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17 Introduction

04. Consider the D.T. signal

Objective Practice Questions
x(n) = 1  / G[n  1  k]
01. An aperiodic discrete time signal of length 5 is
shown in Fig. The maximum value of Find the values of M and n0 so that
x(n) = u[Mn – n0 ]
1 05. Sketch the wave forms of the following signals?
(a) x(t) = u(t+1) – 2 u(t) + u(t–1)
(b) x(t) = r(t+2) – r (t+1) – r(t–1) + r(t–2)
2 1 0 1 2 where r(t) is unit ramp function

Classification of signals
(A) x(n) + 2x(–n) (B) 5x(n) x(n–1)
06. Determine whether the following signals are
(C) x(n) x(–n–1) (D) 4x(2n) energy (or) power signals?
(a) A > D > B > C (b) C > D > A > B (a) x(t) = et u(t)
(c) B > D > A > C (d) D > A > C > D (b) x(t) = A
(c) y(t)
02. A signal x(t) is nonzero for –1  t  2 and zero A

elsewhere. Then the signal y (t) 2x ; 2 t E is t
2 0
nonzero for duration of
(d) x(t) = A cos(t + )
(a) 6 (b) 3
(e) x(t) = tu(t)
(c) 1.5 (d) 2
(f) x(t) = e3tu(t)

03. Find the value of the following integrals 07. (i) Two sequences x1[n] and x2[n] have the same
2 energy. Suppose x1[n] = (0.5)nu[n], where  is
(a) # (t  t2) G(t  4) dt
a positive real number and u[n] is the unit step
sequence. Assume

(b) # (t  cos St) G (t  1) dt  1.5 for n  0,1

x2[n] = 
 0 other wise.

# cos t u (t  3) G(t) dt Then the value of  is ________.

0 (ii) Consider the two continuous-time signals
defined below:
(d) # e(t - 2) G(2t  4) dt t , 1 # t # 1
-2 x1 (t) )
0, other wise
t sin t G (S/2  t) dt 1 t , 1 # t # 1
# x2 (t)
0 0, other wise

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18 Systems & Signal Processing

These signals are sampled with a sampling 11.

period of T = 0.25 seconds to obtain discrete A) A signal x(t) = 2 cos (150t + 300) is sampled at
time signals x1[n] and x2[n], respectively. Which 200Hz. Find the fundamental period of discrete
one of the following statements is true? signal?
(a) The energy of x1[n] is greater than the B) A periodic discrete time signal x(n) is given by
energy of x2[n]. x(n) = cos (3n) + sin (7n) + cos (2.5n). The
(b) The energy of x2[n] is greater than energy of term sin (7n) in x(n) corresponds to
x2[n]. (a) 14th harmonic (b) 7th harmonic
(c) x1[n] and x2[n] have equal energies. (c) 6 harmonic
(d) 5th harmonic
(d) Neither x1[n] nor x2[n] is a finite-energy signal. C) For each periodic signal shown in figure,
evaluate the average value xav, the energy E
08. Find the conjugate anti-symmetric part of
in one period, the signal power P, and the rms
x (n) &1  j2, 2- , j5 0 value xrms.

09. Give in figure are the parts of a signal x(t) and x(t) Signal 1 x(t) Signal 2
its even part xe(t) for t  0 only; that is x(t) & xe(t)
for t < 0 are not given. Complete the plots of x(t) 7 t
t -5 -2 -2 2 5
& x0(t). –2 2
xe(t) x(t) Signal 3
x(t) 2
2 1
2 2 t

0 1 0 2 t
Classification of systems
10. Determine which of the following signals are
periodic, if periodic find the fundamental 12. Determine which of the following systems is
period ? linear?
(a) x(t) = cos(18t) + sin (12t) (a) y(t) = x(t) x(t – 2)
(b) x(t) = sin (2t/3)cos(4t/5) (b) y(t) = sin{x(t)}
(c) x(t) = cos 3t + sin 5t (c) y (t)
(x (t))
(d) x(t) = jej10t (d) y(t) = 2x(t) + 3
(e) x(t) = cos(5t)u(t) t

(f) x(t) = Ev[cos(2t)u(t)] (e) y (t) # x (W) dW

(g) x(n) = sin : 5Sn D

3 (f) y(t) = x2(t)

Sn Sn Sn S
(h) x (n) 2 cos : 4 D  sin : 8 D  2 cos : 2  6 D (g) y(t) = x(t) cos0t
(i) x(n) = ej7n (h) y(n) = log {x[n]}
(j) x(n) = cos(n/4) sin : 8 D (i) y(n) = |x[n]|
(k) x(n) = u(n) + u(– n) (j) y(n) = x*(n)
(l) x(n) = ( 1) n
(k) y(n) = Median {x[n]}
/ ^G (n  4k)  G (n  1  4k)h
(m) x (n) x (n)
(l) y (n)
k =- 3 x (n  1)

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19 Introduction

(c) y(t) = x(t)sin5t

d2 y (t) 5dy (t)
(m)  2 x (t) (d) y(t) = x{sin(t)}
dt2 dt
(e) y(t) = |x(t)|
(n) y(n) = ex(n)
(f) y(n) = ex(n)
(g) y (n) / x [k], "n 0 " is finite
13. Test the following systems for time - invariance? k = n0
(a) y(t) = tx(t) + 3 n + n0

(b) y(t) = ex(t) (h) y (n) / x [k], "n 0 " is finite

k = n - n0
(c) y(t) = x(t) cos3t n
(d) y(t) = sin{x(t)} (i) y (n) / x [k]
d k =-3
(e) y(t) = x (t)
dt n
(f) y(t) = x2(t) (j) y (n) / x (k)
(g) y(t) = x(2t)
(h) y(n) = 2x(n) x(n) 1
(k) y (n) / x (n  k)
2m  1 k = - m
(i) y(n) = x(n + 2) – x(7 – n)
d2 y (t) (l) y(t) = x(t)
(j)  y (t) y (3t) x (t)
(m) yl (t  4)  2y (t) x (t  2)
d2 y (t)
(k)  3y (t) 2x (t) (n) yl (t)  2y (t) x (t  3)

16. Check whether the following systems are static

14. Consider an LTI system whose response to the
or dynamic?
input signal x1(t) is y1(t) as shown in figure. Find
(a) y(t) = 3x(t) + 5
the response of the system due to the Input
x2(t) and x3(t)? (b) y(t) = x2(t)
(c) y(n) = ex(n)
x1(t) y1(t)
(d) y(n) = cos{x(n)}
1 2 (e) y(n) = x[3n]
(f) y (t) d x (t)
0 2 t 0 2 t

(g) y (t) # x (W) dW


x2(t) x3(t)
17. Find whether the following systems are linear,
1 2 T.I. and dynamic
2 4 t (a)
2tdy (t)
 4y (t) 2tx (t)
-1- -1 0 1 2 t
d2 y (t)
(b)  4y (t) 2x (t)
15. Check whether the following systems are d2 y (t) 2dy (t) 3d
(c) 4   y (t) x (t)
causal (or) non causal? dt2 dt dt
dy (t) 2
(a) y(t) = (2t + 3) x(t) (d) ; E  2t y (t)
4dx (t)
dt dt
(b) y(t) = x2(t)
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20 Systems & Signal Processing

18. Match the following 21. Consider the feedback system shown in figure,
List I (System) assume that y[n] = 0 for n < 0
(a) y(n+2)+ y(n+1) + y(n) = 2x(n+1) + x(n)
(b) n2y2(n) + y(n) = x2(n) x(n) y(n)
(c) y(n + 1) + ny(n) = 4nx(n) + Unit delay
(d) y(n + 1)y(n) = 4 x(n)

List II (system category)

(1) Linear, T.V., dynamic
Find y(n) when the input is
(2) Linear, T.I., dynamic
(i) x(n) = [n]
(3) N.L., T.V., dynamic
(4) N.L., T.I., dynamic (ii) x(n) = u[n]
(5) N.L., T.V., memory less.
22. Statement (I): A discrete time system with
19. Check whether the following systems are stable
input x(n) and output y(n) and given by the
(or) not?
relation y(n) = nx(n–2) + 2 is non linear.
(a) y(t) = x (t)
Statement (II): If x(n) is delayed by 2 units,
(b) y(t) = x(t) cos 3t y(n) is not delayed by 2 units.
(c) y(t) = x(t–3) (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are
(d) y (t) d x (t) individually true and Statement (II) is the
t correct explanation of Statement (I)
(e) y (t) # x (W) dW (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are
individually true but Statement (II) is not
(f) y(t) = sin{x(t)}
the correct explanation of Statement (I)
(g) y(t) = tx(t)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is
(h) y(n) = ex(n) false
(i) y(n) = x[3n] (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is
(j) y (n) / x [k], "n 0 " is finite
k = n0

20. Determine which of the following systems are 23. Statement (I): The discrete time system
invertible? described by y[n] = 2 x[n] + 4 x[n  1] is unstable,
(a) y(t) = x2(t) (here y[n] is the output and x[n] the input)
(b) y(t) = x(t) 
Statement (II): It has an impulse response with
(c) y(t) = x(t – 3)
a finite number of non-zero samples.
(d) y (t) dt
x (t)
(e) y(n) = x[n]x[n – 1] 24. Statement (I): A memory less system is causal
(f) y(n) = nx(n) Statement (II): A system is causal if the output
(g) y(n) = x[n] – x[n – 1] at any time depends only on values of input at
(h) y (n) / x [k] that time and in the past.
k =- 3

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23 Introduction

Key for Objective Questions

01. Ans: (c)

02. Ans: (a)

03. (a). Ans: 0 (b). Ans: 0

(c). Ans: 0 (d). Ans: 0.5

(e). Ans: /2

04. Ans: M = 1, n0 = 3

08. Ans: 2 %1  j7, 0- ,  1  j7 /


10. Ans: a, b, d, f, g, h, i, l, m are periodic


12. Ans: c, e, g are linear

13. Ans: b, d, e, f, h, k are time invariant

15. Ans: a, b, c, e, f, i, m are causal

16. Ans: a, b, c, d are static

18. (a). Ans: (2), (b). Ans: (5),

(c). Ans: (1), (d). Ans: (4)

19. Ans: a, b, c, f, h, i are stable

21. (i) y(n) = {0, 1, 1, 1,-------}

(ii) y(n) = {0, 1, 0, 1,-------}

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34 Systems & Signal Processing

04. The impulse response of a continuous time

Objective Practice Questions system is given by h(t) = (t  1) + (t  3). The
value of the step response at t = 2 is
(a) 0 (b) 1
01.(a) Find the convolution of the signals
(c) 2 (d) 3
x(t) = e–3t u(t) & h(t) = u(t – 2)

05. Suppose z (t)  # x (   a) h (t  ) d

(b)Find the convolution of the signals shown in -3
figure? Express z(t) in terms of y(t) = x(t)  h(t)
x(t) h(t)
1 1 06. Find the following terms
(a) x(t + 5) * (t – 7) = _________
t (b) x(t) * (at + b) = __________
0 1 t 0
(c) 1 2
* =
02. The impulse response and the excitation
–1 0 1 t –3 3 t
function of a linear time invariant causal
system are shown in Fig. a and b respectively.
The output of the system at t = 2 sec. is equal 07. Explain the difference between each of the
to following operations?
(a) [et u(t)](t – 1)
h(t) x(t)
(b) # e -t u (t) (t  1) dt
1/2 -3

0 6 t (sec) 0 2 6 t (sec) (c) etu(t)  (t – 1)

