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Manual: CODE No: 8608

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B.Ed. (1.5-YEARS)

CODE No: 8608

Department of Early Childhood Education and

Elementary Teacher Education
Faculty of Education
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
(All rights Reserved with the Publisher)

First Printing ............................. 2022

Quantity .................................... 20,000
Printer........................................ Allama Iqbal Open University
Publisher ................................... Allama Iqbal Open University,


Prof Dr. Nasir Mahmood
Early Childhood Education and Elementary
Teacher Education Department

Course Development Coordinator:

Ms. Mubeshera Tufail
Lecturer (ECE & ETED)

Members: 1. Dr. Fazal Ur Rehman

Associate Professor

2. Dr. Muhammad Athar Hussain

Assistant Professor

3. Dr. Rehmatullah Bhatti

Assistant Professor

4. Ms Mubeshera Tufail

5. Dr. Nasrullah Bacha

Assistant Professor
Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership

Editor: Mr. Fazal Karim

Composing: Mrs Nasira Aqeel
Layout: Asrar ul Haque Malik

1. Course Description............................................................................. 1

2. Course Learning Outcomes................................................................ 1

3. Components of Teaching Practice-II ................................................. 1

4. Assessment ......................................................................................... 3

5. Behaviour Expectations from Trainee Teachers ................................ 4

6. Workshop ........................................................................................... 7

7. Teaching Practicum ........................................................................... 9

8. Activities during Teaching Practicum ............................................... 9

9. Schedule of Teaching Practicum ....................................................... 10

10. Final Lessons ..................................................................................... 11

11. Rubrics for Lesson Planning & Presentation ..................................... 11

12. Final Presentation – Practicum Report .............................................. 17

13. Making Field Notes and Journal ........................................................ 17

14. The Practicum Report ........................................................................ 18

15. Appendix I-Student Biodata Form ..................................................... 19

16. Appendix II-Workshop Report .......................................................... 20

17. Appendix III-Progress Report of Students ......................................... 21

18. Appendix IV-Teaching Practicum Site Approval Form .................... 22

19. Appendix V-Teaching Practicum Letter ............................................ 23

20. Appendix VI-Form for Final Lesson Presentation............................. 24

22. Appendix VII-Sample Lesson Plans .................................................. 26

1. Course Description
This course involves field experiences for trainee teachers in a classroom/school setting.
This experience encompasses the application of effective teaching theories, techniques,
and skills by trainee teachers in a classroom/school setting. This course provides
opportunities to trainee teachers for classroom teaching and school-based experiences.
Besides classroom teaching, this experience will also assist trainee teachers in learning
classroom management skills. This course consists of the workshop, teaching practicum
in school, and presentation of model/final lesson plans. The workshop provides an
orientation to the trainee teachers about the course requirements and lesson planning and
presentation. Teaching practicum in school requires trainee teachers to spend 144 hours
in the school during 06 weeks of teaching practicum. The trainee teacher is required to
work for 04-05 hours per day in the school during 06 weeks of teaching practicum. Site
approval form for the school, where a prospective teacher wants to perform teaching
practicum, must be submitted for approval to the respective regional center of the Allama
Iqbal Open University. The submission of the ‘Site Approval Form’ for approval of
practicum school must be completed at least 02-03 weeks prior to the start of teaching
practicum. The respective regional center of the University will issue a teaching
practicum letter to the trainee teacher in the name of the head of that school. The purpose
of this letter is to facilitate trainee teachers to get permission for teaching practicum in the
school. After successful completion of teaching practicum in school, the trainee teachers
present two model/final lessons in front of the evaluators appointed by Allama Iqbal
Open University. The center for the presentation of lessons will be communicated to the
trainee teachers by the regional offices.

2. Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of Teaching Practice-II, the trainee teacher would be able to:
 Develop lesson plans for teaching using appropriate instructional methods and
 Implement lesson plans for effectively teaching the content to students.
 Identify the learning needs of students.
 Collaborate with teachers of the school for professional responsibilities.
 Utilize feedback from teachers of the school in a non-defensive manner.
 Reflect on the teaching practicum in school.
 Establish a learning environment to meet the cognitive and affective needs of
 Utilize appropriate techniques for assessing students’ performance.

3. Components of ‘Teaching Practice-II (Course Code: 8608)

Teaching Practice-II consists of the following components:
 Workshop of 03 days duration
 Teaching Practicum of 06 weeks duration
 02 model/Final Lessons *Presentation of Practicum Report
 Professional Portfolio (a record of all the Lesson plans performed by trainee
teachers and proof of attendance record during teaching practicum)

*Presentation of practicum report is only for those students who have selected
specialization courses from “Leadership and Management”.

Note: Students who have selected specialization courses from “Educational

Technology and Evaluation”, “Teacher Education”, “Science Education”,
“Inclusive Education” and “Reading” will consult section “Teaching
Practicum” (Page No. 06) for further details. Students who have selected
specialization courses from “Leadership and Management” will consult section
“School Management Practicum” (Page No. 14) for further details.

