NIM : 06011181621075
ADVISOR : Prof.Sofendi, M.A., Ph.D
Background of the study
All Participants 86
Finding and Discussion
From the responses to questions 1 and 3, more than half of the students (51%)
agreed that they did not face any problems in English online learning, so they
did not have to implement various solutions to overcome the problems.
Meanwhile, the rest (49%) faced problems and implemented multiple solutions
in online English learning activities. However, the responses to question 5
showed that almost all students (99%) chose yes to using many applications in
online English learning activities
Of the total of 25 students in the VIII.2 class, more students (13
students) faced several problems during English online learning than
those who did not meet any (12 students). Some students could not
follow the online learning because of limited internet quota, poor
network access, lack of digital devices, hard to understand the
material, and also felt lazy and bored to do assignments
In VIII.3 class, the number of students who faced problems in English
online learning was equal to the number of students who did not
meet any (14 students). Students faced insufficient quota, bad
internet connections, lack of digital devices, difficulty understanding
the learning material, and confusion using many online applications.
• The teachers gave solutions to students who did not have a handphone to ask for the
assignments directly at school. Next, the teachers called their parents and friends to ask
why they were not active in the class. Moreover, the teachers wrote that students could
search for information on the internet by using the online learning application. Lastly, the
teachers provided offline learning videos and flexible learning time to overcome the bad
signal and unsupportive electronic devices.
• Students in VIII.1 class mentioned some solutions to overcome the challenges in English
online learning: asking for help from parents, siblings, and friends to finish the assignments,
utilizing Google Translate for learning the vocabulary, and always reading textbooks
provided by the teacher
• VIII.2 students stated several solutions to overcome the problems they faced in English
online learning. They discussed and learned with their friends to finish the assignments,
borrowed a good digital device, and asked friends to send the assignments so they could
submit them on time, utilizing Google and Google Translate to search for the correct answer
and vocabulary
• Students in VIII.3 implemented some solutions to face problems in English Online Learning.
They just searched for the answers to the assignments on Google or asked friends for help
to finish it..
Teacher’s and student’s Applications Used in English Online Learning
The teachers mentioned that they used various online learning media or applications such as
WhatsApp, Google Meet, Google Classroom, YouTube, Google Drive, and PowerPoint in
English online learning.
Students in VIII.1 wrote that they used several applications during the online learning:
Google Classroom, Google Meet, Google Translate, Google Drive, YouTube,
Facebook, WhatsApp, Ruang Guru, Online Dictionary, and English Online Games
Students in VIII.2 mentioned several applications they used during the online learning,
such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, Google Translate, YouTube, Facebook,
WhatsApp, Ruang Guru, and Scribd. However, a student wrote that she did not use
any application because she did not have a handphone.
Students in VIII.3 stated that they used Google Classroom, Google Meet, Google
Translate, Google Drive, YouTube, WhatsApp, Ruang Guru, and Online Dictionary to
do English online learning activities.
Conclussion and Sugestion
• Firstly, there were some problems faced by both students and teachers in
English online learning at SMPN 6 Indralaya such as unstable internet
connection and limited internet quota, difficulty to manage learning time,
lack of digital devices because of the economic factor, lots of assignments,
boring learning activities, noisy environment, laziness in completing
assignments, and difficulty in using many online applications
• Secondly, it is about teachers and students method to overcome the
English online learning problems at SMPN 6 Indralaya utara.
• Thirdly, teacher and students were asked about the platform they
applied in English online learning at SMPN 6 Indralaya.
• Suggestion
• To improve teacher competence in operating technology-based media,
teachers continue to learn from peers/peer tutors who are competent in
the field
• Students must manage time well, effectively, and efficiently in the school
environment and the neighborhood where they live
• The reseacher suggests that the results of this study can be used as a
reference to conduct further research, such as an analysis of learning
methods used in English online learning
Thank you!
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatuh