Materials 14 05452 v2
Materials 14 05452 v2
Materials 14 05452 v2
Environmental and Economic Life Cycle Assessment of
Recycled Coarse Aggregates: A Portuguese Case Study
Adriana B. Dias 1 , João N. Pacheco 2, *, José D. Silvestre 3 , Isabel M. Martins 4 and Jorge de Brito 3
Abstract: The incorporation of recycled aggregates in concrete not only reduces the extraction of
natural resources, but also decreases landfill disposal of construction and demolition waste. Hence,
environmental impacts and costs are reduced, promoting the use of recycled aggregates and circular
economy. However, the impacts of transport depend on the distance between facilities and longer
distances may result in recycled aggregates being more costly and having larger environmental
impact than natural aggregates. This paper discusses this topic, presents a review on the use of
life cycle assessment methodology on natural and recycled aggregates for concrete, and applies
this methodology in a real context pertaining the procurement of coarse aggregates to ready-mix
concrete plants. A case study of two Portuguese regions, Coimbra and Lisbon, is presented. For
Citation: Dias, A.B.; Pacheco, J.N.;
each region, a quarry, a construction and demolition waste plant, and a ready-mix concrete plant
Silvestre, J.D.; Martins, I.M.; de Brito,
are chosen and a comparative life cycle assessment is made. Different scenarios for the supply of
J. Environmental and Economic Life
natural and recycled aggregates are studied and the scenarios for recycled aggregates procurement
Cycle Assessment of Recycled Coarse
Aggregates: A Portuguese Case Study.
include different hypotheses for the installation (construction and demolition waste plant or quarry)
Materials 2021, 14, 5452. https:// processing the construction and demolition waste into recycled aggregates. For this case study and both regions, it was found that the supply of recycled aggregates produced at the construction and
demolition waste plant has lower environmental impact and cost than all other scenarios, including
Academic Editor: Alessandro the provision of natural aggregates, except when it is assumed that the quarry is licensed and
P. Fantilli equipped for receiving unsorted construction and demolition waste and processing it into recycled
aggregates. The paper shows that transport distance is a determining factor in the comparison of
Received: 19 August 2021 the impacts of the procurement of natural and recycled aggregates. Moreover, in the Portuguese
Accepted: 19 September 2021
context, the environmental impacts of the procurement of recycled aggregates may be smaller than
Published: 21 September 2021
those of natural aggregates, but cost may be larger for recycled aggregates, preventing that the most
sustainable option is chosen.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
Keywords: construction and demolition waste; life cycle assessment; natural aggregates; recycled aggregates
published maps and institutional affil-
1. Introduction
RAC, contributing to its upscaling as a structural material. Moreover, under some condi-
tions, the cost [6] and environmental impacts (EI) [6–11] associated with the procurement
of aggregates by ready-mix plants are reduced when RAs are used instead of NAs.
However, this is not always the case and the EI (and cost) of RAC may be larger
than those of natural aggregate concrete (NAC) [12–14]. Since the main motivation for
RAC is the sustainability of the concrete industry, this implies that RAC may not always
be the better option. Environmental and economic impacts vary from case to case and
depend on transport distances, equipment, and technology used [13,15–19]. Due to these
variations, it is important to study whether NAC or RAC is the most sustainable option on
a case-by-case basis. This should take into account regional particularities, and consider
the specific alternatives for the production and transport of NAs and RAs to the ready-mix
plant under study.
In this context, this paper presents a comparative environmental and economic life
cycle assessment (LCA) of the procurement of NAs and RAs to ready-mix plants, including
their production. This LCA is made for two Portuguese regions, Lisbon and Coimbra. For
each region, a quarry, a CDW plant, and a ready-mix concrete plant are selected. Three
main scenarios are defined for the LCA: the production of NAs in quarries; the production
of RAs in CDW plants with additional processing in quarries; and the production of RAs in
quarries. The impact categories considered in the environmental LCA are global warming
potential (GWP) and consumption of non-renewable energy resources (PE-NRe) due to
their impact on carbon footprint and embodied energy.
aggregates and RAC with natural fine river aggregates and recycled coarse aggregates. Two
transport scenarios were studied, one for typical transport distances to Belgrade (100 km
for river aggregates and 15 km for recycled aggregates) and the other considering the
same transport distance for both types of aggregates (100 km). Four impact categories were
analyzed: global warming, eutrophication, acidification, and photochemical ozone creation.
