AVTE 213 Elementary Electrical Engineering ACDC
AVTE 213 Elementary Electrical Engineering ACDC
AVTE 213 Elementary Electrical Engineering ACDC
ENGINEERING (AC/DC)* - Conductivity measures how tightly bound
an electron is to an atom.
● Metals, mostly shiny and solid
Electricity ● Elements with high conductivity
- It is all around us, powering technology like ● Have very mobile electrons
our cell phones, computers, lights, soldering ● Materials which allow in electron flow
irons, and air conditioners. ● Some have malleable property if whack with
- A natural phenomenon that occurs a hammer they’ll flatten into a
throughout nature and takes many different ● thinner shape
forms. ● Examples:
- Defined as the flow of electric charge. o Copper
o Silver
o Gold
o Iron
Building Blocks of Atoms
o Chromium
- An atom is built with a combination of three o Aluminum
distinct particles / elements: 2. Insulators
o Electrons ● Non-metals
o Protons ● Elements with low conductivity
o Neutrons. ● Prevent the flow of electrons
- Each atom has a center nucleus. ● Examples:
o Nucleus is where the protons and o Glass
neutrons are densely packed o Rubber
together. o Plastic
- Surrounding the nucleus are a group of o Air
orbiting electrons. o Selenium
A. Protons o Sulfur
● Has at least one proton in every atom 3. Semiconductor
● Determines the atomic number of the atom ● Semi-metals
● Number of protons defines what chemical ● Shiny but when whack with a hammer it
element breaks into bits
● Balance state of an atom ● Conduct electricity, dull glow of the bulb
o Number of protons is the same with ● Examples
the number of electrons o Boron
● Always carry a positive charge o Silicon
B. Electrons o Germanium
● Critical to the workings of electricity.
● Always carry a negative charge.
● Valence electrons Creating Flow of Electrons
o The electrons on the outer orbit of
the atom which can escape and 1. Apply enough force to the valence electron.
become free. 2. The valence electron is ejected.
● Free Electrons 3. Free electron is created.
o Allow to move charge. 4. As free electron is floating, it is pulled and
C. Neutrons pushed by surrounding charges.
● Protons partner in nucleus. 5. The free electron eventually finds a new
● Purpose is to keep the protons in the nucleus atom to latch on to.
and determine the isotope of an atom. 6. In doing so, another valence electron is
● Neutral, they have no charge. ejected.
7. Now a new electron is drifting through
space looking for the same thing.
Electrostatic Force (Coulomb’s Law)
- Attraction between the nucleus and the Electricity
- Pushes away other electrons and be attracted - Defined as the flow of electric charge.
to protons Forms of Electricity
- Tool, we need to make electrons flow
- States that “charges of the same type repel I. Static Electricity
each other while charges of opposite types
are attracted together”. Static Electricity
- Exists when there is a build-up of opposite
charges on objects separated by an
- Exists until the two groups of opposite
charges can find a path between each other
to balance the system out.
Static Discharge
- Occurs when the charges find a means of
- Can flow through even the best of insulators.
- Harmful.
- Results in a visible shock as the travelling
electrons collide with electrons in the air.
- Release energy in the form of light.
- Note:
o Friction from different materials
transfer electrons
- Ions
o Atoms that carry a positive or
negative electric charge as a result of
having lost or gained free electrons.
- Ionization
o When an electron is taken from or
added to a neutral atom
- Positively charged
o Object losing electrons
o Positive ion (kation)
- Negatively charged
o Object gaining electrons
o Negative ion (anion)
II. Current/ Dynamic Electricity
- Exists when charges are able to constantly
- Requires a circuit.
o Circuit is a closed, never-ending
loop of conductive material.
- The stuff that powers electronic gadgets.
- Charges are always on the move.
BUILDING BLOCKS OF ELECTRICITY o 10 Volts means that one Coulomb of
charge at the higher potential end can
Current do 10 Joules of work on its way
Current (I) down to the lower potential end
- The rate at which electrons flow past a point = 10𝑉
in a complete electrical circuit per second
- Unit: Ampere Voltage (V)
o Unit of measurement for current
- Also called Potential Difference, Potential,
1 𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑒 =
1 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑚𝑏 EMF
1 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑
- Electrical pressure
18 - Has potential to do work
1 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑚𝑏 = 6. 24×10 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑠
- Difference in charge between two points
Andre-Marie Ampere - The measure of the push on each electron
which makes the electron move
- French physicist and mathematician.
- One of the founders of the science of Alessandro Volta
classical electromagnetism. - Italian Physicist
2 Convections for Current Flow - Invented the first chemical battery
Resistance (Ω)
- Opposition to current flow
- Acts to oppose motion and generate heat
- Limits the flow of electrons through a circuit
- Materials with tendency to resist the flow of
Voltage - Unit: Ohm (Ω)
Electric Potential Energy (J) o The resistance between two points
where 1V of applied potential energy
- Stored energy of a circuit will push 1A of current.
- Describes how much stored energy a charge
has which can do work and become kinetic 1Ω = 1𝐴
when set into motion by an electrostatic
- Unit: Joules (J)
o Equal to the amount of energy Factors that Determine Resistance
transferred to an object when a force 1. The Material Itself
of 1 Newton is applied to that object ● Silver > Copper > Aluminum
over a distance of 1 meter. 2. Cross-Sectional Area
1𝐽 = 1𝑁 * 1𝑚 ● The end or tip of the wire you cut.
● Small cross-sectional area, higher resistance.
Electric Potential ● Large cross-sectional area, lower resistance.
3. Length
- The amount of electric potential energy ● Longer conductor, Higher resistance
divided by the amount of charge at any point ● Shorter Conductor, Lower Resistance
in the electric field. 4. Temperature
- Unit: Joules per Coulomb (J/C) ● Temperature increases, higher resistance
o Defined as a Volt (V) ● Cool wire, lower resistance
1𝑉 = 1𝐶
- Example:
George Ohm Yello
4 104 10000
- German physicist and mathematician
Green 5 105 100000
- 1825
o Experimented with early chemical Blue 6 106 1000000
batteries and thermocouples to Violet 7 107 10000000
produce voltages 10000000
Gray 8 108
- Determined Voltage and Current were 0
proportional 10000000
White 9 109
Gold ±5%
Silver ±10%
- A passive component since it only consumes Number Prefix Symbol c
power and can’t generate it Notation
- Electronic components which have a 1,000,000,000, 12
specific, never changing electrical resistance Tera T 1×10
Schematic Symbol 1,000,000,000 Giga G 1×10
1,000,000 Mega M 1×10
American Style International-Style
1,000 Kilo K 1×10
100 Hecto H 1 × 10
Types of Resistors 10 Deka Dk 1×10
1. Through-Hole (Plated Through Hole 0.1 Deci d 1×10
[PTH]) 0.01 Centi c 1×10
- Come with long pliable leads which can be −3
stuck into a breadboard or hand-soldered 0.001 Mili m 1×10
into PCB 0.000,001 Micro µ 1×10
2. Surface-Mount (Surface-Mount Device or 0.000,000,001 Nano n −9
Technology [SMD/ SMT]) 1×10
- Tiny black rectangles, terminated on either 0.000,000,000, −12
Pico p 1×10
side with even smaller, shiny, silver, 001
conductive edges.
- Sit on top of PCBs, soldered in place by a
robot and sent through an oven where solder
- Advantages: mass circuit board protection,
Decoding Resistor Markings
● 1st and 2nd Bands
o Indicate the two most significant
● 3rd Band
o Weight which multiplies the two
significant digits by the power of 10.
● 4 Band
o Indicates the tolerance.
Multipli Multiplie Toleran
Color Valu
er d Out ce
Black 0 100 1
1 101 10
Red 2 102 100
3 103 1000
OHM’S LAW & ELECTRICAL POWER - Potential difference across two points
multiplied by current running between them.
Ohm’s Law o P=V*A
Ohm’s Law
- Most common and most powerful single 1𝐽 1𝐶
relationship in the study of electricity. 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 1𝑉 * 1𝐴 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 1𝑉→ 1𝐶
* 1𝐴→ 1𝑠
- Explains the basic interrelationship of 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 =
1𝑊 =
1𝑠 1𝑠
voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R).
- Formulated by Georg Simon Ohm
- States that in simple materials, the amount - It means how much energy is
of current through the material varies spent/transferred with respect to time
directly with the applied voltage and varies - Example:
inversely with the resistance of the material. o 900J/s = 900W
𝑉 o P = 3V*0.03A = 0.09W
𝐼= 𝑅
James Watt
- 1780s
- Scottish inventor.
