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An Iot Based Air Pollution Monitoring System For Smart Cities

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ICSETS 2019 173

An IoT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System

for Smart Cities
Harsh Gupta Dhananjay Bhardwaj Himanshu Agrawal
Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering Jaypee Communication Engineering Jaypee Communication Engineering Jaypee
Institute of Information Technology, Institute of Information Technology, Institute of Information Technology,
Noida, India Noida, India Noida, India
harsh404me@gmail.com dhananjayb090@gmail.com himanshu.agrawal@jiit.ac.in

Vinay Anand Tikkiwal Arun Kumar

Department of Electronics and Department of Computer Science &
Communication Engineering Jaypee Engineering
Institute of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology
Noida, India line 4: City, Country Rourkela, India
vinay.anand@jiit.ac.in kumararun@nitrkl.ac.in

Abstract—As the world’s population is becoming enabled WSN technology is the future for the coming smart
increasingly urban, the cities are under pressure to remain cities around the world [8].
livable. In recent years, the air quality of the cities has become
one of the major cause of concern around the world. Thus, it is Real-time monitoring of the air quality requires the live
necessary to constantly monitor the air quality index of a city to data transfer between the devices over the internet and it can
make it smart and livable. In this paper, we propose and develop be visualized using an Android Application. It reduces the
an IoT based Air Quality Monitoring System for Smart Cities. mobilization of system hardware at different locations, which
The real-time data of the air quality is accessed through the is cost efficient as only one-time installation cost is involved.
smart devices and analyzed to measure the impact on city In the Internet of Things (IoT) based applications [9],
dwellers. The smart devices are capable of measuring the Raspberry pi 3B, having a wide range of specifications, is the
Temperature, Humidity, Carbon Monoxide, LPG, Smoke and mainstay of the system. It not only gathers data from various
other hazardous particulate matters like PM2.5 and PM10 levels sensors via an inbuilt Wi-Fi module but is also responsible to
in the atmosphere. The gathered data is accessible globally send the recorded data to the ThingSpeak [10], an open source
through an Android Application. cloud platform on which data can be stored and retrieved via
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) over the internet.
Keywords—Internet of Things; Air Quality; Smart Cities; ThingSpeak acts as a platform to store real-time sensor data
Smart App
and also used to plot graphs, charts, create plugins and apps
I. INTRODUCTION for collaborating with web services, social network and other
application program interface (API). Once signed in, a
In today’s world, air pollution, climate change, and its channel is created with a unique Channel ID. The primary
consequences are of a great concern to the environmentalists feature of ThingSpeak is the term Channel in which there are
and climate change scientists [1]. Emission of various eight fields for data storage, three fields to store latitude,
poisonous gases from industries and vehicles are not only longitude and elevation and one field to write a short message
hazardous for the terrestrial organism, but the marine life is to describe the data. Once the channels are created in
also getting adversely affected. As the world’s population is ThingSpeak, the data can be implemented and alternately one
becoming increasingly urban, the cities are under pressure to can process and visualize the information through various
remain livable. Health problems arising due to poor air quality resources and platform, one of them being on an Android
are in increase like stroke, heart diseases, lung cancer, Application, designed in Android Studio. The increased
respiratory diseases including asthma [2]. Poor air quality demand for service over the internet has necessitated the data
poses a significant risk to the vulnerable section of the society collection and exchange in an efficient manner. IOT has
such as children, asthmatic, pregnant women, and the elderly promised the ability to provide the efficient data storage and
persons. As per WHO statics, millions of premature death exchange by connecting the physical devices and vehicles via
cases are reported due to air pollution every year worldwide electronic sensors and internet.
[3]. Due to this, in recent years, the air quality of the cities has
become one of the major cause of concern around the world Thus, in order to achieve efficient IOT accomplishment
[4]. Thus, it is necessary to constantly monitor the air quality for an application; the proper sensing and monitoring system
index of a city to make it smart [5] and livable [6-8]. is essential. The devices can communicate with each other via
Machine to Machine (M2M) communication and the physical
Around the world, governments are building the smart devices can be controlled digitally [11]. An IOT based
cities to keep a check on these problems and provide a healthy monitoring system can be one possible solution. For example,
life for its inhabitants. The Indian government is in the process a device can be installed in factories that can constantly
to build 100 smart cities by 2050. These cities will utilize monitor the working of the installed machines and if any
advanced communication network, WSNs, and intelligent malfunctioning is detected, a message can be passed on
system to solve future challenges and create new services. immediately to the controlling unit so that further action can
Although the Indian cities have installed real-time air quality be taken and damage can be avoided.
monitoring systems in Delhi and other cities, low-cost IoT

978-1-5386-6971-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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ICSETS 2019 174

which is heated in the presence of the current and then

this current is passed through the connecting leads.
The air around the heated sensing element ionizes,
which further changes the resistance and henceforth
the output current from the sensor varies.