For the transport scenario in typical conditions, the EI of concrete with NAs were 2% to 4%
lower than those of concrete with RAs. However, when the transport distance is the same,
the EI of NAs are 11% to 37% smaller than those of RAs, depending on the impact category,
due to the transport type (RAs are transported by trucks while NAs are transported by
ships). As shown in this study, the transport mode and distance may result in RAs with
larger environmental impact than NAs.
Tošić et al. [7] studied different aggregate types and transport scenarios to determine
the optimal solution for concrete production with the lowest environmental and economic
impacts. An LCA combined with multi-criteria optimization was used. Four types of
ready-mix concrete were considered, with fine and coarse river aggregates, fine and coarse
crushed stone, and coarse recycled concrete aggregates, all produced in Serbia. The alter-
natives were evaluated according to the energy use, the environmental load, the waste
generation, the mineral resource depletion, and an economic criterion. In economic terms,
the solution with river aggregates has the lowest impacts and, in environmental terms, the
solution with 100% of coarse recycled aggregates is the best alternative. To overcome the
problem of natural resource depletion in Serbia, the increase of the cost of NA extraction
was proposed.
Hossain et al. [8] applied LCA to assess and compare the EI of the production of
fine and coarse NAs and RAs using data from producers in Hong Kong. The results
showed a reduction of 65% in greenhouse gas emissions and 58% in non-renewable energy
consumption in the production of recycled coarse aggregates when compared to NAs.
The overall EI in the production of RAs can be reduced up to 50% when compared to the
production of crushed stone. Additionally, the use of RAs leads to a reduction of landfill
disposals and mitigates the shortage of NAs.
Braga et al. [6] presented a comparison of the life cycle impacts of concrete with
NAs and RAs using data collected from Portuguese companies. In comparison to granite,
limestone has smaller environmental impact, while the natural fine aggregate with lower
impact is river sand (in comparison to crushed fine aggregates). When RAs are used,
the EI and costs associated with the production and transport are significantly reduced.
However, the use of RAs is often associated with the increase of the concrete cement
content and this leads to higher EI when the LCA concerns concrete rather than coarse
aggregates. Regarding the economic impacts, the use of limestone instead of granite leads
to 50% savings. When granite and RAs are compared, RA results in cost savings of 80%.
Fraj and Idir [13] compared the environmental impact of RAC with that of NAC. Data
were collected from companies located in Paris. It was found that the results are very
dependent on the transport distance and on the amount of RAs incorporated (because
this study assumed that additional cement was added when RAs were used to offset
the decrease of compressive strength due to the RAs). In this study, the impacts of the
production of RAs are generally higher than those of NAs, namely in energy consumption
(19% higher) and global warming (34% higher) impact categories. However, regarding
the influence of transport distance, NAs were found to be more advantageous in terms of
GWP when the quarry is located at a maximum distance of 22 km.
Estanqueiro et al. [15] presented a comparison of the use of NAs and RAs in concrete,
through an environmental LCA, using site-specific data supplied by Portuguese companies.
Three scenarios were considered, one with NAs and the other two with RAs, one using a
fixed recycling plant and the other using a mobile recycling plant. When compared to NAs,
the use of RAs only presents better environmental performance in terms of land use and
respiratory inorganics impact categories. However, using fine recycled aggregates instead
of sending them to a landfill reduces EI by 23% in terms of GWP, when compared to NAs.
