. So all small to large business organization needs
computer network computer network for the remote access of data and information
by stakeholders. Almost every business uses computers to complete daily tasks.
From making contact with clients to input data for reports, computers allow
businesses a more efficient way to manage affairs when compared to traditional
paper and heap of files.
Budgeting and forecasting
Documents and Reports
Data mining
Customer relation
Home Application
In earlier days the use of computer at home was just for playing games, watching
videos or word processing works. But due to the development of internet
technology the use of computer at home has been rapidly changed. The probable
main reason for having computer at home is for Internet access. Nowadays there
are several computing devices in home along with the computer such as
smartphones, smart TV, printers etc. people needs to connect these devices with
each other for communicating and sharing information. Computer network
provides helps them to communicate with each other. A home user can use
computer network for
Accessing the remote information: People can have access to the
Computer Networks : Grade 10 3
information on any subject either news, business, politics and many others
by surfing the
Mobile Application
Mobile application is one of the growing concern of the computer network. People
are mostly using the mobile devices such as tablet, smart phones, PDAs (Personal
Digital Assistants), notebooks for computing. Many of these people have desktop
or laptop computer in their home still using these mobile devices because these
devices are easier to use and can be carried with ease with the feature of wireless
(Tanenbaum, 2003)
Key Points
A computer network is a set of autonomous computers connected together
for the purpose of sharing resources.
Computer networks are used for business applications, home applications
and mobile applications.
Computer networks can share hardware such as printer, scanner, storage
location etc.
Software are also shared on the computer network.
Server computer are the powerful computers which provides services to the
client computers.
Client computer are less powerful computer on which user run applications.
Protocols are the set of rules that define the communication between two or
more devices over a network.
Students’ Assessment
Answer the following questions
Short-Answer Questions
a) Define protocol. Give some examples.
b) What is bandwidth?
c) How the bandwidth is measured in analog and digital devices?
d) List the types of communication channel?
Ads: Advertisement
ATM: Automated Teller Machine
Autonomous: Independent, Self- Sufficient
CD: Compact Disk
Correlate: Connect, Link
Integral: Essential
Probable: Possible
Virtual: Simulated/ Not Real
Content’s Elaboration:
There are several types of computer networks. The classification of computer
networks is done on the basis of the geographical location and the numbers of
computer they have i.e. their size. The categories of computer network are:
a) Local Area Network (LAN)
b) Metropolitan Area Network(MAN)
c) Wide Area Network (WAN)
d) Wireless Network
e) Home networks
f) Internetworks
Features of LAN
Advantages of LAN
It has higher bandwidth.
Low cost
Easy configuration
Easy to manage
Disadvantages of LAN
It covers small geographical region.
10 Computer Networks : Grade 10
Limitation in exchanging information.
Difficult to set up the network.
over the metropolitan area or city is called metropolitan area network. It is the
medium sized network larger than LAN and smaller than WAN. Several LANs are
connected together to form a MAN using different wires or wireless technologies.
A MAN is typically owned and operated by a single entity such as a government
body or large cooperation.
Features of MAN
It covers larger geographical area than LAN.
The number of computers connected are also more than LAN.
Multiple LANs are connected to form a MAN
It is owned by single or multiple organizations.
Advantages of MAN
It covers wider area than LAN.
MAN requires fewer resources in comparison to WAN.
Higher security.
Disadvantages of MAN
The large the network becomes difficult to manage.
Difficult to make system secure from hackers.
Wide Area Network(WAN): The computer network which is spreads all over the
world connecting hundreds thousands of computers. It is the largest network in the
world where several LANs and MANs are connected through satellite links or
microwave system. This network connects two or more computers generally across
a wide geographical area such as cities, districts and countries. Internet is the
example of WAN.
Features of WAN:
It is not restricted to a geographical locating; it is spreads all over the world.
Satellites links and microwave system is used for connectivity.
The technology is high speed and expensive.
Data transmission is slower in comparison to LANs.
Advantages of WAN:
It covers large geographical area.
Ease update to the data and information.
Disadvantages of WAN:
The cost is higher.
More associated errors occurs.
Need to invest on good firewall system.
High security challenges from hackers.
Wireless Networks: A
wireless network is any
type of computer network
that uses wireless data
connections for
connecting network
nodes. Wireless networks
are the alternative of
traditional wired networks
that relies on cables to
connect the device with
each other. The network
where the digital devices
are connected together
without wires through wireless technology such as Wi-Fi is called wireless
network. Several wireless networks are Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G,4G networks,
wireless hotspots.
