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Cadap, Rwynn Memory L.

TTh 1:00-2:30
BSAc 1- Block 7 GCWorld 1621

The Corporation

“The Corporation” depicts all about the corporation, corporation strategies,

and models. It depicts how the evil behavior of big corporations. One hundred
and fifty years ago, the corporation was a relatively insignificant entity. Today, it
is a vivid, dramatic and pervasive presence in all our lives. The corporation is
today’s dominant institution. Corporations regulate our own lives, the way they
decide. In this documentary, Mark Achbar & Jennifer Abbott, the directors of this
documentary and writer Joel Bakan examine the repercussions of the
corporation’s increasing high status.

The CEO’s and top-level executives from a range of industries like oil,
pharmaceutical, computer, tire, manufacturing, public relations, branding,
advertising, undercover marketing, economist, corporate spy, critics and
historians are invited and interviewed in the documentary. Case studies,
anecdotes and true confessions reveal behind-the-scenes tensions and
influences in several corporations. From the documentary review, it is evident
that employees know that they are not free to do so as they please, as pointed
out by San Gibara, former CEO and chairman of Good Year Tires. One of the
themes of the documentary film is the damage done to the environment by
large business corporations. With commercial profitability being their primary
motive, many large corporation neglect to address the negative impact on the
environment. For example, many paper mills in the U.S.A dump toxic effluents
from their processing plants into the nearby stream or river, causing irreparable
damage to the local ecosystem and also increasing risk to human beings.
Another classic example of this is the case of Monsanto Corporation, which
introduced into the market a bovine hormone injection which had proven
unsafe for both animals and human beings during the testing stage. The other
criticism leveled against corporations is their tendency to exploit cheap labor in
Third World countries. Like the issue about the substandard wages paid to
workers of Nike in Indonesia, who gets less than one percent of the marked price
of goods they manufacture.

The documentary is an eye opening where it contends that the structure of

companies forces them to be psychopaths by definition: they have no regards
for others, they take no responsibility, they lack empathy. The companies
legally defined mandate to pursue, relentlessly with no doubt, its own self-
interest, irrespective of the harmful consequences it might cause others. From
the presentation in the film, it shows the evil behavior of the large companies.
I am a Citizen of the World, I am a Filipino

The growing interconnections among people, countries, and economies

means that there is a global dimension to who we are. In spite of the differences
we have in terms of culture, traditions, belief and nationality, we are all a citizen
of the world because we live in one planet. Indeed, as a citizen of the world, we
see ourselves as part of an emerging world community, and are committed to
helping build this community’s values and practices.

I am a Filipino and I am a citizen of the world too. It means that aside from
the community I belong which is the Philippines, I have another community—the
world community—to which we all belong. All of our lives have become
globalized, whether through internet, the way in which we’re impacted by the
global economy; our desire to provide humanitarian assistance to disaster
victims in countries other than our own; or even in our love of world art, music,
food, and travel. We all have a part of us that is global. As global citizens we
need to join together to express the fact that people across the planet share
common views when it comes to basic values such as human rights,
environmental protection, and the banning of weapons of mass destruction.
Therefore, participating in any activities that advocates global change is one of
my ways to help our community. Our everyday lifestyle and behaviors can have
an impact on the quality of life on our planet. As global citizens we need to
adopt environmentally responsible behaviors in the ways we live. Being a global
citizen is also a celebration of the many different arts and cultures of people.
Thus, we should also learn the ways in which different cultures give expression to
the human spirit. There are many different ways wherein we strengthen our
ability to connect to the rest of the world—through the Internet; through
participation in the global economy; through the ways in which world-wide
environmental factors play havoc with our lives; through the empathy we feel
when we see pictures of humanitarian disasters in other countries; or through the
ease with which we can travel and visit other parts of the world.

Being a global citizens doesn’t mean that we are abandoning other

identities, such as allegiances to our countries, ethnicities and political beliefs.
These traditional identities give meaning to our lives and will continue to help
shape who we are. However, as a result of living in a globalized world, we
understand that we have an added layer of responsibility; we also are
responsible for being members of a world-wide community of people who share
the same global identity that we have. A real citizen someone who is aware of
and understands the wider world - and their place in it. They take an active role
in their community, and work with others to make our planet more equal, fair
and sustainable.
Connecting Posts, Connecting the World

Political Rants

Thoughts about COVID- 19 and ECQ

Thoughts about movies

Inspirational Messages

Religious Verse
A. Which theme has the most number of posts?
The “thoughts about COVID- 19 and ECQ” has the most number of posts.
With the alarming levels of the spread and severity that COVID- 19 pandemic
carries, people cannot help but to express their thoughts and emotions about it.
This virus have brought too much difficulty to the lives of many people, and also
the economic growth of the countries all over the world. Many people died,
even doctors and nurses to help other people fight COVID- 19.