Plan of Action
The schedule of the workshop, teaching practicum in school, and model/final
lessons will be communicated to trainee teachers through the website and/or regional
office of Allama Iqbal Open University. The trainee teacher is required to attend the
workshop (03 days duration) before the start of the teaching practicum in school. It is
compulsory to attend the workshop with 80% attendance for successfully passing the
course. The trainee teachers are also involved in developing lesson plans and its
presentation under the guidance of the supervisor during the workshop. This activity
carries marks therefore, successful completion of lesson presentation during the
workshop is required. The coordinator of a group of trainee teachers will keep the record
of names of trainee teachers, and email addresses by filling Students’ Biodata Form (see
appendix I) for future correspondence. The workshop coordinator will arrange the
supervisors for workshop sessions after approval from the university. The workshop
coordinator will also make arrangements for the presentation of model/final lessons of
trainee teachers after the successful completion of teaching practicum in school. The
evaluators for the final lessons will be finalized after approval from the regional office of
the university. At the end of the workshop, the coordinator will submit the workshop
report (see appendix II), workshop progress report of trainee teachers (appendix III) and
trainee teachers’ biodata form to the regional office/center of the university as soon as

After the successful completion of the workshop, the trainee teachers will attend
the school for teaching practicum. The duration of teaching practicum in school is 06
weeks. The trainee teachers are required to spend 144 hours in the school during 06
weeks of teaching practicum. The trainee teacher must work for 04-05 hours per day in
the school for the teaching practicum component.
For teaching practicum, the trainee teacher will intimate the respective Regional
Center of the university about the school where he/she would perform teaching practicum
by filling the Teaching Practicum Site Approval Form (given in appendix IV) and
submitting it in the respective Regional Center. The regional office/center of the
university will prepare a Teaching Practicum Letter (see appendix V) for the trainee
teacher. The trainee teacher would submit the Teaching Practicum letter to the school
where he/she will perform the teaching practicum. However, the trainee teacher must
ensure the availability of opportunity for teaching practicum at that school before the
submission of the Teaching Practicum Site Approval Form. This process must be
completed atleast 02-03 weeks prior to the start of the teaching practicum.

After the successful completion of teaching practicum in school, the trainee

teachers will present 02 final lessons before a panel of evaluators appointed by the
university. The panel will consist of a coordinator, supervisor, and expert(s). The panel
will rate the trainee teacher on a number of components of lesson planning and
presentation (mentioned in the rubrics for lesson planning and presentation given in
Assessment section).
Table 1: Components of Teaching Practice-II (CC: 8608) for Trainee
Teachers (Trainee Teachers of Leadership and Management Area are not
included here.)
S# Component Activities/requirements Deadline Procedure
1 Workshop (TP Presentation of lessons on During i. Plan the various
8608) two topics selected from workshop days components of a lesson in
two different school consultation with supervisors
15 Marks subjects ii. Write neatly the lesson plans
iii. Present the lesson plans in front
of supervisor and trainee
teachers in the workshop
2 Teaching Three documents are Deadline to be i. Write the lesson plans neatly
practicum in required: communicated and appropriately in a
school (06 i) Lesson planner during file/register etc.in the form of a
weeks) (atleast 40 lesson workshop days lesson planner
plans from 3 school by the ii. Compile into one file the lesson
25 Marks subjects). workshop planner, teaching practice
ii) Teaching practice coordinator completion certificate and
completion attendance record of trainee
certificate- teacher for the period of
Compulsory. teaching practicum in school.
[Without this iii. Submit the lesson
certificate, the marks planer and the other two
will not be given for documents to the evaluator
the lesson planner.]. on the day of submission
iii) Attendance record of informed by the workshop
8608 trainee teacher coordinator and the
for teaching practice regional office of AIOU
in respective school-
[Without this
certificate, the marks
will not be given for
the lesson planner.]
3 Final Lesson- Two types of work are Deadline to be i. Develop/write the document of
1 & Final required: communicated final lesson-1 and final lesson-
Lesson-2 i) Write up of a final during 2.
lesson plan-1 and workshop days ii. Present the final lessons with
30+30=60 final lesson plan-2 by the the help of AV aids in front of
Marks related to two workshop the panel of evaluators
different school level coordinator appointed by the university
subjects for a with the help of appropriate AV
standard school class aids for each model/final lesson
time plan. University examiner may
ii) Preparation of ask some questions from the
appropriate AV aids trainee teacher during the
for the presentation of presentation.
model/final lessons iii. Submit the file of written
model/final lesson plans to the
university examiner.
Note: It is compulsory to submit
written final/model lesson plans
and present it in front of Examiners
to pass the final lessons component.