Fig. a Fig. b
08. Let x(t) = u(t–3) – u(t – 5) & h(t) = e–3tu(t).
(a) 0 (b) 1/2
(c) 3/2 (d) 1 d
Find x (t) ) h (t)

03. An L.T.I system is having impulse response

09. Signals that replicate under self-convolution
h(t) = u(–t–1) for which the input signal
applied is shown in figure. Find the output at include the impulse, Sinc, Gaussian, and
t = 4 & t = 0.5? Lorentzian. For each of the following known
results, determine the constant A using the
area property of convolution.
(a) (t)  (t) = A(t)
(b) Sinc(t)  Sinc(t) = ASinc(t)
(c) e - rt ) e - rt  Ae - rt /2
2 2 2

0 1 2 6
1 1  A
(d) )
1  t2 1  t2 1  0.25t2
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35 LTI (LSI) Systems

10. An Input signal x(t) shown in figure is applied to

/ 10rectc t 2k2 m
the system with impulse response k =3
h (t)  / (t  kT) . (d) None of these
k =- 3

Find the output, for the values of 3

14. The integral # x () h (  t) d can be

i) T = 4 x(t) -3
interpreted as the Convolution of
ii) T = 2
(a) x() and h()
(b) x(t) and h(t)
(c) x(-) and h(-)
–1 0 1 (d) x(t) and h(-t)

11. (a) Find the convolution of

7u (t + 3)  u (t  1)A with 7u (t + 1)  u (t  1)A Discrete Convolution

15. A linear system with Input x(n) & output y(n)

(b) The impulse response of a system is
related 3as
h(t) = t u(t). For an input u(t – 1), the output
y (n) = / x (k) g (n  2k)
is k =3
where g(n) = u(n) – u(n – 4). Find y(n) when
t2 t (t  1) x(n) = (n – 2)
u (t) (b)
u (t  1)

(t  1) 2 t2  1 16. The I.R of a D.T LTI system is given by

u (t  1) (d)
u (t  1)
h(n)=(0.5)n u(n) of the input is x (n)  2 (n)   (n  3).
Find the output at n = 1 & n = 4?
(c) Consider a signal averaging filter whose

impulse response is h (t)  T rect b t 0.5T l .
1 17. Given x = [a, b, c, d] as the Input to an LTI
Find the response of the filter due to the system produces an output
input x(t) = u(t)? y = [x, x, x, x, … repeated N times].
The impulse response of the system is
(a) /
1, 0 t 1 [n  4i]
12. Suppose that x (t)  ) i=0
0, elsewhere
(b) u(n) – u(n – N)
and h (t)  x b t l, 0 #1
(c) u(n) – u(n–N–1)
dy (t)
Let y(t) = x(t)  h(t). If has to contain
dt (d) / [n  i]
only three discontinuities, the value of  is i=0

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 0.5 (d) – 1 18. Two discrete -time signals x[n] and h[n] are
both non-zero only for n = 0,1,2, and are zero
13. Given x (t)  5rect b 2 l and h (t) = / 2(t  2k)
t otherwise. It is given that x[0] = 1, x[1] = 2,
then x (t) ) h (t) is
k =-3
x[2]=1, h[0] = 1, Let y[n] be the linear
(a) 10 t convolution of x[n] and h[n]. Given that
 y[1] = 3 and y[2] = 4, the value of the expression
(b) / 5rect c t 2 m
k =3
2 (10y[3] + y[4]) is _______

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36 Systems & Signal Processing

Properties of L.T.I system 24. Determine whether each of the following

statements are TRUE (or) FALSE.
19. The range of ‘a’ and ‘b’ for the impulse
a n; n $ 0 Justify your answer.
response h (n)  ) n
b; n 0 (1) The cascade of a non causal LTI system
to be stable is _______
(a) |a|<1, |b| < 1 with casual one is necessarily noncausal
(b) |a|>1, |b| < 1 (2) If an LTI system is causal, it is stable
(c) |a|>1, |b| > 1 (3) If h(t) is the I.R of an LTI system which is
(d) |a|<1, |b| > 1
periodic & nonzero, the system is unstable
(4) The inverse of a causal system is always
20. Given h(t) = et u(t) + et u(–t). For what values of
 and  system is stable? causal

(a)  < 0,  < 0

(b)  < 0,  > 0 25. If the unit step response of a system is
(c)  > 0,  > 0 (1  e - at) u (t) , then its unit impulse response
(d)  > 0,  < 0 is _______
(a) e - at u (t)
21. Consider the system in figure.
(b) -1 e - at u (t)
x(n) y(n)
h2(n) = Dnu(n) (c) (1  -1) e - at u (t)
(d) (1  ) e - at u (t)

h1(n) = EG(n – 1) 26. Find the step response of the system if the
impulse response is h(n) = (0.5)n u(n)
(a) Find I.R. of overall system.
(b) Is this system causal ? Under 27. An LTI system with Input u(n) produces the
What condition the system is stable. output as (n), then find the output due to
the input nu(n)?
22. Consider a D.T system ‘s1’, with I.R
h(n) = (1/5)nu(n) 28. If step responses of 2 L.T.I systems are s1(t) &
(a) Find ‘A’ such that h(n) – Ah(n–1) = (n)
s2(t) respectively, how the cascaded step
(b) Using result from part (a), determine the I.R
response sc(t) is related interms of s1(t) &
g(n) of an LTI system s2 which is inverse of s1
23. For the interconnected system shown in Fig.
find the overall impulse response.

x(n) y(n)
y1[n] = x(n) – ½ x(n-1) h2 [n] = (½ )n u[n]

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38 Systems & Signal Processing

Key for Objective Questions

 -3 (t - 2) 16. Ans: y(1) = 1, y(4) = 5/8
01. (a) Ans: 1 e3 u (t  2)

17. Ans: (a)

04. Ans: (b)

19. Ans: (d)

05. Ans: z(t) = y(t + a)
20. Ans: (b)
06. a. Ans: x(t – 2),
1 b bl
b. Ans: a x t a 21. Ans: h (n) D n u (n)  ED n - 1 u (n  1) is causal
for any value of ,  and stable if || < 1,
07. a. Ans: e -1 G(t  1) , and any value of .
b. Ans: e -1 ,
c. Ans: e–(t–1). u(t–1) 22. Ans: A 1
23. Ans: h (n) G(n)

08. Ans: e -3 (t - 3) .u (t  3)  e -3 (t - 5) .u (t  5) 24. Ans: 1-false, 2-false, 3-true, 4-false.

11. b). Ans: (c) 25. Ans: (a)

13. Ans: (a) 26. Ans: s (n) 2 ;1  b 1 l E u (n)


14. Ans: (d) 27. Ans: u(n1)

15. Ans: y(n) = g (n4)

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bengaluru Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
50 Systems & Signal Processing

Objective Practice Questions (R) g (t)

01. A periodic signal is given by
x(t) = 3 sin (4t + 30o) – 4 cos (12t – 60o).
Find the amplitude of second harmonic? -2S - S 0 S 2S t

02. Which of the following signal is not the

representation of F.S.? -V
(a) Cos3t + sin12t
(a) Sine terms
(b) 1 + sint
(b) Sine terms with odd harmonics
(c) ej6t
(c) Sine terms with even harmonics
(d) cos2t + sin6t
(d) DC, Cosine and Sine terms

03. For the Periodic waveforms shown in figure

what frequency components are present f(t) 1
in trigonometric series expansion.
(P) t
x(t) –S -S/2 0 S/2 S
(a) DC, Cosine terms
(b) DC, Cosine terms with even harmonics
(c) DC, Cosine terms with odd harmonics
-2 -1 0 1 2 (d) None of these

(T) m(t)
(a) DC and cosine terms
(b) DC and sine terms 1
(c) Cosine & sine terms t
–2 –1 1 2 4
(d) None of these –1
(a) DC, Cosine and Sine terms
(b) DC, Cosine terms with even harmonics
V (c) DC, Cosine terms with odd harmonics
(d) None of these
-S 0 S 2S 3S t
-V 04. Consider the signal
x(t) = 10cos(10t + /7) + 4sin(30t + /8).
(a) Sine and Cosine terms It’s power lying within the frequency band
(b) Only odd harmonics 10 Hz to 20 Hz is ____
(c) Sine terms with odd harmonics (a) 4W (b) 8W
(d) DC and Sine terms (c) 50W (d) 58W

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51 Fourier Series

05. Consider the trigonometric series, which holds 09. f(t), shown in figure is represented by
truet, given by f (t) = a 0 + / an Cosnt + bn Sinnt
x(t) = sin0 t + 1/3 sin 30t + 1/5 sin 50t n=1
The value of a0 is
+ 1/7 sin 70 t + - - - - - - - - - -
At 0t = /2 the series converges to
(a) 0.5 1.5
(b) /4 +1
(c) /2 –S 0 S 2S 3S t
(d) 2

06. x(t) is a real valued function of a real variable (a) 0 (b) /2
with period T. Its trigonometric. Fourier Series (c)  (d) 2
expansion contains no terms of frequency
= 2(2k)/T; k = 1, 2….……. Also, no sine terms are
10. A periodic rectangular signal x(t) has the
present. Then x(t) satisfies the equation
(a) x(t) = –x(t – T) waveform shown in fig frequency of the fifth
(b) x(t) = x(T – t) = –x(–t) harmonic of its spectrum is
(c) x(t) = x(T – t) = –x(t –T/2)
(d) x(t) = x(t – T) = x(t – T/2) x(t)

07. The fundamental frequency of the composite

signal –4 –2 0 2 4 t (msec)
x(t) = 2 + 3cos (0.2t) + cos (0.25t + /2)
+ 4cos (0.3t – ) is
(a) 0.05 rad/sec (a) 40 Hz
(b) 0.1 rad/sec (b) 200 Hz
(c) 0.2 rad/sec (c) 250 Hz
(d) 0.25 rad/sec (d) 1250 Hz

08. The average value of the periodic signal x(t)

11. A periodic signal in a duration of one period is
shown in figure is
shown. Its Fourier series expansion Includes

– 6 – 4 – 3– 2 0 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 t
t 0 3 4 5
(a) 5/6
(a) cosine terms of odd harmonics
(b) 1
(b) sine terms of odd harmonics
(c) 5
(c) sine terms of even harmonics
(d) 6
(d) cosine terms of even harmonics

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52 Systems & Signal Processing

12. The rms value of the periodic waveform shown Exponential F.S
in figure is
16. For the periodic signal
x (t) = 2 + cos : 3 D + 4 sin : 3 D
2rt 5rt

0 T/2 T t Find the E.F.S. coefficients?

–6A 17. Obtain the E.F.S. representation of periodic

(a) 2 6 A (b) 6 2 A signal shown, hence find the T.F.S?
4 (d)1.5 A
(c) A
3 x(t)

13. A half - wave rectified sinusoidal waveform has
a peak voltage of 10 V. Its average value and
the peak value of the fundamental component
are respectively given by : 1 0 1 2 t

20 10 10 10
(a) r V, 2 V (b) r V, 2 V 18. The F.S. coefficient of the signal x(t) shown in
fig (a) are C0 = 1/, C1 = –j0.25, Cn = 1/(1 – n2)
10 20
(c) r V, 5V (d) r V, 5V (n even). Find F.S. coefficients of y(t), f(t) and
14. A periodic signal with period T = 2 is defined as
t, 0 # t # 1
x (t) = ) 1
2  t, 1 # t # 2

If A cos (t ) is one of the terms it contains A is

equal to -1 t
0 1 2 3
4 2
(a) 2 (b) 2 Fig(a)
r r
2 4
(c) (d) 1
r2 r2

15. A periodic input signal x(t) shown below is

applied to an L.T.I. system with frequency -1 0 1 2 3 t
response f(t)
1; Z < 4S
H (Z) = )
0; Z > 4S
Which frequency components are present in 0 2 3
1 t
the output?
10 g(t)

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 t t
-1 0 1 2

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53 Fourier Series

19. Let x(t) be a periodic signal with period T and 22. One period (0, T) of 2 periodic waveforms
F.S coefficient Cn w1 & w2 are shown in Fig. then Fourier series
Let y(t) = x(t–t0) + x(t + t0). The F.S. coefficient of Coefficient are respectively proportional to
y(t) is dn.
w1 1 w2
If dn= 0  odd n then t0 can be 1
(a) T/8 (b) T/4
(c)T/2 (d) 2T t
0 T/2 T t 0 T/2 T

20. By using derivative method, find F.S. coefficient –1 –1

of the signal shown in figure?

x(t) (a) |n3| & |n2| (b) |n2| & |n3|

1 (c) |n1| & |n2| (d) |n4| & |n2|

23. The magnitude & phase spectra of a periodic

t signal x(t) are shown in figure
-T/2 -d/2 0 d/2 T/2 T
21. Consider a periodic signal x(t) as shown below
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 f(Hz)

x(t) Phase 900

1 300

321 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 t
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 f(Hz)
1 –600
Fig. –900

(a) Write the polar form of TFS.

