ICAICTA.2016.7803080 VTD
ICAICTA.2016.7803080 VTD
ICAICTA.2016.7803080 VTD
Abstract— This paper discuss the process of developing a lead to the risk of having the car stolen.
Vehicle Tracking Device (VTD). VTD is a tracking device
focusing on vehicles that use Short Message Service (SMS). VTD Normally vehicle are equip with basic lock by the
will give information of location coordinate to mobile phone manufacturer. This is not enough to secure the vehicle. Pulling
whenever there is a request for it through the SMS. The out the main battery easily damages basic lock inside the
integrated Global Positioning System and Global System for vehicle and the alarm of vehicle will not be functioning.
Mobile communication (GPS-GSM) is used to track vehicle using Therefore, there is a need to provide a more secured system
application such as Waze or Google Maps. VTD is an integration that is a stand-alone device without any connection with the
of both hardware and software. The hardware components
vehicle battery.
include a microcontroller, Arduino Uno board, sim-card slot,
voice-alarm module, signal antenna, battery and mobile phone as Users are able to know whether their vehicles are stolen or
well as a program controller interface. The prototype of VTD has not based on the vehicles’ current location; either where they
been successfully developed to track vehicle using GPS via SMS. park their vehicle or anywhere on the road. This show that
there is need for a device to check the location of the vehicle
Keywords— tracking device, SMS, GSM, GPS, arduino
each time the user wants to know.
Hence, there is a need of solution to handle this serious
problem. One of the solutions is using and having a tracking
Vehicle tracking system is a system used to determine the device in the vehicle. This tracking device will help to locate
location of a vehicle using method like Global Positioning the stolen vehicle by giving coordinate of location using GPS
System (GPS) and operating system through satellites and and will increase the chance of recovery. Hence, this paper
device. By using the vehicle tracking system, it is easy to focuses on developing a tracking device in order to overcome
calculate and get the accurate location of the vehicle. Vehicle this problem. The tracking device will be affordable; local
information such as locations, speed, and distances travelled made and can be used and owned by many users.
can be viewed on a digital mapping with help of software via
Internet [1]. Even data can be stored or downloaded to a
computer from the GPS unit at a based station and can be used II. RELATED WORK
for analysis purpose [6]. This vehicle tracking system is an This invention relates to an apparatus and method for
important tool for tracking each vehicle at a given period of tracking a vehicle and, more particularly, to an apparatus and
time. Vehicle tracking system also can be used as a theft method wherein the location of a vehicle is recorded during a
prevention and retrieval device. As we know in our country, predetermined event.
Malaysia, there are many cases of stolen vehicle have been
A wide variety of tasks are performed using vehicles. These
reported and the number is increasing every year. The Star and often include pickup and delivery of persons or goods. It is
Asia News Network reported on 30 January 2012 that there sometimes desirable to have a record of the time and place of
were 150 vehicles stolen per day in Malaysia. ACP Amar the performance of these tasks. Various methods exist for
Singh Sidhu’s study, published in the Journal of the Kuala creating such records. These typically consist of simple
Lumpur Royal Police College, mentioned that car theft has handwritten logs kept by drivers of the vehicle, such as those
risen from 22% in 1980 to 49% in 2004, and there is an commonly used by truck drivers. One of the disadvantages of
estimation that total vehicle theft will make up as 74% of total existing systems for recording a vehicle's position is that they
crime theft in 2009. These are the official reported cases. generally require manual action on the part of the driver. This
can result in the recording of incorrect information or the
Since 2005, the average number of newly registered cars omission of information, either unintentionally or intentionally.
per year is 442,023 and the addition of new cars increases by For this reason, it would be desirable to have a system, which
about 7.3% per year. As stated earlier, since 2005, private car determine the location of a vehicle automatically without
theft increases by an average of about 6.4% per year. Although requiring any action on the part of the operator.
the average number of new cars higher than car theft, it still
Then, user will get a reply from the VTD after user send a
request message to get the location of the vehicle. The Figure 6.0: Location on Google maps
information that user get will appear in terms of coordinate, CONCLUSION
latitudes and longitudes. Then, user can click on the coordinate
received to automatically view the location of the vehicle on VTD can help user to locate the vehicle after being stolen
Google maps. If user does not use smartphone, user can copy and also when user forget where they park their vehicle. User
the coordinate and paste it on the Google maps to view the will get the information from VTD in terms of coordinate
location. Figure 5.0 shows the message request from a user and whether the vehicle is on the road using GPS or inside the
the replied message of coordinate location. building using GSM. Any vehicle can use VTD because it is a
stand-alone device, which does not need to connect with other
system inside the vehicle because it has its own system. It
provides a panic button; which can be used when someone is
trapped inside the vehicle. In conclusion, the objective of this
project, which is to design and develop a device that can track
current position of the vehicle using longitude and latitude and
display the position graphically, has been successfully
achieved by using GPS-GSM.
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