Estanqueiro et al. [15] presented a comparison of the use of NAs and RAs in concrete,
through an environmental LCA, using site-specific data supplied by Portuguese compa-
nies. Three scenarios were considered, one with NAs and the other two with RAs, one
using a fixed recycling plant and the other using a mobile recycling plant. When compared
Materials 2021, 14, 5452 to NAs, the use of RAs only presents better environmental performance in terms of land 4 of 15
use and respiratory inorganics impact categories. However, using fine recycled aggre-
gates instead of sending them to a landfill reduces EI by 23% in terms of GWP, when
compared to NAs. It was also shown that the location of the quarry, demolition site, and
It was plant have athat
also shown large
location ofonthe
comparison between
demolition site,NAs
and and RAs.plant have a
Park et al. [14] analyzed the impacts of dry and wet methods for removal of attached
large influence on the comparison between NAs and RAs.
mortar Park
from etrecycled concrete aggregates
al. [14] analyzed the impactsduring theirwet
of dry and production
methods for using the Life
removal Cycle
of attached
Index Database of Korea. In the dry method, the attached mortar of this type of
mortar from recycled concrete aggregates during their production using the RACycle
Life is
Index Database
separated of Korea. surface
from the aggregate In the bydryusing
method, the attached
two cone crushers, mortar
while inofthethis
wettype of RA
is separated
a complex systemfrom
thatthe aggregate
includes a jawsurface bytwo
crusher, using
conetwo cone crushers,
crushers, while in
and air blowers the wet
is used.
method a complex system that includes a jaw crusher, two cone crushers,
The impacts of wet production were up to 16% and 40% higher than those of dry produc- and air blowers
is used.
tion, The impacts
regarding of wet production
eutrophication were up
and acidification to 16% respectively.
potential, and 40% higher than those
However, of dry
the wet
production, regarding eutrophication and acidification potential, respectively.
production was more effective, with better quality aggregates. It was also found that the However,
the wet
impacts of production
RA production waswere
moreup effective,
to twicewith better
as high quality
as those aggregates.
of NAs (gravel It wassea,
from alsoland,
that the impacts of RA production were up to twice as high as those of NAs (gravel from
and mountains) due to the amount of energy required for their production. However, in
sea, land, and mountains) due to the amount of energy required for their production.
terms of abiotic resource depletion potential, the results were higher for NAs because of
However, in terms of abiotic resource depletion potential, the results were higher for NAs
the use of natural resources, since RAs result from construction waste.
because of the use of natural resources, since RAs result from construction waste.
Figure 1 shows the EI of the production and transport stages of the NAs and RAs of
Figure 1 shows the EI of the production and transport stages of the NAs and RAs of
the studies described above in terms of GWP and PE-NRe. The results in blue are related
the studies described above in terms of GWP and PE-NRe. The results in blue are related
to NAs and the ones in green to RAs. The results follow a linear relationship, with an R2 2
to NAs and the ones in green to RAs. The results follow a linear relationship, with an R
value (coefficient of determination which, in this case, gives the proportion of the varia-
value (coefficient of determination which, in this case, gives the proportion of the variation
tion in the value of PE-NRe that is predictable from the change in the value of GWP) very
in the value of PE-NRe that is predictable from the change in the value of GWP) very close
close to 1 (0.97) when the outliers circled in orange, away from the trend line, are ne-
to 1 (0.97) when the outliers circled in orange, away from the trend line, are neglected.
glected. When these results are included,2the R2 value decreases to 0.83.
When these results are included, the R value decreases to 0.83.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
GWP (kg CO2 eq)
Figure 1. GWP vs. Pe-NRe, per tonne of aggregate. Data from the EI appraised in this literature
Figure 1. GWP
review vs. NA
(blue for Pe-NRe, per tonne
and green of aggregate. Data from the EI appraised in this literature
for RA).
review (blue for NA and green for RA).
Other authors have studied the environmental and economic impacts of aggregates,
Other authors
considering otherhave
typesstudied the
of data. environmental
Some and are
of their results economic
presentedimpacts of aggregates,
considering other types of data. Some of their results are presented below.
