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(03346545086 SIALKOT)

B.Ed (1.5-YEARS)

Teaching Practice-I

CODE No: 8607


(03346545086 SIALKOT)

Roll No: ...............................................

Registration No: .................................

Marks Attendance Field Notes Total
10 40 50 100

Signature of Examiner

(All rights Reserved with the Publisher)

First Printing ...................................... 2017

Quantity.............................................. 500
Printing Coordinator .......................... Management Committee for PPU
Printer................................................. Allama Iqbal Open University
Publisher ............................................ Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad

(03346545086 SIALKOT)

Prof Dr. Nasir Mahmood
Early Childhood Education and Elementary
Teacher Education Department

Course Development Coordinator:

Dr. Fazal ur Rahman
Associate Professor

Members: 1. Dr. Muhammad Athar Hussain

Assistant Professor

3. Dr. Rehmatullah Bhatti

Assistant Professor

4. Ms Mubeshera Tufail

Editor: Miss Humera Ejaz

Designer: Mrs Nasira Aqeel

Composing: Asrar ul Haque Malik


1. Course Description............................................................................. 1

2. Course Learning Outcomes................................................................ 1

3. Teaching Practice I ............................................................................ 1

4. Classroom Observation Report Guidelines ........................................ 3

5. Scoring Guide for Practicum ............................................................. 5

6. Schedule of Workshop ....................................................................... 6

7. Student Teacher Responsibilities ....................................................... 7

8. Practicum Teaching Site Approval Form .......................................... 8

9. Parents/Guardians Permission Form .................................................. 9

10. Authorization Form ............................................................................ 10

11. Sample Observation Report ............................................................... 11

12. References .......................................................................................... 16

13. Observation Form .............................................................................. 17

14. Field Notes ......................................................................................... 19

15. Classroom Observation Report 1 ....................................................... 33

16. Classroom Observation Report 2 ....................................................... 38

Course Description
This course is a supervised experience in working with children in a classroom setting.
Observation and evaluation of classroom experiences, learning environment and
classroom management will be emphasized to develop observational skill of prospective
teachers. The prospective teachers will be evaluated by the mentor teacher in the
classroom, as well as in school. This course will require 42 hours in a practicum

site/school. The practicum site and mentor teacher must be approved by the department at
least 4 weeks prior to starting the practicum experience.

Course Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course, the trainee teachers will be able to:
 Observe and evaluate classroom experiences.
 Make observation of school activities/classroom observation
 Write anecdotal record
 Make observation checklist
 Prepare field notes
 Prepare observation report

TEACHING PRACTICE I (3 Credit hours)

This segment consists of:

i. Workshop (three days)

ii. School visits/internship (Two weeks)
iii. Field notes & 2 Observation reports

i. Workshop (Three Days)

A three days workshop is a mandatory part of teaching practice I. Workshop will be conducted
before field observation in the school/classroom. The workshop includes components

Purpose of school visits

Ethics of the activity/internship
Pre-observation guide
Observation checklist
Techniques for observation in school
observation in school classroom
Preparing field notes
Some Practical issues of teaching/learning/school & classroom management

ii. School visits/Internship:

Two weeks internship in a school (3 hours/day) is mandatory for each trainee teacher.
This is a field based experience. This offers the opportunities for trainee teacher to work
in a professional setting related to their specialization courses. This component has
practical application but it also have intellectual content. The trainee teacher will arrange
this component with the support of regional offices of AIOU. The trainee teacher will be
supervised by some teacher (mentor) in the school. It will be the responsibility of the
trainee teacher taking consent from a teacher to serve as his/her mentor.

iii. Field notes & 2 Observation reports

The trainee teacher will observe the lessons taught by a teacher in the classroom for
observing teacher-student interaction and flow of the lesson in the class. Sample

observations are given in the appendix. The trainee teacher will keep a written record of
classroom observation in his/her professional portfolio.

The trainee teacher will observe different aspect/activities of school/classroom. It may

include school observation, teacher observation, student observation, observation in
library/laboratory/school assembly, school leadership, professional climate, instructional
practices, observing different types of records, observation of physical resources,
classroom environment/teaching aids etc.