It has a Fourier series representation (b) Sketch the magnitude & phase spectrum
x (t) / ak e j(2r/T)kt of f(t) = x(2t), g(t) = x(t  1/6) & h(t) = xl (t)
k =- 3

Which one of the following statement is TRUE? 24. (a) Find the power up to second harmonic for
the periodic signal shown in figure?
(a) ak = 0, for k odd integer and T = 3
(b) ak = 0, for k even integer and T = 3
(c) ak = 0, for k even integer and T = 6 1
(d) ak = 0, for k odd integer and T = 6

–1 0 1 2 3 t

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54 Systems & Signal Processing

(b) For the periodic signal x(t) shown below with

‘Cn S/2
period T = 8 s, the power in the 10th harmonic is S/4

0 2 n
+1 4 3 2 1 1 3 4

–4 0 4 8 t S/2

–1 (a) Find the power in the periodic signal

(a) 0 (b) Is this signal odd symmetric, even
1 b 2 l2 symmetric & neither
2 10S (c) Assume that the fundamental frequency
1 b 4 l2 of 10Hz, find the trigonometric form of the
2 10S signal x(t)?
(d) If this signal is passed through an ideal LPF
(d) b 10Sl
4 2
with cut-off frequency 25Hz, what would
be the steady-state response

25. The F.S Coefficients, of a periodic signal x(t) is 27. Match the following
expressed as x (t) = / Cn e jn~ t 0
are given by
n =-3
List – I (Periodic function)
C–2 = 2– j1; C–1= 0.5 + j0.2; C0 = j2;
C1 = 0.5 – j0.2; C2 = 2 + j1;
A. Impulse train
Cn = 0 for |n| >2.
Which of the following is TRUE?
(a) x(t) has finite energy because only finitely
many coefficients are non zero -T 0 t
-2T T
(b) x(t) has zero average value because it is
B. Full-wave rectified sine wave
(c) the imaginary part of x(t) is constant
(d) the real part of x(t) is even.
C. 2sin(2t/6) cos(4t/6)

26. For the following spectrum shown in figure. D.

4 1
0.5 0 T/2 T

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 n

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55 Fourier Series

List-II (Properties of spectrum)

Key for Objective Questions
1. Only even harmonics are present
2. Impulse train with strength 1/T
3. C3 = 1/2j C3 = –1/2j 01. Ans: 0
C1 = –1/2j C1 = 1/2j
4. Only odd harmonics are present 02. Ans: (d)
5. Both even & odd harmonics are present
03. P. b, Q. b, R. b, S. c, T. d
28. The systems S1 & S2 shown in figure satisfy the
following properties 04. Ans: (b) 05. Ans: (b)

sin Zt 5 cos (Zt + 30q) 07. Ans: (a) 08. Ans: (a)
09. Ans: (a) 10. Ans: (d)
(1/4) sin10t cos (5t)
S2 11. Ans: (b) 13. Ans: (c)

(a) Both S1 and S2 are LTI systems 14. Ans: (d)

(b) S1 is LTI, but S2 is not LTI system
(c) S1 is not LTI system, S2 is LTI system 20 20
15. Ans: y (t) = 5 + r sin rt + sin 3rt
(d) Both S1 & S2 are not LTI systems 3r
1 1
16. C 0 = 2, C 2 = ,C , C  2j, C 5 = 2j
29. Consider the following statements related to 2 2 = 2 5 =
Fourier series of a periodic waveform: 19. Ans: (b)
1. It expresses the given periodic waveform
as a combination of d.c. component, 22. Ans: (c)
sine and cosine waveforms of different
harmonic frequencies. 24. (a) Ans: 0.45 Watt.
2. The amplitude spectrum is discrete.
3. The evaluation of Fourier coefficients gets 27. A – 2, B. –1, C. –3, D
simplified if waveform symmetries are used
4. The amplitude spectrum is continuous
Which of the above statements are
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3

30. Statement (I): In the exponential Fourier

representation of a real-valued periodic
function f(t) of frequency f0, the coefficients of
the terms e j 2  n f0 t and e  j 2  n f0 t are negatives
of each other.
Statement (II): The discrete magnitude
spectrum of f(t) is even and the phase spectrum
is odd.
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74 Systems & Signal Processing

06. The magnitude of F.T. X() of a function

Objective Practice Questions
in fig (a) the magnitude of F.T Y() of other
function y(t) is shown below in fig (b). The phases
01. If x(t) is a voltage waveform, then what are the X() and Y() are zero for all . The magnitude
units of X(f) ? and frequency units are identical in both the
figures. The function y(t) can be expressed in
terms of x(t) as ______
02. For the signal x(t) shown in figure, find
(a) X(0)
+3 3
# X () d

x(t) –100 0 100 Z -50 0 50 Z

1 2 btl 3 ]2tg
(a) x (b) x
3 2 2
-1 0 1 2 3 2 ]2tg 3 btl
(c) x (d) x
3 2 2

07. Find F.T. of the following signals:

Properties of F.T (i) x(t) = 1
(ii) x (t) =
(a + jt)
Linearity, duality & scaling 2a
(iii) x (t) = 2 2
(a + t )
(iv) x (t) = 1
03. Find the F.T of the signals rt
i) x (t) = e -a t [Two sided exponential]
08. Let x(t) = rect( t – ½ )
ii) x(t) = Sgn(t) [Signum function]
{where rect(x) = 1 for –1/2  x  1/2 } then if
sin rx
sinc(x) = = rx
04. The F.T. of a function g(t) is given as
F.T. of x(t) + x(–t) will be given by ____
2 + 21
G () = 2 . Find g(t)?
09. What is the I.F.T. of u() ?
05. Find the F.T of the signal shown in figure Find
Y(f) at f = 1 ?

y(t) Time & frequency shifting


11. The F.T of a triangular pulse f(t) shown in
t e j~  je j~  1
-2 -1 0 1 2 figure is F() = using this find the
F.T of the signals shown in figure?

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75 Fourier Transform

13. Find the F.T. of the following signals?

i) cos0t
ii) sin0t
iii) e–at sinctu(t)
iv) A rect(t/T) cos0t

-1 0 t 14. Find the F.T. of y(t) = Sinc(t) cos10t

15. i) The inverse F.T of X(4+3) in terms of x(t)

f1(t) f2(t)
1 is_______
1.5 ii) I.F.T of X() = 2() + (  4)
+ ( + 4) is
(a) 1+ cos 4t (b) (1– cos 4 t)
1/2 t 0 2 (c) 2(1– cos 4 t) (d) 2(1+cos 4 t)
-1/2 0 t

16. The Fourier spectrum X(f) of a signal x(t) is

12. If x(t) as shown in Fig. (a) has Fourier transform shown. The phase angle of x(t) at
X(f), then the Fourier transform of g(t) as shown t = 1/(8fo) is equal to
in Fig.(b) is X(f)
(a) –90 (b) 180
(c) –45 (d) 45
0 1 Fig. (a)
17. F.T. of x(t) is 2rect(0.25f). Then F.T. of
x(t)cos(2t) is
g(t) (a)
-4 0 4
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. (b) (b) 2

(a) ej6fX(f ) – ej4fX(–f )
(b) [ej6f – ej4f]X(f) -3 -1 1 3 f
(c) [ej6f – ej4f]X(–f )
(d) ej6f X(–f ) – ej4 f X(f ) (c)

-3 3
(d) None of these

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76 Systems & Signal Processing

18. A signal x(t) with bandwidth B is put on a carrier (ii) x2(t) = x( 3t – 6 )

cos(ct) with c >> B. The modulated signal x(t) d2
(iii) x3 (t) = x (t  3)
cos(ct) is then applied to a system shown in dt2
fig with filter frequency response given by tdx (t)
(iv) x4 (t) =
2,  B <  < B dt
H () = )
0, all other 
The output, y(t) is equal to 23. Given
2 sin 
x (t) = *1; t < 1 ) 
x(t) cos(Zct) y(t) 0; elsewhere
Filter Find the F. T of the following signals?

(a) y1(t) (b) y2(t)

cos(ZCt +T) 1
(a) x(t) (b) x (t)
2 0 2 2 t
(c) – x(t) (d) x(t) cos() 2 t

y3(t) Sin St
Time & Frequency Differentiation (c) (d) y4(t)

19. A differentiable non constant even function

x(t) has a derivative y(t), and their respective 1 0 1 t 1 0 1 t
Fourier Transforms are X() and Y(. Which of 1
the following statements is TRUE ?
(a) X() and Y() are both real.
(e) y5(t) (f) y6(t)
(b) X() is real Y() is imaginary
(c) X() and Y() are both imaginary 1
(d) X() is imaginary Y() is real
1 0 1 t
20. For the spectrum X() shown in figure, 1 1 t
d 1
find x (t) at t = 0 ?
(g) y7(t) (h) y8(t)
1 1
j ʌ

t 1
Z 0 4 2 1 0 2 t
-1 0 1
-j ʌ
21. Find the F.T. of te - t ,hence find the transform (i) (j)
of y10(t)
(1 + t2) 2
22. Given x(t)X(), express the F.T. of the following
signals in terms of X() ? t
2 2 t 2 1 0 1 2
(i) x1(t) = x(2 – t) + x(– t – 2 ) 0
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77 Fourier Transform

Convolution (a) e - rf
(b) e - rf /2

(c) e - r f (d) e -2rf


24. An L.T.I system is having Impulse response

sin 4t
h (t) = rt for which the input applied is 29. The time function x(t) corresponding to the
x(t) = cos2t + sin 6t, find the output? Fourier spectrum:
X (f)  e - r (f - 1) is

sin  t sin  t (a) real and even symmetric

25. The input signal x (t) = t 1 + t 2 1< 2 is
applied to the system shown in (b) conjugate odd symmetric
figure. (c) conjugate even symmetric
(d) real and odd symmetric
30. Find the F.T. of
(a) y(t) = x(t)cos 0t ?
Sint Sin b 2 l
-Zf 0 Zf Z (b) x (t) =
rt 2
find y(t) if
(a) 0 < f < 1 t
sin (2rt)
(b) 1 < f < 2 31. Find the F.T. of # rt dt
(c) 2 < f -3

26. Let x(t) be a signal whose F.T. is Parseval’s Power theorem

X () =  () +  (  ) +  (  5) & Let
h(t) = u(t) – u(t–2) 32. Find the energy in the signal
(a) is x(t) periodic? sin at
x (t) = rt
(b) is x(t)h(t) periodic?
(c) can the convolution of two aperiodic 33. Find the energy in the spectrum shown in fig.?
signals be periodic?
27. Using convolution property of F.T. find the S
convolution of following signals. S
(a) y1 (t) = rect (t) ) cos (rt)
(b) y2 (t) = rect (t) ) cos (2rt)
(c) y3 (t) = sin c (t) ) sin c b 2 l

(d) y4 (t) = sin c (t) ) e j3rt sin c (t) -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Z

28. (a) Find the output of a system having impulse

34. An input signal x(t) = e2t u(t) is applied to an ideal
response h (t) = 8 sin c 68 ]t  1g@ when the
L.P.F with frequency response characteristics
input applied is x(t) = cost
H () = 1;  <  c
(b) Let g (t) = e - rt , and h(t) is a filter matched = 0;  >  c

to g(t). If g(t) applied as input to h(t), then Find c, such that energy in the output is half
the Fourier transform of the output is that of Input energy?

