Passive Crossover Design Calculator 2.03
Passive Crossover Design Calculator 2.03
Passive Crossover Design Calculator 2.03
Welcome to "The Passive Crossover Design Calculator" Ver. 2.03 . I hope this simple spreadsheet will assist you in building and designing your passive crossover. The values calculated by the program are "text book" values that assume perfectly flat impedance and amplitude response. Since this is not going to be the case with real world speakers, results with most of these values will not be optimum. However, even if you are using optimizing software like Soundeasy, CALSOD, LspCad, etc., text book values are often a very good place to begin. If you are not using optimizing software these values will still provide a good starting point to begin your own tweaking. In many cases, if the impedance has been equalized, the results may actually be quite acceptable, needing only a small amount of adjustment. Probably the most powerful aspect of this spreadsheet is the opportunity it offers for a beginner to learn more about crossover circuits and how they operate. I picture this as much as a teaching tool as I do a design tool, and is intended for primarily for the beginner or novice builder, however, some of it's functions may be beneficial even for the experienced designer. In the first version certain assumptions were made of the user; primarily that the user already understood basic crossover circuits, orders, and general circuit topologies. It was assumed that the user knew what the calculation was for and what the results meant. However, with this new version I have included pop-up text HELP boxes that give a brief explanation to what the contents of a cell mean or what the calculator is looking for. When ever you see a small red triangle like this one in a cell just move you cursor over it and a help box will appear. You can try it on this one above to see what I mean. I have also included circuit schematics for each circuit calculator on all of the calculator pages. Simply by clicking on the title of any one of the circuit calculators a diagram of the circuit will appear in your browser showing each component and its location in the circuit. Simply click on the "Back" button to return to "The Passive Crossover Design Calculator" . Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words and these schematics should help many understand the circuit better. If a more detailed explanation is needed, I recommend referring to the "Loudspeaker Design Cookbook" by Vance Dickason. This resource is available through Old Colony and other sources. Most of the design calculators contained in this program are explained in the "Cookbook". There are also many other excellent books on crossover design as well that would work hand in hand with this spreadsheet. Another feature that has been incorporated in this released version is input and output capability for the Contour and Impedance circuit designers. These will be explained in more detail under those sections below. One more note about how to use "The Passive Crossover Design Calculator " may be necessary, but you will find that it is really quite simple. At the bottom of the spreadsheet are tabs marked: "Two-Way Calculators"; "Three-Way Calculators"; "Additional Calculators"; "Contour Circuit Designers"; "Impedance Circuit Designers"; and "Note Pad" . Within each one you will find different tools to help you in your crossover design. On each sheet you will notice that some values are in red and others are in blue. A red number is one that is user entered such as crossover frequency, resistance, etc. A blue number represents the results from a formula. The blue numbers are protected so that you can not accidentally erase an equation. On each page you will notice the letters L, C, and R. Please make note that L means the inductor value in milli-Henries , C means the capacitor value in micro-Farads , and R means the resistance in Ohms . Whenever two different R values are required, such as the R for the speaker and the R for a resistor in the circuit, the difference will be noted. And remember, each page contains pop-up help boxes and circuit schematics too. Here is a brief description of each of the sections: Two-Way Crossover Calculators This page gives the inductor and capacitor values for many different types of two-way text-book crossovers. By entering the desired crossover frequency and the equalized resistance for the low and high pass sections in the red fields in the box at the top of the page the component values are automatically computed for twelve different types of crossovers, including First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Sixth Order circuits. Types include Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz-Riley and more for several orders. There are also calculators for Series crossovers with adjustable Zeta values and a variable "Q" Second order circuit. For these there is an additional box for the Zeta or "Q" to be entered. Crossover values in the calculator are arranged as they would be in the crossover. For example, in the Third Order Butterworth parallel crossover, the high pass lists C1, L1, and C2. These components would be arranged with C1 connected to the input, L1 going to ground between the two capacitors, and C2 going to the tweeter. This logic is used for all of the crossover calculator results, but if there is any question remember to click on the circuit's title bar and the schematic will appear showing where each component is located (that picture is worth a thousand words thing again).
