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SCM Monitoring Tool Kit

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health

Form 2
for Pharmacists of the Regional Office to Primary Health Care Facilities

Name of Health Facility: __________________________________________________________ Region/Province: XII / North Cotabato

Address: Date: _____________________________________
Person-in-charge name and Designation: _____________________________________________________________________

Baseline Data _______ Quarter

Monitoring Questions
YES NO Status / Remarks

A. Management, Administration and Human Resources

1. Is there a dedicated person assigned to handle medicines and other
health commodities in the health facility? *
*Answer Yes if the person assigned (either regular or Job order) allots majority of his time in
managing medicines in the health facility.
2. Is the dedicated person assigned given an orientation or training on
handling medicines/commodities and inventory management?
*Answer No if the answer in No. 1 is no.
3. Does the health facility have a computer that can be used for encoding?
*Answer No if there is a computer but is only allowed for use in a specific program. Indicate if the
computer was provided by DOH.
4. Does the health facility have internet connection?
*Indicate if they are using USB sticks or canopy (wired) type of internet connection. Is it provided by
the LGU?
5. Does the health facility have a dedicated encoder for recording ALL
health commodities? Does he/she handle all commodities?
*If the assigned encoder handles only a specific program, please answer No and please specify which
commodities are encoded. If the answer is Yes, please indicate his/her designation and employment
6. Is the health facility cooperative and consistent in providing the
documentation requirements of the DOH by using the prescribed forms
and format?
*Answer No, if they do not comply with the timelines of submission of reports and prescribed forms
are not used.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health

B. Selection and Quantification

7. Did the procurement officer procure medicines for the health facility
this quarter?
*Check if there are medicines procured by DOH and at the same time are also procured by the
procurement officer. If Yes, list down the medicines procured by the procurement officer.
8. Are there non-formulary medicines in stock at the health facility?*
*If Yes, list down the non-formulary medicines found during your visit. Please refer to the PNF for
Primary Healthcare.
9. Is the most recent Requisition Issuance Slip (RIS) filed and readily
available as reference?

C. Request and Receipt of Medicines

10. Are the medicines received COMPLETE based on the Invoice-Receipt of
Property (IRP) and Bill of Lading (BL)? *
*Answer No if there were discrepancies found on the deliveries made during the quarter. Indicate in
the remarks if the discrepancies were reported through the submission of the Delivery Discrepancy
Report Form. A copy of the Discrepancy Form must be provided to the Pharmacist. On your next visit
to the health facility, check if the discrepancy has been addressed already.
11. Are the medicines received in GOOD CONDITION with no damage?
*If there are damages (crushed boxes, powdered tablets, damaged packaging, etc.), was it reported
through the submission of the Discrepancy Report Form?
12. Are the Delivery Receipts (IRP, BL, Stock Transfers) properly
documented, filed and readily available for access?

D. Inventory Management
13. Does the health facility update every movement of stock through stock
cards, log books or electronic copy? *
*Indicate if they use other systems or software in stock management (e.g. NOSIRS or SMRS) and
indicate how often they conduct physical count and inventory. Check randomly if the physical count
matches the balance on the stock card. Answer No if the stock card is not up-to-date.
14. Does the health facility follow the First Expiry First Out (FEFO) and First
In, First Out (FIFO) principle for supplies with no expiry date? *
*Are there measures implemented such as “flags” or any markings to indicate that the product is
expiring? If Yes, kindly specify in the remarks.
15. Has the health facility experienced stock outs this quarter? Which
commodity and what month/s? *
*Indicate if this was reported and to whom?
16. Has the facility experienced oversupply of DOH commodities? *
*Identify which DOH commodities and indicate the number of the remaining stocks. Was it reported
to the program? What did they do with the excess stocks?
17. Does the health facility PHYSICALLY separate the damaged, expired and
recalled medicines from the lot of inventory? *
*Check if they are properly identified or labeled.
18. Are there expired medicines in stock now? *
*If Yes, please request the health facility staff to fill up the Expired Medicines Reporting Form.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health