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78 Systems & Signal Processing

35. Find the value of the integral (a) 4 cos 10t + sin 26t

# ^2 8+ 4h2 d (b) 8 cos 10t + sin 26t

(c) 4 cos (10t – /6) + sin (26t – [13/30])

36. For the signal g (t) = a2 + t2 , determine the (d) 8 cos (10t – /2) + sin (26t – /2)
essential B.W. B Hz of g(t) such that the energy
contained in the spectral components of g(t) of
frequencies below B Hz is 99% of signal energy 39. For a linear phase channel, what is tp & tg?
in g(t)?
40. The system under consideration is an RC LPF
37. The magnitude of the Fourier transform of a
with R = 1 k  & C = 1 μF
signal x(t) is shown in figure.
The energy of the signal is i) Let H(f) denote the frequency response of RC
|X(f)| LPF. Let f1 be the highest frequency component
10-6 H (f1)
such that 0≤|f|≤f1, $ 0.95
H (0)
then f1 (in Hz) is _____
(a) 327.8
4 4
-10 0 10 f(Hz) (b) 163.9
(c) 52.2
(a) 32 # 10-8 (b) 32 # 10-8
(d) 104.4
(c) 13 # 10-8 (d) 1010
(ii) Let tg(f) denote the group delay of RC LPF and
f2 = 100 Hz, then tg(f2 ) in msec, is ____
Distortionless Transmission (a) 0.717
38. Consider a transmission system H() with (b) 7.17
magnitude and phase response as shown (c) 71.7
in figure. If an input signal
(d) 4.505
x(t) = 2Cos 10t + Sin 26πt is given to the system
the output will be ________
|H(Z)| 41. The input to a channel is a bandpass signal. It
is obtained by linearly modulating a sinusoidal
carrier with a single-tone signal. The output of
the channel due to this input is given by
- 40S 20S 20S 40S Z (rad/sec) y (t) = cos (100t  10 -6) cos (106 t  1.56)
The group delay (tg) & the phase delay (tp) in

‘H(Z) seconds, of the channel are

S/2 (a) tg = 106, tp = 1.56
(b) tg = 1.56, tp = 106
30S Z
- 30S
(c) tg = 108, tp = 1.56×106
- S/2
(d) tg = 108, tp = 1.56
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79 Fourier Transform

42. Suppose a transmission system has the Input S.S. Output

frequency response as shown in figure. For
y1 (t) = cos b 20t  10 l + cos b60t  10 l
r 3r
what range of frequency there is no distortion? x1(t)=cos20t+cos 60t
y2 (t) = cos b 20t  10 l + cos b140t  2 l
r r

y3 (t) = cos b 20t  10 l + 2 cos b 220t  2 l
r r

0 20 30 50 f, kHz Correlation
Arg H(f)
f 45. Find the auto correlation and power in the
signal x(t) = 6 cos(6t + /3)
46. Find the ACF of x(t) = e3t u(t)
47. Consider a filter with H () = and input
43. Consider an LTI system with magnitude 1 + j
x(t) = e2t u(t)
]Z] (a) Find the ESD of the output?
]  f
H (f) ][1 20 , f # 20
 (b) Show that total energy in the output is
]] 0, f 20
one-third of the input energy?
and phase \ response Arg[H(f)] = –2f.
If the input to the system is 48. Let g(t) = exp(–8t)u(t)
x (t)  8 cos b 20t  4 l  16 sin b 40t  8 l  24 cos b 80t  16 l Define x(t) = convolution of g(t) with it self and
Then the average power of the output signal y() = correlation of g(t) with it self
y(t) is ______ i) The value of x(t) at t = 1/16 is
1 1
(a) (b)
44. An analog filter has the magnitude and phase ^8 e h ^16 e h
characteristics shown in figure. If the following (c)
(d) 1/(16e)
Inputs are applied to this filter, we got the ^ eh
following steady-state outputs. Tell what kind ii) The energy density spectrum at f = 0 is
of distortion has occurred? (a) 8 (b) 1/8
|H(Z)| (c) 1/64 (d) 64
iii) y() value at  = 0, is
1 1
1 (a) (b)
8 16
Z 1
200 0 200
(c) (d) 16

49. Find the C.C.F of x(t) = etu(t) and
y(t) = e3tu(t) ?

50. The signal x(t) = sinc10t is the input to a system

100 100 with frequency response

H () = 3rect b 8 l e -j2~
Find the output energy?
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80 Systems & Signal Processing

Sampling Theorem 55. A signal represented by x(t) = 5cos(400t)

is sampled at a rate of 300Hz. The resulting
51. Find the Nyquist rate & Nyquist interval for each samples are passed through an ideal LPF
of the following signals? with cut-off frequency of 150 Hz. Which of the
following will be contained in the output of LPF?
(a) x1 (t) = b
sin 200rt l
rt (a) 100 Hz
(b) x2 (t) = b
sin 200rt l2
rt (b) 100 Hz, 150 Hz
(c) 50 Hz, 100Hz
(c) x3(t) = 5cos1000t cos4000t
(d) 20,100,150Hz
(d) x4 (t) = e -6t u (t) ) sin at
56. The frequency spectrum of a signal is shown in
(e) x5 (t) = sin c (100t) + 3 sin c2 (60t)
figure, if this signal is ideally sampled at intervals
sin b 2 l + 3 of 1 msec, then the frequency spectrum of the
(f) x (t) = ) /  (t  10n) sampled signal will be _________
b t l n =- 3
2 U (f)

52. Let x(t) be a signal with Nyquist rate o.

Determine the Nyquist rate for each of the
following signals. f (kHz)
–1 0 1
(a) x(t) + x(t–1) (b) x (t)
(c) x(3t) (d) x(t) cosot (a)

53. Two signals x1(t) & x2(t) are band limited to 2 kHz
& 3 kHz respectively, find the Nyquist rate of the f
following signals?
(a) x1(2t)
(b) x2(t – 3)
(c) x1(t) + x2(t)
(d) x1(t)x2(t)
(e) x1(t) x2(t)
(f) x1(t) cos(1000t) (c)

54. A signal x(t) = 100 cos(24103t) is ideally

sampled with a sampling period of 50 sec
and then passed through an ideal low pass
filter with cutoff frequency of 15 kHz. Which of
the following frequencies is/are present at the (d)
filter output?
(a) 12 kHz only
(b) 8 kHz only
(c) 12 kHz and 9 kHz
(d) 12 kHz and 8 kHz
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81 Fourier Transform

57. A signal x(t) = 6cos10t is sampled at a rate

of 14 Hz to recover the original signal, cut-off
frequency of the LPF should be _________
(a) 5 < fc < 9 (b) 9 Z
1000S 1000S
(c) 10 (d) 14 h(t)
x(t)l X(Z) St
58. The spectrum of a bandlimited signal after
sampling is shown in figure. The value of
sampling interval is (a) 1000 samples/s
(b) 1500 samples/s
(c) 2000 samples/s
(d) 3000 samples/s

(ii) The signal cos b10rt + 4 l is ideally sampled at

f(Hz) r
100 0 100 150 350 400 600

a sampling frequency of 15 Hz. The sampled

(a) 1msec (b) 2msec
signal is passed through a filter with impulse
(c) 4msec (d) 8msec
response b sin ]rtg l cos b 40rt  r l . The filter
rt 2
output is
59. Let x(t) = 2 cos(800t) + cos(1400t) and x(t) is
sampled with the rectangular pulse train shown
cos b 40rt  4 l
15 r
in fig. The only spectral components (in kHz) (a)
present in the sampled signal in the frequency
cos b10rt + 4 l
15 c sin (rt) m r
range 2.5kHz to 3.5kHz. 2 rt
cos b10rt  4 l
15 r
p(t) 2
cos b 40rt  2 l
15 c sin (rt) m r
3 2 rt

Hilbert Transform & Complex Envelope

0 T0/6 t
–T0 –T0/6 T0
–3 61. The complex envelope of the bandpass signal
T0 = 10 sec
x (t) =  2 c m sin b rt  r l ,
sin (rt/5)
r t/ 5 4
(a) 2.7, 3.4
(b) 3.3, 3.6 centered about f = Hz, is
(c) 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6
(a) c m ej 4
sin (rt/5) r

(d) 2.7, 3.3 r t/ 5

(b) c me
sin (rt/5) -j r4
60. r t/ 5
(i) The output y(t) of the following system is to be (c) 2 c m ej 4
sin (rt/5) r

r t/ 5
sampled, so as to reconstruct it from its samples
(d) 2 c me
uniquely. The required minimum sampling sin (rt/5) -j r4
r t/ 5
rate is
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82 Systems & Signal Processing

62. A modulated signal is given by

s(t) = eatcos[(c+∆)t]u(t), where a, c are
positive constants, and c >> ∆. The complex
envelope of s(t) is given by
(a) exp(at) exp[j(c+ ∆)t]u(t)
(b) exp(at) exp(j∆t)u(t)
(c) exp(j∆t) u(t)
(d) exp[j(c + ∆)t]

63. The input 4sinc(2t) is fed to a Hilbert transformer

to obtain y(t), as shown in the figure below:

4sinc(2t) y(t)

sin (x)
Here sin c (x)  x . The 3
value (accurate to
two decimal places) of # y (t) 2 dt is __________

64. A modulated signal is y(t) = m(t)cos(40000t),

where the baseband signal m(t) has frequency
components less than 5 kHz only. The minimum
required rate (in kHz) at which y(t) should be
sampled to recover m(t) is ______.

65. Statement (I): Aliasing occurs when the

sampling frequency is less than twice the
maximum frequency in the signal.
Statement (II): Aliasing is a reversible process.

66. Statement (I): Sampling in one domain makes

the signal to be periodic in the other domain.
Statement (II): Multiplication in one domain is
the convolution in the other domain.