Each day, the trainee teacher will record reflective notes about his/her observation in the
note book provided with manual. Reflection involves paying attention and thinking about
an action/event. Reflective journal is a written record of daily reflection written by the
trainee teacher to:
 Think and learn from past
 Assessing what I am now
 Improving present and future on the basis of lessons learnt from reflection

Daily reflections may include one or all of the following activities in the
 Observation by the trainee teacher
 Activities which were run by the trainee teacher
 Achievements of the trainee teacher in the school
 Areas in which trainee teacher needs to do learn more
 Areas in which trainee teacher needs help from supervisor/cooperating teacher
 Major goal (target) of trainee teacher in future during teaching practicum

A sample of reflective journal is given in appendix. While writing a reflective journal, a

prospective teacher may ask following questions from himself/herself:
 What had happened today?
 Why had it happened so?
 What were my feelings during that experience/event? Why did I feel that way?
 What were my thoughts during that experience/event? Why did I think that way?
 What can be done in future to avoid/improve it?
 What accomplishment did I want to achieve today?
 What accomplishment did I want to achieve today but I could not?
 What was the reason behind my failure to reach today’s goal? What can be done in future to
avoid this failure?
 What did I set out to teach today? Was I able to accomplish your goals?
 What teaching materials did I use? How effective they were?
 What kind of teacher-student interaction occurred during the class? How can it be made
more effective in future?
 Did I deliver my lesson smoothly today?
 What problems did I face today during teaching? How it can be solved?
 Which parts of the lesson were more successful during teaching? What was the reason
behind its success?
 Would I teach in the same way if I had to teach the topic again?

He/she will then submit it to the mentor for comments. Each trainee teacher will also
prepare two observation reports as per guidelines for onward submission to the
department for evaluation through respective regional office.

The student will submit a certificate of teaching practice dully signed by the concerned
school principal/Head. The prospective teacher will also submit field notes with

comments of the mentor along with two observation reports on observations sheets
provided in the manual.

School/Classroom Observation Report Guidelines:

In this segment of practicum, the prospective teachers are required to observe school/
classroom. Before observation, it is desirable to contact the school to arrange a time to
observe a class activity from the beginning to the end. After the observation, the
prospective teachers must submit a report of the observation. Prepare observation report
as per following format:

Please use below headings/subheadings in your report.

1. Background information: Include all general information about the school/children

like type of school, age, number and gender of the children, date, place, time, etc.
2. Map of the classroom: Draw the classroom layout, to give a clear picture of the
physical environment of the classroom, e.g., tables, chairs, bulletin boards, white
board, charts, cupboard etc.
3. Nature of activity /Group of children: When you observe the class, how the activity
was done? (Individual, small groups, or a whole class) If students were working in
groups, state how many children were in the group.
4. Day Schedule: Record the whole schedule of the day with times and activities.
Indicate on the schedule when you were there by underlining or boldfacing the line.

5. Teacher and Child/Children Interaction: Report how the teacher interacts with the
children. Describe what you see with actual examples. Do not use your thoughts or
opinions. You also include interview of the concerned teacher and student as well.
Also give implications of your findings.
6. Description and Interpretation: Report on your overall opinions, what you think
about your observation, with examples. Interpret your observation as well as
interview, if any.
7. Suggestions

Also, give some suggestions to improve the children’s learning experience in that

S/No Components Marks allocated
1. Daily field notes 40
2. Classroom observation reports 50
3. Attendance in Workshop 10
Total marks 100
Pass percentage 50%

Workshop attendance
Marks distribution
95 % & above 10 marks
90-94% 09 marks
85-89% 08 marks
80-84% 07 marks
Below 80% Does not

The prospective teacher has to pass each component of the practicum separately. In case
of failure in any component, the student has to take fresh admission in the teaching
Practice I.

Day Topic/Activity Supervise by
Session i Registration/Introduction Coordinator
Session ii Purpose of school visits Resource Person
Session iii Ethics of the activity Resource Person
Session iv Pre-observation guide Resource Person
Day 2
Session i Observation Resource Person
Session ii Observation checklist Resource Person
Session iii Techniques for observation in school Resource Person
Session iv Practical activity Resource Person
Day 3
Session i observation in school classroom Resource Person
Session ii Anecdotal Record Resource Person
Session iii Preparing field notes Resource Person
Session iv Some Practical issues of teaching/learning/school & classroom Resource Person

For academic assistance, please contact

Dr Fazal ur Rahman
Associate Professor/Course coordinator
Department of Early Childhood Education & Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty
of Education
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Tel 051-9057268


 Observe professional discretion and confidentiality with children, families, and

 Arrive on time during teaching practice.
 Complete 3 hours of onsite participation each day over the course during teaching
practice I.
 Call early in the morning if sick. Be sure to reschedule the hours during teaching
practice I.
 Dress with a professional appearance.
 Work with a positive attitude, enthusiasm, and appropriate sense of humor.
 Stay calm in tense situations.
 Practice good health, hygiene, and safety standards.
 Show flexibility with tasks and schedules.
 Communicate directly to the head of school if a concern arises.
 Don’t hesitate to ask questions from your mentor. Remember you are learning.