Three-Way Crossover Calculators This page has a three way crossover calculator which gives the text-book values for a First order Butterworth and a Second Order Linkwitz-Riley three-way crossover, including the bandpass gain and the necessary equalizing resistor, for "variable spread" or one where you select both the lower and upper crossover frequencies. Since many midranges may have a different operating impedance between the lower and upper crossover points there are two entry points for the midrange's R values. However, you can leave both as the same value if you choose. I do not offer more options in variable spread three-way crossovers, because three-way crossovers with variable spreads are quite complex. However, for higher order crossovers I have included Third order Butterworth and Fourth order L-R types which use a "fixed spread" of 8 or 10. What this means is that the upper crossover frequency divided by the lower crossover frequency will result in a value of 8 or 10. For example a three way with crossover points of 375 and 3000 would have a spread of 8 and one of 200 and 2000 would have spread of 10. All you need to do is select the preferred "Spread" and enter the lower crossover point along with the resistances, and the calculator will compute the rest. These spreads are the most practical and will meet the needs of most three way designs. Again, as with the Two-Way Crossover page, pop-up help boxes and schematics are available. Additional Calculators This page offers an assortment of various useful calculators, each one with its own unique purpose. Altogether there are different sections that calculate the values for: RLC, RL and RC response contour circuits; Zobels and Series Notch or Conjugate Impedance Circuits; L-Pads; Insertion Losses; Second Order Filter "Q" Calculator; Acoustic Butterworth Crossover; Multiple Driver Sensitivity and Impedance Calculator; Voice Coil Offset and Baffle Tilt Calculator; and an Air Core Inductor Designer. Again, the user simply needs to enter the necessary information into the red number fields and the results will be calculated. Several of these calculators can be used to arrive at a final impedance before using the previous Crossover Calculator page. As with the previous pages, clicking on the circuit's title will bring up the circuit schematic, and each Calculator provides pop-up Help boxes. Contour Circuit Designers On this page you will find RL, RC, and RLC Parallel Notch Filter Contour Designers. These Designers can be quite useful not only in eliminating a peak in a speaker's response, but also to compensate for baffle step response, or the drooping top end in a tweeter. Rather than giving you the component values as the previous page does, this page allows you to fine-tune the design of these circuits to your specific application. This page is especially useful if you have the ability to measure the response of your speaker. For each one of the Designers you will enter the driver's resistance as well as the value of the circuit components used in the red number fields in the top section of the Designer. You will also notice that for each Designer there is a table with several user defined frequency and amplitude points. You can use the frequencies that are present by default or enter your own via the frequency calculator in the white data bar above it. Here you only need to enter the starting and ending frequencies and the calculator will fill in the points in-between on a log scale. The program will then use the same frequencies that have been entered and calculate the transfer function of the circuit loaded by the driver's resistance. Amplitude response data can be entered manually for each frequency point or can be imported from an FRD format frequency response file. The accompanying graph will show the amplitude response for the speaker, the circuit's transfer function, and the