Fig. 1. An Architectural Diagram of the Monitoring System.

Tasks get automated as no more manual labour is required

to constantly monitor the machines and thus saving the cost
and time. The basic IOT system comprises three broad
components namely the sensors, a processing unit or a
gateway and a cloud platform. Sensors collect the information
and pass it on to the processing unit which processes it as per
the requirement and further sends the processed information
to the cloud platform using a protocol, where the rest of the Fig. 2. A Complete Hardware System Setup.
analysis can be performed.
• SDS021: SDS021 works on the principle of laser
II. SYSTEM SETUP scattering. Light gets scattered when particles pass
through the detecting area and the scattered light is
This section comprises of the hardware and software that
converted into electrical signals which are further
were used to set up the experimental framework of the
amplified and processed.
research work and to make it executable. Fig. 1 shows a simple
architectural diagram of the system developed in the research C. ADC
work. An Analog to Digital converter (ADC) is used to convert
A. Raspberry Pi analog information to digital data. MCP3208 is a 16 pin
Integrated circuit which operates over a voltage range of 2.7V
The tiny sensors used in this research work are not capable
- 5.5V and it is available in PDIP and SOIC packages. A
enough to process the data by themselves and thus require a
Raspberry Pi only operates on digital inputs as the board lacks
processing unit to handle the data efficiently. For the large
an ADC chip. The output of the MQ-2 sensor used in this
data to be transferred over the internet, a processor with a high
research work is analog and therefore, to interface it, an eight-
processing speed and an inbuilt Wi-Fi module is required. In
channel and 12-bit resolution ADC that can be interfaced with
this research work, Raspberry Pi is used for this purpose.
Raspberry Pi. The outputs of the remaining sensors, SDS021
B. Sensors and DHT11, are digital.
Sensors are the peripheral part as they act as a link between
the external world and the digital processors by sending the
data collected via its vicinity to the processing unit for further
processing. In this work, MQ-2 [12]sensor has been used to
detect Carbon Monoxide (CO), Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(LPG) and Smoke and DHT11 [13] sensor have been used to
measure Temperature and Humidity levels of the surrounding
[14]. To measure the PPM levels of PM 2.5 and PM 10
particulate matters, SDS021 [15] sensor has been interfaced
with the Raspberry Pi.
• DHT11: DHT11 sensor has a moisture holding
component sandwiched between two electrodes. A
minute variation in humidity leads to change in the
conductivity of the component that results in the
Fig. 3. Temperature variation over the Time (ThingSpeak).
resistance change between the electrodes which in turn
is measured by an Integrated Circuit (IC). The D. Web service
temperature is measured by a thermistor which works
as a temperature dependent variable resistor. DHT11 is One of the main aims of this research work is to make the
preferred over DHT22 [13] as the sampling rate of real-time data available to authentic users anywhere in the
DHT11 is much better than that of DHT22. world. This is possible using a cloud platform which can store
the real-time data readings. These data points can be used for
• MQ-2: The MQ-2 sensor works on the ionization further processing and visualization. For this purpose, in this
principle. There is a sensing element inside the sensor

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ICSETS 2019 175

research work, ThingSpeak is chosen due to its ease of use and of up to 2.5 Amps. The Raspberry Pi acts as a gateway. In
user-friendly interface. IOT, a gateway is a system that links the data collected by the
sensors to the cloud. In order to interface an external
E. Android Application MCP3208, the primary aim is to install and enable the Serial
The app designed in the android studio is created in such a Peripheral Interface (SPI) interface. A python library is then
way that it fetches the data in real time from ThingSpeak with created so that MCP3208 and Raspberry Pi can work together.
the help of an API. The readings of the various sensors along
with the date and time are displayed in a tabular format in the
app. Applications are handy as they are easy to access through
our mobile phones. A user needs to simply sign in with an
Email or with Google to further witness the content of the
This section comprises the elements that were involved in
the implementation of this system and the integration of these
elements with the system.

Fig. 5. The CO content in atmosphere over the Time.