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83 Fourier Transform

Key for Objective Questions

37. Ans: (a)

01. Ans: Volt/Hz
38. Ans: (c)
02. (a). Ans: 7, (b). Ans: 4

40. Ans: (i). c, (ii). a,

04. Ans: g (t) = (t) + 2e -3 t

45. Ans: rxx (x) = 18 cos (6rx) , power = 18

05. Ans: 0 06. Ans: (d) 12.Ans: (a)
e -3 x
i. Ans: e - 4 jt x b 4 l 46. Ans:
1 3 t
15. ii. Ans: (a) 6
17. Ans: (b) 48. Ans: (i). b, (ii). c, (iii). b

18. Ans: (d)

51. Ans:
24. Ans: cos(2t) a) 200 Hz, b) 400 Hz, c) 5 KHz,
d) 2a e) 120 Hz.
2 sin ] f tg
25. a). Ans: t ,
52. Ans:
sin (1 t) sin ( f t) a). 0, b). 0, c). 3 0, d). 3 0,
b). Ans: t + t

c). Output = Input

55. Ans: (a)
26. Ans: a is non - periodic, b is periodic, c may
be periodic. 56. Ans: (b)
27. a). Ans: y1 (t) = r cos rt ,
57. Ans: (a)
b). Ans: y2 (t) = 0
58. Ans: (c)
c). Ans: Sinc b 2 l

60. (ii) Ans: (a)

d). Ans:0

28. (a). Ans: cos  (t  1), (b). Ans: d

29. Ans: (c)

32. Ans: r

35. Ans: /2

36. Ans: B = a rad/ sec

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90 Systems & Signal Processing

06. Find the L.T of the waveform shown in figure?

Objective Practice Questions

01. Find the L.T. of the following signals with R.O.C?
1. x1(t) = et u(t) + e3t u(t)
2. x2(t) = e2t u(t) + e4t u(t)
3. x3(t) = et u(t) + e5t u(t) 0 2 4 t(secs)
4. x4(t) = 1  t
5. x5(t) = sgn(t)
6. x6(t) = e|t|
07. L.T. of the waveform shown in fig is
1 + Ae -s + Be -4s + Ce -6s + De -8sh then D is
02. Consider the signal x(t) = e–5tu(t) + e–tu(t) & its L.T. s2
is X(s). What are the constraints placed on the ______
real & imaginary parts of  if the R.O.C of X(s) is
Re{s} >  3 ? 1

03. How many possible ROCs are there for the 6 7 8

pole-zero plot shown in fig ? 0 5
1 2 3 4 t

jZ -1

-3 -1 1 2 (a) –0.5 (b) –1.5
(c) 0.5 (d) 2

08. Let x(t) be a signal that has a rational L.T. with
Time shifting and shift in S - domain exactly 2 poles located at s = 1 and s = 3.
If g(t) = e2tx(t) and G() converges, determine
04. Find the I.L.T. of
e -3s whether g(t) is
Y (s) = ,  > 1
(s + 1) (s + 2) (a) Left-sided
(b) right-sided
05. Consider the signal x(t) = e5tu(t1) with L.T. X(s)
(c) two-sided

(a) Find X(s) with R.O.C.? (d) finite-duration.

(b) Find the values of ‘A’ &‘t0’ such that the

09. Let g(t) = x(t) + x(–t) where
L.T. G(s) of g(t) = Ae5tu(tt0) has same
algebraic form as X(s). What is the R.O.C x(t) = e–tu(t) and
;  1 < Re ! s + < 1
corresponding to G(s)? G (s) = 2
s 1
Find  and?

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91 Laplace Transform

Differentiation 17. For the interconnected system shown in figure,

the combined Casual impulse response is
10. Consider 2 right-sided signals x(t) & y(t) related
x(t) v(t) y(t)
through the equation v ( t )  v ( t ) x ( t ) y ( t )  y ( t ) v ( t )
dx (t) dy (t)
 2y (t) + (t)& 2x (t)
dt = dt = Fig.
Find X(s) & Y(s) with ROCs?
(a) etu(t) (b) tetu(t)
(c) (t ) (d) u(t)
11. Find the ILT of
(a) X (s) = 18. The running integrator, given by
(s + 2) (s + 1) 3
dd 1 n
(b) X (s) = e-2s ds (s + 1) 2
y (t) = # x (t') dt'

Convolution (a) has no finite singularities in its double sided

Laplace Transform Y(s)
12. Solve the following equation. (b) produces a bounded output for every

y (t) + # y () x (t  ) d = x (t) +  (t) ? causal bounded input

0 (c) produces a bounded output for every
13. Consider a signal y(t) = x1(t–2) x2(–t + 3) where anticausal bounded input
x1(t) = e2t u(t) & x2(t) = e3tu(t). (d) has no finite zeros in its double sided
Find Y(s) with ROC? Laplace Transform Y(s)

19. A causal LTI system has zero initial conditions

14. Find the impulse response of a linear causal
and impulse response h(t). Its input x(t) and
system describe by the equation.
t output y(t) are related through the linear
dy (t)
+ 4y (t) + 3 # y (x) dx = x (t) constant - coefficient differential equation
d2 y (t) dy (t)
Also determine response to an excitation 2 + a dt + a2 y (t) = x (t)
x(t) = u(t) + (t) ? Let another signal g(t) be defined as
15. An Input x(t) = exp(–2t) u(t) + (t – 6) is applied to g (t) = a2 # h (x) dx + dhd(t t) + ah (t) .
an L.T.I system with impulse response 0

h(t)= u(t). The output is If G(s) is the Laplace transform of g(t), then the
(a) [1 – exp(–2t)]u(t) + u(t + 6) number of poles of G(s) is _______.
(b) [1 – exp(–2t)]u(t) + u(t – 6)
(c) 0.5[1 – exp(–2t)] u(t) + u(t + 6) Unilateral L.T
(d) 0.5[1 – exp(–2t)] u(t) + u(t – 6)
20. A system described by a linear, constant
16. Consider an LTI system with impulse response coefficient, ordinary, first order differential
h(t) = e5t u(t). If the output of the system is equation has an exact solution given by y(t) for
y(t) = etu(t) e5t u(t) then the input, x(t), is given t > 0, when the forcing function is x(t) and the
by initial condition is y(0). If one wishes to modify
(a) e3t u(t) (b) 2e3t u(t) the system so that solution becomes –2y(t) for
(c) e5t u(t) (d) 2e5t u(t) t > 0, we need to
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92 Systems & Signal Processing

(a) change the initial condition to –y(0) and 25.

the forcing function to 2x(t) (i) What is the output as t   for a system that
(b) change the initial condition to 2y(0) and 2
has T.F., G (s) = 2 when subjected to a
s s2
the forcing function to –x(t) step input?
(c) change the initial condition to j 2 y (0) (a) –1 (b) 1
and the forcing function to j 2 x (t) (c) 2 (d) unbounded
(d) change the initial condition to –2y(0) and (ii) The transfer function of a causal LTI system
the forcing function to –2x(t) is H(s) = 1/s. If the input to the system is
x(t) = [sin(t)/t]u(t); where u(t) is a unit step
21. Find the initial & final values for the following function. The system output y(t) as t is ____
2s + 5 26. Let a signal a1sin(1t + 1) be applied to a stable
(a) X (s) =
s2 + 5s + 6 LTI system. Let the corresponding steady state
(b) X (s) =
4s + 5 output be represented as a2F(2t + 2). Then
2s + 1
which of the following statement is TRUE?
12 (s + 2)
(c) X (s) =
s (s2 + 4) (a) F is not necessarily a “sine” or “cosine”
2 function but must be peroidic & 1 = 2
(d) X (s) = e -s < F
s (s + 2) (b) F must be “sine” or “cosine” with a1= a2
(c) F must be “sine”, 1 = 2, a1  a2
22. A LTI, Causal continuous time system has a
(d) F must be “sine” (or) “cosine” functions
rational transfer function with simple poles at with 1 = 2.
s = 2 and s = 4 and one of the simple zero at
s = 1. A unit step u(t) is applied as the input of Causality & Stability
the system. At steady state, the output has a
constant value of 1. Find the impulse response?
27. Consider an LTI system for which we are given
the following information
23. Consider a system with transfer function s2
s2 X (s)   and x(t) = 0, t > 0 and output is
H (s) = 2 . Find the steady-state s 2
s + 4s + 4
response when the input applied is 8cos2t? y (t)  
2 2t   1 -t
e u ( t) e u (t)
3 3

24. An LTI system is having transfer function (a) Find T.F & R.O.C.?
s2 + 1 (b) Find the output if the input is
2 and input x(t) = sin(t+1) is in steady
s + 2s + 1
state. The output is sampled at s rad/sec to x(t) = e3t  t using part (a)?
obtain final output {y(k)} which of the following
is true? 28. Consider an LTI system with input x(t) and
(a) y(•) = 0 for all s output y(t) related as
(b) y(•)  0 for all s dy (t) d2 x (t) dx (t)
+ 3y (t) = + dt  2x (t)
(c) y(•) 0 for s > 2 but zero for s < 2
dt dt2
Find the T.F. of inverse system. Does a stable &
(d) y(•) = 0 for s >2 but nonzero for s < 2
Causal inverse system exist?

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93 Laplace Transform

29. Which one of the following statements is NOT A = 1, to = 1

TRUE for a continuous time causal and stable
5  5e -2s  e -2s 5e -4s
LTI system? 06. Ans: X (s) = 2 2 15. s + s
s s
(a) All the poles of the system must lie on the
left side of the j axis. 07. Ans: (a) 08. Ans: (c)
(b) Zeros of the system can lie anywhere in
the s-plane. 09. Ans: a =  1, b =
(c) All the poles must lie within |s| = 1.
(d) All the roots of the characteristic equation 10. Ans: X (s) = ,v > 0
s2 + 4
must be located on the left side of the j
axis. Y (s) = ,v > 0
s2 + 4

30. The output of a causal all-pass system is 12. Ans: y(t) = (t)
y(t) = e2tu(t), for which the system function is
s1 e -5s
H (s) = s + 1 . Then the corresponding stable 13. Ans: Y (s) = 2 <  < 3
(s + 2) (3  s)
input signal is
 1 -t 3
2 1 14. Ans: h (t) = e u (t)  e -3t u (t)
(a)  e t u ( t)  e -2t u (t) 2 2
3 3
2 1
(b) e t u (t) + e -2t u (t) 15. Ans: (d) 17. Ans: (b)
3 3
1 2
(c)  e -2t u (t)  e t u ( t)
3 3 22. Ans: h(t) = 4e2tu(t) + 12e4tu(t)
1 2
(d) e t u ( t)  e -2t u (t)
3 3
23. Ans: y(t) = 2.8288 cos(2t + 45)

31. The Laplace transform of a causal signal

s2 24. Ans: (a)
Y (s)   . The value of the signal y(t) at
s 6
t = 0.1 sec is _______
27. Ans:
(a) H (s) = ,  > 1
Key for Objective Questions (s + 1) (s + 2)
3 3t
(b) y (t) = e
1 1
01. (1)     ,   1
s 1 s 3
28. Ans:
1 1 s+3
(2) =     2  4 H inv (s) = , it can’t be both stable
s 2 s 4 (s + 2) (s  1)
and causal.
(3) No ROC, No L.T
(4) No ROC, No L.T
(5) No ROC, No L.T

02. Ans: Re[] = 3, Img[] any value

04. Ans: y (t) = e - (t - 3) u (t  3)  e -2 (t - 3) u (t  3)

e - (s + 5)
05. Ans: s + 5 ,  > 5

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101 DTFT

(b) A discrete system with input x(n) & output

Objective Practice Questions
y(n) are related as
y(n) = x(n) + (1)n x(n)
01. Determine whether or not the DT systems with
If the input spectrum X(ej) is shown below
these frequency response are causal?
the o/p spectrum values at  = 0 & = 
sin b 2 l are
(a) H (Z) =
sin b 2 l
sin b 2 l 1
(b) H (Z) = e -j~
sin b 2 l

(c) H() = e –j3 + e +j2 Z

S S/2 0 S/2 S
02. (a) Let x(n) = (1/2)n u(n), y(n) = x2(n) and
Y(e j) be the F.T of y(n). Then Y(ej0) is
(b) Given X(ej) = cos3(3), then find the sum
3 Scaling & Frequency Differentiation
S= / ( 1) n x (n)
n =- 3
(c) What is the d.c & high - frequency gain of 06. Find the I.F.T of Y (e j~) = 1 -j10~ ?
1 e
the filter described by h(n) = {1, 2, 3, 4} 2

03. (i) Find the inverse DTFT of 07. Given the signal x (n) = %1, 2, 3- , 2, 1, 0 / .
X(ej) = 1 + 2 cos + 3 cos2 Then Fourier transform of x[2n] is

(ii) The DTFT of x(n) = 2[n+3]  3[n3], (a) 3 + 2cos 2 + 4 cos

can be expressed in the form (b) 3 + 2cos
X(ej) = asin(b) + cejd Find a, b, c & d. (c) 3 + 2cos2
(d) 3 + 2cos + 2cos(/2)
04. Find the signal corresponding to the spectrum
shown in figure? 08. The spectrum of signal x[n] is X(F) = 2tri(5F).

