Manual Coiled Tubing p2
Manual Coiled Tubing p2
Manual Coiled Tubing p2
• Setting mechanism
• Accurate measurement and control of CT weight and movement
Running a heavy BHA, e.g., slotted liner, pre-packed screen, or ESP, subjects the CT to high
axial forces, especially in a live well. The CT string must have the mechanical strength to
safely tolerate these forces. In a highly deviated well the CT must have enough stiffness to
resist buckling while pushing the completion to TD. In both cases the setting method might
require additional axial force (setdown weight or overpull) to lock the completion if place.
These forces are the primary criteria for selecting a CT string for running or pulling a comple-
Three types of setting mechanism are available for running completions. These are:
In all cases, the completion hanger will perform properly within a limited range of dimen-
sional tolerances for the surrounding wellbore. If the wellbore is too large, too small, or too
oval, the hanger will not set correctly. Caliper the location for the hanger and be prepared to
condition the wellbore by milling or reaming.
Accurate measurement of CT weight and precise control of CT movement are essential to suc-
cessfully running many completions. Verify that the weight indicator is calibrated and fully
operational prior to the job. Service the injector head to insure that the gripper blocks, chains,
and hydraulic components are in good working order. Test the injector prior to the job to
determine its low speed capability.
Allow plenty of time in the job plan for RIH. Attempting to RIH at high speed with a comple-
tion is an invitation to disaster. RIH at high speed with a large diameter string can surge
(increase) the BHP to levels that are damaging to the formation. Hitting an obstruction or
restriction at high speed can damage the completion and/or cause it to set prematurely. Iden-
tify every location in the wellbore that poses a hazard for RIH, e.g., valves, nipples, liner tops,
or other restrictions in the wellbore. Slow the CT running speed to a virtual crawl when
approaching any of the hazardous locations.
The specific setting procedure depends on the type of hanger or slips. Consult the supplier for
the exact sequence of steps and the force or pressure required to set the hanger or slips. Also,
determine the maximum axial force (tensile and compressive) and maximum differential pres-
sure the seals can tolerate when set properly. The job plan should clearly identify these operat-
ing limits.
The job plan must address possible failure modes and suggest contingency actions. Potential
problem scenarios for running completions include:
CT Equipment
Any CT string that can supply the axial forces required by the operation is suitable for running
a completion. CT weight is a critical parameter for running a completion. Monitoring and
recording equipment must be calibrated and fully operational. This operation requires precise
control of the injector head functions for proper operation of setting tools.
The normal CT pressure control equipment is adequate for running completions. However, the
size of the BOP components must be compatible with the largest diameter of the completion.
Live well operations may require a tall lubricator or special remotely activated deployment
Downhole Tools
The specific BHA depends on the running/setting tools. In general, the BHA consists of the
following components, from the top down:
1. CT threaded connector—a slip type connector, due to the high axial forces encountered
with running a completion
4. Running/setting tool
5. Completion
Pumping Equipment
Unless subsequent operations require large circulating volume and/or high flow rate, a small
pit and cementing pump are adequate for running completions.
The CT unit must include a DAS capable of monitoring the pump pressure, WHP, CT depth,
and CT weight. The data acquisition software should provide the operator with a real-time dis-
play of tubing forces, operating limits, and remaining working life. See Chapter 17 “Minimiz-
ing Risk For CT Operations”.
The steps required to successfully run a completion with CT depend on the specific conditions
for each case. This generic procedure is simply an outline for the key steps.
Preparing the wellbore for accepting a completion may include the following steps.
2. Remove or secure the SSSV (if present) to reduce the risk of sticking the completion
and/or damaging the safety valve. If securing the SSSV, hydraulically isolate it in the open
position and install a protective sleeve. The consequences of accidentally closing a safety
valve with the CT in the wellbore can be disastrous.
3. Install dummy gas lift mandrels, as necessary, to reduce the risk of sticking the completion
and/or damaging a gas lift mandrel
4. Remove any fill, cuttings bed, scale, asphalt, or wax present in the wellbore from the sur-
face to the depth at the bottom of the completion
5. Drift the wellbore to ensure free passage of the tool string through the wellbore.
6. Caliper the wellbore at the setting depth to ensure the internal geometry of the wellbore is
compatible with the setting capabilities of the hanger or slips. If the wellbore has collapsed
or become oval, the tool might not set properly.
7. Milling (reaming) the wellbore ID to a rounder shape or larger size at the setting depth
may be necessary for the hanger or slips to properly engage and seal against the wellbore.
2. Verify that the running/setting tool is correct for the planned operation.
3. Rig up surface CT and pressure control equipment per Chapter 18 "Rig Up", page 18-9.
5. Conduct well-site pressure tests per Chapter 18 "Well-Site Pressure Testing", page 18-13.
NOTE: Torque all threaded joints to the makeup torque recommended by the
3. Set the completion hanger and release the running/setting tool as specified in the job plan.
Moving a completion in or out of a wellbore too quickly can surge or swab the formation.
Surging can damage the productivity of the formation. Swabbing can lead to an uncontrolled
influx of fluid. Always use the slowest practical running speeds.
For the purpose of this manual, a reeled completion is any combination of CT and jointed
tubulars installed in a well with a CT unit and serving as a velocity string or the production
conduit. In the earliest reeled completion applications, CT was installed in existing production
tubing as siphon or velocity strings. This concept later expanded to include gas lift applica-
tions with the CT providing a single-point gas injection system. The low efficiency of such
gas lift applications led to the development of a gas lift system that utilized existing gas lift
technology and equipment adapted for CT completions. A logical development of this tech-
nology was a completion string with components that could be passed through the CT surface
Reduced time, cost, and risk of formation damage are the principal benefits of reeled comple-
• Time reduction—The cost of most completion activities is directly related to the time
required. Compared to a drilling rig, a CT unit can mobilize, rig up, run a completion, and
demobilize much faster. The reduction of time translates directly into cost savings. In
addition to the rapid initial deployment of the reeled completion, the future workovers will
also be quicker.
• Cost reduction—In remote, logistically difficult, or space-limited areas, using a drilling
rig or derrick may not be practical or financially justified. In many locations, the drilling
rig or derrick has been removed, e.g., offshore. The cost of providing a temporary drilling
or workover rig may not be a viable option for conventional jointed completion types.
Therefore, reeled completions can offer economic advantages by eliminating the need for
a drilling rig, mast unit, or a derrick and by minimizing the time required to bring the well
on production. Live well intervention dispenses with the need for potentially expensive
well kill procedures. Similarly, well kick-off procedures and equipment are not required.
• Reduced risk of reservoir damage—Many reservoirs, particularly depleted ones, will suf-
fer severe formation damage from any attempt to kill the well. The inherent advantages of
live well operations permitted by CT equipment have further increased interest in and
development of reeled completions.
Although reeled completions offer many advantages, they also suffer certain disadvantages
Candidate Selection
• A rig would not be available in the future for difficult pulling jobs
1. Dual completions
3. Collapsed casing
Velocity Strings
The installation of a velocity string to reduce the flow area of the production conduit is a com-
mon practice, especially in depleted gas wells. The objective is to increase the velocity of the
produced gas so that it will carry produced liquids to the surface. (Figure 13.1).
Original production
Coiled tubing
Production packer
Pump-out check
valve or plug
Velocity string installations are the simplest type of reeled completion. Small diameter
(OD < 2 in.) velocity strings are often assembled from used CT work strings, while larger
strings (OD >2 in.) are more commonly new tubing.
A hydraulic simulator like Hydra™ can estimate the performance of a velocity string for a
range of operating conditions. However, the choice of CT size and installation hardware may
depend more on the economic analysis.
Reeled production conduits can include externally upset components, valves, pumps, and
multiple strings, e.g. dual completions and injection strings. Externally upset jointed connec-
tions (Figure 13.2) require a special injector head or special handling with standard CT equip-
ment. Spoolable™ completion (Camco trademark) is an example of a uniform OD tubing
string containing all of the necessary completion components which a standard CT injector
can handle.
Safety valve
Production packer
or seal assembly
Production packer
Production packer or
seal assembly
Most CT injectors cannot run externally upset completions. Therefore, the completion must
be assembled on location using special running equipment, e.g., access window and/or annu-
lar BOP. A few special injectors, such as the modified Hydra Rig 480 injector designed for the
Copernicus CTD rig (see Chapter 15 "Purpose-Built CTD Rigs", page 15-54) or the Hydra rig
5200 injector, can dynamically expand the gap between the chains to pass external upsets.
Uniform OD completions offer two advantages over those with external upsets. First the com-
pletion can be assembled and tested in controlled conditions away from the wellsite. This sig-
nificantly reduces the time on location with the CT unit. Second, a uniform OD completion
can be run in a live well using only standard CT pressure control equipment.
• Gas lift
1. Externally upset
2. Spoolable™
2. Internal cable
The design and configuration of the wellhead components for hanging a velocity string will
determine the steps and procedures required to complete the installation (Figure 13.4).
Injector head
Work window
Slip bowl
Annular BOP
Gate valve
Depending on the complexity of the installation, some of the wellhead work may be per-
formed before the CT unit arrives on location. This can reduce the total charges for the CT
service. Many of the tubing hangers and wellhead components for velocity string applications
are suitable for live well installation.
Adequate pressure control barriers must be in place during removal of existing wellhead
equipment and installation of the new hanger. This typically requires closing the master or
downhole safety valves or setting a temporary plug (see Chapter 11 "Pumping Slurry Plugs",
page 11-55). The job plan must include a procedure for confirming the pressure integrity of
the barrier(s). Temporary barrier options include:
• Closing lower master valve—Installing the CT hanger above this valve renders it useless
once the velocity string is in place.
• Closing the downhole safety valve—If the existing completion contains a downhole safety
valve, and Customer or regulatory requirements permit, closing this valve can provide a
viable pressure barrier.
• Downhole tubing plug—Run and set on slickline, wireline, or CT and retrieved after the
wellhead has been reconfigured and tested.
• Tubing head plug—Similar to downhole plugs but set in the tubing head or hanger recess.
Tubing Connectors
Reeled completions often consist of several lengths of CT joined together. Mechanical con-
nectors provide a convenient alternative to welding which is often difficult to perform prop-
erly in the field. The two types of slip connector generally used for reeled completions are:
Slip housing
Slip lock
Dual O ring
Connector body
Slip housing
Threaded ring
Belleville washers
Packing arrangement
Slip lock
Remedial or secondary completion installations often require gas lift valves. While this adds
to the complexity of the reeled completion design and installation process, gas lift valves pro-
vide significant benefits for production or kick-off purposes.
External upset and spoolable designs are available. External upset versions (Figure 13.8) are
available over a wide range of sizes and offer several benefits, including:
Orienting sleeve
Spoolable components (Figure 13.9) are a relatively recent product and are available in sizes
up to 3.50 in.
Tail plug
Bellows assembly
Noise guide
A spoolable safety valve is now available for 2.375 in. and 3.50 in. tubing. The control line is
installed inside the CT string and exits the wellhead/surface production equipment through a
special adapter.
Power spring
Hydraulic mechanism
Additional items of completion equipment are generally adapted from conventional stock and
installed in the string using the CT connectors described above. Typical components include:
• Packers
• Nipples and landing profiles
• Flow control devices
• Circulation devices
• Pumps
CT can provide an economical alternative to jointed pipe for offshore flowlines1,2. Gulf of
Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO) has realized cost savings of 55-75% with the use of CT
flowlines compared to laying welded line pipe with a conventional pipe-laying barge. These
savings are mainly the result of faster installation time with CT. Due to lower internal surface
roughness, CT flowlines exhibit lower frictional pressure loss than equivalent size jointed
pipe. GUPCO has observed a 15-20% reduction in pressure loss (pump horsepower) in CT
flowlines compared to conventional jointed pipelines. This translates into further economic
benefits from lower operating and maintenance costs.
The largest CT flowline installed through 2000 is 4.50 in. OD. However, PTT has produced
short lengths of tubing up to 6.625 in. OD. The raw steel used for CT flowline is either ASTM
A-606 Type 4 modified or ASTM A607 Grade 55. These steels have similar properties to
comparable API 5L grade steel:
The manufacturing process for CT flowlines is the same as for CT work strings (see Chapter 3
“The Tubing”). Both CT mills maintain a quality assurance (QA) system consistent with
ISO-9001. This QA program includes:
1. Hoffman, J.G,, “Coiled Pipeline Technology: a Gulf of Suez Case History”, SPE Paper 36942, 1996 Euro-
pean Petroleum Conference, Milan, Italy, October 22-24, 1996.
2. Kenawy, F.A.,, “Coiled Tubing Pipelines: the Technology and Cost Effectiveness Challenge”, OTC Paper
8718, 1998 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 4-7, 1998.
• tests of end samples from each tube string - tensile, elongation, microhardness, metallo-
graphic, crush and flare
• hydrostatic pressure test
After the flowline has been inspected and tested, it receives an external coating to protect it
from corrosion and mechanical damage. Coatings include:
• coating thickness
• cathodic disbondment
• impact resistance
• bend and bond strengths
The tubing can be manufactured onto metal reels suitable for use with a powered support
stand that feeds the pipe-laying equipment. This method requires lifting or handling equip-
ment onboard the vessel that is capable of moving fully loaded reels. This type of reel may
also be used to spool the tubing from a convenient dockside location onto a reel on a vessel.
Another method is to connect short sections of flowline onshore, and then spool the longer
continuous section onto a large collector reel that is lifted onto the vessel. Figure 13.11 shows
a reel of 4.5 in. flowline being readied for transport from the CT mill to the dock.
Vessels capable of installing flexible pipe or subsea umbilicals can also be used to install CT
flowlines. GUPCO used a 300-ft class diving support ship with dynamic positioning capabil-
ity. This type of vessel offers three important benefits over conventional pipe-laying barges.
• precise positioning
• excellent station-keeping ability – especially important in areas of strong currents or high
winds and during storms
• immediate access to divers for underwater connections, trouble-shooting, and inspections
The vessel GUPCO used had open deck space of 9700 ft2 and a 70-ton deck crane.
Figure 13.12 shows the open deck of the vessel with 9 loaded reels of flowline plus one in the
power spooler. Each reel contained about 4300 ft of 4.5 in. CT flowline.
Figure 13.12 shows the powered reel support containing one reel of pipe, guide arch, and part
of the lay ramp support. The lay ramp support contained a tubing straightener and a tensioner
to maintain the proper tension in the CT above and below the water.
Figure 13.14 shows a prototype of a different design for a CT umbilical. This one has not been
produced in commercial quantities.
Figure 13.15 illustrates several features of a novel concept for repairing corroded casing with
a reeled plastic liner. The upper left photo shows the unique injector head with its guide wheel
in place of a conventional fixed guide arch. The upper right photo shows the friction wheels
inside the bore of the injector that grip and push/pull the plastic tubing. The bottom photo
shows the equipment on location.
The fundamental principal of this system is simple. The normal OD of the plastic tubing is
slightly larger than the ID of the existing completion. Weight bars attached to the free end of
the plastic tubing provide enough tension to stretch the plastic tubing. Stretching the tubing
decreases its OD enough to fit inside the completion. After RIH to a depth that places the plas-
tic tubing across the damaged section of the completion, the weight bars are released. This
allows the plastic tubing to resume its normal OD and create an interference fit that seals the
leaking completion tubular. Amoco has used this technology for repairing leaks in numerous
CO2 injector wells in New Mexico.
• Removing organic deposits and hydrate plugs (see Chapter 11 "Removing Wax, Hydrocar-
bon, or Hydrate Plugs", page 11-104)
• Removing sand (see Chapter 11 "Removing Fill or Sand From a Wellbore", page 11-8)
• Setting temporary plugs (see Chapter 12 "Setting a Plug or Packer", page 12-5)
• Transporting inspection tools (see Chapter 12 "Logging with CT (Stiff Wireline)",
page 12-45)
• Placing a patch or liner to repair minor leaks (see Chapter 13 "Casing and Tubing
Repairs", page 13-22)
CT operations in pipelines and flowlines from an offshore platform are similar to those in
extended reach wellbores that kickoff at a shallow depth. The main difference is that the path
of the CT between the injector and the conduit on the sea floor may include several short
radius bends. The high drag around these bends increases the snubbing forces on the CT injec-
tor. Since, the injector may have to snub the CT into the pipeline during most of the RIH phase
of the operation, the weight cell(s) must be configured for accurate measurement of snubbing
Regardless of the operational environment, post-helical buckling lockup of the CT is the most
serious operational issue, because it limits both the CT’s reach into the pipeline and the force
it can push on an object. The radial clearance between the CT and the conduit is usually quite
large. This decreases the critical force for helical buckling (Equation 7.3 on page 7-6) and
increases the post helical buckling normal force (Equation 6.11 on page 6-13). Oil pipelines
generally have an internal coating of highly viscous oil or wax that significantly increases the
sliding friction coefficient1. The excessive drag of this coating against the CT substantially
reduces the length of CT that can be pushed into the pipeline prior to buckling.
A reasonably successful solution to this problem is the addition of “skates” to the CT string at
regular intervals. A skate resembles a rigid centralizer or stabilizer with a roller on the end of
each arm (blade). The skates support the CT and prevent it from dragging against the inside of
the pipeline. This effectively converts the drag from sliding friction to rolling friction and
reduces the effective friction coefficient for the operation by about 75%.
Ambar’s StarTac® system is one commercial application of skates for extending the reach of
CT inside pipelines. The StarTac system can also utilize hydraulic thrusters, backward point-
ing jets, at the free end of the CT string to apply a tensile force. The thrusters literally pull the
CT string along the pipeline. Ambar claims that the combination of skates and thrusters will
permit CT operations in horizontal pipelines up to five miles from the injector head.
1. Baugh, B.F, et. al., “Extended Reach Pipeline Blockage Remediation”, OTC paper 8675, 1998 Offshore Tech-
nology Conference, Houston, TX, May 4-7, 1998.
Limitations on deck loading, space, and/or crane lifting capacity can seriously hinder CT
operations on many offshore platforms and wellhead installations. Generally, the offshore
installation can accommodate the injector head without any trouble. The hydraulic power sup-
ply and control cab do not pose much of a problem either. However, the heavy reel of CT and
the deck space required to position it relative to the injector poses the biggest obstacle to off-
shore CT operations.
1. Break down the CT equipment package into the smallest, lightest lifts possible, e.g.
remove components and reassemble the equipment on the platform.
2. Cut the CT string into sections, spool each section onto a lightweight shipping reel, lift the
reels onto the platform, then reconnect the sections on the platform.
3. Use a barge or jackup with a heavy-lift crane to hoist all of the CT equipment intact onto
the platform.
4. Lift the CT unit minus the CT string (an empty CT work reel) onto the platform. Spool the
CT string onto the work reel from a loaded reel on a floating vessel.
5. Install only the CT injector on the wellhead, leaving the CT reel and other CT unit compo-
nents on a barge, workboat, or jackup alongside the platform.
The first four options apply to situations where the existing crane lift capacity is the main
problem. The loaded CT reel is the heaviest component of a CT unit. CT service companies
operating offshore have developed special lightweight reels they can remove from the support
frame for lifting onto the platform. This typically constitutes Option 1. Option 2 has been used
successfully numerous times in the North Sea and is a viable option anywhere high quality CT
welding service is available. Chapter 3 "Repairs and Splicing", page 3-33 describes welding
and other methods for splicing CT. Options 1 and 2 are relatively inexpensive compared to the
Options 3-5 require more equipment and personnel than for a “standard” CT operation. Also,
the weather or sea state is an important factor for barge and workboat operations. Conse-
quently, Options 3-5 significantly increase the cost of a CT operation. Option 3 is not common
due to the high cost and scarcity of floating cranes. The following sections discuss spooling
CT from a floating vessel to a platform and conducting CT operations with the reel on another
This operation requires two CT reels, an empty one on the platform and a loaded one on the
vessel. Typically the injector mounted on the platform is adequate for controlling the move-
ment of CT between the two locations. However, a second injector on the vessel may be nec-
essary to safely handle large diameter CT. Several factors influence the feasibility and
efficiency of spooling CT between a floating vessel and a platform. These include:
• Sea state
• Vessel station-keeping
• Coordinating operations between a fixed and moving location
Two characteristics generally determine the sea state, i.e., wave height (heave) and frequency.
These conditions affect the axial forces on the CT string, hence all of the equipment contact-
ing the CT, due to the relative movement between the vessel and the platform. Even if the ves-
sel can successfully maintain its lateral position relative to the platform, the vertical heave,
roll, and pitch must be within certain limits for the spooling operation to safely proceed. The
period of acceptable operating conditions can be only hours or many days, depending on the
location and the weather. This can create a logistics nightmare and tie up equipment and per-
sonnel waiting for a window of opportunity. Thus, sea state is a major factor when planning
and executing spooling operations between a floating vessel and a fixed platform. Figure 14.1
shows a CT spooling operation with fairly calm sea state.
CT spooling operations are extremely sensitive to the relative position of the vessel and the
platform. The vessel must stay within a specific area relative to the platform in order not to
exceed the fleet angle limits for the CT reel and injector(s). The sea state significantly influ-
ences the ability of the vessel to keep on station throughout the CT spooling operation. A
moored vessel must keep the proper tension on its anchor cables to maintain a fixed position.
A dynamically positioned (DP) vessel must have adequate thrusters to counteract wind, cur-
rents, and the axial force from the CT. Each type of vessel will have operating limits for sea
state that directly influence the potential operating window of opportunity. Therefore the
choice of vessel can have a major impact on the cost and outcome for a CT spooling opera-
Coordinating the operations of the equipment over a span of open water to keep the spooling
operation going smoothly and the dynamic forces within acceptable limits is a monumental
task. Excellent communication between both locations is essential. Moreover, accurate
real-time measurements of the forces on the CT string and equipment are vital to prevent dam-
aging any component in the system. Generally the CT operator on the platform should lead the
overall spooling operation.
Many offshore platforms are small structures without enough deck space to accommodate a
CT unit. Consequently, the only way to conduct CT operations on those platforms is to install
the injector on the wellhead, and supply it with power and CT from a vessel alongside.
Figure 14.2 shows an example for such an operation from a lift boat off the coast of Louisiana.
This is a fairly common method of providing CT services to small platforms in relatively shal-
low water of the Southern North Sea, Persian (Arabian) Gulf, and S.E. Asia. Once the lift boat
(or jack up rig) is in place, the CT operation can commence as though the location was a sin-
gle fixed structure.
Figure 14.3 shows an example of another type of CT operation from a vessel that is common
to shallow inland waters or coastal waterways protected from open-ocean swells. The barge
anchors next to the platform and transfers the injector to the wellhead in much the same way a
land CT unit would. The resulting CT operation is very similar to its land-based counterpart.
A third example of coping with weight and space limitations offshore is conducting CT oper-
ations with the reel on a DP vessel and the injector on the platform. In addition to the prob-
lems caused by sea state and relative motion between the vessel and platform, this operation is
further complicated by:
The dynamic loading in the CT between the fixed injector and moving CT reel affects the
weight indicator, lateral forces on the wellhead and/or platform, reel back tension, and fatigue
life of the CT string. Extensive modelling of these forces and their effects must be an impor-
tant part of the planning process. As for the simpler CT spooling operations, coordinating the
operations of the equipment over a span of open water requires excellent communication
between both locations. Moreover, accurate real-time measurements of the forces on the CT
string and equipment are vital to prevent damaging any component in the system. The CT
operator must control the operation from the platform.
2. Pearson, J.E. and Starck, P.E., “Coiled-Tubing Operations Performed from a Vessel”, SPE paper 46049, 1998
SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Roundtable, April 15-16, 1998, Houston, TX.
Several CT service companies have developed and applied technology for fracturing (TVD <
10000 ft) gas wells and coal bed methane wells through CT3. These wells are cased to bottom
with perforations across each producing interval. The fracturing operation uses standard CT
surface equipment (see Chapter 4 “CT Surface Equipment”) and either a straddle packer (see
Chapter 5 "Through-tubing Packers and Bridge Plugs", page 5-37) or a combination of single
packer (see Chapter 5 "Through-tubing Packers and Bridge Plugs", page 5-37) and a tempo-
rary pumped slurry plug (see Chapter 11 "Pumping Slurry Plugs", page 11-55). The fracturing
fluid is typically water based polymer and graded frac sand. Due to the potentially high lateral
forces on the wellhead caused by hydraulic “hammer” during pumping, the injector must be
firmly supported over the wellhead. The best solution is a support stand that takes most of the
injector forces away from the wellhead. Also, accurate depth correlation is extremely impor-
tant to guarantee precise placement of the packer(s). Otherwise the operation is a typical for-
mation stimulation (see Chapter 11 "Stimulating a Formation (Acidizing)", page 11-30)
There are two basic techniques in fracturing wells with CT. The first option uses a single
packer with the use of a sand plug, Figure 14.4. The sand plug isolates the lower reservoir
from the subsequent fracturing treatment while the packer provides the upper seal. The single
packer technique requires the precise control over the quantity of sand pumped between treat-
ment intervals. Too little sand exposes the lower perforations that were just treated, while too
much sand covers perforations that need to be treated. This approach does have several
advantages. By using a single packer, the risk of becoming stuck is lowered and the treatment
interval is not limited by the lubricator length at surface. This technique does impose addi-
tional steps for spotting and washing out the sand plugs after the well is completed.
3. Lemp, S., Zemlak, W., and McCollum, R., “An Economical Shallow-Gas Fracturing Technique Utilizing a
Coiled Tubing Conduit”, SPE paper 46031, 1998 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Houston, TX, April
15-16, 1998.
The second technique uses a straddle packer to provide isolation in the zone of interest. The
two-packer arrangement is spaced out based on the treatment intervals, but limited to the
length of lubricators at surface. This technique allows for continuous treatment and elimi-
nates the need to set a bridge or sand plug prior to treating the zone. There are several differ-
ent styles of straddle packers used in CT fracturing, with the main styles listed below:
The most common sealing mechanism in downhole fracturing tools is the cup style element,
Figure 14.5. Cup elements use a differential pressure as the sealing mechanism, but the pres-
sure differential is typically limited to 5000-psi. The design of the cup makes them suscepti-
ble to damage when moving pipe. The upper element is susceptible to damage when RIH
while the lower element is susceptible when POH. When depths exceed 6000 ft, it is recom-
mended to run a double cup system for backup protection. The double cup system is still sus-
ceptible to the same type of damage, but the redundancy makes it a more reliable system for
the deeper work. This system uses the weight of the pipe and the pressure trapped between
the cups to keep the system in equilibrium. If the lower cups do not seal, the downhole treat-
ment pressure can force the tool up hole and possibly outside the zone of interest.
The packer elements make the downhole tools more resilient when compared with the cup
style element, but these elements are more difficult to seal. When a packer element is used in
a system, the inflation is usually accomplished by the use of tension or compression. Some
tools use both a cup and packer element in the same tool, Figure 14.6. These systems have an
anchoring mechanism to help set the packer element and prevent movement when the balance
of pressure is not equalized. An internal by-pass valve allows the trapped pressure to escape
before moving pipe and damaging the elements.
One of the major concerns with CT fracturing is the effects of erosion that occurs while pump-
ing proppant. This erosion takes place on the inside of the tubing while on the reel. The cen-
tripetal force causes the heavy proppant to move outward against the tubing wall, resulting in
a reduction in wall thickness, Figure 14.7. Several factors influence the magnitude of this ero-
• Amount of proppant
• Type of proppant
• Pumping rates
• Flowback rates
• Carrying fluid properties
To determine the amount of erosion, an ultrasonic thickness (UT) gauge must be used on loca-
tion to measure the wall thickness at various locations during the job. The UT data should be
used to adjust the wall thickness in the fatigue model. When measuring the wall thickness it is
important to get as close to the bed-wrap as possible, due to the fact that most of the erosion
occurs in this region. When starting a new CT fracturing operation, strings should be retired
when the life reaches 50 to 70 percent. Once a baseline is developed that takes into account
all of the factors that affect pipe fatigue, the operating limits can be extended.
• full DP system
• minimum clear deck space = 8000 ft2
• deck load capacity = 1000 tons
• vessel stability OTM = 30 x 106 ft-lb
• moonpool minimum size = 16 ft x 16 ft
• personnel capacity = 75
• deck crane = 30 tons at 65 ft reach
• hydrocarbon handling capability
In 1998, approximately 18 vessels met these requirements, but most were under long-term
contract, and the remaining few on the open market were too expensive to apply to CT opera-
After the vessel, the tie-back riser is the key component in the system. Two different systems
are under development, (1) rigid from the surface to the seabed and (2) a combination of rigid
and flexible sections. The former requires the usual riser tensioning gear and should be suit-
able for water depths to 3000 ft. This is the type of system Coflexip Stena Offshore tested in
Shell’s Gannet Field in late 19974. XL Technology Limited is developing a much different
4. McGennis, E., “Coiled Tubing Performance Underlies Advances in Intervention Vessels”, Offshore, February
1998, p.46.
riser system as part of a DEA Europe joint industry project. Their riser consists of a vertical
section of steel CT extending from the subsea wellhead to approximately 300 ft below the sur-
face. A buoyancy module holds this vertical CT in tension. A flexible riser connects the top of
this section to the vessel with an S-shaped curve that absorbs the effects of vessel movement.
XL claims this riser system could operate in water depths to 8200 ft. However, the S-shaped
portion of the riser will add significant drag to the CT inside and could limit the axial force
available in the well.
Temperature and pressure generally increase almost linearly with depth, and the average ther-
mal gradient for the earth is about 1ºF/100 ft. This means that under normal, average condi-
tions, CT would not experience T > 250ºF until reaching depths of approximately 18,000 ft
TVD. However, many CT operations encounter high temperatures at much shallower depths
due to:
Generally, the pressure control equipment will not be exposed to high temperature except for
geothermal applications or operations on live hot gas wells. However, prudence dictates that
the pressure control equipment is capable of operating at the maximum potential surface tem-
perature. This usually means replacing the standard elastomer seals with high temperature
materials, using extended bonnets on valves and BOP rams, or both.
BHA Components
The primary temperature limitation for most CT operations is the reliability and working life
of downhole tools at high temperature. Tools containing electrical components and elastomer
seals are especially vulnerable to elevated temperature. The typical downhole electronics
package is limited to T < 300ºF, but some can operate at higher temperatures for short periods
with special thermal shielding or internal flow paths for cooling from fluids pumped through
the CT string. Motors and other tools with elastomer pressure seals are generally limited to
T < 350ºF.
Except as noted above, no special CT equipment is required for operations in high tempera-
ture wells.
The greatest safety concern for high temperature operations is that the CT string and every-
thing it contacts can become dangerously hot. Moreover, superheated steam is invisible. The
origin of a leak around the stripper or BOP may not be obvious. Always use extreme caution
and wear proper protective clothing when working on or near the pressure control equipment
during a high temperature operation.
In addition to the parameters normally monitored and recorded during a CT operation (see
Chapter 17 "Data Acquisition and Real-Time Monitoring", page 17-52), monitor the tempera-
ture of the wellhead and fluid returning from the wellbore.
Overview ..............................................................................................3
Bottom Hole Assembly ........................................................................9
Downhole Motors for CTD ...............................................................16
Drill Bits for CTD ..............................................................................25
CTD Rig Systems ..............................................................................32
Drilling Fluids and Wellbore Hydraulics ..........................................65
Exiting an Existing Wellbore .............................................................78
Planning a CTD Operation .............................................................. 100
CTD Procedure and Task List ......................................................... 117
Directional Drilling Calculations ..................................................... 133
Copyright© 2005, CTES, L.P.
CT Drilling
Coiled tubing drilling has been a commercial service for many years. Although CT drilling
provides many advantages, it should not be thought of as a direct replacement for conven-
tional rotary drilling. It has specific limits and cost drivers, which must be understood before
applying this technology. This application combines the use of joint pipe handling and coiled
tubing to accomplish the overall well objectives. Coiled tubing drilling encompasses multiple
services and personnel, which are involved in the complete well package. Past experience has
shown that many projects have failed when the total workscope was not considered.
There are many advantages of coiled tubing drilling, but understanding the appropriate selec-
tion criteria is the most influential factor to ensure a successful drilling project. To work
through a project feasibility requires an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of
coiled tubing and the drilling equipment. It must be stressed that coiled tubing is just a small
part of the overall project considerations and the following are other factors to consider when
preparing for a project:
• Location construction
• Maintenance of equipment
• Well preparation
• Contingency plans
• Living accommodations and crew structure
• Drilling tools and directional services
• Openhole well control
• Completions
• Cementing
• Mobilization and transportation
Well design and construction go hand-in-hand with coiled tubing drilling. Both processes
require a combined effort and interaction of many groups. Typically in new projects most
people involved do not completely understand the limitations and requirements of coiled tub-
ing, so they apply conventional rig needs. This usually results in over designing the project,
which drives the cost and workscope beyond the desired level of the project. When preparing
for a new project, start with the simplest workscope and increase the difficulty as the project
matures. Tailor the requirements to take full advantage of the benefits offered from coiled
tubing and avoid a direct comparison of the workscope used by conventional drilling.
Coiled tubing drilling can be divided into two main categories consisting of directional and
non-directional wells. Each of these categories can be subdivided to over-balance and
under-balanced drilling. Each of these categories play an important role in the tools and
equipment selected for the operations.
The downhole tools required for each of these categories are completely different. Directional
drilling requires the use of an orienting device to steer the well trajectory in a particular direc-
tion. Non-directional wells use a more conventional drilling assembly with the use of a down-
hole motor. Both types of wells are typically limited by the depth and hole size, which are
effected by:
• Reel Capacity
• Transportation logistics
• Number of casing points
• Overpull margins
• Torque requirements
• Circulating pressures
• Flowrates for hole cleaning
• Weight-on-bit
When comparing the capability of conventional drilling with coiled tubing drilling the poten-
tial wellbore depth and size are significantly reduced. These limitations are based on the
achievable flowrates through the coiled tubing and the available weight-on-bit (WOB). For
low angle wells the weight-on-bit limits can be overcome with the use of drill collars and
changing the configuration of the bit/motor. For high angle wells the WOB is limited to the
weight of the coiled tubing and the ability of the injector head at surface to push the pipe.
Hole size affects both the cuttings carrying capabilities and the achievable WOB. As the hole
size increases, the cuttings carrying capabilities and the weight transfer are diminished.
The general rules for annular velocity in the vertical section is 40 fpm and a maximum pump-
ing pressure of 4000-psi. Exceeding the 4000-psi pumping pressure results in shortening the
fatigue life of the coiled tubing and would typically exceed the limitation of a mud pumps
(piston/liners). When ROPs are high, the minimum annular flow velocity may need to be
increased to prevent loading up the hole with solids and increasing the ECD.
Non-Directional Wells
Non-directional wells are defined as any well in which the direction, inclination and/or azi-
muth is not controlled by means of downhole tools. This definition does not imply that the
well trajectory lacks any inclination and/or azimuth, but simply the tools required to control
these parameter are not in use.
Many non-directional wells have been drilled with coiled tubing, which represents the largest
drilling application for coiled tubing. Most of this work was completed in Canada in the shal-
low gas market. These wells were drilled from surface, or just below the surface casing, in a
relatively conventional drilling technique with the used of a downhole motor. In determining
the feasibility, careful consideration should be used in defining the workscope. The vast
majority of the footage drilled with CT has been with hole sizes smaller than 7", but hole sizes
up to 13-1/4" have been successfully drilled. The main advantage that CT drilling brings to
the non-directional wells is speed of assembling and disassembling the equipment and the
continuous rate of penetration.
Using drill collars (spiral) in low angle wells to control the build up of inclination and apply
WOB. The number of drill collars used will depend on the drillability of the formation and
the bit/motor combination, but typically the number ranges between 2 and 10 collars. The
typical BHA used in drilling the non-directional wells consist of the following:
CT Connector, Check Valve, Release Joint, Drill Collars, Surveying Tool, Motor, Bit
Directional Wells
Directional drilling is defined as any well in which the azimuth and/or inclination is controlled
by the use of downhole tools to obtained a desired well path. This well type employs an ori-
enter device in the bottom hole assembly to control the wellbore trajectory. The complexity of
these wells is typically greater due to the BHA and drilling requirements. Usually the rate of
penetration is compromised by the requirement to maintain directional control and difficulties
transferring weight to the bit.
Many of these directional drilling applications are performed on existing wells to obtain new
targets in the reservoirs. These wells can be new wells, extensions, side-tracks through exist-
ing completions or side-track where the completions are pulled. Directional drilling is very
sensitive to the existing wellbore ID and the hole size. As the size increases the weight trans-
fer diminishes and the flowrate requirements increases. These wells are also limited by the
downhole tools, which are most likely to be the orienting device.
When multi-phase fluids are required, additional requirements are imposed on the BHA.
Multi-phase fluids negate the use of mud pulse telemetry for the transmission of data for the
downhole tools and the use of fluid powered orienting tools. With these fluids the control,
power and data transmission of the BHA is conductive by dedicated electrical and/or hydrau-
lic lines. As the percentage of liquid fluid decreases, the dampening effects of the fluids also
decrease to a point where the failures in the BHA will result.
CT Connector, CV, Disconnect, Direction and Inclination Package, Orienting device, down-
hole motor and drill bit.
The economics of drilling operations depend on too many factors to generalize a comparison
between CTD and conventional methods. However, once a specific well or project is identi-
fied, the planner can develop a cost estimate for each drilling technology and make a mean-
ingful comparison. Section “Planning a CTD Operation” page 15-100 summarizes the process
for planning a CTD project.
Technical evaluations are easier to generalize, because a CT simulator can evaluate the effects
of different conditions on a proposed CTD operation. Figure 15.3 is a flow chart for evaluat-
ing the technical feasibility of a proposed CTD project. Chapter 17 "CT Simulators",
page 17-11 describes the data requirements and calculations for each block.
No Horizontal Yes
or highly deviated
Above No Above No
maximum maximum Below
allowable? allowable? Minimum
Yes Yes
Pressure Criteria Options Tension Criteria Options
! Use CT string with greater OD ! Use a higher capacity Yes
and/or greater wall thickness injector head
! Use a smaller motor ! Use CT string with greater WOB Criteria Options
! Downsize the hole wall thickness and/or ! Use CT string with greater OD
higher yield strength and/or greater wall thickness
! Change the wellpath
! Downsize the hole
A directional drilling BHA for CTD contains the following major components listed from the
top down:
4. Steering tool
6. Bit
The steering tool measures inclination, azimuth, and tool face orientation. Inclination and azi-
muth determine the current position of the BHA and tool face orientation indicates which
direction the bent sub is pointed. In the configuration above, the steering tool is below the ori-
enting tool so that the steering tool can measure the orientation of the bent sub. In some cases
(with electrical steering tools), the steering tool is located above the orienting tool to avoid
running electrical conductors through a rotating tool. In this case, a rotating mechanical pin
transmits the orientation of components below the orienting tool to the steering tool.
Some of the early BHAs for CTD included a “thruster” to increase the weight on bit for drill-
ing or apply steadier axial force for milling. However, these tools are not commonly used for
CTD today.
Drill Collars
Drill collars are stiff tubulars that provide weight and rigidity to the BHA. Drill collars (DC)
come in either flush or spiral surfaces. To reduce the wall contact area and minimize the
chance of differential sticking, spiral drill collars are preferred in CT drilling. This is due to
the lack of rotation in coiled tubing. They also come in a wide range of OD and ID, but gen-
erally the OD should be kept consistent with the rest of the BHA.
Non-magnetic drill collars (NMDC) normally have flush surfaces and made from a non-mag-
netic material. The purpose of NMDC is to reduce the magnetic interference for any down-
hole surveying tools that measures the earth's magnetic flux. The actual tools are located
inside the NMDC and transmit the data to surface via conductors in the coiled tubing, elec-
tro-magnetic technology or pressure pulses.
Steering Tools
CTD uses two basic types of steering tools. Electric steering tools transmit the measured data
to surface through a cable inside the CT. The CT industry has adapted some of the electric
steering tools developed by the conventional directional drilling industry. Mud pulse steering
tools transmit the measured data to surface by generating pressure pulses in the mud. These
are smaller versions of the pressure pulse systems used in conventional directional drilling.
Dowell Schlumberger and Sperry Sun are two companies with mud pulse steering tools. Dow-
ell Schlumberger can package this tool in a 2.375 in. diameter, allowing through tubing drill-
ing with only a 2.75 in. bit.
Orienting Tools
With the inability of coiled tubing to rotate the drilling assembly, the development of an ori-
enter was required. The orienter provides the directional control of the BHA. There are sev-
eral different types of orienters available that are powered by fluid flow, hydraulic, electrical,
pads or articulated joints. All these orienters have good and bad points. With the increased
complexity of these tools the reliability of the tools is reduced.
Directional drilling with coiled tubing has some fundamental differences compared conven-
tional rotary drilling. One of the basic differences is the need for an orienting device to con-
trol the well trajectory. These devices control the direction by rotating a bent housing to a
particular orientation (toolface) or controls the side loading at the bit to push the assembly in a
particular direction. The use of stabilizers in bottom hole assembly are typically not used due
to the lack of rotation, which increase the chances of hanging up downhole. There are several
different types of orienters on the market:
Electric/hydraulic orienting tools rotate the lower portion of the BHA using an electri-
cally-powered hydraulic pump and gear train. These tools require an electric cable in the CT.
These tools provide bi-directional orientation in increments of ±1º that is independent of mud
flow. The tool consists of three main components:
There are several different designs for a total electrical orienter that rotates. Typically these
systems use a high speed/low torque motor, which is geared down to increase the output
torque. These tools provide a means to continuously rotate the bent housing that allows for
controlling the tortuosity of the hole. The output torque is in the range of 800 to 1000 ft-lb
from a 3" OD tool.
Two types of all-hydraulic orienting tools have been developed. One type requires two
small-diameter hydraulic control lines (capillaries) inside the CT. Applying hydraulic pressure
to one line rotates the tool clockwise, and hydraulic pressure in the other line rotates the tool
counter clockwise. Several companies operate their tools on this principal. The two control
lines in the CT add significant weight and reduce the available flow area, but this type of tool
is simple to operate, reliable, and capable of generating high torque. Both of these companies
also use electric steering tools that require an electric cable in the CT string in addition to the
control lines. This adds more weight to the string and may limit the use of such systems on
offshore applications where crane capacity is a problem.
Another type of hydraulic orienting tool has only one hydraulic control line inside the CT.
This type also requires an electric cable. The hydraulic pressure supplies the power to rotate
the tool while the electric signal operates solenoid valves that determine the direction of rota-
tion. The disadvantage of this tool is the necessity to stop drilling to orient, but it can orient to
any angle. This tool was not very successful and saw only limited use.
Two types of mechanical orienting tools are available. One type uses a “J-slot” mechanism
containing a spring-loaded orifice. At high mud flow rate (high pressure loss across the ori-
fice), the orifice moves downwards against the spring. At low mud flow rate, the spring
returns the orifice upwards to its resting position. This up and down motion of the orifice
mechanism causes the tool to rotate a specific amount. Repeatedly cycling the mud flow rate
causes the tool to rotate incrementally to the desired position. Dowell Schlumberger and
Sperry Sun use this type of orienting tool with their mud pulse steering tools. This type of sys-
tem can orient while drilling but has the disadvantage of only being able to orient to certain
Another type of mechanical orienting tool has a lead screw mechanism which causes the
lower section of the BHA to rotate when weight is applied to the BHA during periods of no
mudflow. Starting the mudflow locks the tool in position. Changing tool orientation necessi-
tates shutting down the mudflow, picking up on the CT to remove the WOB, and then slacking
off slowly to achieve the desired rotation of the screw mechanism. When the steering tool data
indicate the desired tool orientation has been achieved, starting the mudflow locks the orient-
ing tool. This type of orienting tool works only with an electric steering tool because there is
no mudflow for pressure pulse communication during orienting. This type of tool was devel-
oped by Ensco and later purchased by Halliburton. The main disadvantage of this tool is the
requirement to stop drilling to orient. However, it can rotate to any angle.
The performance of both types of mechanical orientor suffers as the compressibility of the cir-
culating fluid increases. Thus, mechanical orientors are not well-suited for operation with
foam or nitrogen.
Reactive Torque
The reactive torque rotational orienter is a device that uses the reactive torque generated from
the downhole motor. This orienter is comprised of a hydraulic loop, which is controlled by an
internal valve. This valve is controlled from surface through fluid pulses or an electrical con-
ductor. When the valve is opened, fluid is allowed to move through the loop by the torque
generated by the motor. The speed of the orientation is controlled by the use of an orifice in
the loop that restricts the flow of fluid. When the valve is closed, the toolface is hydraulically
locked in place.
This orienter has a very simple design, but there are several limitations that must be consid-
ered during the planning phase. One requirement to generate a reactive torque the tool must
be on-bottom. Due to the fact that this tool does not generate any output torque, force the
toolface into a particular direction will be difficult. Therefore, this tool should only be used in
wells with low dog-leg severity.
Instead of have a motor with a bent housing and an orienter to rotate the tool to a particular
direction, the powered articulated joint combines both these components into one device. The
system incorporates several wedges the force the bit into a particular direction. The system is
controlled from surface and can be adjusted on the fly. The system is located below the power
section of the motor and is powered electrically from system. The use of specially made
motors that have conductors imbedded in the outer layers is required. Halliburton developed
this system for the Anaconda assembly.
In addition to the sensors and functions described in the preceding sections, some BHAs for
CTD can also be equipped for the following measurements:
• gamma ray—The gamma ray tool is useful for geo-steering, formation evaluation, and
depth correlation with previous logs or a radioactive tag in the whipstock.
• casing collar locator—The CCL is for depth correlation.
• accelerations (shock loads)—Accelerometers in a BHA provide good indications of drill-
ing performance, especially motor stalling.
• pressure (internal and annulus)—Annulus pressure measurements are invaluable for con-
trolling ECD in underbalanced drilling.
• WOB—The WOB sensor gives direct feedback to the driller on the effectiveness of slack-
ing off or picking up the CT.
The orienting and steering tools discussed above are combined in the following ways to pro-
duce different types of directional BHAs.
• Fully electric—both the steering tool and orienting tools are electrically operated. This has
the advantage of high speed telemetry.
• Mud pulse/mechanical—A mud pulse steering tool is combined with a mechanical orient-
ing tool. This does not require a cable inside the CT. However, the mud pulse tool doesn’t
function for underbalanced drilling. This is the type of system BP and Arco have used for
CTD at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
• Electric/hydraulic from surface—An electric steering tool is combined with a hydraulic
orienting tool powered from a hydraulic pump on the surface. These systems require both
an electric cable and a hydraulic control line in the CT, but the BHA is simple and reliable.
Fracmaster (now BJ) and Transocean used this type of system.
• Electric/hydraulic from BHA—An electric steering tool is combined with a hydraulic ori-
enting tool powered from a hydraulic pump in the BHA. Nowsco (BJ) and BHI use this
type of system.
• Electric/mechanical—An electric steering tool is combined with a mechanical orienting
tool. These systems don’t need hydraulic control lines in the CT and have high telemetry
rate. However, the mechanical orienting tools have the disadvantages mentioned previ-
revised 7/21/05
TABLE 15.1 BHA Assembly Matrix
Manufacturer Weatherford Weatherford Sperry-Sun Wenzel HES BHI BHI Antech SLB Weatherford
BHA Name Anaconda OrientXpress CoilTrak COLT Viper
Size 3" & 4 3/4" 3" 3" 3" & 4 3/4" 3" 3 1/8" 2 3/8" 3" 3"
OT Type Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Reactive Powered Electric/ Electric/ Total Total Mechanical
Rotation Rotation Rotation Tool Articulated Hydraulic Hydrualic Electric Electric Rotation
Functionality Gamma Ray Gamma Ray Gamma Ray Gamma Ray Resistivity Resistivity Gamma Ray Gamma Ray Gamma Ray Gamma Ray
Toolface Toolface Toolface Toolface Gamma Ray Gamma Ray Toolface Toolface Toolface Toolface
Azimuth Azimuth Azimuth Azimuth Toolface Toolface Temperature Temperature Temperature Azimuth
Inclination Inclination Inclination Inclination Temperature Temperature Azimuth Azimuth Azimuth Inclination
Azimuth Azimuth Inclination Inclination Inclination
Inclination Inclination Int.Pressure Int.Pressure Int.Pressure
Int.Pressure Int.Pressure Ext.Pressure Ext.Pressure Ext.Pressure
Ext. Pressure Ext. Pressure WOB WOB
Power Source Fluid Hydraulic at Hydraulic at Reactive Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Fluid
for OT Powered Surface Surface Torque Powered
(wireline on
Communicati Mud Pulse Hydraulic at Mud Pulse Mud Pulse Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Mud Pulse
on surface
Hole Size 3 1/2" - 7 7/8" 3 1/2" - 6 1/4" 3 1/2" - 6 3 1/2" - 7 7/8" 3 1/2" - 5 3 1/2" - 4 3/4" 2 3/4" - 3 1/2" 3 1/2" - 5 3 1/2" - 6 1/4"
1/4" 7/8" 7/8"
Bottom Hole Assembly
CT Drilling
page 15-15
CT Drilling
Downhole Motors for CTD
The positive displacement motor (PDM) is the most common motor configuration found in
CTD. Turbine motors have been used on occasion for CTD. Air hammers or percussion drills
are used for certain CTD applications. An electric downhole motor for CTD is an alternative
for future consideration.
The progressive cavity PDM uses a helical-shaped rotor that rotates inside an elastomer stator
having helical-shaped lobes. Figure 15.4 shows this configuration.
The dissimilar shapes of the rotor and stator form cavities between the two components. As
the power (drilling) fluid forces its way through these cavities, the rotor must rotate. As the
rotor turns, a given cavity “travels” along the rotor/stator interface in a helical path. The fluid
travelling along this progressive cavity continues to force the rotor to turn.
The three main components of a progressive cavity PDM are the power section, connecting
rod assembly, and bearing assembly.
Power Section
The helical rotor is usually chrome-plated alloy steel. The elastomer stator is bonded to a hol-
low steel housing. The rotor profile matches that of the stator, but has fewer lobes. Increasing
the number of lobes in a motor increases the output torque while lowering the rotating speed
(RPM). Figure 15.5 shows different PDM lobe configurations.
The interference fit between the rotor and stator is supposed to form a continuous seal around
the helical line of contact between the two. The efficiency of the motor decreases rapidly as
the rotor and stator wear (clearance between them increases). However, motor manufacturers
sometimes loosen the fit between the rotor and stator to accommodate higher temperature or
swelling of the stator due to certain fluids.
Each complete spiral of the stator is called a stage. The design, configuration and materials
used in the power section determine most of the operating specifications for the motor. For
example, the lobe configuration determines the operating flow rate and pressure, while the
characteristics of the stator elastomer determine the operating temperature and fluid exposure
limits. Some elastomers are highly susceptible to gas absorption at high pressure (downhole),
and explosively decompress when returned to surface conditions.
The output shaft of the power section rotates with an eccentric motion that must be translated
into an axial (concentric) rotation for the bit. The connecting rod, (Figure 15.6) assembly
attached to the lower end of the rotor accomplishes this.
The connecting rod is designed with the necessary flexibility, using universal joints or flexible
components, to convert the eccentric rotation into concentric rotation.
Radial and axial thrust bearings (Figure 15.7) support the hollow drive shaft within the bear-
ing housing. The bearing assembly transmits force from the motor housing to the drive shaft.
Depending on the size and design of the motor, most of the mud flows through the center of
the drive shaft to the bit. Some motor designs utilize a small bypass flow of drilling fluid to
lubricate and cool the bearing assembly.
• Off-bottom thrust bearings—These provide support for the hydraulic forces acting on the
rotor and the weight of components below the rotor, (i.e., rotor, connecting rod, drive shaft
and drill bit) when the BHA is hanging off bottom.
• On-bottom thrust bearing—These transmit the drilling load (WOB) from the non-rotating
motor housing to the rotating bit box. The off-bottom thrust bearings are either ball bear-
ings or diamond friction bearings.
• Radial support bearings—These provide radial support for the driveshaft and are typically
configured as sleeve-type bearings in both upper and lower radial bearing assemblies.
Some motors use tungsten carbide-coated sleeves.
Bent-housing Motors
Directional drilling BHAs use bent housing motors to “build angle” or steer a wellpath in a
specific direction. A bent housing motor is usually a high-torque, multi-lobe model with the
housing (adjacent to the connecting rod assembly) having an offset angle of 0.25° to 1.5°. This
tilts the axis of the bit relative to that of the CT string so that the weight of the CT string
(WOB) has a lateral component. This forces the bit to drill at an angle relative to the axis of
the CT string. Surface-adjustable bent housings (Figure 15.8) enable adjustment of angle from
0° (i.e. equivalent to a straight-housing motor) up to 3°, in small increments.
The BHI Navi-Drill Mach 1/AD is a bent-housing progressive cavity PDM with elastomer
stator designed for directional (or straight) drilling with air, mist, or foam. It is a good exam-
ple of the motors available for CTD. The Mach 1/AD is available with several different elas-
tomers depending on temperature and fluid requirements. This motor has participated in
numerous successful CTD operations.
Most progressive cavity PDM assemblies can operate reliably with a variety of power fluids
(drilling fluid). However, to enable optimum performance and avoid premature failure con-
sider the following:
• Sand content should be less than 1%. Sand content above 5% will reduce motor life by as
much as 50%.
• Some elastomers are sensitive to diesel and other aromatic hydrocarbons. Verify that the
elastomer is compatible with the drilling fluid.
• Use LCM with caution to avoid damaging the motor bearings or plugging the motor.
Progressive cavity PDMs suitable for CTD are available from numerous sources, including:
• Sperry Sun
• Baker Hughes INTEQ
• Drilex
• Weatherford
• Black Max
• Vector Oil Tool (Trudril)
• Smith International
Vaned-rotor PDM
The MacDrill™ motor from Weatherford is a vaned design with stainless steel stator, using
elastomers only for O-ring seals around the rotor shaft. This allows the motor to operate at
much higher temperature than conventional PDMs. This relatively new entry into the market
is designed for operation with clean liquid or gas, comes in four sizes from 1.688 in. to
4.75 in., and has a maximum operating temperature of 600 ºF. The MacDrill motor is designed
for straight hole drilling but is short enough to add a bent sub above for directional work. Due
to its concentric rotation, this motor does not use a universal joint. The manufacturer claims
this reduces vibrations in the BHA and improves both drilling efficiency and MWD sig-
nal-to-noise ratio.
Turbine Motors
The operating principle of a turbine motor is the reverse action of an axial or centrifugal
pump. In order to operate efficiently, turbines require relatively high flow rate and/or many
blade sections (long length). This makes them unsuitable for many CTD applications. How-
ever, the lack of elastomers in turbine motors makes them ideal for high temperature and gas
Impact Tools
The most common application for these tools has been drilling and milling cement or scale
from production tubing. (see Chapter 5 "Impact Drills", page 5-36 and Chapter 12 "Planning
to Remove Scale Mechanically", page 12-58) However, they are gaining acceptance for spe-
cial drilling applications where the working fluid must be a gas or the operating environment
is too extreme for conventional PDMs. Sandia National Labs (SNL) and Los Alamos National
Lab (LANL) have occasionally worked on percussion drilling for geothermal applications, but
don’t have any commercially available hardware. A December 1984 JPT article, “Investiga-
tion of Percussion Drills for Geothermal Applications”, by J.T. Finger is a good source of
background material for these special high temperature motors.
In 1995, CTES conducted a study for the Gas Research Institute (GRI) on electric downhole
motors. SPE paper 36343, “The Feasibility of Using an Electric Downhole Motor to Drill with
Coiled Tubing”, by Newman, Stone, and Wolhart discusses the project. A joint industry
project conducted by XL Technology, Ltd. has also demonstrated the feasibility of electric
CTD.1 Although an electric downhole motor is feasible, developing a reliable drilling system
based on this technology would be a major project.
1. SPE paper 46013, “Electric Coiled-Tubing Drilling: The First Steps Toward a Smart CT Drilling System”, by P.F.
Head, et. al.
• A cutter assembly that provides uniform drilling action within the nominal bit circumfer-
• Ports and nozzles directing the drilling fluid through the bit and around the bit face to
remove cuttings and debris and to cool the cutters and bearings (if equipped with roller
• "Gauge wear protection", i.e., typically hardfacing or hardened inserts to reinforce wear
• An appropriate tool joint capable of withstanding the axial and torsional forces generated
by drilling.
In addition to bits for drilling, bits are also available for milling metals, hard materials and
coring. Figure 15.10 shows an assortment of bits for drilling, milling, and coring.
Roller cone bits can have two or three roller cones, but generally have the latter (tri-cone bits).
Each cone is studded with cutters (integral “teeth” or hardened inserts) that contact a portion
of the surface beneath the bit. Milled tooth bits generally perform well in soft to medium-hard
formations while insert bits are better suited for medium hard to hard formations. The design
of the bit ensures that the combination of cutters on all of the cones provides a complete cut-
ting action within the bit circumference. Rotation of the bit rotates the cones causing the indi-
vidual cutters to press against the rock face with high compressive force. If the WOB is high
enough, the cutter crushes the rock and the rolling action of the cone dislodges the crushed
rock into the high velocity stream of drilling fluid from the bit nozzles. Replaceable nozzles of
extremely hard and wear resistant materials like carbide protect the bit body from erosion by
the drilling fluid. The nozzles are available in a variety of sizes to optimize the hydraulic force
available at the jets. Journal or roller bearings attach the cones to the bit body and are lubri-
cated from sealed lubricant reservoirs within the bit body or by the drilling fluid. Roller bear-
ing bits are designed for higher speeds and typically come in sizes larger than 6 in. OD.
Milled-Tooth Bits
The cutters on milled-tooth bits (Figure 15.11) are milled as an integral part of the cone. The
length of the teeth depends on the target formation hardness - the softer the formation, the
longer the tooth. Milled tooth bits drill by cutting, tearing, and gouging the formation mate-
rial. The most common use for this type of bit is in relatively soft, shallow sections of a well.
Insert Bits
The roller cones on insert bits (Figure 15.12) are fitted with relatively blunt button inserts, i.e.,
bullet-nose or wedge-shaped, made from very hard materials that act to crush the formation.
The material and configuration of the button insert depends on the characteristics of the target
Fixed cutter bits have a simpler construction than roller cone bits. The cutting components of
fixed cutter bits are embedded in the face of the bit, which means that they contain no moving
parts. The cutting action of this bit design is a shearing or scraping of the rock face as the cut-
ter drags across it. These bits are most suitable for hard formations and materials. Three basic
types of fixed cutter bit are commonly available:
• Diamond rock bits—Industrial diamonds are embedded into the face of the bit in a special
matrix incorporating fluid channels for the drilling fluid. The cutting action of diamond
bits is typically suited to drilling medium to hard formations because the small cutters
remove relatively small amounts of material with each pass.
• PDC—Polycrystalline Diamond Compact bits (Figure 15.13) are similar to diamond bits.
The PDC cutters are typically larger than those on diamond bits, making PDC bits suitable
for soft to medium-hard formations.
• TSP—Thermally Stable Polycrystalline bits (Figure 15.14) have cutters similar to those
on PDC bits, but they are smaller and more heat resistant. This makes a TSP bit suitable
for hard formations.
Fixed cutter bits are generally not as robust as roller cone bits and are easily damaged by
metal at the drilling face. This makes them more sensitive to junk in the wellbore. Since fixed
cutter bits drill by shearing the rock face, controlling the WOB is essential to avoid damaging
the bit face and dislodging the embedded cutting elements. Fixed cutter bits operate more effi-
ciently with less WOB than roller cone bits but are more sensitive to rate of rotation. Having
no moving parts, the fixed cutter bits can generally operate at higher rotary speeds than roller
cone bits for extended periods of time.
The best indicator of how a bit will perform under given conditions is from bit records of off-
set wells or similar conditions. This is another good reason for keeping detailed and accurate
records throughout a CTD operation. Key issues relating to the bit selection generally include
the following.
• Size—The engineer planning a CTD project generally identifies the required bit sizes
early in the process based on the intended completion size and presence of wellbore
restrictions. Special bi-center bits allow drilling a hole with a larger diameter than the hole
section above it. The selection of roller cone bits available decreases with decreasing hole
• Cutter configuration—The cutter type, size, and configuration determine the bit’s compat-
ibility with the target formation and its tolerance to junk or debris that may be present in
the wellbore.
• Operating speed (RPM)—Bits and motors usually operate most efficiently within rela-
tively narrow range of rotational speed. In general terms, roller cone bits operate at lower
speeds than fixed cutter bits
• Gauge protection—Bits wear in two principal areas, the cutter surfaces (resulting in
slower ROP), and the bit circumference (resulting in an under-gauge hole).
• Formation type, hardness, and abrasiveness
• Motor torque—In general roller cone bits have the lowest torque requirements while PDC
bits have the highest.
• Available WOB—In general roller cone bits require high WOB, while PDC bits drill effi-
ciently with low WOB.
• Drilling fluid type and flow rate
The fundamentals of bit design and selection apply equally to CTD and conventional rotary
drilling. However, CTD generally uses higher bit speeds at lower WOB. Always seek recom-
mendations from the bit supplier for bits suitable for the specific conditions expected during a
CTD project.
Hybrid CTD units combine a CT unit with a mast, casing jacks, or a snubbing system for han-
dling jointed pipe. Generally, these units are a compromise between competing requirements
for ease of mobilization, drilling functionality, and low cost. In most cases, they are capable of
functioning independently from a conventional drilling or workover rig. This makes them
more efficient than a conventional CT unit for handling jointed pipe, but they still use a down-
hole motor for all of the drilling. Thus, a hybrid CTD rig doesn’t have any advantage over a
conventional CT unit when the BHA is in the wellbore. The choice of hybrid CTD unit for a
specific drilling job is no different than choosing from a group of conventional drilling rigs.
The choice depends on many factors including equipment availability in the area, the selection
of service company, logistics, and location size.
The earliest modification to conventional CT units to make them more suitable for drilling
was a heavy-duty frame that could support the injector and a set of slips for holding jointed
pipe. This frame is usually a modified casing or snubbing jack. Sometimes the frame includes
a light crane for handling BHA components and tongs for making and breaking connections
on jointed pipe. Figure 15.15 shows a typical example of such a unit. These systems have
been and continue to be used successfully for all types of CTD projects.
The purpose of the jacking system and slips is to run or pull jointed pipe. These allow such a
hybrid CT unit to operate independently of workover or drilling rigs for casing sizes up to
about 7 in. However, jointed pipe operations are much slower with such a hybrid because they
don’t have an integral mast with traveling block. The stroke length and speed of the jacking
frame limits the vertical travel of the pipe. The operating limit for a casing jack unit is simply
the weight of casing it will safely support.
Considering the shortcomings of the hybrid CTD units with jacking frames, adding a mast to
an otherwise conventional CT unit was a natural way to gain more of the surface operations
capability of a rotary drilling or workover rig. One approach to this objective is an injector
mounted on a platform under a fixed mast. Figure 15.16 shows a hybrid CTD unit with a fixed
mast supported on a substructure of individual stacking modules. This massive structure
erected much like a conventional rotary drilling rig. Nowsco used this unit for CTD operations
in Europe and similar units for CTD in Canada. The heavy-duty mast and draw works were
rated for 200,000 lbs.
Figure 15.17 shows the injector supported under the mast on an adjustable frame. The frame
could move vertically on the screw jacks to adjust for different BOP stacks and horizontally
on rails to clear the wellhead for jointed pipe operations with the draw works. A work plat-
form below the injector level gave the crew access to the lubricator between the BOP and the
CT stripper. This hybrid CT unit had about the same operating capabilities as the self-erecting
mast units described below, but required a separate crane to rig up or down. This increased the
time and cost for these functions. However, this fixed mast rig could fit on a smaller location
than comparable self-erecting mast rigs because the substructure modules occupied less sur-
face area than a trailer.
Fracmaster improved on the fixed mast unit described above with a self-erecting mast design
that combined features of CT units and workover rigs into a self-contained hybrid CTD rig.
Their design had a much larger mast (80 ft crown height) with heavy duty draw works
mounted on a trailer that links with another trailer containing the CT reel. The two trailers
combined to form a complete drilling rig with a “footprint” of approximately 10 ft x 95 ft. A
third trailer contained the power pack and operator’s control cabin. Figure 15.18 through
Figure 15.20 show different views of this large hybrid CTD rig with its self-erecting mast.
This rig ceased operations in 1999.
Fracmaster mounted the injector on a heavy-duty platform that doubled as a work floor with
slips and power tongs. The injector could move horizontally on the support frame to a position
over the wellhead for CT operations or to a “parking” position away from the base of the mast
so the crew could use the draw works to handle the BHA or jointed pipe. The work floor/sup-
port frame collapsed for transport. The special injector on this rig could pull up to 120,000 lbs,
and the draw works capacity was 150,000 lbs. The reel had the capacity for approximately
10,200 ft of the 2.875 in. CT Fracmaster used for most of its CTD operations.
The Fracmaster CTD rig was suitable for the type of reentry drilling required over much of the
Canadian oil and gas fields where location size and logistics are usually not problems. How-
ever, it could not operate on tight locations or where overhead space was limited. This illus-
trates one of the dilemmas facing CTD service companies, how to efficiently combine CT
technology and drilling hardware in a package that retains the best attributes of each. On one
hand, standard CT units offer compact size, portability, and the capability to safely and effi-
ciently operate in live wells. On the other hand, drilling and completion operations require
substantial surface equipment for handling heavy pipe strings and processing large fluid vol-
umes. The challenge for the CTD service company is to strike a balance between competing
objectives to meet its customer’s needs.
Nowsco (BJ)
Nowsco (BJ) in Canada introduced their own self-erecting mast CTD rig in 1998 that closely
resembles the Fracmaster rig in form and function. The primary purpose of the short mast is to
handle the drilling BHA. Figure 15.21 through Figure 15.25 show the Nowsco CTD Rig #2.
FIGURE 15.23
FIGURE 15.24 Nowsco CTD Rig #2 Control Room (BJ)
HRI designed the CISCO to optimize mob/demob operations and handling of both CT and
jointed pipe for relatively shallow (less than 3000 ft) CTD operations. The objective was to
minimize the unproductive (non-drilling) time for such projects where actual drilling time is
relatively short. The product of their development project with Fleet Coil Technology (now
Plains Energy) in Canada is a package of six trailer-mounted modules providing the following
Figure 15.26 through Figure 15.28 show the layout and features of this unique CTD rig. Dur-
ing 1997 and 1998, Plains Energy drilled more than 320 wells with this rig at depths averaging
2460 ft and has been able to move onto location, rig up, drill to 1476 ft, install and cement
casing, rig down, and move to the next job in only 6 hours. The average ROP for these wells is
approximately 870 ft/hr.
The following tables give the specifications of the CISCO CTD rig system.
TABLE 15.5 Control Cabin /Water Tank / Tool Room / Hydraulic Power Pack
Trailer Dimensions - Tandem 50 ft x 8 ft-6 in
Diesel Fuel Capacity 250 gal
Water Tank Capacity 200 bbls
Water Tank Capacity While Moving 100 bbls
Hydraulic Power Pack Rating 300 hp
Tool Room Features:
• Telescoping vertically
• Control panel for drilling and casing running device
• Main lockout system for hydraulic functions for all
• Remote BOP operating device
• Data acquisition
TABLE 15.8 Dry Van / Accumulator Shack / Generator / Change Shack / Boiler
Trailer Dimensions - Tandem 48 ft x 8 ft-6 in
Diesel Fuel Capacity 1200 gal
Diesel Generator Rating (60 Series Detroit Diesel c/w 300 kW
Stamford Generator)
Type 80, 8 Bottle Accumulator c/w 2 Nitrogen Bottles 80 gal
Boiler Rating 80 hp
Change Room with 10 Lockers for Crew
Arco has conducted most of its through tubing CTD jobs in Alaska with equipment similar to
that shown in Figure 15.29. The CT unit is essentially a standard arctic workover unit with a
mast and cantilever for supporting the injector head over the well house. The workover rig can
be used for light-duty rotary drilling, but is normally used for pulling and running completions
and other well workover operations. For drilling with CT, the injector is positioned alongside
the rig’s derrick over the rotary table. The derrick’s function is to handle the BHA and to pull
or run any jointed pipe. This combination of equipment and functions could easily be adapted
to other CTD operations on land.
The Nordic Rig began its operating career as a self-propelled, heavy-duty arctic workover rig
working for Arco at Prudhoe Bay. The fully self-contained rig can move from location to loca-
tion under its own power. BP acquired the rig and with assistance from Schlumberger, added a
CT unit so that the Nordic could be a self-contained CTD system. Figure 15.30 shows an ele-
vation view of this rig, with the orange CT unit cantilevered out from the right side.
Figure 15.31 shows the Nordic in operating position over a well house. The control room
combines the controls for CT operations with those for standard rig operations (pumping,
draw works, rotary table, etc.), Figure 15.32 and Figure 15.33 respectively. Figure 15.34
shows a view over the CT reel from the vantage point of the CT operations control console.
This rig concept is adaptable to other land drilling operations where a large number of wells
are clustered in a relatively small area. However, the cost of such equipment might not be jus-
tifiable in less harsh operating environments.
Transocean’s first hybrid CTD rig, CDR #1 or Chameleon, was a trailer mounted, self-erect-
ing mast unit resembling the Fracmaster rig. However, the unique arrangement of oversize
reel and injector on Chameleon is a radical departure from the other hybrids described above.
Figure 15.35 through Figure 15.37 show the 15 ft diameter reel positioned directly over the
Hydra Rig HR480 injector. This direct feed arrangement eliminates the guide arch to reduce
CT fatigue and increase the working life of the CT string. (see Chapter 9 "Minimizing CT
Fatigue", page 9-21)
The injector is mounted on a moveable platform between the two box frame legs of the mast.
The platform can move horizontally to position the injector over the wellbore or retract it out
of the way. The reel translates from side to side on its axis of rotation to keep the CT wound
uniformly and tilts towards or away from the injector to keep the CT on the axis of the injector
chains. The reel has a core diameter of 122 in. and width between flanges of 84 in. giving it a
maximum capacity of 11,000 ft of 2.875 in. CT. However, Transocean tested the Chameleon
with a special string of 3.25 in. CT in Canada in 1997.
Transocean teamed up with Nabors drilling to modify CDR #1 for arctic operations and
moved the rig to Prudhoe Bay to drill for Arco. Figure 15.38 shows the rig in operation at
Prudhoe Bay in the summer of 1998. Figure 15.39 shows the unique control console for this
rig designed and built by Hitec. The futuristic-looking operator’s chair contains all of the con-
trols to operate the rig.
The first two purpose-built CTD rigs that use a single device for moving jointed and continu-
ous pipe became operational in 1996. These fully integrated, modular rigs look nothing like a
conventional CT unit for well servicing, and they are quite different from each other. How-
ever, BHI designed both to perform all drilling and completion operations independently of
other rigs or support equipment with efficiency not possible with conventional CT units or
hybrid CTD rigs.
BHI designed Copernicus for the high-cost offshore market, primarily in the North Sea, where
drilling loads might be supported either by the well’s jacket or the surrounding platform. For
its initial field trial, this rig performed the first CTD project in the Gulf of Mexico.2 Unfortu-
nately, this project was not very successful and Baker Hughes INTEQ retired Copernicus
from service.
BHI designed Galileo 1 for the low-cost land market and Galileo 2 for drilling from a barge
on Lake Maracaibo. Their substructure and mast are fundamentally different from Copernicus
and distribute drilling loads over a fairly large area. Consequently, the Galileo rigs are not
well suited for installation on most offshore platforms.
2. Young, L.M., Burge, P.M., and Johnson, C.A, “Fit for Purpose Reeled Systems: A Case History”, SPE/IADC
paper 37653, 1997 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 4-6, 1997
7. pull and run BHA’s or jointed pipe with the injector over the wellhead
Due to a sophisticated process control system on each rig and specially trained operating per-
sonnel, BHI can reduce the manpower required for a typical drilling project. The designated
operating crew for each rig consists of four specialists and a wellsite manager, the person
responsible for execution of the drilling program. Each specialist is responsible for one of the
following areas:
1. Downhole operations including drilling, milling, window cutting, fishing, and surveying
2. CT surface operations
3. Fluids and solids processing, cementing, and control of the underbalanced fluids module
BHI “Copernicus”
Figure 15.40 shows the modular CTD rig system, Copernicus, built by Hydra Rig, Texas Oil
Tools (TOT), and Dreco. The following sections describe some of the innovative features of
this system.
The prime mover for CT and jointed pipe up to 7.625 in. diameter was a modified Hydra Rig
HR480 injector mounted under the rig floor. This arrangement made pipe handling equipment
and tongs more accessible on the rig floor. The injector had a continuous pulling capacity of
100,000 lbs (closed loop mode) and a snubbing capacity of 40,000 lbs. The injector chains
could separate to a bore of 12 in. This allowed deployment of the BHA or other large objects
through the injector.
For greater lifting and snubbing capacity, Copernicus included a dual cylinder jacking system
with a 10 ft stroke, a pulling capacity of 300,000 lbs, and a snubbing capacity of 130,000 lbs.
This system contained two stationary and two traveling slip bowls. Both sets of bowls were
split to provide a minimum open bore of 12 in. The working platform contained a passive (not
motorized) rotary table to assist with orienting tubing strings.
Stackable modules allowed the substructure to adapt to any BOP stack and riser height from
conventional overbalanced operations to underbalanced drilling on land and offshore.
CT Guidance System
CTES helped design the special 15 ft radius guide arch system shown in Figure 15.41. This
system could improve the CT working life by 30% over that due to more typical guide arch
radii. (see Chapter 9 "CT Fatigue", page 9-6)
CT Reel
The unique reel had a 96 in. core diameter, 98 in. width between flanges, and the capacity for
13,120 ft of 2.375 in. CT. The reel drive, braking, and tension system was electronically con-
trolled. All plumbing on the reel was rated for 10,000 psi and H2S service.
The TOT “Sidewinder” CT stripper, 7.06 in. combi BOP, and 7.06 in. shear/blind safety head
were rated for 10,000 psi and H2S service. These formed the drilling BOP and combined with
the 5000 psi annular BOP and pipe handling system to form the BHA deployment system for
underbalanced operations.
This modular tank and piping system was adaptable to a variety of applications and included
solids control equipment, pumps, cement and fluids mixing tanks, and bulk storage. A
high-capacity linear motion shale shaker, variable speed centrifuge, and degasser module
were the primary solids control equipment. The fluids processing tank modules had 200 ft3
capacity and could be plumbed together to achieve the necessary total volume. The twin die-
sel-powered triplex pumps were rated at 300 BHP (270 HHP) continuous output.
This module, rated for 50 psi pressure, consisted of a four-phase separator, water surge tank,
and oil surge tank. The separator had the capacity for 3000 scfm of injected gas, 250 gpm of
drilling fluid, and 9 ft3/hr of drill solids.
Power Module
Two diesel engine pump skids of 550 BHP each and a diesel engine hydraulic power pack of
500 BHP were the prime movers for Copernicus. Other power units could be added if neces-
Downhole Tools
The downhole tools module contained the directional drilling, MWD, orienting, window cut-
ting, and fishing tools plus the jointed drill pipe and collars.