The library designed is called in the python code of the

MQ-2 sensor as its output is analog in nature. The MQ-2
sensor is first connected with the ADC using a breadboard and
connecting wires and then the generated digital outputs are fed
as an input to the processor. DHT11 and SDS021 are directly
connected with the Raspberry Pi. The complete setup of a
simple hardware system is shown in Fig. 2.
B. Sending Data to ThingSpeak
The recorded data by the sensors is further up-loaded to
the ThingSpeak. It is stored and retrieved over HTTP which
works on the basis of a request and response system. The
client makes a request and the server has to respond
accordingly. A library named Urllib2 is imported into the
python code of sensors, as it fetches the URL. An object is
created which specifies the URL we want to fetch and then
urlopen function is called which results in returning of the
response to the URL requested. Once the data is uploaded,
then the platform is responsible for its security. In
ThingSpeak, the data can be stored either in a private or a
public channel but by default, it is stored in the private

Fig. 4. Smoke, Humidity, PM10 and LPG content in atmosphere over the
Fig. 6. The PM 2.5 content in atmosphere over the Time.
A. Sensor interface with Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi is a kind of minicomputer and the model, Data stored on the public channel can be shared with
Raspberry Pi 3B, used in this research work has an inbuilt Wi- others but in order to connect with a private channel, a valid
Fi, Broadcom BCM2837 64-bit quad core 1.2 GHz CPU and API key is required. ThingSpeak supports a web and
40 general purpose input output pins (GPIO) and many more application server and thus the API supports programming
other features. The board can be powered with a power bank languages like Python, Ruby and Node.js.

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ICSETS 2019 176

system but firebase is different as its real-time database uses

data synchronization.
It can be used for user authentication purposes as the user
credentials are securely stored using bcrypt. Firebase
authentication to the android studio is added using Firebase
Android Studio tool. Whenever someone authenticates during
the sign-in process either using an Email or Google, it
handovers a firebase user object that represents that the
authentication is successfully done by the user. This object
contains the basic information about the user.
Once the firebase API is included in Android or iOS App,
firebase features like Analytics, Authentication, Storage,
Messaging, Hosting, Crash reporting, Real-time Database etc.
can be used. Fig. 8 shows the login page layout of the
Fig. 7. The recorded data displayed on a Smart Phone. developed Android App. The next section includes a basic
introduction and then upon dragging from left, a menu section
The data sent by the sensors through an HTTP request is pops out. By clicking on Today in the menu, a list of cities is
processed by the IOT service in ThingSpeak which displayed of which the data is to be monitored. By clicking on
communicates with a virtual server. The server and the IOT any city, a table is displayed, showing the respective data of
service communicate directly with the application. Three all the sensors interfaced along with a Date/Time column. Fig.
different ThingSpeak channels have been used for the 7 shows the recorded data of the respective parameters. The
respective three sensors. Creating three different channels JSON data fetched by the Android App from ThingSpeak is
leads to the generation of three different JSON files which is displayed in a tabular form with the help of JavaScript Object
then fetched simultaneously using the Java code in the android Notation (JSON) parsing.
studio. Fig. 3, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the variation in
Temperature, Carbon Monoxide and PM2.5 respectively IV. CONCLUSION
with time. Fig. 4 shows the rest of the sensors plot i.e. LPG, The paper presented an IOT based Air Pollution
PM10, Smoke and Humidity. Monitoring System for Smart Cities. A few sensors are
deployed in the Jaypee Institute Campus to constantly monitor
the Temperature, Humidity, Carbon Monoxide, Smoke, LPG,
PM2.5 and PM10 levels in the atmosphere. In this work, a
one-way communication between ThingSpeak, an open
source cloud platform, and an Android Application has been
developed. Raspberry Pi has been used as a gateway to
interface the hardware system. The Graphs are plotted in
ThingSpeak according to the sensors data received and the
same can be visualized in an Android App in a tabular format.
The Air Pollution Monitoring System is implemented and
tested in real-life working condition and we are in the process
of extending the nodes outside of the Jaypee Institute. In
future, a large-scale node placement and data gathering have
been planned for the purpose of forecasting of air pollution.
The authors would like to extend sincere thanks to Jaypee
Institute of Information Technology, Noida for providing the
space and logistics to install the systems in the different
locations of the Institute. The author would also like to thank
the department of ECE for their support during the system
development and study. This research work has been carried
out in the Department of ECE, Jaypee Institute of Technology,
Fig. 8. Login Page Layout of the Android App
Noida, India.
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