Features of Interworks:
Two or more different networks are connected.
Data communication is ensured among networks owned by different entity.
Devices such as router, gateway having capability to connect different
networks are needed for internetworking.
LAN is the smallest form of network.
MAN is larger than LAN and smaller than WAN.
WAN is the largest computer network.
Several homely used devices can be connected in home network.
Router, gateway devices are needed to connect internetworks.
Students’ Assessment:
Answer the following questions:
B. Short-Answer Questions:
a) Arrange the computer networks on the basis of their size.
b) Define LAN with its characteristics.
c) What is MAN? Mention any 3 characteristics.
d) What is internetworks?
e) What is home networks?
C. Long Answer-Questions:
a) Compare and contrast between LAN and MAN?
Content’s Elaboration:
Each device connected in the computer is called node. And the physical
arrangement or the connection pattern of each device connected in the network is
called network topology. It also refers to the cabling structure or geographical
structure of the LAN. The basic network topologies are:
a) Bus or linear topology
b) Star topology
c) Ring topology
Bus or linear topology: It is the simplest of all network topology where all
computers are arranged in linear format. In this topology all nodes of network are
connected to the single cable by the help of connectors. The cable is backbone of
the network and called bus. Data are transmitted on network through bus using the
address of destination computers. The bus contains the terminator in each end and
these terminator are responsible for stopping the flow of data out of the bus. This
Students’ Assessment
Answer the following questions
B. Short Answers:
a) What is network topology? List its types.
b) Sketch the figure of star topology.
c) Write advantages and disadvantages of BUS topology?
d) Write advantages and disadvantages of token ring topology?
C. Long Answer-Questions:
a) What is star topology? Write its advantages and disadvantages.
b) Compare and contrast between star and ring topology?
c) Explain bus topology with figure.
d) Define Ring topology with figure.
e) How data is transmitted in it?
Content’s Elaboration:
An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a logical numeric address that is assigned to
every single node in a TCP/IP based network. It is a unique identifier of a node
connected in TCP/IP network. The networks using TCP/IP protocol routes
messages based on the IP address of the destination. Generally a node have static or
dynamic IP address. Static refers to the IP address which remains permanent and a
dynamic IP address is a temporary address that is assigned each time a computer or
device accessed the internet.
IP (Internet Protocol) address is a numerical identification assigned to each of the
computers in a network. Although the actual IP address is stored in binary (0,1)
form, they are normally seen as “human-readable" numeric form.
There are two types of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6. An IPv4 address, for example,, has 4 octets separated by decimals. Which represents 8 bits (in
binary) of the address. The first octet represents the network address and the last
Key Features:
The packet sizes are limited to 64KB.
The address size of IP is limited to 32 bit addressing.
The IP header includes checksum.
IPsec support is optional.
It doesn’t supports multicasting.
In the above list, there are five classes. The first class is A and last is E. The first
three classes (A, B and C) are used to identify nodes such as workstations, routers,
The classes of the network are assigned on the basis of the size of network of any
organization. For instance, if a company required 1000 IP address, it would
probably assigned a range that falls within a class B network rather than A or C.
The different classes of IPv4 are discussed below:
Class A:
Class B: An IP address which belongs to class B has the first two bits in the first
octet set to 10, i.e.
Class C:
The class C networks have 21 bits for network ID and bits (22,23 and 24 are set
and can’t be changed) and eight bits for the host ID. This means there can be
221=2,097,152 networks and 28=256 hosts in each network. Among 256 two
cannot be used because one is network address and another is network broadcast
address so there are 28-2=254 valid hosts in class C networks. The default subnet
mask for class C is 255.255.255.x. Its IP address format is:
Class D: The Class D IP addresses range from to It is
reserved for multicasting. In multicasting data is not destined for a particular host,
that is why there is no need to determine the host address. It doesn’t have any
subnet mask.
Class E: The Class E IP addresses range from240.0.0.0 to and this
class IP is reserved for experimental purpose only. This class also don’t need
subnet mask.
IPV6: IPv6 is short for "Internet Protocol Version 6". IPv6 is the Internet's next-
generation protocol, designed to replace the current Internet Protocol, IP Version 4.
It is also known as Internet Protocol Next Generation (IPng). IPv6 is the enhanced
version of IPv4 and can support very large numbers of nodes as compared to IPv4.
The most obvious improvement in IPv6 over IPv4 is that IP addresses are
lengthened from 32 bits to 128 bits. This extension anticipates considerable future
growth of the Internet and provides relief for what was perceived as a forthcoming
shortage of network addresses. The 128 bits IP address is separated in 8 groups of
four hexadecimal digits, each group contains 16 bits or 2 octet. And these groups
are separated by colons as given below.