Y (ejZ) Sketch X(F) and the spectra of the following

signals and explain how they are related to
i. y[n] = x[n/2]
-3S/4 -S/4 S/4 3S/4 Z
ii. d[n] = x[2n]
x [n]; even "n"
iii. g (n) )
0; odd "n"
05. (a) Let h(n) is the impulse response of ideal L.P.F
with cutoff frequency c, what type of filter
has unit impulse response as 09. Find the F.T of x (n) = ne 8 a n - 3 u (n  3)
g (n) = ] 1gn h (n)

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102 Systems & Signal Processing

Convolution 16. An input x(n) with length 3 is applied to a LTI

system having an impulse response h(n) of
10. Consider x (n) = sin b 8 l  2 cos b 4 l
rn rn
length 5, and Y() is the DTFT of the output y(n)
Find the output if the impulse response is
of the system. If |h(n)|  L & |x(n)| Bn, the
sin b 6 l
maximum value of Y(0) can be ….
h (n) = rn (a) 15 LB (b) 12 LB
(c) 8 LB (d) 7 LB
11. An L.T.I system is having impulse response
]] 4 2 ; n = 2,  2
17. An L.T.I filter is described by the difference
h (n) = ][  2 2 ; n = 1,  1 equation y(n) = x(n) + 2x(n1) + x(n2)
] 0 ; elsewhere
\ (a) Obtain the magnitude & phase response?
Find the output when input applied is (b) Find the o/p when the input is
x (n) = 10 + 4 cos : 2 + 4 D ?
rn r
x(n) = ejn/4 ?

12. For each of the following pair of signals 18. The impulse response of a causal linear phase
determine whether or not the system is LTI if discrete time system of five samples is given
such system exists find the frequency response by h(0) = 2, h(1)= 3, h(2) = 0, h(3) = 3 and
(a) x1 (n) b 2 l u (n), y1 (n) b 4 l u (n)
1 n 1 n h(4)= k. The value of k and slope of the phase
curve are respectively
(b) x2 (n) e jnr/4, y2 (n) 0.5e jnr/4
(a) 2, –2 (b) –2, –2
sin (nS/4) sin (nS/2) (c) 0, 2 (d) –3, 2
(c) x3 (n) nS , y3 (n) nS

19. The frequency response of a discrete LTI system

13. Design a 3 point FIR filter with impulse response
h (n) = {a, b, a} and the amplitude response is H(ej) = e j/4, <  .
- Then the output of the system due to the input,
blocks the frequency f = 1/3 & passes the
x 5n? = cos : 2 D is
frequency f = 1/8 with unity gain. What is the
D.C gain of the filter?
(a) cos : r2n + r4 D

14. Consider the system described by the (b) cos : 2  8 D

rn r
equation y(n) = ay(n–1) + bx(n) + x(n–1), where
(c) cos : 2 + 6 D
3rn r
‘a’ & ‘b’ are real, find the relation between
‘a’ & ‘b’ such that
|H(ej)| = 1 ? (d) 2 cos : r2n + r3 D

20. A signal x(n) is defined by

15. A filter is described by
x(n) = 1, for n = 1, 3 & 5
y(n) = x(n) + x(n–1)+ x(n–2). Then the values of
= 2, for n = 0 & 4
 & , such that the input x(n) = 1 + 4 cos (n)
= 0, elsewhere
results in the output y(n) = 4, are
Its phase spectrum at  = 0.25 is
(a)  = 2,  = 1 (b)  = 1,  = 2
(a) 0.25 (b) – 0.5
(c)  =  = 1 (d)  = 1,  =  2 (c) 0.5 (d) 

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103 DTFT

21. Let h[n] be the impulse response of a discrete- 25. Given h(n) = [1, 2, 2], f(n) is obtained by
time linear time invariant (LTI) filter. The impulse convolving h(n) with itself and g(n) by
response is given by h (0) = ; h 51? = ;
1 1
3 3 correlating h(n) with itself. Which one of the
h 52? = ; and h[n] = 0 for n < 0 and n > 2.
3 following statements is TRUE?
Let H () be the Discrete-Time Fourier transform
(DTFT) of h[n], where  is the normalized angular (a) f(n) is causal and its maximum value is 9
frequency in radians. Given that H(0)= 0 and (b) f(n) is non-causal
0 < 0 < , the value of 0 (in radians) is equal to (c) g(n) is causal and its maximum value is 9
______. (d) g(n) is non causal and maximum value is 9

22. Find the energy in the signal

sin Z n 26. A continuous time signal x(t) is to be filtered to
x (n) = Snc
remove frequency component in the range
sin b 4 l sin b 3 l
nr nr 5kHz  f  10 kHz. The maximum frequency
23. Find the value of /
n =- 3
2rn 5rn present in x(t) is 20 kHz. Find the minimum
sampling frequency & find frequency response
24. For the signal shown in fig., find the following
quantities without calculating DTFT? of ideal digital filter that will remove the desired
frequencies from x(t)?

27. The sequence x 5n? = cos : 4 D was obtained
by sampling a continuous signal, x(t) = cos(0t)
at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. The two possible
values of 0 that have resulted in the sequence
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 n x[n] are respectively
6 7
-1 (a) 250 and 2250
(b) 125 and 2250
Fig. (c) 250 and 1125
(d) 125 and 1125
(a) X(ej0) (b) X(ej)
r r

(c) # X (e j~
) dZ (d) # X (e j~) e j2~ dZ  A continuous time signal x(t) is sampled at
-r -r
fs = 9kHz is passed through a digital filter with

(e) # X (e j~) dZ

2 impulse response h(n) = 0.5[n[n1]].
Find the 3 dB cut-off frequency of the analog

(f) # dZ
X (e j~) dZ

(g) X (e j~)

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104 Systems & Signal Processing

Key for Objective Questions

01. (a). Ans: Non causal

(b). Ans: causal
(c). Ans: Non causal

02. (a). Ans: 3 (b).Ans: 1
(c). Ans: DC gain = 10, HF gain = 2

sin b 4 l
04. Ans: y (n) = 2 cos b 2 l .

05. (a). Ans: Ideal High pass filter

(b). Ans: 1

07. Ans: (b)

10. Ans: sin b 8 l


11. Ans: y (n) =  4e 4

13. Ans: DC gain =
1+ 2

14. Ans: b = a

15. Ans: (a)

16. Ans: (a)

17. Ans: (b)

18. Ans: (b)

19. Ans: (b)

23. Ans:

25. Ans: (d)

26. Ans: fS = 40 kHz, #Z#
4 2

27. Ans: (a)

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114 Systems & Signal Processing

Z-transform X(z). Will X(z) represent a valid

Objective Practice Questions
transform for the following cases?

(a)  > 

01. Let x(n) = (1)n u(n) + n u(nn0). Determine the (b)  < 

constraints on “” & “n0”, (c)  = 

given that the ROC of X(z) is 1<|z|<2

05. The Z transform of a sequence x(n) is given by

1  z -1
, z >b2l
02. Find the ROC of the following signals without X (z) =
1  b 4 lz
1 -2

finding Z.T.
The value of x(n) at n = 2 is given by
(a) x1 (n) = %1, 2, 3- ,  1 /
(b) x2(n) = (1/2)n[u(n)  u(n10)] 2
(c) x3(n) = {(1/2)n + (3/4)n}u(n10) 2
(d) x4 5n? = (1 3) n  (1 2) n u 5n? 4

03. Given x(n) = anu(n) – b2nu(–n– 1). What condition

06. The Z.T. X(z) of a real & right-sided sequence
must hold on ‘a’ and ‘b’ for the

z – transform to exist? x(n) has exactly 2 poles and one of them is at

(a) |a| < |b2| z = ej/2 and there are 2 zeros at the origin.
(b)|a| > |b | 2

If X(1)=1, which one of the following is TRUE ?

(c) |a2| < |b|
2z2 1
(d) |a2| > |b| (a) X (z) = ; < z <1
(z  1) 2 + 2 2
2z2 z 1
(b) X (z) = 2 ; >
z +1 2
04. i) The R.O.C for Z – transform of the signal
(c) X (z) = ; z >1
x(n) = a u(n) + b u(n) + c u(n  1)
n n n (z  1) 2 + 2
fora<b<c is (d) X (z) = 2 ; z >1
z +1
07. The discrete-time signal
x 5n? * X (z) =
3 n 2n
 / z , where  denotes a
(c)z<c n=0

(d)z>a transform-pair relationship, is orthogonal to the

(a) y1 5n? * Y1 (z) = / 3n = 0 b 32 l z-n

ii) Consider the signal

(b) y2 5n? * Y2 (z) = / n = 0 ^5 n  nh z - (2n + 1)
x[n] = n u[n] + n u[–n–1]. Find its

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115 Z - Transform

(c) y3 5n? * Y3 (z) = / n =- 3 2 z

3 - n -n

z3  2z
12. Given X ] z g and x(n) is left-sided, find
(d) y4[n]  Y4(z) = 2z4 + 3z2 + 1

08. Let H1(z) = (1–pz–1)–1, H2(z) = (1–qz–1)–1,

13. Consider a causal and stable LTI system
H(z) = H1(z) + rH2(z). The quantities p, q, r are
with rational transfer function H(z), whose
1 1
real numbers. Consider, p = , q =  , r < 1.
2 4 corresponding impulse response begins at
If the zero H(z) lies on the unit circle, then n = 0. Further more, H(1) =

r = ______ The poles of H(z) are Pk 1 exp c j (2k 1) Sm
2 4
for k = 1, 2, 3, 4. The zeros of H(z) are all at
09. The pole-zero diagram of a causal and stable
z = 0. Let g(n) = jnh(n). The value of g(8) equals
discrete-time system is shown in the figure. The
________ . (Give the answer up to three decimal
zero at the origin has multiplicity 4. The impulse
response of the system is h[n]. If h[0] = 1, we
can conclude. 14. Find the Z-transform & ROC of
x (n) = b 4 l u (n) + b 7 l u ( n)
Im(z) 5 n 10 n

 0.5 

–0.5 0.5 Convolution
 0.5 

15. A sequence x(n)X(z) = z4 + z2  2z + 2  3z4

(a) h(n) is real for all n
is applied as an input to a LTI system with
(b) h(n) is purely imaginary for all n
impulse response h(n) = 2(n3). The output at
(c) h(n) is real for only even n
(d) h(n) is purely imaginary for odd n n = 4 is__________

16. Consider a signal

Time shifting, scaling & differentiation
y(n) = x1(n + 3)  x2(  n + 1)
10. Find the Z.T. of y (n) = b  3 l u 6 n  2@
Where x1(n) = (1/2)nu(n) and

x2(n) = (1/3)nu(n)
11. Consider the signal
Find Y(z) with ROC?
1; 0 # n # 5
x (n) = )
0; elsewhere
Let g(n) = x(n) x(n1). Find G(z) with ROC?

