Araling Panlipunan Action Research
Araling Panlipunan Action Research
Araling Panlipunan Action Research
The current K-12 Program of the Philippine Department of Education aims to equip
graduates with the information, media, and technology skills needed for both school and
work. This is a proof that educators of the 21st century learners are compelled to consistently
utilize technological tools and programs to carry out and enhance instruction (Department of
Education, 2016). The researcher of this study believed that our 21st century learners should
be equipped with technological trends in education as technologies form an integral part of
the overwhelming majority of students’ daily routines. It also affects the learning styles and
study habits of our learners. Thus, teachers should continue to adapt their teaching styles and
strategies in technological trends in education so that they can continue to nurture their
learner’s interest to a more academic achievement. The “Blended Learning” is one of the
best applications of educational technology in both learning and teaching for our learners.
In public schools, the Department of Education (DepEd) encourages teachers to
create innovation for their teaching strategies and intervention to nurture the grit and interest
of their learners for the lessons. This study supports the Blended Learning as one of the best
solutions that Filipino teachers should explore to have in their classroom to address some
issues in their learners such as poor study habits that leads to unsatisfactory performance in
the class. The focus of this study is to address the poor study habits of the learners in Araling
Panlipunan through this new strategic way of teaching, the Blended Learning by creating a
Flipped Classroom. The researcher found that the students do not have an interest to read the
lessons in their textbooks, and there are students who are often absent in the class which
resulted to poor performance in the subject and low academic achievement. There are studies
conducted about blended learning and it found out that students are often motivated by online
learning and online coursework (Hilz, 2018) the researcher then believed that Blended
Learning through a Flipped Classroom will nurture the grit and interest of the students in
studying the Araling Panlipunan.
This study also aimed to help other teachers especially in the subject of Araling
Panlipunan to make a strategy using one of the best examples of Blended Learning, the
Flipped Classroom. By definition, a flipped classroom is an educational technique that
consists of interactive group learning activities inside the classroom and direct computer-
based individual instruction outside the classroom (Calamlam, 2019).
This study also aims to explore how blended learning can be implemented in Fausta
Salazar Como Memorial School. Primarily, the study also aims to find the significant effects
of the use of technology or its blended learning which is the flipped classroom environment
especially in the subject of Araling Panlipunan. Hence, it aims to answer the question, Is
there a significant difference between the basic process skills test score means of the students
in the Flipped classroom and in the conventional-typed of classroom? Throughout its young
history, effective blended learning has not yet to be conducted in Fausta Salazar Como
Memorial School. As such, the researcher believed in the opportunity to utilize this study as a
jumping board for a more comprehensive adoption of this particular technology.
In general, literature supports the notion that various forms of blended learning help
improve student performance (Pitagan, 2020). However, in any educational institutions,
introducing blended learning is a function of “economic, logistical, or other planning
considerations, whereas other times the decision is made based on relative strengths and
weaknesses of different modalities for presenting course information” (Osguthorpe, 2021).
Como Memorial, School Year 2022-2023, Grade 4 to 6 level. The three-grade level are
purposively chosen to be a controlled and experimental group; they are also considered
heterogeneous class which means that there are below average and average learners included
in the class. The researcher will conduct a survey on the Grade 4 to 6 learners as to how
Hilz, G. (2018). Blended Learning Systems: Definition, Current Trends, and Future
Directions. The Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs, 3–
21. San Francisco, Pfeiffer Publication
Pitagan, F. (2020) Quipper School Contributes to Higher Test Score, Attendance Rate and
Assignment Submission in Teaching Mathematics. Article presented during the
DLSU Research Congress, June 20 to 22, 2017.
Improving Learners' Academic Achievement in Araling
Panlipunan through Flipped Classroom as a Pedagogy in
Teaching in Grade 4 to 6 Learners at Fausta Salazar
Como Memorial School
Submitted by:
Araling Panlipunan Coordinator
School Head