Figure 15.42 shows a view of the sophisticated process control system console for Coperni-
cus. The unique computerized control system was an adaptation of the process logic control
(PLC) commonly used by electrical generating plants, refineries, and many automated factory
assembly lines. Virtually all communication with the other modules, prime movers, and con-
trollers throughout the system was through the touch-screen consoles. These screens also dis-
played all of the operating parameters and alarm conditions for the other Copernicus modules.
Besides standard control functions normally found on a CT unit or drilling rig, the system pro-
vided a number of automated control functions. These included:
1. Speed and direction with force limits—allowed the injector to run at a specific speed and
direction regardless of variations in the load up to the selected force limit.
2. Injector and reel coordination—automatically maintained proper tension between the reel
and injector for proper spooling of the CT.
6. BOP ram position pre-select—allowed the operator to program the position that each set
of BOP rams would move to if activated.
9. Weight on bit (WOB) control—based on feedback from sensors in the BHA, this allowed
the system to maintain a WOB set by the operator.
BHI “Galileo 1”
Galileo 1 is fundamentally different from Copernicus in that BHI designed the injector head
and mast to handle both CT and jointed pipe without the aid of a jacking system. The configu-
ration shown in Figure 15.43 includes a two piece telescoping mast on a self-erecting “sling-
shot” substructure. The modified Hydra Rig HR 5200 injector can grip 2-7.625 in. OD pipe
and pull/push with 200,000/100,000 lbs. The injector chains can retract to expand the injector
bore to 12 in. For handling BHA components and jointed pipe, the injector can be locked in
place at either of two elevations in the mast. The injector grips a length of stiff pipe with a
swivel and hook mounted on the lower end. By moving the pipe up and down, the injector
performs the function of a traveling block. A non-rotating slip bowl in the rig floor is used to
grip the pipe or BHA components inserted in the well. Figure 15.44 shows the control console
for Galileo 1. The process control system is similar to that on Copernicus.
BHI “Galileo 2”
The two piece telescoping mast and HR 5200 injector head for Galileo 2 are the same as for
its predecessor, but the resemblance ends there. Figure 15.45 shows the rig mounted on its
special barge for operations on Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. Moreover, Galileo 2 uses a
unique freestanding arch system for minimizing fatigue damage to the CT (see Chapter 9
"Minimizing CT Fatigue", page 9-21). The arch of CT is faintly visible in Figure 15.45 as a
dark parabola extending from the injector on the left side of the picture. Figure 15.46 shows
the reel and injector during testing of the freestanding arch system at Hydra Rig. The level
wind on the giant reel has a small injector head for controlling the back tension on the reel and
the amount of tubing in the arch. The Galileo 2 control system coordinates the speed of the
two injectors to maintain the desired arch configuration. Figure 15.47 shows the giant reel
with the small injector removed from the level wind.
The purpose-built "Galileo 3" is the land equivalent of the "Galileo 2" described above.
Figure 15.48 shows this rig operating in Oman.
In rotary drilling, the fluid must be capable of supporting the cuttings during periods of no cir-
culation for drillpipe connections. Interruptions to circulation are much less frequent in CTD
and usually much shorter, e.g., to recover from motor stall.
For directional drilling with jointed pipe, the pipe rotation helps agitate the cuttings beds and
keep the cuttings suspended in the drilling fluid. The absence of tubing rotation in CTD makes
hole cleaning much more difficult in horizontal and heavily deviated wellbores. Due to rela-
tively low WOB and high bit rotational speed associated with CTD applications, the cuttings
are relatively small. This tends to compensate for the lack of rotation. However, special
visco-elastic fluids developed for CTD change their rheology according to the local shear rate,
i.e., become more viscous in the annulus (lower shear rate) to improve cuttings suspension.
For all CT operations, the fluid travels through the entire tubing string regardless of the depth.
Moreover, the frictional pressure loss for CT on the reel is considerably greater than for
straight tubing. (see Chapter 10 “CT Hydraulic Performance”) For optimum hydraulic perfor-
mance, the drilling fluid must behave as a low viscosity fluid inside the CT and as a high vis-
cosity fluid in the annulus (for efficient cuttings removal). The special fluids developed for
CTD, e.g., MI’s Flo Pro™ system, exhibit this complex rheology.
Overbalanced Drilling
In overbalanced drilling operations, the drilling fluid is the primary tool for controlling the
well pressure. Conventional drilling well control principles apply except that the CT string
limits the fluid flow rate and the frictional pressure loss varies with the ratio of tubing on/off
the reel. Key factors to consider for any overbalanced operation are:
• Maximum fluid flow rate versus depth—CT string (ID, length, on/off reel), geometry of
toolstring components, rheology of drilling fluid(s)
• Fluid system pressures—pump pressure, pressure at the guide arch (fatigue consider-
ations), separator or process equipment back pressure, ECD due to annulus frictional pres-
sure loss and cuttings loading
• Pump hydraulic HP—system pressure losses, bit performance
• Fluid capacity and handling—safe method and equipment for preparing and storing differ-
ent types of drilling fluids
• Solids control system—adequate processing capacity for the maximum circulation rate
and cuttings loading.
Overbalanced drilling fluid systems are typically smaller versions of the systems used for con-
ventional drilling. Due to the relatively small hole size drilled with CT, a single high capacity
shale shaker and centrifuge are usually adequate. These are normally combined with a fluid
processing tank and degasser to provide a compact, unitized system. Additional tanks provide
mixing and storage capacity as required. Figure 15.49 shows a compact fluids handling and
solids control system that Unocal Alaska used for a CTD project in the Cook Inlet.
Figure 15.50 shows the solids disposal system for this well.
FIGURE 15.50 Solids Disposal System for a CTD Well (Unocal Alaska)
Underbalanced Drilling
Underbalanced drilling is suitable for situations where wellbore stability or preventing influx
of formation fluids is not a problem. Thus far, all underbalanced CTD activity has been for
reentries, but new wells could also benefit from the technology. Underbalanced drilling may
be the most important market driver for CTD. Indeed, this drilling technique has become com-
mon practice in Canada and is gaining widespread popularity for reentry drilling. Drilling
with a hydrostatic pressure lower than the reservoir pressure offers the following benefits:
CTD is ideal for this application because of the improved well control compared to conven-
tional drilling. Increasing ROP directly reduces drilling time which should reduce the cost of a
CTD operation. However, the cost savings due to increased ROP may be offset by the higher
cost of:
Designing and conducting an underbalanced drilling operation can be a complex process that
requires a thorough knowledge of the risks and hazards. There are three general methods of
achieving underbalance, and the method used depends on the relationship between formation
pressure and normal pressure gradient. If the formation pressure is below normal pressure gra-
dient, achieving underbalanced conditions requires the use of gas lift or foam. If the formation
pressure is normal, a low density drilling fluid such as unweighted oil-base mud or native
crude should be adequate. If the formation pressure exceeds the normal pressure gradient, the
well will flow simply by decreasing the drilling fluid density below that which would nor-
mally be used in overbalanced drilling.
The drilling fluid design for underbalanced operations differs from conventional, overbal-
anced methods in several ways. First, filtration control additives are unnecessary because the
formation pressure is higher than the annular pressure. Weighting materials are not required
for the purpose of primary well control. Environmentally safe water-based fluids are unneces-
sary for reservoirs producing liquid hydrocarbons. As a result, inexpensive, simple fluids such
as formation water, diesel, or native crude are suitable base fluids.
In cases where reservoir pressure is sufficiently high, gas injection may be unnecessary alto-
gether. Water (fresh or formation brine), diesel, or native crude oil may be a suitable drilling
fluid. The absence of a gas injection system simplifies the operation and reduces cost signifi-
cantly. However, the only method of controlling the annular pressure (amount of underbal-
ance) at a given flow rate is to adjust the flow line choke. This can be rather laborious to
achieve manually. Also, a separate batch of kill fluid must be available on site to control the
well under static conditions.
Creating underbalanced conditions in low pressure reservoirs requires mixing gas with the
base fluid through the CT string or gas lift system or using straight foam or gas through the
CT string. Air has been used for this, but it poses a serious combustion risk when it contacts
produced hydrocarbons. Exhaust gas from diesel engines is also a possibility, but it is corro-
sive due to the high CO2 content. Nitrogen or hydrocarbon gas is a better choice than air or
exhaust gas. Nitrogen is available for underbalanced drilling from two sources:
• Liquid nitrogen trucked to the site, then pumped and converted to gaseous phase at the
required pressure.
• On-site nitrogen filtration units to generate nitrogen directly from the air.
Selection of the nitrogen supply depends largely on economics and depends on the anticipated
nitrogen consumption, the local price of liquid nitrogen, and the mobilization cost of a filtra-
tion unit.
The safe concentration of oxygen in the injection gas depends on downhole pressure, temper-
ature, and the hydrocarbon composition. As a general rule, an oxygen concentration less than
5% will prevent downhole combustion. Nitrogen gas from filtration units contains a low con-
centration of oxygen, usually less than 5%. However, even a small amount of oxygen in the
drilling fluid increases the corrosion risk significantly. For this reason, many people prefer liq-
uid nitrogen for underbalanced drilling. Regardless of the source for oxygen in the drilling
fluid, a corrosion-monitoring program is prudent.
Foam Systems
If gas injected into a liquid does not decrease the BHP enough to achieve the proper amount of
underbalance, a foam system may be a good solution. Foam is composed of gas bubbles uni-
formly dispersed in a continuous liquid phase. Mixing water, foaming agent, and gas in a
closed chamber creates foam. Due to its viscosity, foam is excellent for suspending and carry-
ing cuttings. The most significant disadvantage of using foam is the large volume of returns
from the well. Usually, a defoaming agent (breaker) is necessary to separate the foam into its
two phases prior to processing the returns. This significantly complicates the operation of a
closed loop system. (See Chapter 11 "Foam", page 11-17 for more information about foams.)
Gas and mist are also useful for underbalanced drilling. Mist is dispersal of liquid droplets in a
continuous gas phase, usually compressed air or natural gas. Nitrogen is too costly because of
the requirement for high flow rate and large volume. Gas drilling is mainly for hard rock or
tight producing formations. One disadvantage of gas drilling is the sensitivity of some forma-
tions to introduction of even small amounts of water. Under those conditions, the cuttings
form mud rings in the annulus that disrupt hole cleaning and create pipe sticking problems.
Two options, string injection and annulus injection, are available for injecting gas into the
drilling fluid for maintaining an underbalanced condition. In the string injection method, gas
enters the liquid stream through a manifold upstream of the CT reel. The two phases thor-
oughly mix in transit through the CT string. Foaming will not occur without injection of
appropriate foaming agents or surfactants. Annulus injection makes use of existing gas lift
facilities in the completion to inject gas at discrete locations in the annulus.
String Injection
String injection has the following advantages over the annulus injection method:
• Simplicity
• Low capital cost
• Achieving lower bottomhole pressure is easier because the entire annulus contains
low-density fluid.
• The gas injection rate to maintain the desired BHP is lower resulting in lower gas con-
sumption (and possibly cost).
• Conventional mud pulse telemetry will not function at high gas/liquid ratio.
• Gas cannot be injected during trips to keep the well underbalanced.
• Most downhole motors are less efficient with two-phase flow.
• Adjustments to the gas injection rate take a long time to have any effect on BHP.
• Frictional pressure loss in the CT string is generally higher for two-phase flow.
Annulus Injection
Injection points can be located anywhere along the wellbore, but the potential minimum BHP
decreases as the injection depth increases. Annular injection methods fall into three groups.
An external tubing string is run and cemented together with the production casing
(Figure 15.51). The casing and tubing string communicate by means of a side entry sub. Gas
enters the annulus through the parasite string. This method has two significant drawbacks.
First the parasite string can be cumbersome and expensive to run. Second, the side entry sub
may be a weak point in the casing.
A casing string temporarily hung off inside the production casing provides an injection point
at a single depth. Gas injected into the annulus between this parasite casing and the production
casing (Figure 15.52) enters the drilling fluid at the bottom of the parasite casing. This annu-
lus injection method is more versatile and easier to run than a parasite string, but it limits the
size of hole drilled to the ID of the parasite casing. Also, the relatively large annular volume
between the two casing strings results in long pre-charging times and more difficult control of
If the existing completion can stay in place during the drilling operation (through tubing reen-
try) the gas lift system (if so equipped) can be used for gas injection during drilling. This is an
attractive option, because it doesn’t require additional piping or preparation. Figure 15.53
illustrates this method.
Early underbalanced drilling operations utilized fluid separator and handling systems consist-
ing of:
Open Systems
An open system is essentially the standard equipment used on many rigs for well testing
(Figure 15.54). The fluid from the wellbore returns through an adjustable choke that helps
regulate the flow rate and BHP. However, adjusting the gas/liquid injection rates is normally
the main method for controlling BHP.
In the simplest system, an atmospheric de-gasser (or series of de-gassers) removes any gas in
the return fluid. Sometimes a vacuum de-gasser is necessary for optimum performance. The
fluid still contains oil, water, and cuttings. A series of settling and/or skimming tanks is the
simplest method for removing the oil and the cuttings. A shale shaker and/or centrifuge can
improve the cuttings removal, if necessary. The processed drilling fluid flows into a tank for
Closed Systems
Most underbalanced drilling operations use a four-phase separator (water, oil, gas, and solids)
to process the returns at the surface. In cases where open returns pose a fire or safety hazard
(H2S), treating the well returns in a closed loop system is necessary to prevent their contact
with air. Production type separation tanks can separate water, oil, and gas. A closed system
precludes the use of traditional shale shakers, but a large separation vessel allows adequate
settling time to remove the solids (Figure 15.55).
Well Effluents
Adustable Partition Plates
Velocity Reducer
Gas Gas
Gas Out
To Oil Tanks Hydrocarbons
Drilling Fluid Soilds Transfer
To Wellhead Liquids Liquids Pump
Solids Solids
Continuous Pressurized
Solids Transfer Pump
Another approach is to use filters or cyclones to extract solids before they enter the separator.
This reduces the required separator size considerably.
• Removing the production tubing and kicking off from a whipstock set in the casing
• Kicking off from a through-tubing whipstock (TTW) set below the production tubing
• Time drilling from a cement plug
• Kicking off from a whipstock in a pilot hole in a cement plug
The most common method of sidetracking an existing wellbore is to set a whipstock in the
casing to guide the milling assembly toward the direction of the new wellbore. A radioactive
tag (source) on the whipstock can provide future depth correlation in the open hole section.
The technology is available to perform the sidetrack with the completion pulled (conven-
tional) or in place (through tubing). Hole sizes for the former have been as large as 6 in. while
hole sizes for the latter are typically smaller than 4 in.
If the production tubing has been removed, a conventional whipstock can be set in the casing
to provide the kickoff point for the sidetrack. The decision to remove the production tubing
hinges on the economics of the operation, i.e., availability of a suitable rig and the time
required, and/or the planned hole size for the sidetrack. In addition, the absence of small diam-
eter restrictions provides more options for tools. However, conducting CTD operations inside
a large wellbore makes hole cleaning more difficult, i.e., requires higher fluid flow rate, and
reduces the maximum possible WOB, due to lower critical helical buckling limit (see Chapter
7 "Geometry of a Helix", page 7-13).
• Well preparation
• Preparing/setting the whipstock
• Milling the window
• Drilling the sidetrack
The following sections describe the primary steps and important considerations for each phase
of a conventional sidetracking operation.
Well Preparation
2. Nipple down the production tree and install the pressure control equipment.
5. If required, isolate the current producing interval behind a cement squeeze, slurry plug, or
bridge plug.
6. Run a CCL and gamma ray tool from surface to at least 100 ft below the proposed KOP to
provide both an accurate depth correlation and choice of location for setting the whip-
stock. Milling through a casing collar can be difficult (time-consuming), therefore, expen-
7. Run a cement bond log (CBL) or other cement evaluation tool to determine the quality of
the cement sheath at the desired KOP. If the results show poor cement quality, try a reme-
dial cement squeeze or move the KOP to a location with a solid cement sheath.
8. Run a casing caliper at least 100 ft above and below the proposed KOP. The location for
setting the whipstock must be round as possible. If the casing is too oval or distorted, the
anchor slips will not hold properly. Ream the whipstock setting interval as necessary to
prepare the casing for the anchor.
NOTE: Install magnets in the flowline (ditch) to the solids control system and
each shaker’s possum belly to capture as much of the metallic cuttings from
the milling operation as possible. Check and clean these magnets on a regular
9. When running the whipstock without an anchor, install a bridge plug or cement plug at the
KOP to support the whipstock until its slips set against the casing. If using a cement plug,
dress the top of the plug to the kickoff depth.
If azimuth control for the kickoff is not important, the whipstock can be set without an anchor
on top of a wellbore plug (step 9 in Section 15 "Well Preparation", page 15-79). If the well-
bore inclination is not too high, wireline may be suitable for setting the whipstock. However,
the following assumes using the CT to run and set the whipstock.
1. Dress (adjust) the whipstock slips to fit the casing ID measured in step 8 in Chapter 15
"Well Preparation", page 15-79.
2. Assemble the BHA for running the whipstock. Two options are available. First, a simple
BHA consisting of a CT connector, check valve(s), and a running tool. Second, a milling
BHA consisting of a high torque CT connector, check valve(s), circulating (flow bypass)
sub, disconnect, motor, flex-joint, and starting mill with a whipstock running lug. The lat-
ter eliminates a trip.
3. RIH with the whipstock and gently tag the wellbore plug.
4. Slowly slack off CT to provide the setdown weight specified by the whipstock supplier for
setting the slips.
5. Release the running tool by shearing the stud connecting the whipstock to the tool. Some
tools release with setdown weight, while others require overpull.
If azimuth control for kickoff is essential, set a whipstock anchor in the casing.
1. Dress (adjust) the anchor slips to fit the casing ID measured in step 8 in Section “Well
2. RIH to the KOP with the anchor and set the anchor slips. After activating the slips on the
anchor but prior to releasing the setting tool, set down 2000 lbs weight or a value recom-
mended by the supplier, whichever is less, to insure that the anchor will hold.
4. Set the azimuth of the whipstock key to orient the whipstock face in the proper direction
for the kickoff.
5. Assemble the BHA for running the whipstock. Two options are available. First, a simple
BHA consisting of a CT connector, check valve(s), and a running tool. Second, a milling
BHA consisting of a high torque CT connector, check valve(s), circulating (flow bypass)
sub, disconnect, motor, flex-joint, and starting mill with a whipstock running lug. The lat-
ter eliminates a trip.
6. RIH with the whipstock, gently tag the anchor, and engage the whipstock stinger into the
anchor. The stinger will swivel to correctly align the whipstock key with the anchor recep-
7. After the whipstock engages fully into the anchor, set down enough weight to set the slips
in the anchor. Apply overpull to the whipstock to confirm that it is anchored.
8. Shear the lug connecting the running tool or starting mill and the whipstock. POOH with
the running tool and replace the BHA with a window milling assembly or stay at depth
with the starting mill and prepare to open the window.
Generally, a low speed, high torque motor is a good choice for window milling. A large selec-
tion of mills is available, ranging from diamond speed mills with small cutters to aggressive
“metal muncher” mills with large carbide cutters. The proper choice of a mill for a given
application depends on a number of factors including the motor speed and torque capability,
CT size, and potential hole cleaning performance. The more aggressive the mill cutting action
is, the more powerful the motor must be, and the larger the CT must be for torsional resistance
and adequate flow rate for hole cleaning. A typical milling BHA might consist of a high
torque CT connector, check valve(s), circulating (flow bypass) sub, disconnect, motor,
flex-joint, and starting mill.
Figure 15.56 shows a window mill from Baker Oil Tools (BOT) with aggressive “metal
muncher” cutting surfaces.
Figure 15.57 shows a turbine type window mill (at the bottom) combined with a string mill.
Figure 15.58 shows a selection of mills (foreground) and whipstocks (background) used for
CTD projects in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
The following generic procedure starts after RIH with the milling BHA and gently tagging the
1. Pick up approximately 5 ft and begin pumping at the rate required to operate the motor.
After the pump pressure stabilizes, slowly slack off the CT until the starting mill begins to
cut into the casing, as indicated by an increase in pump pressure. Depending on the sen-
sors in the BHA, alternative indications of mill performance might be increased BHA
vibrations or WOB.
2. Patience is a virtue when milling a window with CT. Adding too much WOB, i.e., slack-
ing off CT too fast, can stall the motor, cause the mill to cut into the whipstock, or force
the mill out of the casing too early. The latter can create a lip at the bottom of the window
that can snag the open hole BHA. Watch the pump pressure and/or BHA sensors for an
indication of motor performance.
3. The starting mill will not effectively drill the formation. When the ROP becomes insensi-
tive to WOB, activate the flow bypass in the BHA and circulate at the highest rate possible
while POOH. Depending on the whipstock configuration and the mill, the initial hole in
the casing should be 3-5 ft long.
4. Change the starting mill to a formation mill or window mill and add a string or water-
melon mill above it. The purpose of the second mill is to enlarge the window and smooth
its edges.
5. RIH to the window and tag bottom. Pick up approximately 5 ft and begin pumping at the
rate required to operate the motor. After the pump pressure stabilizes, slowly slack off the
CT until the mill begins to cut into the casing.
6. Continue milling until the string or watermelon mill has exited the window and drilled
about 5 ft of formation. Be patient and avoid slacking off CT too fast. Watch the pump
pressure and/or BHA sensors for an indication of motor performance.
7. Make several passes across the window to insure that the edges are smooth and no lip
exists to snag the open hole BHA. The window should be approximately 9 ft long at this
8. Activate the flow bypass in the BHA and circulate at the highest rate possible while
Figure 15.60 through Figure 15.63 illustrate the concept of milling a window from a conven-
tional whipstock.
FIGURE 15.60 Running and Setting the Whipstock with a Running Tool
FIGURE 15.63 Enlarging and Smoothing the Window with a Watermelon Mill
Section “Downhole Motors for CTD” page 15-16 describe different options for directional
drilling BHAs. A typical BHA for drilling the build section would consist of a high torque CT
connector, check valve(s), disconnect, orienting tool, steering tool, bent-housing motor, and
bit. The BHA for drilling a straight section would not require the orienting tool, and a
straight-housing motor would replace the bent-housing motor.
1. RIH with the directional drilling assembly to the top of the window. If pumping while
RIH, maintain the flow rate below that necessary to operate the motor.
2. Slowly slack off CT and gently tag bottom. Pick up approximately 5 ft and orient the tool
face to the correct position. Begin pumping at the rate required to operate the motor. After
the pump pressure stabilizes, slowly slack off the CT (add WOB) until the bit begins to cut
formation. Maintain the correct tool face angle.
3. Follow the drilling program or instructions from the directional driller to drill the build
4. Monitor cuttings removal at the solids control equipment to determine the hole cleaning
efficiency. Make periodic wiper trips back to the window and/or regularly pump viscous
sweeps to improve hole cleaning.
5. After reaching the end of the build section, pull the BHA to the window while pumping at
the highest flow rate possible.
6. If possible, alternate drilling fluid with viscous sweeps until bottoms up.
7. If the BHA includes a circulation sub (flow bypass), activate the bypass and POOH while
pumping at the highest rate possible. Otherwise pump at a rate below that necessary to
operate the motor.
9. RIH with the new drilling assembly to the top of the window. If pumping while RIH,
maintain the flow rate below that necessary to operate the motor.
10. Slowly slack off CT and gently tag bottom. Pick up approximately 5 ft and orient the
BHA. Begin pumping at the rate required to operate the motor. After the pump pressure
stabilizes, slowly slack off the CT (add WOB) until the bit begins to cut formation.
11. Follow the drilling program or instructions from the directional driller.
12. Monitor cuttings removal at the solids control equipment to determine the hole cleaning
efficiency. Make periodic wiper trips back to the bottom of the build section and occa-
sional wiper trips back to the window.
13. Continue drilling to the end of the current hole section or until the bit stops drilling,
whichever comes first. Pull the BHA to the window while pumping at the highest flow
rate possible.
Leaving the production tubing in place during the CTD operation is significantly less expen-
sive than pulling the tubing. Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, where mobilizing a rig is extremely expen-
sive, is a good example. Through tubing CTD may be the only alternative for sidetracking a
well when a rig is unavailable. Also, drilling through the production tubing improves hole
cleaning and allows higher WOB (see Chapter 7 “Buckling and Lock-up”).
BP’s CTD project in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, has been successful because of the through tubing
whipstock (TTW) developed by BOT. This tool allows reentering through and sidetracking
below completions as small as 3.50 in. BP has set most of the TTWs in 7 in. 26 lb/ft and
29 lb/ft casing. Figure 15.64 is a schematic of the TTW installed in a typical Prudhoe Bay
3.0’ Dimple Mills Tag the Casing
Overall Length
Average Length of Windows
5.50’ to 6.00’
Setting Rod
3.625” OD
Setting Slips
7” 26 or 29 #/ft
Figure 15.65 and Figure 15.66 show the upper and lower portions, respectively, of a TTW
from BOT. The running tool connects to the top of the shear block. When the whipstock is in
the correct position, activating the setting tool pulls on the shear block, which pulls on the set-
ting rod, which cams the slips tightly against the casing.
FIGURE 15.65 Top of a TTW Showing the Lower Shear Block (BOT)
FIGURE 15.66 Lower Section of a TTW Showing the Slips and Setting Rod (BOT)
• Well preparation
• Preparing/setting the whipstock
• Milling the window
• Drilling the sidetrack
The following sections describe the primary steps and important considerations for each phase
of a through tubing sidetracking operation.
Well Preparation
1. Drift the entire length of the production tubing with a tool having the same OD and length
as the TTW. Remove (mill) any restrictions in the wellbore.
2. Unless the gas lift system will be used during drilling operations, replace the gas lift
valves with dummy valves prior to the start of drilling operations.
3. Run a CCL and gamma ray tool from surface to at least 100 ft below the proposed KOP to
provide both an accurate depth correlation and choice of location for setting the whip-
stock. Milling through a casing collar can be difficult (time-consuming), therefore, expen-
4. Run a cement bond log (CBL) or other cement evaluation tool to determine the quality of
the cement sheath at the desired KOP. If the results show poor cement quality, try a reme-
dial cement squeeze or move the KOP to a location with a solid cement sheath.
5. Run a casing caliper at least 100 ft above and below the proposed KOP. The location for
setting the whipstock must be round as possible. If the casing is too oval or distorted, the
anchor slips will not hold properly. Ream the whipstock setting interval as necessary to
prepare the casing for the anchor.
The TTW does not use a packer/anchor and can be run in a single trip.
1. Dress (adjust) the anchor slips to fit the casing ID measured in step 5 in Section “Well
Preparation” page 15-94.
2. Assemble the BHA for running the whipstock. The simplest BHA would consist of a CT
connector, check valve(s), and the running/setting tool. An alternative BHA would consist
of a high torque CT connector, check valve(s), disconnect, orienting tool, steering tool,
and running/setting tool. This second BHA would allow setting the orientation (azimuth)
of the whipstock face.
3. RIH with the whipstock to the setting depth. Orient the whipstock as required and activate
the setting tool.
4. Shear the lug connecting the running tool and the whipstock. POOH with the running tool
and replace the BHA with a window milling assembly.
The procedure for milling the window is the same as described in Section “Milling the Win-
dow” page 15-82.
The procedure for drilling the sidetrack is the same as described in Section “Drilling the Side-
track” page 15-90.
Arco pioneered this window milling technique for reentry drilling at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
Although developed primarily for through tubing re-entries, this method also works when the
production tubing has been removed. The objective of this technique is to directionally drill
through the cement and exit the casing at the desired KOP and pointing in the correct direc-
tion. The three phases of time drilling from a cement plug are:
• Well preparation
• Milling the window
• Drilling the sidetrack
The following sections summarize the primary steps and important considerations for side-
tracking from a cement plug.
Well Preparation
2. Nipple down the production tree and install the pressure control equipment.
5. Run a CCL and gamma ray tool from surface to at least 100 ft below the proposed KOP to
provide both an accurate depth correlation and choice of location for setting the whip-
stock. Milling through a casing collar can be difficult (time-consuming), therefore, expen-
6. Run a cement bond log (CBL) or other cement evaluation tool to determine the quality of
the cement sheath at the desired KOP. If the results show poor cement quality, try a reme-
dial cement squeeze or move the KOP to a location with a solid cement sheath.
7. Place a cement plug with high compressive strength in the wellbore straddling the location
for the window. Usually the cement contains nylon or other fibers to give it the mechanical
strength necessary to withstand the abusive milling operation.
NOTE: Install magnets in the flowline (ditch) to the solids control system and
each shaker’s possum belly to capture as much of the metallic cuttings from
the milling operation as possible. Check and clean these magnets on a regular
Low WOB and highly controlled ROP are the hallmarks of time drilling from a cement plug,
so less aggressive cutting action, e.g. a diamond speed mill, is the best approach.
2. After the cement has cured adequately, drill a pilot hole in the cement while maintaining
low WOB and the tool face orientation in the direction of the planned wellbore.
3. When the mill (bit) reaches the KOP for the sidetrack, activate the flow bypass in the BHA
and circulate at the highest rate possible while POOH.
4. Adjust the bend in the motor to a higher angle, about 2.5º, and replace the drill bit, if used
for the pilot hole, with a diamond speed mill.
6. Pick up approximately 5 ft and orient the BHA. Begin pumping at the rate required to
operate the motor. After the pump pressure stabilizes, slowly slack off the CT until the
mill begins to cut into the cement plug or casing, as indicated by an increase in pump pres-
sure. Depending on the sensors in the BHA, alternative indications of mill performance
might be increased BHA vibrations or WOB.
7. Advance the CT in short steps of less than an inch with preprogrammed hold between
each step. The length of each step and the following hold period should vary with the mill-
ing progress. These are best determined from yard tests.
NOTE: Patience is a virtue when time drilling from a cement plug. Adding
too much WOB, i.e., slacking off CT too fast can stall the motor or cause the
mill to cut a hole in the cement plug parallel to the casing. Watch the pump
pressure and/or BHA sensors for an indication of motor performance.
8. After milling through the casing and drilling about 5 ft of formation, or when ROP drops
to an unacceptable level, activate the flow bypass in the BHA and circulate at the highest
rate possible while POOH.
9. If the diamond speed mill does not effectively drill the formation, replace the diamond
speed mill with a formation mill, RIH, and drill about 5 ft of formation. Activate the flow
bypass in the BHA and circulate at the highest rate possible while POOH.
10. Replace the mill with a string or watermelon mill having a bull nose (no bit) below it.
11. RIH to the top of the window and begin pumping at the rate required to operate the motor.
After the pump pressure stabilizes, make several passes across the window to insure that
the edges are smooth and no lip exists to snag the open hole BHA.
12. Activate the flow bypass in the BHA and circulate at the highest rate possible while
The procedure for drilling the sidetrack is the same as described in Section “Drilling the Side-
track” page 15-90.
Although developed primarily for through tubing re-entries, this method also works when the
production tubing has been removed. The objective of this technique is to drill a pilot hole in
the cement plug and install a whipstock in the hole at the desired KOP. The four phases of
kicking off from a whipstock in a cement plug are:
• Well preparation
• Installing the whipstock
• Milling the window
• Drilling the sidetrack
Well Preparation
The well preparation phase is the same as described in Section “Well Preparation” page 15-96,
except for the additional step of drilling a straight pilot hole to a depth approximately 10 ft
below the planned KOP.
1. Dress (adjust) the whipstock slips to fit the pilot hole ID.
2. Assemble the BHA for running the whipstock. The BHA would consist of a high torque
CT connector, check valve(s), disconnect, orienting tool, steering tool, and running/setting
tool. This BHA would allow setting the orientation (azimuth) of the whipstock face.
3. RIH with the whipstock and gently tag the bottom of the pilot hole. Orient the whipstock
face as required.
4. Slowly slack off CT to provide the setdown weight specified by the whipstock supplier for
setting the slips.
5. Release the running tool by shearing the stud connecting the whipstock to the tool. Some
tools release with setdown weight, while others require overpull.
The procedure for milling the window is the same as described in Section “Milling the Win-
dow” page 15-82.
The procedure for drilling the sidetrack is the same as described in Section “Drilling the Side-
track” page 15-90.
The tasks required to prepare for a CTD project are either technical or administrative. The fol-
lowing sections summarize some of these tasks and the checklists that can facilitate their com-
Technical Preparation
To enable the efficient management and coordination of these individual areas, the planner
should prepare a list of tasks required to complete the technical preparation. This list should
describe each task, designate a person or group responsible for the task, and identify a sched-
ule for presenting the results. Section “CTD Procedure and Task List” page 15-117 provides a
sample check list to aid the planning process.
Comprehensive checklists for the headings shown below will help identify the source(s) of
equipment, services, and expertise necessary to complete the project. Each checklist should
include an accurate description of the item or service, the source for each, and relevant sched-
ule or availability conflicts.
• Surface equipment
• Consumables
• Spare parts and supplies
• Dowhhole tools
• Associated services
Due to the complex nature of the overall CTD operation, the planner should develop detailed
procedures and plans for the principal project elements. These procedures must consider the
specific well site, wellbore, and reservoir conditions anticipated during execution of the
project. The planner should review all procedures and plans with the Customer, contractor,
and regulatory personnel involved with the CTD project. In most cases, a formal review and
approval process is an excellent method of ensuring all parties acknowledge acceptance of the
procedures and plans.
NOTE: Clearly identify each planning document with a date and/or version
number. This will minimize confusion and potential problems between the
parties involved with the project.
The following list includes typical elements of a generic CTD project. A specific project may
have fewer or additional functions and requirements.
• Mob/demob organization
• Rigging up/down
• Setting whipstock & milling window (if required)
• Well control
• Well control equipment testing
• BHA deployment (regardless of wellbore pressure control)
• Running and setting liner or casing (if required)
• Running completion string
• Cementing job design
• Drilling fluid program
• Contingency plans
• Emergency responses
The planner can simplify the explanation required for procedures and plans by providing con-
cise and suitably detailed drawings and schematic diagrams. The following list includes typi-
cal examples of drawings or schematic diagrams for CTD projects.
NOTE: Clearly identify each planning document with a date and/or version
number. This will minimize confusion and potential problems between the
parties involved with the project.
In addition to the availability and assignment of personnel, the planner may need to address
several other personnel issues. The following examples may apply to the organization of CTD
personnel for various applications and locations.
Administrative Preparation
The planner must clarify and finalize arrangements between the customer and the contrac-
tor(s). The final agreement should include the following sections:
• Liability clauses
• Day rates, lump sums, incentives, and penalties
The location for the CTD project impacts the planning process at the same level as the well
itself, because the location defines the operating environment, the logistics for the project, and
applicable regulations. The planner must answer the following questions for a given location:
• Does the location have any physical constraints, e.g., dimensions, surface loading, equip-
ment placement?
• What logistical constraints exist, e.g., limits to access, operational windows, distance from
required services?
• What provisions may be necessary to adequately protect the environment, e.g., noise, spill
protection, temporary chemical storage?
• Is a crane or mast and drawworks of adequate capacity available, and will it be able to ser-
vice the needs of the proposed operations?
• Where is the personnel accommodation?
• What local weather, environmental, or seasonal conditions may restrict operations?
The requirements or objectives for a given CTD well help to define the equipment, proce-
dures, and personnel required to complete the project. These will be different for new wells
compared to sidetracking existing wells.
For new wells and vertical deepenings, the planner must answer the following questions:
• What are the exploration and production objectives for the well, e.g., oil or gas, production
rate for each fluid?
• What are the requirements for data collection, e.g., electric logging, mud logging, rig
• What is the wellbore design, e.g., open hole sizes and TD for each section, casing program
and depth for each shoe?
• If the wellbore is deviated, what is the projected well profile?
• If the wellbore is vertical, what is the maximum acceptable deviation?
• What are the expected downhole conditions, e.g., pressures and temperatures, lithology,
risk of shallow gas, sloughing shales, likelihood of H2S?
• How drillable are the formations, e.g., are offset well bit records available?
• What drilling fluid(s) are appropriate, e.g., under or overbalanced conditions, chances for
lost circulation, sensitivity of formations?
At the time of this writing, the technical capabilities for drilling new wells or deepening exist-
ing vertical wells with CT are approximately:
• Hole sizes up to 12.25 in. subject to the torque and hydraulic limitations for the CT string.
For hole sizes greater than 6.75 in., formations must be unconsolidated.
• Motors up to 6.5 in. OD subject to the torque and hydraulic limitations for the CT string.
• Depth to 10,000 ft depending on hole size, formation drillability, and mechanical and
hydraulic limitations for the CT string.
The hydraulic limitations for drilling new wells with CT are due primarily to hole cleaning
problems. Chapter 10 “CT Hydraulic Performance” provides a detailed discussion of CT
hydraulics and explains the factors affecting the maximum possible flow rate and hole clean-
ing performance for a given CT string. The most direct solution is to use the largest diameter
CT possible (available) for the job. Drill collars above the motor generally supply the neces-
sary WOB in vertical wells, so that the entire CT string is always in tension. Consequently, the
axial stiffness of the CT is not an issue, i.e., no buckling problems. However, the heavy BHA
and powerful motor required for drilling large diameter holes can push the CT towards its
mechanical limits (see Chapter 8 “CT Mechanical Limits”). Both the torque capacity and ten-
sion limits for the CT increase with increasing OD, allowing larger and deeper wellbores. The
best method of determining the possibilities for applying CTD to new wells or vertical deep-
enings is to simulate the job with software like Cerberus™.
For sidetracking an existing well, the planner must answer the following questions:
• What are the exploration and production objectives for the well, e.g., oil or gas, production
rate for each fluid?
