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Individual Health Care Plans, EEC

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Small Group, Large Group and School Age Child Care Licensing

POLICY STATEMENT: Individual Health Care Plans

All programs must maintain as part of a child’s record, an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) for
each child with a chronic medical condition which has been diagnosed by a licensed health care
provider as required by 606 CMR 7.11(3)(a)-(c). An IHCP ensures that a child with a chronic
medical condition receives health care services he or she may need while attending the program.

Programs must develop an IHCP in collaboration with the parents/guardians, school age child who is
9 years or older (when appropriate), program educators and the child’s licensed health care
practitioner, who must authorize the IHCP.

The IHCP must include the following:

* description of the chronic condition which has been diagnosed by a licensed health care practitioner
* description of the symptoms of the condition
* outline of any medical treatment that may be necessary while the child is in care
* description of the potential side effects of the treatment
* outline of the potential consequences to the child’s health if the treatment is not administered

An educator must have successfully completed training relative to a child’s ICHP. This training must
be given by the child’s health care practitioner or, with the child’s health care practitioner’s written
consent, by the child’s parent or the program’s health care consultant. The training must specifically
address the child’s medical condition, medication and other treatment needs. Some examples of an
ICHP would include children with asthmatic conditions, allergic reactions, ADHD, or diabetic
conditions. IHCP’s are not required for children without chronic conditions needing oral or topical

In the event of an unanticipated, non-life-threatening condition requiring treatment (as specified in

the IHCP) the educator must make a reasonable attempt to contact the parents/guardians prior to
administering the unanticipated medication or beginning the unanticipated treatment. If parent/
guardians cannot be reached immediately, they should be notified as soon as possible after the
medication or treatment has been administered to the child.

Educators must ensure that they document the administration of all medications and medical
treatments in the child’s medication/treatment log.

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Written parental and licensed health care practitioner authorization shall be valid for one year, unless
withdrawn sooner and must be renewed annually, or when the child’s condition changes, for
administration of medication and/or treatment to continue.

Additional information regarding Individual Health Care Plans:

 Educators with written parental consent and authorization of a licensed health care
practitioner may develop and implement an Individual Health Care Plan that permits older
school age children who are 9 years or older to carry their own inhalers and epinephrine
auto-injectors and use them as needed, without the direct supervision of an educator. All
educators must be aware of how the inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector will be kept secure
from access by other children in the program. Whenever an IHCP provides for a child to
carry his or her own medication, the licensee must maintain an on-site back-up supply of the
medication for use as needed.
 A copy of the IHCP must be maintained in the child’s file. It is recommended that a copy of
the IHCP also be located in the classroom.
 There must be one person trained in the implementation of a child’s IHCP whenever the child
is in the care of the program.
 In addition to a licensed health care practitioner, training to implement an IHCP may also be
given by the child’s parent or the program’s health care consultant with the licensed health
care practitioner’s written consent.

Additional medication requirements to consider:

 Emergency medication such as Epipens must be immediately available for use. For example,
Epipens must be brought with children for outdoor play or walks as required by 7.11(2)(f).
Training by a licensed health care practitioner for the specific administration of an Epipen is
highly recommended but not required.
 All staff who administer medication of any kind must be trained in medication administration
as required by 7.11(1)(b)2.

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Child’s Photo
Individual Health Care Plan Form
Plan must be renewed annually or when child’s condition changes
Check all that apply….
Plan was created by: Plan is maintained by:
__ Parent __ Director
__ Doctor or Licensed Practitioner __ Assistant Director
__ Program’s Health Care Consultant __ Child’s Educator
__ Older school age child (9+ yrs. of age) __ Other: ___________________________
__ Other: __________________________

Name of child: Date:

Any change to the child’s Health Care Plan?

YES (indicate changes below) NO (updated physician/parental signatures required)
Name of chronic health care condition:

Description of chronic health care condition:


Medical treatment necessary while at the program:

Potential side effects of treatment:

Potential consequences if treatment is not administered:

Name of educators that received training addressing the medical condition:

Person who trained the educator (child’s Health Care Practitioner, child’s parent, program’s Health Care

Name of Licensed Health Care Practitioner (please print):_______________________________________________

Licensed Health Care Practitioner authorization:_____________________________________ Date:_____________

Parental/Guardian consent: _____________________________________________________ Date:_____________

For Older Children ONLY (9+ years of age)

With written parental consent and authorization of a licensed health care practitioner, this Individual Health Care Plan permits
older school age children to carry their own inhaler and/or epinephrine auto-injector and use them as needed without the direct
supervision of an educator.

The educator is aware of the contents and requirements of the child’s Individual Health Care Plan specifying how the inhaler or
epinephrine auto-injector will be kept secure from access by other children in the program. Whenever an Individual Health Care
Plan provides for a child to carry his or her own medication, the licensee must maintain on-site a back-up supply of the medication
for use as needed.

Age of child: _______________ Date of birth: _____________________ Back-up medication received? YES NO

Page 3 of_______________________________________________
Parent signature: 3 SG/LG/SAIndHealthCarePlan20101029
Date: ________________________________

Administrator’s signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________

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