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116 Systems & Signal Processing

17. Find the response of the system Initial & final value
y(n) = 5/6 y(n1)  1/6 y(n2) + x(n) to the Input
signal, x(n) = (n)  1/3(n1)
23. Given X (z) = . It is given that the ROC
18. G(z) = z-1 + z-3 represents a digital LPF with 1  2z -1
linear phase if and only if of X(z) includes the unit circle. Then x(0) is
(a)  =  (b)  = 1/3 _________
(c)  =  (d)  = 1/3
1; n even
24. Apply F.V.T. for x (n) = ) .
0; n odd
19. A system with T.F. H(Z) has I.R. h(n) defined as
h(2) = 1, h(3) = –1 and h(k) = 0 Assume the signal is Causal?
otherwise, consider the following statements
S1: H(Z) is a LPF 25. A digital filter has an impulse response
S2: H(Z) is a FIR filter G (n) + G (n  1) + G (n  2)
h (n) =
(a) only S2 is true (a) How many finite poles & zeros are there
(b) both are false
in its transfer function?
(c) both are true and S2 is the reason for S1
(b) If the excitation is unit step sequence,
(d) both are true but S2 is not a reason for S1
what is final value of output?
20. The following is known about a D.T.L.T.I system
with Input x(n) & output y(n) 26. An input signal x(t) = 2 + 5sin(100t)u(t) is
1. If x(n) = (2)n n, then y(n) = 0n
sampled with a sampling frequency of
2. If x(n) = (1/2)nu(n)n,
400 Hz and applied to the system
then y(n) = (n) + a(1/4)nu(n) n
whose transfer function is represented by
Where ‘a’ is a constant.
1 ;1  z -N E
(a) Find the value of ‘a’ H (z) N 1  z -1 where N represents the
(b) Find the response y(n) if the Input is number of samples per cycle. The output y(n)
x(n) = 1 n. of the system under steady state is ________.
(a) 0 (b) 1
21. Let y(n) denote the convolution of h(n) &
(c) 2 (d) 5
g(n) where h (n) = b 2 l u (n) & g(n) is a causal
1 n

sequence. If y(0) = 1 & y (1) = 1 , then g(1)

27. If h 5n? = AG5n? + b 3 l u (n) is the unit sample
1 1 n
(a) 0 (b)
3 response of a LSI system and S[n] is the step
(c) 1 (d)
response, then the value of A that will make
22. An analog signal is sampled at 9 kHz. The steady-state step response as zero is
sequence so obtained is filtered by an FIR
(a) – 1
filter with T.F. H(z) = 1 – z6. One of the analog
(b) 0
frequencies for which the magnitude response
(c) – 3/2
of the filter is zero is
(a) 0.75 kHz (b) 1 kHz (d) – 2/3
(c) 1.5 kHz (d) 2 kHz

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117 Z - Transform

Causality & Stability 32. Consider the system with transfer function,
z -1
H (z) = Then the corresponding stable
1  2z -1
28. A casual LTI system is described by the
impulse response is
D.E 2y(n) = y[n–2] – 2x[n] + x[n–1]
The system is stable only if (a) 0.5 (n)  0.5 (2)n u[n  1]
(a) ||= 2, || < 2 (b) ||> 2, || > 2 (b) 2n1 u[n  1]
(c)||< 2, any  (d) ||< 2, any  (c) 0.5 (n) + 0.5 (2)n1 u[n  1]
(d) 0.5 (n) + 2n u[n  1]

29. Consider an LTI system whose pole-zero pattern

33. Suppose x[n] is an absolutely summable
is shown in figure
discrete-time signal. Its z-transform is a rational
Im {z} function with two poles and two zeros. The
poles are at z = ! 2j . Which one of the following
statements is TRUE for the signal x[n]?
X X 0 X (a) It is a finite duration signal.
3 0.5 1 2 Re {z}
(b) It is a causal signal.
(c) It is a non-causal signal.
(d) It is a periodic signal.
(a) Find the ROC of system function, if it is
known to be stable? 34. Assertion (A): A linear time-invariant discrete-
(b) Is it possible for the given pole-zero plot to time system having the system function
be a causal & stable system? 1 is a stable system.
(c) How many possible ROC’s are there? 2
Reason (R): The pole of H(z) is in the left-half
plane for a stable system.
30. The impulse response h(n) of a LTI system is real.
The transfer function H(z) of the system has only 35. Consider the following statements regarding a
one pole and it is at z = 4/3. The zeros of H(z) linear discrete - time system
are non-real and located at |z| = 3/4. The z2  1
H(z) 
system is (z  0.5) (z  0.5)
(a) stable & causal
1. The system is stable.
(b) unstable & anticausal
2. The initial value h(0) of the impulse
(c) unstable & causal
response is 4.
(d) stable & anticausal
3. The steady-state output is zero for a

1  2z -1 sinusoidal discrete time input of frequency

31. The discrete-time transfer function is
1  0.5z -1 equal to one-fourth the sampling
(a) non-minimum phase and unstable
(b) minimum phase and unstable
Which of these statements are correct?
(c) minimum phase and stable
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(d) non-minimum phase and stable
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3

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118 Systems & Signal Processing

36. Assertion (A): The stability of the system is 41. A direct form implementation of an LTI system
assured if the Region of Convergence (ROC) with H (z) =
is shown in fig. the
includes the unit circle in the Z-plane. 1  0.7z -1 + 0.13z -2
Reason (R): For a causal stable system all the values of a0, a1 & a2 are respectively _________
poles should be outside the unit circle in the Input Output
37. Statement (I): The system function
z3  2z2  z a1
H]zg 1 1 is not causal. z1
z2  z 
4 8
Statement (II): If the numerator of H(z) is of a2
lower order than the denominator, the system (a) 1.0, 0.7 and  0.13
may be causal. (b) 0.13, 0.7 and 1.0
(c) 1.0, 0.7 and 0.13
38. Statement (I): (d) 0.13, 0.7 and 1.0
Z-transform approach is used to analyze the
discrete time systems and is also called as pulse 42. In the IIR filter shown below, a is a variable gain.
transfer function approach. For which of the following cases, the system will
Statement (II): transit from stable to unstable condition?
The sampled signal is assumed to be a train of x(n)
impulses whose strengths, or areas, are equal 6
to the continuous time signal at the sampling

Realization Structures z -1
P + P z -1 + P3 z -3
39. A DF having T.F. H (z) = 0 1 using
1 + d 3 z -3
DFI and DFII realizations of IIR the number (a) 0.1 < a < 0.5
(b) 0.5 < a < 1.5
of delay units required in DFI and DFII are,
(c) 1.5 < a < 2.5
respectively …….
(d) 2 < a < 
(a) 6 & 6 (b) 6 & 3
(c) 3 & 3 (d) 3 & 2
43. Consider the causal digital filter structure shown
in fig. For what values of k the system is stable?
40. 2 systems H1(z) & H2(z) are connected in
cascaded as shown below. The overall output
x[n] y[n]
y(n) is the same as the input x(n) with a one + +
unit delay. The transfer function of the second
system H2(z) is
x(n) y(n)
1  0.4 z 1
H1 ( z ) H2(z)  k/3  k/4
1  0.6 z 1

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119 Z - Transform

Common Data for Questions 44 & 45

Key for Objective Questions
A digital filter realization is shown:
01. Ans:  = 2, n0 is any value
02. (a). Ans: 0<|z|<
(b). Ans: |z|>0
X 3 z -1 Y (c). Ans: |z| > 3/4
(d). Ans: < z <3

03. Ans: (a)

05. Ans: (c) 06. Ans: (d)
Y (z)
44. The transfer function H (z) = of this filter is 3z
X (z) 10. Ans: Y (z) = z <1
1 -1 , 3
0.2 + z -1 3 + z -1 1+ z
(a) (b) 3
1 + 2z -1 1 + 3z -1
2z + 1 2z  1 11. Ans: G(z) = 1z6, |z|>0
(c) (d)
z+2 z+2
12. Ans: x(n) = (n+2) + 2(n+1)  2(2)n u(n1)
45. The nature of the above filter is
15. Ans: 0
(a) Band pass (b) All pass
(c) Low pass (d) High pass 16. Ans: Y (z) =
z -2
b1  1 z -1 l b1  1 z l
2 3
46. For the causal filter structure shown in figure,
the range of k for system stability is ____ 9 1
20. (a). Ans: a =  (b). Ans: y (n) =
8 4
x(n) + y(n)
+ Z-1+ Z-2 21. Ans: (a)
23. Ans: 0 24. Ans:
29. (a). Ans: 0.5 <|z|< 2
(a) : 1, 2 D (b) : 2 , 1D
1 1
(b). Ans: No
(c). |z|< 0.5,|z|>3, < z < 2, 2 < z < 3
(c) 6 1, 1@ (d) : 2 , 2D
z -1 (1  0.6z -1)
40. Ans: 41. Ans: (a)
(1  0.4z -1)
47. Consider an All-pass system shown in figure.
z -1  0.54 43. Ans: |k|<3 44. Ans: (c)
H (z)
1  0.54z -1
45. Ans: (b)
x(n) y(n)

z 1 c

Find b, c & d such that SFG is a realisation

of H(z)

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130 Systems & Signal Processing

04. We are given the analog low-pass filter

Objective Practice Questions 1
H (s) = s + 1 whose cutoff frequency is known
to be 1 rad/s. It is required to use this filter as the
basis for designing a digital filter by the impulse
01. Consider the analog filter H (s) =
1 invariant transformation. The digital filter is to
have a cutoff frequency of 50 Hz and operate
(a) Convert H(s) to a digital filter H(z) using
at a sampling frequency of 200 Hz.
impulse invariance. Assume that the
What is the transfer function H(z) of the digital
sampling frequency is 2 Hz. filter if no gain matching is used?
(b) Will the impulse response h[n] match the
05. Consider the low-pass analog filter
impulse response h(t) of the analog filter at 3
H (s) = 2 .
the sampling instants? Should it? Explain. s + 3s + 3

(c) Will the step response s[n] match the step (a) Use the bilinear transformation to convert
this analog filter H(s) to a digital filter H(z) at
response s(t) of the analog filter at the
a sampling rate of 2 Hz.
sampling instants? Should it? Explain. (b) Use H(s) and the bilinear transformation to
design a digital lowpass filter H(z) whose
1 gain at f = 20 kHz matches the gain of H(s)
02. Consider the analog filter H (s) = .
s+2 at  = 3 rad/s. The sampling frequency is
(a) Convert H(s) to a digital filter H(z) using step
80 kHz.
invariance at a sampling frequency of 2Hz.
(b) Will the impulse response h[n] match the s
06. Consider the analog filter H (s) = .
s2 + s + 1
impulse response h(t) of the analog filter at (a) What type of filter does H(s) describe?
the sampling instants? Should it? Explain. (b) Use H(s) and the bilinear transformation
(c) Will the step response s[n] match the step to design a digital filter H(z) operating at
1 kHz such that its gain at f0 = 250 Hz
response s(t) of the analog filter at the
matches the gain of H(s) at a = 1 rad/s.
sampling instants? Should it? Explain.
What type of filter does H(z) describe?