E. Use of Medicines, Disposal and Donations

19. Does the health facility have a system, for recording dispensed
medicines to the patients such as logbooks, index cards, etc.?
*Indicate what form of recording system they use for dispensed medicines and inquire if the patients
are required to sign the document? Are the records up-to-date?
20. Is there a functional system for reporting Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)?
Is there a reported ADR during the quarter? *
*Answer No if they are not aware of the concept of ADR reporting. If there is a reported ADR, request
for a copy of the ADR form.
21. Has the facility received any complaints from patients and clients on the
use of any commodities from DOH? *
*If yes, request from the health facility a documentation regarding the complaint. Are they using the
Customer Satisfaction Survey provided by the DOH?
22. Are there donated medicines in the health facility? Does the health
facility have a functional system for processing medicine donations like
documentations and operational measures/systems are followed on the
*Answer No if the list of medicines are not available and proper documentation is not practiced.
Indicate the policies/procedures that are being followed in accepting donations.
23. Is there a functional system for disposing medicines? How do they
dispose expired commodities? *
*Answer No if the health facility is not aware of the concept of proper medicines disposal, does not
have the capacity to dispose medicines properly or does not practice Good Medicines Disposal
practices. Indicate how they dispose medicines.

F. Storage Conditions
24. Does the health facility have a storage room solely for medicines and
other commodities? *
*If there is no storage room, please indicate where the stocks are placed/stored?

25. Is the storeroom dry, clean, well ventilated? *

*Answer No if your answer in #24 is no.

26. Are medicines protected from direct sunlight? *

27. Is the health facility stockroom equipped with an industrial

thermometer? *
*If yes, kindly check the temperature monitoring sheet if it is updated. Answer No, if there is a
thermometer but is not functioning.
28. Are medicines stored following correct temperature conditions? *
*15OC – 25OC for room temperature while 2OC-8OC for cold storage. Indicate the current temperature
at the time of visit.
29. Does the health facility use cabinets, shelves and pallets? *
*Answer No if there are no cabinets or shelves intended for medicines. No supplies should be in direct
contact with the floor and walls.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
30. Are the stockroom and cabinets
secured/locked? *
31. Generally, is there enough space to store all medicines? *
*If no, kindly specify if the delivery must be done on a monthly or quarterly basis.

32. Is there a system of arranging products in the storeroom? *

*Specify if medicines are arranged alphabetically, by therapeutic category or by program.

33. Is there a functioning and well-maintained biological refrigerator or

refrigerator for medicines? *
*Check if there are inappropriate items inside the ref like food and beverage. Check if the health
facility has their temperature monitoring sheet that is up-to-date and proof of thermometer
calibration posted near the refrigerator.
34. Is the health facility prepared to maintain cold chain during emergency
situations? *
*Answer No if they don’t have a prepared contingency plan that must be posted in the refrigerator.


D. 15. Experienced stock outs:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Title of Documents and/or Guidelines Accessibility Remarks
1. Delivery Receipt (National)
2. Bill of Landing (National)
3. Property Transfer Report (National / Local)
4. PTC Guidelines
5. Safe Disposal of Unwanted Pharmaceutical Guidelines
6. Foreign / Local Donations Guidelines
7. Logistics and Management in Emergencies and Disasters Guidelines
8. Drug Donations Guidelines
9. Good Storage Practices Guidelines
10. Good Distribution Practices Guidelines


Covering Quarter: 2nd


Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are considered as a major finding if the questions were answered “No” These are findings that must be acted upon immediately and are considered to be directly compromising the quality of the


(These are findings that can be acted upon in a certain period e.g. poor recording system, arrangement of stocks, unorganized documents, etc.) Please refer to the questions where the answer is “No”.


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health

Aleiah Jean L. Libatique, RPh _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________

DOH Pharmacist II Municipal/ City Health Officer Development Management Officer V


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