Table 2: Components of Teaching Practice-II (CC: 8608) for Trainee

Teachers of Leadership and Management Area
S Component Activities/requirements Deadline Submission
1 Workshop Presentation of lessons on During i. Plan the various
(TP 8608) two topics selected from two workshop components of a lesson in
different school subjects days consultation with supervisors
15 Marks ii. Write neatly the lesson plans
iii. Present the lesson plans in
front of supervisor and trainee
teachers in the workshop.
2 Teaching Three documents are Deadline to i. Write and compile into one
practicum in required: be file the lesson planner,
i) Lesson planner [atleast communica practicum report, teaching
school (06 20 lesson plans from 3 ted during practice completion certificate
weeks) school subjects.] (12 workshop and attendance record for
marks) days by the teaching practicum period in
25 Marks ii) Practicum report (detail workshop school.
given in 8608 manual). coordinator ii. Submit the lesson
[Organizing 20 field note planer and the other two
journals in following documents to the
areas: Financial evaluator on the day of
management of schools, submission informed by
Physical resource the workshop coordinator
management, Personnel and the regional office of
management, AIOU
Instructional supervision,
School development/
improvement, School
Community Relations.
The last chapter of the
report will be the
conclusion and plan of
action.] (13 marks)
iii) Teaching practice
completion certificate-
Compulsory. [Without
this certificate, the marks
will not be given for the
lesson planner and the
practicum report.]
iv) Attendance record of
8608 trainee teacher for
teaching practice in
respective school--
Compulsory. [Without
this certificate, the marks
will not be given for the
lesson planner and the
practicum report.]
3 Final Two type of work Deadline to i. Develop/write the
Lesson-1 & required: be document of final lesson-
One Action i) Write up of a final lesson communica 1 and one action plan
Plan plan-1 related to the ted during neatly and appropriately.
school subject for a workshop ii. Present the lesson plan
standard school period days by the and action plan in front of
30+30=60 workshop the examiners with the
and one action plan
Marks coordinator help of appropriate AV
ii) Preparation of
aids. University examiner
appropriate AV aids for may ask some questions
the presentation of from trainee teacher
model/final lesson and during the presentation
action plan iii. Submit the file of the
model/final lesson plan
and action plan to the
university examiner.
Note: It is compulsory to
submit written work of
model/final lesson plan and,
present it in front of university
examiners to pass this

The responsibilities of all the agencies involved in the course, are as follows:

Table 2: Responsibilities of the Stakeholders

S/No Stakeholder Responsibilities
1. Regional i. To workshop arrangements for trainee teachers
Centre ii. To facilitate the trainee teachers by providing teaching practicum
letter to perform teaching practice in a school
ii. To guide the trainee teachers for their queries and up to date
information about various components and work requirement of teaching
practice course
2. Coordinator i. To make necessary arrangements for conducting the workshop and
final lessons presentation after approval from the regional offices of
the university
ii. To ensure the smooth progress of the workshop
iii. To make arrangements for monitoring the teaching practicum of
trainee teacher by coordinating with the Regional Center of the
iv. To make arrangements for final lessons of trainee teachers after
approval from the regional offices of the university
3. Cooperating i. To supervise trainee teachers by providing them practical experience
Teacher (in about lesson planning and classroom teaching
school) & ii. To provide guidance for the development of professionalism among
Supervisor (in trainee teachers
the workshop) iii. To observe lesson presentation of the trainee teacher during the
workshop/in classroom
iv. To monitor and assess the performance of trainee teacher
v. To provide feedback on the performance of trainee teachers
vi. To give suggestions to trainee teacher for improving his/her teaching
vii. To supervise trainee teacher for reflection on his/her teaching
4. School i. To assign a cooperating teacher to a trainee teacher
Administration ii. To provide resources including classrooms, electricity, AV aids and
furniture i.e., table and chair, etc., to trainee teacher for teaching
practicum work
iii. To ensure the availability of opportunities for providing teaching and
administrative work experience to trainee teachers
5. Trainee i. To demonstrate professional behaviour depicting punctuality,
Teacher responsibility, dedication, respect, integrity, teamwork and self-
reflection during the workshop and teaching practicum
ii. To seek guidance from the coordinator, cooperating teacher and
school teachers in performing teaching and administrative tasks
iii. To work collaboratively with teachers on teaching and administrative
iv. To co-plan and co-teach with teachers of the school
v. To plan for performing teaching, management and assessment
responsibilities in the classroom
vi. To reflect on his/her teaching practice
vii. To develop a portfolio containing lesson plans taught by the trainee
teacher and proof of attendance record for teaching practicum

4. Assessment
As there is no written exam in the course, the trainee teacher will be assessed by the
supervisor and the coordinator on his/her performance during workshop, teaching
practicum work and model/final lessons work. The trainee teacher will discuss and get
feedback about his/her performance with the supervisor and the cooperating teacher
during this course. During teaching practicum, the trainee teacher can also seek guidance
from the teachers at the school. The lesson planning, lesson presentation and the teaching
performance and classroom management skills of the trainee teachers will be assessed in
the course. Additionally, final lessons, and portfolio containing lesson plans and teaching
practicum work will contribute to the major part of the assessment of the trainee teacher
during this course. Portfolio contains lesson plans taught by the trainee teacher and proof
of attendance record for teaching practicum.