resultant combined response. The resultant response can then be exported as an FRD file if desired to be used with other software. This page of the program offers the design flexibility for working with other design tools and measurement software. And in addition to the features already described, clicking on the circuit's title will bring up the circuit schematic, and each Calculator provides several pop-up Help boxes. Impedance Circuit Designers You will immediately notice that this page is very much like the previous "Contour Circuit Designer" page. It functions in almost exactly the same way too, only it allows you to design Zobel and Series Notch (or Series Conjugate) Impedance compensation circuits to fit your needs. This page also includes the ability to import and export data just as the Contour Circuits page did. One difference in these features is the missing button for exporting only the impedance of the modeled circuit, which I did not feel was useful by itself. Again, you enter several user defined frequency and impedance points. You can use the frequencies that are present by default or enter your own via the frequency calculator in the white data bar above it. Here you only need to enter the starting and ending frequencies and the calculator will fill in the points in-between on a log scale. The program will then use the same frequencies that have been entered and calculate the transfer function of the circuit loaded by the driver's resistance. Impedance data can be entered manually for each frequency point or can be imported from a ZDA format Impedance response file. The accompanying graph will show the the same frequency points that you have entered and will calculate the impedance of the circuit in parallel with your speaker and the resultant combined impedance, and then show these in the accompanying graph. The resultant combined impedance can then be exported as a ZDA formatted file if desired to be used with other software. If the impedance plot of the speaker is known then this page can be very useful in flattening the impedance curve to a nearly resistive level before using some of the Calculators on the previous pages. As
with the "Contour Circuit" Page, in addition to the features already described, clicking on the circuit's title will bring up the circuit schematic, and each Calculator provides several pop-up Help boxes. Using The FRD Macros You will notice several macro buttons with each of the Calculators on the Contours Circuits page and the Impedance Circuits page. The "Conform Frequency" button is used with the FRD and ZDA files to conform the input file's data to match the frequencies chosen. If the selected frequencies are changed after importing the data then you must use the "Conform" button to readjust the data to match the new frequencies. If you do not change the frequency settings after importing the data then you do not need to use this button because it will be imported already conformed to the frequency scale. However, once the FRD or ZDA data has been imported it may prove quite useful to change the frequency window so that you can "zoom" in and out of your view of the response. Even though there are only 21 frequency data points used for the viewed graph, the ability to zoom in and out by changing the frequency settings still gives a great deal of flexibilty to this tool. The "Input FRD Response" button allows you to bring in frequency response data from an external file saved from other software in this format. Likewise the "Input ZDA Response" button allows you to import impedance data from an external ZDA format file. The "Output FRD Correction" button will output only the circuit's transfer function. And the "Output FRD Result" or the "Output ZDA Result" will output the resultant combined response of the speaker and circuit, or the resultant combined impedance as the case may be. At the top of the