• What are the completion requirements, e.g., configuration, liner size(s), packer(s),
• What is the wellbore design, e.g., open hole sizes and TD for each section, existing com-
pletion sizes and depth for each shoe?
• If the existing wellbore is deviated, what is the well profile?
• What kickoff technique is most appropriate?
• What is the proposed profile for the new well section and what are the tolerances for hit-
ting the target(s)?
• What are the expected downhole conditions, e.g., pressures and temperatures, lithology,
risk of shallow gas, sloughing shales, likelihood of H2S?
• How drillable are the formations, e.g., are offset well bit records available?
• What drilling fluid(s) are appropriate, e.g., under or overbalanced conditions, chances for
lost circulation, sensitivity of formations?
At the time of this writing, the technical capabilities for sidetracking existing wells with CT
• For through tubing operations, minimum production tubing size is 3.5 in.
• CTD can drill hole sizes up to 4.75 in. with a maximum build rate of 60º/100 ft. and hole
sizes up to 6.0 in. with a maximum build rate of 15º/100 ft.
• Achievable total depth depends on the well profile, hole sizes, WOB requirements, and
limitations for the CT string, but is at least 15,000 ft.
• Achievable total horizontal drainhole length depends on the well profile, hole sizes, WOB
requirements, and limitations for the CT string, but is at least 3000 ft.
The total depth and horizontal drainhole length limitations for sidetracks are due primarily to
hole cleaning problems and inadequate WOB due to excessive drag. Chapter 10 “CT Hydrau-
lic Performance” provides a detailed discussion of CT hydraulics and explains the factors
affecting the maximum possible flow rate and hole cleaning performance for a given CT
string. The most direct solution is to use the largest diameter CT possible (available) for the
job. This also increases the stiffness of the CT, reducing buckling and generally increasing
WOB for a given depth (see Chapter 7 “Buckling and Lock-up”). However, the best method
of determining the possibilities for applying CTD to sidetracking existing wells is to simulate
the job with software like Cerberus™.
Pulling the completion string from existing wells may be necessary before sidetracking or
deepening them. In addition, running new completion strings may be part of the CTD project.
Therefore, the planner must consider these requirements and provide for the equipment, pro-
cedures, and personnel to perform these operations. If a mast and drawworks are not available,
the planner has two options, crane or jacking substructure. The choice depends on the weight
of the tubulars to be run or pulled.
Providing the weight of the tubing or casing string does not exceed the crane capacity, this is
the simplest method of running or retrieving the string. The crane becomes a substitute for the
rig and must have a significant reserve capacity in case the string gets stuck. Most cranes can
only handle singles, so pulling and running tubulars is slower than with a rig. Conventional
drilling slips, elevators, and safety clamps are suitable for this application as well. A power
tong is required to make up the connections.
Dowell has designed and built three different systems combining a substructure and snubbing
jacks to run or pull wellbore tubulars without the requirement for a mast. The jacks operate
only with downward loading, i.e., they do not have any snubbing capability. The Hydra-Rig or
Kremco systems have two jacks with a 160,000 lbf pulling capacity and an 11 ft stroke. The
Hydra Rig system can only be used with 7.06 in. or smaller BOPs. Figure 15.67 shows one of
these units. The Dreco system has four jacks with a 200,000 lbs pulling capacity and an 8 ft
stroke. This system can be used with a 13.625 in. BOP stack, making it the best jacking sys-
tem for CTD applications. These substructures accommodate a tubing power tong to make up
or break the tubing connections. The crane handles single joints of tubing. All three systems
allow the injector head to be skidded off the well.
In underbalanced drilling, the BHA must be deployed and retrieved under live well conditions
(WHP > 0). The two options are (1) an external lubricator eg. wireline lubricator or riser
above the BOP, or (2) an internal lubricator eg. The length of production tubing between the
External Lubricator
The deployment procedures are similar to those used when deploying CT service tools. See
Chapter 18 "Deploying a Long Tool String in a Live Well", page 18-53 for details about live
well deployment. This technique can require substantial overhead clearance and may not be
suitable for many locations. Other locations may not be able to accommodate a lubricator tall
enough to house the entire BHA. In those cases, a method of assembling the BHA sections
inside the pressure containment is necessary. An advantage of using an external lubricator is
that the well can continue flowing during rigging up/down of the BHA.
Internal Lubricator
Using the production tubing between the BOP and the SSSV as a lubricator depends on the
local regulations and well control practices. However it is a “low profile” option for locations
with limited overhead clearance. A disadvantage of this approach is that it shuts in the well
during rigging up/down of the BHA. Consequently, it is not a good alternative where the
entire CTD operation must be conducted with the well underbalanced.
The operational practices used in CTD are largely the same “good practices” developed for
conventional drilling applications. The planner should incorporate as many of the following as
possible into the procedures for the CTD operation:
• Bit selection depends on formation hardness, available WOB, and motor RPM. Choose a
bit suitable for the formation; coned bits for soft-medium formations (high-speed bits are
best); fixed-cutter, drag bits for harder drilling conditions.
• The drilling fluid system must be compatible with the formations and drilling conditions.
In most cases a shear-thinning fluid system is a good choice for optimizing hole cleaning.
• Allow the hole cleaning performance to determine the maximum acceptable ROP. Drill
only as fast as the hole can be cleaned based on size and volume of cuttings in the return
fluid flow.
• Maintain the highest flow rate possible whenever the CT string is in the well and avoid
shutting down the pumps unless absolutely necessary, e.g., flow checks.
• Regularly sweep the hole with a high-viscosity fluid, especially in larger hole sizes. Estab-
lish the required frequency for sweeps after observing the hole cleaning efficiency of the
drilling fluid.
• Periodically circulate bottoms-up. Establish the required frequency based on ROP and
hole cleaning efficiency.
• Conduct frequent, regular wiper trips. Establish the required frequency and distance to
pick up after observing hole cleaning efficiency. Conduct a wiper trip any time the CT
operator observes abnormal drag.
• To avoid stalling the motor, maintain a constant WOB that is appropriate for the motor
pressure differential and ROP.
• Avoid swabbing the hole during POOH by maintaining a pulling speed that is consistent
with the rate of back-filling the hole with fluid.
• Avoid surging the hole during RIH with excessive speed and excessive flow rate. A CT
hydraulics simulator can help set the limits for running speed and flow rate during RIH.
Many factors affect the selection of equipment used for a CTD project including:
• Well location
• Well type
• Necessity for pulling/running jointed pipe
• Well control method (over or under balanced)
• BHA deployment
• Availability
However, the following list summarizes the principle equipment necessary for a typical CTD
• CTD rig
• CT equipment
• Pressure control equipment
• Kick detection system
• Drilling fluid system
• Pumping equipment
• Data acquisition system
• Jointed pipe handling equipment
• Ancillary surface equipment
• Safety and emergency equipment
An important function for the planner is to develop detailed checklists for all of the equipment
and to designate the individual(s) responsible for confirming the arrival and condition of all of
the equipment on location.
The type, configuration, size, and performance capabilities for a substructure to support the
injector head and handle jointed pipe depend primarily on the requirements for pulling/run-
ning jointed pipe. That is, the main consideration for choosing a CTD “rig” is the above
ground activities. After the BHA is below the BOP, the rig is on standby. Therefore, chose a
substructure, mast unit, or rig that will add value to the operations at the surface. Section
“CTD Rig Systems” page 15-32 describes many of the CTD rig systems available at the time
of this writing.
CT Equipment
The selection of CT equipment for a drilling operation depends primarily on the type of well
planned and the expected downhole conditions. Chapter 4 “CT Surface Equipment” provides
an overview of CT surface equipment used for well workover operations.
CT string
New and directional wells typically require CT larger than 1.75 in. OD with a wall thickness
of at least 0.156 in. The CT material yield strength should be at least 80 Kpsi. For vertical
wells and deepenings, 1.50 in. CT may be adequate. Determine the CT size, wall thickness,
and material required for a given well from the results of a CT simulator like Orpheus™ (see
Chapter 17 "CT Simulators", page 17-11). The installation of electric cable inside the CT
string depends on the BHA selected. Chapter 12 "Logging with CT (Stiff Wireline)",
page 12-45 describes the options available for installing and removing the electric cable.
Injector Head
New and directional wells require an injector head with a minimum pulling capacity of
60,000 Ibf. For vertical wells and deepenings, an injector head with pulling capacity of
40,000 Ibf capacity may be adequate. Use a guide arch with the largest possible radius to
reduce CT fatigue damage (see Chapter 9 "Minimizing CT Fatigue", page 9-21). Determine
the actual performance requirements for the injector head based on the surface weight pre-
dicted by a CT simulator for POOH in the planned well.
The reel must have adequate capacity for the CT string selected for the project. Use the largest
core diameter possible to reduce CT fatigue (see Chapter 9 "Minimizing CT Fatigue",
page 9-21).
If the CT unit powerpack will supply any non-standard equipment, e.g., high capacity injector
head, or auxiliary equipment during the drilling operation it must have adequate reserve
capacity to operate all of the equipment simultaneously without affecting the operation of the
injector head.
Onshore, the hydraulic crane attached to the CT unit or an independent hydraulic crane truck
should be adequate for handling the injector head and BHA. Offshore, a crane on the platform
or support vessel, e.g., lift boat or barge, would provide this function. If the drilling operation
includes pulling/running jointed pipe, a more substantial crane or lifting structure will be nec-
Section “Bottom Hole Assembly” through Section “Drill Bits for CTD” describe the compo-
nents for CTD BHAs, and Section “Exiting an Existing Wellbore” suggests BHAs for exiting
an existing wellbore and directional drilling. The choice of BHA for a particular project
depends on a number of factors including:
• Hole size
• Requirements for directional control
• Requirements for downhole measurements, e.g., gamma ray, pressure, temperature, WOB
• Drilling fluid (MWD requires a liquid path to surface)
• Bottom hole temperature
• Deployment method (underbalanced)
• Availability of electric cable installed in the CT
The BOP bore size for CTD depends on the planned wellbore and completion size. Two com-
mon BOP sizes used for drilling are 4.06 in. and 7.06 in. The former is usually a quad ram
configuration, and the latter is usually a combined ram configuration. Larger BOP sizes may
be needed for certain applications or nonstandard BHAs. For most CTD applications, a pres-
sure rating of 5000 psi is adequate, but the actual pressure rating must be compatible with the
expected bottom hole pressure. An annular BOP is also required to seal around the BHA dur-
ing trips or around large diameter tubulars such as a completion.
The choke line, kill line, and choke manifold are the same as used for standard drilling opera-
tions. When using two BOP stacks, the drilling fluid return line must have a remotely-oper-
ated valve. All BOP controls must be operable from the Koomey unit and inside the CT unit
Rapid detection of kicks or losses is essential when drilling overbalanced in a small diameter
hole. Two methods are suitable for CTD, flow comparison and drilling fluid pit level monitor-
The best way of detecting whether the well is flowing or losing fluid is to measure the differ-
ence between the flow rate into the well and the flow rate returning from the well. This
requires an accurate measurement of the flow at the inlet of the CT reel and at the return line
to the drilling fluid system. The best approach is to install a suitable flow meter, e.g., magnetic
or MicroMotion™ type, at each location. However, an accurate pump stroke counter is an
alternative for measuring the flow into the well if the volumetric output of the pump has been
calibrated. Once in operation, the difference between the two flow measurements will indicate
a kick or a loss. The “delta flow” signal is easy to monitor with a data acquisition system and
use for triggering alarms.
Detecting a kick or a loss by measuring the change in the level of a drilling fluid pit is simple
in theory but more difficult in practice. For small diameter wellbores, the drilling fluid pit
must be small enough to register small volume changes. On the other hand, the drilling fluid
pit must be large enough to accommodate the needs of the drilling operation. Also, the trend
in the drilling fluid pit level is the actual indicator of a kick or loss. This is not as simple to
monitor automatically as “delta flow” but a computerized data acquisition system can usually
handle the task.
The drilling fluid system for CTD is the same as for conventional drilling, only smaller vol-
ume. Select the total volume of the active surface pit(s) based on recommendations from the
drilling fluid service company. The active system includes the drilling fluid in the wellbore, so
the surface pits must be sized for the desired round trip circulation time to accommodate addi-
tions of materials and treatment chemicals. A typical drilling fluid system for CTD has an
active volume of approximately 50 bbl. Mixing and reserve pits may be added to accommo-
date bulk additions of materials or preparing whole volumes of new drilling fluid.
The solids control equipment for CTD usually consists of a high performance shale shaker
with relatively fine-mesh screens and a centrifuge. The required processing capacity (perfor-
mance capability) for each depends on the hole size being drilled and the expected drilling
fluid flow rate. For new wells, sloughing shales, or unconsolidated formations, a conventional
shaker with relatively coarse screens upstream of the high performance shaker can remove
large and/or sticky cuttings. The centrifuge is necessary for removing the relatively fine cut-
tings generated by CTD.
For overbalanced drilling, a “poor boy” or vacuum degasser is adequate for separating pro-
duced gas from the drilling fluid. For underbalanced drilling, a three-phase separator sized for
the expected flow rates of liquid(s), solids, and gas is required. Liquid hydrocarbons can be
sent to the production facilities (if available) for processing or stored for processing later. Pro-
duced gas can be sent to the production line or flared. Removal and disposal of the solids (cut-
tings) depends on local regulations.
Pumping Equipment
The pumping equipment consists of low pressure centrifugal pumps for mixing the drilling
fluid, agitating the pits, transferring fluid from pit to pit, and charging the high pressure
pump(s), and at least one high pressure, positive displacement pump for circulating the drill-
ing fluid through the CT and wellbore. The specifications for the high-pressure pump(s)
depend on the flow rate and pressure (hydraulic HP) required by the drilling operation. Add-
ing excess pumping capacity, e.g., for contingency operations or planned maintenance, is a
prudent move. A set of controls for operating the high-pressure pump(s) must be located in the
CT unit cab.
A standard CT unit data acquisition system as described in Chapter 4 "CT Data Acquisition
System (DAS)", page 4-52 should be adequate for a CTD operation with the addition of a few
extra input channels, e.g., pit level(s) and/or “delta flow”.
Regardless of whether the CTD project includes pulling an existing completion and running a
new one, the operations personnel will still have to assemble/disassemble the BHA. Section
“Running and Pulling Wellbore Tubulars” page 15-105 describes cranes and substructures for
pulling/running jointed pipe. The following list summarizes additional equipment for han-
dling jointed pipe.
• Tubing spider slips to hold the BHA or jointed tubing when making or breaking joints
• Elevators to hoist single joints of pipe
• Safety clamps to prevent the string from falling into the hole if the slips fail
• Tubing power tong to make or break jointed connections with the proper torque
Every CTD operation requires or benefits from additional equipment not described above.
This ancillary equipment might include:
• Generator to provide electricity to the living accommodations, office(s), flood lights, cen-
trifuge, monitoring equipment, etc.
• Electrical distribution panel for connecting the generator to the various electrical loads
and providing circuit breakers
• Flood lights for safe night operations
• Air compressor for starting diesel engines, operating air-powered tools, and supplying
instrument air
• Tools container or portable workshop stocked with hand and power tools
• Spare parts container
A prudent planner acknowledges that accidents and emergencies happen and provides contin-
gencies for such occurrences. The following list includes a few suggestions for safety and
emergency response equipment for a CTD operation.
The primary objective of well control in overbalanced drilling is to prevent an influx of for-
mation fluid(s) into the wellbore. This means the hydrostatic pressure generated by the drill-
ing fluid must always slightly exceed the highest open hole formation pressure. The
equipment and techniques used on CTD operations further minimize some of the risks when
drilling overbalanced. Primarily these are fast shut-in time and the ability to RIH and POOH
with pressure at the wellhead.
The primary objective of well control in underbalanced drilling is to allow a controlled influx
of formation fluid(s) into the wellbore. This means the combined frictional pressure loss in the
annulus and the hydrostatic pressure generated by the drilling fluid must be less than the open
hole formation pressure. In other words, the primary well control mechanism is not the hydro-
static pressure of the drilling fluid. Instead, the primary barrier of the CT equipment (stripper)
is the initial defense against a kick.
• All personnel involved in the drilling process should be trained and qualified in well con-
trol theory and application.
• BOP equipment must be suited to the specific operating conditions and meet local regula-
tory requirements.
• The CT unit operator must have easy access to the BOP controls, but a redundant system
should be located away from the CT unit for operation by other personnel.
• Test the BOP controls and personnel responses on a regular basis.
• Provide a system for monitoring fluid flow in and out of the well.
• Provide a system for monitoring the level(s) of the drilling fluid pit(s).
• Provide a gas detection system for combustible hydrocarbons and H2S.
• Develop a procedure for shutting in the well for all potential scenarios.
• Develop a well-kill procedure based on the specific equipment on location.
For underbalanced drilling operations, the planner should document a means of returning the
well to a static condition. The methods all depend on the relationship between the formation
pressure and normal pressure gradient.
For the well to flow, either gas lift or foam must be used to reduce the annular hydrostatic
pressure. Reducing the gas injection rate or foam quality is a simple way to increase the bot-
tom hole pressure and kill the well. However, this requires a thorough understanding of the
affect of higher pressure on all of the open hole sections.
The hydrostatic pressure exerted by a low density drilling fluid, e.g., native crude, is low
enough for the open hole formation to flow. The amount of underbalance is not easy to adjust
quickly, because the total fluid volume must be modified, i.e., weighted up or diluted. How-
ever, killing the well only requires adding a denser fluid to the circulating system.
The well will flow if the drilling fluid density is less than what would normally be used in
overbalanced drilling. Killing the well requires significantly higher density fluid.
You can find a copy of this task list in a Microsoft Word document on the CD ("CTD Proce-
dure and Task List.doc").
1. Well Planning
1.1. CTD Engineer
1.1.1. State Permit Notification/Reporting Requirements Contact Numbers
1.1.2. Operations Procedure Target Definition Geologic Summary Mud/Fluids Design/specifications Emergency Response Plan Chain of Command Notification Chain Emergency Contact Numbers Plan Details Emergency Action Plan Chain of Command Notification Chain Emergency Contact Numbers Plan Details Reporting Requirements Drawings, Plots, and Schematics Responsibilities Chain of Command Specific Skills Required Support Requirements Contingency Plans/Emergency
Procedures Safety Issues/Weather Rig Up/Rig Down procedure Crew training in Rig up/Rig down Maintenance/Inspection Maintenance Procedure Inspection Procedure Documentation Materials Manufacture Equipment Checklist
2.1.2. CT Unit Hazop/Hazid criteria met Responsibilities Chain of Command Specific Skills Required Support Requirements Contingency Plans/Emergency
Procedures Safety Issues Crew Training Maintenance/Inspection Maintenance Procedure Inspection Procedure Equipment Checklist
2.1.3. Downhole Drilling Tools
2.7.3. Maintenance/Inspection Maintenance Procedure Inspection Procedure
2.8. BOP - Flow cross, hoses, choke manifold
2.8.1. Materials traceability
2.8.2. Manufacturing QA/QC
2.8.3. Maintenance/Inspection Maintenance Procedure Inspection Procedure
2.9. Mills, Flex joints, String Mills/Reamers
2.9.1. Materials traceability
2.9.2. Manufacturing QA/QC Manufacturing Tolerances Heat Treating Procedure
2.9.3. Maintenance/Inspection Maintenance Procedure Re-dressing Procedure Heat Treating Procedure Inspection Procedure
2.10. Wireline Company
2.10.1. E-line Unit
2.10.2. Whipstock Setting Tools
2.10.3. Orienting/Correlating Equipment
2.10.4. Lubricator and Pressure Control Equipment
2.11. Customer operations
2.11.1. Squeeze/Fluid Handling Unit, if required Hazop/Hazid criteria met Responsibilities Chain of Command Specific Skills Required
4.7. Tripping
4.7.1. Monitor Hole Fill
4.7.2. Open Hole Stability
4.7.3. Hole Cleaning
4.7.4. Monitor Tower Movement
4.7.5. Ledges
4.7.6. Tool face Orientation for movement through window
4.7.7. Short Tripping
4.8. Finish Drilling and Condition Hole
4.9. Completion Procedure
4.10. Rig Down
4.10.1. Drilling contractor - Drilling Rig with CTD unit
4.10.2. Motor Supplier - Downhole Motor and Steering/GR Tools
4.10.3. Whipstock supplier - Mills, Flex joints, String Mills/Reamers
4.10.4. Drilling Fluids Service Company
4.11. Follow-Up Evaluation and De-Briefing
4.11.1. Customer engineering
4.11.2. Customer operations
4.11.3. Drilling contractor
4.11.4. Motor Supplier
4.11.5. Support Contractors
4.12. Contingencies
4.12.1. Stuck Pipe Procedure for Working Stuck Pipe Maximum Overpull CT Cycles (With and Without Pressure) Spotting fluid Hydrostatic Reduction with N2
There are several methods that can be used to calculate the well trajectory, but the most com-
mon and one of the most accurate method is the minimum curvature. This method effectively
fits a spherical arc between two survey points. It takes the vectors defined by the inclination
and azimuth at each of the survey points and smooths these on to a wellbore trajectory by the
use of a ration factor, which is defined by the curvature of the wellbore. The following are the
calculations used:
360 ⎛ DL ⎞
RF = × tan ⎜ ⎟
DL × Π ⎝ 2 ⎠
DLS = × cos −1 ⎡⎣ cos ∆I 1 − ( sin I1 sin I 2 )(1 − cos ∆A ) ⎤⎦
Ι1 = Inclination at survey point 1 (degree)
Ι2 = Inclination at survey point 2 (degree)
Α1 = Azimuth at survey point 1 (degree)
Α2 = Azimuth at survey point 2 (degree)
d = DLS interval (100-ft or 30-m)
This chapter summarizes guidelines for planning and conducting high-pressure (HP) CT oper-
ations that will minimize the risk of these operations to both the Customer and the service
company. For the purposes of this chapter, the definition of “high pressure” is WHP between
3500 psi and 10000 psi.
This manual does not cover CT applications for WHP greater than 10000 psi. Such applica-
tions are uncommon and must be considered on an individual basis.
CT Simulators
Any CT simulator used for planning HPCT operations must be capable of providing the fol-
lowing results:
1. The forces and stresses for each segment in a CT string (as from Orpheus™)
2. The buckling condition for each segment in a CT string (as from Orpheus™)
4. The pressure distribution around the fluid flow path for a given flow rate or an estimate of
the flow rate for given pump pressure (as from Hydra™)
5. The accumulated fatigue damage in each segment of the CT string prior to and after the
proposed job (as from Reel-Trak™)
CT String Selection
Use a CT simulator to determine what CT string(s) will have adequate mechanical strength
and fatigue life to perform the proposed operation(s). Model the operation(s) with a CT simu-
lator to determine suitable outside diameter (OD), wall thickness, and material strength for the
CT string. When the CT string could be exposed to H2S or CO2 during the job, use the lowest
nominal yield strength material that meets the mechanical performance requirements. Gener-
ally, resistance to sulfide stress cracking and corrosion both increase with decreasing material
yield strength.
• Maximum von Mises equivalent stress in the CT string is less than 80%
of the material yield strength (σVME < 0.8σy). See Chapter 8 “CT
Mechanical Limits” for details.
• Calculated collapse pressure (Pc) at the maximum expected tension is
greater than 125% of the maximum possible wellhead pressure
(Pc > 1.25 x WHPmax). See Chapter 8 “CT Mechanical Limits” for
NOTE: Adequate fatigue life means that the maximum accumulated fatigue in
the CT string at the end of the operation will be less than 80% of its predicted
working life. See Chapter 9 “CT Working Life” for details.
Parametric Sensitivity
Parametric studies to assess the risks for a proposed HPCT operation are essential for pre-job
planning. The objective is to determine the ranges of operating conditions that pose the lowest
risk of failure. Therefore, run simulations for a range of input parameters. See Chapter 17 "CT
Simulators", page 17-11 for guidelines for conducting parametric studies. As a minimum,
determine the sensitivity of the proposed HPCT operation to:
Each CT simulator has a unique output format for tabular data and plots. Regardless of how
the simulator presents them, essential results for understanding the potential outcome of
the simulated HPCT operation are:
1. Predicted CT weight indicator (CTWI) versus depth during RIH and POOH
2. The distribution of axial forces acting on the CT string when it is static at a given depth
5. Working life remaining in each segment of the CT string after the proposed operation plus
contingency runs
6. For hydraulic operations at a given depth, the maximum flow rate possible for a given
pump pressure
7. For hydraulic operations, the relationship between pump pressure and flow rate versus
See Chapter 17 "CT Simulators", page 17-11 for guidelines for interpreting these simulator
As part of the planning process for each HPCT operation, the service company must submit a
job proposal for the Customer's approval per Chapter 17 "Job Planning", page 17-4. The Cus-
tomer must convert the service company job proposal into a Job Program per Chapter 17 "Job
Planning", page 17-4. Avoid the temptation to plagiarize old programs too heavily. Even
though some practices and procedures are common to every HPCT job, the combination of
operating conditions and equipment for each job will be unique. Revise or amend the job pro-
gram for a change in service company, equipment specifications, or expected operating condi-
WARNING: Do not start the actual HPCT operation until the Job Program
accurately reflects the current plans and conditions.
CT String
1. When the CT string could be exposed to H2S or CO2 during the job, the maximum nomi-
nal yield strength for any section of the CT string should be 80,000 psi.
3. Perform a pre-job pipe inspection and confirm there is sufficient life remaining in the tub-
Injector Head
1. Minimum performance capability of 60,000 lbs pull and 25,000 lbs push (snubbing).
2. Anti-buckling guide (pipe guide extension) that reduces the unsupported length of CT
below the injector chains to less than 2 in.
3. A plot of applied tension and applied compression force vs. skate ram pressure for the
injector used for the job should be posted in the CT unit control cab.
4. The weight sensor(s) must provide an electronic signal proportional to the CT weight that
can be recorded by the data acquisition system (DAS) and displayed in the CT unit control
cab. The weight sensor must be capable of measuring snubbing forces equal to the capa-
bilities of the injector head.
The injector head performance requirements are based on 1.75 in. OD x 0.156 in. wall CT
with σy = 80,000 psi and WHP = 7500 psi. The pulling force (Faxial) required to yield the CT
in pure tension (WHP = 0) is 62,500 lbf from Equation 8.1. The minimum snubbing force (no
stripper friction) is the pressure-area force at WHP = 1000 psi acting across the stripper,
Parea = 24,052 lbf, from Equation 6.18 on page 6-17. Assuming 5000 lbs of drag force at the
stripper, the snubbing force would be about 30,000 lbs.
The criterion for determining damage to the CT caused by the injector is different than for
standard CT operations. Damage to the CT for high pressure operations is any mechanical
gouging or increase in ovality that reduces the collapse rating of the tubing by more than 5%
compared to undamaged tubing as calculated by the method of Timoshenko or API RP 5C7.
For example, round 1.75 in. OD x 0.156 in. wall CT with σy = 80,000 psi should collapse at
14,263 psi, in the absence of axial force according to Equation 8.12 on page 8-20 from
Timoshenko. A reduction in wall thickness to 0.149 in. or an increase in ovality to 0.0022
would decrease the calculated collapse pressure by 5% to approximately 13,550 psi.
Anti-buckling Guide
During RIH, the CT can experience high compressive force below the injector chains and
above the strippers. This compressive force is enough to buckle unsupported CT in the gap
between the stripper and injector chains. Consequently, failure due to buckling is the most
serious threat in this gap. A thick-walled cylinder (anti-buckling guide) inserted into the gap
can eliminate this threat by providing lateral support for the CT. An anti-buckling is required
for all high pressure CT operations.
Figure 16.1 shows the catastrophic failure that results from excessive snubbing force on
unsupported CT between the injector chains and the stripper.
For unsupported columns, the slenderness ratio, ξ, determines what form of equation is appro-
priate to predict the axial force at buckling.
L is the unsupported length of CT and Equation 16.2 defines the radius of gyration, rg, when
ro = OD/2 and ri = (OD-2t)/2.
ro2 + ri 2
rg =
Classical elastic buckling theory based on the Euler buckling equation does not apply for
“short” columns with ξ < 80. The buckling problem illustrated in Figure 16.1 usually falls in
this range of slenderness ratio. The Gordon-Rankine buckling equation, Equation 16.3, can be
used to determine the critical buckling force for this case.
Fy = A x σy
σy = yield stress of CT material
A = cross sectional area of CT wall = 0.25π[OD2-(OD-2t)2]
β = empirical constant determined from tests
ξ = slenderness ratio
Newman, et al1, conducted numerous tests with new and used CT in a hydraulic press and
used CT in three different injector heads to determine appropriate value(s) for β. Figure 16.2
is a single frame from a video recording of one of the injector tests.
1. Newman, K and Aasen, J., “Catastrophic Buckling of Coiled Tubing in the Injector”, SPE Paper 46007, 1998
SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Round Table, Houston, TX, April 15-16, 1998.
The results of these tests supported the following conclusions about unsupported buckling of
b. Chain wear
c. Skate pressure
• Le, the vertical distance from the top of the stripper to the center of the lower sprocket
axle, for L in the slenderness ratio
• β = 0.03
• 50% safety factor (SF)
Equation 16.4 is the result of applying these recommendations to Equation 16.3 with ξ = .
EQUATION 16.4 Gordon-Rankine equation for CT between the injector and stripper
SF × Fy
Fb =
1 + 0.0009ξ 2
where SF is 50%
1. The pressure control equipment stack must include the following components, from the
top down:
• Primary
• Ancillary, if so equipped
• Secondary
• Tertiary
2. All pressure control equipment must have a maximum allowable working pressure of at
least 10,000 psi.
4. Post a detailed schematic of the pressure control equipment stack at the following loca-
• CT unit control cab
• Remote BOP control panel for the tertiary equipment
Primary Components
1. The primary pressure control equipment must consist of the following components, from
the top down:
4. Strippers should be equipped with a high-pressure fluid injection port located below the
packing element assembly.
6. Inject lubricant or H2S scavenger either before or into the active stripper when the CT is
Secondary Components
1. BOP elastomers and seals must be rated for high pressure and H2S service at 250 ºF.
2. The hydraulic accumulator system for operating the BOP rams must have the capability of
performing all required operations at max WHP. This includes cutting pipe. If e-line or
umbilical line is used inside the tubing, ensure the BOP will cut these items.
Tertiary Components
The tertiary pressure control equipment must consist of two independently controlled single
ram BOPs, from the top down:
• Shear/seal BOP
• Pipe/slip BOP
The accumulator on the remote system must have sufficient capacity to open and close the
BOP rams twice against a WHP of 10000 psi. Confirm this criteria meets or exceeds the oper-
ators minimum safety standards.
1. A combination injector head support and work platform should be used to minimize axial
forces and bending moments transmitted to the wellhead from the injector head.
2. The minimum load rating of the structure should be the sum of the weight of the injector
head and the maximum rated pulling force for the injector head.
The DAS for standard CT operations must be capable of recording and displaying
• Time
• Depth
• Reel Inlet Pressure
• Wellhead Pressure
• Pump Flow Rate
The DAS for HPCT operations should be capable of recording the following data in addition
to that required for standard CT operations.
• Stripper pressure
• CT reel back tension (reel motor hydraulic pressure)
Stripper drag and reel back tension affect the weight indicator reading. These values are nec-
essary for comparing predicted and measured performance. Both values can be calculated
from a pull test. Measuring the stripper pressure and reel motor hydraulic pressure allows a
continuous estimate of stripper drag and reel back tension, respectively.
1. Real-time monitoring of the CT external geometry (OD) on at least two (2) perpendicular
(orthogonal) radials is important for HPCT operations.
2. The measurement tool should be capable of warning the operator about OD and ovality
that exceed preset limits. These limits should include:
• The minimum ID of the stripper
4. The tool should be capable of creating a data file for each job in a format that can be read
with commonly available software such as MS Excel or MS Word.
A CT string can become unsuitable for continued use if its geometry exceeds certain limits.
Aside from the practical reason for determining whether CT can safely pass through the sur-
face equipment and be gripped properly by the injector, real-time measurements of tubing
geometry are crucial for avoiding disastrous failures. Tubing geometry has a direct effect on
• Stresses in the wall of the tubing caused by pressure and axial forces, see Chapter 8 "The
von Mises Yield Condition", page 8-12
• Tubing’s collapse resistance, see Chapter 8 "CT Collapse", page 8-19.
• Accumulated fatigue in any segment of the string, see Chapter 9 "CT Fatigue", page 9-6
CT becomes oval during normal use due to plastic deformation on the reel. Also, poorly fit-
ting gripper blocks and worn components in the injector head can damage and deform the CT.
Dents and ovality significantly decrease the collapse resistance of the CT. During pumping
operations, the internal pressure can cause the CT to balloon as it plastically deforms on the
reel and guide arch. This causes a corresponding decrease in the wall thickness. Both dimen-
sional changes substantially weaken the CT’s collapse resistance and decrease its working
life. Moreover, extreme ballooning and ovality can restrict the passage of the CT through the
injector and stripper.
CT working life cannot be measured with a non-destructive test or visual assessment. Even
though ballooning coincides with fatigue damage, it is not a direct indication of accumulated
fatigue. Ballooning only occurs with internal pressure, and fatigue occurs with every plastic
deformation, regardless of pressure.
The guidelines provided in Chapter 17 “Minimizing Risk For CT Operations” and Chapter 18
“General CT Operations Guidelines” apply to HPCT operations with a few exceptions. This
section highlights the safety issues and considerations for minimizing risk that are unique to
high pressure operating conditions.
Use the upper stripper during normal operations and leave the lower one relaxed (not contact-
ing the CT) until it is needed.
1. If the upper stripper begins to leak, engage the lower stripper, and stop moving the CT
(when it is safe to do so).
a. With the lower stripper sealing the wellbore, close and manually lock the secondary
slip and pipe rams. Record the string weight prior to closing the rams.
d. Retract the lower stripper and equalize the pressure across the pipe rams.
e. Equalize the string weight to the recorded value prior to closing the rams.
a. If the lower stripper is leaking also, close and manually lock the secondary slip and
pipe ram, then close and lock the tertiary pipe/slip ram. Record the string weight prior
to closing any rams.
g. Equalize the string weight to the recorded value prior to closing the rams.
4. Before resuming normal operations, pick up the CT far enough to inspect the surface of
the tubing engaged by the pipe rams. POOH if the CT exhibits any mechanical gouging or
increase in ovality that reduces the collapse rating of the tubing by more than 5% com-
pared to undamaged tubing as calculated by the method of Timoshenko or API RP 5C7.
WARNING: Never use a damaged CT string for HPCT operations. Replace the
CT string before continuing.
Preventing CT Collapse
A major concern for HPCT operations is collapsing the CT. The CT operator must constantly
monitor the stress condition of the CT with the DAS to insure that it is safely within the limits
set in the Job Program. As a backup to the DAS, provide the CT operator with plots or tables
of collapse pressure versus tension for each wall thickness section in the CT string. Stop the
operation and determine how to reverse or halt any trend towards an unsafe condition.
Maintain as much pressure as possible inside the CT at all times. However, high internal pres-
sure accelerates fatigue damage (see Chapter 9 "CT Fatigue", page 9-6). This means reducing
the collapse potential must be balanced against prolonging the working life of the CT string. A
real-time working life monitor such as Reel-Trak™ can provide ample warning of a develop-
ing fatigue problem and allow the CT operator time to determine corrective action.
Pressure Testing
When testing a complicated rig up, typically used in HPCT, the best way to ensure all compo-
nents are properly tested and not forgotten is to use a Test Matrix, see Table 16.1. The matrix
labels each component in the rig up and outlines the order they are tested. Each test is per-
formed in a logical order, to minimize the time required to pressure test. Pressure tests are
usually performed at a low (250 psi) and a high (10,000 psi) pressure.
NOTE: The BOP body and sealing rams must also be tested on a test stand in
the service company’s yard prior to mobilizing the equipment to the job loca-
CT String Management
The goal for CT string management is to remove the CT string from further consideration for
HPCT operations if any section of the string off the reel during the job no longer has adequate
mechanical strength for the expected operating conditions or adequate remaining working life.
Removing damaged sections and splicing the string with butt welds is not acceptable for
HPCT operations. The only acceptable methods for managing the distribution of fatigue dam-
age in the string are:
2. Cutting a length of CT from the free end of the string at regular intervals
Quantifying the effects of dents, scratches, and corrosion pits on the performance of CT is a
difficult task at best. Even though these flaws can be measured, (e.g. length, width, depth)
their effects can be more significant than their physical size suggests. Every cut or
sharp-edged flaw creates a local stress concentration or stress riser that can magnify fatigue
damage in the surrounding material. Moreover, such flaws can accelerate corrosion by provid-
ing fresh material for attack by corrosive fluids and gases. Measure the penetration of any
flaw or damage into the CT wall and use the reduced wall thickness for calculating mechani-
cal limits and fatigue life.
CAUTION: Dimple and slip tubing connectors introduce severe local stress
concentrations to the surface of the CT. These stresses exacerbate the effects
of corrosive environments, particularly H2S and CO2. For CT operations in
corrosive environments, a prudent practice is to remove the tubing connector
and re-install it on undamaged tubing after each trip into a well.
Minimizing risk for CT operations is a process involving every aspect of planning and execut-
ing a CT job. Therefore, every participant in this process contributes to the outcome. This
section describes a method for planning and preparing for a CT operation that will improve its
chance for success. The next chapter (General CT Operations Guidelines) provides general
guidelines for CT operations. Most of the concepts presented in these two sections are con-
densed in Sample Specifications for Coiled Tubing (CT) Operations. This document provides
an example of minimum acceptable specifications for equipping, planning, and conducting
CT operations in an imaginary development project.