The prospective teacher is responsible for finding his/her own practicum-teaching site.
This site can be the prospective teachers’ current place of employment. If the prospective
teacher is not currently working in a school he/she must find an appropriate site/school
that will allow them to volunteer. Prospective teachers sites can be public/private school.

This form must be completed and submitted with the manual.

Name of trainee teacher: .......................................................................................................

Name and Address of School:...............................................................................................
Mentor teacher’s name:.........................................................................................................
Mentor signature: ..................................................................................................................
Phone Number of school:......................................................................................................
Principal/Head Teacher Name: .............................................................................................

Signature & Stamp of Principal/Head Teacher

Parent/Guardian Permission Form
(This form is needed only for video recording)

Dear Parent/Guardian:
I am enrolled in B.Ed teacher Education preparation course at AIOU and am required to
participate in a fieldwork experience in your son/daughter’s classroom. One of the
primary purposes of this requirement is to improve prospective teachers’ observation skill
and socialization.
This assessment requires:
 Samples of student work as evidence of the quality of my teaching practice. These
students work samples may include some of your child’s work.
 2-10 minute video of lessons taught in classroom by a schoolteacher or any other
activity related to classroom/school. The video is to be submitted to the Early
Childhood Education & Elementary Teacher Education Department, AIOU,

Although the videos will show both the teacher and various students, the primary focus is
on the teacher’s instruction, not on the students in the class. In the course of taping, your
child may appear on the video. No students’ names will appear on any materials that are

Along videotaping, observations of the classroom will also be conducted. The focus of
the classroom observations will be children of the classroom. If you consent to your
son/daughter working with me as I complete this fieldwork please carefully read, then
complete and return the attached Practicum Permission Form to the undersigned


(Principal/School Head Teacher Signature)


Student Name:.......................................................................................................................
School/Class: ........................................................................................................................

I am the parent/legal guardian of the child named above. I have received and read your
letter regarding the Practicum student fieldwork requirements, and agree to the following:
(Please check the appropriate box below.)
I do give permission to include my child’s image on video/pictures as he or she
participates in a class conducted at ________________________________ (Name of

by _____________________________ (Teacher-Candidate’s Name) and/or to reproduce

materials that my child may produce as part of classroom activities. I understand that no
first or last names will appear on any materials submitted by the trainee teacher to her/his
teacher preparation program.

I do give permission to record video of my child or to reproduce materials that my child

may produce as part of classroom activities.

Signature of Parent or Guardian


___________________________ _______________

Name: ( )

Sample Observation Report 1

Name of the Trainee: ............................................................................................................

Name of the school: ..............................................................................................................
Name of the class teacher: ....................................................................................................
Date & Time: ........................................................................................................................

Observation of Teaching for Rules/Routines/Procedures

What evidences are there of rules, routines or procedures in the classroom?

For example,

Rule: Raise your hand to answer question.

Routine: Homework must be submitted to teacher for
checking before studying next lesson.
Procedure: An activity that requires clear
instructions during the class.

Rules Routines Procedures

Other Issues that you consider related to rules/routines/procedures and noted:


Sample Observation Report 2

Observation of Teaching for teacher’s Responses to Students’ Comments

Name of the Trainee: ............................................................................................................

Name of the school: ..............................................................................................................
Name of the class teacher: ....................................................................................................
Date & Time: ........................................................................................................................

Note down the positive, neutral or negative statements that teacher uses in response to
students’ comments.

For example, “Good”, “Excellent”, “No, thats not the right answer”, “Anyone else?”,
“No, not even close to the right answer”

Positive Statements Neutral Statements Negative Statements

Other Issues that you consider related to teacher’s responses to students’ comments and


Sample Observation Report

Name of Trainee Teacher: ....................................................................................................