each page you will see the "Clear Before Saving" button. You do not need to clear the imported data but using this button will reduce the size of this file when saving. These pages of the program offers the most design flexibility of any of the Calculators in the program and is useful for those working with other design tools and measurement software. Note: some software will use different extensions other than FRD and ZDA, but the file will still be compatible. These files can still be used simply by using your file explorer and changing the extension to the desired one, then inputting the file data. Note Pad The Note Pad is an unprotected blank sheet that allows you to copy and paste results from any of the Calculators and keep whatever notes you desire as you develop your passive crossover circuit. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Paul Verdone for his invaluable input on this spreadsheet and for adding the FRD and ZDA functions. I would also like to thank him for forming the FRD Consortium and hosting the various design tools available on it, including this "Passive Crossover Design Calculator" . I would also like to thank David Dlugos for creating all of the circuit schematic drawings used throughout the spreadsheet. Again, I hope you find this spreadsheet helpful as you design your crossover. If you have any questions or find any problems or errors you may contact me by email at: Jeff Bagby 8/29/2002 We are in no way responsible for the success of any crossover designed using this spreadsheet, and we place no guarantee on the accuracy of its results. The "Passive Crossover Design Calculator" Copyright 2001,2002, and 2003 by Jeff Bagby
Second Order Linkwitz-Riley Second Order Linkwitz-Riley Tweeter- High Pass Section C1= 3.98 uF L1= 1.02 mH Woofer - Low Pass Section L2= 1.02 mH C2= 3.98 uF Sum at Fc= 0 dB Tweeter Polarity= Reversed Click on circuit title to view schematic
Second Order B
Tweeter- High Pas C1= L1= Woofer - Low Pas L2= C2= Sum at Fc= Tweeter Polarity=
Tweeter- High Pass Section L1= 0.25 mH Woofer - Low Pass Section C1= 15.92 uF Sum at Fc= 6.02 dB Tweeter Polarity= Either (Normal is Preferred)
Tweeter- High Pass Section C1= 4.56 uF L1= 0.88 mH Woofer - Low Pass Section L2= 0.88 mH C2= 4.56 uF Sum at Fc= +1.2 dB Tweeter Polarity= Reversed Click on circuit title to view schematic
Tweeter- High Pas C1= L1= Woofer - Low Pas L2= C2= Sum at Fc= Tweeter Polarity=
Third Order Butterworth -Series Tweeter- High Pass Section L1= 0.34 mH
Fourth Order Bu
L1= 0.38 mH C2= 15.92 uF Woofer - Low Pass Section L2= 0.76 mH C3= 10.61 uF L3= 0.25 mH Sum at Fc= 0 dB Tweeter Polarity= Either (Reversed is Preferred)
C1= 6.00 uF L2= 1.02 mH Woofer - Low Pass Section C2= 12.00 uF L3= 0.67 mH C3= 4.00 uF Sum at Fc= 0 dB Tweeter Polarity= Either
L1= C2= L2= Woofer - Low Pas L3= C3= L4= C4= Sum at Fc= Tweeter Polarity=
Click on circuit title to view schematic Fourth Order Linkwitz-Riley Tweeter- High Pass Section C1= 4.22 uF L1= 0.32 mH C2= 8.44 uF L2= 1.44 mH Woofer - Low Pass Section L3= 0.96 mH C3= 12.66 uF L4= 0.48 mH C4= 2.81 uF Sum at Fc= 0 dB Tweeter Polarity= Normal Fourth Order Bessel Tweeter- High Pass Section C1= 3.51 uF L1= 0.28 mH C2= 3.60 uF L2= 1.59 mH Woofer - Low Pass Section L3= 1.15 mH C3= 11.68 uF L4= 0.47 mH C4= 2.52 uF Sum at Fc= -1.5 dB Tweeter Polarity= Normal Click on circuit title to view schematic Fourth Order Linear Phase Tweeter- High Pass Section C1= 3.71 uF L1= 0.35 mH C2= 7.62 uF L2= 1.23 mH Woofer - Low Pass Section L3= 1.05 mH C3= 11.28 uF L4= 0.50 mH C4= 3.16 uF Sum at Fc= -0.5 dB Fourth Order Legendre* Tweeter- High Pass Section C1= 5.52 uF L1= 0.34 mH C2= 6.23 uF L2= 0.89 mH Woofer - Low Pass Section L3= 0.73 mH C3= 11.83 uF L4= 0.65 mH C4= 4.55 uF Sum at Fc= 0.7 dB Fourth Order
Tweeter- High Pas C1= L1= C2= L2= Woofer - Low Pas L3= C3= L4= C4= Sum at Fc= Tweeter Polarity=