Planning is one of the most critical phases of any CT operation. This section outlines a general
method for planning CT operations. This method is designed to help the user anticipate poten-
tial problems and develop contingencies. The following list summarizes the planning process.
2. Run CT simulator(s) to model the proposed job (Customer and service company).
• CT string selection
• Parametric sensitivity
• Predict operating conditions
3. Prepare a detailed job proposal (service company).
5. Revise or amend the Job Program (repeat steps 2-4) for any change in equipment specifi-
cations and expected operating conditions.
NOTE: Share the Job Program with all participants on the operation.
NOTE: Do not start the actual CT operation until the Job Program reflects the
current equipment specifications and expected operating conditions.
The Customer must provide the following information before the planning process can begin:
8. Potential problems
• Measured depth (MD) for high drag or debris
• Pressure abnormalities
• Logistics (transportation, location constraints, fluid disposal, etc.)
9. Data acquisition requirements
Conspicuously absent from this list is any mention of CT attributes. Even if a reel of CT is
tentatively selected for a proposed operation, one cannot determine its suitability for the job
until defining what that job is. At this point, the only information available on the CT is
whether it will carry a wireline or need a smooth ID (no weld flash).
The next step in the planning process is to determine what sort of CT string could perform the
proposed operations. That is, what OD, wall thickness, and material are necessary. This itera-
tive process may involve modifying aspects of the preliminary job plan to accommodate the
capabilities of available CT and surface equipment. The division of responsibility for planning
CT operations naturally depends on local conditions, but the approach should be to model the
operation with a CT simulator (see Section “CT Simulators”). If the well is nearly vertical,
spreadsheet calculations may suffice. Either way, the planner should investigate a reasonable
range of input parameters to evaluate risks for the proposed operation.
If the planning question is “What CT string do I need?”, the modeling output should be a
description of a CT string that can successfully complete the operation with minimum risk.
The output may also include suggestions for operating procedures that might further reduce
risk to the operation. A likely outcome of this process is the discovery that the preferred CT
string is unavailable. Now the planner asks the question “I must use a certain CT string for my
job; can it be successful?” Consequently, the planner must concentrate on devising operating
procedures and contingencies to improve the chances of success for the available CT string.
Can the selected reel of CT successfully perform the proposed job without failing due to
fatigue? For a specific reel of CT the answer comes from estimating its remaining fatigue life
(based on its fatigue history). For generic CT with certain attributes, the answer lies with esti-
mating the amount of fatigue accumulated during an operation. The outcome of such an eval-
uation will determine the need for additional planning iterations.
As part of the planning process for each CT operation, the service company should submit a
job proposal for the Customer's approval that includes the following elements:
a. CT string
b. CT reel
d. CT weight sensor(s)
e. CT depth counter(s)
j. Power pack
k. Auxiliary equipment
• pumps
• compressors
• tanks
• special tools
a. Function
b. Components
c. Dimensions
d. Weight
e. Operating characteristics
• mechanical
• hydraulic
4. Treatment fluid(s)
a. Density
b. Viscosity
c. Composition
a. Well control
b. Treatment fluid(s)
c. Equipment hazards
a. Potential problems and risk (based on previous experience and the CT simulator
b. Contingency plans
c. Emergency procedures
9. Environmental safeguards
Job Program
The Customer should convert the service company job proposal into a Job Program that
includes the following elements:
a. Fluid(s)
• density
• viscosity
• composition
• hazards
b. Pressures
c. Flow rates
• gas
• liquid hydrocarbon
• reservoir water
• treatment fluid(s)
11. A list of all equipment and materials required and the provider of each—Customer or a
service company.
12. Risk analysis for affects of CT operations on well site and surrounding infrastructure
b. Contingency plans
c. Emergency procedures
a. CT string
b. Treatment fluids
NOTE: The Customer must revise or amend the Job Program for a change in
service company, equipment specifications, or expected operating conditions.
The purpose of CT simulators is to predict the performance of the entire CT string based on a
given set of input conditions. Mechanical simulators, such as Orpheus™ calculate the forces,
stresses, and buckling condition for each segment in a CT string (Chapter 6 “Tubing Forces”,
Chapter 7 “Buckling and Lock-up”, and Chapter 8 “CT Mechanical Limits”). Other mechani-
cal simulators, such as Hercules™, calculate safe operating limits for the CT (Chapter 8 “CT
Mechanical Limits”). Hydraulic simulators, such as Hydra™, calculate the pressure distribu-
tion around the fluid flow path for a given flow rate or estimate the flow rate for given pump
pressure (Chapter 10 “CT Hydraulic Performance”). Fatigue simulators, such as Reel-Trak™,
predict the accumulated fatigue damage in each segment of the CT string for a combination of
operating conditions (Chapter 9 “CT Working Life”).
A CT simulator that properly models the physics of CT operations can help answer the fol-
lowing questions about a CT operation.
1. How far can the CT RIH prior to lock up or without exceeding a mechanical limit?
3. At a given depth, how hard can the bottom of the BHA push on something prior to lockup?
In other words, what is the maximum SDW or WOB?
4. What is the maximum Cf that will allow the CT to reach a given depth?
6. During POOH, how much overpull (additional tension) can the CT withstand before
exceeding any mechanical limits?
7. Does the CT have adequate working life remaining to complete the job?
The CT service companies use several different CT simulators. Some of these CT simulators
give good results in the hands of qualified operators, but operator experience and training vary
widely. Consequently, the Customer should scrutinize each simulation to insure the results are
reliable and useful. The purpose of this section is to outline the requirements for proper use of
CT simulators.
Available CT Simulators
A detailed description of all available CT simulators is beyond the scope of this manual. How-
ever, the following list summarizes the major CT software in use in 2000.
• Cerberus™ (integrated software package for tubing forces, hydraulics, fatigue tracking,
and job management)—developed by CTES, L.P. and used by numerous CT service com-
panies and E & P companies.
• CIRCA™ (tubing forces and hydraulics) and CYCLE™ (fatigue)—developed by Nowsco
and used exclusively by BJ Services
• CoilCADE™ (tubing forces and hydraulics), CoilLIFE™ (fatigue), and CoilCAT™ (tub-
ing management)—developed and used exclusively by Schlumberger Dowell
• Tubing Analysis System (tubing forces, hydraulics, and fatigue)—developed jointly by
MEDCO and BJ Services and used by some independents
• Maurer Engineering—developed by funding from DEA projects 44 and 67, distribution
and user list are unknown
Each of these simulators has a unique user interface, set of proprietary calculation “engines”,
and organization. However, all require a minimum set of input parameters to define the CT
string, wellbore, operating environment, and forces acting on the CT string. Moreover, all of
this software provides certain generic output describing the predicted performance of the CT
during the simulated operation. The following sections provide guidelines for modeling CT
performance and how to evaluate the results.
CT Simulator Input
The minimum set of input parameters that defines the CT string, wellbore, operating environ-
ment, and the forces acting on the CT string includes:
• OD
• ID
• Weight
• Material properties, especially yield stress
• Sources of extra drag (arms, centralizers, pads)
• Nozzles (number and orifice size)
8. Cf versus depth
Any simulator used for monitoring the working life (fatigue) of the CT string will also need a
description of the surface equipment layout and a complete history of the accumulated fatigue
in the string prior to the current job.
The mechanical simulators listed above have different schemes for handling wireline in the
CT. CIRCA™ treats the wireline as a separate tubing string subject to its own force balance
and transmitting force to the CT via frictional drag. Cerberus™ and the others use a simpler
scheme that considers wireline as additional weight per unit length. Neither method allows the
wireline to affect the CT's bending stiffness.
The choice of Cf is a contentious subject because it has such a tremendous impact on simula-
tor results (and CT performance). Cf is one of the most powerful “controls” at the software
user’s command to change the outcome of a tubing forces simulation. A common misconcep-
tion is that Cf for RIH should be higher than Cf for POOH. Although drag appears to be
higher RIH than POOH during actual CT operations, this is not due to different Cf for each
direction of motion. Cf for sliding friction is independent of direction unless one of the sur-
faces has an oriented structure. The higher drag for RIH may be due to additional normal force
caused by residual curvature in the CT. Pushing on the CT increases this normal force (higher
drag) while pulling on the CT relieves it (lower drag). Correctly modeling the physics of this
behavior involves more than arbitrarily increasing Cf for RIH. Artificially high Cf for RIH
can lead to under-estimating maximum reach and SDW because post-buckling drag will be
abnormally high.
Table 17.1 lists typical values for Cf from small-scale and large-scale drag tests.
Surface Cf
Water-wet steel 0.30-0.35
Lubricated water-wet steel 0.20-0.25
Oil-wet steel 0.15-0.20
Steel on rock 0.40-0.50
Parametric Sensitivity
A reliable CT simulator is a powerful and economical tool for testing effects of various
parameters on a given CT operation. Determining the sensitivity of an operation to the param-
eters listed in the preceding section is a good method of evaluating the risks for that operation.
Depending on the circumstances, some of these parameters may be fixed or uncontrollable for
a CT operation. Otherwise, a judicious choice of equipment, procedures, or boundary condi-
tions can reduce risks for an operation.
Parametric studies to assess the risks for a proposed CT operation are very important for
pre-job planning. A good place to start a sensitivity study for a directional well is with RIH,
since this is often the limiting case for a CT operation. If the CT simulator predicts success for
RIH, the next step is to investigate different POOH scenarios. Sometimes CT can RIH with
adequate SDW remaining but cannot safely POOH without exceeding a mechanical limit.
After determining that the CT should be able to trip into and out of the well safely, the job
planner should run the hydraulic and fatigue simulators. If the simulator requires an unreason-
able or unrealistic value for one or more of the input parameters described above, the risk of
failure for the actual operation is small. The following examples show how parametric studies
with a CT simulator can aid the planning process.
During simulated slackoff into a directional A third option is a tapered CT string. The
well, a proposed CT string of uniform wall choice of tubing wall thickness and corre-
thickness can RIH to TD without lockup. sponding length for each section in the
However, during POOH, the VME stress string will be a 3-way trade-off between
exceeds the maximum acceptable value reducing the VME stress and preventing
below the stripper. collapse during POOH, minimizing buck-
ling (preventing lockup) during RIH, and
The simulator indicates a larger OD or maintaining an acceptable weight for the
higher strength CT material would solve this reel.
problem. The first is unacceptable, because
a reel of larger OD tubing is too heavy to lift The job planner will propose a tapered CT
onto the offshore platform. CT with higher string then determine if it meets all three
yield strength is not available. objectives. Usually, several iterations with
the CT simulator are necessary to identify a
tapered string design that properly balances
these trade-offs.
During simulated slackoff into a cased Simulations with lower friction coefficient
directional well full of seawater (8.5 lbs/gal indicate that Cf = 0.23 would allow the
and Cf = 0.30), the only available CT string BHA to reach TD with the CT full of seawa-
buckles and locks up before reaching TD. ter. This reduction in friction is obtainable
The simulation assumed seawater inside the with certain lubricants. Thus, an effective
CT. lubricant in the seawater would permit the
proposed CT operation to go ahead.
New simulations using lower density fluid
inside the CT indicate that nitrogen
(2.0 lbs/gal) inside the CT would allow the
BHA to successfully RIH despite some
buckling in the CT string. Unfortunately, the
well site is too small to accommodate a
nitrogen unit or tanks.
During simulated POOH in a live horizontal New simulations using lower density fluid
gas well producing a little water (Cf = 0.30), inside the CT indicate that air or nitrogen
the VME stress exceeds the maximum (2.0 lbs/gal) inside the CT would allow it to
acceptable value for one of the sections in a POOH safely. Thus, one alternative is to
tapered CT string. These simulations blow the seawater out of the string before
assumed nitrogen (2.0 lbs/gal) in the CT for starting to POOH.
RIH and seawater (remaining from stimula-
tion operations) inside the CT for POOH. Other simulations show that a different taper
in the CT string would permit POOH with
Simulations with lower friction coefficient the CT full of seawater. Therefore, a differ-
indicate that Cf = 0.25 would provide the ent CT string might be an alternative.
necessary safety margin for POOH. How-
ever, killing the well to conduct the CT
operation in a lubricated fluid is not an
Simulations show that certain CT operations New simulations with a moderately tortuous
in a proposed horizontal well would be mar- well path and a range of Cf identify the
ginally possible with an available CT string upper limit on Cf that would allow each CT
and Cf based on experience with existing operation to proceed. Unfortunately, none of
wells in the area. the friction coefficients could be obtained
with available fluids. Thus, the proposed CT
However, the simulated well path lacks the operations will not be possible with the
irregularities of an actual well path. Based available CT string. The next step in the
on offset well data, a smooth well path is not parametric study is to investigate other CT
likely. Introducing tortuosity (small dog- strings.
legs) into the well path creates scenarios in
which the proposed CT operations would
Simulations for RIH inside 7 in. casing of a New simulations with a range of wellbore
directional oil well (Cf = 0.20) show that the ID indicate that using 4.5 in. tubing in the
only available CT buckles and locks up vertical portion of the wellbore would elimi-
before the BHA reaches TD. nate buckling entirely. Thus, hanging a tem-
porary liner from the surface to the kick-off
The job planner already assumed nitrogen point could enable CT operations as
inside the CT, so increasing the string's planned.
buoyancy is not an option.
A proposal is on the table for using a mud The CT simulator indicates the CT can RIH
motor on CT to drill out a plug in a horizon- to TD without buckling as long as
tal well. Drilling tests inside casing at a test WOB = 0. Increasing the WOB to the mini-
facility determine the minimum WOB mum required for drilling causes the CT to
required to drill out the plug in an accept- buckle, but it would continue to slide and
able time. transmit axial force until WOB increases by
about 30%. Therefore, the proposed CT
drilling operation can go ahead as planned.
Each CT simulator listed above has its own unique output format for tabular data and plots.
Regardless of how the results are presented, only a few are essential for understanding the out-
come of the simulated CT operation. These are:
Often the trend in CTWI versus depth is more revealing than the absolute values, because
stripper friction, reel back tension, or WHP can bias the result. The trend or shape of the curve
indicates how rapidly the drag between the CT and well bore is changing and where the
effects of that drag manifest themselves. Figure 17.1 illustrates these effects for a well that
starts vertical and builds angle to horizontal at about 9400 ft.
The parallel lines for RIH and POOH simply indicate a relatively straight part of the well
without any obstructions, abnormal drag, or helical buckling. Since the wellbore is vertical
over that interval, the slope of each line is the buoyed weight of the CT per unit length. The
change in slope for the RIH curve from increasing (+) to decreasing (-) between 6800 ft and
9400 ft coincides with the build section of the well path and locally high drag due to curva-
ture. The straight portion of each curve below 9600 ft indicates another relatively straight part
of the well without any obstructions or helical buckling. Since the wellbore is horizontal
below 9400 ft, the slope of the line is the drag on the CT per unit length (normal component of
buoyed weight per unit length multiplied by Cf).
Some CT simulators also calculate the CTWI corresponding to lockup during RIH. Depend-
ing on the circumstances and location of the CT string in the well, the injector might have to
apply quite high snubbing force (negative weight) to force the CT string into lockup.
Figure 17.2 shows this lockup limit superimposed on the tripping curves from Figure 17.1.
Such information can be a useful guideline for the CT operator. As long as the CTWI during
RIH is higher than the lockup limit, the risk of lockup is small.
Figure 17.3 shows the axial force distribution in the CT string corresponding to the conditions
of Figure 17.1. In this case, the bottom of the CT string is at TD (11,703 ft). The curves repre-
sent the local axial forces in the string just prior to stopping at TD while RIH and immediately
before leaving TD when POOH. The straight-line portions of each curve have the same mean-
ing as those described earlier for Figure 17.1. Only those sections of the string in compression
are candidates for buckling. However, the local compressive force must exceed the critical
buckling force before buckling can occur. (See Chapter 7 “Buckling and Lock-up”.) The red
line in Figure 17.3 is the critical force for helical buckling. The CT string will be helically
buckled where the RIH curve lies to the left of the limit curve.
Figure 17.4 shows the distribution of VME stresses (see Chapter 8 “CT Mechanical Limits”)
along the CT string corresponding to the conditions of Figure 17.2. Any stress value less than
the predetermined limit (perhaps 80% of yield) should be an acceptable operating condition.
Figure 17.5 is one way to present information about the accumulated fatigue in a CT string.
The gray area was the accumulated fatigue in the string prior to the current entry, the blue
area. The latter represents the fatigue damage due to the latest CT operation. This figure indi-
cates that a section of the string around 5700 ft is accumulating fatigue at a faster rate than the
rest of the CT.
CT Simulator Guidelines
Certain behavior or indications in these simulator results are more revealing than others about
the potential risk for a CT operation. These indicators and guidelines for their use include the
• Maximum SDW prior to lockup—the greater of (i) 500 lbs (or metric equivalent) or (ii)
the compressive force required for the job. Even if the purpose of the CT job does not
include pushing on anything, having extra push available is good insurance.
• Maximum overpull at the BHA—the greatest of (i) 5000 lbs (or metric equivalent), (ii) the
tensile force required for the job, or (iii) the tension required to separate the mechanical
disconnect. Even if the purpose of the CT job does not include pulling on anything, having
extra pull to disengage the BHA or work through tight spots is good insurance.
• Maximum Cf prior to lockup in a directional well—any Cf value higher than is reasonable
to expect for the prevailing conditions bodes well for the operation. This result indicates
how sensitive RIH will be to drag. Without previous experience in a well under similar
circumstances, quantifying Cf is extremely difficult.
• Rate of change in CTWI while RIH and POOH—abrupt changes in slope (curvature)at a
given depth indicate rapidly changing drag at the depth. These effects are due to wellbore
curvature, buckling of the CT, or both.
• Maximum reach prior to lockup in a directional well—at least 100 ft (or metric equiva-
lent) beyond the target depth (TD) or the well maximum depth, whichever is less.
Equipment used for CT operations at WHP < 3500 psi must meet the minimum requirements
specified in the following section. For equipment requirements for WHP > 3500 psi, see Sec-
tion “Equipment Selection for HPCT Operations”.
CT String
• Maximum von Mises equivalent stress in the CT string is less than 80%
of the material yield strength (σVME < 0.8σy). See Chapter 8 “CT
Mechanical Limits” for details.
• Calculated collapse pressure (Pc) at the maximum expected tension is
greater than 125% of the maximum possible wellhead pressure
(Pc > 1.25 x WHPmax). See Chapter 8 “CT Mechanical Limits” for
NOTE: Adequate fatigue life means that the maximum accumulated fatigue in
the CT string at the end of the operation will be less than 80% of its predicted
working life. See Chapter 9 “CT Working Life” for details.
2. When the CT string could be exposed to H2S or CO2 during the job, use the lowest nomi-
nal yield strength material that meets the mechanical performance requirements. Gener-
ally, resistance to sulfide stress cracking and corrosion both increase with decreasing
material yield strength.
3. The length of the CT string should be at least 1000 ft greater than the maximum target
depth (TD) planned for the job.
4. The tubing connection to the CT reel plumbing should be a welded fitting. The weld must
conform to the CT manufacturer’s weld procedure specification and successfully pass
magnetic particle and dye penetrate inspections.
5. Advanced CT life monitoring software is the only acceptable method for tracking the
working life of CT strings.
6. Strings must be retired from CT operations upon reaching 80% of their predicted working
7. Remove a CT string from further consideration for CT operations if any section of the
string no longer has adequate mechanical strength for the expected operating conditions
due to any of the following:
• OD – excessive ballooning or necking down
• Excessive ovality – reduced collapse resistance
• Reduced wall thickness caused by the penetration of any flaw or damage into the CT
CT Reel
1. The CT reel should have a minimum core diameter to CT OD ratio of 40:1 (e.g., the mini-
mum core diameter for 1.75 in. CT is 70 in.).
2. All plumbing (piping) components installed on the reel should be the integral type and
rated to a maximum allowable working pressure of 5,000 psi.
3. The spare parts kit on location for reel assemblies should include the following items:
• Packing kit for the high pressure swivel
• Depth counter head assembly, if so equipped
• Drive pawl for the level wind assembly
• 2 rollers for the level wind head, sized for the CT string being run
Injector Head
1. Minimum performance capability of 25% more pull and push than required by the job pro-
3. Minimum guide arch radius of 48 times the CT OD (e.g., the minimum radius for 1.75 in.
CT is 84 in.)
4. The system for gripping the CT must not slip on the CT nor damage the CT at the maxi-
mum rated pull and push.
5. The spare parts kit on location for the injector head should include the following items:
• 1 weight sensor
• 1 depth counter, if so equipped
• 1 set of guide arch rollers or wear shoes for the CT size used for the job
• 1 hydraulic skate ram
CT Weight Sensor(s)
1. The sensor(s) must be capable of measuring the full range of snubbing (compressive) and
pulling (tensile) forces applied by the injector head to the CT.
2. The sensor(s) should provide an electronic signal proportional to the CT weight that can
be recorded by the DAS and displayed in the CT unit control cab.
CT Depth Counter(s)
1. The depth counter(s) must be capable of measuring the full length of the CT string.
2. At least one counter must provide an electronic signal proportional to the length of CT
passing through the counter that can be recorded by DAS and displayed in the CT unit
control cab.
5. At least one spare mechanical counter and a spare electronic encoder should be on loca-
tion during the job.
1. The pressure control equipment stack must consist of the following sections, from the top
a. Primary
b. Ancillary, if so equipped
c. Secondary
2. All pressure control equipment must have a maximum allowable working pressure of at
least 5,000 psi.
5. All pipe and pipe/slip combination rams must have equalization capabilities.
Primary Components
1. The primary pressure control equipment must consist of an upper side-door stripper
(sometimes called the packoff or stuffing box).
Riser sections for accommodating long BHA assemblies should be installed between the pri-
mary and secondary pressure control components. Ancillary equipment must have the same
materials requirements and pressure ratings as the other pressure control equipment.
Secondary Components
1. The secondary pressure control equipment must consist of a quad blowout preventer
(BOP) with the following configuration, from the top down:
a. Blind rams
b. Shear rams
d. Slip rams
e. Pipe rams
4. The accumulator system must have the capability of performing the operations described
in item 3 immediately above at a WHP of 3500 psi.
5. Shear rams must be capable of efficiently severing the thickest wall section of the CT
string used for the job. If wireline is installed in the tubing, the shear rams must be capable
of efficiently severing both the CT and the wireline.
Spare Parts
The spare parts kit on location for the pressure control equipment should include the follow-
ing items:
1. Primary equipment
• 5 stripper/energizer elements for each stripper
• 2 sets of anti-extrusion rings for each stripper
• 1 complete set of wear bushings for each stripper packoff assembly
2. Secondary equipment
• 2 sets of blind ram inserts
• 2 sets of pipe ram inserts
• 1 set of shear rams
• 1 set of slip rams
• 1 set of bonnet seals and o-ring redress kit for each ram
• 2 redress kits for the equalizing valves
1. The DAS should be a computer-based system capable of recording and displaying the fol-
lowing data:
• Time
• Depth
• Reel inlet pressure
• Wellhead pressure
• Pump flow rate
2. Pressure, flow rate, and volume measurements should have an accuracy of at least ±5% of
the reading.
3. The DAS should provide real-time digital displays, trend (historical) records of the data,
and alarms for operating data outside preset limits.
4. The DAS should provide the CT operator with a real-time indication of VME stress in the
wall of the CT (at a specific location) relative to the yield strength of the material and/or
safe operating limit.
5. The DAS should be capable of comparing the current CTWI with planned values at any
point in the operation.
6. The DAS should present a real-time display of fatigue accumulation in the CT string and
provide the operator with a means to rapidly determine the status of the remaining work-
ing life for the string.
7. The DAS should be capable of creating a data file for each job in a format that can be read
with commonly available software such as MS Excel or MS Word.
8. The spare parts kit on location for the DAS should include the following items:
• 1 spare pressure sensor for the wellhead
• 1 spare pressure sensor for the reel inlet
• 1 spare pressure sensor or electronic load cell for CT weight
1. All BHAs for CT operations must include dual flapper-type check valves. The seals (elas-
tomer or metallic) used in the check valves must be rated for H2S service and the bottom
hole temperature.
2. All metals used in the fabrication of BHA components should meet the requirement of
NACE MR-01-75.
3. The tubing connector used to attach the BHA to the CT must be able to withstand a tensile
force equivalent to the greater of:
• the product of the cross sectional area of the CT times the lesser of 3500 psi or 125%
of the maximum WHP expected for the job
• the maximum expected overpull for the job
4. Disconnect (release tool)
• Any BHA required to apply an axial force during operation must include a means of
disconnecting the tool from the BHA.
• The BHA must include a hydraulic or electrical disconnect whenever the predicted
maximum overpull available at the maximum expected TD is less than the force
required to operate a mechanical disconnect.
• The disconnect must allow pressure testing of the BHA during rig up without separat-
ing the tool.
Power pack
• Each pumping unit designated for the job must conform to the requirements of the Job
• All pumping units must have a properly certified pressure relief device installed.
Chicksan Connections
Chemical/Nitrogen Tanks
• Each chemical and nitrogen tank designated for the job must conform to the requirements
of the Job Program.
• All chemical and nitrogen tanks must meet local requirements for the following tests:
a. Vacuum
Mixing Tanks
Each mixing tank designated for the job must conform to the requirements of the Job Pro-
Downhole Motors
Each downhole motor designated for the job must conform to the requirements of the Job Pro-
This section presents guidelines for preparation and testing of CT equipment in the service
company yard, prior to mobilizing the equipment to the job location.
Both the Customer and the service companies should comply with these specifications. Also,
each has unique responsibilities under these specifications.
Customer’s Responsibilities
• Revise these specifications as necessary to meet the Customer’s needs and to comply with
regulatory requirements.
• Ensure that the service company has a copy of these specifications
• Audit service company records, inspect service company equipment, and observe service
company operations to ensure compliance with these specifications.
• Operational history
• Verify on a regular schedule that the accuracy of each sensor and recording device meets
the OEM specification for that equipment.
• Ensure that all documentation is correct and presented in a manner acceptable to the Cus-
• Ensure that all of its personnel are thoroughly trained to:
1. Perform their job functions
The service company must conduct pressure tests for standard CT operations according to the
following criteria. See Chapter 16 “High Pressure Operations” for specifications for pressure
testing for HPCT operations.
1. Conduct all pressure tests with water to the lesser of 3500 psi (±250 psi) or 120% of the
maximum possible WHP for the planned CT operation.
7. Record test results in the logbook for the equipment being tested.
• Date, time, and location of test
• Serial number of pressure sensor and chart recorder
• Signature of person conducting test
• Stable test pressure and duration
• Tracking number or filing code for the test data
8. Keep each pressure test record on file for at least 12 months from the date of the pressure
Equipment Preparation
This section presents minimum requirements for preparing equipment proposed for CT opera-
tions. The service company should prepare and test all equipment in accordance with these
specifications prior to mobilizing the equipment to the job location.
CT String
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the CT string. Verify the
following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
CT Reel
• Reel
• Reel support structure or cradle
• Level-wind
• Depth counter(s) - electronic and/or mechanical
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the CT reel. Verify the
following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
1. The CT reel and depth counter(s) are as specified in the Job Program.
2. These items have been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications.
3. The logbook for each of these items is up-to-date with the information specified in Section
“Service Company’s Responsibilities”.
5. If possible, that the depth counter(s) operate in both RIH and POOH modes.
Injector Head
• Injector
• Guide arch
• Weight sensor(s) - double acting (bi-directional)
• Depth counter(s) - electronic and mechanical
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the required injector head, guide arch, weight
sensor(s), and depth counter(s). Verify the following before mobilizing the equipment to the
job location:
1. The injector head, guide arch, weight sensor(s), and depth counter(s) are as specified in
the Job Program
2. Each of these items has been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifica-
3. The logbook for each of these items is up-to-date with the information specified in Section
“Service Company’s Responsibilities”.
5. Proper operation of the weight indicators in both pipe light and pipe heavy modes with the
DAS operating.
The pressure control equipment stack for CT operations consists of the following sections,
from the top down:
1. Primary
2. Ancillary, if so equipped
3. Secondary
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the required pressure control equipment and
to Section “Pressure Testing for Standard CT Operations” for the requirements for its pressure
testing. Verify the following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
2. The pressure control equipment has been inspected and maintained per the following
• Inspect all ram elastomer seals. Normal wear will be a moderate amount of extru-
sion downstream of the pressure side. Replace seals if any elastomer is missing or
the bond between the elastomer and the plates is separating.
• Wash and clean the rams, bonnets and body. Remove the ram and clean the bonnet.
• Check all flange and union seals and sealing surfaces for damage that might impair
sealing. Repair or replace items as necessary.
b. Once a month
• Clean bonnets, ram, BOP body, out-lets, unions and any other parts exposed to
well fluids
• Check the BOP accumulator system components, precharge pressure, and liquid
3. The logbook for each item of pressure control equipment is up-to-date with the informa-
tion specified in Section “Service Company’s Responsibilities”.
4. Each item of pressure control equipment functions properly per the following:
• Each ram achieves full travel in both directions under hydraulic control.
• Each ram position indicator shows the correct ram position.
• Each ram can be manually locked.
• Shear rams are capable of shearing the thickest wall section of the CT string selected
for the job, including an internal electric cable (if so equipped).
5. The BOP bodies and rams have passed their pressure tests per the following requirements:
a. The BOP body per Section “Pressure Testing for Standard CT Operations” above and
record the results in the equipment log.
b. Close and manually lock the blind rams and pressure test them from below. Record the
results in the equipment log.
c. Insert a test bar through the pipe and slip rams, close and manually lock both sets of
rams, and pressure test the pipe rams from below. Record the results in the equipment
NOTE: Use only OEM replacement parts or their equivalent approved by the
Customer for servicing the pressure control equipment.
NOTE: The best approach for determining the capability of the shear rams is
to actually shear a sample of the CT. High yield strength CT, heavy wall CT,
and CT containing electric cable require special blades and/or booster cylin-
ders on the rams. A shear test is mandatory for CT containing an electric
cable. After each shear test, inspect the blades for damage and replace them
as necessary.
WARNING: The shear blades can be installed upside down, so make sure the
cutting edges of the blades face each other.
WARNING: Do not open the pipe rams or blind rams with a pressure differen-
tial across them. Opening these rams with a differential pressure will damage
the rubber goods and the BOP will no longer function properly. Always
equalize the pressure across the rams before opening them.
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for recording and display-
ing data from CT operations. Verify the following before mobilizing the equipment to the job
2. The operating limits, as specified in the Job Program, are properly set for each parameter
4. The DAS is communicating with all of the sensors and recording the data
5. The data storage medium has adequate space to record the data for the planned job
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the BHA. Verify the fol-
lowing before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
2. The BHA has been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications.
6. The mechanical disconnect, if so equipped, will separate upon application of the specified
tensile force.
7. The hydraulic or electrical disconnect, if so equipped, will separate with the application of
the specified activation signal (pressure or electrical).
Power Packs
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the power packs. Verify
the following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
2. The equipment has been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications.
3. The logbook for each power pack is up-to-date with the information specified in Section
“Service Company’s Responsibilities”.
Lifting Equipment
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the cranes. Verify the
following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
2. The equipment has been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications.
3. The logbook for each crane is up-to-date with the information specified in Section “Ser-
vice Company’s Responsibilities”.
5. All lifting equipment (if required) complies fully with local requirements.
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the pumping units. Ver-
ify the following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
2. The equipment has been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications.
3. The logbook for each pumping unit is up-to-date with the information specified in Section
“Service Company’s Responsibilities”.
5. Each pumping unit has a properly certified pressure relief device installed.
Chicksan Connections
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the chicksan connec-
tions. Verify the following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
Chemical/Nitrogen Tanks
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the chemical/nitrogen
tanks. Verify the following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
2. The tanks have been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications.
3. The logbook for each tank is up-to-date with the information specified in Section “Service
Company’s Responsibilities”.
Mixing Tanks
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the mixing tanks. Verify
the following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
2. The tanks have been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications.
3. The logbook for each tank is up-to-date with the information specified in Section “Service
Company’s Responsibilities”.
Downhole Motors
Refer to Section “Equipment Specifications” for the requirements for the downhole motors.
Verify the following before mobilizing the equipment to the job location:
2. The motor has been inspected and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications.
NOTE: The preferred method for testing the motor is with a dynamometer. If
dynamometer testing is not possible, measure the free rotating and stall pres-
sures for the motor.
CT string management is more than just tracking the accumulated fatigue damage along the
string. It is a process of regular inspection, corrective action, and maintenance designed to
ensure that each CT string can perform as planned. For the Customer, the benefit of good CT
string management is reliable, low-risk performance from the service company. For the ser-
vice company, the benefit of good CT string management is more revenue per string.
Early attempts to predict and combat CT fatigue were strictly based on experience, i.e., the
number of round trips CT could make without breaking. Predictions based on such historical
data are not very reliable since this method ignores the contribution of pressure to fatigue.
Moreover, these data can not localize the CT segment(s) most likely to fail. With the advent of
better data acquisition systems, service companies can track the number of trips for individual
segments of a CT string.
The CT service industry has used three different methods for tracking the working life of CT
strings. These methods, ranked in order from worst to best are:
The trip method is an improvement on the running feet method and is a reasonable approach if
narrowly applied. It divides a CT string into sections and records the trips the sections make in
both directions across the guide arch. The user weights the number of trips according to the
prevailing pressure and/or corrosion conditions and retires the entire CT string when the
cumulative trips (weighted) reaches a specified limit. This limit is derived from empirical data
and full-scale testing. Unfortunately, the weighting factors will be different for every combi-
nation of CT geometry and properties. This is why the trip method is difficult to extrapolate to
different operating conditions.
Advanced CT life monitoring software like Reel-Trak™ is less conservative than either the
running feet or trip method of monitoring CT working life. It can provide a longer safe work-
ing life, greater earnings for each string, and identify highly fatigued sections in a string for
remedial action. Such remedies include:
1. Removing damaged sections and splicing the string with butt welds (only acceptable for
temporary repairs)
2. Position management
• Swapping ends on the reel (inverting the string)
• Cutting a length of CT from the free end of the string at regular intervals
• Using the CT string for a variety of jobs in different wells
The following three figures give an example of string management during an actual CTD
operation. Figure 17.7 shows the output from Reel-Trak™ at a time in the drilling operation
when the driller had been reaming and making numerous short trips while trying to punch
through a difficult hole section.
FIGURE 17.7 Accumulated Fatigue After Extended CTD Operations Over a Narrow Depth
The high fatigue peak approximately 5000 ft along the CT string corresponds to segments that
have been cycling back and forth through the surface equipment at high pressure. The “virgin”
segments to the left of the peak have never been off the reel. The “plateau” to the right of the
peak corresponds to segments in the lower portion of the string that have only run through the
surface equipment when tripping to TD or back to surface. The 80% limit was an arbitrary
value chosen by the CT service company as the decision point for remedial action.
Figure 17.8 shows the portion of the CT string with unacceptable fatigue damage. The CT ser-
vice company decided to remove this portion of the string and splice the two remaining sec-
tions together. After completing the repair operation, the fatigue distribution along the string
looked like Figure 17.9.
The CT service company successfully completed the CTD operation with the repaired string.
The preceding example shows the value of using an advanced CT life monitoring system.
Without such technology, the CT service company would probably not have identified the
impending failure in time or would have wasted a salvageable CT string.
Dimensional Problems
A CT string can become unsuitable for continued use for reasons other than fatigue damage.
Another problem that can limit the useful life of a string or its suitability for a given applica-
tion is its geometry. CT becomes oval during normal use due to plastic bending on the reel.
Also, poorly fitting gripper blocks and worn components in the injector head can damage and
deform the CT. Dents and ovality significantly decrease the collapse resistance of the CT (see
CT Mechanical Limits). During pumping operations, the internal pressure can cause the CT to
balloon as it plastically deforms on the reel and guide arch. This causes a corresponding
decrease in the wall thickness. Both dimensional changes substantially weaken the CT’s col-
lapse resistance and decrease its working life. Moreover, extreme ballooning and ovality can
restrict the passage of the CT through the injector and stripper.
Some CT software, such as Reel-Trak™, can estimate the ballooning and its effects on col-
lapse resistance and working life. However, no models exist for predicting the ever-changing
ovality of CT. The only option is to measure the ovality during CT operations. Several tools
capable of measuring CT external geometry have emerged in recent years.
Aside from the practical reason for determining whether CT can safely pass through the sur-
face equipment and be gripped properly by the injector, real-time measurements of tubing
geometry are crucial for avoiding disastrous failures. To assess the suitability of a CT string
for a given operation, one must determine if:
• the stresses in the wall of the tubing caused by pressure and axial forces will exceed the
yield stress of the material. (See Section “The von Mises Yield Condition”.)
• the accumulated fatigue in any segment of the string will exceed a predetermined limit
during the operation. (See Section “CT Fatigue”.)
As the OD increases due to ballooning, the wall thickness decreases proportionally. However,
ballooning has a relatively small effect on σVME.
σVME = 61,520 psi for CT with If this CT ballooned 6% with use, the tubing
OD = 1.75 in. and t = 0.125 in. subjected to dimensions would be OD = 1.855 in. and
30,000 lbs tension and 3000 psi collapse t = 0.117 in. For the same tension and col-
pressure. lapse pressure, σVME = 63,640 psi.
Figure 17.10 illustrates the combined effects of ballooning and ovality on collapse pressure
calculated from Equation 8.12 for 1.75 in. OD x 0.125 in. wall CT with 80 Kpsi yield strength
subjected to 30,000 lbf tension. Note the significant decrease in collapse resistance with
increasing OD and ovality. This example assumes wall thinning is due entirely to expansion of
the OD and ignores effects of permanent elongation caused by combined tension and plastic
bending. However, even modest ballooning (3%) decreases the collapse resistance by 5%.