Jullien et al. [16] analyzed the energy consumption and atmospheric emissions of
theJullien et al. [16]
production of 1analyzed
tonne of the
fineenergy consumption
and coarse and atmospheric
natural aggregates in threeemissions of the
different quarries
in France.ofThe
1 tonne of fine
results wereand coarse natural
compared by sevenaggregates
indicatorsin of
thedifferent quarries in It
LCA methodology.
France. The results
was found were
that the compared
energy by seven varies
consumption indicators
the to
LCAsite,methodology. It was in
which is reflected
different EI. Some differences between facilities, related to processes and equipment,
explain the differences on the results. Fine aggregates have large impacts in terms of
energy consumption due to the onsite production process. It was also found that the use of
explosives has an impact of less than 1% on the total impacts.
Simion et al. [9] quantified the impacts of the production of RAs from CDW and
compared them with those of the production of NAs (of undisclosed lithology), using
LCA. The analysis was carried out in the Italian Emilia Romagna region and was based
on primary data collection. The results showed that the EI of the production of RAs are
Materials 2021, 14, 5452 5 of 15
about 40% lower than those of NAs production, where the GWP for RAs is 7 times less
than for NAs.
Faleschini et al. [28] also studied the EI of the NA and RA production in the Italian
context. The case study was an integrated plant for the extraction of natural resources
and recycling of CDW, using site-specific data. It was found that the integration of the
processing of NAs and RAs on the same plant leads to a reduction of the EI of production.
To reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy, a photovoltaic installation was
assumed in a sensitivity analysis. This option allowed increasing the delivery distance by
45 km for the global warming potential category of the NAs and RAs production chains,
comparing with the solution of the integrated plant without photovoltaic installation.
Rosado et al. [10] compared through LCA, with site-specific data, the production of
basalt NAs with that of RAs produced from mixed CDW. These aggregates are meant
for road construction in Southeast Brazil. It was found that, for global warming and non-
renewable energy impact categories, RAs are preferable to NAs. Moreover, if the distance
from the recycling facility to the consumer is below 20 km, the production of RAs results in
smaller EI for all categories.
The LCA of the production of NAs and RAs includes all stages regarding extraction
and processing of the aggregates to be used in concrete, while the LCA of concrete with
NAs and RAs appraises the production and transport to the ready-mixed plant of the
various constituents of the concrete, namely cement, admixtures, water, and aggregates
(natural or recycled), and the production of concrete itself.
Kurda et al. [11] compared the EI of different concrete mixes produced in Portugal.
The mixes had varying incorporation ratios of fly ash (FA) and fine and coarse recycled
concrete aggregates. It was found that the increase of fine recycled concrete aggregates
does not change the abiotic depletion potential (ADP), but the incorporation of FA has a
positive influence on this impact category. Regarding GWP, this category also decreases
when FA is incorporated to replace cement. The results were practically the same when fine
RAs were used instead of fine NAs since the decrease in GWP due to the smaller transport
distance of the fine RAs is offset by the smaller GWP of the production of fine NAs (river
sand, which is not crushed). Regarding coarse aggregates, the impacts of RAs were lower
due to the production and transport stages (production of NAs results in larger GWP than
that of RAs since coarse NAs are crushed limestone).
Göswein et al. [17] focused on the transportation impacts related to the environmental
assessment of concrete mixes with incorporation of FA and RAs. Based on two Portuguese
cities as case studies, a method combining LCA and geospatial analysis was proposed.
Transportation was found to be relevant especially when the mixes have high incorpora-
tions of either FA or RAs, due to the transport distance of both materials from suppliers to
concrete plants.