Tweeter- High Pas C1= L1= C2= L2= C3= L3= Woofer - Low Pas L4= C4= L5= C5=
Tweeter Polarity=
Tweeter Polarity=Normal Sum at Fc= -1.5 dB Tweeter Polarity=Reversed *The frequencies used are: LP used = 2175 Hz HP used = 2875 Hz
eter- High Pass Section 5.63 uF 0.72 mH fer - Low Pass Section 0.72 mH 5.63 uF
eter- High Pass Section 7.96 uF 0.51 mH fer - Low Pass Section 0.51 mH 7.96 uF
0.32 mH 7.35 uF 1.33 mH fer - Low Pass Section 0.78 mH 12.55 uF 0.55 mH 3.05 uF
eter- High Pass Section 3.84 uF 0.36 mH 7.46 uF 1.04 mH fer - Low Pass Section 1.04 mH 11.18 uF 0.54 mH 3.84 uF
eter- High Pass Section 4.42 uF 0.28 mH 5.41 uF 0.45 mH 10.94 uF 2.04 mH fer - Low Pass Section 0.92 mH 14.74 uF 0.75 mH 8.92 uF
0.37 mH 1.99 uF
Click on circuit title to view schematic First Order Butterworth Tweeter- High Pass Section C1= 7.10 uF Woofer - Low Pass Section L1= 3.18 mH Midrange - Band Pass Section C2= 56.83 uF L2= 0.40 mH Bandpass Gain= 2.50 dB R eq= 2.67 ohm Midrange Polarity= Normal
Tweeter- High Pass Se C1= L1= Woofer - Low Pass Sec L2= C2= Midrange - Band Pass S C3= L3= C4= L4= Bandpass Gain= R eq= Midrange Polarity=
Click on circuit title to view schematic Third Order Butterworth Spread (FH/FL) 8 (R) Woofer : 8 (R) Midrange : 8 (R) Tweeter : 8 F low : 370 F high : 2960 F high : 1046.52 (8 or 10) Ohm Ohm Ohm Hz Hz Hz
Fourth Order LinkwitzSpread (FH/FL) (R) Woofer : (R) Midrange : (R) Tweeter : F low : F high : F Mid :
L1 = C2 =
0.32 mH 12.36 uF
Woofer - Low Pass Section L2 = 4.73 mH C3 = 71.96 uF L3 = 1.87 mH Midrange - Band Pass Section C4 = 37.17 uF L4 = 2.60 mH C5 = 115.47 uF L5 = C6 = L6 = 0.48 mH 10.56 uF 0.22 mH
L1 = C2 = L2 = Woofer - Low Pass Sec L3 = C3 = L4 = C4 = Midrange - Band Pass S C5 = L5 = C6 = L6 = L7 = C7 = L8 = C8 = Bandpass gain = Midrange Polarity=
8 Ohm 8 Ohm 1058.30 Hz 7.00
weeter- High Pass Section 3.50 uF 0.92 mH oofer - Low Pass Section 6.46 mH 24.52 uF drange - Band Pass Section 34.83 uF 6.66 mH 3.06 uF 0.72 mH 2.67 dB 2.88 ohm Reversed
ourth Order Linkwitz-Riley 8 8 8 8 420 3360 1187.94 (8 or 10) Ohm Ohm Ohm Hz Hz Hz
0.24 mH 6.27 uF 1.06 mH oofer - Low Pass Section 5.68 mH 74.85 uF 2.86 mH 16.93 uF drange - Band Pass Section 39.71 uF 1.50 mH 56.11 uF 0.83 mH 0.70 8.41 0.33 1.87 mH uF mH uF
2.84 dB Normal
ohm mH uF ohm
Click on circuit title to view schematic STANDARD RLC PARALLEL NOTCH FILTER Low F (start of peak) = High F (end of peak) = Midpoint of peak = Peak magnitude (dB)= R Speaker = Bandwidth Q of filter = Required R = C= L= 2000 5500 3317 5 8 0.95 6.23 7.30 0.32 Hz Hz Hz dB ohm ohm uF mH
ACOUSTIC BUTTERWORTH CROSS Tweeter R = 8 Crossover F = 2000 Crossover C1 = 6.63 Crossover L1 = 0.48 Crossover C2 = 19.89 Tweeter Fs = 750 DCR of L1 = 0.3 Bypass values for crossover Ca = 1.95 Ra = 14.5
L-PAD CALCULATOR Desired cut = R Driver = R Series = R Parallel = -4 8 2.95 13.68 dB ohm ohm ohm
INSERTION LOSSES RE Driver = DCR Circuit = Qes = Loss = New Qes = 6.00 ohm 1.60 ohm 0.33 -2.05 dB 0.42
Click on circuit title to view schematic SIMPLE SERIES NOTCH COMPLEX SERIES NOTCH
Fs Speaker = Re Speaker = C= L= R=
Hz ohm uf mH ohm
C= L= R= Q of filter =
VARIABLE L-PAD R Speaker = R Series = R Parallel = Final R total = Attenuation = 6 4 30 9.00 -5.11 ohm ohm ohm ohm dB
Number of drivers= 9 Re= 6.0 Sensitivity= 87.0 Number of drivers must be divisible into whole numb Number in series in a group= 3 Number of groups in parallel= 3 Final Re= 6.0 Final Sensitivity= 96.5
DRIVER OFFSET CALCULATOR Offset distance is the amount the woofer's voice coil is behind the tweeter's voice coil Voice Coil Offset = Driver CenterSpacing = Crossover point = Tweeter Phase Lead = Baffle Tilt Needed = 0.68 5.5 2500 45.1 7.08 inches inches Hz degrees degrees
Inductor Designer for Air Core Induc the height of the core equals the co Desired DCR = Desired Inductance = Core Height and Radius = Number of Turns = Calculated Wire Diameter = Proposed Wire Gauge =