The trainee teachers with specialization courses in Leadership and Management, will be
assessed on their final report containing reflective journals of day-to-day activities and
presentation on it. For further details, trainee teachers with specialization courses in
Leadership and Management must consult the last portion of manual entitled “School
Administration Practicum”.

Marks Distribution & Passing Marks

Passing marks in Teaching Practice (II) are 50% in each component. The passing marks
in the workshop, teaching practicum work and portfolio components are also 50%. The
percentage for various components is as follows:

Table 3: Marks Distribution for Teaching Practice-II

S/No. Components Marks Allocated Passing Marks Workshop/Practicum
01 Workshop 15 50% marks distribution
95 % & above 10 marks
02 Teaching Practicum 25 50% 90-94% 09 marks
Related Work 85-89% 08 marks
03 Model/Final Lessons (Plans 60 (302=60) 50% 80-84% 07 marks
and Presentation) Below 80% Does not
Total Marks 100 qualify
* For students with specialization courses in “Leadership and Management”,
practicum report and its presentation will be assessed in place of final lesson I
and final lesson II.

5. Behaviour Expectations from Trainee Teachers

There are some behaviours that a trainee teacher must exhibit during the workshop,
teaching practicum and model/final lessons.

a. Responsibilities: Workshop and teaching practicum are full-time responsibilities.

Therefore, any other assignments or responsibilities may not be taken during the
workshop and teaching practicum period.
A trainee teacher is expected to be physically present in the workshop and teaching
practicum site for the specified time period. Trainee teacher will perform all
curricular and co-curricular activities as may be suggested by a teacher/school
within the territory of the school.
b. Absences: Absence due to illness or personal emergency must be timely notified to
the school and the regional office/center of the university. 80% attendance
separately for workshop and teaching practicum is compulsory to pass the teaching
practice-II. Two absences are permitted during teaching practicum. If a trainee
teacher was unable to maintain 80% attendance during workshop or teaching
practicum, then it would result in failing the course “Teaching Practice II”. The
attendance record of trainee teachers during teaching practicum is to be maintained
by the school and the trainee teacher. The trainee teacher will submit the
attendance record along with its portfolio to regional office/center of the university
at the end of the teaching practicum.
c. Cell Phones: Phone calls, messaging or Facebook are not allowed during the
workshop and at the teaching practicum site. All cell phones must be turned
off/switched on silent during the workshop and the teaching practicum site. If
trainee teacher feels the need to use his/her cell phone, he/she must first get
permission from the headteacher for it.

d. Communication: Communication must be on regular basis between a trainee
teacher and regional center of the university. The concerned regional center will
manage to visit practicum school at regular intervals during teaching practicum.
The purpose of this visit would be to ensure the successful completion of teaching
practicum in school by the trainee teacher.
e. Confidentiality: Trainee teachers must maintain confidentiality concerning pupil
records and any other information related to the concerned classroom/school.
Permission from the school administrator must be obtained before collecting and
sharing any school-related information to anyone outside the school.
f. Corporal (Physical) Punishment: Trainee teachers must not use corporal
punishment in the classroom.

Teaching Practicum
{For Students with Specialization courses in “Educational Technology and Evaluation”,
“Teacher Education”, “Science Education”, “Inclusive Education” and “Reading”.

6. Workshop
The workshop is a mandatory part of Practice Teaching-II course. Attending the
workshop is compulsory to pass the course of Teaching Practice (II). The purpose
of the workshop is to equip trainee teachers with the strategies, skills and
techniques for effective teaching practicum. The workshop will be of 03 days
with 05 hours duration per day. It carries 15 marks for lesson planning and
presentation work, and class participation during the workshop. The trainee
teacher will present atleast two-three lessons at the end of workshop.

The workshop will be conducted before teaching practicum work in the school.
The workshop includes training on components like:

 Lesson planning
 Lesson presentation
 Development of AV aid/art work
 Classroom management skills
 Classroom assessment skills
 Practical issues of teaching and learning in the classroom
 Preparing portfolio

The tentative program for the workshop is given below. However, minor
amendments can be made to make adjustment to local circumstances.

