Final Exam Review WAVE 1528318407509 TC
Final Exam Review WAVE 1528318407509 TC
Final Exam Review WAVE 1528318407509 TC
Waves Name
Multiple choice
A) 1 m B) 2 m C) 3 m D) 0.5 m
2. The diagram below shows two points, A and B, on a
wave train.
Base your answers to questions 4 and 5 on the diagram below, which represents a transverse wave.
6. The amplitude of the wave shown below represented 8. The diagram below shows a transverse pulse moving
by the distance between points to the right in a string.
12. Base your answer to the following question on the accompanying diagram which represents a sound
wave and its corresponding pattern on an oscilloscope screen.
21. The diagram below represents a wave. 24. The diagram below shows a vibrating source moving
at a constant speed producing the wave pattern
C) D)
30. A single vibratory disturbance that moves from point 31. The diagram below shows a wave phenomenon.
to point in a medium is called a
A) period B) periodic wave
C) wavelength D) pulse
32. A student listens to music from a speaker in an 35. What is the frequency of a light wave with a
adjoining room, as represented in the diagram wavelength of 6.0 × 10 –7 meter traveling through
below. space?
A) 2.0 × 10 –15 Hz B) 5.0 × 10 1 Hz
C) 1.8 × 10 14 Hz D) 5.0 × 10 14 Hz
36. Which formula represents a constant for light waves
of different frequencies in a vacuum?
A) B) C) D)
42. Only the wave theory of light offers an explanation 49. Electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength of
for the ability of light to exhibit 1.3 × 10–7 meter would be classified as
A) interference A) infrared B) orange
B) reflection C) blue D) ultraviolet
C) photoelectric emission 50. To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum will a
D) intensity of radiation photon belong if its wavelength in a vacuum is
43. Which phenomenon can not be exhibited by meters?
longitudinal waves? A) X-ray B) ultraviolet
A) reflection B) refraction C) visible light D) infrared
C) diffraction D) polarization 51. When electrical charges are accelerated in a vacuum,
44. The diagram below shows sunglasses being used to they may generate
eliminate glare. A) sound waves B) water waves
C) light waves D) torsional waves
52. Which is a source of electromagnetic radiation?
A) a neutron at constant velocity
B) a neutron accelerating
C) a proton at constant velocity
Which phenomenon of light is represented in the
D) a proton accelerating
53. Electromagnetic radiation may be generated by
A) dispersion B) diffraction
C) internal reflection D) polarization A) neutrons moving with constant velocity
B) electrons moving with constant velocity
45. Which is a characteristic of light produced by a
monochromatic light source? C) accelerating neutrons
D) accelerating electrons
A) It can be dispersed by a prism.
54. As a lamp is moved twice as far away from a book,
B) It is a longitudinal wave.
the amount of illumination on the book
C) Its frequency is constantly changing.
D) It can be polarized. A) is reduced to one half the original illumination
B) is twice as much as the original illumination
46. Sources that produce waves with a constant phase
relation are said to be C) remains the same
D) is reduced to one fourth the original
A) polarized B) diffused illumination
C) refracted D) coherent
55. As a lamp is moved closer to a surface, the
47. Only coherent wave sources produce waves that illumination on that surface from the lamp will
A) are the same in frequency A) decrease B) increase
B) have the same speed C) remain the same
C) have a constant phase relation
56. A book is held two feet from a lamp. The book is
D) are polarized in the same plane then moved so that it is one foot from the lamp. The
48. The color of visible light is determined by its illumination on the book will now be
A) frequency B) amplitude A) unchanged
C) intensity D) speed B) twice as much
C) one-half as much
D) four times as much
Which diagram best represents the resultant displacement of the medium as the pulses pass through
each other?
A) B)
C) D)
60. Which two points on the wave shown in the diagram 63. Maximum constructive interference will occur at
below are in phase with each other? points where the phase difference between two
waves is
A) 0° B) 90° C) 180° D) 270°
64. The diagram below represents a wave moving
toward the right side of this page.
C) D)
68. The diagram below represents a light ray reflecting 72. The diagram below represents a light ray being
from a plane mirror. reflected from a plane mirror. The angle between the
incident ray and the reflected ray is 70.
A) 10 B) 40 C) 50 D) 100
74. The diagram below represents a standing wave.
75. Wave X travels eastward with frequency f and 80. While playing, two children create a standing wave
amplitude A. Wave Y, traveling in the same medium, in a rope, as shown in the diagram below. A third
interacts with wave X and produces a standing wave. child participates by jumping the rope.
Which statement about wave Y is correct?
A) Wave Y must have a frequency of f, an
amplitude of A, and be traveling eastward.
B) Wave Y must have a frequency of 2f, an
amplitude of 3A, and be traveling eastward.
C) Wave Y must have a frequency of 3f, an
amplitude of 2A, and be traveling westward.
