State of The Art of Micromachining
State of The Art of Micromachining
State of The Art of Micromachining
Miniaturization is proceeding in various types of industrial products. Micromachining is the foundation of the
technology to realize such miniaturizedproducts. In this paper, the author summarizes the basic concepts and
applications of major methods of rnicromachining. The basic characteristics of each group of methods are
discussed based on different machining phenomena. Promising methods are introduced in detail hinting at
suitable areas of application. Finally, the present state of these technologies is shown with examples of
experimental and practicalapplications.
this target.
Micromachining is one of the key technologies
that can enable the realization of all of the above
requirements for microproducts and fields with such
requirements are rapidly expanding.
--- object (reality)
1.2 Situation of micromachining as a field of
production technology
0--object (image)
Figure 1 shows the relationship between the
production process and the fields of production technology. Fig. 1. Relationship among technologies
The physical flow of production is simple, as shown by and objects in production.
arrows with solid line. The 'material' is processed into
'parts' and the parts are assembled into a 'product'. The
mn I depth I +
+ + + ++
width + - -
++ ++ +
a, ++ ++ +
+ ++ +
+ + + + ++
(too I, workp iece)
residual stress -
- + ++
- + ++
la ye r
++ advan t age0 us
+ dependent
- negative
5.2 Pins
A 08pm tungsten pin was fabricated in 1965 by
mechanical grinding [ 4 q .
With recent technologies, particularly with
WEDG, pins with several micrometers of diameter are
easily produced with good reproducibility [31, 341 (Figure
Not only cylindrical pins, but also various types
of micropins with dimensions ranging from 10pm to several
hundreds micrometers can be fabricated by WEDG. Fig. 5 A 04.5pm micropin fabricated by WEDG.
Figure 6 shows a tool for microlapping fabricated
by turning [55].
5.4 3 0 products
Most of the methods introduced in this paper are
applicable for three-dimensional micromachining.
The folloMng are some examples of recent
Fig. 8 Microslits in a titanium tube cut by
.Microgears were subjected to EDM using a
FS laser [S]..
Fig. 9 Micro-gear pump with 0 596pm rotors
Fig. 6 A microlapping tool made by turning [55]. fabricded by LlGA [21].
Microindentations for reducing friction were
machined on cutting tool surfaces using an excimer laser
Similar applications are possible by means of
electrochemical jet machining on bearing surface [86].
Using the inserts made by LIGA, stepped gears
with details of 80pm were made of carbonyl iron and AI,O,
by injection molding [81].
MIM fabricated metal microstructures [84]
(Figure 16).
A ceramic microoptical bench was also
fabricated by injection molding [84].
'Technology' and 'request to technology'
Fig. 10 A silicon microstnrcture fabricated by
EDM [13]. influence each other. As a result, the front of technology
advances as the front of request to technology moves to a
higher level. As regards micromachining, the dimensions of
the product are one of the good indicators of the levels of
technology and request. However, as shown in Figure 16,
the level of request from the industry varies widely. The
development of technology OMS much to the high end of
the request. Consequently, the average level of the request
is always behind the front of technology. From the survey
conducted by the author, it was found that the front of
technology is located around 5pm for most of the
Fig.. 11
11 A
A micromold
micromold fabricated
fabricakd by
by EDM
EDM and
and a
a machining methods discussed here. On the other hand, the
replicated plastic model. peak of the front of request seems to be around 100pm.
When we think about our desire for a more
comfortable and safer life in the future, all product are
requested to be of higher quality and higher reliability, and