Key Points
Students’ Assessment
Answer the following questions
Short Answer-Questions:
Content Elaboration:
Network architecture
describes how network is
organized and the computers
on the network interact and
communicate with each other.
The major types of network
architecture are: Client server
and peer to peer
Client server network
architecture: The client server
network architecture consists at least one server and one or more client computers
It covers larger geographical area.
Its cabling structure may vary from simplex to complicated one.
The network traffic is reduced in client server mode.
The security management is centralized to the server.
Backup of data is centralized.
Too many requests from the client may hang/breakdown the server.
In this system if the server fails the whole network goes down.
Initial setup of client server model is expensive.
Professional technical IT person are needed to maintain the servers and
other technical detail of networks.
As whole system is decentralized, it is difficult to administrate.
The network architecture is less secure.
Data recovery and backup is very difficult since each client need its own
Network Operating System (NOS): The collection of program responsible for
managing all the hardware and software resources in computer network is called
network operating system Eg. Linux, Windows server 2012.
Key Points:
Network architecture describes how the computer on the network interact
and communicate.
The client server network architecture consists at least one server and one or
more client computers connected in the network.
In peer to peer architecture each computers has equal roles and responsibility.
Hub is a device which connects nodes in LAN and broadcast message to all
connected nodes.
Switch is intelligent hub which sends message to destination node only
instead of broadcasting to all nodes.
Router is a device which determines best path for forwarding data packets.
Router is also responsible for connecting two different networks having
similar protocols.
Gateway is the device which connects networks having dissimilar protocols.
Students’ Assessment
Answer the following questions
Content Elaboration:
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model is a conceptual and logical layout
that defines network communication used by systems open to interconnection and
communication with other systems.
The model is broken into seven subcomponents, or layers, each of which represents
a conceptual collection of services provided to the layers above and below it. The
OSI Model defines a logical network and effectively describes computer packet
transfer by using different layer protocols also referred to as the seven-layer OSI
Model or the seven-layer model.
The OSI Model was developed by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) in 1978. While working on a network framework, ISO
decided to develop the seven-layer model.
The OSI Model works in a hierarchy, assigning tasks to all seven layers. Each layer
is responsible for performing assigned tasks and transferring completed tasks to the
The physical layer, the lowest layer or first layer of the OSI model, is concerned
with the transmission and reception of the unstructured raw bit stream over a
physical medium. It describes the electrical/optical, mechanical, and functional
interfaces to the physical medium, and carries the signals for all of the higher
layers. It activates, maintains and deactivates the physical link between systems
(host and switch for example). Essentially this layer puts the data on the physical
media as bits and receives it in the same way. Hubs work at this layer.
Responsible for electrical, light or radio signals.
This is the hardware layer of OSI layer.
Device like repeaters, hub, cables, Ethernet work on this layer.
Protocols like RS232, ATM, FDDI, Ethernet work on this layer.
Data link layer is divided into two layers: Media Access Control (MAC)
layer and Logical Link Control (LLC).
MAC (Media Access Control) address is the part of layer 2 (data link layer)
Devices like switch work at this layer.
It convert electrical signals into frames.
Manages data errors form the physical layer.
Responsible for establishing and terminating logical link between two nodes.
Encodes and decodes electrical signals into bits.
Converts electronic signals into frames.
Responsible for routing and forwarding data packets.
Routes the data packets to the destination.
Logical-physical address mapping occurs in this layer.
Message segmentation occurs in this layer.
Message acknowledgement i.e. provide reliable end to end message delivery
with acknowledgements.
Message traffic control occurs in this layer.
Multiplexes several message streams or sessions onto one logical link.
Protocols like SPX, TCP and UDP work here.
Responsible for the transparent transfer of data between end systems.
Responsible for end to end error recovery and flow control.
Responsible for complete data transfer.
The session layer allows session establishment between processes running on
different stations. In a host, different applications or even different instances of the
same application might request data from across the network. It is the Sessions
layer’s responsibility to keep the data from each session separate. It is responsible
for setting up, managing and tearing down sessions. It also provides dialog control
and coordinates communication between the systems.
It establish, maintain and terminate the session.
The presentation layer formats the data to be presented to the application layer. It
can be viewed as the translator for the network. This layer may translate data from
a format used by the application layer into a common format at the sending station,
then translate the common format to a format known to the application layer at the
receiving station.