B. Which post has the most number of shares?

The issue about COVID-19 has the most number of shares. Because of the
threat that COVID- 19 carries around the world, people are sharing posts about
this issue to inform and bring awareness to other people.

C. What are the common themes that you and your classmates have identified?
This issue about COVID-19 is trending in social medias and almost all people
around the globe are talking about it so I think most of us identified the themes
about the COVID-19 pandemic.

D. Have you posted anything in the past that is similar with the post you listed
Yes, I have also posted my thoughts about COVID- 19. This pandemic is isn't
something to be taken lightly. All of us should be informed about this issue so that
all together we will overcome the challenges that the COVID- 19 pandemic
bring us.
Characteristics of a Good Leader

Leaders shape our nations, communities, and organizations. We need good

leaders to help, guide and make essential decisions to keep the world moving.
But how do we identify a good one? What are the qualities that a leader must
have to make him/her a good leader?

A leader with vision has a clear idea of where they want to go, how to get
there and what success looks like. A leader should share his/her thoughts clearly
and passionately and ensure that the team understands how their individual
efforts contribute to higher level goals. Working toward a vision with persistence,
tenacity, and enthusiasm will inspire and encourage others to do the same. As a
leader, the best way to build credibility and gain the respect of others is to set
the right examples. He/she must lead or serve the people, not the other way
around. Aligning words and actions will help to build trust and make them more
willing to follow the leader’s example. A leader with integrity draws on their
values to guide their decisions, behavior, and dealings with others. They must
have clear convictions about what is right and wrong. They should have a strong
sense of character, keep their promises, and communicate openly, honestly
and directly with others. Displaying integrity will make help a leader gain the
loyalty, confidence, and respect from their employees. The ability to
communicate clearly, concisely and tactfully is a crucial leadership skill.
Communication involves more than just listening attentively to others and
responding appropriately. It also includes sharing valuable information, asking
intelligent questions, soliciting input and new ideas, clarifying misunderstandings,
and being clear about what you want. The best leaders also communicate to
inspire and energize their staff. Great leaders understand that for people to give
their best, they must have a sense of ownership over their work and believe that
what they’re doing is meaningful. The best leaders drive their team forward with
passion, enthusiasm, inspiration and motivation. A leader must invest time in the
people they lead to determine their strengths, needs, and priorities.

The best leaders make up the backbone of leadership across leader levels,
industries, and continents. Without these skills, true leadership is impossible.
Leaders are molded through experience, continued study, and adaptation. In
other words, a leader can strengthen any of the characteristics and qualities
mentioned if they are open to growth and put in the time and effort towards
self-improvement. Leadership is something that should be to worked upon.
Leadership is a journey. Different teams, projects, situations, and organizations
are required to apply these skills in different ways.
Challenges in Global Governance


The conditions such as Just over 100 years ago, Environmental Transnational crime poses
poverty, demographic World War I saw widespread degradation has become a significant and growing
factors, social inequality use of chemical weapons a common concern for threat to national and
and exclusion, with more than one million humankind over the past international security.
dispossession, and people affected and few decades. The Developing countries with
political estimates of at least 90,000 distinctive nature of the weak rule of law can be
grievances—can be people killed. From this, the present environmental particularly susceptible to
either permissive or international community problems is that they are transnational crime. The
direct can be the banded together to caused more by apparent growing of
reasons of terrorist attempt to stop the use of anthropogenic than transnational crimes in
acts .Terrorist acts can chemical and biological natural phenomena. some states represents a
cause weapons in conflict. The Regulations relating to significant threat to
ripple effects through international community preserving the economic growth and
the economy that have developed strong environment and democratic institutions. If
negative impacts. The governance mechanisms to economy should exist in this transnational crime
most obvious is the work toward full any country seeking expands, it may threaten
direct economic disarmament of chemical, reform. However, one of stability and undermine
destruction of property biological, and nuclear the major contributors to free markets as they build
and weapons. The international the current level alliances with political
lives. Terrorism indirectly community has been of environmental leaders, financial
affects the economy by largely successful in degradation is lack of institutions, law
creating market prohibiting and ensuring the regulations or the poor enforcement, foreign
uncertainty, destruction of one category enforcement of intelligence, and security
xenophobia, loss of of WMD: chemical regulations. agencies.
tourism, and increased weapons.
insurance claims.

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