Table 3: Program of Workshop

Day Activity Responsibility Time Duration

01 Session-I Officer from 02:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
(i) Inauguration of the concerned Regional 03:00 p.m.
Workshop Centre of the
(ii) Explanation of University/Faculty
requirements and marks Member in case of
distribution of the course Workshop in the
Main Campus
Session-II Supervisor(s)/Tutor 03:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
(i) Instructional Planning for & Trainee Teachers 04:00 p.m.
an Academic Year
(ii) Components of Lesson
planning [Formulation of
instructional objectives and
learning outcomes, selection
of teaching method(s) and
technique(s), selection & use
of AV aids and Classroom
Assessment Techniques
(CATs) for a lesson]
Session III Tutor, Supervisor(s) 04:00 to 05:00 01 Hour
Practice on components of & Trainee Teachers p.m.
lesson planning
Session-IV Tutor, Supervisor(s) 05:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Lesson Presentation by Trainee & Trainee Teachers 06:00 p.m.
Teachers & Feedback provided
by supervisor(s)/tutor for
improvement of lesson planning
& presentation
Session-V Tutor, Supervisor(s) 06:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
(i) Organizing and managing & Trainee Teachers 07:00 p.m.
an inclusive and safe
classroom & learning
environment that recognize
the physical, emotional,
affective, social, and
intellectual needs of the
(ii) Students will be assigned
tasks for lesson presentation
on second and third day of
02 Session I Tutor/Supervisor(s) 02:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Development of various kinds of & Trainee Teachers 03:00 p.m.
AV aids (Hands-on practice)
Session II Tutor, Supervisor(s) 03:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Development of various kinds of & Trainee Teachers 04:00 p.m.
AV aids (Hands-on practice)
Session III Tutor, Supervisor(s) 04:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Lesson Presentation by Trainee & Trainee Teachers 05:00 p.m.
Teachers & Feedback provided
by supervisor(s)/tutor for
improvement of lesson planning
& presentation
Session IV Tutor/Supervisor(s) 05:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Lesson Presentation by Trainee & Trainee Teachers 06:00 p.m.
Teachers & Feedback provided
by supervisor(s)/tutor for
improvement of lesson planning
& presentation
Session V Tutor/Supervisor(s) 06:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Lesson Presentation by Trainee & Trainee Teachers 07:00 p.m.
Teachers & Feedback provided
by supervisor(s)/tutor for
improvement of lesson planning
& presentation
03 Session I Tutor/Supervisor(s) 02:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
(i) Instructional & Non- & Trainee Teachers 03:00 p.m.
instructional roles of a teacher
with respect to curriculum,
school, head teacher,
teachers, students, parents and
the community)
(ii) Professionalism in
Teaching: Dress Code,
Behaviour, Attitude and
Interaction with Students &
(iii) Issues faced/Queries by
trainee teachers related to
teaching and learning during
the field placements i.e.,
teaching practicum in school)
Session II Tutor/Supervisor(s) 03:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Lesson Presentation by Trainee & Trainee Teachers 04:00 p.m.
Teachers & Feedback provided
by supervisor(s)/tutor for
improvement of lesson planning
& presentation
Session III Tutor/Supervisor(s) 04:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Lesson Presentation by Trainee & Trainee Teachers 05:00 p.m.
Teachers & Feedback provided
by supervisor(s)/tutor for
improvement of lesson planning
& presentation
Session IV Tutor/Supervisor(s) 05:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Lesson Presentation by Trainee & Trainee Teachers 06:00 p.m.
Teachers & Feedback provided
by supervisor(s)/tutor for
improvement of lesson planning
& presentation
Session V Tutor/Supervisor(s) 06:00 p.m. to 01 Hour
Lesson Presentation by Trainee & Trainee Teachers 07:00 p.m.
Teachers & Feedback provided
by supervisor(s)/tutor for
improvement of lesson planning
& presentation

7. Teaching Practicum
The trainee teacher would be present at teaching practicum school for atleast 04-05 hours
per day during the teaching practicum in school. Every week, the trainee teacher will
gradually take more responsibilities thus leading to assuming full range of responsibilities
in 5th and 6th week of teaching practicum. Attendance of trainee teacher must be
maintained on daily basis by the school at teaching practicum school.

8. Activities during Teaching Practicum

The activities that a trainee teacher is supposed to perform at practicum school are given
with explanation below:
a. Performing Co-curricular and administrative tasks assigned by the school
within the School
b. Teaching in the Classroom:
The trainee teacher would develop at least 40 lesson plans and teach them in the
class during the teaching practicum. The duration of each lesson will be equal to
one period in the school.

The format of the lesson plan is given below:

 Preliminary Section: It contains information about title of the lesson, date of
teaching the lesson, name of the trainee teacher, his/her registration number,
subject name form which topic has been selected for teaching, topic to be taught,
class and number of students.
 Objectives of the Lesson: There would be general and specific objectives in the
lesson plan. The general objectives would be related to purpose of teaching the
subject from which a topic for lesson has been selected. The specific objectives
reflect the target behind teaching the particular topic.
 Teaching Method: The teaching method which would be used to teach a particular
topic must be suitable for teaching that topic. And teaching method must also be
helpful for achieving the general and specific objectives of the lesson.
 AV aids: AV aids to be used for teaching the topic of the day must be in
accordance with the subject and topic of the lesson. And it is also helpful for
achieving the general and specific objectives of the lesson.
 Previous Knowledge Test: Previous knowledge test would involve asking
questions from children to test their previous knowledge. The purpose of previous
knowledge test is to relate the lesson of the day with previous knowledge of the
 Announcement of the Topic: The trainee teacher would announce the topic of
lesson in such a way that would arouse interests of the students.
 Presentation: Presentation of lesson would be in two parts: questions/activity
would be asked from students after every part for formative evaluation of the
lesson. During presentation, easy words should be used. The style of presentation
of lesson must be appropriate to age, background knowledge and mental level of
students. Formative evaluation will keep the lesson fresh in the minds of students.
 Recapitulation (Evaluation): Summative evaluation will be carried out at the end
of the lesson. It will be helpful to inform teacher about how much he/she is
successful in achieving the objectives of the lesson.
 Homework: The students must be assigned brief but interesting homework for
practicing the lesson of the day in more detail.