03. Consider the analog filter H (s) =

. 07. A digital low-pass filter is required to meet the
following specifications:
(a) Convert H(s) to a digital filter H(z) using
Passband ripple:  1 dB
ramp invariance at a sampling frequency
Passband edge: 4 kHz
of 2Hz. Stopband edge:  40 dB
(b) Will the impulse response h[n] match the Stopband edge: 6 kHz
impulse response h(t) of the analog filter at Sample rate: 24 kHz
The filter is to be designed by performing a
the sampling instants? Should it? Explain.
bilinear transformation on an analog system
(c) Will the step response s[n] match the step
function. Determine what order Butterworth,
response s(t) of the analog filter at the Chebyshev analog design must be used
sampling instants? Should it? Explain. to meet the specifications in the digital
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bengaluru Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
131 Digital Filter Design

08. An IIR digital lowpass filter is required to meet 13. Find H(z) and H(F) for each sequence and
the following specifications: establish the type of FIR filter it describes by
Passband ripple checking values of H(F) at F = 0 and F = 0.5
(or peak-to-peak ripple):  0.5 dB
(a) h 5n? = %1, 0, 1 /
Passband edge: 1.2 kHz
Stopband attenuation:  40 dB (b) h 5n? = %1, 2, 2, 1 /

Stopband edge: 2.0 kHz

(c) h 5n? = %1, 0,  1 /
Sample rate: 8.0 kHz
Determine the required filter order for
(d) h 5n? = %1,  2, 2,  1 /

(a) A digital Butterworth filter

(b) A digital chebyshev filter
14. The first few values of the impulse response

09. Determine the system function H(z) of the sequence of a linear-phase filter are
lowest-order chebyshev digital filter than meets h[n] = {2, –3, 4, 1, ….. }. Determine the complete
the following specifications: sequence (assuming the smallest length for

(a) 1-dB ripple in the pass-band 0 || 0.3 h[n] if the sequence is to be:
(b) At least 60 dB attenuation in the (a) type 1
stop-band 0.35  ||  . Use the bilinear (b) type 2
(c) type 3

10. Determine the system function H(z) of the (d) type 4

lowest-order chebyshev digital filter that meets
the following specification. 15. Partial details of various filters are listed. Zero
1 - locations are in keeping with linear-phase and
(a) dB ripple in the pass-band
0  ||  0.24 real coefficients. Assuming the smallest length,
(b) At least 50 dB attenuation in the stop-band identify the sequence type and find the transfer
0.35|| . function of each filter.
Use the bilinear transformation. (a) zero location: z = 0.5ej0.25
(b) zero location: z = ej0.25
11. A linear phase FIR filter has one of the zero at (c) zero location: z = 1, z = ej0.25
1 (d) zero locations: z = 0.5, z = –1; odd symmetry
z = e jr/3 . Find the remaining zeros?
(e) zero locations: z = 0.5, z = 1, z = –1; even
12. Transfer function of a IVth order linear phase
F.I.R filter is given by H(z) = (1 + 2z–1 + 3z–2)G(z)
16. Design the symmetric FIR LPF whose desired
then G(z) is _____
frequency response is given as
(a) 3 + 2z–1 + z–2 S
Hd (e j~) = *
e -j3~ for Z #
1 4
(b) 1 + z -1 + z -2 0 else where
1 use Hamming window.
(c) 2z -1 + z -2
(d) 1 + 2z–1 + 3z–2

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bengaluru Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
148 Systems & Signal Processing

(a) 7D2 E2 J2 G2A

Objective Practice Questions
(b) 7 D E J G A
(c) 6D + E E + G G + J J + D@
01. Analog data to be spectrum analyzed are (d) []
sampled at 10kHz & DFT of 1024 samples
07. Given x(n) = {1, –2, 3, –4, 5, –6}, without
are computed. Find the frequency spacing
calculating DFT, find the following quantities
between spectral samples?
(a) X(0) (b) / X (k) (c) X(3)
02. Find the 4 point DFT of x(n) = {0, 1, 2, 3}? 5 5
(d) / X (k) 2
(e) / ( 1) k X (k)
X 5k? , then prove the following
k=0 k=0
03. Let x (n)
N pt

statements. 08. X(k) is the discrete Fourier Transform of a 6-point

(i) If x(n) = – x[N – 1 – n], then X(0) = 0 real sequence x(n).
(ii) If x(n) = x[N – 1 – n], with N even, If X(0) = 9 + j0, X(2) = 2 + j2,
X(3) = 3 – j0, X(5) = 1 – j1, x(0) is
then X : 2 D = 0
(a) 3 (b) 9
(c) 15 (d) 18
04. Fig shows a finite length sequence x(n).
6 09.
5 x(n)
4 (i) The two 8-point sequences x1(n) & x2(n) shown
in fig. have DFTs X1(k) and X2(k) respectively.
n x2[n]
0 1 2 3 c c
b d d b
Fig a e e a
Sketch the signals
(a) x([n – 2])4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n
(b) x([n + 1])4
(c) x([– n])4 Find the relation between X1(k) & X2(k)?

(ii). Consider the sequence x(n) shown in fig. Find

05. The first five points of an 8 point DFT of a y(n) whose six-point DFT is
real-valued sequence are Y (k) = W64k X (k) ,
{0.25, 0.125  j0.3018, 0, 0.125  j0.0518, 0}. Find Where X(k) is the six-point DFT of x(n).
other 3 points?
3 2 x(n)
06. The DFT of a vector [a b c d] is the vector 1
[ ]. Consider the product
SSa b c dWWW
V 0 1 2 34 5 n
6p q r s@ = 6a b c d@SSS
Sd a b cWW
W Fig.
SSc d a bWWW
SSb c d aWW
T X 10. Find the 10-point inverse DFT of
The DFT of the vector [p q r s] is a scaled 3, k = 0
X (k) = )
version of 1, 1 # k # 9
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bengaluru Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
149 DFT & FFT

11. A signal x(t) is bandlimited to 10 kHz is sampled 16. The four point DFTS of x(n) and y(n) is
with a sampling frequency of 20 kHz. The DFT of X(K) = {22, – 4 + j2, – 6, – 4 – j2} and
N = 1000 samples x(n) is then calculated. Y(K) = {8, – 2 – j2, 0, – 2 + j2}. The circular
(a) What is the spacing between the spectral convolution of x(n) and y(n) is w(n), then w(2)
samples? is
(b) To what analog frequency does the index (a) 38 (b) 30
k = 150 correspond? What about k = 800? (c) 12 (d) 60

17. Consider x[n] = {1, 2, 3, 4} with DFT

12. Consider the real finite-length sequence
X(K) = {10, 2+2j, 2, 22j}. If the sampling rate
x[n] shown in Fig., whose six-point DFT is X[k].
is 10Hz
If Q[k] = X[2k], k = 0, 1, 2 represents the 3-point
(i) Determine the sampling period, time index
DFT, then q [n] is
4 and the sampling instant for a digital sample
3 x(3) in time domain
2 (ii) Determine the frequency resolution,
1 frequency bin number and frequency for
each of the DFT coefficients X(1) and X(3).

0 1 2 3 n 18. We wish to sample a signal of 1-s duration, and

4 5
Fig. band-limited to 100Hz, in order to compute
(a) {5, 3, 2} (b) {4, 3, 2} its spectrum. The spectral spacing should not
(c) {2, 3, 4} (d) {1, 2, 3} exceed 0.5 Hz. Find the minimum number N
of samples needed and the actual spectral
13. Given x[n] = {A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, B} is having 8 spacing f if we use
point DFT X[k]. If X(0) = 20 & X(4) = 0, find A & B? (a) The DFT (b) The radix-2 FFT

19. We wish to sample the signal,

14. Given X[K] = K+1; 0 3≤ K ≤ 7 is 8-point DFT of x[n].
x(t) = cos(50t) + sin(200t) at 800 Hz and
Then the value of / x [2n] is ____
n=0 compute the N-Point DFT of the sampled
signal x[n]
15. Let x[n] be a real 8 point sequence and let X(k)
(a) Let N = 100. At what indices would you
be its 8 point DFT
expect to see the spectral peaks? Will the
(A) Evaluate
peaks occur at the frequencies of x(t)?
1 /
X (k) e j (2r/8) kn n = 9 in terms of x (n) (b) Let N = 128. At what indices would you
8 k=0
expect to see the spectral peaks? Will the
(B) Let w(n) be a 4 point sequence for
peaks occur at the frequencies of x(t)?
0  n  3 and W(k) be its 4 point DFT.
If W(k) = X(k) + X(k+4), express w(n) in 20. Let X 5k? = %1,  2, 1  j, j2, 0f / be the 8-point DFT

terms of x(n) of a real signal x[n]

(C) Let y(n) be an 8 point sequence for (a) Determine X[k] in its entirety.
0  n 7 and Y(k) be 8 point DFT. (b) What is the DFT Y[k] of the signal
2X (k) k = 0, 2, 4, 6 y[n] = (–1)n x[n]?
If Y (k) = )
0 for k = 1, 3, 5, 7 (c) What is the DFT G[k] of the zero-interpolated
express y(n) in terms of x(n). signal g[n] = x[n/2]

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bengaluru Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
150 Systems & Signal Processing

21. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the Using the radix-4 decimation-in-time algorithm
Key for Objective Questions
4-point sequence
x[n] = {x[0], x[2], x[3]} = { 3, 2, 3, 4} is
X[k] = {X[0], X[1], X[2], X[3]} 01. Ans:
= {12,2j, 0, 2j}.
If X1[k] is the DFT of the 12-point sequence 02. Ans: { 6, 2+2j, 2, 2 2j}
x1[n]= {3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0} the value
X1 58? 04. (a). Ans: [4, 3, 6, 5]
of is
X1 511?
(b). Ans: [5, 4,3,6]
22. Assume that a complex multiply takes 1s and (c). Ans: [6, 3,4,5]
that the amount of time to compute a DFT is
determined by the amount of time it takes to 05. Ans: X (5) = 0.125 + j0.0518
perform all of the multiplications. X(6) = 0, X(7) = 0.125 + j0.3018
(a) How much time does it take to compute a
1024-point DFT directly? 06. Ans: (a)
(b) How much time is required if an FFT is used
09. (i) Ans: X2(k) = (1)kX1(k)
23. Speech data is sampled at a rate of 10 kHz is
to be processed in real time using FFT. Part of (ii) Ans: y(n) = x((n4))6
the computations required involve collecting = {2, 1, 0, 0, 4, 3}
blocks of 1024 speech values and computing
a 1024-point DFT and a 1024 point inverse DFT. 12. Ans: (a)
If it takes 1 s for each real multiply, how much
time remains for processing the data after the 16. Ans: (a)
DFT and inverse DFT are computed?

24. Let Y(k) be the 5-point DFT of the sequence

y(n) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. What is the 5-point DFT of the
sequence Y(k)?
(a){15, 2.5+3.4j, 2.5+0.81j, 2.50.81j, 2.53.4j}
(b) {1, 5, 4, 3, 2}
(c) {5, 25, 20, 15, 10}
(d) {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bengaluru Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad

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