Colangelo et al. [18] analyzed the environmental impact of RAC in a specific region
of Southern Italy. Through LCA, a comparison between several concrete mixes with dif-
ferent incorporations of CDW, marble sludge, and cement kiln dust was made. Several
disposal/recovery scenarios were considered, taking into account the amount of aggregates
disposed of in landfills, the amount of recycling, and the distance from the site. The EI
increase when distance increases and the smaller impacts are related with mixes with CDW,
while NAC is the mix with the highest EI.
Pradhan et al. [19] compared the EI of the production of NAC and RAC. Data related
to the production of aggregates were collected from facilities in India. It was found that
higher EI are mostly caused by the cement content, followed by transportation activities.
As understood from this appraisal, in general RA and RAC have smaller environ-
mental impacts than NAC. However, differences related to the shape of aggregates (e.g.,
the use of river or crushed gravel), to the mix design (e.g., increases of cement content of
RAC when RAs are used), to processing [16], and transport [17] lead different authors to
reach distinct findings. Moreover, these studies are accounting for the impacts associated
with the production of aggregates and concrete (including transport). When RAs are used,
Materials 2021, 14, 5452 6 of 15
since landfill disposals are reduced and the extraction of NA is prevented, there are social
and uncountable environmental benefits that are not being considered. This is a typical
limitation of LCA on RA and RAC that could be accounted for with other methods, such
as multi-criteria methods [29] or using consequential instead of attributional LCA. Such
methods are outside the scope of this paper.
CDW plant 41 km
14 km
Demolition site
Concrete plant 42 km
25 km
45 km
Figure Transport distances
distances of aggregates
of the the aggregates through
through theoperating
the main main operating
locationslocations in region.
in Coimbra Coimbra
In Table 1, a comparison of all transport distances between the two regions is shown.
The main differences between the two regions are the distance from the demolition site to
the CDW plant, which is about 62% longer for the region of Coimbra, and the distance
from the CDW plant to the ready-mix concrete plant, which is 40% shorter for the region
of Coimbra. These differences have opposite effects: increased distances from demolition
site to CDW are associated with larger impacts from the procurement of RAs, while de-
creases in distances from CDW plant to ready-mix concrete plant result in smaller impacts
Materials 2021, 14, 5452 7 of 15
Materials 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16
50 km
55 km
77 km
Concrete plant
Demolition site
35 km 25 km
CDW plant
Figure Transport distances
distances of the
of the aggregates
aggregates through
through the operating
the main main operating locations
locations in Lisboninregion.
Lisbon re-
In Table 1, a comparison of all transport distances between the two regions is shown.
The 1. Transport
main distances
differences (in km)
between theoftwo
the regions
aggregatesarethrough the main
the distance operating
from locations. site
the demolition
to theRegion
CDW plant, which is about 62%
Location CDWlonger for theQuarry
Plant region of Ready-Mix
Coimbra, and the distance
Concrete Plant
from the CDW plant to the ready-mix
Demolition site concrete
40.7 plant, which
25.3 is 40% shorter for- the region of
Coimbra. These differences have opposite effects: increased distances from demolition site
Coimbra CDW plant - 41.6 14.1
to CDW are associated with larger impacts from the procurement of RAs, while decreases
in distances from CDW Quarry
plant to ready-mix- concrete plant - result in smaller 45.5
impacts for the
same raw material. Demolition site 25.4 55.1 -
LCA was basedCDW plant scenarios
on different - shown in Table
76.9 2, which are explained
35.5 below:
• Quarry - -
Scenario 1—NAs are produced at the quarry, where they are crushed, washed, and 50
sieved prior to their delivery to the ready-mix concrete plant;
• The life 2a—CDW
Scenario cycle inventory data, collected
is transported from
from the previous studies
demolition from
site to the Portuguese
CDW com-
plant, where
the CDW is sorted, crushed into RAs, and sieved, and then the RAs are deliveredpro-
are shown in Table 3. The values correspond to the production and transport to
NAs and concrete
RAs. plant;
• Scenario 2b—CDW is transported from the demolition site to the CDW plant, where
the CDW is sorted, crushed into RAs, and sieved, and then the RAs are transported to
the quarry, where they are washed and sieved, and finally RAs are delivered to the
ready-mix concrete plant;
• Scenario 2c—CDW is transported from the demolition site to the CDW plant, where the
CDW is sorted (therefore, contaminants are minimized), then the CDW is transported
to the quarry, where it is crushed, washed, and sieved, and finally RAs are delivered
to the ready-mix concrete plant;
Materials 2021, 14, 5452 8 of 15
• Scenario 3—CDW is transported from the demolition site to the quarry, where it is
received in conformity with a suitable code of the European List of Wastes; then, the
CDW is sorted and the content of contaminants is reduced. Afterwards, CDW is
crushed into RAs, which are washed and sieved. Finally, RAs are delivered to the
ready-mix concrete plant.