D) Wave Y must have a frequency of f, an What is the wavelength of this standing wave?
amplitude of A, and be traveling westward. A) 2.15 m B) 4.30 m
76. How many nodes are represented in the standing C) 6.45 m D) 8.60 m
wave diagram below? 81. When the stretched string of the apparatus
represented below is made to vibrate, point P does
not move.
90. When a ray of light strikes a mirror perpendicular to 94. A ray is reflected from a surface as shown in the
its surface, the angle of reflection is diagram below. Which letter represents the angle of
A) 0° B) 45° C) 60° D) 90°
91. The diagram below represents a view from above of
a tank of water in which parallel wave fronts are
traveling toward a barrier.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
Base your answers to questions 95 and 96 on the
information and diagram below and on your
knowledge of physics.
97. The diagram below shows a ray of light being 101. When light rays from an object are incident upon
reflected from a plane mirror. Which letter indicates an opaque, rough-textured surface, no reflected
the angle of reflection? image of the object can be seen. This phenomenon
occurs because of
A) regular reflection
B) diffuse reflection
C) reflected angles not being equal to incident
D) reflected angles not being equal to refracted
A) A B) B C) C D) D 102. When a student looks into a plane mirror, she sees a
virtual image of herself. However, when she looks
98. What is the angle of incidence of the light ray shown into a sheet of paper, no such image forms. Which
below? light phenomenon occurs at the surface of the
A) regular reflection B) diffuse reflection
C) polarization D) resonance
103. Which diagram best represents the reflection of 106. The behavior of the light incident upon this page
light from an irregular surface? best illustrates the phenomenon of
A) A) diffraction B) refraction
C) regular reflection D) diffuse reflection
107. Which will generally occur when a pulse reaches a
boundary between two different media?
A) The entire pulse will be reflected.
B) The entire pulse will be absorbed.
B) C) The entire pulse will be transmitted.
D) Part of the pulse will be transmitted and
part will be reflected.
108. When a pulse traveling in a medium strikes the
boundary of a different medium, the energy of the
pulse will be
C) D)
After the ray leaves the prism, it will most likely pass through point
A) A B) B C) C D) D
112. A pencil appears to be bent at a point where it
enters the water in a beaker. This phenomenon is
A) refraction B) reflection
C) dispersion D) rarefaction
113. In the diagram below, a ray of light enters a glass 118. As a wave enters a medium of higher refractive
block from air. Which path best indicates the index, its wavelength
direction of the refracted light ray?
A) decreases B) increases
C) remains the same
119. As a periodic wave travels from one medium to
another, which pair of the wave's characteristics do
not change?
A) period and frequency
B) period and amplitude
C) frequency and velocity
D) amplitude and wavelength
120. A beam of monochromatic red light passes
obliquely from air into water. Which characteristic
of the light does not change?
A) A B) B C) C D) D
A) direction B) velocity
114. Light is focused by a lens due to the phenomenon
C) frequency D) wavelength
121. The speed of light in water is closest to the speed of
A) diffraction B) magnification light in
C) refraction D) reflection
A) a vacuum
115. Which ray diagram best represents the phenomenon
B) lucite
of refraction?
C) carbon tetrachloride
A) B) D) alcohol
122. As a wave travels into a different medium with a
change in direction, there will be a change in the
A) speed B) frequency
C) D) C) period D) phase
123. If the critical angle of glass is 45°, the light rays,
shown in the diagram will be
Base your answers to questions 124 through 126 on 128. In the diagram below, a monochromatic light ray is
the diagram below. The diagram shows two light rays passing from medium A into medium B. The angle
originating from source S in medium y. The dashed of incidence q is varied by moving the light source
line represents a normal to each surface. S.
131. As shown in the diagram below, a beam of light can 137. Which optical medium would have the smallest
pass through the length of a curved glass fiber. critical angle ( c) in the situation shown in the
140. In a certain material, a beam of monochromatic Base your answers to questions 146 and 147 on
light (f = 5.09 × 1014 hertz) has a speed of 2.25 × 10 the diagram below which represents a ray of light
8 meters per second. The material could be moving from air through substance B, through
substance C, and back into air. The surfaces of
A) crown glass B) flint glass
substances B and C are parallel.
C) glycerol D) water
141. When a wave goes from a medium of higher
refractive index to one of lower refractive index, its
A) decreases B) increases
C) remains the same
142. A beam of monochromatic light travels through
flint glass, crown glass, Lucite, and water. The
speed of the light beam is slowest in
A) flint glass B) crown glass
C) Lucite D) water
143. The speed of light in a piece of plastic is 2.00 × 108 146. At the boundary between substance C and air what
meters per second. What is the absolute index of is the sine of the critical angle?
refraction of this plastic? A) 0.866 B) 0.707
A) 1.00 B) 0.670 C) 0.667 D) 0.500
C) 1.33 D) 1.50 147. Compared to the wavelength of the light in air, the
144. A beam of light crosses a boundary between two wavelength of the light in substance C is
different media. Refraction can occur if A) shorter B) longer
A) the angle of incidence is 0º C) the same
B) there is no change in the speed of the wave
C) the media have different indices of 148. A ray of monochromatic light (Wavelength = 5.9 x
refraction 10 –7 meter) traveling in air is incident on an
D) all of the light is reflected interface with a liquid at an angle of 45, as shown
in the diagram below.
