ASME Code states that for shaft made of a specified ASTM steel:
Ss(allowable) = 30% of Sy but not over 18% of Sult for shafts without keyways.
Shaft design includes the determination of shaft diameter having the strength and
rigidity to transmit motor or engine power under various operating conditions.
The ASME Code equation for shafts subjected to: torsion, bending, axial load, shock,
and fatigue is:
Shaft diameter cubed,
D^3 = (16/π*Ss(1-K^4))*[ ( (KbMb + (α*Fα*D*(1+K^2)/8 ]^2 +
(Kt*T)^2 ]^0.5
Input shaft data for your problem below and Excel will calculate the answers, Excel'
"Goal Seek" may be used to optimize the design of shafts, see the Math Tools tab
Vertical Moments
Mv2 = V1 * L1
1954 lbf-in
Mv3 = V4 * L3
2041 lbf-in
Horizontal Forces
H2 =Ft = T / (D1 / 2)
525 lbf
H4 = (T1 + T2) * Cos( A )
233 lbf
H3 = ( (H4*(L2 + L3)) + (H2*L1) ) / L2
H1 = H2 - H3 + H4
Horizontal Moments
Mh2 = H1 * L1
2722 lbf-in
Mh3 = H4 * L3
2334 lbf-in
Resultant Moments
Mr2 = (Mv2^2 + Mh2^2)^0.5
3351 lbf-in
Mr3 = (Mv3^2 + Mh3^2)^0.5
3100 lbf-in
Larger of: Mr2 & Mr3 = Mb = 3351 lbf-in
Calculate Shaft Diameter Calculate
SME Code for shaft with keyway, D^3 = (16 / (π*Sa) ) * ( (Kb*Mb)^2 + ( Kt*T)^2 )^0.5
= 2.936 in^3
D= 1.431 in
Shaft Material Ultimate & Yield Stress Input
Su = 70000 lbf/in^2
Sy = 46000 lbf/in^2
ASME Code Shaft Allowable Stress Calculate
Allowable stress based on Su, Sau = 18% * Su
12600 lbf/in^2
Allowable stress based on Sy, Say = 30% * Sy
13800 lbf/in^2
lowable shear stress based on Su, Ss = 75% * Sau
9450 lbf/in^2
V1 = V2 + V3 - V4
674 lbf
Vertical Moments
Mv2 = V1 * L1
6742 lbf-in
Mv3 = V4 * L3
2041 lbf-in
Larger of: Mr2 & Mr3 = Mb = 6742 lbf-in
Section polar moment of area, J = π*D^4 / 32
= 0.060 in^4
Shear stress due to Td, ST = Td*D / (2*J)
= 8000 lbf/in^2 < GOAL SEEK
Shaft torsion deflection angle, a = Td*L / (J*G)
= 0.0158 radians
= 0.90 degrees
Torsion, T = 1000 in-lbf
Round tube shaft outside dia, Do = 2.250 in
Round tube shaft inside dia, Di = 1.125 in
Section polar moment of inertia, J = π*(Do^4 - Di^4) / 32
J= 2.359 in^4
Torsion stress, Ft = T*(Do/2) / J
= 477 lb/in^2
Torsion, T = 1000 in-lbf
Square shaft breadth = height, B = 1.750 in
Section polar moment of inertia, J = B^4 / 6
= 1.563 in^4
Torsion stress, Ft = T*(B/2) / J
= 560 lb/in^2
Torsion, T = 1000 in-lbf
Rectangular shaft breadth, B = 1.000 in
Height, H = 2.000 in
Section polar moment of inertia, J = B*H*(B^2 + H^2)/ 12
= 0.833 in^4
Torsion stress, Ft = T*(B/2) / J
= 600 lb/in^2
Cantilever shaft bending moment
Shaft transverse load, W = 740 lbf
Position in shaft, x = 5 in
Bending shock & fatigue factor, Km = 3
Shaft diameter, D = 1.000 in
Moment at x, Mx = W*x in-lbs
Design moment at x, Md = Km*Mx
= 11100 in-lbs
Section moment of inertia, I = π*D^4 / 64
= 0.049 in^4
Bending stress for shaft, Fb = M*D / (2*I)
= 113049 lbs/in^2 < GOAL SEEK
Section moment of inertia, I = π*D^4 / 64
= 0.049 in^4
Moment at, x = 5 in
Moment at x, M = Km*W*x
= 11100 in-lbf
Bending stress at x: Sb = M*(D/2) / I
113063 lbf/in^2 < GOAL SEEK
Cantilever bend'g deflection at x, Yx (-W*x^2/(6*E*I))*((3*L)
= - x)
= -0.0541 in
Bending deflection at x = 0, Y = -W*L^3 / (3*E*I)
Y= -0.1733 in
Enter values for applied moment at a beam section, c, Izz and Kb. Bending stress will be calculated.
Applied moment at x, M = 1000 in-lbf
c= 1.000 in
Section moment of inertia, Izz = 2.5 in^4
Bending shock & fatigue factor, Kb = 3 -
Max bending stress, Fb = Kb*M*c / I
Answer: Fb = 1200 lb/in^2
See PDHonline courses: M262 an M263 by the author of this
course for more information.
Pulley Shafts:
All shafts shall have one fixed type bearing; the balance on
the shaft shall be expansion type.
Pulleys and pulley shafts shall be sized for combined torsional and
bending static and fatigue stresses.
Shaft keys shall be the square parallel type and keyways adjacent to
bearings shall be round end, all other keyways may be the run-out
All drive pulleys shall be furnished with 1/2 inch thick vulcanized
herringbone grooved lagging.
Snub pulleys adjacent to drive pulleys
shall have a minimum diameter of 16 inches.
ill be calculated.