Cabinet Baffle Tilt Calculator Cabinet Height = 36 inches Depth at Bottom = 13.5 inches Depth at Top = 6.5 inches Length of Front Baffle = 36.67 inches Angle of Baffle Tilt = 11.14 degrees New Voice Coil Offset = 0.37 inches Tweeter Phase Lead = 24.5 degrees
Wire Gauge Diameter Calculator Selected Wire Gauge = Calculated Wire Diameter =
OND ORDER FILTER "Q" 7.96 0.5 8 1.009 2524.06 0.08 uf mH ohm Hz dB
Ohms dB/2.83V/M
r Air Core Inductors where re equals the core radius 0.50 2.00 0.846 192 0.05140 16 ohms mH inches turns inches ga
Driver Combined Filter Response Response Frequency Response in dB in dB in dB 50 61 74 90 109 133 161 196 238 289 351 427 519 631 766 931 1132 1375 1671 2031 2469 3000 -0.65 -0.79 -0.95 -1.13 -1.35 -1.61 -1.90 -2.24 -2.61 -3.00 -3.42 -3.84 -4.25 -4.63 -4.95 -5.23 -5.44 -5.61 -5.73 -5.82 -5.88 -5.93 85.726 87.980 88.617 88.151 88.701 88.710 88.702 89.053 89.606 89.875 91.010 91.390 92.121 93.035 93.115 93.218 92.859 93.071 94.587 93.862 93.031 94.841 85.07 87.19 87.67 87.02 87.35 87.10 86.80 86.82 87.00 86.87 87.59 87.55 87.87 88.41 88.16 87.99 87.42 87.46 88.86 88.04 87.15 88.92
90 dB (Speaker)
50 61 74
Driver Combined Filter Frequency Response Response Response in dB in dB in dB 3000 3284 3594 3934 4306 4713 5159 5646 6180 6764 7404 8104 8870 9709 10627 11631 12731 13935 15252 16694 18272 20000 -5.41 -5.36 -5.31 -5.25 -5.17 -5.09 -4.99 -4.89 -4.77 -4.64 -4.50 -4.35 -4.19 -4.02 -3.85 -3.67 -3.48 -3.30 -3.11 -2.93 -2.75 -2.57 94.332 95.143 95.680 97.442 97.188 97.109 98.341 98.261 98.356 97.913 98.648 97.283 98.167 97.751 98.168 97.679 96.500 96.731 96.537 96.121 95.375 94.863 88.92 89.78 90.37 92.20 92.02 92.02 93.35 93.37 93.59 93.27 94.15 92.93 93.98 93.73 94.32 94.01 93.02 93.44 93.43 93.19 92.63 92.29
100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84
dB (Speaker)
8 12 1.25 8
ohms uF mH ohms
Driver Combined Filter Frequency Response Response Response in dB in dB in dB 100 119 142 169 202 241 287 342 408 486 579 691 823 981 1170 1394 1662 1981 2362 2815 3356 4000 -0.81 -0.96 -1.14 -1.34 -1.58 -1.85 -2.17 -2.54 -2.96 -3.43 -3.96 -4.54 -5.12 -5.63 -5.96 -5.99 -5.72 -5.23 -4.66 -4.08 -3.54 -3.05 86.283 87.454 88.500 89.399 90.073 90.500 90.700 90.700 91.067 92.340 94.313 95.100 93.082 93.665 95.300 94.700 94.600 93.751 94.001 92.712 95.280 95.618 85.47 86.49 87.36 88.06 88.50 88.65 88.53 88.16 88.11 88.91 90.35 90.56 87.96 88.03 89.34 88.71 88.88 88.52 89.34 88.63 91.74 92.57
98 96 94 92 dB (Speaker) 90 88 86 84 82 80
100 119 142 169
Decades = Growth =
1.7782 0.0847
74 90 109 133 161 196 238 289 351 427 519 631 766 931 1132 1375 1671 2031 2469 3000
Speaker Combined Circuit
dB (Filter)
Decades = Growth =
0.8239 0.0392
-2.00 dB (Filter)
Speaker Combined Circuit
Hz Hz Hz
-7.00 142 169 202 241 287 342 408 486 579 691 823 981 1170 1394 1662 1981 2362 2815 3356 4000
Speaker Combined Circuit
dB (Filter)
184.332 185.143 185.680 187.442 187.188 187.109 188.341 188.261 188.356 187.913 188.648 187.283 188.167 187.751 188.168 187.679 186.500 186.731 186.537 186.121 185.375 184.863
Speaker Impedance Impedance with Zobel 6.51 6.47 6.61 6.69 7.09 7.51 8.48 8.74 9.60 10.65 12.19 13.98 15.99 18.25 20.68 23.49 26.36 29.75 33.30 37.80 5.71 5.56 5.52 5.42 5.50 5.55 5.82 5.71 5.80 5.90 6.07 6.20 6.29 6.35 6.38 6.41 6.41 6.43 6.44 6.46
200 246 302 371 456 560 688 845 1038 1276 1568 1926 2366 2907 3572 4389 5392 6625 8139 10000
Impedance (ohms)
F center= Q=
537 Hz 0.90
Start Frq =
Speaker Frequency Impedance 100 117 137 160 188 220 258 302 353 413 484 567 663 777 909 1064 1246 1459 1708 2000 5.30 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.16 6.66 7.40 8.55 10.40 12.80 15.85 17.90 15.40 11.90 9.40 7.70 6.68 6.06 5.76 5.65
Resonance Im
Impedance (ohms)
12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 100 117 137 160
o view schematic
Decades = Growth = 1.6990 0.0894
Frequency (Hz)
Speaker With Compensation
Frequency (Hz)
Speaker With Compensation