Table 1. Transport distances (in km) of the aggregates through the main operating locations.
Region Location CDW Plant Quarry
Concrete Plant
Demolition site 40.7 25.3 -
Coimbra CDW plant - 41.6 14.1
Quarry - - 45.5
Demolition site 25.4 55.1 -
Lisbon CDW plant - 76.9 35.5
Quarry - - 50
Materials 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
In Table 4, the best results are marked in green and the worst in orange. In terms of
GWP and PE-NRe:
• The impacts are the lowest for the region of Coimbra in Scenario 3 and for the region
of Lisbon in Scenario 2a, and the highest for the first scenario in both regions;
• Regarding production impacts, the best results are related to the production of RA
directly at the quarry (Scenarios 2c and 3);
• Regarding the impacts of transport, the best results are those of Scenario 1, because
of the reduced transport distances between facilities. However, differences between
Scenario 1 and 2a are small in both regions;
• Concerning RAs, the best solution for immediate implementation is Scenario 2a
(procurement of RAs produced and delivered by the CDW plant) for both regions.
Moreover, this solution results in much smaller impacts than the procurement of NAs.
In this preliminary study, the functional unit was defined in terms of mass. Since
RAs are less dense than NAs, the required mass of RAs to replace NAs in the production
of concrete is lower and the functional unit is not exactly the same. However, as seen in
Section 2, this is the typical option of comparative LCA concerning the production of NAs
and RAs.
GWP production (kg CO2 eq) GWP transport (kg CO2 eq)
Materials 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 16
Figure 4. GWP for production and transport of 1 tonne of aggregates.
Figure 4. GWP for production and transport of 1 tonne of aggregates.
Figure 5. PE-NRe
Figure for for
5. PE-NRe production andand
production transport of 1oftonne
transport of aggregates.
1 tonne of aggregates. Economic
Economic LifeLife Cycle
Cycle Assessment
Production costs
costs werewere collected
collected from from a previous
a previous study
study related
related to Portuguese
to Portuguese com-
panies [31]. For NAs, the production cost assumed was 4.60 €/t,
nies [31]. For NAs, the production cost assumed was 4.60 €/t, while the cost for the pro-the
while the cost for
duction of RAsof was
RAs assumed
was assumedas 2.00 €/t. €/t.
as 2.00 In what
In what concerns
concerns transportation,
transportation, thethe average
transport cost in Europe in 2016, in an
transport cost in Europe in 2016, in an articulated articulated
lorry with a maximum capacity of 27 of
lorry with a maximum capacity
27 tonnes was assumed. This cost is 4.88−2 × 10−2 €/t·km [32].
tonnes was assumed. This cost is 4.88 × 10 €/t·km [32].
The economic impacts of the production and transport are shown in Table 6 and
The economic impacts of the production and transport are shown in Table 6 and Fig-
Figure 6. It is shown that:
ure 6. It is shown that:
• Scenario 2a is the least costly and the one with the most feasible and immediate
• Scenario 2a is the least costly and the one with the most feasible and immediate im-
implementation because there is no need to further investment on equipment or in
plementation because there is no need to further investment on equipment or in li-
licenses to receive CDW at the quarry;
censes to receive CDW at the quarry;
• Scenarios 2b and 2c present the highest costs;
• Scenarios 2b and 2c present the highest costs;
• In terms of production cost, the results are better for the scenarios with RAs;
• In terms of production cost, the results are better for the scenarios with RAs;
• On the other hand, transport costs are lower for the first scenario, concerning NAs,
due to the shorter transport distance.