- Greatly improved the design of the steamed
engine which helped bring about massive
advancements in the industrial revolution.
- Coined the term horsepower to compare
power of steamed engines with the power of
Example Problems: draft horses.
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅 James Prescott Joule
𝑉 = 4𝐴(50Ω)
𝑉 = 500𝑉 - First discovered the mathematical
relationship between power dissipation and
current through a resistance.
- The discovery was published in 1841
1. - Joule’s Law
𝑉 2 𝑃 = 𝐼𝑉
𝐼= 𝑅
𝑃 = 𝑅𝐼
80𝑉 𝑉
𝐼= 40Ω
𝑃= 𝑅
𝐼 = 2𝐴
III. Electromagnets
- Iron cores wound with a coil or insulated
wire. When electricity flows through the
coil, the core is magnetized and when the
flow ceases the core loses its artificial
- Relationship between electricity and
Hans Christian Oersted
- Danish scientist
- Discovered in summer of 1820 that a
magnetic field appears when electricity
2. Fuse Wire
- Fuse wire has a low resistance to
allow normal current to pass safely 6. Tinsel Wire
through it, but if there is a short
- Tinsel wire is a type of electrical
circuit that causes a higher voltage
wire that is far more resistant to
current to pass through it, the fuse
metal fatigue than solid wire or other
wire can’t withstand the heat, so it
kinds of stranded wire.
melts and breaks the circuit.
3. Magnet Wire
- Magnet wire, also known as 7. Braided Wire
enameled wire, is a solid wire, - Braided wire is composed of
usually made of copper, which is multiple small strands of wire that
insulated with a very thin coating, are braided together.
rather than the thicker plastic or
other insulation commonly used on
electrical wire, to allow it to be very
tightly coiled. These tight coils are
used for applications such as
inductors, transformers, motors,
electromagnets, and speakers
8. Wire Harness
- Wire harnesses are bundles of wires
or cables and can have many
different types of exterior binding
materials, i.e. braids, expandable
sleeving, military lacing, spinal begins to reach unsafe levels, the magnetic
wrap, and tie wraps. Wire harnesses force of the solenoid is strong enough to
simplify the task of installing and move a metal lever in the switch
organizing electrical systems. mechanism, which then breaks the current
and stops the flow of electricity.
Switch - Transformer, device that transfers electric
energy from one alternating-current circuit
An electrical switch is any device used to to one or more other circuits, either
interrupt the flow of electrons in a circuit. Switches increasing (stepping up) or reducing
are essentially binary devices: they are either (stepping down) the voltage.
completely on (“closed”) or completely off - Working Principle of Transformer:
(“open”). ● The working principle of a
transformer is very simple. Mutual
induction between two or more
windings (also known as coils)
allows for electrical energy to be
transferred between circuits.
● Say you have one winding (also
Differences Between Relay and Contactor known as a coil) which is supplied
by an alternating electrical source.
● Relays are used to control contacts of The alternating current through the
an electrical circuit due to a change winding produces a continually
of parameters or conditions in the changing and alternating flux that
same circuit or any other associated surrounds the winding.
circuit. ● If another winding is brought close
● Contactors, on the other hand, are to this winding, some portion of this
used to interrupt or establish alternating flux will link with the
connections in an electrical circuit second winding. As this flux is
repeatedly under different continually changing in its amplitude
conditions. and direction, there must be a
changing flux linkage in the second
winding or coil.
- With electricity flowing, the fuse allows the
power to pass across the filament and Electric Motor
between the related circuits. When an
overload occurs, the metal filament will melt - An electric motor is an electrical machine
and the flow of electricity is stopped. that converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy. Most electric motors
operate through the interaction between the
motor's magnetic field and electric current in
a wire winding to generate force in the form
of torque applied on the motor's shaft. An
electric generator is mechanically identical
to an electric motor, but operates with a
Circuit Breaker reversed flow of power, converting
- When the power is turned on, the breaker mechanical energy into electrical energy.
allows the power to pass from the bottom
terminal to the upper terminal. If the current
- In electricity generation, a generator is a
device that converts motive power
(mechanical energy) into electrical power
for use in an external circuit. Sources of
mechanical energy include steam turbines,
gas turbines, water turbines, internal
combustion engines, wind turbines and even
hand cranks.