Name of school: ....................................................................................................................
Name of class: .......................................................................................................................
Name of class teacher: ..........................................................................................................
Date & Time: ........................................................................................................................

Below is a report I wrote while observing a classroom at Allied school Rawalpindi.


The following report will examine all the elements of a classroom that I will observed in
Mrs. Fouzia class. I will discuss the classroom environment, the school, the student’s
participation, and the teacher’s overall effectiveness. I will then talk about how much the
experience had an impact on my aspiration to teach.

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation
For my teacher observation, I chose to go back to my roots and observe in a classroom at
Allied school in Rawalpindi. The school as a whole is rather large and has around 600
students and over 30 teachers thus creating a stable student-to-teacher ratio. Since my
area of interest is Elementary education, I chose to observe an elementary classroom.

All of my observation hours were spent observing Mrs. Fouzia’s classroom. After
walking into the classroom, you immediately feel welcome. On the floor is a doormat full
of colour. The rug says welcome and makes you feel just that. On the walls there are a
number of pictures encouraging learning. There are pictures of colours, shapes, letters,
animals, numbers, objects and much more. There are pictures of animals at desks and
animals writing and reading. This is supposed to provide a fun twist on learning for the
students. I also noticed that there was a schedule on the board showing the allocated time
for each subject and a calendar with the current and previous days dates flipped over.
Also on the board is a “discipline tracker” as she calls it. It consisted of 3 plates; one red,
one yellow, and one green. This will be explained later. The room was also divided into 3
spaces: the teacher’s desk, the student’s desks, and the reading corner. Overall, the
classroom environment was very homey.

I have chosen to discuss two of Mrs. Fouzia’s lessons that combined, covered a two hour
interval. She started the class every morning with her reading lesson. Mrs. Fouzia walked
over to her chair, sat down and called the children over and told them to all sit as “Indian
Style”. After every child was seated with their hands in their lap, Mrs. Fouzia began
explaining what story she would be reading to the class that morning. As she read, she
used group alerting by periodically asking the students questions pertaining to the
character or words in the story. Such as “which words rhyme in this sentence?” or “what
is the feeling word?” This made the engaged time with the students last longer since they
knew they would be asked to answer.

After reading the lesson, she would then tell the kids to disperse into their groups and tell

them what corners to go to. Mrs. Fouzia later explained that the kids were grouped based
on their scores from a test given at the beginning of the year. This way, she knew she
would have to work longer with a certain group or not as long with another based on how
much they previously knew. The kids then either went to the computer corner, the
teacher’s aide, or to work with Mrs. Fouzia. At each corner the children worked on word
identification, reading, phonics and spelling. The children who needed help more worked
with Mrs. Fouzia longer on worksheets and activities while the others worked at various

While Mrs. Fouzia was teaching the individual groups, I noticed how often she would
have to take time away from her teaching to discipline the other kids. It seemed almost
ridiculous how often she would have to stop to make sure nobody was talking, being
disruptive, or not doing their work. I felt upset for those kids who wanted to learn but
couldn’t because Mrs. Fouzia was playing policeman. This showed me how much time
really goes into non-instructional activities. If any of the disruptions ever got out of
control beyond a warning, then she would use the “discipline tracker”. She would move a
clothespin with the students name from green to yellow. This meant that student didn’t
get a sticker at the end of the day. Although this seems petty to an adult, that sticker
meant the world to the child and the student’s behaviour automatically improved. I had to
praise Mrs. Fouzia on this. I thought it was an innovative way of teaching the student’s
good behavior through a reward system.

The school environment was very clean and well maintained. When I left the Fifth grade
in 2000, the school was newly built and in pristine condition. Eight years later, it is still in
excellent shape and has no signs of vandalism, gum on the ground, or stains on the
carpet. The bathrooms were also spotless. Any visitor would feel comfortable using the
facilities and would not be reminded of how many 5-10 year olds use them as well.