Collapse Pressure Differential (psi)
5000 Ovality = 0.01
Ovality = 0.02
4500 Ovality = 0.03
4000 Ovality = 0.04
Ovality = 0.05
1.740 1.760 1.780 1.800 1.820 1.840 1.860
OD (in)
The working life (resistance to fatigue) of a CT string is just as important as its ability to resist
axial and pressure forces. CT working life increases with increasing yield strength, decreasing
OD, and increasing wall thickness (see Section “CT Fatigue”). Thus, ballooning due to high
internal pressure decreases CT working life by increasing OD and decreasing wall thickness.
CT working life cannot be measured with a non-destructive test or visual assessment. Even
though ballooning coincides with fatigue damage, it is not a direct indication of accumulated
fatigue. Ballooning only occurs with internal pressure, and fatigue occurs with every plastic
deformation, regardless of pressure. Certain CT fatigue models can accurately predict the
working life of a CT segment if its dimensions and properties are known (see Section “CT
Table 17.2 summarizes the effects of ballooning and internal pressure on the fatigue life (trips
to failure) predicted by Achilles™ for a segment of new 1.75 in. CT with 80 Kpsi yield
strength. The reel diameter is 82 in. and the guide arch radius is 90 in. The increasing OD is an
arbitrary choice based on ballooning, not a prediction from the CT fatigue model. However,
the wall thickness shown corresponds to the thinning that would occur at the given OD.
Clearly, ballooning shortens the useful life of a CT segment. This simple example highlights
the importance of real-time measurements of tubing geometry.
TABLE 17.2 Trips to Fatigue Failure, 80 Kpsi, 82 in. Reel and 90 in. Guide Arch
Quantifying the effects of dents, scratches, and corrosion pits on the performance of CT is a
difficult task at best. Even though these flaws can be measured, (e.g. length, width, depth)
their effects can be more significant than their physical size suggests. Every cut or
sharp-edged flaw creates a local stress concentration or stress riser that can magnify fatigue
damage in the surrounding material. Moreover, such flaws can accelerate corrosion by provid-
ing fresh material for attack by corrosive fluids and gases. Many CT inspection tools can
“see” flaws and damage that are nearly invisible to the naked eye. They can even measure
those flaws larger than a certain threshold. Unfortunately, no industry group, such as API, has
proposed standards or guidelines for derating the performance of CT strings due to dents,
scratches, or corrosion pits.
A prudent approach is to measure the penetration of the flaw or damage into the CT wall and
use the reduced wall thickness for calculating mechanical limits (Chapter 8 “CT Mechanical
Limits”) and fatigue life (Section “CT Fatigue”).
Any section of the CT string not capable of satisfactory performance should be cut out of the
string, or at least positioned so that it remains on the reel.
NOTE: Butt welds are acceptable only on non-critical jobs and derate the fatigue life
by at least 50%.
CAUTION: Dimple and slip tubing connectors introduce severe local stress concentra-
tions to the surface of the CT. These stresses exacerbate the effects of corrosive envi-
ronments, particularly H2S and CO2. For CT operations in corrosive environments, a
prudent practice is to remove the tubing connector and re-install it on undamaged
tubing after each trip into a well.
• First, it provides the CT operator with high quality, real-time information that he can use
to properly perform his job. Operating data must be readily available in a format permit-
ting rapid evaluation and judgments. However, real-time data are only a snapshot, a brief
window, into a continuing operation. An instantaneous change in a parameter may only be
a random, singular event, or it may herald the start of a trend. Historical data correlated
against time or depth are necessary to describe the progress of an operation and warn of
potential problems.
• The second function of data acquisition is to record trends in physical parameters. Based
on these trends, the CT operator can minimize problems such as CT fatigue and deteriorat-
ing wellbore conditions.
• The third function of data acquisition is to provide permanent records of CT operations.
These records have a myriad of uses including post-job analyses, research and develop-
ment, training, and planning future operations.
The only acceptable data acquisition system (DAS) for CT operations is a computer-based
system. All major CT service companies can meet this requirement. Chart records and analog
gauges are fine for the CT unit operator, but neither provides a permanent record suitable for
control, analyses, and planning as described in this manual. The data listed in the first two col-
umns of Table 17.3 are readily available. All eight parameters are measured and displayed in
the CT unit control cab. However, CT service companies seldom record stripper pressure and
CT reel tension on their DAS. The former gives some indication of how stripper friction
changes with time. Reel tension affects CTWI. Both data are necessary when comparing sim-
ulator results to measured data.
Scanning rate is adjustable for computer-based systems, but CPU speed and/or data storage
media may set upper limits on scanning rate and volume of data. Relatively slow scanning
rate, 1-2 scans per minute, should be adequate while RIH and POOH or in vertical hole inter-
vals. A higher scanning rate, 6-12 scans per minute, is important in highly deviated wells, near
TD, and during critical operations. Data should also be available in a format for processing by
commercially available spreadsheet and plotting software.
If the BHA contains a sensor package to measure tension between the CT and BHA, this data
should be recorded on the DAS. During logging runs, CTWI and as many of the other vari-
ables as possible should be recorded on the logging computer for accurate correlation with the
Figure 17.11 shows one of the two digital display screens available from the Orion™ DAS.
The user can configure each screen with up to eight (8) digital displays, customize the labeling
and colors, and set alarm monitoring conditions.
Figure 17.12 shows a different Orion™ display format for real-time CT operations data that
provides a chart record or historical log of measurements over a specified time interval. The
operator can choose which parameters to plot on which charts and customize the appearance
of each one. This format is especially good for monitoring trends.
Chapter 8 "The von Mises Yield Condition", page 8-12 describes the use of Von Mises equiv-
alent stress (σVME) for defining the safe operating limits for CT. This concept can be applied
in real-time to provide the CT operator with a clear indication of σVME in the wall of the CT
(at a specific location) relative to the yield strength of the material or safe operating limit.
Figure 17.13 is an example of such a display from the Orion™ DAS. The blue ellipse corre-
sponds to the yield stress for the CT material. The red ellipse represents the “safe” operating
limit for σVME, here 80% of the yield stress. The green dot indicates the combination of dif-
ferential pressure and axial force above the stripper, and the red dot indicates the correspond-
ing condition below the stripper. As long as the dots are inside the red ellipse, the CT should
not fail due to excessive stress.
CT Forces Monitor
Section “CT Simulators” page 17-11 describes different ways of presenting CT simulator
results from a general force balance on a CT string. The concept of general force balance can
be applied in real-time to provide the CT operator with a clear indication of how the current
CTWI compares with planned values at any point in the operation. Figure 17.14 is an example
of such a display from the Orion™ DAS. The bold blue curve is the predicted CTWI for RIH.
The fine blue curve is the actual CTWI for RIH. The bold red curve is the predicted CTWI for
POOH. The fine red curve is the actual CTWI for POOH. The dot, here red because this snap-
shot of the display occurred during POOH, indicates the current depth and CTWI.
This presentation of the data provides a powerful tool for forecasting the outcome of the oper-
ation. Due to all of the assumptions necessary to run a CT simulator, the absolute values can
differ from reality for many reasons. The relationship between the actual measurements and
the predicted absolute values is not as important as the comparison between the trends. As
long as the trends are similar, the actual operation is going as planned. If the trends between
actual and predicted values differ too much, then two results are possible. One, the job planner
did not properly model the operation. Two, the CT simulation was accurate, but conditions
have changed in the wellbore and caused the job to deviate from the expected results. Running
the CT simulator again using current information from the operation can identify which of
these results is more likely. The CT operator can then decide whether the operation is becom-
ing risky or is safe to proceed on its present course.
Chapter 9 "CT Fatigue", page 9-6 discusses CT fatigue, and Section “Fatigue (Working Life)”
page 17-45 describes how to use fatigue data to manage a CT string. A real-time display of
fatigue accumulation in a CT string is a powerful tool for minimizing risk, especially for CT
operations like drilling, milling, and hydraulic scale removal. The example shown in Section
“Fatigue (Working Life)” page 17-45 is for a drilling operation. The Orion™ DAS can display
fatigue calculations in real-time to provide the CT operator a timely indication of
highly-fatigue portions of the CT string. Figure 17.15 is an example of such a display for
Reel-Trak™ calculations.
Monitoring CT Dimensions
As Section “CT String Management” page 17-45 describes, comprehensive string manage-
ment includes accurate measurements of the CT string geometry (OD and wall thickness) and
inspection of the CT for flaws and damage. Whether these measurements occur during a job
or during spooling operations in the service company yard, the data should become part of the
permanent record for the CT string.
This section shows examples of some of the electronic diameter measurements recorded by a
DAS during a spooling operation on a 16,700 ft CT string with nominal OD = 1.75 in. The
operational history and properties of this string are unknown. The average running speed dur-
ing the spooling operation was approximately 150 ft/min. The operator stopped spooling
every 1000 ft to measure the OD with a micrometer on two orthogonal diameters. The average
OD from the electronic diameter tool varied ± 0.003 in. relative to the manual measurements.
Figure 17.16 is a plot of the average OD for the first 9000 ft of tubing. These data suggest a
diameter enlargement at approximately 1600 ft and a diameter reduction at approximately
7000 ft. The increases in ovality at these locations (see Figure 17.17) indicate these diameter
variations are not uniform along each 30º radial. Figure 17.18 and Figure 17.19 show the
maximum and minimum diameters respectively for the first 9000 ft.
Figure 17.20 is a zoom view of the six individual diameter measurements (30º radials) around
1622 ft. The measurements are approximately 6 ft apart. These data clearly indicate a
0.020 in. bulge approximately 3 ft long. Figure 17.21 is a zoom view of the six individual
diameter measurements around 7042 ft. All six diameters suddenly decrease below their pre-
ceding average at least 0.015 in. This suggests the CT string may be necked-down at this loca-
tion. OD 1 and OD 6 (two adjacent radials) are approximately 0.030 in below their average
values for approximately 3 ft. Thus, the diameter reduction is not symmetrical.
Average OD (in.)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Length (ft)
Ovality (%)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Length (ft)
Maximum OD (in.)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Length (ft)
Minimum OD (in.)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Length (ft)
1.770 OD2
Diameter (in.)
1.760 OD5
1590 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650
Length (ft)
Diameter (in.)
1.735 OD3
1.725 OD6
7000 7020 7040 7060 7080 7100
Length (ft)
Requirements for post-job reporting on CT operations should be specified during the planning
phase (see Section “Job Planning” page 17-4). However, the motivation to produce the
planned reports will vary with the complexity and outcome of the job. Regardless of whether
the job succeeded or failed, a certain amount of data, analyses, and related information are
necessary to properly describe the outcome and provide a reference for planning future CT
operations. The purpose of this section is to outline minimum requirements for effective
post-job reporting.
Share the post-job report with all participants on the operation. For successful jobs, this can
foster a sense of accomplishment and provide positive feedback. For unsuccessful jobs or
those plagued with problems, the post-job report can teach valuable lessons and provide a
mechanism for improving future jobs. In both cases, the additional scrutiny can serve as a use-
ful quality control tool.
The service company should submit to the Customer a comprehensive and detailed report on
each CT operation. The report should contain the following information as a minimum:
5. Description of problems
a. CT description
• OD
b. CT weight sensor(s)
c. Depth counter(s)
d. DAS
e. Injector head
j. CT reel diameter
k. CT disconnect(s)
• components
• dimensions
• weight
n. Power pack
o. Auxiliary equipment
• pumps
• compressors
• tanks
p. Special tools
Customer's Responsibility
1. An overview of the CT operation and a comparison between the planned objectives and
actual results
The level of contingency planning will generally reflect the conditions, potential hazards
and/or complexity of the intended operation. Operations conducted in high potential hazard
conditions require a higher level of contingency planning. In some circumstances, detailed
procedures may be included in contingency plans to ensure the safety of personnel and equip-
This section provides general guidelines for CT operations. Local regulations, policies, and
working conditions may take precedence over the guidelines provided herein. However, these
guidelines can reduce the risk of failure for any CT operation.
Personnel Training
Safety Equipment
1. For any job where H2S or other substance is a potential breathing hazard, install a wind-
sock that will be easily visible from anywhere on the well site.
3. Create an emergency response and first aid site located at least 200 ft upwind from the
wellhead. This site should be equipped with the following items, as a minimum:
• 3 SCBA (when H2S or other breathing hazard might be present)
• Fire extinguishers suitable for flammable liquids
• First aid kit
• Eye wash kit
• Stretcher
• Radio or cellular phone capable of summoning off-site help
7. For any job where H2S or other substance is a potential breathing hazard, SCBA are
required at the following locations:
• Emergency response and first aid site
• CT unit control cab
• Remote BOP operating station
• Fluid pump unit
8. In each work area involving acid or other hazardous chemicals provide the means to:
• Rapidly wash (flush) the hazardous substance off affected surfaces
• Neutralize the hazardous substance or minimize its effects.
9. Portable communicators (radios) that operate on a common channel (frequency) should be
available on location to the following personnel:
• Customer well site supervisor
• Service company supervisor on location
• Equipment operators
Safety Procedures
1. Prominently display a detailed equipment layout drawing around the location noting the
locations of hazards and escape routes.
2. Only Customer personnel should operate wellhead valves and associated equipment
belonging to the Customer.
3. Control access to the job location by a sign in/sign out log. The Customer’s well site
supervisor, or his designate should maintain this log.
4. Prominently display large, weather-proof safety signs around the location whenever haz-
ardous materials are in use. As a minimum, these signs should proclaim the following
• Types of chemicals in use and their constituents
• Relevant safety precautions for each chemical
• Emergency actions in event of chemical spill
• First aid treatment in case a person comes in contact with nitrogen or a hazardous
• Emergency telephone number(s) for additional information.
5. Support the injector head on a work platform or from overhead with a crane whenever per-
sonnel are working on or near the injector head.
7. Before any person enters the wellhead cellar without an SCBA, confirm that LEL, oxygen,
and H2S are at safe levels.
e. Assign responsibilities
2. Transport hazardous chemicals in accordance with local requirements and with warning
signs prominently displayed.
3. Verify that all equipment and loads being transported comply with local limits for weight
and dimensions.
1. All equipment delivered to the location should meet the guidelines presented in Chapter
17 “Minimizing Risk For CT Operations” and the requirements of the Job Program.
3. Prior to each job, cut a 3 ft length of CT from the free end of the string and store it for
future analysis, if required.
4. Whenever possible, run a drift larger than the maximum OD of the BHA through the
well-bore to the depth required by the Job Program prior to commencing the job. If this
requires the use of the CT equipment, perform the drift run after the well-site pressure
5. Install the secondary pressure control equipment onto the crown valve according to Chap-
ter 17 “Minimizing Risk For CT Operations”. (Install the remaining well control compo-
nents per Section “Well-Site Pressure Testing” page 18-13.)
b. Test the operation of the rams by hydraulically opening and closing each actuator.
6. Position vent lines from pressure relief valves to discharge safely away from any person-
7. Injector head
a. Stabilize and secure the injector support platform (if provided) before installing the
injector head.
b. Verify proper operation of the injector head before installing it on the BOPs.
c. Remove the transport clamps from the injector head and verify that the weight indica-
tors are functioning.
d. Ensure that the centerline (longitudinal axis) of the CT is aligned with the vertical cen-
terline of the BOP stack.
e. Post in the CT unit control cab a plot of applied tension and applied compression force
vs. skate ram pressure for the injector used for the job.
8. Post a detailed schematic of the pressure control equipment stack in the CT unit control
9. Verify that the DAS, all sensors, and all displays are fully operational. Do not start the
job until this requirement is met.
10. If the BHA contains any ball-operated components, drift the CT and end connector with a
wiper plug at least as large as the ball or plug that will be used during the operation. This
should be done before the well-site pressure tests.
11. Prepare a detailed fishing diagram of the BHA prior to running it into the wellbore.
12. Operate crane engines continuously while any load is suspended from the crane.
13. For nitrogen operations over steel decking, support all tanks and cryogenic hoses with
wooden planks covered with tarps or rubber mats
BOP Operation
A BOP operates with 1500 psi hydraulic pressure. Two hoses must be connected to each cyl-
inder for proper operation of a BOP. One hose is used to close the ram. The other hose is used
to open it.
After fully closing the rams, close and lock the manual locks. If hydraulic pressure fails, the
locks on the pipe rams and blind rams hold the well bore pressure, while slip rams hold the
tubing. Operating the manual locks is critical for the slip ram if there is no backup. The fol-
lowing is the procedure for closing and locking the rams:
1. Close the rams with hydraulic pressure. If the hydraulic system has failed, release the
hydraulic fluid in front of the piston, then close the rams manually. To release the fluid,
either switch the valve over to the closed position, or remove the hydraulic fittings from
the front of the piston. Then allow the fluid to drain.
2. Run the manual locks in and rotate the hand wheel clockwise to lock the rams. Tighten the
hand wheel down with a pipe wrench and torque it down to make sure it is locked.
The rams must be fully opened to avoid contact with the tool string. The procedure to unlock
and open the rams is:
WARNING: Do not open the pipe rams or blind rams with a pressure differen-
tial across them. Opening these rams with a differential pressure will damage
the rubber goods and the BOP will no longer function properly.
2. Unlock the manual locks by rotating the hand wheel counter-clockwise. Note that rotating
the hand wheel clockwise will lock the rams.
3. Open the rams with hydraulic pressure. One cannot open the rams manually.
CAUTION: Do not use the slip rams during normal operations. If they are used,
inspect the surface of the CT contacted by the rams for signs of damage. Do
not run damaged CT below the BOPs.
1. Conduct all well-site pressure tests according to Chapter 17 "Pressure Testing for Standard
CT Operations", page 17-36, unless instructed otherwise in the Customer Job Program.
2. Use a clean fluid pump for pressure testing all components connected to the CT.
WARNING: Do not pressure test CT strings with nitrogen or any other gas on
Surface Lines
1. Connect hard lines from the pump to the CT reel manifold and the TKV.
2. Pressure test the lines against the CT reel inlet valve and the TKV.
2. Close the BOP blind rams and open the equalizing port.
3. Slowly pump water through this port until fluid is observed above the blind rams.
4. Close the equalizing port and pressure test the blind rams.
5. At the conclusion of the test, reduce the pressure to zero through the pump.
2. Insert the CT into the injector head and stripper. (This assumes the stripper has been
installed on the injector head.)
3. Install the appropriate tubing connector on the end of the CT, then install the BHA as spec-
ified in the Job Program.
4. Lower the BHA into the riser and BOPs and make up the remaining connection(s).
5. Slowly raise the BHA until the tubing connector contacts the lower wear bushing in the
CAUTION: Ensure that the gripping force applied to the CT by the injector
head is adequate to hold the CT against the pressure force.
7. Apply test pressure through the CT and increase the hydraulic pressure to the stripper until
it stops leaking.
8. Reduce the pressure to zero through the BOPs and repair any leaks. Always reduce pres-
sure to the CT reel last to prevent collapsing the CT.
9. Repeat steps 6-8 until the requirements of Chapter 17 "Pressure Testing for Standard CT
Operations", page 17-36 are satisfied.
10. Test the BHA check valves by reducing pressure on the CT reel at least 1500 psi and mon-
itoring the CT pressure for 15 minutes per the requirements of Chapter 17 "Pressure Test-
ing for Standard CT Operations", page 17-36.
11. On completion of the test, reduce pressure through the BOPs to zero. Always reduce
pressure to the CT reel last to prevent collapsing the CT.
1. With the stripper fully retracted, lower the BHA until the tubing connector is at least 12 in.
below the pipe rams.
2. Adjust the gripping force the injector head applies to the CT so that the injector head can
safely hold the CT against the pressure (snubbing) force per Chapter 17 "Injector Head",
page 17-26.
3. Open the TKV and slowly pump water until the stripper leaks.
5. Close and lock the BOP pipe rams and slowly pump through the CT to the required test
6. At the conclusion of the test, energize the stripper and equalize across the pipe rams.
7. Open the TKV and reduce pressure to zero through the pump.
2. Whenever possible, lubricate the CT while RIH to protect the stripper elements.
3. Zero the depth counters and weight indicator(s) prior to opening the well.
4. Maintain the lowest possible hydraulic pressure on the stripper that creates an effective
seal around the CT in order to minimize wear on the stripper elements.
5. Maintain positive pressure in the CT reel at all times. With the CT in tension, do not
exceed 500 psi collapse pressure differential without prior approval from the Customer
6. Do not use the slip rams during normal operations. If they are used, inspect the surface of
the CT contacted by the rams for signs of damage before continuing operations. Do not
run damaged CT below the BOPs.
7. Whenever possible, run a tubing end locator (TEL) on the BHA for depth correlation pur-
poses. Mark the CT with paint at known depths for visual reference. Do not scratch, dent,
or otherwise mar the surface of the CT.
8. Maximum allowable SDW, without prior approval from the Customer supervisor, is the
lessor of 2000 lbs or the value specified in the Customer Job Program.
9. Do not alter any operating limit without expressed permission of the Customer supervisor.
10. Operate the DAS at all times that the BHA is below the BOPs and monitor the real-time
operations data.
• Relatively slow DAS scanning rate, 1-2 scans per minute, should be adequate while
RIH and POOH or in vertical hole intervals. Use a higher scanning rate, 6-12 scans per
minute, in highly deviated wells, near TD, and during critical operations.
• Monitor the VME stress in the CT wall relative to the working limit prescribed by the
job program.
WARNING: Do not exceed the CT working limit without prior approval from
the Customer supervisor.
11. Operate the data acquisition system at all times the CT is below the BOPs.
12. Upon completion of CT operations and prior to rigging down, vent all pressure from the
CT through the kill line and release the stripper.
13. Clean the CT string after each operation involving pumping solids-laden slurries.
If the Job Program does not specify running speeds, use the values in Table 18.1.
Situation Speed
through any restrictions in the wellbore ID 15 ft/min
when the BHA is passing through the wellhead 15 ft/min
RIH within 100 ft of tagging a designated target 15 ft/min
within 500 ft of bottom or known obstruction 25 ft/min
below the wellhead 75 ft/min
actual depth unknown, estimated depth about 500 ft 15 ft/min
through any restrictions in the wellbore ID 15 ft/min
when the BHA is passing through the wellhead 15 ft/min
below the wellhead 100 ft/min
NOTE: Some BHAs, such as logging tools and completions, require slower
running speeds than those in Table 18.1. Always heed the slowest maximum
allowable running speed.
If the Job Program does not specify the location for pull tests, perform pull tests at the loca-
tions listed below while RIH. Do not adjust the weight indicator to conform to predicted val-
ues without the expressed consent of the Customer supervisor. Record any weight anomalies.
Operate the DAS while performing pull tests.
• After RIH about 500 ft to verify that all equipment is operating correctly
• Every 1000 ft for wellbore inclination < 60°
• Every 500 ft for wellbore inclination ≥ 60°
• After passing through any downhole restriction or tight spot
• Any time the rate of change in CTWI increases significantly compared to the predicted
• Time
• Depth
• RIH, POOH, and hanging weights
• Stripper pressure
• Pump rate and pressure
A valuable means of minimizing risk for an operation with a large or expensive BHA like per-
forating or logging is to conduct CT test runs prior to the actual job. These consist of substitut-
ing a “dummy” BHA for the real one, then running the CT operation as planned, including
pull tests. The dummy BHA must resemble the real BHA as much as possible in weight and
dimensions, but need not perform the planned functions of the real BHA. CT test runs are
more than pass/fail tests because they provide a full dress rehearsal for the actual CT opera-
tion and data for validating the planning simulations. Updating simulations with better esti-
mates of Cf is particularly important if the CT test run deviates from the predicted results.
Use the weight indicator response to help determine whether sticking is due to a downhole or
near wellhead condition. For example, a rapid loss of weight over a short interval can indicate
a hang-up point at or near the wellhead or pressure control equipment. Deeper, downhole
hang-up points will cause a slower reaction which is dampened by the effect of tubing stretch
or buckling.
Use the interval over which the weight loss is observed to help identify the hang-up mecha-
nism. For example, a single-point mechanical hang-up can effect a more rapid weight indica-
tor reaction than the build up of fill material around the BHA.
The following sections offer suggestions for reducing or solving sticking problems.
Able to Circulate
Unable to Circulate
2. Activate the circulating sub or flow bypass (if so equipped) in the BHA, or release the
BHA and regain circulation.
CT is Stuck
1. Determine the free point (see Section “Determining the Free Point” page 18-22).
2. Close and manually lock the BOP slip rams and the pipe rams.
4. Slowly depressurize the CT to check the integrity of the downhole check valves.
5. If the downhole check valves leak, proceed to Section “Downhole Check Valves Leaking”
page 18-23.
6. If the downhole check valves hold, proceed to Section “Downhole Check Valves Holding”
page 18-23.
For a vertical well and CT with a uniform wall thickness to the free point:
1. Pull slowly, but steadily on the CT with a force of 0.7 x A x σy (force F1).
π × [OD 2 − (OD − 2t ) 2 ]
A = CT wall cross - sectional area =
3. Slack-off the CT to 10-20% of F1 (force F2) and measure the corresponding depth, L2.
4. Calculate the distance from the injector to the free point from the following equation:
( L2 − L1 ) × A × E
L free =
F1 − F2
For a non-vertical well, a tapered CT string, or both, use a CT simulator such as Orpheus™ to
determine the free point.
4. Rig down the injector head and rig up a wireline (or smaller diameter CT if necessary)
with a tubing cutter onto the BOPs.
6. Retrieve the tubing cutter and rig down the wireline or smaller CT unit.
1. Close and manually lock the BOP slip rams and then the pipe rams.
3. Rig down the injector head and rig up a wireline (or smaller diameter CT if necessary)
with a tubing cutter onto the BOPs.
5. Retrieve the tubing cutter and rig down the wireline or smaller CT unit.
9. Open the pipe and then the slip rams and pull the CT free end to the surface.
WARNING: Pay close attention to the maximum running speeds per Section
“CT Running Speeds” page 18-18
2. Inform the Customer Supervisor of the nature and status of the problem and request a pub-
lic announcement to advise personnel to remain clear of the affected areas.
3. If acid or other hazardous chemicals are involved, displace the CT reel to water as soon as
Broken CT
WARNING: Do not let WHP exceed the CT collapse pressure. Allowing the
well to flow during the recovery operation may be necessary to reduce the
WHP to a safe level.
2. Close and manually lock the BOP slip rams and the pipe rams.
5. Open the pipe rams and then the slip rams and pull the BHA back to the surface.
WARNING: Pay close attention to the maximum running speeds per Section
“CT Running Speeds” page 18-18
WARNING: Do not let WHP exceed the CT collapse pressure. Allowing the
well to flow during the recovery operation may be necessary to reduce the
WHP to a safe level.
2. Close and manually lock the BOP pipe rams and slip rams.
A sudden change in the weight indicator (weight loss) and/or a variation in circulating pres-
sure will generally indicate a workstring that has parted in the wellbore. Attempting to tag a
known restriction may confirm that the tubing has parted, if the apparent depth is greater than
previously noted.
In some cases the first indication that the workstring has parted will be the release of well flu-
ids as the tubing stub is pulled through the stripper. In this event, closing the blind rams will
regain control of the well.
A leak in the tubing string indicates a significantly weakened area which may fail completely
following further cycling. Action taken to secure the well and recover the workstring should
be made while attempting to minimize further damage or fatigue to the string at the leak point.
WARNING: Do not let WHP exceed the CT collapse pressure. Allowing the
well to flow during the recovery operation may be necessary to reduce WHP
to a safe level.
2. Close and manually lock the BOP slip rams and the pipe rams.
5. If it is unsafe to pull the CT, splice the CT with a temporary connector, then resume pump-
ing slowly.
6. Open the pipe and then the slip rams and pull the BHA back to the surface.
WARNING: Pay close attention to the maximum running speeds per Section
“CT Running Speeds” page 18-18
WARNING: Do not let WHP exceed the CT collapse pressure. Allowing the
well to flow during the recovery operation may be necessary to reduce the
WHP to a safe level.
2. Close and manually lock the BOP pipe rams and slip rams.
2. Close and manually lock the BOP pipe rams and slip rams.
4. Attempt to stop the leak by tightening the offending connection, plug, or seal.
6. If the leak persists, shear the CT per Section “Shearing CT” page 18-32. Otherwise, skip
to step 10.
10. If the leak has been stopped, open the pipe rams, then the slip rams. Pull the CT above the
injector to inspect the surface of the CT gripped by the rams.
• If the CT is undamaged, resume CT operations.
• If the CT is damaged, POOH and make permanent repairs or substitute a different reel
of tubing.
1. Pump treatment fluid, water, or brine at a sufficient rate to prevent back flow up the CT.
CAUTION: Do not pump kill fluid without approval from the Customer super-
WARNING: Pay close attention to the maximum running speeds per Section
“CT Running Speeds” page 18-18
1. If the stripper begins to leak, stop moving the CT (when it is safe to do so).
CAUTION: If the CT operation at the time of the stripper leak is a fill removal,
scale removal, drilling or milling, then continue pumping at the planned rate
to minimize the risk of sticking the BHA or tubing.
a. Close and manually lock the BOP pipe rams around the CT.
4. If the stripper is not leaking, close and manually lock the pipe rams. If the stripper is leak-
ing, see Section “Leaking Stripper Element” page 18-29.
5. Shut down the power pack and tag the control valves before any person climbs onto or
works on the injector head.
6. Open the injector chains and clean or repair the gripper blocks.
8. Close the injector chains, remove the tags from the injector controls, and reinstate hydrau-
lic power to the injector head.
12. Open the pipe and then the slip rams and inspect the surface of the CT contacted by the
rams for signs of damage.
• If the CT is undamaged, continue CT operations.
• If the CT is damaged, POOH and make permanent repairs or substitute a different reel
of tubing.
Acid Spills
1. If an unprotected person comes in contact with acid, liberally rinse the affected areas with
3. Neutralize acid spills in all affected areas with soda ash and wash the remains to drain. Pay
particular attention to crevices, cable trays etc. that may have been subject to acid splash-
Nitrogen Spills
WARNING: Liquid nitrogen causes severe freeze burns on contact with the
skin and can crack steel plates. Nitrogen gas is an asphixant.
1. For liquid nitrogen contact with the skin, flush the affected areas with tepid water and
inform the medic and Customer supervisor immediately.
2. If a nitrogen leak occurs, clear the area of all non-essential personnel and notify the Cus-
tomer supervisor.
3. Equip personnel that may have to work in the vicinity of a nitrogen leak with self-con-
tained breathing apparatus.
5. Thoroughly inspect all affected steel plates and decks for cracks.
6. Use water to wash away minor liquid nitrogen leaks in open areas.
Shearing CT
2. Close and manually lock the BOP slip rams, then the pipe rams, to secure the CT in the
4. Close and manually lock the BOP shear rams and shear the CT.
NOTE: If the CT BOP is leaking, closing the wellhead master valve may be
necessary to secure the well. In that case, start with step 3, then close the
wellhead master valve. Continue with steps 4-7.
1. If the injector head has stopped moving and the CT is stationary, then apply the injector
brake (if it has not activated automatically with the reduction in hydraulic pressure). Oth-
erwise, take action to prevent the tubing from running away (see Section “Tubing Run
Away Into the Well” page 18-33 or Section “Tubing Run Away Out of the Well”
page 18-34, whichever applies).
2. Close the BOP slip rams, then close the pipe rams. Engage the manual locks on the rams.
CAUTION: If the CT operation at the time of the power pack failure is a fill
removal, scale removal, drilling or milling, then continue pumping at the
planned rate to minimize the risk of sticking the BHA or tubing.
9. Inspect the surface of the CT contacted by the rams for signs of damage.
• If the CT is undamaged, resume CT operations.
• If the CT is damaged, POOH and make permanent repairs or substitute a different reel
of tubing.
The CT string can fall into the well due to its own weight, if the WHP is low and either of the
following occurs.
• The injector chains completely lose their grip on the CT (traction runaway).
• The injector motors spin freely (hydraulic runaway). This mode of runaway is extremely
rare, because the counter balance valves on the injector motor hydraulic circuit are
designed to prevent this from happening.
If the fall is not arrested quickly, the end of the CT or the BHA can slam into a restriction in
the wellbore or the bottom of the well with catastrophic results.
1. Attempt to match the speed of the injector with the CT's rate of decent.
4. If the run away is hydraulic, manually set the injector brake or reduce the injector hydrau-
lic pressure to zero to set the injector brake.
5. If the preceding actions do not stop the tubing runaway, do one of the following:
• Close the slip rams on the CT.
WARNING: This usually damages both the CT and the slip rams. Inspect both
and make the necessary repairs before continuing operations with either the
BOP or CT string.
NOTE: Closing the pipe rams on moving CT will damage the seals and render
them ineffective for well control.
• Allow the CT to fall into the well until it stops on its own. This invariably damages the
BHA and the CT. Depending on what arrested the CT's fall, this can seriously damage
the completion. Depending on the damage to the CT, retrieving the CT string might be
The CT string can be ejected out of the well, if the WHP is high enough to overcome the
weight of the CT below the stripper and either of the following occurs.
• The injector chains completely lose their grip on the CT (traction runaway).
• The injector motors spin freely (hydraulic runaway). This mode of runaway is extremely
rare because the counter balance valves on the injector motor hydraulic circuit are
designed to prevent this from happening.
If this ejection is not arrested quickly, the CT connector or the BHA can slam into the bottom
of the stripper, or the CT reel can birdnest with catastrophic results. The former usually breaks
the CT below the stripper and causes the BHA to fall into the well. The latter usually breaks
the CT above the injector.
1. Attempt to match the speed of the injector with the CT's rate of ascent.
4. If the run away is hydraulic, manually set the injector brake or reduce the injector hydrau-
lic pressure to zero to set the injector brake.
5. Increase the reel rotational speed to pace the CT coming out of the well.
6. Prepare to close the hydraulic master valve if the CT comes out of the stripper.
8. If the preceding actions do not stop the tubing runaway, close the slip rams on the CT.
WARNING: This usually damages both the CT and the slip rams. Inspect both
and make the necessary repairs before continuing operations with either the
BOP or CT string.
NOTE: Closing the pipe rams on moving CT will damage the seals and render
them ineffective for well control.
9. If closing the slip rams stops the runaway, close and manually lock the pipe rams.
10. If closing the slips fails to stop the runaway, the tubing connector will slam into the slips.
• If the connector holds, then secure the well with the hydraulic master valve.
• If the connector parts from the tubing, the tubing will be completely ejected from the
If the BHA is lost in the well or the CT breaks in the well, the CT operator may not know how
much CT is left below the surface and might accidentally pull the free end of the tubing out of
the stripper. If this happens:
• Wellbore fluids can escape from the stripper because the stripper elastomers cannot seal
around the deformed CT.
• Collapsed tubing may not move through the stripper's backup bushings. This will cause a
sudden increase in CTWI. Attempting to force the CT through the stripper could damage
the stripper.
• The injector may not be able to grip deformed CT.
• Pump pressure may increase due to the restriction in flow area at the collapsed section.
1. Slackoff the CT until the stripper can seal around the CT. If using tandem strippers, slack-
off the CT until the lower stripper can seal around the CT.
3. If the stripper cannot obtain a seal, shear the CT per Section “Shearing CT” page 18-32.
4. After securing the well, prepare to fish the CT left in the well.
Slowly pickup on the CT. If the injector cannot effectively grip the deformed CT, grab the CT
with the crane or traveling block. Relax the inside chain tension and use the crane or traveling
block to pull the CT from the well.
2. Remove the damaged tubing and temporarily splice the CT, or affect a permanent repair to
the CT string.
1. Clamp the CT to the injector head and disconnect the stripper from the BOP.
2. Raise the injector with the crane or traveling block enough to clamp the CT above the
3. Cut the CT above the clamp and remove the injector head and stripper.
4. Use the crane or traveling block to slowly POOH until approximately 25 ft of undamaged
CT clears the BOP.
6. Reinstall the injector head and stripper over the end of the CT protruding from the BOP.
2. Slowly pick up a few feet to create some slack in the CT between the guide arch and the
3. Close the BOP slip and then the pipe rams and apply the manual locks.
CAUTION: Always equalize the pressure across the pipe rams before opening
1. Cut the CT above the guide arch and remove the damaged reel.
2. Replace the reel and connect the end of the CT protruding from the injector to the new reel
(or to the end of the CT on the new reel).
1. Close and manually lock the BOP slip rams and the pipe rams.
CAUTION: If the CT operation at the time of the crane failure is a fill removal,
scale removal, drilling or milling, then continue pumping at the planned rate
to minimize the risk of sticking the BHA or tubing.
3. After the injector head has been secured to the crane, equalize the pressure across the pipe
rams, then unlock and open both sets of rams.
4. Inspect the surface of the CT contacted by the rams for signs of damage.
• If the CT is undamaged, resume CT operations.
• If the CT is damaged, POOH and make permanent repairs or substitute a different reel
of tubing.
Damaged Wellhead
The basic principle of CT well control is the same as for jointed pipe operations, i.e., main-
taining constant BHP throughout the well control operation. Several methods are available for
doing that, and the choice depends largely on operator preference. CT well control methods
Detailed discussions of each of these methods are beyond the scope of this manual but they
are available from numerous well control manuals for drilling operations. In each case, the CT
well control method is the same as for jointed pipe operations with four exceptions:
• Frictional pressure loss in CT is considerably higher than for drill pipe or typical jointed
work strings. This means that an accurate hydraulics simulator such as Hydra™ is an
essential tool for planning and executing a CT well control operation.