• On the other hand, transport costs are lower for the first scenario, concerning NAs,
due to the shorter transport distance.
ready-mix plant) are the same as those of Scenario 2a (production and delivery of RAs
from the CDW plant to the ready-mix plant) was calculated. It was found that:
• Scenario 2a is only less costly than Scenario 1 when the transport distance of RAs is 53
km shorter than the transport distance of NA.
• In terms of GWP and PE-NRe, Scenario 2a is better than Scenario 1 when RAs are less
than 500 km more distant from the ready-mixed plant than NAs, which will occur
virtually always in the Portuguese context.
In order to better understand the differences between production and transport for
both scenarios, Figure 7 shows a comparison between them. The main difference is related
to the EI of the production of NAs, which are about 90% higher than the impacts of the
production of RAs. This occurs due to the activities related to the extraction of NAs at the
quarries. Regarding economic impacts, the difference is less significant, with a reduction
Materials 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW of about 30% when replacing NAs with RAs. This leads to two major conclusions: (i) for 13 of 16
the modelling of costs and impacts used in this paper (representative of the Portuguese
context), concrete plants may opt for NAs due to the cost in cases in which RAs would
be the most environmentally friendly option; (ii) for the same transport distance, the
Since the differences
procurement between
of RAs has smaller the impacts of
environmental NAs and
impacts thanRAs could
that of larger if the CDW
plant were
Since the differences between the impacts of NAs and RAs couldan
closer to the ready-mix plant, an analysis considering bealternative
larger if theCDW
CDW in Lisbon wascloser
plant were carried
to out. The alternative
the ready-mix plant, CDW plantconsidering
an analysis was selected an so that it would
be simultaneously closer to the demolition site, to the quarry, and to the ready-mix
CDW plant in Lisbon was carried out. The alternative CDW plant was selected so that con-
crete plant. The differences of the distances between the first selected CDW plant
it would be simultaneously closer to the demolition site, to the quarry, and to the and the
mix concrete plant. The differences of the distances between the first selected CDW plant
alternative one are shown in Table 7. Figure 8 compares the environmental and economic
and the alternative one are shown in Table 7. Figure 8 compares the environmental and
impacts when either of the CDW plants of Lisbon are considered. With the alternative
economic impacts when either of the CDW plants of Lisbon are considered. With the
plant, the impacts
alternative plant,ofthe
impacts were reduced
of transport byreduced
were about 28% in terms
by about 28%ofinGWP
termsand costs and
of GWP
about 27% in terms of PE-NRe.
and costs and about 27% in terms of PE-NRe.
40 500 8
PE-NRe (MJ/tonne)
Cost (€/tonne)
GWP (kg CO2 eq/tonne)
30 400 6
20 4
10 100 2
0 0 0
Figure 7. Comparison
Figure between
7. Comparison betweenScenario
1, darker color,and
darker color, andScenario
Scenario2a,2a, lighter
lighter color.
12 160 12
GWP (kg CO2 eq)
9 120 9
Cost (€)
6 80 6
3 40 3
0 0 0
GWP transport PE-NRe transport Transport cost
GWP production PE-NRe production Production cost
Materials 2021, 14, 5452 13 of 15
Figure 7. Comparison between Scenario 1, darker color, and Scenario 2a, lighter color.
12 160 12
GWP (kg CO2 eq)
9 120 9
Cost (€)
6 80 6
3 40 3
0 0 0
Figure8.8. Original
Figure Original CDW
CDW plant
plant (CDWp),
(CDWp), darker
darker color
color and
and alternative
alternative CDW
Table 7. Comparison of the distance (in km) between the first CDW plant and the alternative one.