As the name suggest, this layer presents data to the Application layer. The
Presentation Layer is responsible for data translation and encoding. It will take the
data from the Application layer and translate it into a generic format for transfer
across the network. At the receiving end the Presentation layer takes in generically
formatted data and translates into the format recognized by the Application layer.
An example of this is an EBCDIC to ASCII translation. The OSI model has
protocol standards that define how data should be formatted. This layer is also
involved in data compression, decompression, encryption, and decryption.
Character code translation for example, ASCII to EBCDIC
Presents data in specific format to application layer.
Data encryption and decryption for security purpose is done in this layer.
Responsible for data representation on screen.
Responsible for compression, decompression, encryption and decryption of
Data semantics and syntax.
It supports applications, apps and end use processes.
This layer works on protocols like Telnet, FTP, HTTP.
Responsible for resource sharing and device redirection.
Remoter file access.
Network management.
Responsible for application services for file transfers, e-mail and other
network software services.
OSI reference model is a seven layer conceptual model developed by ISO in
OSI model describes standards for inter computer communication.
In Application layer network applications such mail web, etc. works.
Datagrams are called Upper layer data in application, presentation and
session layer.
Presentation layer prepares the data to be presented in application layer
from lower layer.
Session layer controls the dialogs between the computers. It
Transport layer provides transparent transfer of data.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
protocol are operated in transport layer.
Datagrams are called segments in transport layer.
Routers are operated in network layer.
Network layer provides connection between hosts on different networks.
Students’ Evaluation
Answer the following questions:
2. Short Answer-Questions:
a) What is OSI reference model?
b) List the layers of OSI reference model.
c) Which layer is responsible for encryption and decryption?
d) What is the function of Network Layer?
e) Describe the function of Presentation layer?
f) At which layer of OSI model is a path decision made based upon IP address?
3. Long Answer-Questions
Describe all the layers of OSI reference model?
Explain the function of each layers of OSI reference model?
What is the job of transport layer under OSI reference model?
Content Elaboration
Network is one of the sensible and important aspects of human life, in the absence
of which the simple routine task is difficult to complete. Now the world cannot be
imagined without the networks. Different types are used by different organizations
Cryptography concept
The word cryptography is derived from Greek work Kryptos which means “secret”
and graphein, means "writing”. If the data and information are transmitted as they
are over the network, the intruders or hackers may access and misuse it. So the data
and information should be converted into the secret writing which is called
cryptography. ". Cryptography is the process of conversion of data into a secret
code for transmission over the public network. Cryptography is a method of storing
and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is intended
can read and process it.
The art of protecting information by transforming it (encrypting it) into an
unreadable format, called cipher text. Only those who possess a secret key can
decipher (or decrypt) the message into plain text.
A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing
network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a
defined set of security rules. Firewalls can be implemented as both hardware and
software, or a combination of both. Network firewalls are frequently used to
prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to
the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass
through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not
meet the specified security criteria.
It monitors incoming and outgoing data from the network.
It blocks the harmful packets from being entering the network.
It maintains the security of private network.
It protects computer from unauthorized remote access.
Firewall make online gaming safer.
Firewall can be hardware or software.
Web Security
Today’s most of the work is web based. Either that is communication or
transportation, medicine, shopping, etc we need to access different websites in
order to complete them. Web sites are unfortunately prone to security risks. And so
are any networks to which web servers are connected. Setting aside risks created by
employee use or misuse of network resources, the web server and the site it hosts
present most serious sources of security risk. Web security is the process of
securing confidential data stored online from unauthorized access and modification.
Web security commonly known as cyber security includes the mechanism of
protecting the information by preventing, detecting and responding to attacks.
Enhanced security: when the network is connected to through VPN the data
is kept secured and encrypted which provides security.
Remote control: The information can be accessed remotely even from home
or from any other place.
Unlock websites and bypass filters: VPNs are great for accessing blocked
websites or for bypassing internet filters.
Better performance: The bandwidth and efficiency of the network can be
generally increased once VPN is implemented.
Reduce Cost: The maintenance cost is very low when VPN is created.
Key Points
Network security refers to protection of computer network and network
resources and information from unauthorized access, misuse, modification.
Cryptography is the process of converting the plain text into chipper text for
transmission over public network.
Digital signature is a digital identity of a sender which electronically
uniquely identifies the sender.
A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing
network traffic.
Students’ Assessment
Answer the following questions
C. Long Answers-Questions
a) What is network security?
b) Define cryptography.
c) What is digital signature? Explain about its implication.
d) Write short notes on web security and virtual private network.
e) Define web security with its importance.