Weaknesses of Parle
Weaknesses of Parle
Weaknesses of Parle
Strengths of Parle
Strengths are internal factors of a company that empowers it and contributes to its growth.
Supply Chain – Parle has a large supply chain. Parle products can be seen in every regional area of
India. Without any doubt, Parle is the most widely distributed Indian biscuit brand. this is the
strongest advantage for Parle-G because it is the largest sold biscuit brand in the largest market for
Strong Presence in Rural Markets – In 2014, Parle was ranked 48th in all Indian Brands. It is the most
trustable brand in the eyes of people.
Affordable Prices – Parle has 5 rupees packets also. Poor people find it affordable to add it to their
breakfast. It even has the small 2 rupes packaging.
2. Weaknesses of Parle
Weaknesses are factors pulling back the success of a company. Let’s look at some of the weaknesses
of Parle.
Dependent on the Parle-G Brand for its Revenue– Parle-G is the single revenue generator premium
biscuit range on parle limited. Its other snacks and Candies don’t have such likeability among its
Same Taste and Products – Similar Products produced by the companies like Glucose Biscuits, Mango
Bite, Candies. Nothing new products are being launched by the company for a very long time. Even
the taste of exiting products is getting deteriorated day by day.
Many Competitors in the Segment – There are many Domestic brands to compete with the parle
brands. The supply chain of parle is affected by regional products. And new Bakery products the
major competition of the parle.
3. Opportunities of Parle
Opportunities are external factors that can contribute to the growth of the company if identified and
grabbed at the right time.
Launching New Products in Health Sectors– Parle is spreading its wings and launching innovative
products in health sectors. Parle has a share in pharmaceutical companies. And collaborating with
hospitals and famous doctors.
Export Potential – Parle G is exported to SAARC countries & to US, UK, and Europe as well as to parts
of Africa. Thus, the export segment of the brand is very strong too.
Rise in Purchasing Power of Consumers– Parle is a company that tends to maintain quality while
keeping the price low. And increasing purchasing power of customers leads to a high supply of
4. Threats of Parle
Threats are potential harms that can affect the company and can cause losses. Some of the threats
for Parle are.
Bakery Products – Bakeries are regionally located and are a major commission to every snack and
biscuit company. Due to the low prices and reduction of taxes, it’s aiming towards the be the part of
every kitchen.
Substitutionary Products – Parle-G biscuits are majorly used as the morning snack in every typical
Indian family. But with the increase in the demand for other snacks like Toast, Sandwiches, Rusk, the
demand for parle biscuits eventually decreased.
Increasing Raw Material Prices – Raw Materials are a basic subsidiary of any product. Like Wheat,
Sugar, some other ingredients are increasing in demand and prices keep on fluctuating and because
of that prices of the products also increase.