Sample lesson plans are given in appendix VII. The trainee teacher will teach, manage
and assess the students’ performance for three or more subjects in the 5th and 6th week of
teaching practicum. He/she will also keep the written record of lesson plans in his/her
portfolio. The portfolio will be evaluated at the end of teaching practicum.

9. Schedule of Teaching Practicum

A general plan of teaching practicum is given below. The tutor, cooperating teacher and
the trainee teacher must ensure to follow this plan.

Table 4: Schedule of Teaching Practicum

S/No Week Tasks to be Performed

1. Week 01  Awareness about school resources, school records,

community relationships, discipline procedures and
 Information about school system by interviewing a
school teacher and student(s)
2. Week 02  Working on tasks (lesson-planning, copy checking, test
development, guiding a group of students, invigilation
or paper-checking) assigned by school
administration/cooperating teacher
 Observing the teaching of school teacher for teacher-
student interaction and flow of lesson
3. Week 03  Co-teach lessons with a teacher of school for one
subject every day
4. Week 04  Assuming the responsibility for lesson planning
 Teaching and assessment of one subject (full lesson)
throughout the week
5. Week 05  Assuming the responsibility for lesson planning
 Teaching and assessment of three core subjects (full
lesson) throughout the week (Maths, Urdu, Science/
General Studies etc.)
6. Week 06  Continue to assume the responsibility for lesson
 Teaching and assessment of three core subjects (full
lesson) throughout the week while carrying out the
various teaching and nonteaching activities under the
supervision of cooperating teacher at the school

10. Final Lessons

At the end of the teaching practicum in school, the trainee teacher is required to prepare
two final lessons and present it before the panel of university examiners. The panel will
consist of tutor, supervisors and expert(s). The marks allocated to trainee teacher during
final lessons will add up in his/her final score for the course “Teaching Practice-II”.
Therefore, successful presentation of two final lessons is compulsory for a trainee teacher
to pass the course.

11. Criteria for Assessment of Lesson Plans and Presentation

The criteria for assessment of lesson plans and presentation is given below:

Criteria for Assessment and Feedback for a Written Lesson Plan

1) Preliminary section of a Lesson Plan: Name of trainee teacher, his/her roll number,
subject, topic, class, size of class (number of students in the school classroom), school
name, date of lesson teaching and duration of lesson (for example, 40 minutes)

2) Objectives of the Lesson: Clear & measurable lesson objectives and linked to objectives
of the course/subject

3) Introduction of the Lesson: Relevant to topic & students’ life

4) AV Aids: Appropriate for level of students, lesson and the subject

5) Teaching Method: Appropriate teaching method for the age-group of students and topic
of the lesson

6) Procedure of lesson presentation: Step-by-step description of lesson content with clarity.

Step wise explanation of class activity designed for students’ practice about the topic of
the lesson.

7) Recapitulation: Assessment technique for checking progress of students on lesson


8) Homework: Relevant to topic & real-life; it must address atleast application or higher
cognitive level.

Criteria for Assessment and Feedback for Presentation of Lesson Plan

1) Introduction: Presenter must introduce herself/himself before lesson presentation.

2) Objectives of the Lesson: Clear & measurable lesson objectives and linked to objectives
of the course/subject

3) Introduction of the Lesson: Relevant to topic & students’ life

4) Use of AV Aids: Appropriate for level of students, lesson and the subject

5) Teaching Method: Appropriate teaching method for the age-group of students and lesson

6) Presentation of lesson: Step-by-step presentation of lesson content with clarity and

students’ practice

7) Recapitulation: Assessment technique for checking progress of students on lesson


8) Time Management: Allocation of reasonable time to various components of a lesson

during presentation

9) Confidence: Confidence of trainee teacher during lesson presentation

10) Interaction with Audience/Students: Trainee teacher was interactive with

audience/students during his/her presentation.

School Management Practicum

{Developed by EPPSL Department}

{For Students with Specialization Courses in
“Leadership & Management”}

12. Final Presentation – Practicum Report
At the end of practicum, the trainee teacher will prepare a practicum report and present it
before the panel. The panel will consist of tutor, cooperating teacher and expert(s). The
marks allocated to the trainee teacher after assessing their practicum report and
presentation will be added up with their final scores for the course “Teaching Practice-
II”. Therefore, successful presentation of the practicum report is compulsory for a trainee
teacher to pass the course.