145. When a wave enters a medium of higher refractive
index, its velocity
A) decreases B) increases
C) remains the same
153. The diagram below shows a ray of light passing 157. In the diagram below, a ray of light enters a
from medium X into air. transparent medium from air. If angle X is 45° and
angle Y is 30°, what is the absolute index of
refraction of the medium?
155. A light ray passes from air into glass as shown in 159. The apparent speed of light is least in
the diagram below. A) Canada balsam B) lucite
C) diamond D) alcohol
160. The speed of a ray of light traveling through a
substance having an absolute index of refraction of
1.1 is
A) 1.1 × 10 8 m/s B) 2.7 × 10 8 m/s
C) 3.0 × 10 8 m/s D) 3.3 × 10 8 m/s
Which relationship represents the index of 161. If the speed of light in a vacuum is C then the
refraction of the glass? speed of light in a medium with an index of
refraction of 2 will be
A) B) C) D)
A) B) 2C C) D) 4C
156. A beam of monochromatic light (l = 5.9 × 10 –7
meter) crosses a boundary from air into Lucite at
an angle of incidence of 45º. The angle of
refraction is approximately
A) 63º B) 56º C) 37º D) 28º
162. In the diagram below, monochromatic light (l = 5.9 167. Base your answer to the following question on
10 –7 meter) in air is about to travel through crown the diagram below which represents a ray of yellow
glass, water, and diamond. light (l = 5.9 × 10 –7 meter in air) passing from air
into Lucite. Angle 1 is 45°.
Base your answers to questions 168 through 170 on Base your answers to questions 171 and 172 on the
the diagram below which represents two media with information and diagram below.
parallel surfaces in air and a ray of light passing
through them. A converging lens has a focal length of 0.080
meter. A light ray travels from the object to the
lens parallel to the principal axis.
175. An electric bell connected to a battery is sealed 179. A person sees a bolt of lightning and then hears the
inside a large jar. What happens as the air is thunder 4 seconds later. If the air temperature is
removed from the jar? 20ºC, approximately how far away was the
A) The electric circuit stops working because
electromagnetic radiation can not travel A) 86 m B) 344 m
through a vacuum. C) 1,376 m D) 6,880 m
B) The bell’s pitch decreases because the 180. A sound wave has a wavelength of 2 meters and a
frequency of the sound waves is lower in a frequency of 100 cycles per second. The speed of
vacuum than in air. the wave is
C) The bell’s loudness increases because of
decreased air resistance. A) 0.02 m/s B) 50 m/s
D) The bell’s loudness decreases because C) 100 m/s D) 200 m/s
sound waves can not travel through a 181. Resonance occurs when one vibrating object
vacuum. transfers energy to a second object causing it to
176. A term often used to describe the frequency of a vibrate. The energy transfer is most efficient when,
sound is called compared to the first object, the second object has
the same natural
A) amplitude B) volume
C) pitch D) tone A) frequency B) loudness
C) amplitude D) speed
177. Base your answer to the following question on the
graph below which shows the variations in the 182. A student in a band notices that a drum vibrates
speed of sound in air at different temperatures. when another instrument emits a certain frequency
note. This phenomenon illustrates
A) reflection B) resonance
C) refraction D) diffraction
183. When air is blown across the top of an open water
bottle, air molecules in the bottle vibrate at a
particular frequency and sound is produced. This
phenomenon is called
A) diffraction B) refraction
C) resonance D) the Doppler effect
184. A 256-hertz vibrating tuning fork is brought near a
When the temperature of the air increases from
nonvibrating 256-hertz tuning fork. The second
20ºC to 30ºC, the increase in the speed of sound is
tuning fork begins to vibrate. Which phenomena
A) 6 m/s B) 10 m/s causes the nonvibrating tuning fork begin to
C) 344 m/s D) 350 m/s vibrate?
178. A sound wave passes from air into water and then A) resistance B) resonance
into steel. With each change in medium, the C) refraction D) reflection
velocity of this wave will
A) decrease
B) increase
C) decrease, then increase
D) increase, then decrease
Answer Key
Final Exam Review:WAVE
145. A 181. A
146. C 182. B
147. A 183. C
148. C 184. B
149. A
150. B
151. A
152. C
153. C
154. B
155. D
156. D
157. C
158. A
159. C
160. B
161. A
162. B
163. D
164. C
165. B
166. B
167. B
168. B
169. C
170. B
171. B
172. B
173. A
174. C
175. D
176. C
177. A
178. B
179. C
180. D