• For CT operations, the length of tubing the kill fluid flows through can be much greater
than the depth to the end of the tubing because of CT remaining on the reel. This affects
the time required to circulate a fluid to a certain point in the well. In a shallow well, the
influx may migrate to the surface before kill weight fluid exits the end of the CT.
• The dual flapper-type check valves in the BHA effectively isolate the reel inlet pressure
sensor from reading the shut-in BHP unless the CT operator takes steps to open the check
valve(s) long enough to make a reading.
• Many CT operations do not have adequate fluid mixing capacity to rapidly mix large vol-
umes of kill fluid.
Three methods of opening the check valves so that the CT operator can accurately measure
the shut-in BHP are:
• Start pumping slowly while keeping the annulus choke close. Record the CT pressure (reel
inlet) at the time when the CT pressure stabilizes or the WHP starts to rise. This will be the
shut-in BHP.
• Ramp the pump rate up to the proposed kill rate while maintaining constant WHP. When
the pump is up to the kill rate speed, record the CT pressure (reel inlet). This value is the
initial circulating pressure (ICP). Subtract the slow kill rate pressure from the ICP to get
the shut-in BHP.
• Slowly pump fluid with the annulus choke closed until the WHP increases approximately
100 psi. Shut off the pump and slowly bleed off the WHP through the CT reel. Record the
CT pressure (reel inlet) at the time the WHP stabilizes or reaches the initial pressure. This
will be the shut-in BHP.
Inadequate maintenance of a CT string can rapidly decrease its working life and significantly
reduce its performance capabilities. The purpose of this section is to provide guidelines for
routine maintenance of CT strings that should prolong their useful working life. The Customer
supervisor should review the log book for each CT string proposed for a job to determine its
suitability for the planned operation.
CT Inspection
• Inspecting CT strings
• Assessing the severity of damage or flaws in CT strings
• Derating the performance of damaged strings
Damage to CT strings can be broadly classified as:
• Cracks
• Pitting
• Abrasion
• Mechanical damage
• Dimensional Abnormalities
• Erosion
The following sections describe how to recognize these damage mechanisms and their poten-
tial effects on CT performance. However, these sections do not offer any guidelines for quan-
tifying the damage or derating CT strings because of visible damage.
Cracks are a serious form of defect because the stresses applied to a CT string in normal use
make the defect worse. Once initiated, cracks can propagate relatively quickly, jeopardizing
the safety and reliability of the string.
WARNING: Any string section identified with cracks should be removed from
service and repaired.
The majority of cracks are caused by fatigue damage and are often wrongly identified as pin-
holes when the crack has penetrated the wall. Cracks appear in three different “modes”:
• Transverse cracks—Run around the circumference of the tube. Transverse cracks can
grow very quickly due to the stress applied to the tube when bending. This form of crack is
the most common defect identified on used CT strings.
• Longitudinal cracks—Run along the axis of the tube. These are less common but may
propagate rapidly to form a split in the tube under severe stress.
• Angled cracks—Not a common configuration but typically associated with a bias weld.
Pits are typically associated with localized corrosion that can occur on the internal and exter-
nal surfaces of the tube.
• External—Resulting from contact with corrosive treatment fluid or wellbore fluids, atmo-
spheric corrosion or a combination of each.
• Internal—Resulting from exposure to improperly inhibited corrosive treatment fluids, or
(more commonly) failure to adequately flush or passivate the internal surface before stor-
age. Figure 18.1 shows a variation of internal pitting associated with damage to the longi-
tudinal weld.
• Weld bead—The weld bead can provide a site for the initialization and rapid progression
of localized corrosion.
Damage resulting from abrasion typically affects string performance as a result of reduced
wall thickness, sites for enhanced corrosion, or stress concentrations for crack initiation:
• Abrasion—Localized wall loss can occur as a result of abrasion with wellbore tubulars,
i.e. at contact points of the buckled (helical) tube.
• Longitudinal scratches—Can result from contact with sharp edges in the wellbore, pres-
sure control equipment or CT equipment. If undetected, the scratch may extend for several
thousand feet. Although the scratch may have little direct effect on string performance it
may indirectly lead to accelerated localized corrosion or fatigue.
Mechanical Damage
Mechanical damage of CT strings can greatly affect the performance of a string. Such damage
• Slip marks—Early slip designs were configured with slip teeth which formed semicircular
indentations or marks. These resulted in localized stresses and significantly accelerated
fatigue at that point. Current slip designs apply a “toothed” pattern over a longer interval
to reduce these effects.
• Chain marks—May result from misaligned chains, incorrect tension or damaged chain
blocks. A repeating pattern will probably result.
• Round dents—Have less effect on fatigue than sharp notches or cracks but can still signif-
icantly affect string performance.
Dimensional Abnormalities
Variations in string geometry cause problems with handling equipment (injector head chains)
and pressure control equipment (stripper, slip rams, pipe rams, etc.). In addition, many string
performance models (fatigue, pressure and tension, etc.) are based on algorithms which
assume that the tube is circular and the wall thickness is constant (with allowance for tapered
strings). If the actual geometry of the tube is different, the predictions may no longer be within
an acceptable margin of error.
• Ovality—All tubing is out of round from the first time it is spooled. The maximum recom-
mended ovality limits for any CT string is typically around 6%.
• Necking—generally caused by over stressing a section of tubing in tension.
• Ballooning—most frequently the result of cycling (bending) under high pressure. (See
Chapter 16 “High Pressure Operations” for a discussion of ballooning.)
Localized external erosion damage can occur when CT remains static across producing perfo-
rations or a reduced flow area such as a profile nipple.
Corrosion Control
Corrosion is one of the major factors affecting the useful life of coiled tubing. The effects of
corrosion are often difficult to quantify, which complicates the assessment of a safe working
life for a CT string. Corrosion can occur during an operation (from corrosive wellbore and
treatment fluids) or during transportation and storage (due to incorrect maintenance and pro-
tection procedures).
The effects of the anticipated level of corrosion must be recorded and incorporated into the
workstring life assessment.
Sources of Corrosion
A typical workstring will be exposed to several (if not all) of these sources over its useful life.
Treating Fluids
Treating fluids can cause severe corrosion. However, their chemical composition is known
and their effects can generally be controlled by the use of additives (corrosion inhibitors).
• Temperature—Higher temperatures generally increase corrosion rates and reduce the effi-
ciency of additives.
• Exposure time—Should be minimized. Most corrosion inhibitors are time restricted, espe-
cially at higher temperatures.
• Fluid type and strength—Acid strength affects the corrosion rate and the quantity of inhib-
itor required.
• Additive types and concentrations—Inhibitor efficiency can be affected by surfactants,
demulsifiers and mutual solvents.
• Fluid velocity—Increased fluid velocity can reduce the efficiency of any protective inhib-
itor layer.
Sufficient inhibitor must be mixed with the treating fluid to ensure adequate protection. Some
depletion of the inhibitor in the treating fluid will occur during the job.
Thorough mixing of the selected corrosion inhibitor with the treating fluid is essential. In
some cases, continued agitation of the fluid may be required to achieve the necessary disper-
sion of the inhibitor.
Wellbore Fluids
The nature of corrosive wellbore fluids is dependent on their source. For example, corrosive
brines and workover fluids will generally be inhibited to protect the wellbore tubulars. Such
inhibitor treatments will generally provide sufficient protection for the CT string.
• Directly to the external surface of the CT, preferably below the stripper.
• By running the CT into the wellbore while circulating the inhibitor fluid, relying on turbu-
lence at the nozzle to disperse the inhibitor.
Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide can significantly reduce the useful life of a workstring by degrading its
material strength. This can occur as a combination of sulfide stress cracking (SSC), hydro-
gen-induced cracking (HIC) and weight-loss corrosion.
• The well condition must be considered sour following stimulation treatments and during
cleanup. Personnel and equipment safety requirements must be met during those periods.
• Downhole tools and equipment must be positively identified as suitable for H2S service.
• The efficiency of additives, particularly corrosion inhibitors, can be significantly reduced
in the presence of H2S.
Protection against the effects of H2S can be achieved using a hydrogen sulfide scavenger. In
most cases, H2S protection should be applied to the external surface of the CT, as well as
being included in the treatment fluid.
Residual Fluid
Residual fluid corrosion occurs when a workstring is stored for a prolonged period with fluid
inside. Adequate flushing and purging should minimize the accumulation of fluid. However, it
is difficult to achieve complete removal.
Internal protection of a CT reel begins by flushing and neutralizing the reel contents. Subse-
quent purging with nitrogen is frequently required to allow safe loading and transportation of
the reel.
NOTE: Whenever possible, reels should be blown dry with nitrogen to mini-
mize residual fluid.
Atmospheric Corrosion
Atmospheric corrosion (surface rust) can have the following detrimental effects on a work-
• Weakening of the tubing structure, due to chemical deterioration of the tubing surface.
• The resulting roughened surface provides localized sites for further corrosion.
• The rough surface reduces the efficiency/useful life of elastomers in the pressure control
• The snubbing force required to run tubing through the stripper can increase significantly if
the surface is rough.
• Surface rust can interfere with depth measurement and tubing monitoring equipment.
To provide external protection, apply a coating to the tubing's external surface as it is being
spooled onto the reel, either during an operation or as part of routine maintenance. As a mini-
mum, always apply an anti-rust coating to the CT string at the end of each job.
The Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding technique is used in the repair and construction of CT
work strings. It floods the weld location with an inert gas, which excludes contaminants from
the weld site.
The TIG welding process uses the heat generated by an arc formed between a tungsten elec-
trode and the work-piece (Figure 18.2) to form the joint.
The TIG technique is generally restricted to materials less than 0.280 in. (7.1 mm) thick. The
low heat input and the slow deposition rate of this technique make it ideal for use with CT.
The welds produced are clean and of high quality because they are performed in an inert
atmosphere and without the use of chemical fluxes which can themselves contaminate the
• Check and record the wall thickness of any tubing to be added to an existing reel.
• Prior to preparing the tubing ends, cut a 12 in. representative sample of tubing from each
section to be joined. This sample should be properly identified and stored in a safe place.
Should any problem occur with the completed weld in future operations, the tubing sam-
ple can be regarded as part of the tubing reel/weld record.
• Straighten both ends to be joined 8 to 10 ft from the weld-site.
• The tubing end must be cut square. Check the cut surface in at least four areas at approxi-
mately 90° apart (Figure 18.3). Any surface which is 1/32 in. or greater, out of true must
be re-cut.
CAUTION: Do not use a roller type pipe cutter because some distortion of the
tubing is unavoidable.
• The seam weld internal bead should be removed approximately one-half inch from the
ends to be joined.
• Any internal burrs which result from cutting the tubing should be removed using a round
• The inside of the tubing must be dry; if required lower the tubing height on either side of
the join to prevent moisture from settling around the joint.
• Profile (chamfer) the outside edge as specified by the welding procedure to aid in achiev-
ing the desired weld penetration.
• The outer and inner surfaces of the tubing should be thoroughly cleaned and made free of
any scale or rust. Sand paper or emery cloth should be used to obtain a smooth clean sur-
• De-grease the inner and outer surfaces using denatured alcohol or equivalent.
• Place tubing in chill blocks/clamp tubes and secure in approximate alignment. The chill
blocks should be positioned as near as possible to the weld site, while allowing adequate
access for the welding head.
• Adjust the alignment fixtures until the tubing ends are separated the distance specified by
the welding procedure and in perfect alignment. The alignment should be checked using a
suitable straight-edge at four points around the circumference of the tubing.
The completed butt weld must be allowed to air-cool before being visually checked for any
abnormalities and/or surface defects. The weld should be carefully dressed and ground to
reduce bead height. The finished bead height should not be more than 0.005 in. above the tub-
ing surface.
A butt weld must meet pre-defined standards in the following areas before the repaired CT
can be placed in service:
CAUTION: Splicing a CT string with a butt weld is acceptable only for tempo-
rary repair.
Post-job Cleaning
CT strings may be used in a wide variety of applications, and be exposed to fluids with vastly
different chemical properties. To assist in determining the action to be taken, recommenda-
tions for post-job maintenance are grouped as follows:
• Non-corrosive fluids
• Cement and particulate materials
• Acid or corrosive fluids
Non-corrosive Fluids
On completion of an operation, flush fluids that are potentially corrosive from the CT string.
The flushing fluid should be clean, fresh water or the best available alternative. The minimum
volume of fluid that should be flushed through the string is 1.5 times the string volume.
If possible, blow nitrogen through the string. In addition to removing potentially corrosive flu-
ids, displacing the string with nitrogen substantially reduces the weight of the reel. This will
aid in the handling of skid-mounted reels and reduce the effect of impact loads on the reel
bearings and structure.
Use a foam plug to increase the efficiency of the nitrogen displacement. This is especially
effective where nitrogen gas bottles are used, because the initial displacement rate is very low
and a considerable slippage of fluid will take place around the reel. Confirm that the plug has
passed from the tubing before rigging down the nitrogen supply.
The removal of cement and particulate materials is important for two principal reasons:
• To avoid a restriction on the low side of the reel, formed by settling material.
• To prevent solid materials that have settled from interfering with the operation of down-
hole equipment on subsequent operations.
Flushing the string as described above should ensure that the reel is free from internal buildup
or restriction. Conduct the flushing with the highest flow rate practical. Inspect the water leav-
ing the reel for continued contamination. As above, the minimum volume should be 1.5 times
the volume of the string. Finally, displace the flushing fluid with nitrogen.
Following an operation involving acid or corrosive fluids, pump a pill of neutralizing solution
through the string. Typically, the pill will be a solution of soda ash or caustic (depending on
availability) at least one half the volume of the string. A commonly used formulation is 50 lb
soda ash in 10 BBL clean water. Follow this by the flushing and displacement procedures
described above.
CT Storage
When CT is to be stored, even for a relatively short period of time, take steps to ensure that the
work string and associated documentation package are kept in a satisfactory condition.
Regular carbon steel CT can quickly corrode when exposed to marine environments. Such
corrosion can occur on the inner surface of the tubing (internal corrosion), as well as on the
outer surface (external corrosion).
Internal corrosion has an obvious detrimental effect on the working life of a CT string. Small
amounts of moisture condensing inside the tubing can cause localized corrosion, leading to
thinning of the tubing wall and stress risers.
Apply an internal corrosion inhibitor to ensure that the CT is delivered in as close to as-manu-
factured condition as possible. This inhibitor protects the CT under various transportation and
storage conditions, but does not adversely affect tubing performance.
Once the string has been used, the protection of internal surfaces begins with the flushing and
neutralizing of the reel contents. Subsequent purging with nitrogen is frequently required to
allow safe loading and transportation of the reel. Whenever possible and practical, reels
should be blown dry with nitrogen to minimize the residual fluid which collects at the bottom
of the tubing wraps.
Inhibitors are also used to keep corrosion to a minimum on the external surface of a CT string.
To prevent the occurrence of surface rust, the following conditions must be met:
• The tubing surface must be clean and free from corrosive fluids or moisture.
• A suitable protective coating must be applied to the entire tubing surface.
• The coating must not interfere with the operational use of tubing, measurement or well
control equipment.
• The coating and its means of application must not cause a hazard to personnel or environ-
• The best external protection can only be applied to the tubing’s external surface as it is
being spooled onto the reel (either during operation or during maintenance procedures).
Stored reels or spools must be stored under cover. As a minimum, the spool/reel should be
covered with a weatherproof tarpaulin or sheet. This must be adequately secured, yet must not
trap fluids at the bottom of the spool.
During the storage period, check the CT string regularly to ensure that the protective coating
has not degraded. If required, a further coating may be added using a sprayer to maintain ade-
quate protection.
A major benefit of CT is its inherent safety in live well intervention. An important consider-
ation for working in live wells is deployment of long tool strings. Three deployment methods
are available:
Lubricator Deployment
The lubricator deployment method treats the CT equipment and tool string like wireline. The
riser or lubricator must be tall enough to “swallow” the tool string. The entire assembly is sup-
ported by a crane and guy wires (Figure 18.4).
Tool Deployment
The tool deployment system is an alternative to lubricator deployment. It reduces the working
height of the injector head and allows performing pressure tests at all stages. This system
relies on a deployment bar in the BHA to hold and seal the BHA inside the BOP.
• Crucial stages of the operation depend on the skill of the crane operator.
• Personnel are exposed to suspended loads during rig up and rig down.
The tool deployment system involves the following steps:
1. Rig the tool string and lubricator assembly as for wireline operations.
2. Run in the tool string until the deployment bar is opposite the BOP slip and pipe rams
(Figure 18.5).
3. Close the pipe and slip rams to secure wellbore pressure and hold the bar in place.
(Figure 18.6)
4. Vent pressure from the lubricator. Break the bottom connection and gain access to the
deployment bar top connection. Break this connection and lay down the lubricator assem-
bly and running tool.
5. Slowly lower the injector head until the tool string connection reaches the deployment bar.
Make up the tool string connection. Then lower the injector head to the riser. Make up the
riser connection. (Figure 18.7)
6. After making all connections, pressure test the system. Then equalize the pressure, open
the BOP rams, and run in the tool string. (Figure 18.8)
The safe deployment system requires several items of surface equipment (Figure 18.9), as
well as a deployment bar in the BHA.
Hydraulic Connector
The hydraulic connector or quick latch provides a quick and safe means of connecting the
lubricator or injector head assembly to the wellhead equipment.
The hydraulic connector is remotely operated, so personnel do not have to work below sus-
pended loads.
This side door riser (SDR) allows one to connect and secure the injector head assembly to the
BOP stack before connecting the tool string. A guide tool in the SDR ensures that the deploy-
ment tool will be properly positioned across the BOP rams.
The annular BOP provides contingency pressure containment. It seals the annular gap around
the tool sting or CT string as required (double barrier).
Control Panel
The CT operator controls the safe deployment system from a hydraulic control panel.
Downhole Tools
The downhole tools include a deployment bar and a quick-connect union system. These items
enable easy and safe make-up of the tool string.
The safe deployment system for live well deployment includes the following basic steps:
CAUTION: These instructions provide an overview only. They are not detailed
enough to safely conduct a live well tool deployment.
2. Assemble the tool string and install it in the wireline lubricator. Make up the hydraulic
connector to the lubricator.
3. Lift the lubricator onto the wellhead assembly and latch the hydraulic connector.
4. Equalize the pressure to the lubricator. Then open the wellhead valves and lower the tool
string into the wellbore until the tool reaches the SDR guide (Figure 18.10).
5. Close the BOP slip and pipe rams, and the annular BOP. Vent the lubricator pressure.
6. Open the SDR and disconnect the running tool. Remove the lubricator assembly
(Figure 18.11).
7. Fit the upper hydraulic connection to the injector head assembly. Make up the upper tool
8. Lift the injector head assembly. Latch the connector and secure the guy wires or chains.
9. Run in the CT until the tool string connection can be made up. Make up the tool string
connection. (Figure 18.12 and Figure 18.13).
10. Close the SDR. Pressure test the completed rig up (constrained by WHP below pipe rams
and/or annular BOP).
11. Equalize pressures and release the pipe and slip rams. Tag the stripper to verify depth set-
tings and proceed RIH (Figure 18.13).
Inspect wellhead equipment to ensure that it can safely support and secure the additional
weight and loading.
• Adequately secure the lubricator and injector head against lateral loads.
• Erect a work platform to aid access to the SDR.
FIGURE A.2 High Pressure Stack with Tandem Radial Stripper (Texas Oil Tools)
FIGURE A.3 High Pressure Stack with Tandem Side Door Stripper (Texas Oil Tools)
FIGURE A.9 Hydra Rig 480 Injector Head with Large-Radius Guide Arch
A = π ro2 − ri2 h
EQUATION B.2 Yield load
Fy = Aσ y
σ y t min
Py =
Ty =
e b
0.5773σ y π ro4 − ro − t min gj
2 ro
EQUATION B.5 Elastic stretch for CT that has never been bent
Fa L
δ af =
ro − max − ro − min
The collapse calculation is based on the equations in the following reference. Due to their
length these equations are not reproduced in this manual.
API Recommended Practice 5C7, First Edition: “Recommended Practice for Coiled Tubing
Operations in Oil and Gas Well Services”, December 1996
A = cross sectional area of the CT wall = Ao - AI
AI = internal cross sectional area of CT = πi2
Ao = external cross sectional area of CT = πo2
E = modulus of elasticity - 27 x 106 psi used for tables
Fy = axial yield load of the CT
L = length of the CT section
Py = internal pressure required to yield the CT
rI = internal radius of the CT
ro = nominal external radius of the CT
ro-max= the largest radius for oval tubing
ro-min= the smallest radius for oval tubing
t = nominal wall thickness of the CT = ro-rI
tmin = minimum wall thickness of the CT
Ty = yield torque
δaf = stretch due to axial force
φ = ovality of the CT
*. Feet of stretch when 1,000 lbs of force is applied to a section 1,000 ft. long.
*. Feet of stretch when 1,000 lbs of force is applied to a section 1,000 ft. long.
*. Feet of stretch when 1,000 lbs of force is applied to a section 1,000 ft. long.
*. Feet of stretch when 1,000 lbs of force is applied to a section 1,000 ft. long.
*. Feet of stretch when 1,000 lbs of force is applied to a section 1,000 ft. long.
*. Feet of stretch when 1,000 lbs of force is applied to a section 1,000 ft. long.
3. 64661 - An Integrated Approach to Marginal Field Development: Case History from the
Gulf of Suez
6. 63269 - A Three-Layer Modeling for Cuttings Transport with Coiled Tubing Horizontal
7. 63251 - A General String Design Method for Extended-Reach and High-Pressure Applica-
11. 62892 - Gas Shutoff Evaluation and Implementation, North Slope, Alaska
12. 62790 - New Bio-Polymers for Drilling, Drill-in, Completions, Spacer Fluids and Coiled
Tubing Applications
13. 62748 - Zonal Isolation in Stimulation Treatments and Gas/Water Shutoff Using Ther-
mally Compensated Inflatable Packers and Plugs
14. 62744 - Reducing the Risk, Complexity and Cost of Coiled Tubing Drilling
16. 62741 - The Development of a Coiled-Tubing Deployed Slow-Rotating Jet Cleaning Tool
that Enhances Cleaning and Allows Jet Cutting of Tubulars
17. 62738 - Rotational Toolface Orientation to Facilitate Coiled Tubing Target Acquisition
18. 60756 - Controlling Small Positive-Displacement Motors when used with Coiled Tubing
and Compressible Fluids
19. 60755 - The Effects of Particle Size, Fluid Rheology, and Pipe Eccentricity on Cutting-
20. 60752 - A Concept of a New Steerable Drilling System for Coiled Tubing
21. 60751 - Vibration Analysis for Coil Tubing Drilling in Prudhoe Bay
22. 60750 - Anaconda: Joint Development Project Leads to Digitally Controlled Composite
Coiled Tubing Drilling System
23. 60748 - Coiled Tubing Inspection and Tubing Management: A Case Study
25. 60744 - The Effect of Corrosion in Coiled Tubing and Its Prevention
30. 60733 - Pumping with Coiled Tubing - A New Coiled Tubing Application
31. 60732 - Cable Internal, Coiled Tubing Deployed Submersible Pump Installation
32. 60730 - Development of a Power and Data Transmission Thermoplastic Composite Coiled
Tubing for Electric Drilling
34. 60728 - Pipeline Intervention From a Dynamically Positioned Mono-Hull Vessel via a
Flexible Riser
39. 60720 - Friction Pressure Correlations of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids through
Concentric and Eccentric Annuli
40. 60719 - Friction Pressures of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids in Straight and
Reeled Coiled Tubing
42. 60717 - Selective Chemical Water Shutoffs Utilizing Through-Tubing Inflatable Packer
44. 60710 - Theoretical Analysis and Design Modification of PDM for Air Drilling
45. 60709 - Integration of Conventional Fracturing, Coiled Tubing, and Retrievable Tool
49. 60705 - Coiled Tubing-Deployed Jetting Tool Enhances Cleaning and Jet Cutting
50. 60702 - Multilateral Well Leg Re-Entry Made Possible With a Unique Coiled Tubing
Downhole Tool
51. 60701 - New Downhole Tool for Coiled Tubing Extended Reach
52. 60700 - A Hybrid Milling/Jetting Tool The Safe Solution to Scale Milling
55. 60696 - Concentric Coiled Tubing Well Vacuuming Technology for Complex Horizontal
Wells in Eastern Venezuela
56. 60695 - Coiled Tubing Scale Removal of Iron Sulfide A Case Study of the Kaybob field in
Central Alberta
57. 60694 - Good Coiled Tubing Welds, Properly Managed, Do Not Break
59. 60691 - Case Studies Demonstrate That Effective Soluble Scale Removal Treatment Out-
performs Bull Heading
60. 60319 - A New Approach for Predicting Frictional Pressure Losses of Non-Newtonian
Fluids in Coiled Tubing
61. 60313 - Economic Fracturing of Bypassed Pay: A Direct Comparison of Conventional and
Coiled Tubing Placement Techniques
62. 59534 - A Coiled Tubing-Deployed Slow-Rotating Jet Cleaning Tool Enhances Cleaning
and Allows Jet Cutting of Tubulars
65. 59139 - Zonal Isolation in Stimulation Treatments and Gas/Water Shutoff Using Ther-
mally Compensated Inflatable Packers and Plugs
66. 59131 - Improved Zonal Isolation Through the Use of Sealants Before Primary Cementing
68. 58782 - Application Of Inflatable Packers For Production Testing And Conformance
Problems In Algeria
72. 57459 - Coiled Tubing Ultrashort-Radius Horizontal Drilling in a Gas Storage Reservoir:
A Case Study
73. 57447 - An Update On Use of Coiled Tubing for Completion and Recompletion Strings
74. 57435 - Enhancing Production in Multizone Wells Utilizing Fracturing Through Coiled
75. 57432 - Coiled Tubing Conveyed Fracture Treatments: Evolution, Methodology and Field
76. 57013 - Static Buckling of Rod and Pipe String in Oil and Gas Wells
77. 56940 - Coiled Tubing NDT Inspection: Implementation, Experience and Results
79. 56864 - Designing Under- and Near-Balanced Coiled-Tubing Drilling by Use of Com-
puter Simulations
80. 56671 - Coiled Tubing Used as a Continuous Sucker-Rod System in Slim Holes: Success-
ful Field Experience
81. 56533 - Acid Stimulation of Power Water Injectors and Saltwater Disposal Wells in a Car-
bonate Reservoir in Saudi Arabia: Laboratory Testing and Field Results
84. 56044 - Fundamental Equations for Dynamical Analysis of Rod and Pipe String in Oil and
Gas Wells
86. 55681 - Improved Model for Collapse Pressure of Oval Coiled Tubing
88. 55618 - Selective Production of Horizontal Openhole Completions Using ECP and Slid-
ing Sleeve Technology
90. 55036 - Horizontal Underbalanced Drilling of Gas Wells with Coiled Tubing
91. 54738 - Acidizing Deep Open-Hole Horizontal Wells: A case History on Selective Stimu-
lation and Coil Tubing Deployed Jetting System
95. 54504 - High Pressure Coiled Tubing Instrumental in Deep Water Well Work
96. 54502 - Application of C.T.D. Offshore, Indonesia Phase One Pilot Project
97. 54496 - Dynamically Overbalanced Coiled Tubing Drilling on the North Slope of Alaska
98. 54494 - Laying Large-Diameter Coiled Tubing Offshore in the Arabian Gulf: A Case His-
103.54482 - Full-Scale Coiled Tubing Fatigue Tests With Tubing Pressures to 15,000 psi
104.54481 - Development of Welding Procedure Specification for Girth Welds in Coiled Tub-
106.54478 - Coiled Tubing Failure Statistics Used to Develop Tubing Performance Indicators
111.54472 - Coiled Tubing Milling and Temporary Plug and Abandonment Operations
112.54469 - The ALL Electric BHA: Recent Developments toward an Intelligent Coiled -
Tubing Drilling System
113.54467 - New Downhole Gas Separator Enhances Coiled Tubing Jetting and Stimulation
114.54462 - ICoTA's CT Drilling Training and Competence Guidelines - How to use them.
120.53320 - Design, Execution and Evaluation of a Novel Coiled Tubing Acid Stimulation
Operation - A Case History
121.53244 - Cementing Through High Pressure Coiled Tubing on HPHT Khuff Gas Well Off-
shore Abu Dhabi
122.52840 - The Buckling Behavior of Pipes and Its Influence on the Axial Force Transfer in
Directional Wells
125.52121 - Coiled Tubing Hangoffs: A Simple, Yet Effective Tool for the Future
131.51066 - Liquid Carbon Dioxide Fracturing for Increasing Gas Storage Deliverability
135.50964 - The Use of Coiled Tubing During Matrix Acidizing of Carbonate Reservoirs
Completed in Horizontal, Deviated, and Vertical Wells
141.50591 - A Static Slickline-Retrievable Wellhead Plug System for Use with Horizontal
Trees in Offshore Systems
144.49196 - The Application of Novel Wax Divertor Technology to Allow Successful Scale
Inhibitor Squeeze Treatment into a Sub Sea Horizontal Well, North Sea Basin
148.48941 - Drilling and Completing a High-Angle Well With Coiled Tubing Technology
149.48935 - Significant Production Enhancement of Extended Reach, Prolific Gas Lift Oil
Wells -- Case History of Systematic Problem Resolution
151.47847 - Slickline Power Unit on Coiled Tubing Provides Innovative Solution for Setting
a Nippleless Lock in a Multilateral Completion
152.47845 - Case History - Hydraulic Rig Assist Utilized in Workover Program in Dayung
Gas Field, Indonesia
153.47840 - Turbo Drilling Through Coiled Tubing Using Foam In Sub-hydrostatic Well : A
Case History For Jotana Field In Cambay Basin, India
159.46042 - Planning For Underbalanced Drilling With Coiled Tubing? The feasibility study
and computer modeling.
166.46032 - Job Tracking Using Local Friction Profile to Minimize Risk in CT Operations
170.46016 - Development Update of an MWD Directional Drilling Package for 2-3/4" Open-
hole: Tiny Tools
172.46013 - Electric Coiled Tubing Drilling - The First Steps Toward a Smart CT Drilling
179.39699 - Optimization of Borate-Based Gels Used for Wellbore Diversion During Well
182.39487 - Water Quality Requirements and Restoring the Injectivity of Waste Water Dis-
posal Wells
183.39422 - Field Validation of a Foam Diversion Model: A Matrix Stimulation Case Study
184.39419 - A Systematic Study of Iron Control Chemicals Used During Well Stimulation
186.39374 - Hybrid Coiled Tubing System for Offshore Re-entry Drilling and Workover
187.39358 - Through Tubing Infill Drilling as a Method for Increased Oil Recovery on the
Gullfaks Field
190.39348 - Selective Isolation of Perforated Liners Using Casing Patches: Case Studies
from North Sea Operations
194.39261 - Cementing Through Coiled Tubing Decreases Well Completion And Testing
196. 39226 - Slimhole Lateral Well Drilling Across Faults from 4-1/2" Cased Producers in
the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado
197.39208 - Deliverability Enhancement and Well Testing of Two Gas Storage Fields in Mt.
199.38836 - Coiled Tubing Resin Squeeze to Mitigate Water Production in Offshore Gravel-
pack Wells
204.38757 - The Application of New Wireline Well Tractor Technology to Horizontal Well
Logging and Intervention: A review of Field Experience in the North Sea
207.38613 - Development and Case Histories of an MWD Directional Drilling Package for
2-3/4" Openhole
208.38558 - Using 4000 ft Long Induced Fractures to Water Flood the Dan Field
210.38536 - Deployment of a Coiled Tubing Gas Lift Completion and Subsequent Recovery
of Reserves From a Marginal BP Forties Well
213.38428 - Casing Exit Techniques Using Coiled Tubing: Worldwide Case Histories
215.38426 - A Case Study of Downhole Obstruction Avoidance for CT-Conveyed TCP Oper-
217.38424 - Development & Application of Inline Connectors for Weight Restricted Offshore
218.38423 - Utilizing Coiled Tubing in Mobile Bay's 22,000 TVD Gas Wells Yields Econom-
ical and Technical Advancements
220.38421 - Effects of Coiled Tubing Shear History on the Rheological and Hydraulic Prop-
erties of Fracturing Fluids
222.38419 - High Pressure Coiled Tubing Job Prepares Gulf Coast Well
223.38418 - An Operational Overview of the Use of High Pressure Coiled Tubing in the Gulf
of Mexico
224.38417 - Using Coiled Tubing to Remove Silicate Scale from Geothermal Wells
226.38415 - Full-Scale, Low-Cycle Fatigue Tests with 2-in. Coiled Tubing and an Automatic
Coiled Tubing Inspection and Monitoring System
230.38410 - Serviceability of Coiled Tubing for Sour Oil and Gas Wells
231.38409 - Development and Use of an Analytical Model to Predict Coiled Tubing Diame-
ter Growth
234.38406 - Coiled Tubing Deployed ESPs Utilizing Internally Installed Power Cable - A
Project Update
239.38399 - Coiled Tubing Horizontal Underbalanced Drilling Project; Costs and Opera-
tional Analyses
243.38199 - Gel Plugs for Temporary Isolation in Horizontal Wells Completed with Slotted
246.38147 - Method for Deploying Tubing Conveyed Perforating Guns in Live Well Condi-
251. 37656 - Extending the Reach of Coiled Tubing Drilling Thrusters, Equalizers and Trac-
tors -
252. 37655 - Planning, execution and Review of Brent's First Coil Tubing Drilled Well
253. 37654 - A New, Integrated, Wireline-Steerable, Bottom Hole Assembly Brings Rotary
Drilling-Like Capabilities to Coiled Tubing Drilling
254. 37645 - Amorphous Diffusion Bonding: New Technology Towards a Seamless Reeled
Tubing System
256. 37624 - Hydrate Plug Remediation: Options and Applications for Deep Water Drilling
258. 37616 - New Well Architectures Increase Gas Recovery and Reduce Drilling Costs
260. 37534 - Thermal Performance of Insulated Concentric Coiled Tubing ICCT - for Con-
tinuous Steam Injection in Heavy Oil Production
261. 37508 - Real-time Well-site Monitoring and Evaluation of Coiled Tubing Cleanouts
263. 37470 - The Evaluation of Two Different Methods of Obtaining Injection Profiles in
CO2 WAG Horizontal Injection Wells
265.37408 - A New Approach for Accurate Prediction of Loading in Gas Wells Under Differ-
ent Flowing Conditions
266. 37357 - Nonelastomeric Sliding Sleeve Maintains Long Term Integrity in HP/HT Appli-
cation: Case Histories
268. 37127 - Characterizing Horizontal Well Performance in a Tight Gas Sand Using Pres-
sure Transient, Production Logging and Geological Data
269. 37119 - Correction Routines for Production Logs in High Productivity Wells with Open
Hole Completions and Screens
270. 37110 - Slotted-Liner Completions Used in the First Horizontal Wells in Mexico
271. 37093 - The Selective Evaluation and Stimulation of Horizontal Wells Using Concentric
Coiled Tubing
272. 37076 - A Simplified Well Control Model for Horizontal Slimholes and Coiled Tubing
273. 37075 - Horizontal Underbalanced Drilling in a Sour Gas Carbonate Using Coiled Tub-
ing: A Case Study
275. 37062 - Underbalanced-Directional Drilling with Coiled Tubing - Challenges and Solu-
276. 37056 - An Improved Analysis of Axial Force Along Coiled Tubing in Inclined/Hori-
zontal Wellbores
277. 37054 - An Approach for the Selection and Design of Slim Downhole Motors for Coiled
Tubing Drilling
279. 36995 - Electronically Enhanced Remote Actuation Systems Improve Deepwater Com-
pletions Capabilities, Economics
281. 36963 - Production Optimizing With Coiled Tubing and Other Rigless Techniques
282. 36947 - Gravel Packed Wells in the Statfjord Field: Completion, Workover and Produc-
tion History
284. 36909 - Well Plugging Operations in West of Shetland Horizontal Wells Using Coiled
Tubing Techniques
285. 36908 - Repair of a Failed Gas Lift Completion Using a 1500 Ft. Long 3 1/2 in. Coiled
Tubing Insert Straddle
287. 36582 - Intelligent Completion for Oil and Gas Production Control in Subsea Multi-lat-
eral Well Applications
288. 36473 - Novel Fracture Technology Proves Marginal Viking Prospect Economic, Part II:
Well Clean-Up, Flowback and Testing
290.36463 - Shallow Gas Well Drilling with Coiled Tubing in the San Juan Basin
291. 36461 - Hydraulic Fracturing for Control of Sand Production and Asphaltene Deposition
in Deep Hot Wells
293. 36138 - Well Completions in the Middle East Using 3 1/2-inch OD Coiled Tubing: Case
Study Evaluation
295. 36111 - Design, Execution and Evaluation of Matrix Acid Stimulation Jobs using Chem-
ical Diversion and Bullheading
296. 36002 - The Architecture of a Plug-and-Play Kernel for Oilfield Software Applications
297. 36001 - The Migration of CADE Software for Oilfield Application to Laptop Computers
300. 35669 - Horizontal Well Production Optimization Using Production Logs Run on Coiled
Tubing in the 26R Sand Reservoir, Stevens Zone, Elk Hills Field, California
301. 35665 - Designing Under and Near Balanced Coiled Tubing Drilling Using Computer
302. 35613 - Rigless Multi-zone Recompletion Using a Cement Packer Placed with Coiled
Tubing: A Case History
304. 35587 - Recent Applications of Coiled Tubing in Remedial Wellwork at Prudhoe Bay
305. 35586 - Case History of Successful Coiled Tubing Conveyed Jet Pump Recompletions
Through Existing Completions
306. 35566 - The Economics of Coiled Tubing Deployed ESP Completions in the North Sea.