13. Making Field Notes and Journal

After completion of the seven days workshop student will go to respective selected
schools. They will actively participate in the school administration for six weeks. The
trainee teachers are required to maintain field notes journal for each day of the practicum.
The following guidelines should be considered while writing the journal. While making
the field notes journal students are advised to follow the Gibbs reflective model. Gibbs’
reflective cycle encourages you to think systematically about the phases of an experience
or activity, and you should use all the headings to structure your reflection. Gibbs'
reflective cycle can be very useful in making you think through all the phases of an
experience or activity.

During the practicum sessions in school the trainees should observe carefully the events
happening in their schools. Applying the Gibbs model they are required to prepare report
for all days they attended their respective selected school during the six weeks practicum.

14. The Practicum Report
Students are required to make a report of the practicum. The report should consist of 40
to 50 pages. The following are the details related to format of the report.

1. Title Page
The title page of the report will include:
Name of the organization
Name, ID, and session of the trainee teacher
Submission date of the practicum report
Name of the University
AIOU logo
2. Letter of Undertaking (sample will be provided)
3. Scanned copy of the practicum certificate (provided by the school where practicum
was conducted)
4. Dedication (Optional)
If you want to dedicate your work to someone, you may write the dedication note
under this section of your internship report.
5. Acknowledgement
In this section you acknowledge the help and support of all those who helped you
in completion of your practicum and the report e.g. tutor, supervisor, teachers,
principal, and your family members
6. Executive Summary
Executive summary previews every section of the report in a short form. It can be
called as micro image of the report. It helps the reader to get a quick glance at the
report before reading it in detail. Everything important that you have done,
discovered and concluded should be mentioned but briefly and concisely.
7. Table of contents
List the important headings and sub headings in the report with page numbers. Also
make a separate list of tables and figures in the table of contents if you have used any.
8. Overview of the Organization (word limit: min. 500 words)
 Brief history and Introduction of the school
9. Organizing the field note journals according to the following headings. They may
organize the field notes in chapters.
 Financial management of schools
 Physical resource management
 Personnel management
 Instructional supervision
 School development/improvement
 School Community
 Any other
10. Last chapter of the report will be Conclusion and plan of action. The students will
present plan of action to the panel of evaluators.

S/No. Student Name Phone Number Email Address


1. Program: B.Ed. (1.5 years)

2. Duration of the Workshop: 07 days
3. Name of the Institution(where Workshop was conducted) .........................................
4. Name of the Tutor .......................................................................................................
5. Qualification of the Tutor............................................................................................
6. Designation of the Tutor .............................................................................................
7. Name of the Supervisor ...............................................................................................
8. Qualification of the Supervisor ...................................................................................
9. Designation of the Supervisor .....................................................................................
10. Total Number of Students in Workshop .....................................................................
11. Number of Failure Students in Workshop...................................................................
12. Timings of the Workshop from............................ to ...................................................
13. Difficulties Faced During Workshop ..........................................................................
14. Suggestions for Improving Workshop ........................................................................

________________ ________________ ________________

Regional Director Tutor Supervisor

Final Final Total Marks
Name Workshop Portfolio
S/No. Roll No. Lesson I Lesson II (Obtained out
of Student (15 Marks) (25 Marks)
(30 Marks) (30 Marks) of 100)

* For students with specialization courses in “Leadership and Management”, practicum report will be assessed in place of
final lesson I and final Lesson II.


This form must be completed and submitted to the concerned Regional Office/Center of
the Allama Iqbal Open University for approval at least 04 weeks prior to the start of
teaching practicum.

Student Name:.......................................................................................................................

Registration No: ....................................................................................................................

Name & Address of School: .................................................................................................

Phone Number of School: .....................................................................................................

Principal/Head Teacher Name: .............................................................................................


Respected Head of the Institution,

Mr./Ms./Mrs. ___________________________________ is a student of B.Ed.

(1.5 years) under registration number_______________ in Allama Iqbal Open
University, Islamabad. He/she is needed to perform teaching practicum in the school as a
requirement of his/her degree program. Kindly facilitate him/her by providing this
opportunity in your institution.

Regional Center_______________,
AIOU, Islamabad.


Name of Trainee Teacher: ....................................................................................................

Roll No. of the Student: ........................................................................................................
Subject: .................................................................................................................................
Date: ......................................................................................................................................

Marks for Final Lesson (sum

S/No. Dimension Rubric Score
of Rubric Score/52  30)
1. Objectives
2. Introduction
3. Use of Technology/Av aids
4. Instructional Method
5. Procedure
6. Communication
7. Dealing with Student Diversity
Evaluation of Lesson
9. Closure
10. Questioning
11. Organization of Time
12. Monitoring Student Work
13. Professional write-up of Lesson


Supervisor ..................................................... Evaluator.................................................

Evaluator ....................................................... Tutor .......................................................