5. Conclusions
The replacement of NAs with RAs is seen as an environmental-friendly option that
reduces the EI associated to the extraction of coarse natural aggregates. Therefore, the
environmental impact of ready-mix concrete production also decreases. However, since
EI of high bulk materials (such as aggregates for construction) are strongly dependent
on transport distance, the procurement of RAs may actually result in larger EI than the
supply of NAs. Therefore, this analysis should be made on a case-to-case basis. Economic
impacts should also be assessed, since RAs must be cost-competitive in order to be a
sustainable solution.
In this study a review of the state of the art of the use of NAs and RAs in concrete is
made, comparing the environmental and economic impacts of both types of aggregates.
Additionally, an environmental and economic LCA was carried out considering two Por-
tuguese regions, Coimbra and Lisbon. For each region, a quarry, a CDW plant, and a
ready-mix concrete plant were selected. Three main scenarios were defined, in order to
evaluate the impacts of the several solutions.
Regarding the EI, the findings are very similar for the two environmental impact
categories analyzed (global warming potential and consumption of non-renewable primary
energy). The lowest EI are related to Scenario 3, for the region of Coimbra, in which the
CDW is directly sent from the construction site to the quarry, sorted, and processed into
RAs, which are then delivered to the ready-mix concrete plant. However, the immediate
implementation of this scenario is impaired due to the need to invest in equipment and
personnel at the quarry and, foremost, legal restrictions for the reception and processing
of waste at quarries. For the region of Lisbon, the best Scenario is 2a, in which the CDW
is transported from the demolition site to the CDW plant and, after processing, RAs are
delivered to the ready-mix concrete plant.
Materials 2021, 14, 5452 14 of 15
Regarding economic impacts, the best option and the one that could be immediately
implemented is Scenario 2a, for both regions.
The worst EI are related to the first scenario, representing the current situation, in
which NAs are produced at the quarry and then are delivered to the ready-mix concrete
plant. The impacts of production are always lower for the scenarios with RAs but the
impacts of transport are higher due to increased total travel distances between facilities
and demolition site (NAs only travel from quarry to ready-mix plant).
The worst economic impacts are related to the scenarios in which CDW is processed
both at CDW plant and at the quarry. This is a consequence of the impacts of transport,
due to the increase of travel distance.
In order to study the influence of transport distance, an alternative CDW plant for the
region of Lisbon was studied in a sensitivity analysis. This plant is closer to the demolition
site, quarry, and ready-mix concrete plant. This solution resulted in a reduction of about
28% in terms of environmental and economic impacts.
Future studies will focus on the comparison of the EI and cost associated with the
production of natural and recycled aggregate concrete. Some aspects related to concrete
mix design that were not considered in this paper will be taken into account, such as the
fact that the density of recycled aggregates is lower than that of natural ones (therefore,
1 tonne of natural aggregates will be replaced with less than 1 tonne of recycled aggregates)
and the consideration of probable changes in mix design, needed to offset the influence of
RAs on concrete properties, in the LCA.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.B.D. and J.N.P.; methodology, J.D.S.; software, A.B.D.;
validation, J.N.P., J.D.S., I.M.M. and J.d.B.; formal analysis, A.B.D., J.N.P., J.D.S., I.M.M. and J.d.B.;
investigation, A.B.D. and J.N.P.; resources, J.d.B.; data curation, A.B.D.; writing—original draft
preparation, A.B.D. and J.N.P.; writing—review and editing, J.D.S., I.M.M. and J.d.B.; visualization,
A.B.D.; supervision, J.D.S., I.M.M. and J.d.B.; project administration, J.d.B.; funding acquisition, J.d.B.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the support of CERIS (Civil Engineering Research
and Innovation for Sustainability), IST, University of Lisbon, LNEC (National Laboratory for Civil
Engineering), and c5Lab (Sustainable Construction Materials Association).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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