A Field Life Cycle Perspective
310. 35544 - Underbalanced Coiled Tubing Drilling Experience on the Ula Field
311. 35537 - Risked Production Forecast for Horizontal Well Development at Albuskjell
312. 35130 - Newly Applied BHA Elements Contribute Towards Mainstreaming of Coiled
tubing Drilling Applications
314. 35127 - Coiled Tubing Drilling of Horizontal Sidetrack in House Mountain Field,
316. 35079 - Troll West Oil Province - Subsea Horizontal Completion Experience
318. 35047 - The RamRig Concept For Drilling and Workover Rigs
319. 35043 - Slim Hole Drilling and Well Intervention from a Light Vessel
320. 30792 - An Algorithm to Predict Pressure and Temperature Profiles Through a Coiled
321. 30716 - Optimizing Recovery From A Strong Water-Drive West Texas Gas Reservoir
Through Integrated Reservoir Simulation Studies
322. 30681 - Coiled Tubing Stimulations Eliminate Hole Failures & Condensate Losses In
Arun Field
324. 30649 - The Management and Optimization of a Major Wellwork Program at Prudhoe
331. 30427 - Coiled Tubing Stimulation Treatment in an Offshore Injection Well: A Case
332. 30426 - Water Shut Off in the North Sea: Testing a New Polymer Gel System in the
Heather Field, UKCS Block 2/5
334. 30421 - Downhole Swab Valve Aids in Underbalanced Completion of North Sea Well
335. 30417 - Well Completion Design and Operations for a Deep Horizontal Well with Multi-
ple Fractures
336. 30408 - Snubbing Units: A Viable Alternative to Conventional Drilling Rig and Coiled
Tubing Technology
337. 30405 - Reduction of Cost with New Well Intervention Technology, Well Tractors
341. 30199 - CriTi-CAL: A Computer Program for Critical Coiled Tubing Calculations
342. 30197 - Modeling Coiled Tubing Velocity Strings For Gas Wells
344. 30143 - Brief: J-Block Template Drilling: Innovation and Teamwork Break World
345.30123 - Utilization of Biologically Generated Acid for Drilling Fluid Damage Removal
and Uniform Acid Placement Across Long Formation Intervals
346. 29981 - Zonal Isolation and Evaluation for Cemented Horizontal Liners
349. 29736 - Environmental Impact of a Flocculant Used to Enhance Solids Transport During
Well Bore Clean-Up Operations
352. 29635 - Coiled Tubing Deployment of 3.5 " Tubing To Be Used As Offshore Gas Pipe-
353. 29629 - Project Design for Slimhole Steam Injectors in Thermal Recovery Projects as
Compared to Conventional Steam Injectors
354. 29541 - Transient Aspects of Unloading Oil and Gas Wells With Coiled Tubing
356. 29491 - Computer Simulator of Coiled Tubing Wellbore Cleanouts in Deviated Wells
Recommends Optimum Pump Rate and Fluid Viscosity
357. 29475 - Water Shutoff Through Fullbore Placement of Polymer Gel in Faulted and in
Hydraulically Fractured Producers of the Prudhoe Bay Field
358. 29474 - Shut-Off of a Geopressured Water Channel Behind Casing via Coiled Tubing
Utilizing a Dual Slurry Cement System: A Case History
360. 29456 - An Evaluation of Large Diameter Coiled Tubing for Subsurface Production
362. 29363 - A Dynamic Model for Underbalanced Drilling With Coiled Tubing
363. 29361 - Re-Defining the Exploration Drilling Technique in the North Sea: The First Step
364. 29359 - Underbalanced Coiled Tubing Drilled Horizontal Well in the North Sea
366. 29267 - Two New Design Tools Maximize Safety and Efficiency for Coiled Tubing
Pumping Treatments
369. 29188 - Coiled Tubing as Initial Production Tubing: An Overview of Case Histories
370.29185 - The Friction Measuring Tool: Real-Time Estimates of Sandface Pressure During
Fracture Treatments
374.28559 - Experience With Completion and Workover of Horizontal and Extended Reach
Wells in the Statfjord Field, North Sea
377. 28502 - Successful Gas Shutoff With Polymer Gel Using Temperature Modeling and
Selective Placement in the Prudhoe Bay Field
386. 27922 - Air Foam Improves Efficiency of Completion and Workover Operations in Low
Pressure Gas Wells
388. 27892 - Coiled-Tubing Completion Procedure Reduces Cost and Time for Hydraulically
Fractured Wells
391. 27851 - New Pressure Tool Development Yields Critical Bottomhole Data
392. 27809 - Horizontal Well Acidizing of a Carbonate Formation: A Case History of Lis-
burne Treatments, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
394. 27603 - Experience of Coiled Tubing Operations at North Brae, in Deep, High Pressure
Corrosive Wells
395. 27602 - Logging and Perforating Operations Utilizing Coiled Tubing in a 25,000-ft MD,
High-Angle Well
396. 27598 - Integration of Production Log and Oxygen Activation Techniques For Diagnos-
ing Water Production Problems
402. 27297 - Design Verification and Inspection Maintenance Establish Greater Reliability
and Safety
406. 26736 - Optimising Shale Drilling in the Northern North Sea: Borehole Stability Consid-
407. 26735 - Optimisation of the Return Gas Distribution During Kicks in Oil- and
Water-Based Muds: Results From Full-Scale Kick Experiment
408. 26718 - Continuous Semirigid Electric Line for Downhole Measurements in Highly
Deviated Wells
409. 26716 - Results of Feasibility Study of Running Coiled Tubing to Depths of 30,000 ft in
Deviated Wells
410. 26715 - Horizontal Drilling With Coiled Tubing: A Look at Potential Application to
North Sea Mature Fields in Light of Experience Onshore The Netherlands
412. 26596 - An Evaluation of Prudhoe Bay Horizontal and High-Angle Wells After 5 Years
of Production
413. 26584 - Propellant Gas Fracture Stimulation of a Horizontal Austin Chalk Wellbore
414. 26573 - A Study of the Effects of Mixing Energy Imparted on Cement Slurries by Field
Equipment and Coiled Tubing
415. 26571 - Acid-Resistant Microfine Squeeze Cement: From Conception to Viable Tech-
421. 26520 - Quantitative Three-Phase Profiling and Flow Regime Characterization in a Hor-
izontal Well
424. 26348 - Coiled-Tubing Radials Placed by Water-Jet Drilling: Field Results, Theory, and
425. 26336 - Drilling and Completing Horizontal Wells With Coiled Tubing
428. 26089 - Cement Slurry Qualification, Field Mixing, and Quality Assurance Procedures
for Coiled-Tubing Squeeze Operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
429. 26087 - Use of Coiled Tubing for Abandoning Shallow Thermal Wells, South Belridge
Field, Kern County, California
431. 26030 - Waste Minimizing Processing Technique for Solids Laden Biopolymer Gels
432. 25767 - A Clarified Xanthan Drill-in Fluid for Prudhoe Bay Horizontal Wells
433. 25723 - Strategic Background and Economic Analysis in the Development of a Project
for Coiled Tubing Drilling
434. 25691 - Fully Retrievable, Slimhole Gamma Ray MWD System Minimizes the Risk of
Horizontal Drilling
440. 25412 - Field Evaluation of Acid Simulation Diverter Materials and Placement Methods
in Arab-D Injection Wells With Openhole Completions
442. 25370 - Helical Buckling and Lock-Up Conditions for Coiled Tubing in Curved Wells
443. 25369 - High-Strength Coiled Tubing Assists High-Pressure Well Servicing in the Gulf
of Mexico
444. 25147 - Effect of Mixing Energy Levels During Batch Mixing of Cement Slurries
446. 25085 - A Simple New Tool for Solving Some Complex Production Problems
447. 25083 - Stimulation and Production Logging of Horizontal Wells AGIP Bouri Field,
Offshore Libya
450. 24986 - Through-Tubing Remedial Treatments Using a Novel Epoxy Resin System
454. 24792 - Design and Installation of a 20,500-ft Coiled Tubing Velocity String in the
Gomez Field, Pecos County, Texas
459. 24497 - Logging and Stimulating Horizontal Wells Offshore Abu Dhabi
462. 23876 - First Field Trial of a Coiled Tubing for Exploration Drilling
463. 23875 - Horizontal Slim-Hole Drilling With Coiled Tubing: An Operator's Experience
464. 23806 - A Case Study for the Matrix Stimulation of a Horizontal Well
466. 23639 - Slim Hole Multiple Radials Drilled with Coiled Tubing
471. 23110 - A Platform Abandonment Program in the North Sea Using Coiled Tubing
472. 23106 - Coil-Tubing Milling/Underreaming of Barium Sulphate Scale and Scale Control
in the Forties Field
474. 22959 - The Role of Coiled Tubing in the Western Operating Area of the Prudhoe Bay
477. 22822 - The Development and Use of a Coiled-Tubing Simulation for Horizontal Appli-
478. 22821 - Recompletions Using Large-Diameter Coiled Tubing: Prudhoe Bay Case His-
tory and Discussion
482. 22283 - The Use of Low-Density Particles for Gravel Packing a Highly Deviated Well
485. 22067 - Lost Circulation Material Usage in Coiled Tubing Remedial Cementing at Prud-
hoe Bay
486. 21991 - Re-Entry and Relief Well Drilling To Kill an Underground Blowout in a Subsea
Well: A Case History of Well 2/4-14
489. 21727 - Methods of Detecting and Locating Tubing and Packer Leaks in the Western
Operating Area of the Prudhoe Bay Field
491. 21602 - Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Control While Drilling With Horizontal Water
Jet Drilling Systems
493. 21314 - Logging on Coiled Tubing: A Proven Technique for Highly Deviated Wells and
Other Applications
495. 20993 - The Leman F and G Development: Obtaining Commercial Production Rates
From a Tight Gas Reservoir
496. 20984 - The Use of Low-Density Particles for Packing a Highly Deviated Well
497. 20963 - Planning, Implementation, and Analysis of the First Troll Horizontal Well Test
498. 20959 - Cementing Through Coiled Tubing and Its Influence on Slurry Properties
499. 20956 - SPT: Tool for Improved Placement of Chemicals In a Live Well
501. 20679 - Fishing With 1.5- and 1.75-in. Coiled Tubing at Western Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
502. 20534 - Practical Transient Multilayer Test Design, Implementation, and Analysis of
Gas Wells in the North Sea Southern Basin
503. 20459 - Openhole Drilling Using coiled Tubing and a Positive Displacement Mud Motor
504. 20433 - Use of a Dynamic Two-Phase Pipe Flow simulator in Blowout Kill Planning
506. 20426 - New Technologies Address the Problem Areas of Coiled-Tubing Cementing
507. 20420 - Relief-Well Planning and Drilling for a North Sea Underground Blowout
508. 20355 - CASE Technology Is Used in the Development of a General Completion Simu-
511. 20024 - Artificial Lift With Coiled Tubing for Flow Testing the Monterey Formation,
Offshore California
514. 19541 - HCl/HF Acid-Resistant Cement Blend: Model Study and Field Application
520. 17950 - Appraisal of Techniques Applied To Stimulate the Deep Khuff Gas Wells
524. 17296 - Novel Workover Treatment Proves Effective in Permian Basin: Laboratory and
Field Results
525. 17165 - Geothermal Well Damage in the Paris Basin: A Review of Existing and Sug-
gested Workover Inhibition Procedures
526. 17154 - Key Factors for Enhanced Results of Matrix Stimulation Treatments
527. 16565 - Logging Horizontal Wells: Field Practice for Various Techniques
530. 15104 - Coiled Tubing Cement Squeeze Technique at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
531. 14827 - Matrix Acidizing Design and Quality- Control Techniques Prove Successful in
Main Pass Area Sandstone
533. 13682 - Design and Techniques of Testing and Evaluation of Deep Khuff Wells
535. 12590 - Dewatering a Deep Gas Well With a Gas Lift System-A Case History
536. 12473 - Selective Gas Shut-Off Using Sodium Silicate in the Prudhoe Bay Field, AK
538. 12091 - 1982: A Precipitous Decline, The Service Company, Bidding and Integrity
539. 11723 - Volumetric Requirements for Foam and Mist Drilling Operations
541. 4115 - Gas Well Stimulation Using Coiled Tubing and Acid with a Mutual Solvent
2. OTC 7033 – “Bonded Three-Layered Epoxy Coating to Continuous Steel Coiled Tubing,”
Reuser, H.C., Plummer, R.A. and Lanan, G.A., presented at the 24th Annual SPE Offshore
Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A. (May 1992)
3. OTC 7034 – “New Muscle for Coiled Tubing,” Kilgore, M.D., presented at the 24th
Annual SPE Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A. (May 1992)
4. OTC 7035 – “Alternate Methods for Installing ESPs (Electrical Submersible Pumps),”
Robinson, C.E. and Cox, D. C., presented at the 24th Annual SPE Offshore Technology
Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A. (May 1992)
5. OTC 7046 – “A Real-Time Fiber Optic Downhole Video System,” Cobb, C.C. and
Schultz, P.K., presented at the 24th Annual SPE Offshore Technology Conference, Hous-
ton, TX, U.S.A. (May 1992)
6. OTC 7230 – “An Operator-Oriented Data Acquisition System for Coiled-Tubing Units,”
Eriken, V.I. and Foster, J.C., presented at the 25th Annual SPE Offshore Technology Con-
ference, Houston, TX, U.S.A. (May 1993)
9. OTC 7323 – “Buckling of Pipe and Tubing Constrained Inside Inclined Wells,” Yu-Che
Chen, U. and Adnan, S., presented at the 25th Annual SPE Offshore Technology Confer-
ence, Houston, TX, U.S.A. (May 1993)
10. OTC 7324 – “Installation of 2-7/8- in. Coiled-Tubing in Live Gas Wells,” Campbell, J.A.
and Bayes, K., presented at the 25th Annual SPE Offshore Technology Conference, Hous-
ton, TX, U.S.A. (May 1993)
11. OTC 7325 – “Coiled Tubing Life Prediction,” Avakov, V. A., Foster, J.C., and Smith, E.J.,
presented at the 25th Annual SPE Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A.
(May 1993)
12. OTC 7330 – “Nippleless Completion System for Slimhole/Monobore Wells,” Hopmann,
M.E., presented at the 25th Annual SPE Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX,
U.S.A. (May 1993)
13. OTC 7331 – “Rigless Slimhole Drilling,” Courville, P.W. and Maddox, S.D., presented at
the 25th Annual SPE Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A. (May 1993)
1. “Operation Pluto”, Hartley, Arthur Clifford, Institution of Civil Engineers, The Civil Engi-
neer in War, Vol. 3 (1948).
2. “Operation Pluto”, Moore, Rufus J., U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, June, 1954, pp.
3. “Coiled tubing … operations and services, Part 1 – The evolution of coiled tubing equip-
ment”, Sas-Jaworsky II, A., World Oil, pp. 41-47 (November 1991).
4. “Recommended Practice for Coiled Tubing Operations in Oil and Gas Well Services”,
American Petroleum Institute, API RP 5C7, First Edition, 1996.
6. “Coiled tubing … operations and services, Part 3 – Tube technology and capabilities”,
Sas-Jaworsky II, A., World Oil, pp. 95-101 (January 1992).
8. “Plasticity and Fatigue Damage Modeling of Severely Loaded Tubing”, Tipton, Steven
M. and Newburn, Dale A., presented at The First Symposium on Advances in Fatigue
Lifetime Predictive Techniques, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Fran-
cisco, CA, April 1990.
9. “Multiaxial Plasticity and Fatigue Life Prediction in Coiled Tubing”, Tipton, Steven M.,
Fatigue Lifetime Predictive Techniques: 3rd Volume, ASTM STP 1292, M.R. Mitchell and
R.W. Landgraf, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1995.
10. “Collapse Tests Expand Coiled-Tubing Uses”, Walker, E.J. and Mason C.M., Oil and
Gas Journal, Volume 88, No. 10, March 5, 1990, pp. 56-60.
11. “More Collapse Tests Add to Coiled Tubing Applications”, Walker, E.J. and Costall, D.,
Oil and Gas Journal, Volume 89, No. 24, June 17, 1991, pp. 43-46.
12. “How Loads Affect Coiled Tubing Life”, Walker, E.J., World Oil Magazine, Vol. 213, No.
1, January 1992, pp. 47-49.
13. “Coiled tubing … operations and services, Part 4 – Sand and solids washing”, Sas-Jawor-
sky II, A., World Oil, pp. 71-79 and 97 (March 1992).
14. “Coiled tubing … operations and services, Part 5 – Unloading wells with lighter fluids”,
Sas-Jaworsky II, A., World Oil, pp. 59-66 (April 1992).
15. “Coiled tubing … operations and services, Part 2 – Workover Safety”, Sas-Jaworsky II,
A., World Oil, pp. 71-72 and 77-78 (December 1991).
16. “Improved Coiled Tubing Squeeze Cementing Techniques at Prudhoe Bay”, Hornbrook,
P.R., and Mason, C.M., JPT (April 1991, pp. 455-459).
17. “Designing Slurries for Coiled Tubing Cement Squeezes”, Pavlich, J.P., Greaves C., and
Edwards, T.M., World Oil Magazine, Volume 213, No. 6, June 1992, pp. 61-65.
18. “Artificial Lift with Coiled Tubing for Flow Testing the Monterey Formation, Offshore
California”, Peavy, M.A. and Fahel, R.A. SPE Production Engineering, May 1991, pp.
19. “Coiled tubing … operations and services, Part 12 – Stimulation”, Sas-Jaworsky II, A.,
World Oil, pp. 39-43 (January 1992).
20. “Coiled Tubing … operations and services, Part 7 – Cementing”, Walker , E.J., and Gantt,
L. and Crow, C., World Oil, June 1992.
21. “Logging with a Coiled Tubing System”, Latos, J.S. and Chenery, D., Journal of Cana-
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23. “First Field Trial of a Coiled Tubing for Exploration Drilling’, Traonmilln, E.M.;
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24. “Coiled Tubing Velocity String Set at Record 20,500 ft.”, Adams, L.S., Oil and Gas Jour-
nal (OGJ), April 13, 1992.
A area
a coefficient for hydraulic friction factor calculation
b coefficient for hydraulic friction factor calculation
BHA bottom hole assembly
BHCT bottom hole circulating temperature
BHI Baker Hughes INTEQ
BHP bottom hole pressure
BHST bottom hole static pressure
BHT bottom hole temperature
Bn normal force due to helical buckling
BOP blowout preventer
CCL casing collar locator
CCT concentric coiled tubing
Cd drag coefficient
Cf coefficient of kinetic friction
Cn normal force due to curvature
CTL CT logging
CTTM CT test machine
CTU CT unit
CTWI CT weight indicator reading
D depth
DAS data acquisition system
De equivalent hydraulic diameter
DP dynamically positioned
Dreel CT reel core diameter
E Young’s modulus (modulus of elasticity)
ECD equivalent circulating density
ESP electric submersible pump
F force
f term in API 5C7 collapse calculation
fH hydraulic friction factor
FTM fatigue test machine
g local acceleration due to gravity, term in API 5C7 collapse calcula-
gc universal gravitational constant
h height
H liquid holdup
HAZ heat affected zone
He Hedstrom number
HPCT high pressure coiled tubing
I moment of inertia
ID inside diameer
J polar moment of inertia
JIP joint industry project
K consistency index
k segment number
L length
LSA low specific activity
MD measured depth
MR bending moment
MW mud weight
n flow behavior index, segment number
NRe Reynolds Number
OD outside diameter
P pressure, rigid tool contact force
Pe stability collapse term
POOH pull out of the hole
Py yield collapse term
q foam quality
R bending radius, gas constant
r radius
rc radial clearance
RIH run into the hole
ROP rate of penetration
SCBA self contained breathing apparatus
SDW set down weight
SSSV subsurface safety valve
T temperature, torque
t wall thickness
TD total depth, target depth
TEL tubing end locator
TIG tungsten inert gas
TKV tubing kill valve
TNL tubing nipple locator
TVD true vertical depth
V velocity
VME von Mises equivalent
W CT segment buoyed weight per unit length
WHP wellhead pressure
WOB weight on bit
Z gas compressibility factor
∆L change in length, CT segment length
∆P differential pressure
Φ porosity of a deposit of solid particles
Γ axial stress correction factor
ε strain
γ shear rate
ϕ ovality
λ helix period
µ viscosity, Poisson’s ratio
θ angle of inclination from vertical
ρ density
σ stress
τ shear stress
a axial
b bottom
CH critical helical
CS critical sinusoidal
i inside
n normal
o outside
s surface
w wall
Y yield
abandoning wellbore intervals
abrasive cutters
perforating and
acid corrosion inhibitors
acid spills
cleanup and flowback
computer simulator modeling
corrosion inhibitors
CT equipment
damage caused by
equipment preparation
equipment selection
flowback and clean-up
fluid preparation
friction reducers
generic procedure
H2S protection
injection pressure and rate
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
monitoring and recording equipment
planning considerations
post-job tool maintenance
pressure control equipment
pressure control equipment (fig.)
safety issues
tool string
treatment fluid selection
treatment volume
wellbore preparation
hydrogen sulfide and
treatment fluids and
angled cracks
annular BOP
deploying a long tool string
anti-buckling guide
anti-foam agents
API RP 5C7 (collapse calculation)
atmospheric corrosion
Avakov, fatigue model
axial force
curved segment (eq.)
due to differential pressure across the CT stripper (eq.)
example calculation (ex.)
general force balance (eq.)
helically buckled segment in a curved wellbore (eq.)
helically buckled segment in a straight wellbore (eq.)
POOH (eq.)
RIH (eq.)
segment (eq.)
collapse resistance effects (fig.)
dimensional problems
basic considerations
for mechanical operations
Beggs and Brill correlation
behavior index
bending events
fatigue and
locations of (fig.)
BHA. See tool string
BHP,effect on plugs and packers
Bingham plastic fluids
Hedstrom number
Reynolds number
BOP rams
closing and locking
installing inside CT
cable injection system
cable injector
clay stabilizers
cleaning the CT
after pumping slurries
cleaning the CT after a job
coaxial cable
fatigue model
calculation dependability
factors involved
oval tubing and
potential locations
predicted vs. measured
reverse circulation
Timoshenko calculation
compatibility of fluids
completion, running
computer simulator modeling
contingency plans
CT equipment
equipment preparation
equipment selection
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
monitoring and recording equipment
planning considerations
pressure control equipment
pumping equipment
safety issues
setting mechanism
tool string
wellbore preparation
conventional and uphole packer (fig.)
compression set completions
compression set plugs and packers
compression, sign
computer simulator modeling
See also under specific job types
guidelines for using
output and its interpretation
parametric sensitivity
questions can answer
software available
concentric CT
flow (fig.)
pulling out (fig.)
running in (fig.)
consistency index
contigency planning
level required
contingency operations
general actions
control panel, deploying a long tool string
Copernicus CTD rig
Beggs and Brill
Duns and Ros
Hagedron and Brown
chemical cutters
control of
effects of
protection requirements
residual fluid and
storage and
treatment fluids and
wellbore fluids and
when occurs
corrosion protection
fluids for
corrosive fluids
cracks in CT
critical compressive force
See also under specific job types
collapsed near the stripper
dimensional abnormalities
dimensional problems
flaws and damage
mechanical damage
post-job cleaning
preparation for mechanical operations
pulls out of the stripper
pumping operations
remedial actions
run away into the well
running feet
slipping in the injector head
string management
tight spot or stuck
trip method
types of damage
CT collapse
high pressure
CT diameter measurement
high pressure requirements
CT internal cutter specifications (tab.)
CT reel hydraulic motor fails
CT reel, equipment preparation
CT simulators
high pressure requirements
CT string
high pressure requirements
CT string, equipment preparation
fatigue modeling software
fatigue testing (1997)
CTTM bending fixture
bent sample (fig.)
straight sample (fig.)
CTTM facility (fig.)
buckling and
flow rate and
forces and
job planning information
job program
post-job report responsibilities
cutters. See abrasive cutters; chemical cutters; cutting tubulars mechanically; cutting tubulars
with fluids; explosive cutters
cutting CT
cutting tubulars mechanically
See also cutting tubulars with fluids
computer simulator modeling
contingency plans
CT equipment
depth control
equipment preparation
equipment selection
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
monitoring and recording equipment
performing the cut
pressure control equipment
pumping equipment
safety issues
tool string
wellbore preparation
cutting tubulars with fluids
See also cutting tubulars mechanically
abrasive cutters
chemical cutters
common applications
computer simulator modeling
CT equipment
equipment preparation
equipment selection
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
monitoring and recording equipment
pressure control equipment
pumping equipment
safety issues
tool string
wellbore preparation
equipment preparation
data acquisition
data (tab.)
high pressure requirements
real-time monitoring
data acquisition system
deployment bar
depth correlation
general guidelines
depth, zeroing
dilatant fluids
dimensional abnormalities
ditch magnets
diverting agents
fatigue testing (1990)
fatigue testing (1993)
downhole check valves leaking
downhole motors
equipment preparation
drilling. See cutting tubulars mechanically; scale removal (mechanical)
Duns and Ros correlation
effective normal force for a short segment in a curved wellbore (eq.)
fluid compatibility for plugs and packers
temperature for plugs and packers
emergency kill equipment
emergency response site
emergency vehicle
equipment preparation
See also under specific job types
chemical/nitrogen tanks
chicksan connections
CT reel
CT string
downhole motors
fluid/nitrogen pumping units
injector head
lifting equipment
mixing tanks
power packs
pressure control equipment
equipment preparation and testing
Custeromer’s responsibilities
service company’s responsibilities
equipment selection
See also under specific job types
high pressure requirements
equipment, transporting
accumulation with CT operations (fig.)
bending events
in CT
CT management
CTD surface equipment
effects of corrosion
factors influencing (tests)
factors influencing (theory)
failure criterion and (fig.)
guide arch radius and (fig.)
high cycle
low cycle
in metal
OD (large tubing) and (fig.)
OD (medium tubing) and (fig.)
OD (small tubing) and (fig.)
reel back tension
reel diameter and (fig.)
ultra low cycle
wall thickness and (fig.)
where occurs
yield strength and (fig.)
fatigue failures
lab tests (fig.)
minimizing risk of
fatigue modeling software
fatigue models
Nowsco (BJ)
fatigue test machine (FTM)
schematic (fig.)
fatigue testing
CT mills
CTES (1997)
Dowell (1990)
Dowell (1993)
Halliburton (1991)
Nowsco (1990)
test machine (1993)
test machine (1997)
common types
fill removal
auxiliary equipment
computer simulator modeling
concentric CT
contingency plans
CT equipment
equipment preparation
equipment selection
equipment selection (foam) (fig.)
fill considerations
fluid preparation
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
logistical considerations
LSA radiation sources
monitoring and recording equipment
operational considerations
penetration rate
planning considerations
pressure control equipment
reservoir considerations
reverse circulation
safety issues
selecting fluids
space constraints
tool string
wellbore and completion considerations
wellbore preparation
filter cake
fire extinguishers
first aid site
See also fishing; fishing tools
condition of
fishing neck detail (fig.)
properties of
types of
See also fish; fishing tools
benefits of CT
capturing the fish
computer simulator modeling
contingency plans
CT equipment
CT vs. wireline
equipment preparation
equipment selection
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
logistical constraints
monitoring and recording equipment
pressure control equipment
pumping equipment
safety issues
surface equipment
tool string
tool string (baited fish and fishing assembly) (fig.)
tool string (basic configuration) (fig.)
tool string (high angle fishing assembly) (fig.)
tool string (incorporating fishing motor and bent sub) (fig.)
wellbore geometry considerations
wellbore preparation
fishing tools
See also fish; fishing
catch tool release mechanism
knuckle joints
magnetic tools
orientation and locating tools
orientation and locating tools (fig.)
orientation tools
standard components
wireline catcher
flow rate
curvature and
pressure and
flow regime. See Reynolds number
flowback and cleanup
See also under specific job types
fluid loading
maximum recommended (tab.)
fluid preparation
See also under specific job types
fluid pumps
pumping operations and
fluid velocity
effects on corrosion
See also individual fluid models
corrosion protection requirements
mixing for pumping operations
monitoring for pumping operations
processing for pumping operations
pumping or exposure time
rheological models
solids-carrying ability
storing for pumping operations
acid and corrosive fluids
friction coefficients
values, typical (tab.)
friction factor
for hydraulics
frictional drag
Galileo #2 CTD rig
pressure losses
Reynolds number
gauge survey
gelled fluids
general operating guidelines
Gordon-Rankine buckling equation
CT between the injector and stripper (eq.)
general form (eq.)
recommended inputs
for general operations
general safety
See also corrosion
perforating and
Hagedorn and Brown correlation
fatigue modeling software
fatigue testing
Hedstrom number
helical buckling
curved hole (eq.)
example calculation (ex.)
inclined segment with friction (eq.)
near-vertical, straight segments (eq.)
straight inclined segment (eq.)
helix period
length change (eq.)
length change example calculation (ex.)
high cycle fatigue
high pressure
CT diameter measurement
CT simulator output
CT simulator requirements
CT string
data acquisition
equipment selection
injector head
job planning
perforating and
pressure control equipment
pressure testing
safety issues
tandem strippers
high pressure jetting
See also under specific job types
high pressure operations
high temperature
perforating and
inflatable set plugs and packers
inflation fluid
teatment fluids and
wellbore fluids and
injector head
before climbing onto
equipment preparation
high pressure requirements
CT string
inspection tools
effects of corrosion
internal pitting
internal tubing cutter specifications, typical (tab.)
iron scales
iron stabilizers
See also under specific job types
fill removal
job planning
absence of CT requirements
corrosion considerations
high pressure
information from Customer
inputs. See under specific job types
outputs. See under specific job types
job program
job proposals
from service company
removing before removing fill
kit. See equipment selection
knuckle joints
laminar flow
lead impression blocks
interpretation (fig.)
leaking CT
leaking downhole check valves
leaking riser or BOP
leaking stripper element
length change
helical buckling
lifting equipment
equipment preparation
light brines
liquid and nitrogen stages
liquid hold-up
evaluation in multiphase fluids
liquid-gas flows
pressure losses
live well
deploying a long tool string
safety issues
local regulations
buckling and
problems caused by
benefits of CT
cased hole logging
computer simulator modeling
contingency plans
CT equipment
depth correlation
equipment preparation
equipment selection
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
logging cable
logistical constraints
monitoring and recording equipment
openhole logging
personnel and communications
pressure control equipment
pressure control safety
pumping equipment
safety issues
special applications
tool string
wellbore preparation
long tool string
deploying in a live well
longitudinal cracks
longitudinal scratches
low cycle fatigue
lubricating the CT
lubricator deployment
magnetic tools
magnetic traps
CT storage
CT string
manual butt weld
matrix stimulation. See acidizing
fatigue modeling software
operations data
monitoring and recording equipment. See under specific job types
multiphase flows. See liquid-gas flows
mutual solvents
Newtonian fluids
Reynolds number
nitrogen kickoff. See well unloading
nitrogen lift. See well unloading
nitrogen spills
nitrogen tanks
equipment preparation
non-corrosive fluids
normal forces
curved segment (fig.)
helical buckling, due to (eq.)
helically buckled segment (fig.)
Nowsco (BJ)
fatigue models
fatigue testing
openhole loging
completion of
minimizing risk
orbital butt weld
organic dispersands and inhibitors
orientation tools
Orkiszewski correlation
collapse equation
dimensional problems
maximum recommended
typical configuration (fig.)
packer. See plug, setting; plugs
behavior in horizontal wellbore (fig.)
forces acting on during removal (fig.)
sizes and densities
sizes and densities, typical (tab.)
penetration rate
fill removal and
See also perforating guns
assembling and deploying the gun
computer simulator modeling
contingency plans
correlating depth and perforating
CT equipment
CT vs. jointed pipe
CT vs. wireline
depth control
equipment preparation
equipment selection
generic procedure
gun recovery
H2S and acids
high temperature and pressure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
monitoring and recording equipment
pressure control equipment
pumping equipment
safety issues
tool string
wellbore preparation
perforating guns
See also perforating
carrier selection
casing guns
firing mechanism
through-tubing guns
personal safety gear
CT (fig.)
See also under specific job types
planning considerations
See also under specific job types
plasticity theory
plug, setting
computer simulator modeling
contingency plans
CT equipment
equipment preparation
equipment selection
fluid compatibility
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
monitoring and recording equipment
pressure control equipment
pumping equipment
safety issues
setting the plug or packer
tool string
unsetting and tool string recovery
wellbore preparation
plugs and packers
See also zonal isolation
plugs vs. packers
pressure and
setting mechanism
temperature and
Poisson's ratio
for steel
as gelled fluids for fill removal
for zonal isolation
maximum speeds
portable communicators
post-job cleaning
post-job reports
Customer’s responsibility
service company responsibility
power law fluids
Reynolds number
pumping units
equipment preparation
radial clearance (eq.)
radius of gyration (eq.)
closing and locking on BOP
unlocking and opening on BOP
reel back tension
reel collector
reel manifold sampling point and flush line (fig.)
relaxaion period for plugs and packers
repairs and splicing
residual curvature
vs. buckling
residual curvature (fig.)
residual fluid
corrosion from
reverse circulation
contaminated cement
CT equipment
fill removal and
live cement
Reynolds number
Beggs and Brill correlation
Bingham plastic fluids
Duns and Ros correlation
Hagedorn and Brown correlation
Newtonian fluids
safe deployment system
equipment required
generic procedure
See also under specific job types
safety guidelines
safety issues
high pressure requirements
live well deployment
safety meeting
safety procedures
sand cleanout. See fill removal
sand jetting. See fill removal
sand removal. See fill removal
sand washing. See fill removal
See also scale removal (hydraulic); scale removal (mechanical)
deposit characteristics and treatment (tab.)
scale deposit properties
scale removal (hydraulic)
See also scale; scale removal (mechanical)
auxiliary equipment
chemical treatments
computer simulator modeling
CT equipment
equipment preparation
equipment selection
fluid preparation
generic procedure
high pressure jetting
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
tool string
wellbore preparation
scale removal. See scale removal (hydraulic); scale removal (mechanical); wax removal
fatigue modeling software
Scott air pack
segment length
fatigue monitoring and (fig.)
segment tracking schematic (fig.)
service company
job proposals
setting mechanisms
running completions
settling velocity
alternate calculation method
fill particles
Stokes law
shearing CT
side door riser
deploying a long tool string
posting around location
silica scales
sinusoidal buckling
sinusoidal buckling limit
inclined segment (eq.)
slenderness ratio (eq.)
sliding sleeve operation
computer simulator modeling
contingency plans
CT equipment
equipment preparation
equipment selection
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
monitoring and recording equipment
operating the sleeve
planning considerations
pressure control equipment
pumping equipment
safety issues
tool string
wellbore preparation
sliding sleeves
deposit and
slip marks
slip rams
use of and inspection
slurry plugs
common types
computer simulator modeling
CT equipment
equipment preparation
equipment selection
equipment selection (fig.)
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
monitoring and recording equipment
planning considerations
plug placement
pressure control equipment
pumping (placing)
pumping equipment
pumping schedule
safety issues
slurry considerations
slurry volume
tool string
wellbore preparation
anti-buckling guide
snubbing test
single video frame (fig.)
soda ash
solids transport
sour. See hydrogen sulfide
typical configuration (fig.)
maximum running
staged treatments
stiff wireline. See logging
Stokes law (stettling velocity)
storing the CT
elastic vs. plastic (fig.)
stray voltage
stripper element leaking
stuck CT
stuck CT or tool string
sulfate scales
sulfide stress cracking
surface equipment
considerations in mechanical operations
fluid mixing
surface rust
maximum allowable
synthetic fluids
tandem strippers
high pressure requirements
effects on corrosion
tensile strength
reduced by corrosion
tension set completions
tension set plugs and packers
fatigue. See fatigue testing
pressure testing
thickening time
for cement
TIG welding
check cut tubing end (fig.)
tight spots
effects on corrosion
collapse calculation
fatigue models
tool deployment
tool string
See also under specific job types
deploying a long tool string
equipment preparation
hydrogen sulfide service
pumping operations
curved segment (eq.)
helically buckled segment in a curved wellbore (eq.)
helically buckled segment in a straight wellbore (eq.)
segment (eq.)
torsional component of force balance (eq.)
torsional forces
total equivalent stress. See von Mises stress
safety issues
transporting equipment and materials
transverse cracks
treatment fluids
corrosion from
trip method
CT management
CT management
Tubing Analysis System
tubing cutters. See abrasive cutters; chemical cutters; explosive cutters
tubing forces. See forces
tubing limits. See limits
tubing run away
out of the well
ultra low cycle fatigue
underreamer, typical (fig.)
underreaming. See cutting tubulars mechanically; scale removal (mechanical)
venting pressure
See also wax removal
deposit characteristics
wax removal
See also scale removal
auxiliary equipment
chemical treatments
computer simulator modeling
CT equipment
equipment preparation
equipment selection
fluid preparation
generic procedure
high pressure jetting
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
logistical constraints
low pressure jetting
corrosion from
wellbore preparation. See under specific job types
well-site pressure testing
wireline catcher
wireline. See logging
working life. See fatigue
zeroing depth counters and weight indicators
zonal isolation
See alsocement; plugs, setting
column stability
column stability (fig.)
computer simulator modeling
contamination protection
CT equipment
depth correlation
equipment preparation
equipment selection
equipment selection (fig.)
excess fluid and material
generic procedure
job plan inputs
job plan outputs
laboratory testing of materials
mixing and pumping of materials
monitoring (fig.)
monitoring and recording equipment
pressure control equipment
pumping equipment
resins and polymers
safety issues
squeeze cementing
tool string
wellbore preparation