Name of the Teacher: Class: 6th

Subject: General Science No. of Students: 25
Duration of the Lesson: 30 min. Date: ..........................................
Topic of the Lesson: Our Environment

General Objectives: AT the end of this lesson, students would be able:

1. To know about the importance of environment.
2. To execute various steps for keeping environment clean.
3. To identify the importance of living organisms in the

Specific Objectives:
1. To define the term ‘environment’.
2. To enumerate the living and nonliving components of
3. To explain the relationship between the living beings of
the environment.
4. To exemplify the importance of various components of
environment for one another.

Teaching Method: Lecture-cum-inductive/deductive Method

AV Aids: Blackboard, Chalk, Textbook, Chart, Pictures of living and non-living things.

Previous Knowledge:
1. What is the difference between living and non-living
2. How many types of living beings are there?
3. What would be examples of non-living beings?
4. What do we obtain from the sun?(light & Energy)
5. What is the nature of light and energy?
6. Can we live without water?
7. What are the needs of living beings to live?
(Oxygen, water, food, a place to live)

Announcing the topic: Today, we are going to learn about “Our environment”.


Give two minutes to children to notice and tell various living and non-living beings in the
classroom and the school. Write down the names told by students on the blackboard (air,
water, soil, plants, trees, birds, light, sun, children etc.).

Are all these things present in our home? Yes, nearly at all places, the various living and
non-living make up environment together.


Now show a chart to students with the following main elements and pictures of living and
non-living beings.

Figure 1: Components of Environment

(Formative Evaluation) Question: What are the main components of environment?

Now tell about the importance of plants in the environment. Plants prepare food on which
other living beings depends. Plants are called producers. Now draw the diagram of food
chain and explain to students about the inter-dependence of various living beings on each
other. In the environment, energy travels from green plants to herbivores (animals eating
plants) then to carnivores (animals eating animals) and finally to omnivores (animals
who eat both plants and animals).

Now, explain the importance of green plants (producers) that they produce oxygen and
regulate the temperature of the environment. Also tell about the importance of water in
the environment for all the plants and animals that without it, life is impossible. Also
mention the importance of soil for the living beings in the environment.

 What benefits we get from plants? (Ask children to write it down on blackboard
when they speak about it)
 What are the sources of energy in the environment?
 What are the man-made sources of energy?

Summative Evaluation (Recapitulation)

1. What do you mean by environment?
2. Give some examples of natural elements.
3. Are we also included in natural elements of environment?
4. Is human being a producer or consumer?
5. Who are the producers? What do they do?
6. How carnivores (animals who eat other animals) are dependent on plants?

1. Arrange following living beings in the sequence of food chain.
Lion, Goat, Rabbit, Owl, Green plant
2. Write down benefits of light and heat from sun.
3. What benefits can be obtained if we grow more plants?

Appendix VI (B)

Appendix VII
General Guidelines for Trainee Teachers of 8608
1) It is the trainee teacher’s responsibility to check before submission that the
submitted work is correct and appropriate for the given requirements.
An examiner cannot give marks for a work that does not meet the
requirements of any component of teaching practice-II (CC: 8608). So, a
trainee teacher is requested to resolve these issues before submission date
for the relevant grading component of 8608.
2) If the work of course code 8608 submitted by a trainee teacher is found
plagiarized/similar or close to similar to the work submitted by another
past/present trainee teacher at any stage of the degree/semester, then s/he
will be marked as “fail”. Disciplinary action will be taken against such
cases according to the university rules.
3) No fresh work shall be accepted from trainee teachers for course 8608 after
the due date of a component.
4) 50% marks are required in each of the three components to
successfully pass Teaching Practice-II (CC: 8608).
5) If trainee teachers need guidance or have any question, then they can
contact with your group tutor/supervisor through email. Your email should
contain the question/issue faced along with your name, roll number and
course code. After sending the email, please wait for few hours/days for
your supervisor’s response.
6) In case, you did not receive any response/support from your group
supervisor through email, then you can send an email to the group
supervisor and the course coordinator Dr. Mubeshera Tufail on
mubeshera.tufail@aiou.edu.pk. Your email should contain the
question/issue faced along with your name, roll number and course code.
After sending the email, please wait for few hours/days for your
supervisor’s response.
7) In case, you face any issue regarding Teaching Practice-II (course code:
8608), support from your group supervisor and/or any other related issue,
you can directly contact the course coordinator through
mubeshera.tufail@aiou.edu.pk. Your email should contain the
question/issue faced along with your name, roll number, course code and
group number of 8608/screenshot of your 8608-course shell. Please contact
the course coordinator only if you did not receive a response from your
group supervisor.
Guidelines for Trainee Teachers About Result Related Queries
1) For a result-related problem, you can send an email to AIOU regional
office in your area about the detail of the request along with your name,
roll number, course code, and a screenshot of the result.
2) The result revision requests are entertained for 01 week after the result
announcement. After this time period, no request for result revision will be
entertained. Therefore, the trainee teachers are advised to immediately
report the result-related problem through email to AIOU regional office in
your area.
Note: Please make sure that you have typed the correct email address
before sending that email. The relevant email address can be found in
regional campuses on the university website aiou.edu.pk

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