Every room and sidewalk was handicap accessible and everything was quite easy to get
into for the students. From what I saw just by walking by, it appeared that there was at
least one computer in every classroom. There was also a computer lab that had twenty to
thirty computers and a few computers in the library. The school as a whole and each
individual classroom seemed technologically up to date and made sure to incorporate the
use of a computer in their learning. The school seems to be quickly expanding to
accommodate incoming students as there just been a new two story building added in the
back for additional classrooms. The staff and students alike seem to really enjoy the
school and the environment around them. There is no better place to learn than
somewhere you are comfortable.
Part II: Reflection
I believe that overall, this was a great experience. I honestly could not have been happier
with how well my observation of Mrs. Fouzia’s classroom went. I would strongly
recommend her to any interested student looking for somewhere to learn the ways of
teaching. Not only she was strong academically, but also you could tell she had an
intense passion for making sure each and every one of her students learned at least
something in class every day. Not only she was strong, but patient as well. Having fifteen
kids running around a room cannot be easy for anyone, yet she handled it with grace and

I picked up so many teaching methods while observing Mrs. Fouzia. I loved how she had
little note cards with each student’s name and would flip from card to card after each
question, giving every student a chance to participate and ensuring participation. She also
had a different student every morning to lead the morning exercise. She later explained

that this was to wake the kids up and get their blood going in preparation for learning. I
thought this was a unique and clever way to keep the kids active and ready for their day
ahead. So many of the things Mrs. Fouzia did in her classroom showed her enthusiasm to

I loved the environment of school. As I walked down, whether coming or leaving, a

member of the staff always smiled or said good morning, and meant it. The students had
smiles on their faces and it was clear that they loved coming to school every morning.

This experience has truly opened my eyes and made me realize that teaching really is
what I would like to do for the rest of my life. To see children, finally have something
click in their heads or smile, when you tell them they answered the question correctly
makes all the hard times worth it. Although I’m sure, it will be a lot of work, I have no
doubt in my mind that molding young minds is the right path for me.


Browne, K.W. and Gordon, A.M. (2009). To Teach Well: An Early Childhood Practicum
Guide. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Machado, J. and Botnarescue, H. (2008). Student teaching: Early childhood practicum

guide. (6th ed.) Belmont, CA: Delmar, Cengage Learning.

Ministry of Education. (2009). Teachers guide for Early Childhood Education. Author.

Venn, J. J. (2000). Assessing students with special needs (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Merrill.

Classroom Observation Form

Class teacher: ....................................................... Course: ................................................
Grade:................................................................... No of students......................................
Observer: ...............................................................................................................................
............................................................................. Time: ...................................................

Component Comments/Notes
(shows good command and knowledge of subject
matter; demonstrates breadth and depth of
(organizes subject matter; evidences preparation;
is thorough; states clear objectives; emphasizes
and summarizes main points, meets class at
scheduled time, regularly monitors course)
(holds interest of students; is respectful, fair, and
impartial; provides feedback, encourages
participation; interacts with students, shows
(uses relevant teaching methods, aids, materials,
techniques, and technology; includes variety,
balance, imagination, group involvement; uses
examples that are simple, clear, precise, and
appropriate; stays focused on and meets stated
(Establishes classroom environment conducive to
learning; maintains eye contact; uses a clear
voice, strong projection, proper enunciation, and
standard Urdu/English)
(uses time wisely; attends to course interaction;
demonstrates leadership ability; maintains
discipline and control; maintains effective
classroom management)
(exhibits sensitivity to students' personal culture,
gender differences and disabilities, responds
appropriately in a non-threatening, pro-active
learning environment)
(evidences self-confidence; maintains
professional comportment and appearance)
(State location and physical attributes of
classroom, number of students in attendance,
layout of room, distractions if any; list any
observations of how physical aspects affected

content delivery)

Strengths observed:

Suggestions for improvement:

Overall impression of teaching effectiveness:

Field Notes
School Name

Day 1: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 2: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 3: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 4: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 5: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 6: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 7: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 8: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 9: .......................................................................... Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 10: ........................................................................ Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 11: ........................................................................ Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 12: ........................................................................ Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 13: ........................................................................ Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Field Notes
School Name

Day 14: ........................................................................ Date: ...........................................................

Reflective note

Mentor’s Comments:


Classroom Observation Report 1

School Name

Class Teacher: .....................................................................................................................................

Course: ................................................................................................................................................
Grade: ..................................................................................................................................................
No of Students: ....................................................................................................................................
Observer: .............................................................................................................................................
Date & Time: .......................................................................................................................................

Reflective Note






Classroom Observation Report 2

School Name

Class Teacher: .....................................................................................................................................

Course: ................................................................................................................................................
Grade: ..................................................................................................................................................
No of Students: ....................................................................................................................................
Observer: .............................................................................................................................................
Date & Time: .......................................................................................................................................

Reflective Note








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